Breath of Life

Baptism, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000154

00:01 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy oh yes, ♪
00:12 ♪ he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:18 ♪ all the praise ♪ Pastor Byrd: If you have
00:22 your Bibles, take them, hold them up
00:23 with me as we do each and every night as we shake
00:25 the devil on out of here.
00:26 Hold them up.
00:27 Come on, everybody, say every promise in this book is mine.
00:29 Aud.: Every promise in this book is mine.
00:31 PB: Come on, say it like you mean it.
00:33 Every promise in this book is mine.
00:35 Aud.: Every promise in this book is mine.
00:37 PB: Every chapter, every verse, every line.
00:39 Aud.: Every chapter, every verse, every line.
00:41 PB: I am saved by His grace divine.
00:43 Aud.: I am saved by His grace divine.
00:45 PB: Every promise in this book is mine.
00:48 Aud.: Every promise in this book is mine.
00:50 PB: Father in heaven, tonight we are once again
00:52 just elated, just happy, just privileged that we can
00:54 be in Your house.
00:55 We ask now that Your Holy Spirit would dwell among us,
00:59 recognizing God is not anything I'm going to say
01:01 or anything I'm going to do, but it's Your power working
01:04 through us.
01:05 It's Your power and Your Spirit speaking to us.
01:08 So God, we give You permission tonight.
01:10 Have Your way.
01:11 Have Your way tonight, set the captive free tonight,
01:14 make the lame to walk again and cause the blind to see.
01:17 And Lord, we give You the praise, the honor
01:19 and the glory in advance for what You're going to do.
01:21 Forgive us of our sins, we pray.
01:23 In the name of Jesus, let everyone say amen.
01:27 Aud.: PB: You are able to look there on the screens
01:29 tonight and you are able to see what our subject
01:32 matter is tonight.
01:33 Everybody say baptism.
01:34 Aud.: Baptism.
01:35 PB: Come on, say it like you mean it, say baptism.
01:37 Aud.: Baptism.
01:38 PB: Baptism is where we begin tonight.
01:40 We talked about Christ's second coming.
01:42 We talked about the millennium, where we recognize
01:45 the righteous will reign in heaven with Jesus
01:47 Christ, for how long, everybody?
01:49 Aud.: 1,000 years.
01:50 PB: A thousand years, very good.
01:52 We have talked about the state of the dead,
01:54 recognizing that when a person dies their body
01:56 returns to what?
01:57 Aud.: Dust.
01:58 PB: And the, the body returns to dust, the spirit turns
02:01 to whom, everybody?
02:02 Aud.: God.
02:03 PB: God, and the soul ceases to exist.
02:05 We have studied that.
02:06 We have studied the Sabbath and the change of the Sabbath.
02:11 We even recognized, on Sunday night, that our bodies
02:14 are God's what?
02:15 Aud.: Temple.
02:16 PB: Come on, our bodies are God's what, everybody?
02:18 Aud.: Temple.
02:19 PB: Temple.
02:20 So what we put in our body, what we put on our body,
02:22 and what we let people do to our bodies.
02:24 Can you say amen?
02:25 Aud.: Amen.
02:26 PB: If you have missed any of the nights, any of the papers
02:29 and handouts we have shared and given, make sure at the end
02:32 of worship tonight that you get them on your way out.
02:35 Tonight we deal with baptism, and we deal with this most
02:38 important subject because we realize and we also
02:41 understand that the crowning act in any church, I don't
02:44 care what faith group you are part of, the crowning act in any
02:48 church is baptism.
02:49 But with baptism, even with that the devil
02:53 has sought to be deceptive.
02:56 He has been deceptive, as we know, with the Sabbath;
02:59 he has been deceptive with the state of the dead
03:01 and the manner of Jesus' second coming.
03:03 And with all of that he has also been deceptive with baptism.
03:08 For example, there are many different forms of baptism
03:12 in our world today.
03:13 One form is baptism by immersion.
03:15 Everybody say immersion.
03:16 Aud.: Immersion.
03:17 PB: When we say immersion, we literally are meaning that
03:20 someone goes in the water, under the water, and comes
03:23 up out of the water.
