Breath of Life

Devil Get Off Me - Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: pr. Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000137

00:01 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:10 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:18 ♪ all the praise. ♪ See the devil for who he is.
00:23 The devil is a liar.
00:24 Seeing is resisting.
00:25 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
00:29 All Satan wants to do is steal, kill and destroy.
00:34 All Satan wants to do is divide and conquer.
00:37 It's no mistake that Peter said, be sober, be vigilant,
00:42 because your adversary the devil is as a roaring lion,
00:45 seeking whom he may devour.
00:47 Do you know what devour means?
00:49 Devour means it's not just there to bite you.
00:52 Devour doesn't mean just to scratch you.
00:55 Devour is to destroy you.
00:57 Understand, friends of mine, the devil is not your friend.
01:01 If you look into the mirror and you put in your mind,
01:04 I'd better stop fooling around, I'd better stop
01:07 playing around, I'd better stop, because the devil's
01:10 not trying to scratch me, the devil's not trying
01:12 to bite me, the devil's not trying to scare me,
01:15 the devil is trying to destroy me.
01:17 The devil comes with poison.
01:21 To poison your mind with lies.
01:23 And the devil just doesn't seek to deceive outside
01:26 of the church universal.
01:29 But the devil tries to deceive inside
01:32 the church universal.
01:33 You see, friends of mine, in the church universal,
01:36 which means that's beyond just Oakwood.
01:38 In the church universal, that means it's beyond
01:40 Seventh-day Adventists.
01:41 But in the church universal, there are too many folk who
01:45 don't know the truth.
01:47 We come to church, but we don't know
01:51 what the Bible says.
01:54 We're biblically illiterate.
01:57 We come to church, even in here, even those of us
02:00 raised up in the church, we come to church out of habit,
02:03 we don't know a thing about what the Word of God says.
02:07 We shout and we don't know what we're shouting about.
02:10 We clap, and we don't know what we're clapping about.
02:14 Here we go, I listen to folk all the time, it just blows
02:16 my mind.
02:17 Ooh, that was deep.
02:21 [Laughter] And the person, excuse the double negative,
02:23 the person ain't said nothing.
02:26 It's my baptized brain that makes me want to shout.
02:30 It's my sanctified psyche that makes me lift my hands
02:35 in worship.
02:36 God says they that worship me must worship me in spirit
02:40 and in truth.
02:41 Read the Bible; a chapter a day keeps the devil away.
02:44 [Aud response] Know the Word.
02:47 Know the Word.
02:49 Satan is not afraid of a Bible with dust on it.
02:53 There are so many people whose minds are poisoned
02:55 to the truth, they want to hold onto their own thoughts
02:58 and ideas as to how God ought to operate.
03:01 They feel like because they've lived their life
03:03 a certain way for so long that they forgot to show them
03:07 in the Word that their lifestyle is wrong, or the way
03:09 they live is wrong, or their thinking is wrong,
03:12 that they now want to combat God.
03:16 But let me tell it like it is today.
03:19 Stealing is wrong.
03:22 Thievery is wrong.
03:27 Robbing from God is wrong.
03:32 Smoking is wrong.
03:35 Drinking is wrong.
03:39 Drug abuse is wrong.
03:42 Desecrating God's Sabbath is wrong.
03:47 Gossip is wrong.
03:49 Having a bad attitude is wrong.
03:53 Talking about people is wrong.
03:57 Adultery is wrong.
04:00 Fornication is wrong.
04:03 Homosexuality is wrong.
04:07 Being barely dressed in church is wrong.
04:12 [Aud response] We've got to take off all these
04:15 on-sale and for-sale signs in God's house.
04:19 It's wrong.
04:20 But people don't like to talk about what's wrong
04:23 anymore But wrong is wrong.
04:27 Even in the church, don't let the devil deceive you.
04:31 The Word of God has not changed.
04:33 Our methods may have changed, but the message is still
04:37 the same.
04:38 Jesus loves you.
04:39 Jesus died to save you.
04:41 Jesus is coming back to get you, but wrong is wrong, and he's
04:46 not coming back to get wrong, he's coming back to get right.
04:50 Because ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,
04:54 a holy nation, a peculiar people.
04:57 He's called you out of darkness into
04:59 his marvelous light.
05:01 [Aud response] But people don't want to accept
05:04 the Word of God anymore.
05:05 They don't want to accept it.
05:10 Post-modernism.
05:11 You believe what you want to believe, and I'll believe
05:15 what I want to believe.
05:16 Your truth is your truth, and my truth is my truth,
05:18 and leave me alone.
