Breath of Life

Spiritual Ebola, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000164

00:01 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:11 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:18 ♪ all the praise ♪ [music]
00:21 Pastor Byrd: If you have your Bibles, let us
00:24 turn to the book of John.
00:27 John, chapter 10.
00:31 I'm going to verse number 10, just one verse today. John 10,
00:35 verse number 10.
00:44 John chapter 10, verse number 10.
00:49 The Word of God says to us today, "The thief cometh
00:56 not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy."
01:05 But Jesus says, "I am come
01:11 that they might have life, and that they might have it
01:16 more abundantly."
01:20 "I am come that they might have life, and that they
01:24 might have it more abundantly."
01:26 Father in heaven, now for the next couple of minutes,
01:33 come now in a mighty way in this sanctuary.
01:37 Give us a word today that, Lord, speaks to our hearts.
01:42 Hide me behind the cross of Christ Jesus, and Lord,
01:45 forgive me of my sins because at the end of this
01:48 message today, we want individuals to give and turn
01:51 their lives over to You.
01:54 So, I pray that Thy people not see me; Lord, that they
01:59 would see Thee and they would hear Thee, and then
02:01 in the end obey Thee.
02:04 In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.
02:09 "I have come that they might have life, and that they may
02:13 have it more abundantly."
02:19 Ebola: Our news headlines for the past few weeks have
02:29 centered on an epidemic now known to us as Ebola.
02:36 Now, one month ago the majority of us had never
02:38 even heard of Ebola.
02:41 But now we all know about Ebola.
02:47 So, every day we hear about Ebola.
02:49 Not AIDS, not cancer, not tuberculosis, not high blood
02:56 pressure, but Ebola.
02:58 So far, 2,127 cases of this dreaded disease, and 1,145
03:07 deaths have been reported in four western African
03:11 nations: Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone.
03:19 But according to the World Health Organization, the Ebola
03:23 epidemic is probably much worse than this world realizes,
03:27 with health centers on the front lines warning
03:29 that the actual numbers of deaths and illnesses
03:32 are significantly higher than the official
03:34 estimates.
03:35 In fact, I was reading this week that one health worker
03:40 for Doctors Without Borders has said that the Ebola
03:43 outbreak has turned parts of western Africa into a medical
03:47 war zone with response teams not even able to
03:51 document all the cases erupting.
03:55 Beds in western Africa, beds in Ebola treatment centers,
04:01 are filling up faster than they can be provided.
04:04 And then on top of that, I was reading that many
04:06 of the sick are not even going to the hospital, but they
04:10 are being hidden at home by their relatives because
04:14 they're too afraid of going to an Ebola treatment
04:16 center.
04:19 So, I began to ask myself, in this eschatological day:
04:23 Is this a modern-day plague?
04:28 Is this an example of God's wrath being poured out
04:35 in earth's final days?
04:38 Is this the beginning of the end?
04:44 After all, you will remember it was Jesus who said
04:47 in Matthew 24 "In The last days, such
04:50 calamities would occur" in Matthew 24 that "Nation
04:53 shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:
04:56 and there shall be famines, and pestilences,
04:57 and earthquakes, in divers places.
04:59 All these are the beginning of sorrows."
05:02 So then I went to Ellen White, 'cause I still believe
05:04 in Sister White.
05:05 Do I have a witness in this place?
05:07 [Aud. reaction] PB: She said in volume 9
05:09 of the Testimonies that "The days in which we
05:12 live are solemn and important; that the Spirit
05:15 of God is gradually but surely being withdrawn
05:19 from this earth.
05:20 That plagues and judgments are already falling upon
05:23 the despisers of the grace of God.
05:26 That the calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state
05:29 of society, the alarms of war are portentous."
05:34 She says, "They forecast approaching events of the
05:36 greatest magnitude; the agencies of evil are combining
05:39 their forces and consolidating."
05:41 She says, "They are strengthening for the last
05:43 great crisis."
05:44 Great changes are soon to take place in our world,
05:49 and I can hear my great-grandmother quoting
05:51 her and saying, "And the final movements will be rapid ones."
05:56 [Aud. reaction] PB: Ebola.
05:59 Destroying men, women and children on a daily basis.
06:02 Ebola.
06:05 More cases than we have medical teams to care for.
06:08 Ebola.
06:10 Causing fear upon the inhabitants of western
06:12 Africa and the world.
06:14 Ebola.
