Participants: Carlton P. Byrd
Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000132
00:01 ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪ ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪
00:15 ♪ worthy of all... ♪ ♪ all the praise ♪ 00:21 Pastor Byrd: Psalm 150. 00:25 A very familiar psalm, a psalm of praise. 00:28 Come on, say Amen. 00:29 Aud: Amen. 00:30 PB: This is an exhortation, praise to God. 00:35 Psalm 150. 00:37 If you have it, let me hear you say Amen. 00:39 Aud: Amen. 00:40 PB: Praise ye the Lord. 00:42 Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament 00:46 of his power. 00:48 Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according 00:52 to his excellent greatness. 00:55 Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him 00:59 with the psaltery and harp. 01:01 Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him 01:06 with stringed instruments and organs. 01:08 Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon 01:10 the high sounding cymbals. 01:13 Let every thing -- oh, I need a witness in this place. 01:18 Let me try that again. 01:19 Let every thing that hath what, everybody? 01:25 Aud: Breath. 01:26 PB: Breath . 01:27 Let every thing that had what, everybody? 01:29 Aud: Breath. 01:30 PB: Praise the Lord. 01:31 Praise ye the Lord. 01:34 God, right now, for the next couple of moments, fill us 01:37 with your spirit and anoint us with your grace. 01:40 God, may your anointing fall in this place. 01:42 Hide me behind your cross, forgive us of our sins, 01:44 we pray. 01:45 And when the appeal is made, may individuals come run 01:47 and say, what must I do to be saved? 01:50 It's in the name of Jesus we pray. 01:52 Let everyone say Amen. 01:53 And Amen. 01:54 Today let's just praise the Lord. 01:59 I said, let's just praise the Lord. 02:06 Do you know that how we respond to God has everything 02:09 to do with our knowledge about how God responds to us? 02:14 I must admit today that I used to wonder, growing up 02:16 in church, I used to wonder why some people praised God 02:21 like they did. 02:22 Why would some people say, Amen. 02:26 Why would some people say, Hallelujah. 02:29 Why some people would clap their hands. 02:31 But as soon as I discovered that I hadn't been through 02:34 anything yet, and I was criticizing folk because 02:38 I didn't understand the things that they were going through, 02:41 I understood then that I had judged them unfairly. 02:46 Because after I had gone through some stuff for myself, 02:50 that after I had been talked about, after I had been 02:53 criticized, after I had been lied on and misused 02:57 and abused and left confused, I better came to understand why 03:00 people praised God like they did, because I found out that 03:04 if God has ever done anything for you, you just can't keep 03:10 it to yourself. 03:12 But you gotta tell somebody. 03:15 Do I have a witness in this place? 03:17 You see, you look at some folk, we come to Oakwood, 03:19 and we look at some folk and we don't know what folk 03:21 have been through. 03:23 Some folk have been bruised, but they're here. 03:27 Some folk have been battered, but they're here. 03:30 Some folk have been laid off, but they're here. 03:35 Some folk have been furloughed , but they're 03:39 here. 03:40 Some folk have been talked about, but they're here. 03:42 Some of you have come out of some messy situations, 03:45 but you're still here. 03:47 And it's difficult to understand and relate 03:50 to somebody who's been the recipient of God's goodness, 03:53 because there are some people who express themselves 03:57 in ways that other folk just don't understand. 03:59 But when God has been there for you, when all else 04:05 has failed you, and you have nothing else to sustain 04:09 you but God, you will learn to praise God like you 04:15 just don't care. 04:16 Aud: Amen. 04:17 PB: You see, when you've seen God pay the rent and you 04:21 don't have any money -- come on, tell the truth today. 