Participants: Carlton P. Byrd
Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000129
00:03 ♪ (Theme) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:10 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪ 00:18 ♪ all the praise... ♪ Pastor Byrd: After the groom 00:22 left, the groom went to work. 00:25 The bride was separated from her groom. 00:27 While waiting for his return, the bride, however, 00:30 was to remain faithful. 00:31 It was probably easy at first to be faithful. 00:35 But when his return was delayed, temptation was great. 00:40 After a while, the bride may even start to question 00:43 his return. 00:45 But then, number five, the return of the groom. 00:51 Jewish grooms usually came to their brides late at night. 00:55 In the midnight hour. 00:57 There would be the sound of a shofar, which was a ram's horn 01:01 trumpet used by Jews in ancient religious ceremonies. 01:05 And the sound of the shofar would break the silence of 01:08 the night, and there would be great dancing, great singing 01:11 and great shouting in the streets, 01:13 because the groom was on his way home to get his bride. 01:16 This was illustrated in the parable of the ten virgins. 01:18 You will remember, the Bible says at midnight 01:21 a cry was heard. 01:23 Behold, the bridegroom cometh. 01:26 And go out now to meet him. 01:29 But then number six, there was the chuppah. 01:33 Everybody say chuppah. 01:34 The chuppah was the home-taking. 01:37 The chuppah of ancient times was a special room built 01:42 in the groom's father's house. 01:44 The room, friends of mine, was eventually replaced 01:47 by a bridal canopy. 01:49 The chuppah symbolized the new home to which the groom would 01:51 now take his bride. 01:53 The chuppah was the bridal suite. 01:56 Praise God for the chuppah. 02:00 The chuppah began as the virginity cloth 02:04 that lay under the bride when the marriage 02:06 was consummated. 02:07 Then the cloth changed its position from under 02:10 the bride on the bed to over the bride on the bed 02:13 as a canopy. 02:14 So the sheet began under the bride, then over 02:18 the bride in private, and then over the bridal 02:20 couple in public. 02:23 After the return of the groom, the bride and the groom 02:26 were escorted to the bridal chamber, the chuppah, 02:31 where they would be alone for seven days. 02:34 Completion. 02:35 Come on, say Amen. 02:36 Where the marriage would be consummated. 02:40 Following the seven days in the chuppah, following the seven 02:43 days in the bridal chamber, the bride and the groom 02:50 would now join their guests for number seven. 02:55 Now, you know number seven is going to be good, because 02:59 number seven signifies completion. 03:03 There's something special about number seven. 03:08 God created this earth in six days and rested 03:10 on the seventh day. 03:12 There are 77 words in the Ten Commandments. 03:16 Elisha ordered Namath to dip in the Jordan seven times. 03:19 Jesus uttered seven last words on Calvary. 03:22 In Revelation, where we're just about to go, the Bible says 03:25 there were seven churches, seven seals, and seven angels 03:28 who sounded seven trumpets. 03:31 So now we come to number seven. 03:33 The marriage feast. 03:35 The bride and groom would now join their guests 03:40 for the marriage feast. 03:42 They would eat, be merry, rejoice, play music. 03:48 They would celebrate the wedding feast. 03:51 They would laugh, they would play, they would have joy, 03:57 they would celebrate. 03:58 It was now time for the wedding feast. 04:03 The bride had been selected. 04:04 The price for the bride had been paid. 04:06 The betrothal or the engagement had taken place. 04:13 Understand, there was then the period where the bride 04:17 was alone and the groom had to leave. 04:19 The return now of the groom. 04:21 The chuppah, and then now number seven, the marriage 04:26 feast. 04:28 And when I was studying this this week, and when 04:31 I understood now the contextual meaning of ancient Jewish 04:34 weddings, I now can better understand Revelation 19:7-9. 04:40 The Bible says, "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour 04:45 to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, 04:49 and his wife hath made herself ready. 