06:15 Forcing residents in cities, towns and villages
06:18 to be quarantined.
06:20 Ebola.
06:22 One of earth's last great calamities.
06:25 Ebola.
06:26 Church, if I was still pastoring in Houston, Texas,
06:31 I would say, "Houston, we've got a problem."
06:34 What's the problem?
06:39 Ebola.
06:41 There's no cure, no solution, no licensed treatment.
06:47 The disease has a high mortality rate, killing
06:50 between 50 percent and 90 percent of those infected
06:53 with the virus.
06:54 So, if you're infected, it's almost like your death
06:57 sentence.
06:58 We've got a problem, church.
07:00 Now, the question is, well, how do you get Ebola?
07:05 Stay with me, I'm going somewhere.
07:07 Ebola may be contracted upon contact with blood or bodily
07:11 fluids of an infected animal; whereas, humans,
07:14 a human transmission, occurs when there's direct contact
07:18 with blood or bodily fluids from an infected person.
07:21 Ebola spreads through the blood.
07:25 It can result in massive blood loss.
07:28 Sometimes there is both internal and external bleeding.
07:33 Once human infection occurs, the disease is highly
07:36 contagious and spreads between people.
07:39 Church, we've got a problem.
07:43 You see, you can't detect Ebola through your eyes.
07:47 In other words, you can't detect Ebola by mere sight.
07:54 You can't detect Ebola just by looking at somebody.
08:02 So, you could be infected by somebody with Ebola
08:07 and not even know it.
08:09 That's why the medical workers there for Ebola
08:14 patients have to be careful that they don't get Ebola,
08:16 because Ebola also spreads from the sick person
08:20 to the caretaker of the sick.
08:21 Which mean, you can be caring for somebody, but if you're
08:28 not careful, you can be infected as well.
08:33 That's why the workers wear protective clothing
08:37 including masks, gloves, gowns, goggles, when they deal
08:41 with Ebola patients.
08:42 Medical workers who do not wear appropriate protective
08:44 clothing may get the disease by contact with contaminated
08:48 needles and syringes.
08:50 But friends, that's not all.
08:51 I was reading up on this.
08:53 Human to human transmission can also occur because
08:55 of direct contact with blood or bodily fluids from
08:59 an infected dead person.
09:01 From a dead person to a living person, through
09:07 the embalming of the infected dead person.
09:12 So, because dead bodies are still infectious, doctors
09:17 have to dispose of dead, infected bodies in a safe
09:21 manner, leaving no chance for a traditional funeral
09:25 because they don't want to be infected.
09:27 Folks, we've got a problem.
09:30 Well then, Pastor Byrd, if that's the problem,
09:35 what's the prognosis?
09:39 Well, it's being reported that Ebola causes high fever,
09:42 bleeding, vomiting.
09:47 Symptoms start two days to three weeks after
09:49 contracting the virus, with a fever, sore throat,
09:53 muscle pain and headaches.
09:54 The nausea and the vomiting then follow, along with
09:57 decreased functioning of the liver and the kidneys.
09:59 Around this time, affected people, they begin to bleed
10:03 internally, within the body; and bleed externally,
10:07 outside the body.
10:10 We know the problem.
10:11 We know the prognosis.
10:16 Is there a prescription?
10:18 What is the remedy?
10:22 What is the cure?
10:26 What is the antidote?
10:30 Surely, with all of our knowledge and our power
10:32 and our money and intelligence, we should have a solution.
10:36 But medical sciences say efforts are ongoing to develop
10:39 a vaccine and money is being poured in to create
10:42 a vaccine; research is being conducted to generate
10:46 a vaccine.
10:47 But to date, there is no vaccine.
10:49 No remedy.
10:51 No cure.
10:54 No solution.
10:56 So, Ebola patients have to be quarantined.
11:02 Persons suspected even of Ebola, people being around
11:07 Ebola patients, have to be quarantined.
11:11 That's enforced isolation.
11:14 No contact with others.
11:18 No touching, no talking, no fellowship, no fun.
11:25 Just all alone, inaccessible, unreachable,
11:31 unapproachable, remote, lonely, cut off.
11:34 But today, I stand before
11:42 you to tell you that there's something even more
11:47 treacherous than physical Ebola.
11:51 We've got something that is wiping us out.
11:53 We've got something that is taking us out, and today
11:58 I call it spiritual Ebola.
12:02 [Aud. reaction] PB: Because just like
12:06 physical Ebola, spiritual Ebola creates
12:10 some problems.
