Breath of Life

The Second Time Around, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000131

00:01 ♪ (Theme) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:11 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:18 ♪ all the praise... ♪ Pastor Byrd: You need to thank
00:22 God for the time when you hit rock bottom.
00:24 You have to learn how to thank God.
00:26 Because how would you ever come to know God like you know him
00:29 had you not hit rock bottom?
00:31 How would you know that God could pay your rents if you
00:35 never had rent due?
00:36 How could you come to know that God can heal your body if you've
00:40 never been sick?
00:41 How would you know if God is a Friend above all friends
00:44 if all your friends had never walked out on you?
00:47 Somebody today ought to thank God for the time you
00:51 were in the belly of the fish.
00:52 Aud: (applause) PB: Lord, I thank you
00:55 for that experience, because now I know who you
00:57 really are.
00:58 God, I thank you for those friends that ran out on me,
01:01 because now I know who my real friends are.
01:03 Lord, I thank you that you're a healer,
01:05 I think you that you're a provider,
01:08 I thank you that you're a way-maker,
01:10 I thank you that you're a shelter, I thank you
01:13 for your mercy, I thank you for your loving kindness,
01:16 I thank you for waking me up and starting me on my way,
01:19 I thank you for food and clothing,
01:21 shelter above my head.
01:23 God, I thank you.
01:25 Lord, I thank you, because you're on my side.
01:29 Because if it had not been for the Lord on my side,
01:32 where would I be?
01:33 God put Jonah in a place where Jonah couldn't do anything
01:37 but pray.
01:39 Anybody ever been there?
01:41 Where you couldn't do anything but pray?
01:45 Anybody know what I'm talking about?
01:48 Oh, keep living, sometimes God will put you on your back where
01:50 all you can do is look up and pray.
01:53 God will put you in situations where you can't do anything else
01:56 but call his name.
01:57 God says, I'll fix it so you won't have anyone calling you.
02:00 I'll fix it that your best friends walk out on you.
02:02 I will navigate your circumstances to a point where
02:05 you can't see anything but me.
02:07 You can't hear anything but me.
02:09 As a matter of fact, God says, I'll you so deep down into
02:12 the belly of a fish that you'll realize that you can't survive
02:16 without me.
02:17 If you're going to eat, I've gotta feed you.
02:21 If you're going to drink, I've gotta give you some water.
02:24 God says, if you're going to have clothes,
02:25 you'll learn that I have to clothe you.
02:28 God will put you in the belly of a fish,
02:30 and then God will say, now I've got your attention.
02:34 You see, when you're lying on your back and you have to call
02:39 on the name of the Lord in prayer, let me tell you
02:41 something: you'll learn something.
02:43 Growing up as a child, there's always been some God.
02:46 For all of us growing up, we've heard about God.
02:50 Whether we wanted to believe in God or not, we have heard
02:53 all of us about God.
02:54 But when you got a little older, you wanted to live like you
02:57 wanted to live.
02:58 You wanted to have a good time, you wanted to "experience life."
03:01 You're good ol' Adventist, you feel you've been sheltered
03:05 all your life.
03:06 You wanted to experience some things.
03:08 But God says, I'll take you to a place where you'll
03:09 have to remember.
03:10 I'll take you to a place where you'll have to remember what
03:12 your mama taught you, remember what your daddy taught you,
03:14 remember what Grandma taught you, remember what you learned
03:16 in Sabbath School.
03:18 You'll have to remember from whence cometh your health.
03:20 You can act a fool all you want, but God says, I'll show you
03:23 you have to remember.
03:26 Let's be real.
03:28 I got my suit on, it's tailored, got my shirt on, my bowtie,
03:30 clean-cut.
03:32 All of us looking good on a Sabbath day, praise be to God.
03:36 But the reality is that some of us have forgotten
03:39 where we come from.
03:41 We haven't always lived where we now live.
03:45 We haven't always driven what we now drive.
03:48 We haven't always been able to shop how we now shop.
