Breath of Life

It's Not About the Bride

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000128

00:01 ♪ (Theme Song)♪ ♪Jesus is worthy ♪
00:07 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:17 ♪ all the praise... ♪ Pastor Byrd: If you would, take
00:25 your Bibles and go to the book of Revelation, chapter 19.
00:35 Revelation, chapter 19, verse number 7.
00:40 The Word of God says to us today in Revelation 19:7, if you have
00:45 it, let me hear you say Amen.
00:46 The Word of God says, "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give
00:54 honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his
00:59 wife hath made herself ready.
01:01 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine
01:06 linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness
01:13 of saints." Verse 9: "And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed
01:19 are they which are called unto the marriage supper
01:22 of the Lamb.
01:23 And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God."
01:33 Father, we ask that you now would bless us as we go into
01:37 your Word today.
01:38 Teach us and inspire us, we pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
01:48 It's not about the bride.
01:54 It's not about the bride.
01:59 Statistics reveal that nearly 2-1/2 million people, million
02:05 couples get married each year in the United States.
02:11 Which means that on average 7,000 weddings occur every day.
02:18 Staggering also is that in the United States there is one
02:22 divorce every 13 seconds.
02:26 Which means, then, that are roughly 6,646 divorces per day,
02:34 which means there are almost as many divorces taking place
02:38 as marriages.
02:40 Which means, then, marriage is not something
02:43 to be taken lightly.
02:46 Too many people in this day and age, they rush to marry
02:49 for the wrong reasons.
02:51 Perhaps they feel that their biological clock is ticking,
02:56 and running out.
02:57 So they say, I'd better get married because it's getting
03:00 late in the evening and the sun is almost set, and I'd better
03:03 catch Last-Chance Johnny before it's too late.
03:07 Perhaps somebody else felt the pressure of family
03:11 and friends who say, you need to go on and get married,
03:14 because if you don't, you're going to end up
03:16 like so-and-so.
03:17 And then maybe there's somebody else who got married because
03:23 you made a mistake and got pregnant.
03:26 And so they felt that if I marry my baby's daddy, that this will
03:31 make it right.
03:32 But sperm donorship does not qualify soulmate-ship.
03:37 Just because you made one mistake, don't make two.
03:42 And then, others, you might meet somebody whose resume
03:46 looked good.
03:48 They're shot callers and ballers.
03:51 Their bank account looks like your bank account.
03:54 And together you all got it goin' on.
03:56 So you thought, hey, we need to hook this thing on up.
03:58 And what really happened was not a marriage,
04:01 but a merger.
04:04 Then there are those who love the Lord, I mean, you really
04:08 love the Lord with all your heart, all your mind, body,
04:11 soul and spirit.
04:14 You're sold out for God.
04:18 You're to the point where you feel like, hey, I love the Lord
04:21 and I'm not going to fornicate.
04:23 I believe in celibacy.
04:26 But celibacy has run its course, and now you feel like it's time
04:32 to turn out the lights and light the candle.
04:36 So you say, we might as well go ahead and get married, because
04:40 I can't hold onto all this passion.
04:43 It's time to excel and release.
04:48 Some of you found out, and you don't have to wave your hands
04:52 this morning or say Amen too loud, because you might tell on
04:56 yourself, but you realized a few months after you released
05:00 all that passion that there wasn't anything else going on.
05:05 So don't say Amen, say have mercy.
05:07 Weddings are big today.
05:12 Big money is spent on weddings, $72 billion a year is spent
05:20 on weddings.
05:22 The average wedding costs $20 thousand.
05:25 As the father already of two girls, with one on the way,
05:29 you all know what we're praying for.
05:31 Come on, say Amen.
05:32 At the wedding the bridge wants to look her best.
05:38 The groom wants to look his best.
05:42 There has to be a photographer, there has to be a videographer,
05:45 there has to be a florist, a wedding director, musicians,
05:48 singers, a reception, a honeymoon.
05:51 But, you know, times have changed.
05:54 Nowadays the couple has the honeymoon first, and if
05:58 it's a success, they have the engagement next, and if that
06:02 works out all right, they may have a wedding.
06:05 Do I have a witness in this place?
06:08 Society has always said that the wedding is for the bride.
06:12 It's the bride's day.
06:16 We put emphasis on the bride.
06:18 Nobody can walk down the center aisle but the bridge.
06:21 Before the bride, though, walks down the aisle, somebody comes
06:24 yelling down the aisle, "here comes the bride."
06:28 Flowers are thrown down before the bride walks
06:30 down the aisle.
06:32 The brides chooses the colors.
06:33 The bride choses the music.
06:35 The bride chooses the photographer.
06:37 The bride chooses the videographer,
06:39 the bride chooses the florist, the bride picks out
06:42 the invitation, the bride's name comes first
06:45 on the program.