05:20 Some Christians want to claim the Old Testament
05:22 is no longer binding.
05:23 And all we gotta do is follow the New Testament,
05:25 so we don't have to observe the Sabbath.
05:27 But what they don't understand is that the Sabbath
05:29 is commanded in the Old as well as the New,
05:31 and it's still binding.
05:32 We see different movements in theology today where people
05:35 want to say we're not sinners.
05:37 We're not born in sin, we're not shaped in iniquity.
05:41 In fact, we were born good, but we were corrupted
05:44 by our environment.
05:47 Then there are others who say that all men are good,
05:52 they just have seizures of immorality.
05:55 But the bottom line is that it's a lie.
06:00 The devil would want you to believe about yourself
06:02 that you are spiritually good, but the Word says
06:05 there are none good.
06:06 No, not one.
06:08 So regardless of who you are, regardless of where you are
06:11 in life, the truth is, all of us are sinners saved
06:14 by grace.
06:15 That's the only way we're going to get to heaven.
06:18 That's the only way we're going to be saved.
06:20 I would like to believe that Carlton Byrd
06:22 is a good person.
06:24 I would like to believe that I was born good and I'm a nice
06:27 person, but that's not what God has called for.
06:30 There are a whole lot of folk, church folk,
06:33 that are nice, that are good, that are peaceful
06:38 But God says when of that is through, according to my
06:43 Word, you're still a sinner.
06:45 Because if you're good and nice and pleasing
06:47 and pleasant and all that stuff, if you're all of that and can
06:50 get to the Father, then you don't need my Son, Jesus Christ.
06:53 That he died in vain.
06:54 But I've got a witness in this place that Jesus said,
06:56 I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
07:00 No man comes to the Father but by me.
07:04 Don't be deceived and think that you can just be a good
07:07 person.
07:08 Well, I'm nice.
07:10 I read the Bible.
07:11 I study my Sabbath School lesson.
07:13 I go to church every week.
07:15 I was born in the church.
07:17 I go to prayer meeting, I go to dorm worship.
07:19 But I know what I'm talking about, because that's how
07:21 I used to be.
07:22 I eat a clean, healthy diet.
07:24 In fact, I'm a vegetarian.
07:25 Did you know Hitler was a vegetarian too?
07:28 [Aud response] And I learned, God had to knock
07:32 me down to my knees with a spiritual arrogance.
07:36 You can still bust hell wide open with a healthy diet,
07:40 clean speech, clean morals, no drinking, no smoking,
07:44 right into hell.
07:45 Don't be consumed by the devil.
07:48 Don't lighten up on God's truth, don't compromise God's word.
07:53 No man can get to the Father but by me, he says.
07:56 There is no other way.
07:58 Buddha can't do it, Confucius can't do it,
08:02 Mohammed can't do it.
08:03 Only Jesus can do it.
08:05 There is no other name under heaven whereby we can be saved
08:09 but the name of Jesus.
08:11 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
08:16 [Aud response] Number three. Number three,
08:21 the devil wants your mind.
08:24 You gotta know the truth.
08:26 But number three, fear not.
08:31 How do I keep the devil off me?
08:33 Fear not.
08:37 Satan wants to plant fear in us.
08:40 Fear is Satan's calling card.
08:45 Fear him and he comes.
08:47 Fear not and he's kept away.
08:50 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "For my God hath not given us a spirit
08:56 of fear, but a spirit of love, a spirit of power,
09:01 a spirit of sound mind."
09:03 Let me tell you something before I take my seat.
09:06 Satan has to obtain one's consent before he can operate.
09:13 If this consent is withheld, Satan cannot work.
09:17 We were created with a free will.
09:20 Without man's consent, Satan can neither tempt him to sin
09:24 nor attack him at will.
09:26 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
09:30 To resist means to say, thank you, but I don't want it.
09:38 To resist means to say, thank you, but I don't want it.
09:45 When gossip comes at you, thank you, but I don't want it.
09:51 When negativity comes at you, thank you, but I don't want it.
09:57 When alcohol comes at you, thank you, but I don't want it.
10:03 Ladies, when that proposition comes at you,
10:06 thank you, but I don't want it.
10:09 Brothers, when she comes at you, voluptuous, seductive
10:15 and tempting, how you doing, Pastor Byrd?
10:20 Thank you, but I don't want it!
10:22 [Applause/Laughter] Whatever is offered to you by Satan,
10:25 you must always answer, no thanks.
10:29 Fear not, for fear will bring you to the very thing
10:33 you're afraid of.
10:34 You don't need to fear Satan.
10:36 Let me tell you, Satan cannot overcome us.