04:23 [Aud response] PB: When you've seen 04:25 God literally pay that tuition, when the loan check got lost 04:30 or your passbook got lost, or you didn't have 04:34 tuition money, when you've seen God put food on 04:36 your table when you didn't have money to buy food, 04:39 when you've seen God raise you or a family member off 04:43 your sickbed of affliction, when the doctor said 04:47 there's nothing else they can do, 04:49 when you've seen God literally put cancer 04:52 in remission [Aud response] PB: when you've seen 04:56 God save your life and rescue you, 05:00 when all you grew up with, all the folk you hung out 05:02 with, they are nowhere to be found, and God just saved 05:07 you, and you're wondering why and where all your friends 05:12 are, and you're saying, God, what have I done to be 05:16 the recipient of all this goodness, what have I done, 05:21 when you've been the recipient of God in that way, 05:24 your praise is so real. 05:26 [Aud response] PB: So deep, so heartfelt, that you don't 05:30 care where you are. 05:32 Do I have a witness in this place? 05:35 [Aud response] PB: You don't care what part of the service 05:37 we're at, you don't care who's even looking at you, 05:41 but you have the kind of response to the goodness 05:43 of God that transcends your situation, and you're able, 05:47 even in your car, on the way to church, to have a praise 05:50 service. 05:51 [Aud response] PB: You're the kind of person 05:53 who can stand in Walmart and say God is good, 05:55 and you have a praise service. 05:57 You're the kind of person that can go to Huntsville 05:59 Hospital and say, that's where I'm supposed 06:01 to be today. 06:02 But God has been good to me. 06:06 [Aud response] PB: And because God 06:08 has been good, you can't help but praise 06:10 his name. 06:11 As a matter of fact, to somebody God's been 06:13 so faithful that by now you don't even have to wait until 06:17 you come out of a situation, but you've learned how 06:20 to praise God right in the midst of what you're going through. 06:23 When you can be experiencing something that seeks 06:26 to destroy you, when you can be going through something that 06:29 was designed to take you out, when you come into the house 06:33 of God and you lift up holy hands, and you begin to bless 06:37 God, and you say, God is blessing me, regardless 06:41 of how the devil is stressing me, because you made up 06:45 in your mind that despite your feelings, despite your 06:49 circumstances, you're going to be like David and say, 06:52 I will bless the Lord at all times, and his praise shall 06:57 continually be in my mouth. 07:00 The story is told of a woman who went to her church one 07:03 day to meet her pastor. 07:05 She went to the pastor's study, and she said, Pastor, 07:09 I'm going through problems with my family. 07:13 The Pastor said, Hallelujah. 07:18 The woman looked at her pastor and said, Well, Pastor, 07:21 two more things. 07:23 I'm going through problems on my job. 07:27 The pastor said, Thank you, Jesus. 07:30 She then stood up and she said, Pastor, there's 07:34 one more thing. 07:35 I'm going through health problems. 07:40 The pastor looked at the woman and said, Well, praise the Lord. 07:43 The woman then said, Now, hold up, Pastor. 07:47 Wait a minute. 07:48 I come in here and you're mocking me now. 07:50 I came here and told you I was going through problems 07:53 with my family. 07:54 I told you I was going through problems on my job, 07:56 I told you I was going through health problems, and I've come 07:59 up in here, and here you tell me that you're going to make 08:02 mockery of my problems, you're going to sit up here 08:05 and shout hallelujah, thank you, Jesus, and praise 08:08 the Lord, when I'm talking about I'm going through 08:13 all of this. 08:14 The pastor said to the woman, Sister, the reason why I'm 08:19 praising God for you is because you said you were 08:24 going through. 08:25 You didn't say you were in it to stay. 08:30 You said you were going through it. 08:33 [Aud response] PB: And some of us need 08:36 to learn that right now. 08:37 You need to learn that you're just going through some stuff. 08:41 You're not in it to stay, you're just going through it, 08:45 trying to get to it, and God wouldn't take you to it if God 08:49 couldn't bring you through it. 08:51 That's why I praise him like I do, because I've learned my 08:55 setback is just a setup for a comeback, and I love 09:00 to praise him. 09:01 Aud: [applause] PB: Isaiah 66, the Word 09:04 says, "For as the new heavens and the new earth 09:07 which I will make shall remain before me, saith the Lord, 09:10 so shall your seed and your name remain. 09:13 It shall come to pass," the Word of God says, 09:15 "that from one new moon from another, from one Sabbath 09:18 to another, shall all flesh," how much of flesh, 09:20 everybody? 