Breath of Life

The State of the Dead, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000150

00:02 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:11 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:18 ♪ all The praise. ♪ [music]
00:21 Pastor Byrd: If you have your Bibles, hold them up
00:22 with me, everybody, come on.
00:24 Hold them up with me, whether they're on your phone,
00:25 your iPad or your regular, traditional Bible.
00:28 Repeat after me, say, Every promise in this book is mine.
00:30 [Aud. reaction] PB: Come on, say
00:32 every promise in this book is mine.
00:35 Aud.: Every promise in this book is mine.
00:37 PB: Every chapter, every verse, every line.
00:39 Aud.: Every chapter, every verse, every line.
00:41 PB: I am saved by His grace divine.
00:43 Aud.: I am saved by His grace divine.
00:45 PB: Every promise in this book is mine.
00:47 Aud.: Every promise in this book is mine.
00:49 PB: We're praying, Father in heaven, Lord, we thank You
00:51 tonight for the blessings that are ours, that we can
00:54 say You are our God.
00:56 That You are our Savior, that You're our Redeemer, that
00:59 You're our Waymaker, that You're a Problem solver, that
01:02 Lord, You are a wheel in the middle of a wheel.
01:05 Thank You just for being our God.
01:08 As we go and open up Your printed page tonight, we pray
01:11 for Your Spirit that may permeate in this room
01:14 tonight.
01:15 Teach us, guide us, direct us, inspire and motivate us,
01:18 that we might be willing and able and ready to live
01:22 better lives for Thee.
01:23 Now, forgive us of our sins; hide me behind Thy cross.
01:27 In the name of Jesus, we pray.
01:29 Let everyone say amen and amen.
01:31 Aud.: Amen.
01:32 PB: All right, quickly now, we've been here, this is our
01:34 third night.
01:35 This is what night for us, everybody?
01:37 Aud.: Third night.
01:38 PB: Come on, talk to me.
01:39 This is what night for us, everybody?
01:41 Aud.: Third.
01:42 PB: This is our third night, and we have been studying
01:44 the Word of God and we've discovered a lot of things
01:46 from the Word of God.
01:47 As Christians, we are looking forward to Jesus' second
01:49 coming.
01:50 Amen?
01:51 Aud.: Amen.
01:52 PB: Is anybody looking forward to Jesus' second
01:54 coming?
01:55 You are tired of living in this world from day to day
01:57 with all the strife and all the struggle that we face,
01:59 and so we are looking forward to Jesus' second coming.
02:03 Jesus' second return.
02:05 Now, do we know when Jesus is coming?
02:08 Aud.: No.
02:09 PB: Come on, do we know when Jesus is coming?
02:11 Aud.: No.
02:12 PB: No.
02:13 We don't know when Jesus is coming.
02:15 The only person that knows is the Father.
02:17 It's whom, everybody?
02:18 Aud.: The Father.
02:19 PB: Come on, the only person that knows is the Father.
02:21 It's whom, everybody?
02:22 Aud.: The Father.
02:23 PB: The Father.
02:24 Not even the angels, they do not know.
02:26 No man knoweth the day or the hour when Jesus the Son
02:28 of Man cometh.
02:29 But we recognize, the Bible has given us signs.
02:31 The Bible has given us things that show and tell us that
02:33 His coming is very soon.
02:34 One of them is that the Bible says just before His coming
02:37 there will be wars and rumors of what, everybody?
02:40 Aud.: Wars.
02:41 PB: Come on, wars and rumors of what, everybody?
02:43 Aud.: Wars.
02:44 PB: There will be earthquakes, there will be pestilence,
02:46 there will be nation rise against what?
02:48 Aud.: Nations.
02:49 PB: And kingdom against what?
02:50 Aud.: Kingdoms.
02:51 PB: And we discover in the world in which we live, we are
02:54 experiencing all of that right now.
02:56 Aud.: Amen.
02:57 PB: But the Bible lets us know that when Jesus Christ
02:59 comes back, praise be to God, that when He comes back,
03:02 every living eye is going to see Him.