12:11 Because if you're infected with spiritual Ebola, it can
12:17 be your death sentence.
12:20 Because if you're infected with spiritual Ebola, you
12:24 will be a part of those who even die at the brightness
12:27 of Jesus' second coming.
12:28 Or those who have died before His second coming,
12:31 will not rise at His second coming.
12:34 Get out quickly.
12:36 Spiritual Ebola, like physical Ebola, is spread through
12:44 human contact.
12:47 Which means, you get spiritual Ebola from somebody else.
12:52 You all don't hear what I'm saying.
12:54 [Aud. reaction] PB: You don't give Ebola
12:58 to yourself.
12:59 Somebody else gives Ebola to you.
13:03 Well, Pastor, then how do you know if someone has it?
13:06 You don't.
13:08 Because remember, you can't detect Ebola by just looking
13:13 at somebody.
13:14 So, if you could, you could be infected by somebody
13:19 and not even know it.
13:21 You can look at somebody and not know they're a carrier.
13:25 You look at somebody, in spiritual Ebola,
13:31 and you don't know that they're a gossip.
13:34 You look at somebody, but you don't know
13:40 they're a liar.
13:42 You don't know they're a cheat.
13:44 You look at somebody, and you don't know they're
13:48 a problem carrying a spiritual Ebola virus, so be careful
13:53 at what you look at because all that you see
13:55 is not what it is.
13:57 [Aud. reaction] PB: All that glitters
14:01 is not gold.
14:03 You see, we see a 10-bedroom, 5-baths house
14:06 with a swimming pool on seven acres of land,
14:09 we think happiness.
14:10 But that may not be true--look at Robin Williams.
14:13 [Aud. reaction] PB: We see Mercedes Benz,
14:17 and we think the person has money.
14:19 But that may not be true.
14:20 Look at me.
14:21 Do I have a witness in this place?
14:23 [Aud. reaction] PB: All that you see
14:29 is not what is.
14:33 Freshman males, that young lady may be seen as pretty,
14:39 but that doesn't make her pure.
14:43 Young ladies, that young man can be seen as handsome,
14:47 but that does not make him holy.
14:49 Church members can be seen as consecrated, but that doesn't
14:56 make them Christ-like.
14:58 You see a person, but you don't really know
15:02 if they have Ebola.
15:05 They look nice, they look sweet, they look holy,
15:10 they look consecrated.
15:13 They say the right things, they wear the right clothes,
15:18 they pat you on the back, but they've been sent on
15:23 a Satanic mission to take you out.
15:26 They have spiritual Ebola.
15:32 But just by looking at them, they don't seem sick.
15:38 They don't seem infected.
15:42 So, my advice: Be careful who you hook up with.
15:46 Be careful who you link up with.
15:50 Be careful who you hang out with, and that's not just
15:53 for the young folk--that's for the old folk, too.
15:55 You see, if they're always gossiping, if they're always
16:01 negative, if they're always scheming, if they're always
16:06 talking about somebody, you'd better believe
16:08 they will talk about you.
16:09 They could have Ebola, and you not even know it.
16:13 Be careful of what you look at; be careful of what you see.
16:19 You see, friends, we are all victims
16:21 of optical illusions.
16:24 We think we can see actually and totally, where we can
16:26 only see partially, imperfectly and inadequately.
16:30 You see what you expect to see.
16:33 You only see that.
16:35 You only see what you expect to see, prepare to see,
16:37 believe to see and are disposed to see.
16:40 For example the color of a thing may be blue.
16:42 It may be what, everybody?
16:43 Aud.: Blue.
16:44 PB: But you will not see the color as it is; you will
16:46 only see the color as it is filtered through the shape
16:48 of your eyes, the state of your brain and the history
16:50 of your past experience.
16:52 The color you see is not a perfect representation
16:55 of the color that is there.
16:56 What we may see as green may be blue; what we may see
17:00 as an ocean may be a mirage caused by the play of the sun
17:03 upon the dry desert sand.
17:05 Spiritually, what we may see as a burden may be a blessing.
17:10 What we may see as deprivation may be a mighty deliverance.
17:14 What we may see as a minus sign may be a plus sign
17:17 that is made by God's intervention on our behalf,
17:19 because God's math is not like our math.
17:22 Sometimes God has to have blessed subtractions
17:28 in order that there might be multiple additions.
17:30 [Aud. reaction] PB: What we see as important
17:33 today may not prove to be important.
