Participants: Carlton P. Byrd
Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000177
00:01 Are you looking for an exciting change in your life? Well, get ready for a breath of new life.
00:06 Today Dr. Byrd speaks on the topic Give Thanks Unto the Lord And now, here he is, 00:12 speaker/director of Breath of Life Ministries, Dr. Carlton Byrd. 00:19 Psalm 105, verses 1, 2 and 3. The Word of God says "O give thanks unto the" whom, everybody? " LORD. 00:34 Call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: 00:43 talk ye of all his wondrous works. Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD." 00:55 "O give thanks unto the Lord, call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people." 01:02 Father in heaven, Lord, today as we talk about giving thanks to You, we need Your Spirit, we need Your power, 01:09 we need Your strength in this place. I'm praying that God, You would break loose in this sanctuary, 01:17 break loose over the airways, that men, women, boys and girls would not see me but see Thee living through me. 01:22 Say a word to Your people. Prick their hearts, their minds. Forgive us of our sins, 01:30 and when the appeal is made, Lord do Your work, we pray. In Jesus' name, amen. 01:36 Give thanks unto the Lord. There's a popular Thanksgiving story that I like. 01:44 It's about a middle-aged man in Los Angeles, California, who calls his son in New York City 01:53 and says to his son, "Son, I hate to ruin your day but I had to call to tell you 01:59 that your mother and I are divorcing. Forty-five years of misery is enough." 02:10 "Dad, what are you talking about," the son asks. He says, "Well, we can't stand the sight 02:19 of each other anymore. We're sick of each other, I'm sick of talking about it. 02:27 Call your sister in Chicago and tell her." The father hangs up the phone. 02:34 Frantically the son calls his sister in Chicago, who explodes on the phone. She says, 02:41 "There is no way Mom and Dad are splitting up. They are not getting divorced. 02:46 After 45 years it's not going to happen," she shouts, and so she says, "I'll take care of this." 02:53 She hangs up with her brother, she calls her parents immediately. Her dad answers the phone. 02:59 She shouts at her father, "Dad, you are not getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. 03:07 I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing. 03:14 Do you hear what I'm telling you?" The man hangs up the phone, turns to his wife and says, 03:22 "Baby, both kids are coming home for Thanksgiving, and they are now going to pay their own way." 03:30 Do I have a witness in this place? [Aud. reaction] 03:35 Thanksgiving. Somebody's going to try that. Come on, say amen. [Aud. reaction] 03:40 Thanksgiving is a family day. It's when the family gets together, it's when friends get together. 03:51 But not only, Thanksgiving is a distinctive holiday. It doesn't commemorate anyone's birthday, 03:59 it does not commemorate anyone's anniversary, it doesn't commemorate a battle or a defeat. 04:05 It's simply a day set aside to express our thanks to God. That's how Thanksgiving got started. 04:15 You remember the story of the pilgrims, and you remember the pilgrims who came to America. 04:20 You even remember, before that in 1607 the Jamestown settlers arrived. In 1620, the pilgrims arrived on Plymouth Rock. 04:30 They came here, they settled here, they established a colony. You will remember the story of Governor William Bradford 04:38 and all of the hardships he and his company endured in coming to America. In fact, you may not know it, 04:54 history says in 1623 Governor Bradford issued a proclamation establishing that there should be a day of Thanksgiving to God. 05:03 He said, "Inasmuch as the great Father has given us this year of an abundant harvest of corn, wheat, peas, beans, squash, 05:15 garden vegetables, and has made the forest to abound with game, the sea with fish, and in so much as he as protected us 05:23 from the ravages of the savages, has spared us from pestilence and disease, and has granted freedom to worship God according 05:40 the Almighty God for all of His blessings." That's how this nation got started. Don't let anybody tell you that America 05:51 was not a nation founded and believing in God. That's how it began. That's how it all got started. But 400 years later, 06:02 we've got atheism, agnosticism, Buddhism, Hinduism, individualism, fundamentalism, and all kinds of isms. 06:15 But this nation was founded on God. The pilgrims were thankful to God for bringing them through dangers seen and unseen. 06:33 and the forest and they had to get it for themselves. There was no Walmart. There was no Target. There was no Publix. 