Breath of Life

Trust Without Limits

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000143

00:01 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:11 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:18 ♪ all the praise... ♪ [music]
00:21 Pastor Byrd: I want to welcome those who watch in the services
00:23 at the Oakwood University Church, Breath of Life Ministry,
00:26 and we want you to turn in your Bibles now
00:28 to the book of Job.
00:29 Job chapter 13, just one verse, Job chapter 13, verse 15.
00:41 I wanted to preach this this week because there's been
00:44 a lot of death in our church, a lot of sickness, and so I
00:49 believe that we need a healing Word in a hurting world.
00:54 Can you say amen?
00:55 Aud.: Amen.
00:56 PB: When I first arrived here over two years ago,
00:59 you'll remember my first year here we
01:01 had 34 funerals.
01:03 It just seems that they come in bunches, and now this week
01:06 it appears that they're coming in bunches, and so I just have
01:11 one verse that I would encourage you with today,
01:14 and that's taken from Job 13, verse number 15.
01:22 Job 13:15, the Word of God says, "Though he slay me,
01:29 yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain
01:36 mine own ways before him."
01:39 Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.
01:46 Today you've got to learn how to trust without limits.
01:52 [Aud. reaction] PB: Father in heaven, Lord,
01:53 now breathe on us, speak for Your servants here.
01:56 Hide us behind Your cross, may Your Holy Ghost bring today,
02:00 bring healing, bring comfort, to Thy people we pray.
02:07 In Jesus' name, amen.
02:09 Aud.: Amen.
02:10 PB: The book of Job is one of the oldest books
02:16 in the Bible.
02:18 In fact, though the book of Job is placed in the Bible
02:21 after the book of Esther and before the book of Psalms,
02:25 many theologians believe that the book of Job was written
02:29 after Exodus, and so its authorship is ascribed to Moses.
02:34 Remember, the Bible is not written
02:39 in chronological order.
02:41 All the things in Genesis did not necessarily happen
02:45 first, and all the things in Revelation
02:48 did not necessarily happen last because how could
02:51 war in heaven with Satan being thrown out of heaven,
02:55 as written in Revelation, happen after the fall of man,
02:59 as written in Genesis?
03:01 [Aud. reaction]: PB: Yes, Genesis
03:03 comes before Revelation, but Satan's fall from heaven
03:07 happened before Adam and Eve ate fruit.
03:12 Because they couldn't have been deceived to eat fruit
03:15 if Satan hadn't fallen in the first place.
03:18 The book of Job tells the story about a man who
03:23 had everything.
03:24 Lost everything.
03:28 But in the end got everything plus interest back.
03:32 Do I have a witness in this place?
03:34 [Aud. reaction]: PB: In the book of Job,
03:36 you will discover that disaster took his fortune.
03:40 Disease tortured his flesh.
03:43 Death touched his family.
03:46 Deceit turned his friends.
03:49 But God's deliverance gave him double for his trouble.
03:53 [Aud. reaction]: PB: Let this be a reminder
03:55 for us.
03:56 I don't care how rough it gets, I don't care how tough it gets,
04:01 no weapon formed against you is going to prosper.
04:07 Somebody knows that if God be for us, who can be against us?
04:13 Job, however, is not remembered
04:16 for his triumphs.
04:17 Job is remembered for his trials.
04:21 The story of Job is not a fairy tale.
04:24 Job is not some fictitious figure of the past,
04:28 Job was a real man who lived in a real world,
04:32 who faced real problems and fought a real devil.
04:36 Job was a man of flesh and blood, just like you and me.
04:40 Job lost the three things that are considered signs
04:43 of a man's well-being.
04:44 Number one, he lost his wealth.
04:46 He lost his health.
04:49 And then, he also lost his family.
04:53 In one 24-hour period, Job's life is turned upside-down.
04:59 Job has lost everything that he worked for his entire life.
05:03 In one day it's all gone.
05:05 Job's own wife said, "Why don't you just go ahead
05:08 and curse God and die?"
05:11 Job received bad news on top of bad news.
05:16 The devil said, "Okay, just watch now.
05:20 Just watch him, because he's now about to have a cussin'
05:24 fit and turn away from God."