03:24 We then recognize another form that is in Christendom
03:28 or Christianity today is sprinkling.
03:30 Everybody say sprinkling.
03:31 Aud.: Sprinkling.
03:32 PB: And by that, people just take some water and they
03:34 sprinkle it on you.
03:36 We recognize another form is being anointed with oil.
03:40 Being anointed with what, everybody?
03:42 Aud.: Oil.
03:43 PB: Being anointed with oil.
03:44 But we recognize, as we did last Friday evening, when we talk
03:47 about anointing, we talk about being anointed,
03:49 we are then taking oil, symbolic of the Holy Spirit, and applying
03:53 it to the body, recognizing that we are simply saying,
03:56 Lord, anoint us for Your purposes.
03:59 God, rid us of the devil.
04:01 Rid us of his imps and the evil ways of the enemy.
04:04 We want our bodies, we want our lives, to be testaments
04:08 to you.
04:09 But people have confused anointing with actual baptism.
04:13 Another form of baptism in our world is where one
04:17 says I have the Holy Ghost in my life.
04:19 And so because the Holy Ghost is in my life, I've been
04:22 baptized with the Holy Ghost.
04:24 Then we have another form that is called infusion.
04:27 Everybody say infusion.
04:28 Aud.: Infusion.
04:29 PB: And with infusion it is simply saying, you take
04:31 a pitcher and you take a pitcher and you pour water on
04:35 an individual, and they have been infused, if you will,
04:38 and being infused with water means that they have been
04:40 baptized.
04:41 And then finally another method I would like to share
04:44 with you tonight is what we call the "dry cleaning" method.
04:48 Now, that's a very interesting method, because the dry cleaning
04:51 method says I'm baptized, but I don't use any water,
04:53 I don't pour anything, I don't sprinkle anything,
04:56 you don't get up under anything, you are just baptized.
04:59 What do you mean, I'm baptized?
05:01 I declare you baptized; you're baptized.
05:03 That's the dry cleaning method.
05:05 So we have immersion, we have sprinkling, we have being
05:09 anointed with oil, we have the Holy Spirit in the life,
05:12 we have infusion and then we also have a method or form,
05:17 the dry cleaning method.
05:19 But if it's not in the Word of God, it doesn't need
05:24 to be heard by the people of God.
05:27 If the method or the form is not in God's Word, we can't deal
05:32 with that.
05:33 Well, what does the Bible say about the form of baptism?
05:38 Ephesians chapter 4, verse number 5, the Word of God
05:42 says there is "One Lord."
05:43 One what, everybody?
05:44 Aud.: Lord.
05:45 PB: "One Lord, one faith."
05:46 One what, everybody?
05:47 Aud.: Faith.
05:48 PB: And "one baptism."
05:49 One Lord, one faith, and one baptism.
05:53 Meaning there's one type or one form of baptism that
05:57 is recognized by God and recognized by His Word.
06:01 Now, baptism comes from the Greek root word baptizo,
06:05 which means to dip, to submerge, to immerse.
06:09 So then, if we're looking for the right form or method
06:11 of baptism as described by the Word of God, baptism
06:15 by immersion is the only biblically recognized form
06:19 of baptism.
06:20 Therefore, any other form, be it sprinkling, be it
06:23 infusion, be it the dry cleaning method or the Holy
06:25 Ghost simply in the life, it's not condoned
06:28 by the Bible.
06:30 It is baptism by immersion.
06:32 Baptism by what, everybody?
06:33 Aud.: Immersion.
06:34 PB: Now, Jesus is our perfect example.
06:37 He is our example when it comes to the Sabbath.
06:39 The Bible says in Luke chapter 4, verse number 16,
06:41 that it was His custom on the Sabbath day to go to church
06:45 and read the Scriptures, read the Word of God.
06:48 Just like He is our example in the Sabbath, Jesus is also
06:53 our example when it comes to baptism.
06:56 Let's see how Jesus was baptized.
06:58 Take your Bibles and go with me to the book of Mark.
07:00 What book, everybody?
07:01 Aud.: Mark.
07:02 PB: And we're going to Mark chapter 1, and we're going
07:04 to Mark chapter 1, and we're going to verse number 9.
