Breath of Life

Extreme Makeover Relationship Edition, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000167

00:01 (Theme Song) Jesus is worthy
00:12 oh yes, he's worthy worthy of all...
00:19 all the praise.
00:21 Pastor Byrd: "Pastor Byrd, I want to talk to you.
00:23 I'm the CEO of a company."
00:29 No, you're not.
00:32 You have your own multi-level marketing
00:35 business that you're trying to get off the ground.
00:37 You're not the CEO, you're the OE--only employee
00:42 of your company.
00:43 [Aud. reaction] PB: And let me throw this in.
00:46 For all of you who want to start your own business,
00:51 you've got to work.
00:52 You've got to do what, everybody?
00:54 Aud.: Work.
00:55 PB: You can't have million-dollar dreams
00:57 with minimum-wage work ethic.
01:02 Can you really be with somebody who can't be honest
01:05 with you up front?
01:07 Just tell me what's going on at the front, and we won't have
01:11 all the drama at the finish.
01:13 Because one lie leads to another lie.
01:16 If you don't have a job, tell me.
01:22 If you're still dating somebody, tell me.
01:27 If you've got baby mama drama, tell me.
01:32 If your ex-boyfriend is crazy and possessive, tell me.
01:39 Tell the truth, because lying lips, the Bible says,
01:42 are an abomination to the Lord.
01:44 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
01:46 You've got to be truthful with people.
01:47 You've got to even have folk in your life that are going
01:48 to tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but
01:50 the truth.
01:50 You've got to get these smiling, lying folk out of your face.
01:52 You've got to learn how to be honest.
01:55 You've got to be able to talk--and listen to me
01:56 good--this is for the married folks.
01:58 You've got to be able to talk to your spouse about everything.
02:00 You've got to be ready and able to deal with the truth
02:02 about you.
02:03 Some of us, we're quick to tell other people the truth
02:05 about themselves, but we don't want to hear them tell
02:07 us the truth about ourselves.
02:08 You'll be dead wrong.
02:12 Wrong!
02:13 in a situation.
02:15 And instead of your spouse telling you the truth
02:17 about their situation, they'll be quiet just
02:19 to keep the peace.
02:20 And you'll go out and you'll make a fool of yourself,
02:22 but you've got to be able to deal with the truth
02:23 about you.
02:25 Listen to me.
02:29 In many marriages there is this 80-20 rule.
02:31 Pareto principle.
02:32 Some of you business students know, Pareto principle.
02:34 Pareto principle says 20 percent of the people do 80 percent
02:37 of the work.
02:38 But there's also an 80-20 rule in marriage.
02:40 Spouses know about 80 percent about their spouse.
02:42 The other 20 percent they were too afraid to tell
02:44 them while they were dating, because if they did, they would
02:46 have been afraid that their spouse wouldn't have married
02:48 them if they knew the real deal.
02:50 But we take that 20 percent.
02:53 Not we--people take that 20 percent, hold it close
02:57 to their vest until we meet somebody outside of their
03:01 marriage who they think can identify with the other
03:04 20 percent.
03:06 But then that ends up destroying marriages.
03:09 That's why, when you date right now, you've got to ask
03:11 them for total disclosure.
03:13 You've got to tell them, and you ought to want to tell
03:16 them, I want you to feel comfortable telling me
03:18 everything.
03:19 Because if I can't accept you for who you are right
03:21 now, then we must not be meant to be together.
03:23 I'd rather you would tell me now than to marry you
03:25 and find out 10 years later that you had a dark side.
03:28 Your soul mate can accept you for who you are.
03:31 The person that comes home, not the person that
03:33 everybody else sees, but the person that comes home.
03:36 I say it all the time: My wife and three daughters
03:38 are my toughest members, because they know if the Pastor
03:41 Byrd that you see is the same Pastor Byrd that's at home.
03:46 When the mask if off.
03:47 When the suit is off.
03:51 For you, when the nails come off.
03:56 When the hairpieces come off.
