Breath of Life

Baptism, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000155

00:00 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy oh yes, ♪
00:07 ♪ he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:16 ♪ all the praise ♪ So, if one must be taught,
00:21 one must believe, one must repent, we recognize infant
00:25 baptism is not biblical.
00:26 We recognize that a child appropriately understanding
00:31 the Word of God can be baptized.
00:33 We also understand that because there is no biblical support
00:37 for infant baptism, we understand this
00:40 makes Satan a liar.
00:41 The devil is clever, is sneaky, the devil, the devil
00:45 is deceptive; because the reality is, if the devil can
00:49 deceive you on the second coming, if he can deceive you
00:52 on the millennium, if he can deceive you on the state
00:55 of the dead, if he can deceive you on God's Sabbath,
00:58 then don't you know he will deceive you on baptism?
01:04 So the question now is, all right, Pastor, I understand
01:06 baptism by immersion.
01:08 My sins are dead, my sins are buried, I'm resurrected into
01:12 a new life in Jesus Christ.
01:14 Baptism means my sins are being forgiven, that God
01:17 is washing me and I'm being cleansed.
01:19 Baptism is a gift from God.
01:21 I praise God for this gift that He has given me,
01:24 the gift to be able to be baptized.
01:26 I recognize I must be taught, I must believe, then I must
01:29 repent in order to be baptized.
01:31 So I fully understand that it's inappropriate for an infant
01:35 to be baptized because they can't be taught,
01:36 they can't believe or repent.
01:39 But then, Pastor Byrd, what if I've been baptized before?
01:46 Can I be baptized again?
01:49 Is rebaptism ever proper?
01:55 I was baptized before, but can I be baptized again?
01:57 Well, let's go to the Word of God.
02:00 Acts chapter 19, verse number 1.
02:07 Acts 19, verse number 1.
02:12 The Word of God says to us tonight, speaking to this
02:15 issue and subject of rebaptism, or being baptized
02:17 again.
02:19 "And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at Corinth,
02:24 Paul having passed through the upper coasts came
02:26 to Ephesus: and finding certain disciples, He said unto them,
02:30 Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?
02:34 And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard
02:39 whether there be any Holy Ghost.
02:41 And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized?
02:45 And they said, Unto John's baptism."
02:50 Verse number 4, "Then said Paul, John verily baptized
02:56 with the baptism of" what, everybody?
02:58 Aud.: Repentance.
02:59 PB: "Saying unto the people, that they should believe on him
03:02 which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus."
03:07 Verse 5, "When they heard this, they were baptized
03:11 in the name of the Lord Jesus."
03:14 Now, let's understand what's going on here.
03:16 The people up until that point had been baptized
03:19 unto John's baptism.
03:21 They had been baptized, if you will, up unto
03:24 what they knew.
03:26 They had been baptized unto what they had been taught.
03:29 So in their minds, hey, we're okay, we've been baptized.
03:31 And to an extent, yes, they were okay up until that point
03:35 where they had been baptized.
03:37 But Paul says, But have you been baptized of Jesus' baptism?
03:40 Well no.
03:41 And so we recognize here that in their spiritual
03:44 experience, they're moving on up a little higher.
03:46 They had been baptized unto John's baptism, unto what
03:49 they had known up until that point.
03:52 Unto the truth that had been given them unto that point.
03:54 But then, with Jesus coming on.
03:56 Because recognizing that John was just to prepare the way
03:59 of the Lord, Jesus to come on a little later, it was time
04:04 for them to move up in their spiritual experience.
04:07 Move up into what they had now and would gain
04:09 in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
04:11 So it was proper for them to be baptized, or rebaptized,
04:15 or baptized again, however you want to say it, because
04:18 they had been baptized formerly unto what they knew,
04:20 but now God was trying to take them
04:22 to a higher level in Him.
04:25 So it's proper.
04:26 In fact, many people would be stronger if rebaptized.
04:29 There are several commisions in which rebaptism, or being
04:32 baptized again, is proper.
04:33 Number one, when you were formerly baptized unto what
04:39 you knew, as if God through His Word had shown you
04:45 and taught you from His Word, new life, new truth, new things
04:51 that you formerly did not know.
04:54 You were baptized formerly unto what you knew, but like
04:57 the people in Acts 19, God is trying to take you higher.
05:01 God is trying to take you to a higher level in Him.
05:05 And so you were baptized first unto what you knew,
05:07 but now because God has allowed you to know more, you now
05:12 must act on the new truth and new light that you have
05:16 received from God through the study of His Word.