09:21 Aud: All. 09:22 PB: "All flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord." 09:25 So that means if you don't like to worship God 09:28 here, how are you going to make it over there, when 09:35 we get to God's great heaven? 09:37 Because when we get to heaven, we're going 09:40 to worship him, we're going to worship him. 09:45 I said, we're going to worship him. 09:48 Do I have a witness in this place? 09:50 [Aud response] PB: Now, let me get into 09:52 the text quickly. 09:53 Psalm 150 is very interesting. 09:54 It's the final of the hallelujah psalms. 09:57 It is the great closing hallelujah or doxology 09:59 of the Psalmist. 10:00 The book of Psalms concludes with a call for everything 10:02 that has breath to join in this great anthem of praise. 10:06 Psalm 150 is broken up into three parts. 10:10 First of all, it helps us understand what God should be 10:13 praised for. 10:15 Secondly, it helps us understand how God should 10:18 be praised, and then number three, it helps us understand 10:22 who must praise God. 10:24 The Psalms, or these songs, are out of Israel's history, 10:28 and they culminate with praise. 10:31 Praise is a powerful thing. 10:34 When people who have been the recipients of the blessings 10:36 of God understand how to praise God, look out, 'cause 10:40 hallelujah, somebody, all the way through Psalm 146 10:45 to Psalm 149, they are the same thing. 10:49 Praise ye the Lord. 10:51 Psalm 147, praise ye the Lord. 10:55 Psalm 148, praise ye the Lord. 10:59 Psalm 149, praise ye the Lord. 11:03 And then look at the culmination. 11:05 Psalm 150 declares, praise ye the Lord. 11:09 Now, I want you to understand, lesson number one 11:14 for us today, you have to have the right attitude 11:19 if you're going to praise God. 11:21 [Aud response] PB: Let me say that again. 11:24 If you're going to praise God, you've got to have 11:27 the right attitude. 11:28 Everybody say right attitude. 11:29 Aud: Right attitude. 11:30 PB: You have to understand why your attitude is important, 11:32 because if your attitude isn't right, you're rejecting 11:35 the admonition to praise God. 11:36 If your attitude isn't right when you come to worship God, 11:41 you'll find yourself in worship criticizing the preacher, 11:45 talking about the choir, finding fault 11:49 with the musicians, complaining about the elders, 11:52 sitting miserably in church, and you'll miss out on 11:55 the blessings God has for your life. 11:58 Thirteen times in this six verses we heard, praise 12:04 the Lord. 12:05 And because repetition deepens the impression, 12:08 the admonition to praise the Lord is not up 12:11 for negotiation. 12:13 It's not up for debate. 12:14 It's not a suggestion, but it's a command. 12:17 Everybody say command. 12:18 Aud: Command. 12:19 PB: Which means it doesn't make a difference 12:21 how you feel about it. 12:23 You see, too many of us, I don't feel like it. 12:26 I'm so glad Jesus didn't say that when he went to Calvary. 12:29 Aud: Amen. 12:30 PB: I don't feel like it. 12:32 God says, I need you to praise me, because God 12:37 inhabits the praises of his people. 12:40 Look at verse 1, the Word of God says, "Praise ye 12:42 the" what, everybody? 12:44 Come on, praise ye the what, everybody? 12:46 [Aud response] PB: Praise God in his sanctuary, 12:49 praise him in the firmament of his what, everybody? 12:51 House. 12:52 Now, the Clear Word Bible says, to paraphrase, 12:54 "Praise the Lord. 12:55 Praise God in his heavenly sanctuary. 12:58 Praise him, all you who live throughout the universe." 13:02 Which means that the command to praise God extends 13:06 to all the inhabitants of both heaven and earth. 13:10 Everywhere. 13:11 Everybody is to praise God. 13:14 On the mountaintop, praise God. 13:17 In the valley low, praise God. 13:22 Everybody is to praise God. 13:24 It doesn't matter what's happening in your life, 13:27 praise God. 13:28 It doesn't make a difference where you are in your life, 13:31 praise God. 13:32 Verse number 2 says, "Praise him for his 13:34 mighty acts." 13:35 Praise him for his what, everybody? 13:37 [Aud response] PB: "Praise him according 13:39 to his excellent greatness." Let me 13:42 stop there. 13:43 Let me tell you something. 13:44 In life all you have to do is remember. 13:47 All you have to do is remember his acts 13:51 or his actions. 