Participants: Pr. Carlton P. Byrd
Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000136
00:03 ♪ [Theme music] ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:11 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪ 00:18 ♪ all the praise ♪ Pastor Byrd: Let's go to James, 00:22 chapter 4, verses 7 and 8. 00:25 James, chapter 4, verses 7 and 8. 00:29 This is a familiar passage. 00:31 James, chapter 4, verses 7 and 8, the Word of God says, 00:35 "Submit yourselves therefore to God. 00:39 Resist the" whom, everybody? 00:41 Come on, talk to me. 00:42 Resist the whom, everybody? 00:42 Aud: Devil. 00:43 PB: "And he will flee from you. 00:46 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. 00:48 Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify 00:50 your hearts, ye double" what, everybody? 00:52 "Ye double-minded. 00:54 Submit yourselves therefore to God. 00:56 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." Today 00:59 I'm going to preach on "Devil, Get Off Me." Father 01:03 God, bless us now. 01:05 Get the devil off us. 01:07 Get him out of this place, oh God, in the name 01:09 of Jesus. 01:11 We be careful to praise you in advance for what you're 01:14 going to do through your Word. 01:16 Now, God, give us open hearts, receptive hearts 01:18 and open minds, that we might be ready to receive your Word 01:21 today. 01:22 In the name of Jesus we pray. 01:24 Let everyone say Amen. 01:25 And Amen. 01:26 Get the devil off me. 01:27 Devil, get off me. 01:28 You hear a lot in Christian circles about the dangers 01:31 of the devil. 01:32 Now, the devil is a liar, the devil is a rascal, 01:35 the devil is deceptive. 01:36 The devil made me sick. 01:38 The devil made me broke. 01:40 Anybody know what I'm talking about? 01:42 The devil did this to me, the devil did that to me. 01:45 But you know what? 01:46 We give the devil too much credit. 01:49 Always talking about the devil. 01:51 Always testifying about the devil. 01:53 And while we ought to be mindful of the devil so 01:56 we'll know how to fight him, we shouldn't spend more time 01:58 talking about the devil than we do talking about God. 02:01 Aud: Amen. 02:02 PB: The devil should never get more press than Jesus. 02:06 Do I have a witness in this place? 02:08 Aud: Amen. 02:09 PB: Greater is he that is in me than he that is in 02:11 the world. 02:12 I hear people talking all the time, I'm going to kill 02:15 the devil. 02:16 I'm going to slay that devil. 02:18 Well, God didn't call you to kill the devil. 02:21 God said, resist the devil. 02:24 James 4:7. 02:25 Submit yourselves therefore to whom, everybody? 02:28 God. 02:29 Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 02:32 Did the Bible say kill the devil? 02:34 Come on, did the Bible say kill the devil? 02:36 Did the Bible say run from the devil. 02:39 The Bible didn't say run from the devil. 02:42 The Bible said, resist the devil, and the devil will 02:45 run from you. 02:46 The Bible did, however, say flee fornication. 02:51 Fornication is not the devil. 02:53 Fornication is the fruit of a devilish act. 02:56 So you're not running from the devil, but when you 02:58 flee fornication you're running from you. 03:01 Do I have a witness in this place? 03:03 Now, the Bible doesn't spend too much time talking about 03:05 the existence of the devil, because it is assumed that 03:08 with wickedness, that with crime, with sin, natural 03:12 disasters and evil lurking in the world, that there 03:14 is a demonic presence behind it. 03:17 It is assumed that after you finish reading the Word 03:19 of God in Genesis, chapter 3, after you read about 03:21 the fall of man, you will know there is demonic activity. 03:26 But remember, the devil is a creative being. 03:28 What kind of being? 03:29 Aud: Creative. 03:30 PB: So don't put the power of the devil even close 03:32 to the power of who God is, because the devil 03:35 is a created being. 03:36 The devil was not created by the devil, but the Bible 03:40 says because of his own corruption he became 03:42 the devil. 03:44 Now, the devil comes from the Greek root word diablos. 03:47 Everybody say diablos. 03:49 Aud: Diablos. 03:50 PB: Diablos where you get separate. 03:53 It's the word where you get shatter. 03:55 Like you're shattering glass or something. 03:57 The goal of the devil is to shatter and separate your 04:02 relationship between you and God. 04:05 For somebody today, that's why you're always 04:07 under attack. 