05:27 The Bible says Job was a righteous man.
05:31 [Aud. reaction]: PB: Job did not turn from God
05:35 when bad things started happening to him.
05:37 It was Job who said, "Though he slay me,
05:41 yet will I trust in him."
05:45 In other words, God, you can kill me, but I'm not leaving
05:48 You.
05:49 God, I'm not going anywhere.
05:52 Trust in You is more important than living is to me, because
05:56 even in the depths of his sorrow, Job mourns more over
05:59 what seems to be his loss of God than he does over
06:02 the loss of his prosperity and family.
06:05 To live is Christ.
06:06 To die is gain.
06:09 After Job loses everything, after Job's wife tells him
06:13 to curse God and die.
06:14 The Bible says that Job rent his mantle, shaves his head,
06:20 falls down to the ground and then he starts worshiping
06:24 and praising God.
06:26 I believe that I've got a witness in this place that
06:30 knows that some of your best worship is when you're broken.
06:35 When everything in your life is breaking loose.
06:38 Because that's when the Master Mender puts everything back
06:43 together again.
06:44 Do I have a witness in this place?
06:46 [Aud. reaction]: PB: That's why
06:48 I'm a praiser.
06:49 That's why I'm a worshiper.
06:50 That's why I lift my hands and I bless Him.
06:53 Not just when I'm in trouble but when things are also going
06:56 well, because in the good times, praise His name.
06:59 [Aud. reaction]: PB: In the bad times,
07:01 we've got to do the same.
07:02 In everything, give the King of Kings all the praise.
07:06 But in the middle of the book, Job gets into a conversation
07:11 with his friends.
07:12 His friends suggest that because of his troubles, that in some
07:18 form or fashion he must have sinned against God.
07:23 Job and his friends were stepped in the tradition that
07:25 claimed suffering was always a punishment for a specific sin,
07:29 but the philosophy of suffering as set forth by the friends
07:32 of Job was not correct.
07:33 Listen to me carefully.
07:34 As a child of God you must always distinguish between
07:38 the truth of an infinite God versus the faulty ideas
07:41 expressed by infinite speakers.
07:44 Aud.: Amen.
07:45 PB: Rain falls on the just and the unjust.
07:51 Just because you love God doesn't mean
07:54 you won't have trouble.
07:55 Aud.: Amen.
07:56 PB: Just because you go to church doesn't mean
07:59 everything is going to be peaches and cream.
08:01 Some people think that if they serve God, if they worship
08:05 God, if they praise God that your marriage will always
08:07 be great, your kids will be great,
08:09 your finances will be great, your job will be great
08:12 and your health will be great.
08:13 But the Bible says that they that live godly lives are going
08:16 to suffer persecution.
08:17 [Aud. reaction]: PB: Which means,
08:20 you can believe God and still go through trouble.
08:25 You can believe God and still go through tests.
08:28 Go through trials, go through persecution,
08:30 adversities, perplexities and complexities,
08:33 because just because you have a connection with God doesn't
08:36 mean you won't go through trouble.
08:39 Aud.: Amen.
08:40 PB: In life I've learned things happen.
08:45 Stuff happens.
08:47 It happens to good people.
08:49 It happens to bad people.
08:52 It happens to old people, to young people.
08:54 It happens to rich people, it happens to poor people,
08:57 it happens to black people, it happens to white people,
09:02 it happens to everybody in spite of your commitment
09:05 to the church.
09:06 In spite of the fact that you return tithes and offerings,
09:09 in spite of the fact that you may sing in the choir or usher
09:12 in the church, trouble will still come.
09:14 [Aud. reaction]: PB: But you understand
09:16 you have to go through something where your faith
09:20 is tried.
09:22 Faith is not proven in abundance.
09:26 Faith is proved in lack.
09:30 Tough times.
09:32 Dark days.
09:33 Faith is proven when the lights are out, not when the lights
09:36 are on.
09:38 When your tuition is due and your money is low.
09:40 When the cancer has been found.
09:44 When you're standing there in divorce court, when your
09:46 friends have walled out on you, God you see cannot let you
09:50 go through life easily, because that wouldn't build
09:52 your faith.