17:35 It may be trivial, and cheap tomorrow.
17:38 What we may see as fundamental or indispensable today
17:40 may turn out to be incidental and unnecessary tomorrow.
17:42 Be careful with being dependent on what you see.
17:47 You can't tell Ebola virus just by looking at it.
17:51 What you see may not always be what you get.
17:55 You see the body, but you don't see the person.
17:57 You see the building, but you don't see the builder.
18:00 You see the facts, but you don't see the faith.
18:02 You see the actual, but you don't see the impossible.
18:04 You see the transient, but you don't see the permanent.
18:07 You see the temporal, but you don't see the eternal.
18:10 You see what God has already done, but you can't see what
18:14 God is trying to do.
18:15 [Aud. reaction] PB: Friends of mine, not only
18:20 do you not know if a person is infected
18:22 by just looking at them with physical Ebola, where you
18:27 bleed, it says internally and externally.
18:32 Which means then, carriers of spiritual Ebola
18:38 could be internal as well as external.
18:45 Carriers of spiritual Ebola can be outside the church,
18:51 as well as inside the church.
18:56 Everybody talking about heaven ain't going to heaven.
19:02 Everybody talking about loving Jesus ain't serving Jesus.
19:05 Everybody saying "happy Sabbath" does not joy in your happiness.
19:10 Everything that looks like holiness, talks like holiness,
19:19 dresses like holiness, shouts like holiness
19:26 is not holiness.
19:29 'Cause holiness is not about how high you jump when you
19:35 shout, but how straight you walk when you come
19:39 back down.
19:40 Jesus said, "Beware of false prophets which come to you
19:45 in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are raving
19:48 wolves."
19:49 Just become they come with a Bible text doesn't mean
19:51 they're not infected.
19:54 Just because they can quote the Spirit of Prophecy
19:56 doesn't mean they're not infected.
19:58 Just because they go to church doesn't mean
20:00 they're not infected.
20:01 The devil goes to church, too.
20:02 Don't believe the hype.
20:05 I'm a television preacher.
20:06 Breath of Life, whatver you what to call it.
20:08 Praise God for it, hallelujah.
20:09 But every preacher that preaches on TV is not
20:11 preaching the truth.
20:12 Aud.: Amen.
20:13 PB: You'd better be careful what you watch.
20:15 Everything you read on the Internet is not truth.
20:18 Every quote somebody brings you may not be altogether
20:21 true, particularly if they're taking the quote out
20:24 of its spiritual context.
20:26 Ebola patients can twist the Bible to make the Bible
20:31 say whatever they want it to say.
20:34 Put the Bible in the hands of a conservative,
20:36 it becomes a dissertation to conservative principles.
20:39 Put the Bible in the hands of a liberal, it becomes
20:41 a liberal exposition.
20:42 The devil knows how to use Scripture.
20:44 Take Scripture this way and turn it that way and make it
20:47 say this and make it say that.
20:49 Make it say some ugly stuff.
20:50 The devil will turn, and say "Turn here." Take a phrase
20:52 her, take a word there, take a paragraph here,
20:54 a sentence there.
20:55 Turn to Genesis, skip over to Revelation, go back
20:57 to Exodus, skip over to the book of Acts, go to Leviticus,
21:00 spice them with Song of Solomon, pepper it with Proverbs,
21:03 salt it with Psalms, and then use it to serve up
21:05 some dangerous, poisonous, biblical soup.
21:10 [Aud. reaction] PB: That's why you've got
21:13 to know the Word of God for yourself.
21:16 Not what Mama says, not what Daddy says; sister
21:21 or brother may say.
21:23 But you've got to know the Word of God for yourself.
21:26 "Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin
21:30 against thee."
21:31 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path."
21:35 "To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not
21:39 according to this word, it is because
21:41 there is no light in them."
21:43 Ebola infections are internal and external.
21:48 But not only that, remember persons caring for Ebola
21:54 patients have to be careful because they don't want
21:59 to catch Ebola.
22:01 Ebola can spread from the infected person
22:05 to the caregiver.
22:07 You can be caring for somebody with Ebola,
22:10 and if you're not careful, you will get infected as well.
22:12 You can have good intentions, good intentions
22:20 to heal, but then you come out sick.
22:25 Good intentions to date him or her, but then you come
22:29 out with child support.
22:33 Good intentions to go to Olive Garden,
22:37 Macaroni Grill, PF Chang's, but you come out
22:40 with AIDS or an STD.