06:46 The bride is the only one who's supposed to wear white.
06:49 The bride is the center of all the wedding pictures.
06:54 That's our culture.
06:57 It's all about the bride.
07:00 But remember, marriage didn't begin with man.
07:06 Marriage began with God.
07:08 Marriage is a divine institution of God.
07:12 It didn't begin in Western culture like we understand
07:15 it now.
07:16 But it was first instituted in the Garden of Eden, my friends,
07:19 by God.
07:20 Adam and Eve were created by God and then they were married
07:24 by God, which means that what we know and understand about
07:27 weddings today was not how it was back in the day.
07:31 Our understanding of weddings is based on Western culture.
07:33 The United States, Canada, Australia, Europe.
07:37 But life in Eastern culture, the Middle East, Asian, life
07:41 in Eastern culture developed before life in Western culture.
07:46 History says that in ancient Eastern culture it wasn't
07:50 all about the bride.
07:53 But ancient Eastern culture says it was all about
07:58 the groom.
07:59 Come on, say Amen.
08:00 In fact, in ancient days brides had little if anything to say
08:06 about the wedding, whom they'd marry
08:08 or where they'd be married.
08:10 It wasn't about the bride.
08:13 Now, let's be clear, so you don't misquote me, that you
08:16 don't misinterpret what I'm saying.
08:18 I'm not suggesting that we return to a chauvinistic
08:22 society or reverse the current cultural trends of the wedding
08:26 tradition that gives implicit autonomy to the bride
08:30 for the preparation and planning for her wedding.
08:33 But when you understand the wedding customs of old,
08:36 it might cause you to see Revelation 19 and all the other
08:42 biblical wedding references in a different light.
08:46 You see, friends of mine, if you study very carefully,
08:49 ancient Jewish weddings never involved a wedding ceremony
08:54 like we see today.
08:55 It never involved a woman walking down the aisle,
08:59 ready to get married, like we see today.
09:01 There was no wedding ceremony where the bride and the groom
09:07 would hold hands and say "I do" before an audience of friends
09:11 and family.
09:12 The wedding ceremony, in fact, is something that did not
09:16 develop until after Jesus' ascension.
09:19 You see, in the ancient Jewish wedding, number one, the bride
09:27 was selected.
09:28 Picture that.
09:31 Brides didn't have the autonomy they had today.
09:35 They were selected.
09:38 In ancient Israel, brides were usually chosen by
09:41 the father of the groom.
09:44 Yes, the bride had to consent to be married, as Rebecca did,
09:52 when she was asked in Genesis 24, will you go
09:55 with this man?
09:56 And she said, "I will go," giving consent to her version
09:58 of "I do." But understand, back in the day, the bride
10:01 was selected.
10:02 The groom's father would send his most trusted servant to go
10:08 search for a bride for his son.
10:10 Picture that, my daddy sending somebody else to go look
10:13 for a bride for me.
10:14 Ain't gonna work, come on, say Amen.
10:18 But in today's times a woman falls in love, gets married.
10:26 A man decides to get married, and then he looks for a wife.
10:32 But back in the day, whether the woman fell in love or not,
10:34 whether a man was ready to get married or not, the groom's
10:37 father, when he got ready, he went to select his son's bride.
10:44 It wasn't about the bride.
10:50 Number two, back in the day, there was a price for a bride.
10:57 Brides in biblical times were purchased.
11:00 Picture that, you have to purchase your bride.
11:03 Can you imagine people having women stand up, and say,
11:06 I think she's worth $5.99.
11:07 I think she's worth $99.99.
11:10 I think she's worth a thousand dollars.
11:12 I wish somebody would offer some money for my girls.
11:15 My girls are not a piece of meat.
11:17 Come on, say Amen.
11:19 The price was paid to the bride's father to compensate
11:23 him for the loss of a worker, and to show him how much
11:27 the groom valued the bride.
11:29 This price was what many of us know as the dowry,
11:32 which was usually set at 50 shekels of silver,
11:34 and there was a cash penalty for divorce without cause.
11:40 Which means if I don't want her anymore, give me my money back,
11:47 and you can have her.
11:49 I must admit, I was actually in a wedding, my wife
11:53 and I talk and laugh about it all the time,
11:55 where I was a groomsman.
11:56 A great preacher stood up and asked, you know, who giveth
12:01 this woman to be married to this man.
12:05 And the young lady's two brothers responded, "We do."
12:08 And then the groom turned around and yelled back,
12:10 "But if I don't want her, I'll give her back."
12:12 The church erupted in applause and laughter; sad to say,
12:20 they're not together today, Lord have mercy.
12:26 Number three...
12:28 [laughter] ...the betrothal or engagement.
12:33 The betrothal is much like our engagement today.
12:36 But back in the day, there was a greater sense of commitment.