09:53 Aud.: Amen.
09:54 PB: And so God will let you experience and get in trouble
09:57 so He can teach you how to survive trouble
09:59 and its attack.
10:01 Job quickly goes through three cycles of conversation
10:05 with his so-called friends.
10:06 Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar, and then the Bible says Elihu
10:12 shares four speeches.
10:14 In a nutshell, these so-called friends tell Brother Job
10:19 that his suffering is linked to sin.
10:22 But Job is not aware of this sin, and so Job
10:26 was faced with the predicament of finding an explanation
10:29 for his misfortune.
10:31 Can you imagine, friends of mine, losing everything you
10:34 had?
10:36 Everything gone.
10:38 Your health, gone.
10:39 Your wealth, gone.
10:40 Your family, gone.
10:41 And then on top of that your so-called friends, who you've
10:45 given money to help out, come by and folks you helped,
10:50 because you do know the people you help the most appreciate
10:52 it the least.
10:54 [Aud. reaction]: PB: The people you've helped
10:59 come by and instead of saying "God bless you,
11:03 Brother," or, "We're praying for you, Brother,"
11:08 they say no, we're just going to criticize you by saying
11:11 "The reason, Job, you're going through this must be because
11:15 you're not right with God."
11:18 The text, Job 13, expounds on the second cycle
11:22 of conversations with Job and his friends.
11:27 But after charges of being accused a sinner, my friends,
11:30 Job then says, "Let me respond."
11:34 In verse 1 and 2, Job confirms that he has seen and heard
11:38 the same thing that his friend Zophar has.
11:41 Job is not ignorant of the things that are taking
11:43 place around him, nor is he ignorant
11:45 of the theology of the day.
11:46 In verse 4, Job tells his friends, "Look, I've talked
11:50 to you enough.
11:51 I'm tired of talking to you, let me know take you
11:55 to the top.
11:56 Let me take it and talk to the One who says
11:59 the buck stops here."
12:02 Job has already heard what his friends have had to say,
12:05 and they are of no help, so now he says,
12:07 "Let me speak to the One who's in charge."
12:10 In verse number 4 then, Job goes on the offensive.
12:15 He has listened to the "wisdom" of his friends and now
12:20 he wants to speak.
12:21 You see, I must admit, I'm a little like Job.
12:24 Job was one who believed, if you're going to say what
12:26 you're going to say, then in the spirit
12:29 of reciprocity let me say what I'm going to say.
12:32 And because of this, you're going to listen.
12:34 Do I have a witness in this place?
12:36 [Aud. reaction]: PB: The Bible says Job
12:38 calls them worthless liars.
12:40 He calls them worthless doctors.
12:45 Job calls his friends worthless physicians because
12:48 they have given advice, but they have no cure for it.
12:52 We know a lot of times what the problem is, but if you don't
12:57 have a solution then I suggest you just ought to be quiet.
13:02 He says that the wisest thing you can do is sit down
13:06 somewhere and listen.
13:08 So Job then begins to ask his friends a series
13:12 of rhetorical questions.
13:14 Number one, in verse 7, he says, "Will you speak falsely
13:18 for God?"
13:20 Verse 8, he says, "Are you God's mouthpiece?"
13:24 Verse 9, he says, "When it's all said and done, where will
13:28 you stand with God?
13:31 And so, in verse 12 Job tells his friends that their wisdom
13:34 is nothing more than ashes and clay.
13:36 Job asks his friends to let him speak.
13:38 He says that once he says what he has to say,
13:40 then let the chips fall where they may.
13:43 And so he comes to the text of Scripture.
13:46 In verse number 15, "Though he slay me,
13:51 yet will I trust in him."
13:58 I like the way the Holman Christian Standard Bible
14:01 puts it.
14:02 It says, "Even if God kills me, I will have hope in him."
14:09 Regardless of what comes my way, I still will have hope
14:13 in God.
14:14 Hallelujah, friends of mine.
14:15 So then, what do you do when trouble strikes?
14:19 What do you do when the bottom falls out?
14:25 What do you do when you feel like throwing in the towel?
14:30 What do you do when you've been diagnosed with cancer
14:33 or some incurable disease?