03:59 [Aud. reaction] PB: When the teeth
04:04 [laughter] come out.
04:06 When everything comes out, the real you.
04:11 You need to find somebody that can accept you
04:14 for the real you.
04:15 You need the truth, and you've got to be truthful.
04:17 Delilah does not love Samson.
04:20 Delilah is not trying to tell Samson the truth.
04:24 Money is her motivation.
04:28 But that wasn't strange to Samson, because he was used
04:31 to ungodly considerations for cash.
04:35 Which brings me to my next point on this thing called
04:37 honesty.
04:39 Stop getting with people in these relationships just
04:43 for money or just for what they can get out of you.
04:47 Not only must you be truthful and honest in your words,
04:49 but you've got to be truthful and honest in your motives.
04:52 Look at verse 1.
04:53 Samson went in with a prostitute.
04:57 Considerations or compassion for cash.
05:04 Then verse 5 illustrates that Delilah was ready
05:09 to provide consideration for cash.
05:14 Ladies, you do not have to lower your standards
05:18 or provide considerations for cash just to get something
05:23 from him.
05:24 Just because you need a ride somewhere doesn't mean
05:29 you have to provide ungodly considerations.
05:33 Just because you need help on an assignment doesn't
05:37 mean you have to provide ungodly considerations.
05:40 Just because you need some money doesn't mean you have
05:43 to provide ungodly considerations.
05:46 The story is told of a young lady.
05:48 She had a friend, it was a guy.
05:50 Male friend.
05:51 Not a boyfriend, but a guy friend.
05:53 He came to her with this article that was in the newspaper,
05:56 and he came to her and said, read this, read this.
05:58 Hey, look at this article.
05:59 They've got something in the paper,
06:01 they have something in the classified section.
06:03 I can't believe it, but it's something somebody just
06:05 might do.
06:06 The proposal was: If you will have sexual relations
06:10 one time with a man for 1 million dollars,
06:16 there are three things you are guaranteed of.
06:19 Number one, nobody will ever know.
06:23 Number two, there will be no disease.
06:28 Number three, no babies.
06:33 One million dollars.
06:35 Nobody will ever know, no disease, no babies.
06:39 One million dollars, no questions asked,
06:42 out the door.
06:43 He asked her, Would you do it?
06:48 She thought about it, just like somebody tonight is thinking
06:52 about it.
06:53 [Aud. reaction] PB: Nobody would know.
06:59 One million dollars, no disease, no babies,
07:04 out the door.
07:05 She thought about it and she says to him, Yes, I'll do it.
07:09 He then said to her, Well, will you do the same thing
07:12 for me, for $25?
07:15 She said, what do you think I am, a prostitute?
07:18 He said, We've already established that.
07:22 We're just negotiating price.
07:25 [Aud. reaction] PB: Young ladies, turn to that
07:28 young man right now and tell them, I'm not for sale.
07:33 And because, friends, you're not for sale, you need
07:37 to take all these for-sale and on-sale signs off.
07:47 What am I talking about?
07:49 I travel the country preaching, and I go to church,
07:52 and I see people with all this out.
07:55 With all this up here.
07:59 Who are you coming to meet?
08:01 Not the King of kings, not the Lord of lords.
08:04 I wish I had a witness in this place.
08:06 That is not of God.
08:09 I know you don't like it, but I'm going to preach it
08:11 anyhow.
08:12 All this we hear in our world today: Come as you are.
08:16 When we say come as you are, you are to come with your
08:20 heart as you are.
08:21 Not coming and looking any kind of way as you are.
08:25 God receives you where your heart is.
08:28 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
08:30 [Aud. reaction] PB: If we were going
08:32 to see President Obama, we would look nice,
08:34 we'd dress up, we'd be our best.
08:36 How much more, when we come into the house of God, to meet
08:39 the King of kings and the Lord of lords, take off all these
08:44 for-sale and on-sale signs.
08:48 You don't like that.
08:50 That's all right.