07:08 Mark chapter 1 and we're going to verse number 9.
07:13 The Word of God says to us that Jesus, our example,
07:16 illustrated here in Mark chapter 1, verse number 9.
07:20 The Word of God says, "And it came to pass in those days,
07:25 that Jesus came from," where?
07:26 Aud.: Nazareth.
07:27 PB: Nazareth.
07:28 Of where?
07:29 Aud.: Galilee.
07:30 PB: And "was baptized of" whom?
07:32 Aud.: John.
07:33 PB: John in the what?
07:34 Aud.: Jordan.
07:35 PB: And "straightway coming up out of the" what?
07:37 Aud.: Water.
07:38 PB: Come on, straightway coming up out of the what?
07:42 Aud.: Water.
07:43 PB: Water.
07:44 Which means then, if Jesus came up out of the water,
07:47 this totally then nullifies sprinkling.
07:51 This totally nullifies just the Holy Spirit in the life.
07:55 This totally nullifies infusion or water being
07:58 poured on them.
07:59 Surely it nullifies the dry cleaning method.
08:03 The Bible says Jesus came "straightway up out
08:06 of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like
08:10 a dove descending upon him: and there came a voice from
08:12 heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved," what?
08:15 Aud.: Son.
08:16 PB: "In whom I am well," what, everybody?
08:18 Aud.: Pleased.
08:19 PB: So we discover in this text, baptism by immersion is the only
08:23 biblical true form of baptism that the Bible recognizes.
08:26 Not infusion, not sprinkling, not the dry cleaning method,
08:32 not just the Holy Ghost in one's life.
08:34 But the Bible is very clear: Jesus came up out of the water,
08:38 and so it must be baptism by immersion.
08:42 The Bible goes on and gives us more evidence.
08:44 Take your Bibles and go with me to the book of John
08:47 chapter 3, and we're going
08:59 to verse number 23.
09:01 John chapter 3, verse number 23.
09:03 John chapter 3, and we're going to verse number 23.
09:05 The Word of God says to us tonight: "And John also
09:07 was baptizing in Aenon near to Salim, because there was much
09:10 water there: and they came, and were" what, everybody?
09:12 Aud.: Baptized.
09:13 PB: Baptized.
09:14 Now, in order for there to be baptism by immersion,
09:17 there has to be a lot of water, because you have to
09:19 go under the water.
09:20 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
09:22 If it's just simply a few cups or pitchers of water,
09:24 that's not enough water because you've got to go up
09:27 under the water.
09:28 But the devil has sought to be deceptive even
09:31 with baptism, making people just say you can be pronounced
09:34 as baptized; making people think you can just have water
09:37 poured on you; making, as you know, you've heard people say
09:41 I'm baptized if I'm just sprinkled.
09:43 Well, just as the devil is deceptive with other truths
09:46 in the Word of God, he's been deceptive with baptism.
09:51 But the Bible is clear, baptism by immersion.
09:53 Baptism by what, everybody?
09:54 Aud.: Immersion.
09:55 PB: This is important because there is a symbolism involved
09:58 with baptism.
10:00 Now, remember, we studied earlier in the week.
10:02 We studied earlier in the week that just because Jesus
10:05 rose on the first day of the week, just because Jesus
10:08 rose on Sunday did not mean that Jesus condoned or made
10:13 Sunday, or the first day of the week, the day of worship
10:16 or the Sabbath day.
10:18 But we discovered that God instituted something
10:21 in commemoration of His death, His burial and His
10:25 resurrection on Calvary.
10:26 Take your Bibles and go with me to the book of Romans.
10:30 What book did I say, everybody?
10:32 Aud.: Romans.
10:33 PB: And we're going to Romans chapter 6, Romans chapter 6,
10:35 and we're going to verse number 1.
10:38 Romans chapter 6, and we're going to verse number 1.
10:43 Romans chapter 6, verse number 1.
10:46 The Word of God says, "What shall we say then?
10:50 Shall we continue in sin, that grace may" what,
10:53 everybody?
10:54 Aud.: Abound.
10:55 PB: "God forbid.