14:35 What do you do when you or someone you love has been
14:39 diagnosed with HIV.
14:41 What do you do when your loved one dies?
14:47 What do you do when your daughter dies, when she's only
14:51 four months old?
14:55 What do you do?
14:58 Three things I want to suggest to you then Iím going to sit
14:59 down.
15:01 Number one, and this is no theological masterpiece.
15:06 When trouble comes, you've got to learn how to trust God.
15:10 [Aud. reaction]: PB: "Trust in the Lord
15:14 with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own
15:21 understanding but in all thy ways acknowledge him,
15:26 and he shall direct thy path."
15:29 "Faith is the substance of things hoped for,
15:34 the evidence of things not seen." "Without faith
15:37 it is impossible to please God."
15:40 "God is the rewarder of those that diligently
15:42 seek him."
15:44 Friends of mine, things may get rough.
15:46 But you've got to keep trusting in God.
15:49 Things may get tough, but you've got to keep
15:53 trusting in God.
15:54 You may feel like giving up sometimes, but you've got
15:58 to keep trusting in God.
15:59 Sickness may be running through your body, but you've
16:02 got to keep trusting in your God.
16:04 You might not have a penny to your name, but you've got
16:07 to keep trusting in God.
16:09 Your marriage may be in trouble, your children may
16:12 be out of control, but you've got to keep trusting in God
16:16 because I once was young, but now Iím old, but I've never
16:20 seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging
16:24 for bread.
16:25 You have to have faith - [Aud. reaction]:
16:28 PB: in God.
16:29 Regardless of your troubles, you've got to keep trusting
16:33 in God.
16:34 No matter how you're suffering, you've got to keep
16:36 trusting God.
16:37 No matter what you deal with, you've got to keep trusting
16:39 God.
16:40 No matter what people do to you, you've got to keep
16:42 trusting God.
16:43 No matter the diagnosis, you've got to keep trusting
16:45 God.
16:46 Man's extremity is God's opportunity.
16:48 Your setback is a setup for a comeback.
16:51 [Aud. reaction]: PB: What lessons can I learn
16:55 from a setback?
16:57 A setback will teach you that something is about to break.
17:02 And I'm not talking about a breakdown or a breakup,
17:04 I'm talking about a breakthrough.
17:06 I wish I had a witness in this place.
17:08 [Aud. reaction]: PB: The very thing that somebody
17:11 in this church right now, you're dealing with right now.
17:13 Maybe a death of a friend, death of a church member,
17:15 death of a loved one, finances in trouble.
17:17 The thing you're dealing with right now, the issues
17:20 that you're confronting right now have everything to do
17:22 with your walk with God.
17:24 Friends, let's be clear.
17:25 That doesn't mean that if you're going through trouble
17:28 that it's a sign that you don't have a connection
17:30 with God.
17:31 Listen, it might not be the lack of your faith
17:34 that got you into it, but it's the strength
17:37 of your faith that's going to get you out of it.
17:39 [Aud. reaction]: PB: I'm trying to help somebody
17:43 understand that we can trust God in times of trouble.
17:49 Ellen White says in "Prophets and Kings" that "Hope
17:51 and courage are essential to perfect service for God."
17:54 She said, "These are the fruit of faith.
17:56 Despondency," she says, "Is sinful and unreasonable."
18:00 She says, "God is willing and able more abundantly
18:04 to bestow upon His servants the strength that they need
18:06 for test and trial."
18:08 Friends, she says, "The enemies of God and the enemies
18:12 of Satan's work may seem to be well laid and firmly
18:15 established."
18:16 But this is what gives me encouragement.
18:20 She says, "But God can overthrow the strongest
18:23 of beings and this I've had to learn.
18:27 He does in His own way," she says, "and His own time,
18:32 when He sees that the faith of His servants
18:37 has been sufficiently tested."
18:39 Aud.: Hallelujah.
18:40 PB: Do you all realize what happened?
18:43 That in one day Job lost all of his donkeys.
18:47 Lost all of his oxen.
18:50 All his sheep, all his animals, all his children, all his
18:53 servants except the four who came to tell him the news.
18:55 The only thing he didn't lose was his wife.