03:05 And so we recognize there will be nothing secret
03:07 about Christ's coming.
03:08 It will not be a secret rapture, it will not be where
03:11 Jesus comes to get a group of people here and then another
03:14 group of people there, but doesn't get these people.
03:16 When Jesus comes, He's coming to get the righteous and every
03:19 living eye is going to see Him.
03:22 The Bible lets us know not only that, but it shares with us
03:25 in Acts chapter 1, that the same way Jesus left this earth
03:29 is going to be the same way Jesus returns to this earth.
03:33 So, He left this earth in the air.
03:36 He left this earth in a cloud, which means then if He returns
03:40 the same way He left, He will return in a cloud
03:43 and He will return in the air.
03:45 Are you hearing what I'm saying, everybody?
03:47 [Aud. reaction] PB: Very good.
03:49 We then discover that when Jesus Christ comes back there
03:52 will be four primary groups of people.
03:55 Four primary groups of people.
03:58 The Bible lets us know, go to 1 Thessalonians.
04:00 What book did I say, everybody?
04:02 Aud.: First Thessalonians.
04:03 PB: First Thessalonians chapter 4, and we're going
04:05 to verses 16 and 17.
04:07 The Bible lets us know and defines these four groups
04:10 of people.
04:11 First Thessalonians chapter 4, verse number 16.
04:14 If you have it, let me hear you say amen.
04:17 Aud.: Amen.
04:18 PB: All right, 1 Thessalonians chapter 4,
04:20 verse number 16, the Word of God says, "For the Lord
04:23 himself shall descend from heaven with a," what?
04:26 Aud.: Shout.
04:27 PB: Come on, with a what?
04:28 Aud.: Shout.
04:29 PB: "With a shout, with the voice of the archangel,
04:31 and with the trump of," whom, everybody?
04:33 Aud.: God.
04:34 PB: And then the Bible says "The dead in," what?
04:36 Aud.: Christ.
04:37 PB: Come on, the dead in whom?
04:39 Aud.: Christ.
04:40 PB: "Shall rise" what?
04:41 Aud.: First.
04:42 PB: Then verse 17 says, "Then we which are alive and remain
04:44 shall be caught up together with them in the clouds,
04:46 to meet the Lord in the," what?
04:47 Aud.: Air.
04:48 PB: "And so shall we ever be with," whom, everybody?
04:50 Aud.: The Lord.
04:51 PB: Now, this lets us know about groups one and two.
04:53 Number one, the Bible is very clear that the righteous dead
04:57 at Jesus' second coming will rise, what?
05:00 Aud.: First.
05:01 PB: Group number two, the righteous living, the Bible
05:04 says, will be caught up to meet the Lord in the what?
05:07 Aud.: The air.
05:08 PB: Then we recognize, 2 Thessalonians chapter 2,
05:10 verses 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, let us know that the wicked
05:15 living, those who are wicked and alive at the time
05:17 of Christ's return, the Bible says that they will die
05:21 at the brightness of His coming.
05:23 But then the Bible goes on, in Revelation chapter 20,
05:26 verse number 5.
05:28 And the Bible lets us know in Revelation 20:5 that
05:31 the wicked dead will remain dead.
05:33 They will remain what, everybody?
05:35 Aud.: Dead.
05:36 PB: So that means group number one, the righteous
05:38 dead, rise what?
05:39 Aud.: First.
05:40 PB: Come on, righteous dead rise what?
05:42 Aud.: First.
05:43 PB: Group number two, righteous living, are caught
05:45 up to meet the Lord in the - Aud.: Air.
05:47 PB: Group number three, the wicked living die
05:49 at the brightness of His what?
05:50 Aud.: Coming.
05:51 PB: Group number four, the wicked dead, remain what?
05:53 Aud.: Dead.
05:54 PB: All right, let me see how good you are.
05:56 They remain dead for how long?
05:58 Aud.: A thousand years.
05:59 PB: Come on, how long?