03:51 Some of us, if we're real, used to have
03:53 just one Sabbath suit.
03:56 One Sabbath dress.
03:58 We had shoes that were our Sabbath shoes, they were shiny
04:02 on the top but had holes on the bottom.
04:05 Some of us remember the days when we didn't have a car,
04:09 but we walked.
04:10 It trips me out how these young people today say, I don't want
04:13 to walk from Harland Hall to the BT Building.
04:16 When I was at Oakwood, all we could do was walk.
04:18 Some of us remember when there was no air-conditioning.
04:21 You all know what I'm talking about?
04:25 I love these students.
04:26 You know, I look at them today, I see, they don't realize,
04:29 I'm old.
04:30 I was at AY last night, church packed full of young people,
04:32 I said, praise God.
04:33 They don't realize, 24 years ago we used to be in Mirren Hall
04:36 with no air-conditioning.
04:37 Packed.
04:41 Still no air-conditioning.
04:43 Aud: (laughs) PB: Packed, but we were just
04:47 as fine, we were having ourselves a good ol'
04:50 time, singing God is, and I shall wear a crown,
04:55 but I'm so glad that it's 24 years later.
04:57 Come on, say Amen.
04:58 God heard my cry, and he opened up the windows of heaven, poured
05:04 us out a blessing, and now there's not room enough
05:06 to receive it.
05:07 And when you really understand prayer, it doesn't make
05:09 a difference what situation you find yourself in.
05:11 Because when you really, sincerely pray to God,
05:15 your prayer will reach God.
05:17 And let me throw this in quickly.
05:20 Prayer cannot change things if prayer doesn't change you.
05:26 Aud: (applause) PB: Because of prayer
05:30 changes things, and you go back doing the same things,
05:36 you're going to mess the things up that prayer just changed.
05:42 Don't unearth what's already been buried.
05:45 Don't dig up what's already been done.
05:49 Some folk try to dig up stuff on other folk.
05:52 I got something on her, I got something on him, he dumped
05:55 me 20 years ago.
05:56 Let it go.
05:57 Aud: (unintelligible) PB: He dumped me 10 years
05:59 ago, she told me you were this, he told me you were that.
06:04 If it's dead and buried, let it go, earth to earth, ashes
06:10 to ashes, dust to dust.
06:11 Do I have a witness in this place?
06:13 Let me go on and finish this.
06:14 In Jonah, chapter 1, Jonah runs from God.
06:18 In Jonah, chapter 2, finds himself in the belly of a fish.
06:22 But then toward the end of the chapter, the Bible says
06:23 he has a change of heart.
06:26 He says, Enough is enough.
06:30 He says, I'm tired of running, I'm tired of doing it my way,
06:36 and it's gotten me nowhere.
06:37 I'm going to do it now God's way.
06:40 Now, Jonah 2:9 says, "But I will sacrifice unto thee
06:42 with the voice of Thanksgiving."
06:43 The Word of God says that Jonah says, "I will pay
06:48 that that I have vowed; salvation is of the Lord."
06:52 In other words, Jonah says, I will pay
06:55 what I said I will pay.
06:58 Lord, I will do what I said I'm gonna do.
07:02 Don't you know, friends of mine, there's a danger of making a vow
07:06 to God and not keeping it.
07:07 Don't play with God.
07:09 I said, don't play God.
07:10 The very thing you said you were going to do, you better do it.
07:13 God is tired of inconsistent Christians making promises they
07:15 can't keep and they don't want to keep.
07:18 Here we go: Lord, I lost my job.
07:21 I need employment.
07:22 I don't know, God, what I'm going to do, but I know that,
07:26 God, you own the cattle on a thousand hills.
07:29 Hallelujah, God.
07:31 And God, I worship you.
07:32 So God, if you just get me this job, God, I promise
07:38 I'll serve you.
07:39 And just as soon as aou get a new job,
07:42 you're too busy for God.
07:43 Lord, I'm tired of being in the world.