04:52 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine 04:56 linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness 05:00 of saints. 05:01 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are 05:05 called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. 05:08 And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God." 05:12 And so when I read this text, and when I contextualize 05:16 it to ancient Jewish history, this whole thing is not about 05:23 the bride. 05:25 This whole thing is about the groom. 05:30 You see, the bride is Christ's church. 05:34 The groom is Jesus Christ. 05:37 The head of the church. 05:40 And one day, Jesus is going to come back to get his bride. 05:45 Now, remember number one, the bride was selected by 05:49 the groom, which means Jesus said in John 15:16, "Ye hath not 05:55 chosen me, but I have chosen you and ordained you, that ye 06:00 should go forth and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit 06:02 shall remain; but whatsoever ye shall ask my father in my name, 06:08 he may give it unto you." Which means Jesus has selected you. 06:12 Jesus has selected me. 06:14 Jesus has chosen me. 06:16 We are not our own. 06:17 We have been selected by Jesus. 06:19 So I don't do what I want to do. 06:22 I don't go where I want to go. 06:23 But I go where he tells me to go. 06:26 I do what he tells me to do, because he selected me. 06:30 But not only did the groom pay for the bride. 06:34 Jesus paid the price for me. 06:38 Just like brides were purchased, you've been 06:42 purchased. 06:44 I've been purchased. 06:45 We've been bought with a price. 06:48 I'm blood bought. 06:50 I said, I'm blood bought. 06:53 There is a fountain filled with blood drawn 06:56 from Emmanuel's veins. 06:58 And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their 07:01 guilty stains. 07:02 When someone tells you of your past, tell them that's all 07:05 right. 07:06 I'm blood bought. 07:07 I've lied, but I'm blood bought. 07:10 I've cheated, but I'm blood bought. 07:12 I've stolen, but I'm blood bought. 07:15 I've talked about somebody, but I'm blood bought. 07:18 I've done drugs, but I'm blood bought. 07:22 I've fornicated, but I'm blood bought. 07:25 I've messed up, but I'm blood bought. 07:28 I've sinned, but I'm blood bought. 07:31 I'm born again, free from sin, because of the blood I'm saved, 07:35 I'm cleansed, I'm washed, I'm blood washed. 07:39 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. 07:43 Oh what a foretaste of glory divine. 07:46 Heir of salvation purchased of God, born of his spirit, 07:54 washed in his blood. 07:55 I've been bought. 07:56 Number three, not only did they have a betrothal, a commitment 08:01 or covenant, but I've got a marriage contract 08:04 with my Jesus. 08:06 My marriage contract is found in the Word of God. 08:09 I've got my ketubah, I've got my contract. 08:15 Jesus died for me and all he asks is that I live for him. 08:21 I've got my contract. 08:23 Where he leads me, I will follow. 08:26 I've got my contract. 08:28 I said, where he leads me, I'm gonna follow. 08:31 I've got my contract. 08:34 I love the Lord and I won't take it back. 08:37 He's been too good to me. 08:39 I've got my contract, God's Word shows me what I'm entitled 08:44 to as his bride. 08:45 You see, all of the promises of God are for us. 08:49 The promises of God are Yea and Amen. 08:52 I've got a contract, which means when I'm sick, 08:56 the contract says he was wounded for my transgressions, bruised 08:59 for my iniquities. 09:01 The chastisement of our peace was upon him, 09:03 but by his stripes I'm healed. 09:05 The contract says I may be in financial trouble, but God says 09:09 I will supply all of your needs according to his riches 09:12 in glory. 09:13 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, 09:17 and all these things shall be added until you. 09:19 I once was young but now I'm old. 09:22 But I've never seen the righteous forsaken 09:25 nor his seed begging bread. 09:27 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may 09:30 be meat in my house. 