10:56 How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer
10:58 therein?
10:59 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into
11:01 Jesus Christ were baptized into his" what?
11:04 Aud.: Death.
11:05 PB: Come on, baptized into His what?
11:07 Aud.: Death.
11:08 PB: Baptized into His death.
11:09 "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death:
11:12 that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory
11:15 of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness
11:18 of" what, everybody?
11:19 Aud.: Life.
11:20 PB: "For if we have been planted together in the likeness
11:23 of his death, we shall be also in the likeness
11:25 of his" what?
11:26 Aud.: Resurrection.
11:27 PB: "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him,
11:29 that the body of sin might be destroyed,
11:31 that henceforth we should not serve" what?
11:33 Aud.: Sin.
11:34 PB: We should not serve what, everybody?
11:36 Aud.: Sin.
11:37 PB: All right.
11:38 Baptism is important and immersion is important,
11:40 because it then symbolizes what's taking place
11:44 in a person's spiritual experience.
11:46 You must be immersed, because we recognize that baptism
11:49 was instituted to commemorate Jesus' death, burial
11:53 and resurrection.
11:54 When a human being is baptized, it symbolizes
11:59 their death, their burial and their resurrection.
12:01 What do you mean?
12:02 When an individual is baptized, symbolically
12:04 they go in the water.
12:06 When they go in the water, their sins are then dead.
12:08 When they go underneath the water, their sins
12:11 symbolically are buried.
12:12 When they come up out of the water, symbolically they
12:16 are being resurrected into a new life in Jesus Christ.
12:19 Sin's dead, sin's buried, new life in Jesus Christ.
12:25 Baptism then signifies a U-turn.
12:28 It signifies a change in direction.
12:32 It signifies a deliberate turning away
12:34 from your former life.
12:36 It means the no more I, but the You, Christ,
12:38 that now lives inside.
12:40 Baptism now then means submission.
12:43 Baptism means I'm turning it over to Jesus, and I'll smile
12:46 the rest of my days.
12:48 Baptism means you're letting God rule your life.
12:50 Baptism means that God is in control.
12:54 That you are to say God is Creator, and you
12:56 are creation.
12:57 That God is landlord, and you are the tenant.
13:00 That God is the Shepherd, and you are the sheep.
13:03 You are in submission to God, His will, His way.
13:07 You're able to say yes, Lord, yes to Your will and to Your
13:12 way.
13:13 Yes, Lord, yes, I will trust You and obey.
13:16 Because when Your Spirit speaks to me, in my whole
13:19 heart I'll agree and my answer will be yes, Lord, yes.
13:25 So then we understand, baptism is immersion,
13:29 under the water.
13:30 Baptism is what, everybody?
13:31 Aud.: Immersion.
13:32 PB: Come on, baptism is what, everybody?
13:34 Aud.: Immersion.
13:35 PB: Immersion.
13:36 Which means, your sins are first what?
13:38 Dead.
13:39 Then we recognize your sins are secondly what?
13:41 Buried.
13:42 And then thirdly, you are resurrected into a new what?
13:45 Aud.: Life.
13:46 PB: New life in Jesus Christ.
13:47 Now that we understand that, we know that water
13:50 is for washing.
13:51 Come on, say amen.
13:52 Aud.: Amen.
13:53 PB: 'Cause I trust you'll wash before you go out
13:56 tomorrow.
13:57 Come on, say amen.
13:58 Aud.: Amen.
13:59 PB: Water is for washing.
14:01 Water is for cleansing.
14:05 We said it earlier in the week, if you're going to clean
14:07 something, there are two primary ways in which you
14:09 do it.
14:10 You either wash it, or you burn it.
14:13 Tonight we're talking about being washed, tonight we're
14:17 talking about being clean.
14:19 But not just talking about being physically clean,
14:22 but we're talking about being spiritually clean.
14:24 In order to become physically clean, in order to remove
14:28 the odor from your life, you've got to take a shower.
14:31 In order to remove the dirt from your life, you've got
14:33 to take a bath.
14:34 In order to move the spiritual odor from your life,
14:38 the spiritual dirt from your life, you've got
14:41 to be washed and you've got to be made clean.