07:46 I'm tired of all the drama in the world, I'm tired
07:49 of people breaking my heart.
07:50 I'm ready to give my life to you, God.
07:52 Jesus, I don't want a man.
07:53 Jesus, I don't want a woman.
07:54 Jesus, I just want you.
07:55 And two weeks later, you meet somebody else and you're gone.
08:00 Lord, if you just help me pass this test.
08:06 Aud: (unintelligible) PB: I know I didn't study.
08:15 Aud: (laughter) PB: But this is what I like.
08:21 God, if you will direct my pencil to circle
08:23 the right answer.
08:26 Aud: (cheers, applause) PB: I promise you,
08:30 God, I won't miss church anymore.
08:36 And the moment you pass the test, hallelujah, thank God.
08:42 And you're nowhere to be found on Sabbath morning.
08:45 Amen, somebody.
08:48 Lord, I've got cancer.
08:51 But if you just heal my body this one time, I promise you,
08:55 God, I'll serve you till I die.
08:59 But the moment that cancer goes in remission, your service
09:02 to God goes into remission too.
09:08 Don't play with God.
09:13 Prayer is not for emergency use only, just like heaven is not
09:17 a fire escape from hell.
09:21 God needs committed Christians, not inconsistent opportunists.
09:27 Let me tell you something.
09:30 Some of us have been out there doing some foolishness.
09:33 Some of us have been diagnosed with a terminal illness.
09:37 But today you can come into the house of God and say,
09:43 God healed me.
09:44 God saved me.
09:46 God rescued me.
09:48 Somebody ought to thank God, because today you would not be
09:52 here if it were not for God.
09:55 Aud: Amen.
09:56 PB: Oh, yes, somebody ought to testify
09:59 of the goodness of God.
10:00 God, I wouldn't have the job if it weren't for you.
10:03 Some of you know God, I wouldn't have a degree if it weren't
10:06 for you.
10:07 I wouldn't have this car if it weren't for you.
10:10 God, we wouldn't have this church
10:12 if it weren't for you.
10:13 God, I wouldn't be back
10:15 in school, if it weren't for you.
10:20 My marriage wouldn't be together if it weren't for you.
10:22 My tumor wouldn't be benign if it weren't for you.
10:25 God, I wouldn't have anything if it weren't for you.
10:29 If it had not been for the Lord on my side.
10:32 That's why on Sabbath morning I enter into his gates
10:35 with thanksgiving.
10:36 I enter his courts with praise.
10:38 I'm thankful until him.
10:39 I don't have to wait on the praise team.
10:41 I don't have to wait on the choir.
10:43 I don't have to wait on the elders and the pastors
10:45 and the musicians.
10:46 But I will bless the Lord at all times, and His praise shall
10:51 continually be in my mouth.
10:53 But then the Bible says in Jonah, chapter 2, verse 10,
10:56 "And the Lord spake unto the fish."
11:01 Let's try that again.
11:06 Verse 10 of chapter 2: "And the Lord spake
11:10 until the fish," comma. You know,
11:17 when you come to Oakwood, you have to learn how to read
11:19 the bulletins.
11:20 You've got to know when the commas are there
11:23 and the periods are there.
11:24 "And the Lord spake to the fish," comma.
11:28 You mean to tell me the Lord had a conversation with a fish?
11:31 Picture that.
11:33 God talking to a fish.
11:38 But notice, if you look at the text carefully,
11:41 this is why you've got to really look
11:42 at the Word of God.
11:43 Notice, we don't know what God told the fish.
11:47 The only thing the Bible says is, "God spoke to the" what,
11:52 everybody?
11:53 It does not say what God told the fish.
12:00 The spiritual lesson for us today here is that God
12:03 is speaking to your situation.
12:07 And you don't even know it.
12:10 God will speak to your boss, God will speak to your
12:13 professor, God will speak to your credits,
12:17 God will speak to your landlord, God will speak to your student
12:21 accounts, God will speak to your situation.