08:53 And it's just not the young people, either.
08:59 Preach, Pastor Byrd.
09:00 I'm doing the best I can.
09:03 We've got some old Casanova up in here.
09:06 [Aud. reaction] PB: Remember in this church,
09:09 we've got people that are getting married
09:11 after they are 90 years old.
09:13 Everybody, when we come to the house of God,
09:16 needs to act appropriately.
09:18 Dress appropriately.
09:20 I don't care how old you are, when we hug in church
09:24 during the welcome time, hug and keep it moving.
09:27 All these long hugs, oh it's so good to see--no,
09:33 you're not thinking that in your mind.
09:35 You are not thinking happy Sabbath!
09:37 Let her go.
09:38 Let him go.
09:39 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
09:41 [Aud. reaction] PB: Come here, Marva,
09:44 come here.
09:47 Stand up.
09:48 When I hug Sister Marva.
09:50 Marva: Praise Him.
09:52 PB: All this doesn't touch.
09:55 Men, that's how you hug the women.
09:57 And men, because we've got a lot of funny stuff going on.
10:01 Stand up, Elder Julius.
10:02 When the men hug the men, all this cheek-to-cheek
10:05 stuff has got to stop.
10:11 Come on, say amen!
10:12 Aud.: Amen.
10:13 PB: We got to be appropriate, come on, say amen!
10:19 Aud.: Amen!
10:20 PB: Hug appropriately, speak appropriately.
10:23 What are you talking about--pssss, pssss.
10:26 Is there a snake in here?
10:27 [Aud. reaction] PB: Text appropriately,
10:35 and let me give you some good advice on texting.
10:37 Don't you text anything you don't want to see again.
10:41 E-mail appropriately, behave appropriately, married
10:45 people, do what married people are supposed to do,
10:48 and unmarried people only do what unmarried people
10:50 are supposed to do.
10:51 Because if you're unmarried, quit doing permanent things
10:53 with temporary people.
10:54 Aud.: Amen!
10:55 PB: Be honest in your motivations for being
11:02 in a relationship.
11:03 Don't let folk lie to you to get what they want.
11:06 They need to be honest.
11:07 And speaking of money, let me throw this in.
11:09 I'm trying to help somebody.
11:11 Spending all your money on that man, spending all your
11:14 money on that woman.
11:15 They're going to come into my office crying next
11:18 semester, help me get in school.
11:20 Listen to me, I'll give you some counsel.
11:22 A person does not have to be rich for you to date them.
11:26 And a person doesn't have to be poor for you
11:28 to date them, either.
11:29 Come on, say amen.
11:30 Aud.: Amen.
11:31 PB: In fact, I'm suggesting doing date somebody
11:33 that doesn't have any money.
11:35 I'm not saying that, don't get it twisted.
11:38 I'm not saying you have to date somebody rich or poor,
11:40 but listen to me: When Christian, Kaylie
11:43 and Carissa, my three girls, when they are of sufficient
11:46 age to date.
11:47 And notice I said "to date," because they are
11:50 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
11:53 That's not sufficient to date.
11:54 If you're going to date and you're a teen,
11:59 everybody dates.
12:00 How many boyfriends?
12:02 I got the whole class!
12:04 [Laughter] Everybody, go out together.
12:08 Everybody go to the park together.
12:10 Everybody go to the mall together.
12:12 Everybody come to church together.
12:14 Everybody eat together.
12:15 Do I have a witness in this place?
12:17 All this being hugged up, privately.
12:19 All this isolation.
12:22 Young people, isolation.
12:23 That's why I drive around in my car, it's black and you
12:25 can't see it at night.
12:26 I turn off the lights so I can see who's out there.
12:28 Do you all hear what I'm saying?
12:30 It should not be!
12:33 But when Christian, Kaylie and Carissa
12:36 are of sufficient age to date and marry, yes.
12:40 I want them to love the brother, and I want the brother
12:43 to love them.
12:44 But I also want the brother to be able to take care
12:46 of my girls.