06:01 [Aud. reaction] PB: They remain
06:03 dead for how long?
06:04 [Aud. reaction] PB: Okay, during
06:06 the 1,000 years, where are the righteous?
06:08 Aud.: In heaven.
06:09 PB: They are where?
06:10 Aud.: In heaven.
06:11 PB: And they are participating in what?
06:13 Aud.: Judgment.
06:14 PB: They are participating in judgment.
06:16 Where are the wicked?
06:17 Aud.: Dead.
06:18 PB: They're dead, where?
06:19 [Aud. reaction] PB: Has there been
06:21 a funeral for them?
06:22 Aud.: No.
06:23 PB: Why can there be no funeral for them?
06:25 [Aud. reaction] PB: Nobody ever,
06:27 'cause they're what?
06:28 Aud.: Dead.
06:29 PB: They're dead.
06:30 What happens to Satan during this 1,000 years?
06:32 [Aud. reaction] PB: He's bound?
06:34 Why is he bound?
06:35 [Aud. reaction] PB: He's bound by a set
06:37 of circumstances, why?
06:38 The righteous are in where?
06:39 Aud.: Heaven.
06:40 PB: And the wicked are what?
06:41 Aud.: Dead.
06:42 PB: Here on this what?
06:43 Aud.: Earth.
06:44 PB: Now, the Bible speaks of two resurrections.
06:47 The first resurrection happens at the second coming
06:49 when the dead in Christ rise, what?
06:51 Aud.: First.
06:52 PB: Then we recognize there is a resurrection of the wicked
06:54 at the end of the 1,000 years.
06:55 Now, during the 1,000 years, where the righteous
06:57 are in heaven and the wicked are dead here on this earth,
06:59 can the righteous pray their wicked loved ones
07:01 off this earth into heaven?
07:02 Aud.: No.
07:03 PB: Is there such thing as limbo?
07:05 Aud.: No.
07:06 PB: Is there such thing as purgatory?
07:08 Aud.: No.
07:09 PB: No.
07:10 That's not biblical.
07:11 The Bible is very clear, the wicked are dead,
07:13 the righteous are in heaven until the 1,000years
07:15 are finished.
07:16 At the end of the 1,000 years there's another resurrection,
07:18 correct?
07:19 Aud.: Yes.
07:20 PB: And there's a resurrection of the wicked, a resurrection
07:22 of the what, everybody?
07:24 Aud.: Wicked.
07:25 PB: Wicked.
07:26 We recognize the wicked are resurrected.
07:28 And what will Satan seek to do one last time?
07:30 Aud.: Deceive.
07:31 PB: He will seek to deceive the wicked into thinking they
07:33 can overtake the righteous and the Holy City.
07:35 The Bible is very clear in Revelation chapter 20
07:37 that the New Jerusalem, the Holy City, it will come down out
07:40 of heaven, the Bible teaches us the Bride adorned for her
07:42 husband.
07:43 But the wicked will think that they can overtake
07:45 the righteous and the Holy City, and so they will circle
07:48 this city and they will seek to overtake it.
07:50 But at that point, God will rain down what?
07:52 Aud.: Fire.
07:53 PB: Come on, He will rain down what?
07:55 Aud.: Fire.
07:56 PB: Fire.
07:57 Remember, God comes back to this earth and walks this
07:59 earth until this earth has been cleansed.
08:01 Remember, there are only two ways anything can be cleansed.
08:03 Either you wash it or you what?
08:05 Aud.: Burn it.
08:06 PB: Burn it.
08:07 God washed this earth at the flood, but He said it won't
08:09 be water but fire next time.
08:12 So at the end of the 1,000 years, recognize there will
08:15 be a resurrection of the wicked, and this resurrection
08:18 of the wicked will mean that they will seek to overtake
08:21 the New Jerusalem.
08:22 God will rain down fire and sin will never raise its ugly
08:25 head like that anymore.
08:26 Now, quickly, I want to make sure you're with me.
08:29 Remember what we studied on Sunday night.