12:26 And while you're trying to figure it out: God, what did
12:29 you say to my boss?
12:30 God says, don't worry about it.
12:33 God, you're in the registration line, you're working about how
12:37 it's going to work out.
12:38 God, what did you say to student accounts?
12:41 God says, don't worry about it, just be glad you got in school.
12:44 God, what did you say to my husband to make him so kind?
12:46 Don't worry about it, just be glad he's nice now.
12:48 Do I have a witness in this place?
12:51 Aud: [laughter] PB: God, what did you say
12:53 to the car salesman?
12:55 Don't worry about it.
12:56 Just rejoice in your blessing.
13:00 Quit trying to figure it out and just rejoice.
13:06 The Lord spake to the fish, comma, and the fish vomited
13:12 Jonah upon dry land.
13:16 The fish vomited Jonah on dry land.
13:23 Think about it.
13:26 When Jonah was swallowed up, Jonah was in the middle
13:30 of the sea.
13:31 But the closer Jonah got to God, the closer the fish got
13:37 to the bank.
13:38 Oh, you all don't get that.
13:42 The closer Jonah got to God, the closer the fish
13:51 got to the bank.
13:53 You see, if the fish had vomited Jonah up back in the middle
13:57 of the sea, Jonah would have still been swimming.
14:01 Jonah would probably have drowned.
14:04 But when God was dealing with brother Jonah in the belly
14:07 of the fish, the fish was all the time moving to the bank.
14:12 What am I trying to say?
14:14 God will let you out at the right place
14:16 at the right time.
14:17 Aud: (applause) PB: That's why I like God.
14:19 You see, friends of mine, you can't see it, but God,
14:24 thank you, Holy Ghost, God is moving you,
14:29 God is turning that thing around for you.
14:32 You can't see it, but God is moving you,
14:35 so when you finally do come out, you're going to be
14:37 in the right place.
14:41 Last thing.
14:43 Jonah 3:1: "And the Word of the Lord came unto Jonah
14:52 a second time."
14:56 Hallelujah, somebody.
14:58 "And the Word of the Lord came unto Jonah a second time.
15:05 Arise, get up, go to Nineveh, that great city, and preach
15:14 unto it the preaching that I bid thee."
15:21 Praise God for a second chance.
15:23 The Bible says the Word of the Lord came to Jonah
15:30 a second time.
15:32 Whenever God repeats himself, you are a recipient of God's
15:37 grace and God's mercy.
15:41 Don't you know that God could have cut Jonah off.
15:46 Jonah could have died and drowned in his rebellion.
15:50 But God gave Jonah a second chance.
15:56 If you don't get anything from this message today,
15:59 get this: God uses broken people.
16:03 Aud: Amen.
16:04 PB: People who are messed up by sin, God will give them
16:09 a second chance.
16:11 In fact, if you read all the stories in the Bible,
16:14 you will find one consistent thing.
16:15 There is a thread of grace and thread of mercy that runs
16:19 through Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Peter
16:23 and Paul.
16:25 Think about it.
16:26 Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, but God covered him.
16:29 Noah got drunk, but God sobered him.
16:34 Jacob tricked his father, but God forgave him.
16:39 Moses murdered a man, but God called him.
16:43 Elijah quit and complained but God recommissioned him.
16:48 David slept with a woman who wasn't his wife, but God
16:52 pardoned him.
16:53 Peter denied the Lord not once, not twice, but three times,
16:57 but God used him.
16:59 Paul was persecuting Christians, but God blinded and saved him.
17:04 Jonah ran from God, but God redeemed him.
17:08 God uses broken people.
17:10 God uses the least, the lost, the last, the unlucky
17:14 and the left-out, which means God can use you.
17:18 Aud: Amen.
17:19 PB: That God can use me.
17:22 That God can use us.
17:24 We always think that God is looking for perfect people.
17:28 But God uses broken people.
17:30 At the end of the day, we're all like Jonah.
17:33 God gets the most out of us only after we've been broken.