12:47 Do I have a witness in this place?
12:49 That's biblical.
12:50 Go back to Genesis, before God created Eve.
12:54 Before God made Eve, before God married Adam
12:57 and Eve, Adam had a j-o-b!
13:01 So, ladies, your motto ought to be: If you want to be
13:04 with me, you need a j-o-b.
13:06 Hallelujah, somebody!
13:07 Now, again, Pastor Byrd's not saying you have to be rich
13:12 in order to date.
13:14 But as a man, you should be able to take care
13:16 of your family.
13:17 Young ladies, if he can't take care of himself now,
13:19 how is he going to take care of you later.
13:21 So number one, love those who love you.
13:28 Be honest.
13:29 But then, number three.
13:31 There's a different twist here.
13:32 We have to get something different from this story
13:34 'cause we always read it.
13:35 So this is what I call "negative reinforcement."
13:38 You've got to be consistent.
13:40 What did I say, everybody?
13:41 Now, say what you want, but Delilah was consistent
13:49 in her questioning and line of questioning with Samson.
13:53 Now, why she was doing what she was doing was wrong.
13:58 But something should be said for the consistency by which
14:02 she was doing it.
14:04 Delilah kept asking Samson where his strength lay.
14:09 And because she was consistent, she got her desired result.
14:15 In response to his first answer, Delilah bound Samson
14:20 with seven green withs that were never dry.
14:22 In response to Samson's second answer, Delilah bound
14:26 him with new ropes that had never been occupied.
14:29 Understand, when that didn't work she asked him a third
14:32 time where his strength lieth, and in response to his
14:35 third answer she weaved the seven locks of his hair.
14:38 When that didn't work, she pressed him, came back
14:42 a fourth time, the Bible says.
14:43 He told her it was his hair, then she shaved his hair.
14:48 Now, she didn't love him.
14:51 She wasn't truthful with him.
14:55 But remember I said this sermon is not only about what not
15:00 to do, but what to do.
15:03 Delilah was consistent.
15:06 She was consistent and persistent
15:08 in her questioning.
15:10 She was consistent in her actions.
15:14 She was consistent in her behavior.
15:17 She didn't start anything she couldnít finish.
15:22 If your relationship is going to be a good
15:24 relationship, you've got to be consistent.
15:28 You ought to enter a relationship telling
15:30 individuals: Don't start anything that you can't finish.
15:35 Don't start opening a door for me now, if you're not
15:40 going to open the door for me in 20 years.
15:43 Don't start anything you can't finish.
15:45 Don't be taking me to Olive Garden and Mazziano's,
15:47 Cheesecake Factory and PF Chang's now, trying
15:51 to impress me with that expensive dinner just to try
15:54 to get what you're trying to get, and then once you get
15:56 what you're trying to get, you take me to McDonald's
15:58 to get a Happy Meal.
16:01 Don't start what you can't finish.
16:05 Don't send me flowers now, talking about you love me.
16:09 And then 5 years later, I can't get anything.
16:11 Don't start anything you can't finish.
16:13 In fact, don't even tell me you love me, if you're not going
16:16 to tell me that later.
16:18 So tell your wife, your husband, your boyfriend, your girlfriend,
16:23 you love them.
16:24 People are always talking about, Well, you know
16:26 how I feel.
16:27 No, they don't.
16:28 Tell them.
16:29 Say it.
16:30 There's nothing wrong with you saying it.
16:32 Open up your mouth and tell them.
16:35 Tell your child, your son, your daughter, your grandchild.
16:37 Tell them you love them.
16:39 Tell your friend, you love them.
16:41 Tell your spouse, you love them.
16:43 Men, listen to me.
16:44 Let's talk about what not to tell.
16:46 Stop going to the barber shop, talking about your wife.
16:49 Students, stop going to brothers, talking about
16:51 your girlfriend.
16:52 She can't cook.
16:53 She won't clean.
16:55 She's hard on a brother.