10:40 I said, Satan cannot overcome us.
10:43 Satan cannot overpower us.
10:46 Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the
10:50 world.
10:51 Never accept fear.
10:54 Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
10:58 Let me tell you something as I get to my seat.
11:01 The warfare between Satan and us lies not in the
11:04 struggle to win, but rather in stride to avoid defeat.
11:09 You see, many of us have mistaken the concept of war
11:11 with Satan.
11:12 What do you mean, Pastor?
11:13 We think that we must fight in order to win.
11:18 No Christian, however, is able to fight and win.
11:20 We fight because we've already won.
11:24 You see, Jesus has already defeated Satan.
11:30 Satan has already lost his ground.
11:34 Satan's battle today, friends, is to recover.
11:39 Our battle is to retain.
11:40 We don't fight in order to occupy.
11:45 We fight to protect what we have already occupied.
11:49 Satan is already defeated.
11:52 The Lord has overcome.
11:54 The church has overcome.
11:57 The conflict between the church and Satan
12:00 is to protect the Lord's victory, not to win it.
12:04 Our goal is not to wrestle victory from Satan, but
12:07 rather to keep victory from being robbed.
12:10 Satan is a defeated foe.
12:13 Satan is a fugitive.
12:16 Satan is a prisoner.
12:18 You need not be afraid of Satan.
12:23 Satan was done at the cross.
12:26 Satan, think about it, did all he could at the cross.
12:30 But he was defeated and put to shame by Jesus.
12:34 Satan's attack on us can never be greater than his
12:38 attack on Jesus at the cross.
12:40 The same power which raised Jesus from the dead,
12:45 the same power that Jesus had after he was crucified,
12:50 is the same power that defeated Satan at the cross,
12:54 and it's the same power available for us to defeat
12:57 the works of Satan in our daily lives.
13:00 Let me remind you, the devil is not afraid of you.
13:04 I said the devil is not afraid of you.
13:06 The devil is afraid of the Holy Ghost that's in you.
13:11 No demon, no Christian has ever been demon possessed.
13:18 Because if the Holy Ghost is living in you, the devil
13:20 and the Holy Ghost can't live in you at the same time.
13:23 The moment you receive Christ, the moment you
13:27 accept Christ as your personal Savior, you take
13:30 position of what Jesus already did 2,000 years ago.
13:34 Your identity as a child of God, your authority over
13:38 spiritual powers are not things you are receiving,
13:43 or will receive.
13:46 But you have them right now.
13:49 So don't want until the battle is over.
13:56 Shout now.
13:57 You're already spiritually alive.
14:01 You're already a child of God right now.
14:08 You possess all the authority, all the power over the kingdom
14:13 of darkness right now.
14:16 Not only were you made alive in Christ 2,000 years ago,
14:21 but Satan was also disarmed and defeated 2,000 years ago.
14:28 Satan's defeat is not pending.
14:32 His defeat is not future.
14:35 His defeat has already happened.
14:38 You don't fight for Calvary, you fight from Calvary.
14:44 If Satan is already disarmed, why don't we experience
14:49 more victory in our lives.
14:52 I don't understand children of the most High
14:54 God, walking around with their lips poked out,
14:57 walking around with rocks in their jaws.
14:59 I don't understand children of the most High
15:01 God who sit there like God hasn't done something for
15:04 you, like God hasn't raised you, like God
15:07 hasn't kept you, like God hasn't picked you up and turned you
15:10 around, placed your feet on solid ground.
15:14 Satan roams around like a hungry lion, looking
15:17 and sounding ferocious, but I don't have to fear.
15:21 His fangs have been removed, and his claws have been
15:25 declawed.
15:26 But if he can deceive you into believing that he can
15:29 chew you up and spit you out, that he can control
15:32 your behavior, and that's just what he wants to do,
15:35 don't let Satan fake you into defeat.
15:39 Fear not.
15:40 I was reading Ellen White, she says in "Christ's
15:42 Object Lessons" that every manifestation of God's
15:45 power for his people arouses enmity in Satan.
15:49 She says every time God works a miracle on our
15:51 behalf, Satan with his angels works with renewed
15:53 vigor to orchestrate our ruin.
15:57 That he is jealous of all who make Christ their
16:02 strength.
16:03 But she says the good news is that the joy of the Lord
16:07 is my strength, which means victory is mine.
16:17 Victory today is mine.
16:20 I told Satan, get thee behind, victory today is mine.
16:25 Let me close this way.
16:26 Has anybody ever seen a snake die?
16:31 No, 'cause I run from a snake when I see it, eh?