18:59 But seeing how she told him to curse God and die, maybe Job
19:03 would have been better off if he had lost her too.
19:05 Come on, say amen.
19:06 [Aud. reaction]: PB: Job was a broken man.
19:11 He had very good reason to think and feel that God
19:17 had left him.
19:19 But Job says, You can kill me, but God I'm not leaving You.
19:26 I'm not letting go that easily.
19:32 Number two: In trouble, you've got to know
19:36 the Word of God.
19:37 Knowing God's Word increases your faith and trust in God.
19:43 Paul said, "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing
19:47 by the word of God."
19:50 David said, "Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might
19:53 not sin against thee.
19:54 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path."
19:59 Peter says, in 1 Peter 5:8 that "We are kept by faith."
20:03 You see, our joy is not zeal without knowledge.
20:07 There are a lot of us who say amen, a lot of us who shout.
20:10 And folk don't know why you shout or why you say amen.
20:14 But our joy is based on a revelation.
20:17 It's based on a Word from the Most High God.
20:20 That's why I love the Word of God.
20:23 I don't care what you obtain on this side of life,
20:26 you'd better have a Word from the Lord in time
20:28 of trouble.
20:29 You can know the ruats of Hebrew, you can know
20:31 the evangelions of Greek, you can know the buenos noches
20:34 of Spanish, but like wood it will deteriorate.
20:38 Put water in a glass, it will evaporate.
20:41 The car you drive, it will depreciate.
20:44 The money in your pocket will devaluate.
20:47 Heaven and earth may pass away, but somebody knows
20:55 that the Word of God is going to stand forever.
21:00 You see, when you get enough Word in you, you can look at
21:06 folk and say, If you knew what I knew, you'd understand
21:11 why I act like I act.
21:14 Oh, y'all don't hear me.
21:15 [Aud. reaction]: PB: Let me tell you something.
21:17 Talking about when you have a Word in you,
21:19 when God's Word is in you.
21:20 When growing up, when I was growing up, in fact, probably
21:22 all of us when we were growing up there was a little toy
21:24 you used to have.
21:26 Maybe you didn't have it, but I remember having it.
21:29 I don't know if they still have it today.
21:31 I looked in the store, my daughter being a baby,
21:33 but they don't seem to have it.
21:34 But some of you may remember this, there was a toy and it
21:36 was called a See and Say.
21:38 [Aud. reaction]: PB: Anybody know what
21:40 I'm talking about?
21:41 [Aud. reaction]: PB: Everybody say "See and Say."
21:44 Aud.: See and Say.
21:46 PB: Now, for those that didn't know and don't know, it was
21:49 a round toy and it had an arrow on the toy.
21:54 And if you would pull the string, the arrow would turn
22:01 and after turning a while it would land on an animal.
22:05 And if landed on a sheep, it would say, "This is what
22:11 a sheep sounds like: Baa. Baa."
22:13 [Aud. reaction]: PB: You pull the string again,
22:19 and it would land on a cow.
22:22 And it would say, "This is what a cow sounds like:
22:25 Moo. Moo."
22:27 You pull the string again and the string
22:32 would land on a pig.
22:34 And it would say, "This is what a pig sounds like:
22:37 Oink. Oink. Oink-oink."
22:39 [Aud. reaction]: PB: What's interesting here
22:42 is the engineers of the See and Say,
22:44 they put a chip or something in the See and Say.
22:47 They recorded words, they recorded voices,
22:50 and they recorded and stored them in the See and Say.
22:52 You wouldn't know the voices were in the See and Say.
22:54 You wouldn't know the words were in the See and Say
22:56 until you pulled the string.
22:58 [Aud. reaction]: PB: I'm trying to help somebody.
23:04 Aolineís got it, but Iím trying to help somebody.
23:07 The devil's been messing with somebody's stuff.
23:12 Devil, you pulled the wrong string.
23:17 [Aud. reaction]: PB: The devil's been saying,
23:21 "You're going to be sick."
23:23 Devil, you pulled the wrong string.
23:28 "He was wounded for my transgressions, bruised for my
23:33 iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him,
23:38 but by his stripes I am healed."