04:08 Because the role of the devil is to diablos you, 04:12 to shatter you, to separate you from God. 04:15 If the devil never tried to shatter you or separate you, 04:19 then you already know which side of life you're 04:21 living on. 04:23 If the devil's not messing with you, then you 04:27 and the devil must be running in the same direction. 04:30 Because I guarantee you that every time you get your life 04:33 straight, the devil's next move is to try to shatter 04:36 you and separate you from God. 04:39 Today has anyone ever committed or recommitted 04:42 their live to the Lord, and you're excited. 04:45 You recommit your life to the Lord and you're excited. 04:49 Praise the Lord. 04:50 Thank you, Jesus! 04:51 I'm walking now with God. 04:54 I know that my life is under the influence of the Holy 04:57 Ghost. 04:59 But just as soon as you give your life to the Lord, just 05:04 as soon as you throw away all your CDs. 05:08 Oh, you all don't do that here at school anymore. 05:10 [Laughter] You know, we used to have week of prayer 20+ 05:12 years ago, and the Holy Ghost would come in a mighty 05:14 way, and then we'd have a bonfire to throw all our 05:16 tapes way. 05:17 And then two weeks later we'd go back and buy 05:19 the same tapes we threw away. 05:20 Just as soon as you throw away all your magazines, 05:25 and you stop doing married things with single people, 05:31 just as soon as you stopped gossiping, as soon as you 05:35 take two steps forward, why is it always that it seems 05:39 like the enemy makes you take three steps backward? 05:43 It's because his goal is to shatter you. 05:46 To separate you from God. 05:48 I wish I had time to remind you today that after your 05:51 greatest spiritual victory, that's when the devil begins 05:55 to work on you overtime. 05:57 If you don't believe me, ask Jesus the Christ. 06:00 It was in Matthew, chapter 4, that he was baptized. 06:03 Then the Bible says he was led into the wilderness and he 06:07 was tempted by the devil. 06:09 After you give your life to the Lord, after you walk 06:11 down this aisle, after you respond to God's voice 06:14 in appeal, after you come down crying and repenting, 06:18 that's when the devil wants to know, are you just walking 06:20 the walk, or are you really talking the talk? 06:23 I remember pastoring in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, home 06:27 of the Crimson Tide, and I was baptizing an individual in 06:31 Tuscaloosa about 15 years ago, and I asked the person, 06:35 I said, "What do you want to hear after you've been 06:38 baptized?" The person said, "Pastor, I want to hear how 06:43 to keep the devil off me." 06:46 And I believe that it's that question and that response 06:49 that can be taken and applied to each 06:52 and every one of us. 06:53 How do I keep the devil off me? 06:57 How do I keep the devil out of my house? 07:00 How do I keep the devil out of my dorm room? 07:03 How do I keep the devil off my job? 07:05 How do I keep the devil out of my car, because, you know, 07:08 the devil's in some of our cars. 07:11 Riding with us. 07:13 Sitting with us. 07:15 How do I keep the devil off me? 07:16 While, number one, you've got to understand the devil 07:19 is after your mind. 07:21 Romans, chapter 8, verses 5 and 7, and Romans 7:23, 07:26 clearly teach that the center of all spiritual battle 07:30 is in your mind. 07:32 Spiritual battles are fought, and they must be won 07:35 in the mind if you want to experience freedom 07:39 in Jesus Christ. 07:40 It was Paul who said in 2 Corinthians, chapter 10, 07:43 verses 4 and 5, "For the weapons of our warfare 07:47 are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling 07:50 down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, 07:53 and every high thing that exalteth itself against 07:56 the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity 07:58 every thought to the obedience of Christ." 08:02 Understand and listen to me good today. 08:03 The scope of Satan's operation is in your mind. 08:07 It's in your thought life. 08:09 Satan will inject a thought, he will inject an idea 08:13 in imagination in your mind because he knows if he can 08:19 control your thoughts, he can control your behavior. 08:21 That's why your body can be one place with somebody else, 08:24 somebody, but your mind is with somebody else 08:26 in another place. 08:27 Because if you don't conquer Satan's temptation right 08:30 at the doorstep of your mind, you will also begin to think 08:33 his thought over, consider it as an option, and eventually 08:36 choose to act it out. 08:38 When you repeat acts over and over and over again 08:42 in your life, when you continue to do the same things over 08:45 and over again in your life, understand, they form a habit. 