14:44 Water is for washing, and in our world today
14:47 we don't like talking about sin too much in church.
14:51 We're living in a society now that if it feels good, do it.
14:57 Don't preach to me truth, don't preach to me
15:01 principles, don't preach to me doctrines, don't preach
15:05 to me stuff that's going to conflict with my
15:08 comfortable lifestyle.
15:10 But I need you to make me feel good.
15:13 I'm feeling bad, I'm feeling low, so when I come to church
15:16 don't tell me how I need to live as a follower of Christ,
15:19 just help me feel good.
15:22 In fact, church for some has become a sort of pep rally.
15:27 Let's get as loud as we want, let's get as emotional
15:31 as we want, and we walk out of church, we've jumped, we've
15:34 shouted, we've clapped our hands, and we haven't heard
15:37 anything the preacher has said.
15:40 We don't like to talk about it.
15:43 We don't like to talk about sin in our world today, but
15:47 I'm here to remind you, whether you like it or not,
15:50 all of us are sinners.
15:53 All of us need cleansing.
15:55 All of us need washing.
15:59 We get baptized, because we want our sins washed away.
16:04 We get baptized, because we want to be cleansed from our
16:10 sins.
16:11 Baptism is an outward symbol of an inward cleansing.
16:16 Baptism means that there is something going on,
16:18 on the inside.
16:20 You may not know about it, because you only see somebody
16:22 get in water, but there's something supernatural going
16:26 on, on the inside.
16:27 There's something that the Holy Ghost is doing
16:30 in somebody's life.
16:31 There's something within me that I cannot explain.
16:35 Something within me that banishes pain.
16:37 All that I know, I thank my God, I've got something within.
16:42 When you're baptized, you're cleansed from sin.
16:45 You're letting the world know that Jesus is number one
16:47 in your life.
16:48 But also, baptism is a gift.
16:50 Baptism is a what, everybody?
16:51 Aud.: Gift.
16:52 PB: Gift.
16:53 It's not something we do for ourselves.
16:55 You know, like being born.
16:57 None of us asked to be born.
16:59 We were just born.
17:02 Birth was a gift.
17:04 So, baptism is a gift.
17:07 It is a gift from God to all of us.
17:10 Baptism is a new birth.
17:12 A new birth into a new body.
17:15 A new birth into a new community.
17:17 A new birth into God's church.
17:20 A new birth into a royal priesthood.
17:22 A new birth into a chosen generation.
17:25 That's why Paul was able to say, if any man be in Christ,
17:28 he is a new creature.
17:31 Old things are passed away, all things become new.
17:34 Baptism, again, by immersion.
17:37 Going under the water.
17:38 Your sins must be dead, your sins must be buried, you must
17:42 be resurrected into a new life into Jesus Christ.
17:45 We understand that's what baptism commemorates.
17:48 We are baptized because we want cleansing.
17:51 We want our sins washed away.
17:53 We are baptized, because baptism is a gift
17:56 from Jesus Christ.
17:57 And so now, because we know all that, what do I have to
18:00 do in order to be baptized.
18:02 What are the steps?
18:03 Take your Bibles and go with me to the book of Matthew.
18:05 What book did I say, everybody?
18:07 Aud.: Matthew.
18:08 PB: Matthew chapter 28, Matthew chapter 28,
18:11 and we're going to verse number 18, 19 and 20.
18:17 Matthew, chapter 28, and we're going
18:20 to verses 18, 19 and 20.
18:24 The Word of God says to us tonight in Matthew 28:18,19
18:27 and 20, "And Jesus came and spake unto them,
18:30 saying, all" what, everybody?
18:31 Aud.: Power.
18:32 PB: Come on, all what?
18:33 Aud.: "All power is given unto me in" where?
18:36 Aud.: Heaven.
18:37 PB: And in what?
18:38 Aud.: Earth.
18:39 PB: "Go ye" what?
18:40 Aud.: Therefore.
18:41 PB: Go ye what?
18:42 Aud.: Therefore.
18:43 PB: "And teach all" what?
18:44 Aud.: Nations.
18:45 PB: "Baptizing them in the name of the" what?