23:41 The devil's been messing with somebody's money.
23:43 Devil, you messed with the wrong somebody.
23:46 You pulled the wrong string, for my God shall supply
23:51 all of my needs according to His riches in glory.
23:54 The devil's been messing with somebody's mind.
23:57 Get thee behind me, Satan.
23:59 In the name of Jesus, God shall keep me in perfect peace
24:05 when my mind is stayed on Him.
24:07 Hallelujah, somebody.
24:08 [Aud. reaction]: PB: Do me a favor.
24:10 You're a little stiff.
24:11 Turn to your neighbor and say, "Neighbor."
24:13 Aud.: Neighbor.
24:14 PB: "Don't pull my string."
24:15 Aud.: Don't pull my string.
24:16 PB: Let me tell you something.
24:19 In time of trouble, you're going to need a Word from the Lord.
24:24 Finally, number three: In time of trouble, you're going
24:32 to need a strong prayer life.
24:35 But I want to share and suggest that you don't need a strong
24:39 prayer life just in trouble.
24:42 But you need a strong prayer life all the time, because
24:45 when you get in trouble, you're going to need something
24:46 saved up on the inside.
24:47 You need a strong prayer life because when the enemy comes
24:54 in like a flood, God will lift up a standard.
25:00 The effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous
25:04 availeth much.
25:05 The effectiveness of our prayers is directly related to
25:08 the authenticity of our walk of faith.
25:12 Now, it's tough for a hypocrite to get God's ear.
25:19 If you look on in verse 16 of Job 13, it says, "He also
25:23 shall be my salvation: for an hypocrite shall not
25:25 come before him."
25:27 Isaiah 59:2 says, "But your iniquities have separated
25:30 between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face
25:32 from you, that he will not hear."
25:34 John 9:31, "Now we know that God heareth not sinners:
25:36 but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will,
25:38 him he heareth."
25:39 For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, his ears
25:42 are not open to their prayers, but the face of the Lord
25:45 is against them that do evil.
25:46 He that turneth his way, his ear from hearing the law,
25:48 even his prayer shall be an abomination.
25:55 But Jesus said, in Matthew 7:7, but "Ask, and it shall
25:56 be given you; seek, and ye shall find.
26:03 >: The Breath of Life gift offer this week is
26:05 "Help in Daily Living," a practical guide
26:07 to everyday blessings by renown Christian author Ellen G. White.
26:10 The book contains four powerful chapters on having
26:12 true and lasting relationships, developing
26:14 godly characters, walking a practical daily pace that
26:19 brings blessings, and staying the course of being a light in
26:21 the darkness until the Lord returns.
26:24 You'll discover the benefits of trials, the importance of
26:26 little things, the influence of living a consistent
26:29 Christian life, and the joy of the Lord.
26:32 "Help in Daily Living" is yours for a gift of $5.00 or
26:34 more.
26:35 Just call our toll-free number, 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:39 That's 877-265-6333.
26:43 Please have your credit card ready when you call.
26:45 Or you may write us to request your copy.
26:47 Just send your check to Breath of Life, P.O.
26:50 Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 91319.
26:53 Break out of the ordinary life and into the extraordinary
26:57 life God intended for you to live.
27:00 Get your copy of "Help in Daily Living" today.
27:03 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching
27:05 Breath of Life today.
27:07 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry and that we
27:10 gave a healing word in a hurting world.
27:14 In order for Breath of Life to continue ministering,
27:16 we need you.
27:17 We need your prayers.
27:19 We need your support.
27:21 We want you to know that any and all donations,
27:23 small or great, they are sincerely welcome
27:26 and appreciated.
27:27 To contact us or to make your donation, please feel free
27:31 to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:42 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
27:48 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
27:57 Feel free to log onto our web site at
28:04 can you imagine, friends of mine,
28:05 losing everything you had?
28:08 Everything gone.
28:11 Your health, gone.
28:12 Your wealth, gone.
28:12 Your family, gone.
28:14 And then on top of that your so-called friends,
28:17 who you've given money to help out, come by
28:21 and folks you helped, because you do know
28:24 the people you help the most appreciate it the least.


Revised 2015-02-06