22:43 You go in with good intentions to help somebody with
22:46 their social and their mental issues, but then you come out
22:49 confused, conflicted and crazy.
22:53 You go in with good intentions, you bring them
22:55 to church, and you come out missing church every Sabbath.
23:00 You go in with good intentions to help them financially,
23:07 and then you come out broke, bewildered and bankrupt,
23:13 and in 42 years I've learned that the people you help
23:16 the most appreciate it the least.
23:19 [Aud. reaction] PB: You go in with good
23:24 intentions to help solve their problems, but you
23:27 come out distraught, decadent and distressed.
23:30 Yes, help somebody, but please don't get infected
23:33 in the process.
23:36 One more problem.
23:38 Not only does it spread through living people,
23:43 but remember, Ebola can be spread through dead people.
23:50 Which means, you can be spiritually on fire
23:55 for the Lord, sharing your faith, giving Bible studies,
24:02 coming to church, singing in church, saying amen
24:07 in church, smiling in church, serving inside and outside
24:11 the church.
24:12 On fire for the Lord, but then you get infected
24:15 with a dead Ebola patient.
24:16 And so, because they're spiritually dead, they
24:24 infect you, and you become spiritually dead.
24:28 No zeal.
24:29 No fire.
24:32 No energy.
24:34 No enthusiasm.
24:36 No excitement for the Lord, just dead.
24:39 The frozen chosen.
24:40 But when you look back over your life, when you look
24:48 at all the things God has done for you.
24:51 When you look at all the things that God has brought you
24:55 out of, all the times God healed your body, all the times
25:00 God dried your weeping eyes, all the times God made
25:05 a way out of no way.
25:06 When you look at how God picked you up, turned you
25:10 around, placed your feet on solid ground.
25:13 When you look and think about what you could have
25:16 been and what you should have been.
25:18 When you think of the goodness of Jesus and all He's done
25:24 for me, my soul cries out, hallelujah!
25:29 Thank God for saving me!
25:35 I should be dead in my grave, but thank God
25:38 for saving me!
25:39 I should be strung out somewhere, but thank God
25:41 for saving me!
25:48 I'm not even supposed to be here today, but thank God
25:55 for saving me!
25:56 >: We'd all like to live healthier lives, but doing
25:59 so and maintaining it aren't always so easy.
26:02 It's hard when the foods we love are also the foods that
26:04 can hurt us the most.
26:05 And when it's easier to watch TV
26:07 than it is to exercise.
26:09 What we need are straight answers and some encouragement.
26:12 The Breath of Life gift offer this week is Dr. Timothy
26:15 Arnott's "24 Realistic Ways to Improve
26:18 Your Health."
26:19 It includes information that can change your life
26:21 with just a little effort.
26:23 So, say goodbye to crazy diets and impossible
26:26 exercise regimens.
26:27 Dr. Arnott serves up a healthy dish of guidance to help
26:30 get you to the physical and mental state God intended.
26:33 Find out how to exercise the right way, how water
26:36 can help your heart, why eating nuts and seeds daily
26:40 is so important.
26:41 Discover how to lower your blood pressure and reduce
26:43 your risk of cancer.
26:45 "24 Realistic Ways to Improve Your Health"
26:48 is indeed just that--realistic.
26:49 Dr. Arnott is a no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-really-is doctor
26:54 who talks to you as if you're hearing from a good friend.
26:57 Just call our toll-free number, 1-877-BOL-OFFER.
27:02 That's 1-877-265-6333, and ask for your copy of
27:07 "24 Realistic Ways to Improve Your Health."
27:10 This book is yours for a gift of $5 or more.
27:12 Or, you may write to us at Breath of Life, Box 340,
27:16 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
27:18 Don't just wait for your health to get better;
27:21 take charge of it and get "24 Realistic Ways to Improve
27:25 Your Health" now.
27:26 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching
27:29 Breath of Life today.
27:30 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry
27:34 and that we gave a healing word in a hurting world.
27:38 In order for Breath of Life to continue in ministry,
27:41 we need you.
27:42 We need your prayers, we need your support.
27:45 We want you to know that any and all donations, small
27:48 or great, they are sincerely welcomed and appreciated.
27:52 To contact us or to make your donations, please feel
27:55 free to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:59 That's 877-BOL-OFFER.
28:06 Or, you may write to us at Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
28:12 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
28:16 Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 91319.
28:22 Or log onto our website at


Revised 2015-02-05