09:31 Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I would 09:34 not open you up the windows of heaven and pour you out 09:36 a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it. 09:39 I've got a contract. 09:41 Aud: Amen. 09:43 I'm emotionally a wreck, but I've got a contract. 09:47 My nerves are in bad shape, but I've got a contract. 09:52 He said, "I will keep you in perfect peace when your mind 09:55 is stayed on me." 09:56 People talk about me, people hate on me, 09:59 people discourage me. 10:01 People discourage me and they don't even know 10:03 they discourage me. 10:04 But I've got a contract. 10:06 Fret not yourself because of evil-doers, neither be thy 10:10 envious of the workers of iniquity. 10:12 God's gonna cut 'em down like the grass. 10:14 I feel all alone sometimes, but the contract says he will 10:17 never leave nor forsake you. 10:18 Sometimes I'm scared, sometimes I'm fearful, sometimes I don't 10:23 know what to do, but the contract says the Lord 10:25 is my light and my salvation. 10:29 Whom shall I fear? 10:31 I've got a contract. 10:35 Then number four, the departure of the groom. 10:41 Our groom, Jesus, he came to Planet Earth, he preached 10:48 the gospel, he taught the gospel, he lived 10:51 the gospel, he shared the gospel, he healed 10:54 the broken-hearted, he set the captive free, he made 10:56 the lame to walk again, he caused the blind to see. 10:58 Jesus went to Calvary to die for my sins. 11:01 Jesus left--the departure of the groom. 11:05 He left. 11:06 He ascended back to heaven. 11:08 The disciples said, "Lord, what shall we do?" He said, 11:11 don't worry. 11:12 I'm going to send you the Comforter, 11:14 and the Comforter's going to lead you in all truth. 11:17 But Lord, you're leaving. 11:18 He said, don't worry, we've got an understanding. 11:22 There must be a departure of the groom. 11:25 But let not your hear be troubled. 11:27 Ye believe in God, believe also in my Father's house. 11:31 Jesus has gone to prepare a wedding chamber for his bride. 11:37 But while the groom is away, the bride has to be faithful. 11:42 The bride has to remain true. 11:45 The bride can't yield to temptation. 11:47 The bride has to hold on, knowing a better day is coming. 11:50 Yes, the bride sometimes gets discouraged, yes, the bride 11:55 sometimes feels like giving up, yes, the bride asks itself, 11:59 is this worth it all? 12:01 I have heartaches, I have headache, I have toothache, 12:05 I have backache, I have leg ache, I have all kinds of aches. 12:09 But the groom says, hold on. 12:11 Help is on the way. 12:12 Here is the patience of the saints; here are they 12:16 that keep the commandments of God and the faith 12:19 of Jesus Christ. 12:21 Number five, the groom would have to come back. 12:26 Now, remember, the groom would usually come back for his bride 12:30 in the midnight hour. 12:32 Most people are asleep at midnight. 12:36 I wish you all would hear me in this place. 12:38 They are not awake. 12:40 They are not ready for someone to come to their house because 12:43 they are asleep. 12:45 When the groom, Jesus, comes back for his bride, too many 12:49 of his folk are going to be asleep. 12:52 The Bible says, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, 12:54 not even the angels, or the Son, but my Father only. 12:58 Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour 13:01 ye think not, the Son of Man cometh." 13:03 The groom is coming back. 13:05 But the bride can't be asleep. 13:08 The bride has to be ready. 13:12 Too many of us are asleep. 13:15 Too many of us are not awake. 13:19 Too many of us are lukewarm. 13:22 We live any kinda way. 13:24 We do anything any kinda way. 13:27 We sow wild oats during the week and then 13:29 pray for a crop failure on the Sabbath. 13:31 But Jesus is coming back. 13:34 The bridegroom is coming back. 13:37 Ready or not, here he comes. 13:39 We gotta wake up, friends of mine. 13:41 There's war in the Middle East. 13:44 The threat of war in Syria is real. 13:47 Men are becoming lovers of their own flesh. 13:50 Men are marrying men, women marrying women. 13:54 Anything goes. 13:55 Jesus is coming. 13:56 Don't be asleep. 13:58 [applause] This is not about you. 14:01 This is not about the bride. 