17:36 After we've been broken and stripped of our pride
17:39 and left with the message he's given us,
17:40 the message of grace.
17:41 Let me tell you something; I've learned this over
17:43 my experience.
17:43 The best preachers are the ones who've been through something.
17:47 Aud: (applause) PB: The best singers,
17:52 people come up in Oakwood and they all sing, but you can
17:53 tell the difference between the singers.
17:55 The best singers are those who have been through something.
17:59 You see, they don't preach like others.
18:02 They don't sing like others.
18:05 They don't testify like others.
18:08 But there's an anointing that runs through their body.
18:12 People don't understand their worship, they don't understand
18:16 their praise, they don't understand their tears,
18:20 they don't understand when they just sit there
18:21 and they're silent.
18:22 But if you know and knew what I now know, you'd understand why
18:27 sometimes they act like they act, because sometimes things
18:31 are better the second time around.
18:35 God's desire was for Jonah to go the first time.
18:43 But Jonah was actually a better messenger the second time.
18:50 Some things are better the second time around.
18:56 I'm from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
19:02 I'm a Southern boy.
19:04 I learned that some things are better the second time around.
19:12 Anybody will tell you black-eyed peas taste better the second
19:20 time around.
19:22 Aud: Amen.
19:24 PB: Chili tastes better the second time around.
19:33 If you like salsa, let it sit one day, because it's always
19:40 better the second time around.
19:45 Somebody said love is better the second time around.
19:53 When Jonah went to Nineveh, it was better the second time
20:02 around.
20:03 Jonah didn't walk into Nineveh the second time as the great
20:06 prophet of God, but Jonah walked into Nineveh the second time as
20:09 a humble example of God's grace.
20:13 And just like Jonah, God is calling you.
20:17 The devil wants to shame you into thinking that you're too
20:20 messed up, you're too broken up, you're not good enough.
20:23 If you failed God, Satan wants you to wallow in defeat.
20:26 Satan wants you to have a pity party.
20:28 But God says, Get up, arise.
20:33 The message is still the same.
20:35 The duty is still the same.
20:39 Get up from here and start now, because God says I'm the God of
20:44 a second chance.
20:45 You see, friends of mine, as I get ready to take my seat,
20:48 we need to learn how to thank God for a second chance.
20:53 You see, if there's anything that everybody in the place,
20:55 that we all have in common, it is that we have all been the
20:59 recipients of a second chance.
21:02 And that's why I praise God.
21:04 That's why I get excited when I worship God.
21:07 That's why my eyes get big and my cheeks bulge out
21:10 when we sing "Lift up the trumpet, loud let it ring,
21:13 Jesus is coming again."
21:15 It's because I recognize that God has given me a second
21:18 chance, that I've messed up.
21:21 Somebody knows, you know my testimony, I shouldn't be here
21:24 today.
21:25 But God has given me a second chance.
21:27 Is there anybody grateful that God has given them a second
21:29 chance?
21:30 Aud: (applause) PB: You ought to give God praise, you ought to
21:33 thank God for when you messed up, he gave you a second chance.
21:36 When you made a promise and you didn't keep it, he gave you a
21:39 second chance.
21:40 When you said you would, but you didn't, he gave you a second
21:45 chance.
21:47 When you should have been dead, buried in your grave, but he
21:52 gave you a second chance.
21:56 I'm so glad that he's given me a second chance.
22:02 (piano) Speaking of a second time around, the first time
22:07 Jesus came he came as a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes,
22:13 lying in a manger.
22:15 The first time he came, he walked the dusty roads of Judea
22:22 and Nazareth.
22:24 The first time he came, he came to save his people.
22:32 But the second time, the second time he comes, he's coming
22:40 to get his people.
22:43 The second time he comes, he's coming as a conquering king.
22:49 The second time he comes, we're going to say, ride on, King
22:55 Jesus.
22:57 No man can hinder thee.
23:01 Ride on, King Jesus.
