Are you looking for an exciting change in your life? Well, get ready for a breath of new life. 00:00:01.80\00:00:06.03 Byrd. 00:00:06.03\00:00:18.33 Matthew 28:19 and 20: "Go ye therefore, and teach all" what? 00:00:18.33\00:00:28.56 Audience: Nations. "Baptizing them in the name of the" what, everybody? of the Father, the 00:00:28.56\00:00:33.73 Son, and the Holy what? Audience: Ghost. "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever 00:00:33.73\00:00:39.16 I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you" what? Audience: always "Even unto the end of the 00:00:39.16\00:00:55.66 world. Amen." Father, bless us now for the next couple of moments, speak for your servants 00:00:55.66\00:01:02.36 heareth. to gain entrance in this place in our lives, that, God, you would stop it right 00:01:02.36\00:01:07.06 now, that we might be focused in on what you have for us, because what you have for me and what 00:01:07.06\00:01:14.10 you have for us, it is for me and for us today. And when the appeal is made, may individuals 00:01:14.10\00:01:29.63 respond, we pray, in Jesus' name, Amen. Is it time to head to the hills? Is it time to head 00:01:29.63\00:01:40.53 to the hills? We're living in a time of fear, panic, terror, and alarm. The Ebola virus has 00:01:40.53\00:01:48.03 become the major topic of conversation everywhere as 4,877 people have been killed this 00:01:48.03\00:01:55.06 year by Ebola alone. Then, according to one World Health Organization worker, we really 00:01:55.06\00:02:01.83 don't know how many actual deaths we have, because there are a lot of people who have 00:02:01.83\00:02:08.20 died either alone or in the bush in West Africa. We know one man has died here in the United 00:02:08.20\00:02:14.33 States, we know three, two nurses that worked with the man have been infected, and now a 00:02:14.33\00:02:20.40 New York doctor is being reported as being infected. People who have come in contact 00:02:20.40\00:02:28.90 with these people are now being tested for infection. Is it time to head to the hills? ISIS, the 00:02:28.90\00:02:37.50 Islamic State of Iraq, whose members want to create an Islamic state governed by an 00:02:37.50\00:02:43.80 extremist interpretation of Islamic law, is out of control in the Middle East. Thirteen 00:02:43.80\00:02:51.96 thousand square miles is stretched between Syria and Iraq, about the size of Belgium, 00:02:51.96\00:02:57.86 is thought to be under Islamic state control. Other estimates suggest that ISIS controls an 00:02:57.86\00:03:07.90 area closer to 35,000 square miles, which is about the size of Jordan. In June alone, 1,922 00:03:07.90\00:03:15.76 people were killed as a result of ISIS, the deadliest month on record. Some of these killings 00:03:15.76\00:03:21.43 taken out on women and children are some of the most gruesome acts you can witness in your 00:03:21.43\00:03:31.83 life. Beheadings. Machine guns, taking people out in a direct line as if children were 00:03:31.83\00:03:39.86 standing in a water fountain line. Some have urged our President, President Obama, to 00:03:39.86\00:03:46.16 send our troops to the Middle East and restore order against ISIS. But then on the flip side, 00:03:46.16\00:03:56.03 some have said, leave them alone. Let them solve their own problems, and let them kill 00:03:56.03\00:04:08.43 themselves among themselves. But don't be deceived. A main reason for all this fighting is not a 00:04:08.43\00:04:20.60 holy war, but it's also a money war. An estimated three million dollars is the daily revenue of 00:04:20.60\00:04:27.16 ISIS. Why? Black gold. Oil. Fighters with ISIS have taken control of oil and gas fields 00:04:27.16\00:04:34.76 across northern Iraq and Syria that now controls a volume of resources and territory 00:04:34.76\00:04:44.73 unmatched in the history of extremist organizations. There are zero--how many, everybody? 00:04:44.73\00:04:52.56 Zero openly practicing Christians thought to be left in the city of Mosul where ISIS has 00:04:52.56\00:04:57.93 made Christianity punishable by death. While it's impossible to know if ISIS militants have 00:04:57.93\00:05:08.76 actually chased every Christian out of the city, recent reports suggest that all remaining 00:05:08.76\00:05:18.76 Christians have fled from Mosul. Is it time to head to the hills? Just last weekend, Hurricane 00:05:18.76\00:05:24.53 Gonzalo ripped through the island of Bermuda, closing down the airport, creating power 00:05:24.53\00:05:31.50 outages among 85 percent of the country's residents, and called in between two hundred and four 00:05:31.50\00:05:44.73 