06:41 It was you find it and you get it. They had no money and no place to spend it if they had any. They had no cell phones, 06:48 there was no e-mail, no Twitter, no Facebook, no Instagram, no means of communication with their relatives in England. 07:17 Call upon his name. Make known his deeds among the people. And friends, that's what Thanksgiving is all about. 07:28 It's about being thankful. It's about being what, everybody? [Aud. reaction] 07:31 Coming together and remembering to give thanks. But somewhere, somehow, we have forgotten that. 07:37 Now, when I was a child, I was taught--some of you all know my parents. I was taught as a child to say thank-you. 07:46 When somebody gets something for you, you say thank-you. Are you hearing what I'm saying? 07:52 And if you didn't say thank-you, it was a reflection on your upbringing and your home training, 08:09 And if you didn't, he said, "A hard head makes a soft bottom." Do I have a witness in this place? [Aud. reaction] 08:14 He said it. And I said in school the other day, "You may not have money, but you can have manners. You may not be rich, 08:21 but you don't have to be rude. You may be poor, but you can be polite." I mean, I'm living in the 21st century, 08:29 and I'm asking myself what ever happened to the word please? [Aud. reaction] 08:34 What ever happened to the words thank-you? What ever happened to you're welcome? Or, may I. 08:44 Not can I, use proper English. I wish I had a witness in this place. May I. And yes, you may. 08:52 Whatever happened to a strong, warm, friendly handshake and a friendly hello, how are you? 09:09 You see, years ago we were taught--I don't know about you, but we were taught--when you enter a room, you speak. 09:16 You don't just walk into a room, but when you walk into a room, you speak to everybody. Years ago I was taught, 09:22 men, when you walk into a room, you take your hat off. Do I have a witness in this place? [Aud. reaction] 09:48 Everybody can give thanks. But I, seeing so many people sit at dinner tables at restaurants, 09:56 and they're invited to go out and people will pay the entire bill, and folks will never say thank-you. 10:03 But you know what? I keep a record of it. [Aud. reaction] 10:09 I'm not going to lie. Because that determines who I let go out with me again. Do I have a witness in this place? 10:50 Employees complain about the company they work for. Students complain about teachers and schools. Preschoolers complain, 11:15 Dads complain, "I work all day, and when I come home all you're doing is just watching TV. Give me the remote." [Aud. reaction] 11:26 Church members complain. "Church is too long." [Aud. reaction] PB: Church is too loud. Church is too hot. Church is too cold. 11:46 Preach, Pastor Byrd. I'm doing the best I can. You've got to encourage yourself in the Lord. Church is too dead. 11:52 Church is too alive. Church is too conservative. Church is too liberal. I hear it all. [Aud. reaction] 12:04 Because complaining is a part of our culture. It's one of those things that keeps us from being grateful. 12:12 You see, complaining is the opposite of thankfulness. You see, just like light, you've got darkness. 12:19 Just like love, you have hate. Just like happiness, you have sadness. Just like thankfulness, you have complaining. 12:30 And there seems to be very little thankfulness or gratitude today, even among God's people, but a whole lot of complaining. 12:53 is in control of their lives, if they really believe that God is working things out and that all things work together 13:00 for good to them who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose, the Christian will stop complaining 13:06 and start thanking God for the plan He is working for us. I was reading Ellen White. You know I still read her. 13:31 Let me tell you something. As a Christian, there should never be a moment in your life where you don't 13:39 thank God for what God has done in your life. [Aud. reaction] 13:43 Has God done anything for anybody? Has God blessed anybody? I mean, in Oakwood today, 13:52 I know we've got our suits on and our bow ties and our hats on, but are there just 50 people in this place 13:58 who do not mind giving God thanks for what God has done. In the good times, praise His name. In the bad times, do the same. 14:10 Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 5, "In everything give him thanks." So then, when your world turns upside down, thank God. 14:31 When your boss comes on your job with a pink slip, thank God, because God must have something better for you. 14:38 When you can't pay your bills, be thankful. At least you're not one of your bill collectors. 