05:19 Number two, rebaptism is proper when one has turned
05:21 away from Christ and now they want to come back to Christ.
05:26 Time won't permit or let me go into a long dissertation,
05:31 but we know the story of the prodigal son.
05:34 The prodigal son, the Bible tells the story there in Luke
05:37 11, where Jesus tells this parable of how this young
05:41 man had lived in his parents' home.
05:45 But he thought that his parents' home was hard,
05:47 that it was exact, that he was in a straightjacket and he
05:50 couldn't live life how he wanted to live life.
05:53 So he said to his father, Give me my inheritance
05:58 and give it to me now.
05:59 I want my inheritance because I'm grown now, and I want
06:03 to go live how I want to live.
06:04 I want to go do how I want to do, and I don't need you
06:07 telling me what to do, so give me what is mine now.
06:12 He goes.
06:13 His older brother, however, stays home tending
06:17 to the family's needs.
06:19 The older son, however, goes and wastes, the Bible says,
06:22 his life on riotous living.
06:24 Things got so tough, things got so bad for him, the Bible
06:26 as you know teaches that he fell upon hard times
06:29 and he ended up living and eating what pigs ate.
06:35 He comes to himself.
06:37 Have you ever been doing something that was foolish
06:39 and you came to yourself?
06:40 The young man comes to himself and he says my
06:47 daddy's servants eat better than I'm eating.
06:51 Let me stop this living among pigs, get up and go home
06:56 and see my father.
06:57 The Bible says that when he was on his way home,
07:04 his father sees him from afar.
07:08 His father sees him from afar, which teaches me
07:10 a lesson I wish I had time.
07:11 His father sees him afar, which teaches and lets us
07:13 know that his father was always looking for him.
07:17 He was always looking for him.
07:19 Not a day went by that he was not looking for his son.
07:23 The son had been involved in foolishness, but he sees
07:27 his son from afar off.
07:30 Instead of taking that spirit of What's my son doing,
07:33 why is he coming home?
07:34 He says oh no, no, no.
07:35 Go get the best robe.
07:36 Go make the best meal.
07:39 Put this robe on my son, let me embrace him.
07:42 He was lost but now he's found.
07:45 He was blind, but now he sees.
07:50 But we know the story of the other brother.
07:52 He's made because his dad is throwing a party for him.
07:56 How dare you throw a party for this son who ran out
07:58 and left you, and I've stayed here all these years?
08:00 That's just like some people.
08:02 They get mad when we get our deliverance.
08:05 They get upset when we get our salvation.
08:08 But what I love about the father is, he tells the son,
08:11 he says, Look, all that I'm giving to your brother you've
08:13 always had.
08:14 It was always yours.
08:17 You just chose not to take it.
08:18 I wish I had a witness in this place.
08:20 But the principle of what I'm trying to draw with the baptism
08:23 is, when a person has run or turned from God and they
08:27 come back to God, rebaptism is proper because,
08:31 just like that father, God receives you with open arms.
08:34 Regardless of what you said, regardless of what you've
08:36 done, regardless of what you did last night, last week,
08:40 last year.
08:41 Regardless of what you did 10 years ago, you are received
08:46 with open arms from the Father.
08:48 Number three, when an individual wants to renew their commitment
08:52 with God they feel a strong urge and a desire,
08:57 I want to be baptized.
08:59 I want to be rebaptized.
09:01 I want to strengthen my relationship with the Lord.
09:04 And so, rebaptism is proper.
09:06 After when it's been taught, after one believes, after one
09:09 repents, it's time to unite then with God and His church
09:14 through baptism.
09:16 Because understand, when a person is baptized,
09:18 they are united with Christ.
09:20 Galatians chapter 3, verse 27, says, "For as many of you
09:24 as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ."
09:29 Baptism then, is as essential to the Christian as the wedding
09:33 is to a marriage.
09:35 In a marriage, in a baptism, both ceremonies are based on
09:40 deep-seated love.
09:42 Both ceremonies are based on full understanding.
09:49 Both ceremonies are based on an undying, unconditional
09:53 love for the individual.
09:56 When a man marries a woman and a woman marries a man,
10:00 do I have a witness in this place?
10:02 [Aud. reaction] PB: It is based on love.
10:04 It is based on respect.
10:06 It is based on understanding.
10:08 When an individual decides to go in that pool and get
10:11 baptized, it's based on a love for Jesus Christ,
10:15 that I'm so in love with Jesus there is joy down in my soul
10:20 and I want the world to know that I'm so in love
10:25 with Jesus Christ.
10:28 Symbolically uniting with Christ, His body.