hundred million in insured losses over the weekend on Bermuda, and it's only 00:05:44.73\00:05:52.53 sixty-five thousand inhabitants. Is it time to head to the hills? Just yesterday, students are 00:05:52.53\00:06:02.56 thinking it's a normal class day at a Washington state high school, when a student fatally 00:06:02.56\00:06:08.00 shoots one classman, wounds four others, and then turns the gun on himself in the school 00:06:08.00\00:06:15.63 cafeteria. Friends, is it time to head to the hills? Ellen White told us in "Prophets and 00:06:15.63\00:06:26.10 Kings," whether we want to believe or not, she's truth, that we are standing on the 00:06:26.10\00:06:33.26 threshold of the crisis of the ages. She said, in quick succession, the judgments of God 00:06:33.26\00:06:42.43 will follow one another. Fire, flood, earthquakes, war with bloodshed. She said, iniquity is 00:06:42.43\00:06:55.93 becoming so common a thing that it no longer shocks the senses as it once did. This trouble 00:06:55.93\00:07:03.90 will not cease until Jesus comes. So I don't care what news station you watch: CNN, HLN, 00:07:03.90\00:07:12.46 TBS, TNT, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, or whatever it is, you are seeing earth's pains leading up to 00:07:12.46\00:07:17.16 Jesus' soon return. Events taking place around the world don't just happen by accidents. 00:07:17.16\00:07:22.50 Ellen White says that God has a purpose in permitting these calamities to occur. You say, 00:07:22.50\00:07:28.73 well, why does God allow this? How could a good God allow all this? She says, God permits 00:07:28.73\00:07:36.46 these calamities to occur because they are one of his means of calling men and women 00:07:36.46\00:07:43.73 to their senses. The sad thing is, we see these things, we hear these things, and it does 00:07:43.73\00:07:50.06 nothing to us. Business as usual. But what she's trying to tell us is, God is showing us 00:07:50.06\00:07:55.63 every day that the coming of Jesus, that the time of Jesus' return, is getting closer by the 00:07:55.63\00:08:06.23 day. Don't think that the day of Jesus' return will tarry. Don't think that Jesus is just 00:08:06.23\00:08:12.60 waiting, God is putting it off until a later time. Don't think God is sitting around his 00:08:12.60\00:08:20.80 celestial courts twiddling his thumbs. God has set a day. God has set a time. God has circled 00:08:20.80\00:08:29.26 that day on his divine calendar, and God will not miss it. Jesus is soon to come. Aud: Amen. So 00:08:29.26\00:08:41.46 is it time to head to the hills? Is it time to go into hiding for fear of persecution? Is it time 00:08:41.46\00:08:50.53 to cower down in fear of what's happening in the world? My answer to you today is no. It's 00:08:50.53\00:08:57.46 not time to be scared. It's not time to panic. It's not time to be afraid. It's not time to be 00:08:57.46\00:09:12.96 scared. But it's time to sound the alarm. It's time to tell a dying world that Jesus is soon 00:09:12.96\00:09:20.36 to come. Go ye therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son 00:09:20.36\00:09:29.33 and the Holy Ghost. Understand that the events under the sixth seal in Revelation 6, the great 00:09:29.33\00:09:39.60 earthquake, the dark day, The only thing, friends, left to occur in Earth's history is the 00:09:39.60\00:09:48.00 main event under the seventh seal, which is the second coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus has 00:09:48.00\00:09:56.30 charged us, go ye therefore, teach all nations. It's not time to retreat. It's not time to 00:09:56.30\00:10:08.43 withdraw. It's not time to move back, draw back, run back or go back. It's time to press 00:10:08.43\00:10:18.96 forward. This is what I've been waiting for. This is what we've been praying for. This is what 00:10:18.96\00:10:28.66 we've been preaching for and teaching for and singing for. This is what we've been fasting 00:10:28.66\00:10:38.56 for. The devil is alive. It's not time to be scared. It's not time to run to the hills. It's 00:10:38.56\00:10:54.73 time to sound the alarm. Now, the George Barna Group, one largest leading religious 00:10:54.73\00:11:03.26 research groups in the U.S., reports that right here in America people are being 00:11:03.26\00:11:11.86 deceived every day. The report says 59 percent of Americans don't even believe Satan exists; 00:11:11.86\00:11:20.33 51 percent believe praying to dead saints is beneficial; 35 percent believe you can actually 00:11:20.33\00:11:31.40 communicate with the dead; 50 percent believe salvation is earned and not a