08:31 At the end of the 1,000 years, there is a resurrection
08:34 of the wicked.
08:36 We shared with you that this is a special time in earth's
08:39 history, because it's at this time, at the end of the 1,000
08:42 years, that everyone who has ever lived, we will all be
08:45 alive at the same time.
08:48 This will be the only time in earth's history, at the end
08:50 of the 1,000 years, when the wicked are resurrected, that
08:53 everyone who has ever lived, we will all be alive
08:57 at the same time.
08:58 And so the question is asked, why would God resurrect
09:02 wicked people only to kill them again?
09:04 [Aud. reaction] PB: If they're going to be dead
09:06 anyway, why is He resurrecting them?
09:09 Is He just trying to trick them into thinking that they
09:11 can be resurrected and they can be alive and they can
09:13 live again?
09:14 Why are they resurrected only to die again?
09:17 We discover that they must be resurrected at the end
09:20 of the 1,000 years, everyone must be alive at the same time,
09:23 because the prophecy must come to pass that a day will
09:26 come where every knee shall bow.
09:28 [Aud. reaction] PB: Every tongue
09:31 must confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
09:34 So at the end of that 1,000 years, everyone who has ever
09:37 lived must acknowledge He is Lord.
09:39 Everyone must acknowledge He is Savior.
09:42 Everyone must acknowledge He is Redeemer.
09:45 For all the agnostics, for all the atheists, for all the people
09:49 that did not believe He is God, at the end
09:51 of the 1,000 years they must say He is Lord.
09:54 He is Lord.
09:55 Aud.: Amen.
09:56 PB: At His first coming, when He came as a babe, He came
10:03 to save His people.
10:05 At His second coming, when He comes back to redeem
10:11 the righteous from the earth, He's coming to get His people.
10:13 At His third coming, at the end of the 1,000 years, He's coming
10:21 back with His people.
10:25 First coming to what, everybody?
10:28 Aud.: Save.
10:29 PB: Come on, first coming to what?
10:31 Aud.: Save.
10:32 PB: Second coming to what?
10:33 Aud.: Get.
10:34 PB: Get.
10:35 Third coming to what?
10:36 [Aud. reaction] PB: All right, so at His first
10:38 coming He comes to save, as a babe.
10:40 He went to Calvary, He died for our sins.
10:42 At His second coming, He's coming to get His people.
10:45 At his third coming, He's coming back with his people.
10:50 All right, now, let's expand our minds.
10:54 Remember now, rather if I teach you that I preach you.
10:56 Expand your minds.
10:58 We said it on Saturday night.
10:59 If all the righteous went to heaven at their earthly
11:09 death, who would Jesus be coming back to get at His
11:16 second coming?
11:17 If all the righteous now, went straight to heaven.
11:21 Because we hear that all the time.
11:23 We have funerals, we go to funerals, people die.
11:25 And you hear people say all the time, he's in a better
11:27 place.
11:28 She's in a better place.
11:30 They're looking down on us.
11:32 Have you heard that?
11:34 [Aud. reaction] PB: All right, if all
11:37 of the earthly living, who died on this earth before
11:41 Jesus came back, went to heaven, there would be
11:45 no dead in Christ to rise.
11:47 Because if they were all in heaven, who would get up?
11:50 Now, if they didn't get up and they were already in heaven,
11:56 then that would make the Bible out to be a lie.
11:58 Because we just read from the Scriptures
12:01 in 1 Thessalonians 4:16, "For the Lord himself shall
12:03 descend from heaven with a" what, everybody?
12:06 Aud.: Shout.
12:07 PB: Shout.
12:08 With the voice of the archangel, the trump of God,
12:10 and the Bible says that the dead in Christ shall rise what?
12:13 Aud.: First.
12:14 PB: If they were already in heaven, who would rise first?
12:17 [Aud. reaction] PB: So my question
12:19 tonight is, who told you
12:23 that somebody who died went straight to heaven?
12:26 Where did you read in the Bible, because this is not
12:30 the gospel according to Carlton Byrd.