10:31 In 1 Corinthians 12:13, Paul says, "
10:32 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one
10:36 body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond
10:39 or free," we are the body of Christ and baptized people.
10:44 We are a part then of a community of believers
10:46 and that's extremely important.
10:48 Why is that important?
10:49 I hear people tell me all the time, Pastor Byrd,
10:51 I don't need the church.
10:58 I don't need the church, I don't need it.
11:01 I have my own way to connect with God.
11:06 God understands me, I have my own way
11:08 that I connect with Him.
11:09 I don't need the church.
11:11 I can do my own thing.
11:13 But my question to them is always like it is to you:
11:15 How can one be a part of the body of Christ
11:18 without getting in the body?
11:22 The Bible is clear that the church is Christ's body.
11:26 The body of Christ, and that God, thank you, Jesus,
11:31 will add to His church daily.
11:34 When I become a part of God's body, the body of Christ,
11:38 that doesn't mean everybody's in here is perfect.
11:41 We are all sinners, just forgiven.
11:43 I wish I had a witness in this place.
11:45 We are all sinners, but we are forgiven.
11:47 But our eyes are not on the messengers,
11:50 but our eyes are on the message.
11:53 Our eyes are on the message that one day 2,000 years ago
11:57 Jesus loved you so much that He went to Calvary to die
12:00 for your sins.
12:02 That He hung, that He bled, that He died, and He got up
12:05 with all power in His hands, and because He got up,
12:09 He's telling us we can get up.
12:11 [Aud. reaction] PB: Why do we walk
12:13 around defeated.
12:14 Why do we walk around like the devil's going to knock us
12:16 down and knock us out, 'cause Satan's just a sinner
12:18 who fell down but got right back on up.
12:21 And that's what baptism does for you, unites you
12:24 with Christ.
12:25 Unites you with his body.
12:28 And so tonight there's only one true form of baptism.
12:36 Baptism by immersion.
12:39 You've got to go up under the water, your sins
12:44 have to be dead.
12:46 They have to buried and then you have to become
12:48 resurrected into new life with Christ.
12:51 You've got to be baptized because you've got to ask God,
12:54 God wash away my sins.
12:55 For the individual who says they have no sins,
12:58 they themselves are lying to themselves.
13:02 Baptism is also a gift.
13:06 It's something God's trying to give you.
13:08 When we get to heaven, we're going to see just how
13:10 much God tried to save us.
13:13 But He was not willing that any should perish, but all
13:15 should come to repentance.
13:17 It's a gift.
13:19 One must first be taught.
13:21 One must secondly then believe.
13:24 Thirdly then, one must repent and be baptized.
13:27 Be what, everybody?
13:28 Aud.: Baptized.
13:29 PB: Infant baptism is not biblical.
13:32 It's a lie, it's a deception from Satan.
13:36 It's not biblical.
13:37 You've got to be taught, you've got to believe,
13:39 you've got to repent.
13:43 One must be baptized.
13:46 One must join the body.
13:50 One must get in the ark.
13:54 One must get in the boat of safety.
13:57 Quickly, do me a favor, go to Matthew 24.
14:01 Go to Matthew 24 and go to to verse number 37.
14:07 Matthew 24, verse number 37.
14:16 The Word of God says to us in Matthew chapter 24, verse 37.
14:19 If you have it, let me hear you say amen.
14:21 Aud.: Amen.
14:22 PB: The Word says,
14:25 "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming
14:31 of the Son of man be.
14:33 [Organ Music under] For as in the days that were
14:38 before the flood they were eating and" what, everybody?
14:40 Aud.: Drinking.
14:41 PB: "Marrying and giving in" what, everybody?
14:43 Aud.: Marriage.
14:44 PB: "Until the day that Noah entered into the" what?
14:46 Aud.: Ark.
14:47 PB: And knew not until the flood came, and took them
14:53 all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man
15:00 be." In Noah's day, folk were doing everything.
15:08 They were as bad as they wanted to be.
15:11 Folk were doing everything, living life according
15:13 to how they wanted to live.
15:17 God said, I've got to clean up this earth.
15:20 If you read Genesis carefully, go home tonight
15:22 and you read it.
15:23 In Genesis 6, the Bible says it repented God that He
15:28 had even created this earth.
15:31 Things had gotten so out of control, stuff was so wild
15:33 and out of control, God repented that He had even
15:36 created this earth.
15:39 That's bad.
15:43 So God spoke about this to Noah because the Bible says
15:47 Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
15:52 And Noah began to preach.