14:05 It's all about the groom. 14:08 The shofar is going to sound. 14:11 The trumpet is going to sound. 14:14 For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with 14:18 a shout, with the voice of the archangel, the trump 14:21 of God, and the dead in Christ are going 14:24 to rise first. 14:25 Then we are alive and remain are going to be caught 14:27 up together within the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, 14:29 and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 14:31 But number six, the chuppah. 14:33 The bride chamber. 14:35 Just before Jesus returned, God's people are going to have 14:39 to go into a bridal chamber. 14:40 They're going to have to go into hiding. 14:43 The plagues are going to come. 14:46 The time of trouble is going to come. 14:48 Some of us have been sitting up here all our years, and we 14:50 don't know what the time of trouble is all about. 14:52 The people of God are asleep, but I've got good news today. 14:56 Just like the death angel passed over the children 15:01 of Israel in Gosha, just like God protected 15:04 his children in Israel, God is going to protect 15:07 his people in time of trouble. 15:09 For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his 15:13 tabernacle, for the rest of the world it's going 15:16 to be trouble, but for the servants of God who 15:18 have been sealed Aud: [responds] 15:23 there won't be trouble, but there will be protection. 15:26 I was reading the Word of God. 15:27 The Word of God says in Isaiah 26:20-21, " Come, my people, 15:30 enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: 15:34 hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until 15:37 the indignation be overpast. 15:39 For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish 15:41 the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: 15:43 the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall 15:48 no more cover her slain." 15:49 Which means while we go into chuppah, while we go 15:53 in the bridal chamber, the wrath of God is going 15:56 to be poured out on this earth, but the bride 15:58 is going to be protected by the groom. 16:02 And then number seven. 16:04 The Jewish nation had a marriage feast. 16:08 God, the great Groom, is going to have a marriage feast. 16:12 The great Groom, Jesus, the Groom, is going to have 16:17 a marriage feast for his bride. 16:18 Come on in where the table is spread, and the feast 16:22 of the Lord is going on. 16:23 Joy is spread when the table is spread, and the feast 16:25 of the Lord is going on. 16:28 Love is spread when the table is spread, and the feast 16:32 of the Lord is going on. 16:35 Where is it at? 16:36 It's at the table. 16:37 The table of the wedding feast, the groom will have his bride. 16:40 The bride will be with her groom. 16:42 And just like in ancient Jewish days and weddings, there are 16:46 going to be shouts of joy. 16:50 There are going to be leaps of joy. 16:54 There is going to be dancing for joy. 16:59 Hallelujah, home at last! 17:01 The redeemed are home at last. 17:05 No more crying, no more dying, no more war, no more pain, 17:11 no more house note, no more car note, no more murder. 17:15 The former things are passed away. 17:17 [organ] When we all get to heaven, 17:22 what a day of rejoicing that's going to be. 17:24 When we all see Jesus, we're going to sing and shout 17:26 the victory. 17:27 There is going to be persistent praise around God's great 17:30 throne. 17:31 Hallelujah. 17:32 That's what we're going to say every day. 17:34 When you get tired, you're going to still say, 17:36 "Hallelujah." We're going to say, "Praise the Lord." 17:39 We're going to say, "Thank you, Jesus." Some folk say, I can't 17:43 wait 'til I get to heaven to sing and shout. 17:46 And all you do is sit and look here, but I'm not going to wait 17:49 until I get to heaven. 17:50 I'm going to praise him in advance. 17:53 I'm not going to wait to praise him when I come out of this 17:57 thing, but I'm going to praise him going into this thing. 18:01 Hallelujah, Thine the glory, hallelujah, Amen. 18:05 Hallelujah, Thine the glory, revive us again. 