12:33 This is not the gospel according to Pastor Byrd.
12:36 Where did you read the Bible where it showed or told you
12:40 that when a person dies they go straight to heaven?
12:46 So then, Pastor Byrd, all right, that makes sense.
12:49 What you're saying is what's right from the Word of God.
12:52 If then, Pastor, a person who dies doesn't go straight
12:57 to heaven at death, what happens to a person when they die?
13:03 What really is death?
13:07 What does death mean?
13:09 Well, we understand that you know, God is omnipotent.
13:13 Come on, say amen.
13:15 Aud.: Amen.
13:16 PB: Which means, God is all powerful, But not only is God
13:20 omnipotent, God is omniscient, which means He's all knowing.
13:24 God is omnipresent, which means God is everywhere all
13:27 at the same time.
13:28 God is also, friends of mine, sovereign, which means God
13:31 can do what He wants, when He wants, where He wants, how He
13:34 wants, and He doesn't have to ask you and me for permission
13:37 to do as He wants.
13:38 God is also timeless, which means God has always been
13:42 here, always has been, always will be, always was and
13:46 always is, and because God is timeless, God is immortal,
13:51 which means God can't die.
13:55 God is uncreated.
13:57 God is self-existent.
13:59 God has no beginning.
14:01 Neither does God have an end.
14:05 We on the other hand are human beings.
14:08 As human beings, we are mortal, which means, friends
14:12 of mine, we are subject to death.
14:15 Mortal means subject to death.
14:18 And because mortal means that, that's where we get
14:20 all the words dealing with mortal.
14:22 For example, dealing with the dead.
14:24 Mortal mans death.
14:26 Mortuary means house of death.
14:29 Mortician means one who works with the dead, and mortgage
14:32 means you'll pay it until you're dead.
14:37 [Aud. reaction] PB: No human being
14:43 lives forever, because we're mortal.
14:47 We're what, everybody?
14:48 Aud.: Mortal.
14:49 PB: Come on, say we're mortal.
14:51 We're mortal, we're what, everybody?
14:53 Aud.: Mortal.
14:54 PB: All right, Ecclesiastes 9:5 and 6 teaches that the
14:56 living know that they shall die, but the dead know
15:00 not anything.
15:01 So, if a person doesn't go straight to heaven, if they
15:03 don't go straight to hell, then they die, well, what
15:05 does death really mean?
15:07 Go to Genesis chapter 2, and let's go to verse number 7.
15:12 Genesis chapter 2 and we're going to verse number 7.
15:16 Genesis 2, verse number 7.
15:18 Genesis chapter 2, verse number 7.
15:22 If you have it, let me hear you say Amen.
15:24 Aud.: Amen.
15:25 PB: The Word of God says to us tonight in Genesis chapter
15:28 2, verse number 7, "And the Lord God."
15:31 The Lord, whom, everybody?
15:32 Aud.: God.
15:33 PB: "And the Lord God."
15:34 The Lord, whom, everybody?
15:35 Aud.: God.
15:36 PB: "Formed man of the dust of the," what?
15:39 Aud.: Ground.
15:40 PB: "And breathed into his nostrils the breath of,"
15:42 what?
15:43 Aud.: Life.
15:44 PB: "And man became a living," what, everybody?
15:47 Aud.: Soul.
15:48 PB: All right, number one, from the text we're clear
15:50 that man came from God.
15:51 Man did not come from monkey.
15:52 Man did not come from a big bang theory.
15:55 Man did not come when there was just this loud boom,
15:58 and then man began to exist.
16:00 Man came from God.
16:02 And the Lord God formed Man of the dust of the ground,
16:06 breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man
16:10 became a living what, everybody?
16:12 Aud.: Soul.
16:13 PB: Now, the Bible is clear that there are two elements
16:15 in order for one to be a living soul.
16:17 You need, number one, dust of the ground.
16:19 Dust of the what, everybody?
16:20 Aud.: Ground.