16:57 It's rough going home to that woman.
16:59 Y'all don't understand what I go through.
17:02 Hush your mouth.
17:03 And ladies, stop calling your friends or hanging out
17:05 in the beauty salon, talking about how trifling your man is.
17:07 He's trifling, he's lazy, he won't do a thing.
17:12 Because let me tell you, those same women your
17:14 talking to are the same ones taking notes, waiting for you
17:18 to move out so they can move on in.
17:20 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
17:23 God speaks well of us in spite of us.
17:27 God speaks well of you in spite of you.
17:32 You've got to consistently tell your spouse you love
17:35 him or her and speak words of praise in your
17:38 relationship, even if you've got to creatively stretch
17:41 the truth.
17:43 I didn't say lie.
17:47 I said creatively stretch the truth.
17:51 You know, it's elastic.
17:55 My wife just stepped out, so I can say this now.
17:57 Come on, say amen!
17:58 I know what's going on in your minds, but something
18:03 else has to come out of your mouth.
18:07 Ladies, you've still got to say to that man, you've got
18:10 to say to that brother, Baby, you're the finest man
18:13 in the world.
18:15 So my wife tells me.
18:16 Come on, say amen.
18:17 [Aud. reaction] PB: When God made you,
18:23 He must have been setting the standard.
18:27 Even if, in your mind, you're saying: I just married
18:30 the first man who's going to deliver a baby. Do I have
18:33 a witness in this place?
18:35 Brothers, you've got to be positive about your woman.
18:39 Say, Baby, this lasagna is good to me,
18:46 even if it is the worst.
18:47 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
18:49 You learn to sit there, eat it, suffer through it.
18:54 She's gone, but--when they come with these new recipes,
18:59 sit there, eat it, grin, and then you get your water
19:07 or your drink and you wash it down.
19:09 Come on, say amen.
19:11 Ladies, even if he goes out and buys you something
19:15 you know you're not going to wear, say Ooooo.
19:22 I thank God for you!
19:25 Even if you're thinking in your mind, What in the world
19:27 am I going to wear with this?
19:29 Just say, Baby, that was so precious, I love you.
19:32 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
19:34 You've got to consistently speak positive.
19:37 You've got to consistently tell that special someone
19:40 how much you love them.
19:42 You've got to make up in your mind that you're going
19:44 to speak well of them, if nobody else does.
19:46 Don't you ever let anybody else tell the one you love,
19:50 and say how fine they are, more than you.
19:53 Don't ever let anybody out-compliment you.
19:58 Speak positive.
20:00 Speak love.
20:02 Tell them you love them.
20:03 Let me close this way: I heard a preacher say how
20:10 he had been drinking a lot of water lately.
20:12 And he had been trying to do that, drink all this water,
20:18 to purify his system.
20:21 So one day he was driving in his car and the water bottle
20:29 that he was drinking out of began to talk to him,
20:32 in the Spirit.
20:34 He wasn't crazy, but as preachers we learn
20:38 to get a sermon out of anything.
20:40 And so he said, I was looking at the water bottle,
20:48 and the water bottle was saying, I'm going to help you preach
20:52 a sermon so that you might understand the love of God.
20:58 So the preacher said, Well, Mr. Water Bottle,
21:03 what's the deal?
21:04 The water bottle said, Well, preacher, look at me.
21:08 The preacher looked at the water bottle and said,
21:11 Well, you look like a --water bottle.
21:15 You look nice to me, and you're getting ready to pour
21:20 into me, and I sure need you.
21:21 The water bottle said, No, Mr. Preacher, before I pour
21:27 into you, I really want you to look at me.
21:31 The preacher said, Well, water bottle, you're pure.
21:39 You look good.
21:43 I'm getting ready to take the top off of you,
21:46 and I'm going to pour you into me.
21:50 Because Mr. Water Bottle, I need you right now.
21:53 The water bottle said, Well, before you
21:57 take the top off, before you pour me into you,
22:00 I want you to look at me a little closer.