15:55 He said, Repent!
15:57 Repent!
15:58 Get right.
15:59 The Lord is about to send a flood, you've got to repent.
16:06 Get in the ark.
16:09 The folk laughed at Noah.
16:12 Noah had been preaching so long, 120 years, I'm pretty
16:15 sure somebody said, He's a nice man but senility
16:18 has set in.
16:19 He's standing outside just preaching, preaching, preaching.
16:23 It had never rained before.
16:25 Never rained before.
16:28 So he's telling them to get in the boat because
16:30 it's about to rain.
16:31 They thought he was crazy, they laughed at him.
16:34 The Bible then says, all of a sudden seven by seven,
16:39 some clean animals started processing into the ark.
16:42 The Bible didn't say it's two by two.
16:46 Some unclean animals started processing in the boat.
16:49 Now I must be clear: If I had been living, it would
16:52 have been hard to believe that rain was going to come,
16:55 knowing it had never rained before.
16:57 But if I had seen these animals come in seven
16:59 by seven and two by two, I probably would have said,
17:02 Let me take my chances and get up in this boat.
17:04 Do I have a witness in this place?
17:07 [Aud. reaction] PB: Noah preached.
17:11 Nobody got in the boat.
17:15 But Noah, his wife, their three sons, Shem, Ham
17:22 and Japheth, and their wives.
17:25 Now the rule of common sense, 'cause you're smart people.
17:29 The rule of common sense says, if the Bible says,
17:33 As it was in the days of Noah so shall it also be in
17:38 the coming of the Son of man.
17:40 The rule of common sense says if it were like that in Noah's
17:43 day, it must going to be like that today.
17:48 And what's happening today?
17:49 Anything goes.
17:55 People change their mate like they change magazine
17:58 subscriptions.
17:59 Drinking, partying, doing
18:08 whatever you want.
18:09 It's gotten so bad in our world that what's right,
18:14 the Sabbath, seems wrong.
18:19 And what's wrong seems right.
18:21 Just like the Lord rained down water, the day is coming
18:33 where the Lord is going to rain down fire.
18:38 Now Noah preached 120 years, get in the boat.
18:42 And I've preached two weeks, and I'm telling you it's time
18:48 for you to get in the boat.
18:52 You're taught, you believe, repent, get in the boat.
19:03 What are the parallels?
19:04 I'm clear in my authority.
19:05 God is the boat.
19:07 Pastor Byrd, going to church on Saturday, going to church
19:11 on the Sabbath when everybody else is doing something else?
19:14 You can't worry about what everybody else is doing,
19:16 you've got to make sure your soul's salvation is straight
19:18 with God.
19:19 A clear minority got in the boat.
19:21 The majority is not recognizing God's seventh day
19:23 as Sabbath.
19:24 You've got to get in the boat.
19:36 It's passing by.
19:37 O gentle Savior, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art
19:42 calling, Do not pass me by.
19:48 Tonight, I'm going to get you out early.
19:50 I want you to hang with me during the slides tonight.
19:52 I want you to hold what you have and hang with me.
19:55 Get you out early, but I need you to hang with me because
19:58 tonight somebody wants to get in the boat.
20:02 We're going to the screen.
20:04 The Word of God says, Sanctify them through
20:07 thy what?
20:08 Truth.
20:10 Thy Word is what, everybody?
20:11 Aud.: Truth.
20:12 PB: God's truth is most important because God's truth
20:15 will set you, what, everybody?
20:17 Aud.: Free.
20:18 PB: If God said it, then what?
20:20 Aud.: That settles it.
20:21 PB: We say this every night.
20:22 Every night.
20:23 Every night.
20:24 God said it, that settles it.
20:30 Go ye therefore and do what, everybody?
20:32 Aud.: Teach.
20:33 PB: Teach all what?
20:34 Aud.: Saints.
20:35 PB: Baptizing them in the name of the what?
20:37 Aud.: Father.
20:38 PB: And of the what?
20:39 Aud.: Son.
20:40 PB: And of the Holy Ghost.
20:41 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have
20:43 commanded you.
20:44 And lo, I am with you, what?
20:45 Aud.: Always.
20:46 PB: Always.
20:47 Even unto the end of the world.
20:49 First thing, in order for one to be baptized one must first
20:56 be what?
20:57 Aud.: Taught.
20:58 PB: Number two, he that believeth and is baptized
21:04 shall be what, everybody?
21:05 Aud.: Saved.
21:06 PB: But he that believeth not shall be what?
21:08 Aud.: Damned.
21:09 PB: Step number two, after one is taught, one must
21:14 believe.