18:10 The Word says, Let us be glad. 18:14 [piano] Rejoice. Give honor to Him. 18:20 For the marriage of the Lord is come. 18:26 His wife hath been made ready herself. 18:32 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine 18:35 linen, clean and white, for the fine linen 18:37 is the righteousness of saints. 18:38 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are 18:43 called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. 18:45 And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God." 18:48 Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may 18:54 have a right to the Tree of Life. 18:58 As they enter in through the gates into the city, 19:02 even so, come, Lord Jesus. 19:07 This thing is not about you. 19:11 This thing is not about the bride. 19:14 It's all about the groom. 19:16 What the groom has done. 19:18 What the groom is doing. 19:21 And what the groom is going to do. 19:24 Understand, you've been selected. 19:28 You've been chosen. 19:30 You've been bought with a price. 19:35 You've already been paid for. 19:39 Understand, it requires commitment. 19:43 It requires a covenant. 19:46 It requires a contract between you and God. 19:51 None but the righteous shall see God. 19:56 You've got to live holy. 19:57 You've got to live right. 20:00 If you want to see Jesus over there, you got to get right. 20:03 So we can go home. 20:05 And quit thinking everybody else is wrong and you right. 20:08 We are all wrong, all of us, our righteousness in the sight 20:13 of God is but as filthy rags. 20:16 We are all messed up, we are all sheep as going to 20:19 the slaughter, if it weren't for the grace of God. 20:23 (music) The groom had to depart for a little while. 20:29 He had to depart, but in this 20:38 time of departure the bride, we cannot get weary in 20:42 well-doing. 20:43 If we faint not, we're going to receive our just reward. 20:48 For this week, I'm telling you all, those who are close to me 20:54 know, this was a rough one. 20:55 Sometimes you feel like, you know what? 20:57 I give up. 21:04 But I can't give up. 21:09 Brian Dublin, you don't know what you did for me yesterday. 21:11 I told Danielle about it. 21:13 You don't know what you did for me yesterday. 21:15 I went into the barbershop. 21:19 Brian Dublin, one of our members, was in there. 21:21 He said, "Pastor Byrd, I walked in the church Wednesday night, 21:25 and Pastor Byrd, I walked in and I was just amazed." 21:31 He said, "Man, you are doing a good job." I said, "Brian, 21:33 thanks." I'm sitting in the barber chair, 21:36 and you know Jeff Johnson's cutting my hair, and he's crazy 21:38 anyway, but then Brian began to testify to the Lord's 21:42 goodness, of our ministry to him. 21:45 Man, you don't know. 21:47 And it's just like God. 21:49 God will give you just what you need just when you 21:54 need it most. 21:55 Just when I need it, Jesus is near. 21:59 (music) The groom will go away, 22:05 but during the time the groom goes away, the bride, 22:07 we got to stay faithful. 22:10 We got to stay on the wall. 22:13 Don't get up. 22:14 I don't know how phase 3 is going to be done 22:16 for the school, but I gotta stay on the wall. 22:23 I've learned over the years, people say to me, Pastor Byrd, 22:27 how is it that your ministry excels? 22:29 How is it that you baptize people, you're able to do stuff 22:31 with the physical plant. 22:32 How is it done? 22:33 I say, it's not me. 22:34 Only thing I know is, I learned as a little boy that God 22:36 rewards faithfulness. 22:38 He says when you're faithful over little things, I will make 22:44 you ruler over many things. 22:46 So though the groom is gone, I've got to stay faithful. 22:51 (music) The groom is coming back. 22:56 And it's not going to be in broad daylight. 23:03 Young people, it may be Friday night. 23:05 The groom may come back Saturday night. 23:10 Keep your lamps trimmed and burning. 23:16 The groom may come when you're on the telephone having 23:18 a conversation you shouldn't be having. 23:20 The groom may come when you're watching a television program 23:24 you have no business watching. 23:25 You better be ready. 23:26 The groom is coming. 23:27 The Bible says he comes at midnight, at a time when you 23:30 least expect it. 23:33 (piano) But I'm grateful. 