13:53 Actions deal with what God has already done. 13:56 How has God acted in your life? 14:02 It's important to understand this, because when you look 14:05 back over your life at all the things God has done 14:07 for you, all the things God has brought you out of, all 14:09 the times God has healed your body, all the times, somebody 14:13 knows, that God has made a way out of no way, you have 14:17 to be convinced that God is worthy to be praised. 14:23 Now, according to means as a result of. 14:30 Or, as God has demonstrated in your life. 14:33 Which then means the intensity of that act 14:37 represents the intensity of your praise. 14:40 If God has never done anything for you, 14:49 then I understand why you are like you are. 14:53 But I believe that I've got some witnesses in this place 14:57 [Aud response] PB: that can go back 14:59 in the recesses of their minds and remember what God 15:04 has done for them. 15:05 [Aud response] PB: When I look back over 15:08 my life, and I think things over, all of my good days 15:15 outweigh my bad days, I won't complain. 15:20 When the devil starts telling you in your ear, it's not 15:24 going to work out, you ought to give up, that's when 15:27 the Holy Ghost says, wait a minute. 15:30 All you need to do is just remember that if God was able 15:34 -- everybody say able Aud: Able. 15:36 PB: If God was able five years ago, then God is able right now. 15:43 If God were able ten years ago, then God is able right now. 15:49 Do I have a witness in this place? 15:51 [Aud response] PB: And so I used to wonder, 15:53 as I said, why people would praise God like they did. 15:55 But not only did I wonder why they would praise God like 15:58 they did, but I would wonder why they wouldn't stop. 16:03 When the song got good, when the sermon got good, 16:09 why was it necessary for reprise? 16:12 Why did the instruments have to strike it up again? 16:16 Why did the preacher have to keep on preaching? 16:19 Why didn't he stop? 16:21 I know how you all talk about me in the appeal -- come on, 16:24 say Amen. 16:25 Aud: [laughter] PB: Why won't he stop? 16:30 The music stopped, the sermon stopped, but some people kept 16:35 on praising God. 16:37 And we were like, come on, now, let's move it on. 16:41 Settle down. 16:42 It's over, move it on. 16:44 But when I look at this verse and I understand verse 2, 16:51 it makes sense why they kept going on. 16:54 It says, praise him according to his excellence, greatness. 16:58 I realized then that some people kept praising God 17:02 because it's according to his excellent greatness 17:06 toward them. 17:07 Morning by morning, new mercies I see. 17:12 You see, if you understood what they've been through, 17:15 and the mess that God had to snatch some of us up out of, 17:19 you would understand that the devil tried to keep some of 17:23 us in it. 17:24 But if you understood the extremity of their mess, 17:26 you'd understand the extremity of their praise. 17:29 You're all not hearing me. I'm going to preach 17:34 this somewhere else. 17:35 You all don't hear me. 17:38 But somebody knows, when I look back over my life, 17:44 my praise can't be programmed. 17:47 This praise can't be dictated by a clock. 17:53 This praise can't be controlled. 17:56 This praise makes me praise God in strange places 18:01 at strange times. 18:04 Let me help you quickly understand the cultural 18:06 implications of Israel's worship. 18:09 Israel's worship was rooted in music. 18:13 Its worship was rooted in instrumentation. 18:15 Because, remember, these psalms are songs. 18:19 These are 150 songs sung in worship. 18:22 And when these things are sung in worship, I must 18:24 understand, then, they had significance, that they were 18:27 tied to music. 18:29 Now, I must understand, friends of mine, where 18:31 the origin of all of this came from. 18:34 Because in heaven, before the creation of this earth, 18:37 remember, guess who's over the music ministry? 18:43 Lucifer. 18:44 Satan. 18:46 The Bible says that Lucifer was full of music, 18:51 and he directed the heavenly courts. Lucifer could sing 18:55 all the parts. 18:56 Soprano, alto, tenor and bass, all at the same time. 19:01 Lucifer could play all the instruments. 