23:04 I want to go to heaven in the morning.
23:09 Listen to me carefully.
23:10 The second time around, lessons from the Jonah story.
23:14 Number one, whenever you run from God, whenever you run from
23:19 him, young people, senior people, whenever you run from
23:23 God, you're going down.
23:27 Understand that whenever you run from God, you're going to always
23:32 find a ship.
23:33 You will always find a willing vessel that's trying to pull you
23:38 from God.
23:39 When you run from God, it's going to cost you something.
23:42 When you run from God, you're going to always face a storm.
23:47 But God will put you in a place, he will put you in a place that
23:53 he has to get your attention, for all you can do is pray.
23:58 God will speak to your situation, he will speak to your
24:02 mountains and say, be thou removed,
24:06 and you won't even know it.
24:08 And God will allow you a way of escape.
24:13 And when he does, he'll put you right where you need to be.
24:18 He's the God of the second chance.
24:23 I'm glad he's given me a second chance.
24:32 Another chance to love.
24:33 I'm glad he's given me another chance to live, another chance
24:40 to worship him.
24:41 Maybe a year ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago,
24:44 I didn't do it right.
24:45 But I got it right now.
24:47 Someone, he's spared your life from cancer,
24:50 he's spared your life.
24:51 I know he spared me from a horrible car accident
24:53 He's given me another chance Don't mess it up this time
25:03 Don't mess it up this time Somebody, you've had breast
25:09 cancer, It's gone into remission again.
25:13 He's given you a second chance Don't mess it up this time
25:20 some of you have heart conditions
25:23 I've visited you in the hospital but god spared you,
25:29 you thought it was a stint you thought it was open heart
25:33 surgery, but it was GOD He's given you a second chance
25:43 somebody, your marriage failed maybe he's allowed you to
25:50 remarry or you've learn to love him just being single
25:52 He's given you a second chance.
25:57 The Breath of Life gift offer this week is "Surprised by
25:59 Love," by pastor and international speaker Elizabeth
26:02 Viera Talbot.
26:04 Find out how people in the Bible were surprised by God's love.
26:06 Adam and Eve were surprised.
26:08 The deceitful serpent and the Pharisees were surprised.
26:11 It surprised the disciples and even the heavenly angels.
26:14 And God's surprises of love continue all around us today.
26:17 Join with Elizabeth as you get a fresh view of the greatest
26:21 story ever told.
26:22 From the kidnapping of God's children to the rescue, from the
26:24 ransom to the reunion.
26:27 "Surprised by Love" is yours for a gift of $5 or more.
26:30 Please call our toll free number 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:34 That's 877-265-6333.
26:38 Please have your credit card ready when you call.
26:40 Or you may write us to request your copy.
26:43 Please send your check to Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
26:46 Newbury Park, California 91319.
26:49 Get your copy of "Surprised by Love" today.
26:52 Be encouraged and touch by the unexpected rescue of God's
26:55 children.
26:56 PB: Are you hearing what I'm saying?
26:59 >: To order a DVD or CD copy of this Breath of Life broadcast
27:01 with Carlton Byrd, just call our toll-free number, 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:08 That's 877-265-6333.
27:11 Please visit us online at, where you can
27:15 see our broadcast schedule, send us your prayer requests, sign up
27:19 for our newsletter, and make a donation.
27:22 Thank you for watching and supporting Breath of Life.
27:25 God bless you.
27:28 PB: We want you to know that any and all donations, small or
27:30 great, they are sincerely welcomed and appreciated.
27:34 To contact us or to make your donation, please feel free to
27:38 give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:43 That's 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:49 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life,
27:51 P O Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 91319.
27:59 P O Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 91319.
28:04 or log on to our web site www,breathoflife.TV
28:10 Because of prayer changes things, and you go back doing
28:16 the same things, you are going to mess the things up that
28:20 prayer just changed.
28:23 oh keep living, sometimes God will put you
28:25 on your back, where all you can do is look up and pray.


Revised 2015-02-06