16:21 PB: Come on, dust of the what, everybody?
16:23 Aud.: Ground.
16:24 PB: And then you need the breath of what?
16:26 Aud.: Life.
16:27 PB: The breath of life in order to become a living
16:29 soul.
16:30 So then, dust plus breath equals living what?
16:32 Aud.: Soul.
16:33 PB: If you have dust but don't have breath, do you have
16:37 a living soul?
16:38 Aud.: No.
16:39 PB: No.
16:40 If you don't have dust, but you do have breath, do you
16:43 have a living soul?
16:44 Aud.: No.
16:45 PB: No, because you need dust plus what, everybody?
16:47 Aud.: Breath.
16:48 PB: Breath.
16:49 Now, God formed man of the dust of the ground
16:53 and made a body, combining breath
16:55 and body man became a living soul.
16:57 Now, that's what happens when a man is created.
17:02 What happens then when a man dies?
17:05 What is then the reverse of life?
17:11 Dust plus breath equals living soul.
17:14 What happens then to a man when a man dies?
17:18 Go to Ecclesiastes chapter 12, what does the Word of God
17:22 say?
17:23 Ecclesiastes chapter 12, and we're going to
17:27 verse number 7.
17:29 Ecclesiastes chapter 12, and we're going to verse
17:33 number 7.
17:36 Ecclesiastes chapter 12, Psalms, Proverbs, Song
17:40 of Solomon, Ecclesiastes 12, verse number 7.
17:45 The Word of God is clear to us tonight.
17:48 It says in Ecclesiastes 12:7.
17:49 If you have it, let me hear you say amen.
17:51 The Word says, Ecclesiastes 12:7, "Then shall the dust
17:54 return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return
17:58 unto," whom, everybody?
18:00 Aud.: God.
18:01 PB: Unto whom, everybody?
18:02 Aud.: God.
18:03 PB: God, who gave it.
18:04 So, when a person dies, the body returns to what?
18:07 Aud.: Dust.
18:08 PB: The body returns to dust.
18:10 Not only does the body return to dust, the second part
18:12 of that is the spirit returns to whom?
18:15 Aud.: God.
18:16 PB: God.
18:17 All right, so then, dust of the ground, breath of life,
18:19 living soul.
18:20 When a person dies, the body returns to what?
18:23 Aud.: Dust.
18:24 PB: The dust.
18:25 The breath, or the spirit, returns to whom?
18:28 Aud.: God.
18:29 PB: And the soul no longer exists.
18:32 Because remember, we said, you have to have dust plus
18:35 breath in order to have a living soul.
18:37 So some people are trying to take it literally and they
18:39 say well, Pastor Byrd, I hear you.
18:41 Dust plus breath equals a living soul.
18:43 The body returns to dust, spirit returns to God,
18:45 but how do we know the spirit and the soul are not one
18:48 and the same?
18:49 Because you're saying the spirit returns to God.
18:52 How do we know that the spirit is not the soul?
18:56 How do we know that the spirit is actually
18:59 the breath?
19:01 Now, remember Genesis 2:7.
19:03 "The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground
19:05 and breathed" into its what, everybody?
19:07 Aud.: Life.
19:08 PB: The breath of what?
19:09 Aud.: Life.
19:10 PB: Man became a living soul.
19:11 We're saying, the Bible said, dust body, breath spirit.
19:16 Body returning to dust, spirit returning to God.
19:19 But we've got to make sure that the spirit and the soul
19:22 are not the same.
19:23 So how do we know?
19:24 Go to the book of Job.
19:28 Job, let the Bible speak for itself.
19:31 Job chapter 27, verse number 3.
19:35 Job, chapter 27, verse number 3.
19:42 The Bible is very clear, the Word says, "All the while
19:46 my breath is in me, and the spirit of," whom,
19:49 everybody?
19:50 Aud.: God.
19:51 PB: Come on, the spirit of whom, everybody?
19:53 Aud.: God.
19:54 PB: "Is in my," what?
19:55 Aud.: Nostrils.