19:03 But the Bible says in Isaiah 14 that something 19:07 rose up in him, that pride rose up in him. 19:11 Pride goeth before destruction, a haughty spirit before 19:13 a fall. 19:14 Pride rose up in him, he got tired of the music, 19:17 he got tired of giving glory to God, 19:20 he convinced a third of the angels to fall 19:22 from heaven with him, and therefore he became 19:24 a fallen angel. 19:26 Lucifer was cast to Earth, now he walks the Earth. 19:29 Now watch what happens. 19:31 Guess what fell with him. 19:35 He took music. 19:36 Why? 19:39 Because music -- listen to me good -- has the greatest 19:42 influence on a generation. 19:46 What is it all these young folk listen to all day? 19:49 What's on all these iPads, iPods and iPhones? 19:55 Why do they dress like they dress and talk like they 19:59 talk? 20:02 Music. 20:03 Music is powerful and it's an influence. 20:07 And music in the wrong hands is a terrible influence. 20:13 Understand, friends of mine, there's nothing wrong 20:18 with that keyboard. 20:21 But the keyboard in the wrong hands is a terrible influence. 20:26 I'm going to preach it anyway. 20:28 There's nothing wrong with that Hammond organ. 20:31 But the Hammond organ in the wrong hands is a terrible 20:37 influence. 20:38 There is nothing wrong with those drums. 20:43 But drums in the wrong hands are a terrible influence. 20:48 News flash. 20:49 There is no such thing as a Christian instrument. 20:53 Aud: [applause] PB: There is no church piano 21:02 or a worldly piano. 21:05 All these pianos in the education department, 21:08 also in the church, came from the same place. 21:12 A. V. Stevens Music Company. 21:14 A piano is a piano. 21:17 But a piano in a wrong hands is a terrible influence. 21:23 Oh, what am I talking about? 21:24 Remember, Nebuchadnezzar's grand idolatry in Daniel 21:27 chapter 3 was accompanied by elaborate and well-produced 21:30 music, what we would now call anthem music. 21:35 Daniel chapter 3, it wasn't gospel, it wasn't R&B, 21:38 it wasn't jazz, it wasn't the drums, it wasn't 21:43 the keyboard, it wasn't the bass, 21:45 it wasn't the Hammond, but the Bible says it was 21:50 the coronet. 21:51 The flute. 21:52 The sackbuts, the psaltery and the dulcimer. 21:55 Let me be clear. 21:57 No instrument in and of itself is bad. 21:59 It's the person playing the instrument. 22:03 Is the pianist consecrated? 22:06 Is the drummer dedicated? 22:09 Does the organist love Jesus? 22:12 But an instrument in the wrong hands 22:16 is a terrible influence. 22:18 [Aud response] PB: I've opened this door, 22:20 so let me go on and walk in it. 22:22 Let me give you some Adventist history. 22:24 I had to study for this. 22:26 We talk about what's appropriate and what's 22:28 inappropriate. 22:29 Noted Adventist historian Ronald Graybill, in his article 22:32 "Enthusiasm in Early Adventist Worship," written 22:35 in "Ministry Magazine," by the way -- 22:37 that's the magazine from the G.C. to the preachers, 22:39 says that our spiritual ancestors had livelier services 22:42 than many of us would be comfortable with 22:44 today. 22:46 That's what he says. 22:47 He says that if those who view the Adventist pioneers 22:50 as cold, stoic and stiff liturgists could turn back 22:54 the clock and visit a 19th-century Adventist 22:56 worship service, they would be shocked at what 22:58 they would hear. 23:01 Now, he says, while the use of musical instruments 23:04 was not a major factor, and you need to know why it wasn't 23:07 a major factor -- let me explain. 23:09 It wasn't a major factor, he says, because many 23:11 of the early Adventist groups met in homes where no musical 23:14 instruments were present because they couldn't afford 23:16 to buy musical instruments, or they lacked the 23:18 skill to play them. 23:21 In fact, in the early Methodist church, 23:24 the Methodist congregation that Ellen White once belonged 23:27 to was one of the first to buy and install an organ 23:30 in their church. 23:32 And she was criticized for doing it. 23:36 Why? 23:37 Not because it was spiritually wrong, 23:39 but because nobody had ever done it before. 23:43 Ronald Graybill continues, he says, the music of that era 23:46 was rhythmic, enthusiastic, repetitious, and possessed 23:51 broad appeal. 23:52 He says the singing was pervasive, provided 23:54 a powerful emotional stimulant, and served the same pragmatic 23:56 function as the music of the frontier revival 23:59 tradition. 24:00 Adventist pioneer Jeannie Ayars Kellogg, in her article 24:02 "Growing Up With the Third Angel's Message," as recorded 24:05 in the "Adventist Review," said that almost all 24:07 of the early Adventist meetings she attended began 24:10 with singing. 