08:50 And before long, if you exercise a simple habit long enough, 08:54 a stronghold will be established in your mind. 08:57 Once a stronghold is established in your mind, 09:00 you have lost the ability to control your behavior 09:03 in that area, and then you find yourself doing things you 09:06 have no business doing. 09:08 That's why you've got to resist the devil from the beginning. 09:11 Not during, not after, but in the beginning. 09:15 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 09:20 When Satan tempts us first, where there will be 09:25 an understanding or to secure some ground us, he tempts 09:29 us first. 09:30 But then his next tempting will be an assault on us 09:33 from the ground he has already secured. 09:35 Our victory lies in not giving him any ground from 09:39 the beginning, because if you give Satan an inch, 09:42 Satan will take a mile. 09:44 That's why Paul said in Ephesians 4:27, 09:47 don't give place to the devil. 09:50 Because without a foothold, Satan cannot operate. 09:52 The devil is after your mind. 09:54 Let me tell you something. 09:56 You cannot stop a bird, no pun intended, from flying 10:02 over your head. 10:04 Let me say that again. 10:06 You cannot stop a bird from flying over your head. 10:11 A bird is going to fly where a bird is going to fly. 10:16 But you can stop a bird from making a nest in your hair. 10:21 You cannot stop thoughts from passing through your 10:23 mind, but you can stop thoughts from nesting 10:25 in you. 10:32 You have to learn how to engage in positive thinking. 10:36 The more you use your mind positively, the less your 10:39 thoughts will be out of control. 10:41 What you plant and grow in your mind determines 10:44 your destiny. 10:45 But too many of us can't control our thoughts because 10:49 we don't think. 10:53 What do you mean, Pastor Byrd, we don't think? 10:55 That's a big insulting. 10:56 Well, too many of us are passive in our thought life. 11:03 We're not intentional about our thoughts. 11:07 Which gives the devil the opportunity to insert some 11:10 of his thoughts into our minds. 11:13 When you are intentional about your thoughts, 11:16 when you're thinking about that which is honest, true, pure, 11:19 lovely, and of good report, when your mind is positively 11:23 engaged and your thoughts are not idle, Satan doesn't 11:26 have ready access to your mind. 11:29 But when your mind is unoccupied, when your mind 11:34 is idle, when your mind is unprotected, then that 11:38 passive, open, idle mind is open to satanic infiltration. 11:45 That's why an idle mind is the devil's workshop. 11:48 Satan uses a vacant mind as a dumping ground. 11:52 Some of you need to stay busy, you need to stay doing 11:55 something so you don't open up your mind to satanic 11:57 thoughts. 11:58 And let me throw this in, free of charge: A child 12:02 of God must not be so curious. 12:05 What do you mean, Pastor Byrd? 12:09 Let me put it another way. 12:10 A child of God has to learn not to be so nosy. 12:14 [Aud. reaction] Just nosy. 12:19 Always poking your head in somebody else's business. 12:22 Stay in your lane. 12:24 Don't drive in my lane. 12:27 Stay in your lane. 12:28 Some things in life you don't need to know. 12:31 Some things you don't even need to go looking for, 12:34 because if you go looking for it, you just might find 12:36 it, and when you find it, you might not be able 12:38 to handle it. 12:40 [Aud. reaction] When you're too nosy, 12:43 somebody's nosy, don't have no business of ours, so we're 12:47 going to get business of somebody else's. 12:49 Just nosy. 12:50 Satan will supply you with some of the many things 12:52 he knows, and when you continue to accept these thoughts, 12:56 you will become a pawn in Satan's game. 12:58 But if you resist the devil, he will flee from you. 13:02 But not only that. 13:04 Number one, you understand if you want the devil off 13:06 you, that you can't let him have your mind. 13:08 Number two, if you want to keep the devil off you, 13:10 you got to know the truth. 13:12 And ye shall know the truth. 13:14 And the truth shall do what, everybody? 13:18 Aud: Set you free. 13:19 PB: When he, the Spirit of Truth, comes, he will lead 13:21 and guide you in all truth, sanctify them through thy 13:24 truth, thy word is truth. 13:26 Stand therefore, having girded your loins 13:29 with the truth. 