gift, so forget 00:11:31.40\00:11:40.46 the concept of grace; 44 percent believe that the Bible, the Karan and the Book of Mormon are 00:11:40.46\00:11:49.96 all different expressions of the same truth. There are 2.2 billion Christians of all ages 00:11:49.96\00:11:57.60 around the world, representing a third of the estimated global population of seven billion, 00:11:57.60\00:12:03.83 which, friends, means that there are 4.8 billion people who do not believe in or follow Jesus 00:12:03.83\00:12:17.76 Christ. Of this amount, nearly three billion live in what we call the 10/40 window, where 00:12:17.76\00:12:28.16 Christianity isn't taught, it isn't practiced, nor is it known. Atheists compose and 00:12:28.16\00:12:38.76 comprise an estimated two percent of the world's seven billion people. Which means 00:12:38.76\00:12:44.66 there are more than 140 million people who don't even believe in God. But more than that 16 00:12:44.66\00:12:50.53 percent of the seven billion people are nonreligious, which means 1.12 billion people in our 00:12:50.53\00:12:55.93 world could care less about religion. But then I read my Bible. And Acts 4:12 says that 00:12:55.93\00:13:01.43 there's no other name under heaven whereby we can be saved, but save the name of Jesus. 00:13:01.43\00:13:08.06 Which means it's not time to head to the hills, but it's time to tell the world about Jesus, 00:13:08.06\00:13:14.16 tell them Jesus was born, tell them he was reared in a carpenter's shop, tell them he 00:13:14.16\00:13:20.83 amazed the great preachers and teachers of the day, tell them he was baptized in the muddy 00:13:20.83\00:13:29.06 Jordan, tell them that Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, five thousand hungry souls 00:13:29.06\00:13:36.00 he fed. Tell them that when you're sick Jesus heals you, that when you're hungry Jesus 00:13:36.00\00:13:45.36 feeds you, that when you're naked Jesus clothes you, that when you're down, Jesus picks 00:13:45.36\00:13:53.16 you up, when you're out, Jesus reaches and pulls you back in. Tell somebody about Jesus. Tell 00:13:53.16\00:13:59.96 them he's the Savior, that he's a deliverer, that he's a healer, that he's a preacher, that he's 00:13:59.96\00:14:15.96 a teacher, that he's a way maker, that he's a mountain mover, that he's a problem 00:14:15.96\00:14:57.06 solver, that he's a marriage saver, that he's a bill payer, that he's a financial clearer, 00:14:57.06\00:15:07.83 that he's a heart fixer, that he is a cancer killer. Tell somebody about Jesus. Quit 00:15:07.83\00:15:16.50 talking about problems and talk about Jesus. Quit talking about foolishness and talk about 00:15:16.50\00:15:24.53 Jesus. Quit talking about people and talk about Jesus. Several years ago in my birth state of 00:15:24.53\00:15:30.33 Louisiana in the city of New Orleans, a celebration took place at a municipal pool in New 00:15:30.33\00:15:38.83 Orleans. The party around the pool was held to celebrate the first summer in memory without a 00:15:38.83\00:15:50.36 drowning at the New Orleans City Pool. In honor of the occasion, 200 people gathered, history 00:15:50.36\00:16:08.86 says they found a fully dressed body in the deep end. They tried to revive Jerome Moody, And 00:16:08.86\00:16:17.10 because no Christian has told them about Jesus, their eternal life is jeopardized because they 00:16:17.10\00:16:35.93 didn't know Jesus. The early New Testament church was committed to reaching the lost for Jesus 00:16:35.93\00:16:47.96 Christ. We need to raise the bar, Oakwood, in raising our commitment toward reaching 00:16:47.96\00:16:57.06 others for Jesus Christ. I was readying a book, "The Purpose-Driven Church" by Rick 00:16:57.06\00:17:07.26 Warren. You all know Rick Warren. It's not heresy, but I was reading. He pastors the 00:17:07.26\00:17:16.20 Saddleback Church there in California. And he said, "Strong churches are built on purpose." 