22:03 So the preacher began to look a little closer.
22:08 Looking closer at the bottle, he saw a sign that said,
22:13 "recycled product."
22:15 And I thought about that.
22:18 The water bottle said, That's what I want you
22:22 to know about me.
22:23 You're looking at me now.
22:24 I look good, I look pure, I'm looking like I'm ready
22:28 to be poured into you.
22:29 But what I want you to know is where I come from.
22:32 I said, Well, talk to me, Mr. Water Bottle.
22:38 Help me preach this sermon.
22:40 The water bottle said, Well, let me tell you something,
22:43 Dr. Byrd. I can't tell you what happened,
22:47 but one day somebody used me up.
22:52 One day, somebody wasted me.
22:58 Somebody threw me out, somebody threw me
23:00 in the dump.
23:01 I was among trash, I was in the garbage,
23:04 I was among the lowest things of existence.
23:08 The water bottle said, But one day, somebody came by.
23:14 They picked me up.
23:19 Dusted me off.
23:22 Took me to the recycling plant.
23:24 They recycled me, and then they filled me back up again
23:27 so I could be here today to pour into you.
23:32 And I just stopped by to tell you that regardless
23:36 of how you've been used.
23:39 Regardless of how you've been abused.
23:42 Regardless of how you've been wasted.
23:44 Regardless of how you've been messed over.
23:46 Regardless of how you've been thrown out to the trash,
23:48 to the garbage, to the dumpster.
23:50 I want you to know that Jesus loves you.
23:54 That Jesus can pick you up again; hold you up again;
23:58 dust you off again.
24:00 He can fill you up again so that you'll be able to pour
24:04 into somebody else's life.
24:07 Greater love hath no man than this, who would lay
24:11 down his life for a friend.
24:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only
24:21 begotten Son, that whoever believeth on Him should not
24:24 what, everybody?
24:25 Perish.
24:26 But have everlasting life.
24:27 Beloved, let us love one another.
24:29 For love is of God and everyone that loveth is born
24:33 of God and he that loveth knoweth God.
24:35 He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love.
24:38 Now, the two greatest commandments of which all 10
24:41 stem from are love for God and love for your fellow
24:45 man.
24:46 If we're talking about Extreme Makeover
24:48 Relationship Edition, we've got to learn how to love
24:51 each other.
24:53 But then also with that, the other great commandment
24:55 is to love God.
24:58 So then number one, in loving God and in loving
25:01 you, we must understand tonight as we begin
25:04 this journey this weekend, that we've got to learn to love
25:07 people who love you.
25:09 Stop being in relationships with folk who can't stand you.
25:13 Love people who love you.
25:15 Number two, you've got to be honest.
25:17 You've got to come to the table with honesty.
25:19 What's in the dark will come to light.
25:22 It will show up one day.
25:23 Number three, you've got to be consistent.
25:28 Be consistent with telling others that you love them.
25:33 And then number four, understand that we
25:36 are all recycled products.
25:37 All of us.
25:38 Everybody in here is an ex-something.
25:40 We are recycled products.
25:44 And we've got to love God.
25:56 >: The "Desire of Ages," the life story of the greatest
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27:15 The "Desire of Ages" is the greatest story ever told,
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27:23 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching
27:26 Breath of Life today.
27:27 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry
27:30 and that we gave a healing word in a hurting world.
27:35 In order for Breath of Life to continue in ministry,
27:37 we need you.
27:39 We need your prayers, we need your support.
27:41 We want you to know that any and all donations, small
27:44 or great, they are sincerely welcomed and appreciated.
27:48 To contact us or to make your donations, please feel free
27:52 to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:56 That's 877-BOL-OFFER.
28:03 Or, you may write to us at Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
28:08 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
28:13 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 91319.
28:18 Or log onto our website at
28:20 PB: The more the world condones sickness
28:27 as wellness, the less likely people are to work toward
28:30 relational wellness.


Revised 2015-02-05