13:30 The devil constantly battles for your mind, and he says, 13:34 if I can get your mind, then I can mess you up on 13:37 the truth. 13:38 If you don't believe me, ask Sister Eve in Genesis 3. 13:43 What is truth? 13:45 Truth is the reality of a thing. 13:47 When Satan attacks, he always comes secretly, 13:49 silently and sneakily. 13:50 Satan never lets you know he's there. 13:53 Satan doesn't rumble in like a bull in a bull run, 13:57 but Satan slithers in like a snake in the grass. 14:01 Satan never says, hey, everybody, I'm here. 14:04 How you doin'? 14:05 Because that would arouse your suspicion. 14:07 Satan lies. 14:09 Satan counterfeits. 14:10 For everything God has as truth, Satan has 14:13 a counterfeit. 14:15 Satan never does anything in the light, but if you know 14:18 what the reality of the thing is, it will set you free. 14:21 In other words, if you know something is of Satan, 14:25 you're freed. 14:26 The power of Satan lies in deception. 14:29 If Satan cannot deceive, Satan loses his power. 14:32 The challenge with many of us is our unawareness 14:36 of the enemy. 14:37 We think we know the devil. 14:40 Well, I know the devil, I know him, I know 14:44 what he's up to. 14:45 We think we know the devil. 14:48 But we don't know the devil. 14:50 We get in arguments at home. 14:52 We think it's our spouse. 14:55 It's not our spouse, it's the devil. 15:00 We get in arguments with our children. 15:03 We think it's our son or daughter, but it's not 15:06 or son or daughter. 15:07 It's the devil. 15:08 We get into arguments with our boss, our coworkers, 15:12 and we think it's the boss man, we think it's the boss 15:15 woman, but it's not; it's the devil. 15:17 We get in arguments with our roommates. 15:21 We think our college roommates are the problem, 15:23 but they're not. 15:24 It's the devil. 15:25 We get into arguments at church, the pastor this, 15:31 the elder that, the Sabbath School leader this, the AY 15:34 that, the music this. 15:36 But the argument is not with that person. 15:39 The argument is with the devil. 15:41 Your enemy is not your brother. 15:42 Your enemy is not your sister. 15:45 Your enemy is not the person seated next to you. 15:48 Your enemy is the devil. 15:50 The devil just may be operating his spirit inside the person. 15:55 See the devil for who he is. 15:57 The devil is a liar. 15:59 Seeing is resisting. 16:01 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 16:04 All Satan wants to do is steal, kill and destroy. 16:09 All Satan wants to do is divide and conquer. 16:13 It's no mistake that Peter said, be sober, be vigilant, 16:17 because your adversary the devil is as a roaring lion, 16:20 seeking whom he may devour. 16:22 Do you know what devour means? 16:24 Devour means it's not just there to bite you. 16:28 Devour doesn't mean just to scratch you. 16:30 Devour is to destroy you. 16:32 Understand, friends of mine, the devil is not your friend. 16:36 If you look into the mirror and you put in your mind, 16:39 I'd better stop fooling around, I'd better stop 16:42 playing around, I'd better stop, because the devil's 16:45 not trying to scratch me, the devil's not trying 16:48 to bite me, the devil's not trying to scare me, 16:50 the devil is trying to destroy me. 16:53 The devil comes with poison. 16:56 To poison your mind with lies. 16:58 And the devil just doesn't seek to deceive outside 17:01 of the church universal. 17:04 But the devil tries to deceive inside 17:07 the church universal. 17:09 You see, friends of mine, in the church universal, 17:11 which means that's beyond just Oakwood. 17:13 In the church universal, that means it's beyond 17:16 Seventh-day Adventists. 17:17 But in the church universal, there are too many folk who 17:21 don't know the truth. 17:22 We come to church, but we don't know 17:27 what the Bible says. 17:28 We're biblically illiterate. 17:32 We come to church, even in here, even those of us 17:36 raised up in the church, we come to church out of habit, 17:38 we don't know a thing about what the Word of God says. 17:42 We shout and we don't know what we're shouting about. 17:45 We clap, and we don't know what we're clapping about. 17:49 Here we go, I listen to folk all the time, it just blows 17:51 my mind. 17:52 Ooh, that was deep. 17:56 [Laughter] And the person, excuse the double negative, 17:58 the person ain't said nothing. 18:01 It's my baptized brain that makes me want to shout. 18:05 It's my sanctified psyche that makes me lift my hands 18:10 in worship. 