16:36 If you've seen a snake die, you go out and somebody
16:41 chops up that snake, or shoots that snake.
16:47 Snake as dead as it wants to be.
16:51 That old tail just moving.
16:57 Giving the image that it's still alive.
17:02 But it's as dead as it can be.
17:06 And so the Lord says, Devil, on Calvary you may have
17:09 bruised my head, but one day I'm going to crush your head.
17:20 And all you've got right now, brother devil, is the wiggling.
17:24 That's all that's left there.
17:27 You can't bite me, you can't strike me,
17:30 you can't kill unless they let you do it.
17:35 óó somebody today, you need to just take your foot,
17:38 just like this.
17:39 That's why I stomp my foot when I preach.
17:41 And I know the devil isn't physically here, but there
17:44 is a metaphorical expression right here.
17:47 You just oughta say to the devil, I believe I just need
17:50 to step on you right now.
17:53 You stepped on me long enough.
17:56 You trampled on me long enough.
17:58 You walked on me long enough.
18:01 But now I'm going to walk on you.
18:03 Now I'm going to step on you.
18:05 Now I'm going to trample on you.
18:07 The difference is, you can step on me and hurt me,
18:10 but I have the power to step on you and crush you.
18:14 Get the devil off you.
18:16 Devil, get off me.
18:17 Get off me.
18:19 Don't let the devil have your mind.
18:21 Know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
18:26 Fear not.
18:28 And so it was, imagine, a rooky police officer.
18:35 A rooky traffic cop.
18:39 He approaches a busy intersection, maybe Jordan
18:44 Lane and University Drive.
18:47 He approaches a busy intersection to direct
18:50 traffic for the first time.
18:53 They told this rooky cop at the police academy that all
18:58 he had to do was step in the street, hold up his
19:04 hands, and the cars would stop.
19:08 [piano] And so there he is.
19:11 He stands on the curb, he blows his whistle softly
19:18 [whistles], blows it kind of weak, waves it at
19:22 an oncoming car.
19:23 The car roars over him.
19:30 His authority is diminished by his lack of confidence.
19:37 Now imagine a seasoned officer coming on the scene.
19:44 The seasoned officer sizes up the situation.
19:49 The seasoned officer steps into the street confidently.
19:54 The seasoned officer gives a blast on his whistle.
19:58 He stretches forth his hand with authority, and he says
20:03 to the oncoming cars, "Stop!" There's no doubt
20:06 in his mind that he's in control in that intersection because he
20:09 has a subtle belief in his authority.
20:14 [piano continues] And when you deal with the devil,
20:19 if you don't believe you have authority, you're not going
20:22 to exercise it.
20:24 God doesn't need any cowardly soldiers.
20:28 God doesn't need any wimps in his army.
20:32 If your belief is weak, your expression of it
20:38 will be weak too.
20:39 But if you have confidence in the authority that Jesus
20:42 has given you, if you have confidence in the power
20:45 of the Holy Ghost that is working in you, if you
20:48 have confidence that God has given you the ability to cast
20:51 out demons, to tread upon serpents, if God has
20:56 given you the authority to walk on the devil, then you
20:59 will exercise it with authority.
21:01 Quit getting mad because the pastor or the elders
21:04 didn't come pray on your house.
21:06 Pray on your own house.
21:07 Quit getting mad because the pastor didn't come lay
21:09 his hands on your doorpost.
21:11 Lay your hands on your own doorpost.
21:14 Get some oil and put it up there yourself.
21:17 This is the confidence we have in approaching God,
21:20 that whatever we ask, we know we have asked and it
21:25 shall be given.
21:28 Seek, and ye shall find.
21:31 Knock, and the door shall be opened up to you.
21:34 And you may consider yourself just a rookie
21:38 at the devil's traffic stop in your life.
21:41 But Jesus is a seasoned veteran.
21:47 Jesus is a seasoned veteran.
21:52 And I'm so glad today that I'm in my Jesus.
21:57 I'm so glad that Jesus loves me, and I love me
22:03 some Jesus.
22:04 I'm so glad that Jesus protects me.
22:07 He says, fear thou not, for I am with thee.
22:10 Be not dismayed, for I am thy God.
22:12 I will strengthen thee, yeah, I will help ye,
22:14 I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
22:16 If God be for us, who can be against us?
22:22 Because no weapon born against you
22:24 is going to prosper.
22:25 It just won't work.
22:27 Fret not thyself because of evil-doers, neither be thy
22:30 envious of the workers of iniquity.
22:33 Understand, my friends, that I can do all things through
22:35 Christ which strengthens me.
22:37 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart.
22:41 Lean not into thine own understanding.