24:12 Singing. 24:13 She said they were full of hearty singing throughout. 24:16 They ended, she said, with hand-shaking, they ended with 24:20 hugging, and they ended with hearty singing. 24:22 According to her, most of the catchy tunes of the early 24:26 Adventist church reflected the ardent hope of the soon 24:29 return of Jesus Christ. 24:31 Since the imminent return of Jesus was the core belief 24:34 that united early Adventists, early Adventists opted 24:38 to discard the primary use of European hymns for music 24:41 that more accurately reflected the contemporary hopes, 24:45 aspirations, dreams and disappointments 24:49 of the church. 24:50 They chose to employ musical styles that were solidly 24:53 grounded in Jesus Christ but were more in touch 24:57 with current popular forms. 24:59 Early Adventists sang gospel tunes to well-known secular 25:03 notes. 25:05 You don't believe me? 25:06 Our Seventh-day Adventist hymnals. 25:09 Today's popular songs such as "What Child is This?" "How 25:13 Sweet Are the Tidings." 25:15 Both of these songs borrow their direct melodies from popular 25:18 secular tunes. 25:20 Which means it can't, that it's the music 25:24 that's Christian. 25:25 We always talk about what's Christian and what's not. 25:27 We've got to listen to the words. 25:29 Early Adventists were also vocal worshipers. 25:31 Ellen White, in a letter written in 1876, after 25:33 attending Adventist camp meetings from Kansas 25:35 to Minnesota, declared, "I saw singing to the glory of God 25:38 often drove away the enemy." 25:43 Drove away the enemy, she said, and shouting 25:47 would beat him back. 25:49 >: The Breath of Life gift offer this week is 25:52 "Surprised By Love" by pastor and international 25:54 speaker Elizabeth Vierra Talbot. 25:56 Find out how people in the Bible were surprised 25:58 by God's love. 25:59 Adam and Eve were surprised. 26:01 The deceitful serpent and the Pharisees 26:03 were surprised. 26:04 It surprised the disciples and even the heavenly angels. 26:06 And God's surprises of love continue all around us today. 26:11 Journey with Elizabeth as you get a fresh view 26:13 of the greatest story ever told, from the kidnapping of God's 26:18 children to the rescuers, from the ransom 26:20 to the reunion. 26:21 "Surprised By Love" is yours for a gift of $5.00 or more. 26:24 Just call our toll-free number, 877-BOL-OFFER. 26:26 That's 877-265-6333. 26:31 Please have your credit card ready when you call. 26:33 Or you may write to us to request your copy. 26:35 Just send your check to Breath of Life, P.O. 26:37 Box 340, Newbury Park, California 91319. 26:41 Get your copy of "Surprised By Love" today. 26:44 Be encouraged and touched by the unexpected rescue of 26:47 God's children. 26:51 >: Are you on Facebook? 26:52 Carlton Byrd invites you to join his Facebook page. 26:55 Just go to Breath of Life TV on Facebook and click "like." 26:59 There you'll find inspirational posts and short 27:01 devotionals from Carlton to help you through your day. 27:04 You will also be able to get the latest updates 27:08 on Carlton's preaching schedule and see what's new 27:12 with Breath of Life television. 27:13 Stay in touch, stay blessed. 27:15 Go to Breath of Life TV on Facebook and click "like" 27:19 today. 27:20 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching 27:23 Breath of Life today. 27:24 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry 27:27 and that we gave a healing word in a hurting world. 27:32 In order for Breath of Life to continue ministry, 27:34 we need you. 27:35 We need your prayers, we need your support. 27:38 We want you to know that any and all donations, small 27:41 or great, they are sincerely welcomed and appreciated. 27:45 To contact us or to make your donation, please feel free 27:48 to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER. 27:53 That's 877-BOL-OFFER. 27:59 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340, 28:05 Newbury Park, California 91319. 28:09 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, California 91319. 28:14 Or log onto our web site at 28:17 PB: You need to learn that you're just going through 28:23 some stuff. 28:24 You're not in it to stay, you're just going through it, 28:28 trying to get to it. |
Revised 2015-02-06