18:11 God says they that worship me must worship me in spirit 18:15 and in truth. 18:16 Read the Bible; a chapter a day keeps the devil away. 18:19 [Aud response] Know the Word. 18:23 Know the Word. 18:24 Satan is not afraid of a Bible with dust on it. 18:28 There are so many people whose minds are poisoned 18:30 to the truth, they want to hold onto their own thoughts 18:33 and ideas as to how God ought to operate. 18:37 They feel like because they've lived their life 18:39 a certain way for so long that they forgot to show them 18:42 in the Word that their lifestyle is wrong, or the way 18:45 they live is wrong, or their thinking is wrong, 18:47 that they now want to combat God. 18:51 But let me tell it like it is today. 18:54 Stealing is wrong. 18:57 Thievery is wrong. 19:01 Robbing from God is wrong. 19:07 Smoking is wrong. 19:10 Drinking is wrong. 19:14 Drug abuse is wrong. 19:18 Desecrating God's Sabbath is wrong. 19:22 Gossip is wrong. 19:25 Having a bad attitude is wrong. 19:29 Talking about people is wrong. 19:32 Adultery is wrong. 19:35 Fornication is wrong. 19:39 Homosexuality is wrong. 19:42 Being barely dressed in church is wrong. 19:47 [Aud response] We've got to take off all these 19:50 on-sale and for-sale signs in God's house. 19:54 It's wrong. 19:55 But people don't like to talk about what's wrong 19:58 anymore But wrong is wrong. 20:02 Even in the church, don't let the devil deceive you. 20:06 The Word of God has not changed. 20:09 Our methods may have changed, but the message is still 20:12 the same. 20:13 Jesus loves you. 20:15 Jesus died to save you. 20:17 Jesus is coming back to get you, but wrong is wrong, and he's 20:21 not coming back to get wrong, he's coming back to get right. 20:25 Because ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, 20:30 a holy nation, a peculiar people. 20:33 He's called you out of darkness into 20:35 his marvelous light. 20:36 [Aud response] But people don't want to accept 20:39 the Word of God anymore. 20:40 They don't want to accept it. 20:45 Post-modernism. 20:47 You believe what you want to believe, and I'll believe 20:50 what I want to believe. 20:51 Your truth is your truth, and my truth is my truth, 20:54 and leave me alone. 20:55 Some Christians want to claim the Old Testament 20:57 is no longer binding. 20:58 And all we gotta do is follow the New Testament, 21:01 so we don't have to observe the Sabbath. 21:02 But what they don't understand is that the Sabbath 21:04 is commanded in the Old as well as the New, 21:06 and it's still binding. 21:07 We see different movements in theology today where people 21:10 want to say we're not sinners. 21:13 We're not born in sin, we're not shaped in iniquity. 21:16 In fact, we were born good, but we were corrupted 21:19 by our environment. 21:23 Then there are others who say that all men are good, 21:27 they just have seizures of immorality. 21:30 But the bottom line is that it's a lie. 21:35 The devil would want you to believe about yourself 21:37 that you are spiritually good, but the Word says 21:40 there are none good. 21:41 No, not one. 21:43 So regardless of who you are, regardless of where you are 21:46 in life, the truth is, all of us are sinners saved 21:49 by grace. 21:50 That's the only way we're going to get to heaven. 21:53 That's the only way we're going to be saved. 21:55 I would like to believe that Carlton Byrd 21:58 is a good person. 21:59 I would like to believe that I was born good and I'm a nice 22:02 person, but that's not what God has called for. 22:05 There are a whole lot of folk, church folk, 22:09 that are nice, that are good, that are pleasing. 22:14 But God says when of that is through, according to my 22:18 Word, you're still a sinner. 22:20 Because if you're good and nice and pleasing 22:22 and pleasant and all that stuff, if you're all of that and can 22:25 get to the Father, then you don't need my Son, Jesus Christ. 22:28 That he died in vain. 22:29 But I've got a witness in this place that Jesus said, 22:32 I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. 22:35 No man comes to the Father but by me. 22:39 Don't be deceived and think that you can just be a good 22:42 person. 22:43 Well, I'm nice. 22:45 I read the Bible. 22:46 I study my Sabbath School lesson. 22:48 I go to church every week. 22:50 I was born in the church. 22:52 I go to prayer meeting, I go to dorm worship. 22:54 But I know what I'm talking about, because that's how 22:56 I used to be. 22:57 I eat a clean, healthy diet. 22:59 In fact, I'm a vegetarian. 