14:44 When you're seated in church, sitting next to somebody who can't sing. [Aud. reaction] 14:52 Be thankful. At least you have ears that can hear, and you're not deaf. Are you hearing what I'm saying? 14:59 [Aud. reaction] When you look in the mirror and you see gray hair, be thankful. At least you're not 15:11 a long distance from your car to the church, be thankful. What if you couldn't walk? When somebody works and gets on your nerves 15:22 because of their ignorance, their bitterness, their apathy or their negativity, be thankful. Things could be worse, 15:28 because you could be one of them. The text says, "O give thanks unto the Lord. Call upon his name. 15:39 Make his deeds known to the people." Christians who complain about their circumstances should remember Israel of old. 15:48 Look at the chosen of Israel. Exhibit A. Psalm 105 reminds us that God abundantly blessed the children of Israel, 16:34 in the name of Jesus, don't you forget where your blessings come from. Don't you forgot where God has brought you. 16:42 You may not be where you want to be, but praise God you're not where you used to be. [Aud. reaction] 16:49 Don't get nearsighted in life. Don't merely look at the irritations and frustrations in front of you 16:55 and then by that you lose your perspective, blowing today's problems way out of proportion, forgetting the bigger picture 17:01 of the great things that God has done in your life. Quickly, let me tell you what complaining does. 17:08 Complaining disrupts Christian unity. Let me go back to Exhibit A. When the 10 Israelite spies went to spy out the land, 17:24 they came back with their report. Their report affected the entire Israelite nation. Numbers 14:36, read it. 17:31 It teaches that the spies started complaining and then the entire congregation started complaining. 17:38 Complaining is so contagious that it spreads like wildfire. When one dog begins to bark, other dogs begin to bark. 17:46 When one frog begins to croak in a pond, other frogs begin to croak, too. Get one disgruntled complainer, 17:54 and it won't be long before it spreads to many. I used to think, friends of mine, I used to think people complained 18:01 because they had a lot of problems. But I've come to realize that they have a lot of problems because they complain. 18:07 Complaining never changes anything. The only thing it does is it amplifies frustration, spreads 18:14 discontent and multiplies discord. Complaining disrupts Christian unity. But not only that, 18:21 complaining discredits Christian testimony. 18:27 Every day, someone's asking the same question: Is God hiding His face from our problems? 18:34 Why do bad things happen to good people? Does God really hold my destiny in His hands? 18:43 The Breath of Life Ministry has the perfect answer in a beautiful new book called "How Can I Understand the Bible?" 19:02 It's your gift free, with your donation of any amount. Contact us at, or call us at 1 (877) 265-6333. 19:17 Now, back to Dr. Byrd with a message already in progress. 19:22 Now, we talk about how much we love God, how good God is, 19:28 how awesome God is, how much we love God, and how good He is, but we often live like atheists. 19:37 Not believing in God, not believing in the power of God. His power to save, His power to heal, 19:46 His power to deliver. But we live like atheists, not believing in the power of God, murmuring 19:52 and complaining all the time. Let me tell you, friends of mine, I say it all the time. 19:57 If you don't believe we serve a prayer-answering God, don't come to the altar at prayer time. 20:02 But if you believe that God can heal your body, then act like it. If you believe that God 20:10 can save your marriage, then act like it. If you believe that God can give you a job, then act like it. 20:18 If you believe that God can bring your children back to Him, then act like it. God is not a God that he should lie, 20:26 or the Son of Man that he should repent. If God said it, you can count on it. He will do just what he says. Stop belly-aching. 20:36 Stop complaining, and stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. 20:41 A Christian who's always complaining, it's harmful to the cause of Christ. In the name of Christianity, 20:49 you're a bad advertisement for the King. Nobody likes to be around people who are always grumbling and complaining. 20:55 Complaining is like bad breath. You notice it when it comes out of somebody's else's mouth but not your mouth. 