18:47 Aud.: Father.
18:48 PB: And of the what?
18:49 Aud.: Son.
18:50 PB: And of the what?
18:51 Aud.: Holy Ghost.
18:52 PB: "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever
18:54 I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you" what?
18:56 Aud.: Always.
18:57 PB: "Even unto the end of the" what, everybody?
18:59 Aud.: World.
19:00 PB: In order for one to be baptized, one must first
19:02 be taught.
19:03 There must be a blending between what I'm feeling
19:07 and what I'm thinking.
19:10 There must be a blending between revelation
19:15 and inspiration.
19:17 In order for one to be baptized, one must first be taught.
19:24 But then number, go to the book of Mark
19:29 chapter 16, verse number 16.
19:34 Mark 16, and verse number 16.
19:42 Step number two: Mark 16, verse 16, the Word of God
19:49 says, "He that believeth and is baptized shall be" what?
19:55 Aud.: Saved.
19:56 PB: So, if you want to be saved, if you want salvation,
20:03 you must be baptized.
20:06 "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved."
20:12 But in the converse, the opposite to that is,
20:15 "H that believeth not shall be damned."
20:20 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.
20:23 I want to be saved, God.
20:25 I want salvation.
20:26 I want to be in Your eternal kingdom.
20:28 Then, he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.
20:32 He that believed not shall be damned.
20:34 SO then, step number one, one must be taught.
20:37 Step number two, in order for one to be baptized
20:39 one must believe.
20:41 One must do what, everybody?
20:42 Aud.: Believe.
20:43 PB: Number three, go to the book
20:46 of Acts, chapter 2, and we're going to verse number 38.
20:51 Acts chapter 2, and verse number 38.
20:56 the Word of God says to us this evening, Acts chapter 2,
20:58 verse number 38, "Then Peter said unto them, repent,
21:02 and be" what?
21:04 Aud.: Baptized.
21:05 PB: "Every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ,
21:07 for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift
21:12 of the Holy Ghost."
21:14 Step number three, after one is taught, after one believes,
21:19 thirdly one must repent.
21:23 God, I'm sorry.
21:26 God, I have not been living according to Your word.
21:28 God, I didn't know Your Word before, but God, now that I know
21:32 Your Word I've been taught and I believe Your Word,
21:34 and I must repent now.
21:35 Repentance is step number three.
21:38 One is first taught, second is one believes, then third
21:42 one must repent.
21:45 Now, let's throw another deception in of Satan.
21:47 Satan would have you to think, Satan would have me to think,
21:50 Satan would have us to think that infants or babies
21:54 should be baptized.
21:56 But where, tonight, in Scripture do you find where any baby
22:01 or any infant in Scripture was baptized?
22:06 But again, that's another deception of Satan.
22:08 Sprinkling is a deception, that's not in the Word
22:10 of God.
22:11 Infant baptism is not in the Word of God, because
22:14 in order for one to be baptized, one must first be taught,
22:17 then believe, then repent.
22:18 The Bible then says in James chapter 4, verse number 17,
22:22 "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth
22:25 it not, to him it is sin."
22:27 How does an infant know what is sin and what is not?
22:32 But Satan, the deceiver, the father of lies, something
22:40 as wonderful as baptism, what it's supposed to be
22:42 and what it stands for, he has even turned
22:44 that in some people's minds into a lie.
22:49 Sin is not counted against a child until that child is old
22:52 enough to understand and be accountable.
22:55 A baby cannot be accountable.
22:57 You all know my wife and have a newborn.
23:00 How could she be accountable?
23:01 All she wants to do is eat and sleep.
23:03 Come on, say amen.
23:04 Aud.: Amen.
23:05 PB: Nowhere in Scripture is their biblical support.
23:11 But then this is the other side of that spectrum.
23:14 When a child - listen to me carefully - can be taught
23:20 and held accountable in being taught, in believing
23:26 and repenting, it is appropriate for that child to be baptized.
23:32 Now, I can't put an age number because children's spiritual
23:38 maturity levels are different.
23:41 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
23:43 Their maturity levels spiritually are different.