23:01 Did you know Hitler was a vegetarian too? 23:03 [Aud response] And I learned, God had to knock 23:07 me down to my knees with a spiritual arrogance. 23:11 You can still bust hell wide open with a healthy diet, 23:16 clean speech, clean morals, no drinking, no smoking, 23:19 right into hell. 23:20 Don't be consumed by the devil. 23:23 Don't lighten up on God's truth, don't compromise God's word. 23:28 No man can get to the Father but by me, he says. 23:32 There is no other way. 23:34 Buddha can't do it, Confucius can't do it, 23:37 Mohammed can't do it. 23:38 Only Jesus can do it. 23:40 There is no other name under heaven whereby we can be saved 23:44 but the name of Jesus. 23:46 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 23:51 [Aud response] Number three. Number three, 23:57 the devil wants your mind. 23:59 You gotta know the truth. 24:01 But number three, fear not. 24:06 How do I keep the devil off me? 24:08 Fear not. 24:12 Satan wants to plant fear in us. 24:16 Fear is Satan's calling card. 24:20 Fear him and he comes. 24:23 Fear not and he's kept away. 24:26 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "For my God hath not given us a spirit 24:31 of fear, but a spirit of love, a spirit of power, 24:36 a spirit of sound mind." 24:38 Let me tell you something before I take my seat. 24:41 Satan has to obtain one's consent before he can operate. 24:48 If this consent is withheld, Satan cannot work. 24:53 We were created with a free will. 24:55 Without man's consent, Satan can neither tempt him to sin 24:59 nor attack him at will. 25:01 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 25:05 To resist means to say, thank you, but I don't want it. 25:13 To resist means to say, thank you, but I don't want it. 25:19 When gossip comes at you, thank you, but I don't want it. 25:26 When negativity comes at you, thank you, but I don't want it. 25:32 When alcohol comes at you, thank you, but I don't want it. 25:38 Ladies, when that proposition comes at you, 25:41 thank you, but I don't want it. 25:44 Brothers, when she comes at you, voluptuous, seductive 25:50 and tempting, how you doing, Pastor Byrd? 25:55 Thank you, but I don't want it! 25:57 [Applause/Laughter] Whatever is offered to you by Satan, 26:01 you must always answer, no thanks. 26:05 CJ: The Breath of Life gift offer this week is: 26:07 "Help in Daily Living," a practical guide to everyday 26:09 blessings by renowned Christian author, Ellen G. White. 26:12 The book contains four powerful chapters on having true 26:15 and lasting relationships, developing godly character, 26:19 walking a practical daily faith that brings blessings, 26:22 and staying the course of being a light in the darkness 26:25 until the Lord returns. 26:26 You'll discover the benefits of trials, the importance 26:28 of little things, the influence of living a consistent Christian 26:32 life and the joy of the Lord. 26:34 "Help in Daily Living" is yours for a gift of $5 26:36 or more. 26:37 Just call our toll-free number, 877-BOL-OFFER. 26:41 That's 877-265-6333. 26:45 Please have your credit card ready when you call. 26:47 Or you may write to us to request your copy. 26:50 Just send your check to Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340, 26:53 Newbury Park, California 91319. 26:56 Break out of the ordinary life and into the extraordinary 26:59 life God intended for you to live. 27:01 Get your copy of "Help in Daily Living" today. 27:04 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching 27:07 Breath of Life today. 27:08 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry 27:11 and that we gave a healing word in a hurting world. 27:16 In order for Breath of Life to continue ministry, 27:18 we need you. 27:20 We need your prayers, we need your support. 27:22 We want you to know that any and all donations, 27:25 small or great, they are sincerely welcomed 27:28 and appreciated. 27:30 To contact us or to make your donation, please feel free 27:33 to give us a call at: 877-BOL-OFFER. 27:37 That's 877-BOL-OFFER. 27:44 Or you may write to us at: Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340, 27:50 Newbury Park, California 91319. 27:54 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, California 91319. 27:59 Or log onto our web site at 28:01 PB: The scope of Satan's operation is in your mind. 28:10 It's in your thought life. 28:13 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 28:17 Jesus loves you, Jesus died to save you, 28:24 Jesus is coming back to get you, but wrong is wrong. |
Revised 2015-02-06