23:38 Ellen White says we have nothing to fear for the future, 23:41 lest we forget how God has led us in the past. 23:45 God has a chuppah, God has a chamber, God has a place where 23:50 God is going to seal his people. 23:53 And his people will not be upset by the time of trouble 23:57 and the thorns and the snares of Satan and the enemy, but God 24:01 will protect us in the time of trouble, he's going 24:04 to hide us. 24:06 (piano) But then Gabriel, he's going 24:11 to blow the shofar, he's going to blow the trumpet, and when he 24:21 blows the trumpet, people are going to start 24:25 popping up like popcorn. 24:26 Popcorn out of the grave. 24:30 I can imagine what the sight is going to be at Oakwood 24:32 Memorial Gardens. 24:33 Elder Mosley's going to pop up. 24:36 Elder Cleveland's going to pop up. 24:39 Somebody's mama's going to pop up. 24:41 Somebody's baby's going to pop up. 24:43 We'll all pop up, and then those of which are alive 24:45 and remain are going to be caught up to meet 24:50 the Lord in the air. 24:52 And so shall we ever be with the Lord. 25:00 (piano) Pop up. 25:04 Get ready for the marriage feast. 25:11 But it's not about the bride. 25:12 It's all about the groom, coming to get his bride. 25:25 >: The Breath of Life gift offer this week is "Surprised 25:28 by Love," by pastor and international speaker 25:30 Elizabeth Viera Talbot. 25:32 Find out how people in the Bible were surprised 25:34 by God's love. 25:35 Adam and Eve were surprised. 25:36 The deceitful serpent and the Pharisees 25:38 were surprised. 25:39 It surprised the disciples and even the heavenly angels. 25:42 And God's surprises of love continue all around us today. 25:46 Journey with Elizabeth as you get a fresh view 25:48 of the greatest story ever told. 25:50 From the kidnapping of God's children to the rescue, from 25:56 the ransom to the reunion. 25:57 "Surprised by Love" is yours for a gift of $5 or more. 25:58 Please call our toll free number 877-BOL-OFFER. 26:02 That's 877-265-6333. 26:06 Please have your credit card ready when you call. 26:09 Or you may write us to request your copy. 26:11 Just send your check to Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340, 26:14 Newbury Park, California 91319. 26:17 Get your copy of "Surprised by Love" today. 26:20 Be encouraged and touched by the unexpected rescue 26:23 of God's children. 26:27 >: Are you on Facebook? 26:28 Carlton Byrd invites you to join his Facebook page. 26:32 Just go to Breath of Life TV on Facebook and click "Like." 26:34 There you'll find inspirational posts and short devotionals 26:38 from Carlton to help you through your day. 26:41 You will also be able to get the latest updates on Carlton's 26:43 preaching schedule and see what's new with Breath of Life 26:46 television. 26:47 Stay in touch, stay blessed. 26:49 Go to Breath of Life TV on Facebook and click "like" 26:52 today. 26:56 PB: Are you hearing what I'm saying? 26:58 >: To order a DVD or CD copy of this Breath of Life broadcast 27:00 with Carlton Byrd, just call our toll-free number, 27:04 877-BOL-OFFER. 27:07 That's 877-265-6333. 27:10 Please visit us online at, where you can 27:14 see our broadcast schedule, send us your prayer requests, 27:18 sign up for our newsletter and make a donation. 27:20 Thank you for watching and supporting Breath of Life. 27:24 God bless you. 27:26 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching Breath 27:29 of Life today. 27:30 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry 27:33 and that we gave a healing word in a hurting world. 27:38 In order for Breath of Life to continue ministry, we need you. 27:42 We need your prayers, we need your support. 27:45 We want you to know that any and all donations, small 27:47 or great, they are sincerely welcomed and appreciated. 27:52 To contact us or to make your donation, please feel free 27:55 to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER. 28:00 That's 877-BOL-OFFER. 28:06 or you may write to us at: Breath of Life Box 340 28:12 Newbury Park CA 91319 Breath of Life Box 340 28:17 Newbury Park CA 91319 or logon to our website at 28:22 |
Revised 2015-02-06