22:43 In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy
22:49 paths.
22:50 I once was young, but now I'm old.
22:53 But I've never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his
22:56 seed begging bread.
23:02 Devil, get off me.
23:06 Devil, get off me.
23:08 Devil, get off my family.
23:12 Devil, get off my friends.
23:14 Devil, get off my church.
23:16 Devil, get off this school.
23:18 Devil, get off this campus.
23:21 Devil, get out of our minds.
23:24 Devil, get out of our bodies.
23:27 Devil, get off us in the name of Jesus.
23:31 Lord, you are the source of my strength.
23:35 You're the strength of my life.
23:38 I lift my hands in total praise to you.
23:40 How do I keep the devil off me?
23:42 How do you keep the devil off you?
23:44 You can't let the devil get in your mind.
23:47 Quit letting things come in your mind.
23:49 Everybody is not talking about you.
23:51 Everybody is not against you.
23:53 Quit letting the devil get in your mind.
23:55 Don't let the devil get in your thoughts.
23:58 Start singing a song about something.
24:00 Start singing a song about Jesus.
24:03 When the devil comes to attack your mind, call the
24:05 name of Jesus.
24:07 When you call the name of Jesus, demons will flee.
24:10 Get the devil out of your mind.
24:15 Number two, the devil is a liar.
24:18 He's a liar, and he's the father of lies.
24:23 You've got to know the truth.
24:27 The truth will set you free.
24:29 And number three, after you don't let the devil in
24:32 your mind, after you know the truth, quit walking
24:37 around here scared of the devil.
24:39 I'm going to lock myself in the house because I'm
24:41 scared of the devil.
24:42 No, no, devil, you better get back.
24:44 You better get back.
24:46 I'm a child of the most High God.
24:49 I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord.
24:52 If I die, let me die in the army of the Lord.
24:58 I've got my war clothes on.
25:00 In the army of the Lord.
25:02 I don't have to get back for anybody.
25:04 Devil, you get back.
25:06 Fear not.
25:07 [piano] Say, I don't know who you are.
25:10 I don't know what the devil is doing to you for
25:14 giving him all that credit.
25:16 In the name of Jesus, don't let him in your
25:20 mind.
25:21 In the name of Jesus, know the Word and know the truth,
25:25 and in the name of Jesus, don't be scared.
25:29 Don't be fearful.
25:30 You're now the people of God, and it doth not yet
25:34 appear what we shall be, but when he doth appear,
25:39 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, we shall see him,
25:47 we shall be like him.
25:51 Hallelujah.
25:53 Christ's return.
25:54 Hallelujah, amen, hallelujah, Christ's
25:58 return.
25:59 Revive us, oh God.
26:03 Again, get the devil off me.
26:08 CJ: The Breath of Life gift offer this week is
26:10 "Help in Daily Living," a practical guide to everyday
26:13 blessings by renowned Christian author,
26:15 Ellen G. White.
26:16 The book contains four powerful chapters on having
26:18 true and lasting relationships, developing
26:21 godly character, walking a practical daily faith that
26:24 brings blessings, and staying the course of being
26:27 a light in the darkness until the Lord returns.
26:29 You'll discover the benefits of trials, the
26:31 importance of little things, the influence of living a
26:34 consistent Christian life and the joy of the Lord.
26:37 "Help in Daily Living" is yours for a gift of $5 or
26:40 more.
26:41 Just call our toll-free number, 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:45 That's 877-265-6333.
26:48 Please have your credit card ready when you call.
26:51 Or you may write to us to request your copy.
26:53 Just send your check to Breath of Life, P.O.
26:55 Box 340, Newbury Park, California 91319.
26:59 Break out of the ordinary life and into the
27:02 extraordinary life God intended for you to live.
27:05 Get your copy of "Help in Daily Living" today.
27:07 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching
27:10 Breath of Life today.
27:11 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry and
27:15 that we gave a healing word in a hurting world.
27:19 In order for Breath of Life to continue ministry, we
27:22 need you.
27:23 We need your prayers, we need your support.
27:26 We want you to know that any and all donations, small or
27:29 great, they are sincerely welcomed and appreciated.
27:33 To contact us or to make your donation, please feel
27:36 free to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:42 That's 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:47 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life, P.O.
27:51 Box 340, Newbury Park, California 91319.
27:57 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, California 91319.
28:02 Or log onto our web site at
28:05 PB: The scope of Satan's operation is in your mind.
28:12 It's in your thought life.
28:15 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
28:22 Jesus loves you, Jesus died to save you, Jesus is coming


Revised 2015-02-06