19:56 PB: Nostrils.
19:57 The spirit of God is in my, what?
19:59 Aud.: Nostrils.
20:00 PB: So then, the spirit of God, the breath of God,
20:02 is synonymous.
20:03 Not the spirit and the soul, but the spirit and the breath.
20:07 When a person dies, the body returns to what?
20:10 Aud.: Dust.
20:11 PB: Dust.
20:12 The spirit or the breath returns to whom?
20:14 Aud.: God.
20:15 PB: And then the soul ceases to exist because you can't
20:17 have a soul without the dust of the ground and the breath
20:21 of life in order to make a living soul.
20:24 This makes sense, because God formed man of dust
20:28 and breathed into his nostrils breath.
20:31 The biblical definition for soul is body plus breath
20:35 equals living soul.
20:36 A living, breathing being is the soul.
20:40 The Bible then is trying to tell us tonight, in the text,
20:43 it is saying that we are souls.
20:46 The truth is we don't have souls, but we are souls.
20:55 The confusion that many people think is that we have
20:58 a soul.
20:59 We don't have a soul, we are a soul.
21:03 When a person dies, the body returns to dust, spirit
21:07 returns to God, and the soul ceases to exist 'cause we
21:11 don't have it, we are it.
21:13 [Aud. reaction] PB: Now, the Bible
21:17 goes on.
21:19 Ezekiel, chapter 18, verse number 4, it says then,
21:23 that "The soul that sinneth, it shall die."
21:27 Now, the reality is, Romans 6 teaches that "All have sinned
21:32 and come short of the glory of God," which means, I don't
21:36 care if you have your suit on tonight, I don't care if you
21:38 have a dress on tonight, I don't care if you look good
21:40 for an outside world.
21:41 Friends of mine, all of us are sinners.
21:44 [Aud. reaction] PB: All of us have done wrong.
21:46 We try to point out sin.
21:48 This is red sin, this is white sin, this is black sin,
21:52 this is little sin.
21:53 Sin is sin.
21:55 Everybody up in here is an ex-something.
21:58 [Aud. reaction] PB: All of us have
22:02 sinned, so all of us if it weren't for the grace of God,
22:07 where would we be?
22:08 For all of us, if it hath not been for the Lord on my side,
22:13 then tell me where would I be?
22:15 It then goes on to point out in Ecclesiastes 12,
22:18 so the living know that they shall die.
22:20 The living have to know that they're going to die, because
22:22 all that have sinned have come short of the glory of God,
22:25 and the soul that sinneth, it's going to what?
22:28 Die.
22:29 The body returns to dust, spirit returns to God, soul
22:38 ceases to exist.
22:41 The soul that sinneth, it shall die.
22:43 All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
22:49 I've gone through all of this to tell you one simple thing:
22:56 Dead people are dead.
22:59 [Aud. reaction] PB: Dead people are
23:04 not in heaven, because if they were in heaven, who would
23:08 Jesus be coming back to get?
23:10 Dead people are dead.
23:14 Dead people are not walking up and down the earth.
23:18 Why?
23:19 Because the body returns to dust.
23:22 The spirit returns to God.
23:25 The soul ceases to what?
23:26 Aud.: Exist.
23:27 PB: We don't have souls, because we are souls.
23:33 Dead people are what, everybody?
23:37 Aud.: Dead.
23:38 PB: Come on, dead people are what?
23:40 Aud.: Dead.
23:41 PB: Go to Job 7.
23:42 Look at Job 7, verse number 9.
23:44 To prove to you dead people are dead.
23:46 Let's get what the Word of God says.
23:48 Job chapter 7, verse number 9.
23:50 Job chapter 7, and verse number 9.
23:53 The Word of God says to us in Job chapter 7,
23:57 verse number 9.
23:58 The Word says, "As the cloud is consumed and vanisheth
24:00 away: so he that goeth down to the grave shall come up no
24:04 more."
24:05 Verse 10, "He shall return no more to his house, neither
24:08 shall his place know him any more."