23:47 But a lot of us do a grave injustice to our children
23:51 when they feel the presence of God in their life, the power
23:55 of the Holy Spirit in their life moving, and they want
23:58 to live right and live according to what they know
24:00 in the Word of God, understanding the foundational
24:03 and fundamental principles from the Word of God.
24:06 Oh, no, no, they're not ready.
24:08 No, no, no, no, no.
24:10 And then, when they get of a specific age and you want
24:15 them to give their life to the Lord, a lot of them say
24:19 oh, no, no, no, no.
24:21 I'm not doing that, I'm not doing that.
24:23 And a lot of times they're not doing that because
24:25 they've seen how we act.
24:28 I'm not doing that, I'm not doing that.
24:30 And you go back in the recesses of your mind
24:32 and you say to yourself, if I had only allowed them
24:37 to follow the leadings and the whisperings
24:39 and the impressions of the Holy Spirit,
24:42 maybe what I'm dealing with now I would not be dealing with.
24:46 Let me tell you something, friends of mine, I don't play
24:48 with folk when they tell me the Lord told them something.
24:51 I don't play with folk when they tell me the Holy Spirit
24:54 has impressed them, because I'm not God.
24:56 I don't know what God has said.
24:59 But the Spirit sys, sing.
25:01 You've got to sing.
25:02 If the Spirit says shout, you've got to shout.
25:07 If the Spirit says pray, you've got to pray.
25:12 But whatever it is, you must obey the Spirit of the Lord.
25:18 So, if one must be taught, one must believe, one must
25:20 repent, we recognize infant baptism is not biblical.
25:24 We recognize that a child appropriately understanding
25:28 the Word of God can be baptized.
25:31 We also understand that because there is no biblical support
25:35 for infant baptism, we understand this
25:37 makes Satan a liar.
25:39 The devil is clever, the devil is cunning, the devil
25:42 is sneaky, the devil is deceptive; because
25:44 the reality is, if the devil can deceive you on the second
25:47 coming, if he can deceive you on the millennium, if he can
25:52 deceive you on the state of the dead, if he can deceive
25:54 you on God's Sabbath, then don't you know he will
25:57 deceive you on baptism?
25:58 PB: In order for Breath of Life to continue in ministry,
26:03 we need you.
26:04 We need your prayers, we need your support.
26:07 We want you to know that any and all donations, small
26:10 or great, they are sincerely welcomed and appreciated.
26:14 To contact us or to make your donations, please feel free
26:17 to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:22 That's 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:28 Or, you may write to us at Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
26:34 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
26:38 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 91319.
26:43 Or log onto our website at
26:52 >: The "Desire of Ages," the life story of the greatest
26:56 spiritual leader the world has ever known, Jesus Christ.
27:00 "Desire of Ages" goes in depth into events surrounding
27:03 the life of Jesus, giving you more meaning and a clear
27:07 picture of His impact on the world and on those who
27:09 choose to follow Him, even to this day.
27:12 In these uncertain times, "Desire of Ages" gives
27:15 direction for all who seek it.
27:17 The book answers hard questions confronting us all.
27:20 It examines basic spiritual truths, gives hope
27:23 and encouragement for tomorrow, and brings you face to face
27:26 with the Savior.
27:27 Get to know Him like never before.
27:30 "Desire of Ages" has been acclaimed by many to be
27:32 the most significant and deeply spiritual story of the life
27:36 of Christ ever written.
27:38 It is rich with wisdom and compassion, written
27:40 by the most translated woman writer in the entire history
27:43 of literature, Ellen White.
27:44 Just call our toll-free number, 1-877-BOL-OFFER.
27:50 That's 1-877-265-6333, and ask for your copy
27:56 of "Desire of Ages."
28:01 This book is yours for a gift of $5 or more.
28:05 Or, you may write to us at Breath of Life, Box 340,
28:09 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
28:11 The "Desire of Ages" is the greatest story ever told,
28:16 in a whole new light.
28:20 PB: If the devil can deceive you on the second coming,
28:22 if he can deceive you on the millennium,
28:24 if he can deceive you on the state of the dead,
28:26 if he can deceive you on God's Sabbath, then don't you


Revised 2015-02-05