00:17:16.20\00:17:24.06 The starting point, he said, for every church should be the question, Why do we exist? Why 00:17:24.06\00:17:33.76 are we here? Why does the church exist? Why does this church exist? Why is this church here? 00:17:33.76\00:17:41.80 Why do we come here week after week? Is this just a country club for people with like minds 00:17:41.80\00:17:49.46 and attitudes? Is this just a place where we come to see who's who and what's what? Is it just 00:17:49.46\00:17:57.33 a place where we come to entertain ourselves? Is it just a place where we come to meet Is 00:17:57.33\00:18:05.83 this a hospice or a hospital? Is it a place where we come to make people comfortable before they 00:18:05.83\00:18:17.93 die, or is it a place where sick people can come and let the Master Physician do spiritual 00:18:17.93\00:18:25.20 surgery, which may disrupt our lives, disrupt our habits, disrupt our preferences, disrupt 00:18:25.20\00:18:31.40 our way of thinking, but in the end, hallelujah, we're made hold? Is this a place where 00:18:31.40\00:18:37.73 somebody can come in here broken, but leave blessed? Is this a place where one beggar is 00:18:37.73\00:18:43.80 trying to tell another beggar where they can find bread, or should we just pack up, close 00:18:43.80\00:18:51.63 shop, head to the hills, and let everybody fend for themselves? Why do we exist? What difference 00:18:51.63\00:19:08.86 do we want to make as God's church? Do we really want to see people fall in love with Jesus? 00:19:08.86\00:19:15.96 Will we really want to see a people who are excited in Jesus, that when they think about the 00:19:15.96\00:19:22.76 goodness of Jesus and all he's done for them, their soul cries out, hallelujah, thank God for 00:19:22.76\00:19:30.13 saving me? I've learned it's easier to preach what you practice than to practice what 00:19:30.13\00:19:34.46 you preach. Oh, we gotta go and tell somebody. Tell somebody about Jesus. Tell them what 00:19:34.46\00:19:41.16 Jesus has done for you. Tell them what Jesus can do for them. Friends of mine, we're living in 00:19:41.16\00:19:50.56 unique times of Earth's history. Christianity with its over two billion people is just about 00:19:50.56\00:20:09.86 everywhere, and the Lord has given us this opportunity to take the message of Jesus Christ 00:20:09.86\00:20:24.23 to people to hear this gospel message. Go ye, therefore. But too many of us either lack the 00:20:24.23\00:20:28.60 confidence in what the Scriptures say, or we're not familiar enough with them to 00:20:28.60\00:20:32.96 feel bold in our speaking. Now bold, let's be clear, does not mean odd-ball. Bold means bold. 00:20:32.96\00:20:36.73 Bold does not mean crazy. Bold is confidence. Bold is courageous. The phrase actually 00:20:36.73\00:20:40.23 means natural speech, which means you don't have to sound like somebody else. All you've 00:20:40.23\00:20:47.96 got to do is work in your own armor and go tell somebody. Do I have a witness in this place? 00:20:47.96\00:20:53.86 Everybody up in here, everybody watching, has a story to tell. You and you only know for 00:20:53.86\00:21:02.63 yourself what God has done for you in your life. There's power in your testimony. Every day 00:21:02.63\00:21:10.53 someone's asking the same question. Is God hiding His face from our problems? Why do bad 00:21:10.53\00:21:19.66 things happen to good people? Does God really hold my destiny in His hands? The Breath of Life 00:21:19.66\00:21:25.30 Ministry has the perfect answer in a beautiful new book called "How Can I Understand the 00:21:25.30\00:21:30.40 Bible." It's your gift free with your donation of any amount. 00:21:30.40\00:21:34.93 Or call us at 1-877-265-6333. Now, back to Dr. Byrd with a message already 00:21:34.93\00:21:39.30 in progress. And so today you should make a declaration that as often I can come in contact 00:21:39.30\00:21:46.10 with different people, I'm not going to try and wrestle them down by the collar and make them 00:21:46.10\00:21:55.23 listen to what I say, but I'm just going to tell them the good things that Jesus has done for 00:21:55.23\00:22:01.83 me. Another thing: Don't assume that people actually know the gospel message. We think people 00:22:01.83\00:22:10.90 know, but they really don't know. Each of us could take a handful of rocks, stand in our 00:22:10.90\00:22:22.10 driveways at our homes, and throw the rocks in different directions in our neighborhood, 00:22:22.10\00:22:28.70 and for every rock that falls on a house, there's somebody in your community with a house that 00:22:28.70\00:22:36.76 has never heard the real persuasive, clear gospel of Jesus Christ. They don't know. 00:22:36.76\00:22:40.26 We think they do, but they really don't. They're not able to say that Jesus was 00:22:40.26\00:22:45.10 miraculously and spiritually born of a virgin, that he precariously died on Calvary, 00:22:45.10\00:22:51.10 supernaturally resurrected to the voice of God, and spiritually ascended back on a 00:22:51.10\00:23:00.06 cloud to heaven, and that one day soon he will Contact us at miraculously return on the 00:23:00.06\00:23:07.73 clouds to get his people that belong to him. All you got to do is turn on the television. Look 00:23:07.73\00:23:14.33 at some of these Christian TV