21:17 Number three, Then Peter said unto them, repent and be
21:21 baptized, every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ
21:26 for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift
21:31 of the Holy Ghost.
21:32 After one is taught, after one believes, one must repent
21:40 and be baptized.
21:44 Baptism commemorates the death, the burial
21:46 and the resurrection of Jesus Christ because
21:48 baptism is an outward symbol of an inward cleansing.
21:51 When an individual is baptized, when they
21:53 are baptized, they are united with Jesus Christ.
21:55 Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new what,
21:57 everybody?
21:58 Aud.: Creature.
21:59 PB: Old things are passed away, all things become what?
22:03 Aud.: New.
22:04 PB: We discussed rebaptism, which is proper and necessary
22:08 when one receives new life and truth from the Word
22:10 of God.
22:11 If you were baptized before, you studied the Word of God
22:13 and you read the Word of God, and you studied up to one
22:16 point, but God now has allowed you to learn new truths.
22:21 New light from His Word, and now you must act on that.
22:24 Acts 19 teaches that, Acts 19 tells us that.
22:28 Some of you were baptized before.
22:30 You've been coming out to this revival,
22:33 this is a revival like none other.
22:35 Like none other.
22:36 I know you've been taught, because some of you have told
22:39 me you've learned in these two weeks more than you've learned
22:41 from the Bible in your entire life.
22:43 You've been taught.
22:45 I knew you believed, because if you did not believe,
22:47 you would have stopped coming by now.
22:49 You've got to repent and be baptized.
22:53 Rebaptism is necessary and proper when new light
22:58 shall have been received.
23:01 And so, But as the days of Noah were, so also shall
23:04 the coming of the Son of man be.
23:06 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating
23:08 and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage
23:10 until the day Noah entered into the ark
23:12 and knew not until the flood came and took them
23:14 all away.
23:15 So also shall the coming of the Son of man be.
23:17 As the ark in the water symbolized safety in Noah's
23:19 day, a person in the waters of baptism symbolizes safety
23:21 in Jesus Christ today.
23:24 You were safe in Noah's day, getting in the ark, you're
23:26 safe today getting into the waters of baptism.
23:29 When a person refuses baptism, whose counsel
23:31 are they rejecting?
23:32 The Word of God says the counsel of God.
23:34 It says, But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected
23:36 the counsel of God against themselves, being
23:38 not baptized of Him.
23:39 When you think you're rejecting baptism, you're not
23:42 rejecting Pastor Byrd.
23:43 You're rejecting the Spirit of God that's speaking
23:49 to you.
23:50 So therefore to him that
23:54 knoweth to do good but doeth it not, to him is sin. It's sin.
24:03 For if we sin willfully after that we have received
24:05 the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more
24:07 sacrifice for sins.
24:09 If you know what's right and you refuse to do what's
24:12 right, there's no more sacrifice for sin.
24:14 The Word of God continues and says, For it would have been
24:17 better for them not to have known the way of righteousness
24:19 than having known of it, to turn from the holy
24:22 commandment delivered to them.
24:24 It would have been better for you not to know than for you
24:30 to know, because if you know and you do know, you're going
24:33 to be held accountable for what you know.
24:35 [Aud. reaction] PB: So what's more
24:39 important tonight, obeying God or to obey man?
24:46 The Apostle Peter answered and said, We ought to obey
24:49 God rather than men.
24:50 So who are you going to follow?
24:57 God?
25:00 Or man?
25:01 You can be a nice man, you can be a nice woman, you can
25:07 be a nice person but who are you going to follow?
25:11 God or man?
25:12 Well, I went to church, I did this, and the Bible
25:14 says in Matthew chapter 7, In that day people are going
25:17 to say, Lord, Lord, have we not done this
25:19 in Your name?
25:20 Have we not done that in Your name?
25:22 God's going to say, But did you do my will?
25:24 If you didn't, depart from me ye that work in iniquity.
25:30 So tonight, why tarryeth thou?
25:36 Arise, be baptized, call upon the name of the Lord.
25:47 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching
25:50 Breath of Life today.
25:51 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry
25:54 and that we gave a healing word in a hurting world.
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28:07 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
28:09 The "Desire of Ages" is the greatest story
28:15 ever told, in a whole new light.
28:17 PB: If the devil can deceive you on the second coming,
28:21 if he can deceive you on the millennium,
28:23 if he can deceive you on the state of the dead,
28:25 if he can deceive you on God's Sabbath, then don't you
28:28 know he will deceive you


Revised 2015-02-05