21:02 Complainers are missionaries of misery. Complaining always hurts those around us. It takes no special skill, 21:12 talent or IQ. Anybody can complain, but Christians should not be complainers. Thanksgiving is the time 21:19 to remind ourselves of how serious the sin of complaining is. Most of us tend to look at complaining as a small thing, 21:27 because we categorize sin. Sleep with somebody that's not your spouse, sin. Get drunk or have a filthy mouth, sin. 21:41 Take or sell illicit drugs, sin. Somehow, when it comes to the spirit of complaining, we excuse it. 21:53 The story is told of two young boys who were eating some grapes. One of them remarked, "Aren't they sweet?" 22:09 "Look at those beautiful red roses." The other boy commented, "Yeah, but they're full of thorns." 22:24 "My bottle's half empty already," but the first boy responded, "But mine is still half full." 22:31 Many believers are like the negative-thinking boy in this story, they always look at life through dark glasses. 22:37 Exhibit A. Like the children of Israel, who complained and grumbled when they should be praising 22:42 the Lord for His gracious provision. Praise is the best deterrent I know for complaining. 22:51 I said, praise is the best deterrent that I know for complaining. Because people who keep praising the Lord 23:02 usually achieve victory over complaining. That's why the psalmist said, "O give thanks unto the Lord. 23:11 Call upon his name. Make known his deeds among the people." He said, "Sing unto him, sing songs of him, 23:21 talk ye of his wondrous works. Glory ye in his name. Let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord." 23:29 You can't stand in a group of people where somebody's complaining then you start praising God, 23:34 because praise is a deterrent to all that complaining. God loves it when we thank Him. God loves it when we praise Him. 23:52 When we praise God, demons tremble. When we praise God, enemies stumble. When we praise God the devil grumbles. 24:00 That's why I will bless the Lord at all times and His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Bless the Lord, 24:29 Just to have a sound mind, we ought to be thankful. When we think how far God has brought us from the last Thanksgiving, 24:37 to this Thanksgiving, somebody should say thank You, Jesus! [Aud. reaction] 24:44 Last Thanksgiving, somebody didn't have a car. They were walking, but you're driving now. Thank you, Jesus. 25:01 But now you have a job. In the fields you want, in the place you want, thank you Jesus. Last Thanksgiving, 25:09 cancer was all over somebody's body, but look at your now. God touched somebody. God healed somebody. 25:18 God rescued somebody. God delivered somebody. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. 25:26 Then I think of the goodness of Jesus and all He's done for me, my soul cries out hallelujah! Thank God for saving me. 25:37 So ladies, even though your husband complains when his dinner is not on time, be thankful your husband is home 25:47 with you and not somebody else. Even when your teenager is complaining about doing dishes, 26:03 be thankful, because that means you have a j-o-b. Even though your clothes fit a little tight be thankful, 26:09 because that means you've got enough food to eat. Even though you have piles of laundry be thankful, 26:15 because that means you have clothes to wear. Even though you have leaves that need raking, windows that need cleaning, 26:22 gutters that need fixing, be thankful because that means you've got a home. Even though your alarm clock goes off 26:40 even though they wear questionable sizes in church, even the young people though they might come late to church, 26:52 be thankful that they're in church. O give thanks unto the Lord. Make his deeds known among the people. 27:07 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness, come before his presence with singing. 27:21 entering into his gates with thanksgiving, into his courts with praise. And be thankful unto him and bless his name. 27:28 For the Lord is good. His mercy is everlasting and his truth endures all generations. 27:36 You can't enter the presence of God and not give Him praise. You can't enter God's gates and not give Him thanks. 27:43 You can't enter God's courts and not give Him thanks. You can't enter into Oakwood Church and not give God thanks. 27:51 When you come to this church, before you speak to anybody, before you see who's here and who's not here, 27:59 before you read the bulletin, before you see what's going on, before you get comfortable, you've got to thank 28:07 Thank you for joining us for another exciting broadcast. We'd like you to partner 28:11 with us as we offer the Breath of Life to a dying world. All of our sermon titles 28:17 and DVDs can be purchased at Until next time, God loves you. |
Revised 2015-02-13