programs. And I'm a TV preacher. And you'll wonder when you 00:23:14.33\00:23:22.20 watch, do these people really know the gospel message, or are they ashamed or lack the 00:23:22.20\00:23:27.40 confidence in the gospel to do what the gospel is really able to do? You see, many--that's all 00:23:27.40\00:23:42.10 right, I'm going to say it anyhow--many of the pulpits in America have compromised. Many 00:23:42.10\00:23:49.00 of our churches have gotten soft. We've gotten soft on scripture and soft on sin. We've 00:23:49.00\00:23:59.13 become heavy on forgiveness and light on repentance. Preach, Pastor Byrd. This is why many 00:23:59.13\00:24:05.36 people are trying to repackage the gospel in so many ways to connect, to be relevant. And I 00:24:05.36\00:24:12.43 certainly believe that there are cases when you must practice that. But yet there are other 00:24:12.43\00:24:20.53 times when people want to water down the message. But the Lord didn't say to us that you're the 00:24:20.53\00:24:25.66 one that will convert them so water down the gospel. Jesus said, just tell them. Just tell 00:24:25.66\00:24:32.66 them. And leave the converting to the power of the Holy Ghost. You just tell them. You just 00:24:32.66\00:24:37.96 tell them about Jesus, tell them about his life, tell them about his love, tell them about his 00:24:37.96\00:24:44.70 power, tell them about his commandments, tell them about his awesomeness, tell them about 00:24:44.70\00:24:50.73 his majesty, tell them about Jesus. So many people are searching for the gospel that 00:24:50.73\00:24:56.90 when you open up your mouth, they're just waiting for you to tell them so they can hear. Now, 00:24:56.90\00:25:04.46 let's be real. When was the last time you told somebody about Jesus? I ain't talking about the 00:25:04.46\00:25:15.36 Sabbath. I ain't talking about the 2300 days. I'm not talking about the state of the dead, 00:25:15.36\00:25:23.36 stewardship or diet. When was the last time you told somebody about Jesus? You weren't trying 00:25:23.36\00:25:31.23 to proselytize them, you weren't trying to convert them, you weren't trying to change them, 00:25:31.23\00:25:39.60 you weren't trying to make them an Adventist, but you were just telling them about Jesus. When 00:25:39.60\00:25:48.96 was the last time you told somebody about his matchless grace? When was the last time 00:25:48.96\00:25:57.56 you told somebody about his timeless forgiveness, his unconditional love When was the 00:25:57.56\00:26:02.56 last time you told somebody about Jesus? When was the last time, friends, you told somebody 00:26:02.56\00:26:07.36 not of your great church, but that you serve a great Lord? Not that you're in a great 00:26:07.36\00:26:11.70 conference, but you serve a great Lord. Not that you're part of a great denomination, but 00:26:11.70\00:26:20.43 that you serve a great Lord. Not that you heard a great sermon, but that you serve a great Lord. 00:26:20.43\00:26:25.00 Not that you heard a great song, but you serve a great Lord. Not of a great building, but that 00:26:25.00\00:26:33.60 you serve a great Lord? When you talk about religious things, do you talk about church or do you 00:26:33.60\00:26:44.26 talk about Jesus? When you talk about religious things, do you talk about a singer or do you 00:26:44.26\00:26:51.23 talk about Jesus? When you talk about religious things, do you talk about a preacher or do you 00:26:51.23\00:26:56.13 talk about Jesus? Young people, do you talk about AYS and the praise and worship, or do you 00:26:56.13\00:27:02.86 talk about Jesus? Because it wasn't a church, it wasn't a singer, it wasn't a preacher, it 00:27:02.86\00:27:13.16 wasn't a program, it wasn't any of those things that saved you, but somebody knows, when you 00:27:13.16\00:27:26.03 were deep in the pits of your sin, that it was Jesus. I told you two weeks ago, I'll tell you 00:27:26.03\00:27:33.96 again. Look back over your life, look at how many times you thought you weren't going to 00:27:33.96\00:27:44.66 make it, how many times you had bills you couldn't pay, problems you couldn't solve, habits you 00:27:44.66\00:27:48.73 couldn't break, enemies you couldn't have peace with. Look at how many people tried to kill 00:27:48.73\00:28:00.63 you. Out to destroy you. Tried to character assassinate you. How many times over your life 00:28:00.63\00:28:06.76 have you thought you weren't going to make it, that you thought you weren't going to get 00:28:06.76\00:28:09.90 in school, but Jesus brought you through? Not a church, not the preacher, not a singer, not the 00:28:09.90\00:28:10.90