24:11 Which means then, that dead people do not go back
24:14 and haunt their houses.
24:15 [Aud. reaction] PB: Well, Mama was
24:19 talking to me.
24:20 No, she was not.
24:21 Gramma was talking to me.
24:24 No, she was not.
24:26 Daddy was looking down on me.
24:27 No, he was not.
24:28 I had a dream and saw them alive last night.
24:31 No, you did not.
24:33 The dead are dead.
24:35 Dead people can't go back and haunt houses.
24:38 But we've got this crazy TV show coming on now.
24:41 Talking about people that are dead, now I saw them.
24:44 You didn't see anything.
24:45 You ate a full meal before you went to bed, and now
24:47 you're dreaming stuff in your head.
24:50 [Aud. reaction] PB: Dead people are
24:53 what, everybody?
24:54 Aud.: Dead.
24:55 PB: Now get some more.
24:56 Go to Job 14.
24:58 And go to verse number 14.
25:01 Job chapter 14, and go to verse number 12 and then
25:04 we're going to read 12 and 21.
25:06 Job chapter 14, verse number 12, the Word of God says
25:08 to us tonight.
25:09 Job chapter 14, verse number 12.
25:12 "So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens
25:15 be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised
25:18 out of their sleep."
25:19 Everybody say sleep.
25:20 Aud.: Sleep.
25:21 PB: Verse 21, "His sons come to honour, and he knoweth
25:23 it not; and they are brought low, but he perceiveth
25:26 it not of them."
25:28 Dead people do not know what their loved ones on earth
25:31 are doing.
25:32 Because dead people are what, everybody?
25:34 Aud.: Dead.
25:35 PB: Think about it, folks.
25:36 Why would God, a loving God that we serve, allow our
25:39 loved ones who have died in Him to be in heaven, looking
25:41 down on us going through all the mess we go through.
25:44 Why would God do that?
25:46 God would not want to do that.
25:47 We serve a loving God.
25:49 >: It's an age-old question: What happens after we die?
25:53 The Breath of Life gift offer this week is "What the Bible
25:56 Says About Death."
25:57 This little book peels back the theories the world has
26:00 on the afterlife and carefully explains what's accurate
26:03 based on a source we can really rely on, God's Word.
26:08 Discover what the Bible says about the soul, human nature,
26:11 talking to the dead, the coming millennium, the resurrection,
26:15 and hell.
26:16 "What the Bible Says About Death" is yours for a gift
26:18 of $5 or more.
26:19 Just call our toll-free number, 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:25 That's 877-265-6333.
26:28 Please have your credit card ready when you call.
26:30 Or, you may write to us to request your copy.
26:32 Just send your check to Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
26:37 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
26:40 Find comfort in what's to come after we pass from
26:43 this world to the next.
26:44 Get your copy of "What the Bible Says About Death"
26:47 today.
26:50 >: Are you on Facebook?
26:52 Carlton Byrd invites you to join his Facebook page.
26:55 Just go to Breath of Life TV on Facebook and click Like.
26:59 There you'll find inspirational posts and short devotionals
27:01 form Carlton to help you through your day.
27:04 You will also be able to get the latest updates on
27:08 Carlton's preaching schedule and see what's new at Breath
27:12 of Life television.
27:13 Stay in touch, stay blessed.
27:15 Go to Breath of Life TV on Facebook and click Like today.
27:19 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching Breath
27:23 of Life today.
27:24 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry
27:27 and that we gave a healing word in a hurting world.
27:31 In order for Breath of Life to continue in ministry
27:34 we need you.
27:35 We need your prayers, we need your support.
27:38 We want you to know that any and all donations, small
27:41 or great, they are sincerely welcomed and appreciated.
27:45 To contact us or to make your donations, please feel free
27:48 to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:53 That's 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:59 Or, you may write to us at Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
28:05 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
28:08 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 91319.
28:15 Or log onto our website at
28:21 PB: What happens to a person when they die?
28:24 What really is death?


Revised 2015-02-05