12:40 During betrothal, the couple is actually entering
12:43 into covenant.
12:44 Covenant in biblical times was serious.
12:46 It wasn't like today where people break commitments like
12:48 they break appointments.
12:50 Covenant was serious.
12:52 Covenant was final.
12:53 Covenant was sealed in blood.
12:55 Covenant was legally binding.
12:57 Once a couple enter into covenant of betrothal,
13:00 they were legally married in all aspects except
13:04 for the physical consummation of the marriage.
13:07 At the betrothal ceremony, a marriage contract, or ketubah,
13:12 was presented to the bride's father.
13:14 Now, this contract, the ketubah, consisted of all
13:17 the groom's promises that he would make to the bride.
13:20 It was the contract.
13:22 It was the agreement.
13:23 The bride's father would review the ketubah, and if he was okay
13:28 with it, he'd sign the ketubah.
13:30 The bride did not sign it.
13:33 But her father signed it.
13:36 The groom signed it.
13:37 And then the third copy was filed with the court,
13:40 and with the seal only to be broken by a judge.
13:44 The bride signed nothing.
13:46 Again, it's not about the bride.
13:50 Once the ketubah was signed, the couple was 100% married,
13:54 but the marriage had not been consummated yet, which is why
13:56 when the Bible says, "Mary was betrothed to Joseph," they were
14:01 100% married, but they had not had sexual relations yet,
14:05 so when she became impregnated by the Holy Ghost,
14:08 it was culturally logical to think she was running around
14:11 on Joseph, because they had not yet consummated
14:14 their marriage.
14:16 That's why the Bible says Joseph was a just man.
14:19 He was a good brother, because he didn't want to disgrace her,
14:22 even though he believed her to be an adulterer.
14:24 He was just going to divorce her secretly, the Bible says,
14:27 without making an accusation of adultery, and still pay
14:31 the 50-shekel fine, but somebody knows, we serve an on-time God.
14:34 Just in the nick of time, God revealed himself to Joseph
14:39 in a dream, told him his wife was pregnant
14:42 by the Holy Ghost, that she would bring
14:44 forth a son.
14:45 Thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people
14:49 from their sins.
14:51 Number four, the departure of the groom.
14:56 Once the marriage covenant was signed, sealed
14:58 and delivered, the groom had to leave his
15:00 bride, and he had to go leave his bride and deal with
15:02 and finish and fulfill his financial obligation to his
15:05 bride's father.
15:06 Which means that he had to go back to his father's house
15:09 to work.
15:10 Listen to me good.
15:11 He had to go back to his father's house to work,
15:13 which also meant then that the physical consummation
15:17 did not take place for an extended period of time.
15:21 So, in other words, there was no honeymoon night.
15:24 There was no memorable evening.
15:28 There was no physical consummation.
15:32 In fact, a delay might last years, as was the case
15:37 with Jacob.
15:38 You know the story of Jacob.
15:40 Jacob had to work seven years for Labin before he could have
15:43 his wife, Rachel, and then on what Jacob knew would be his
15:46 honeymoon night, you've waited all this time, and you know
15:49 it's going to be your honeymoon night after seven years of
15:52 working, Labin tricked Jacob by giving him Leah
15:55 instead of Rachel.
15:57 You talkin' about disappointment.
15:59 You talkin' about being mad.
16:02 Talkin' about being hurt.
16:05 You worked seven years for your wife, time is running out,
16:09 you're to getting any younger, and man, you see, has needs.
16:15 Oh, you all don't know what I'm talkin' about.
16:18 You see, back in those days they didn't have blue pills
16:20 like they do today.
16:21 But somebody knows that before there were blue pills
16:25 there was faith in God.
16:26 Do I have a witness in this place?
16:28 You work hard seven years, knowing that a better day
16:33 is coming after a while.
16:36 And then one is scheduled to be your honeymoon night.
16:39 You're feeling good, smelling good, looking good.
16:45 You're ready.
16:47 All that motion and emotion has been pent up in you
16:53 for years.
16:55 And then when you're ready you discover it's not your wife.
17:00 And then he had to make a second legal contract causing
17:03 him to work another seven years for his honeymoon night
17:05 with Rachel.
17:06 Poor Jacob.
17:07 But I bet after 14 years of waiting for Rachel, he was,
17:09 like, get out of my way.
17:10 Leave me alone!
17:15 Don't call me, don't answer me, because good things come
17:19 to those who wait.
17:21 And I've waited my time, it's my time.
17:24 Do I have a witness in this place?
17:26 After the groom left, the groom went to work.
17:31 The bride was separated from her groom.
17:34 While waiting for his return, the bride, however,
17:36 was to remain faithful.
17:38 It was probably easy at first to be faithful.
17:42 But when his return was delayed, temptation was great.
17:46 After a while, the bride may even start to question
17:50 his return.
17:51 But then, number five, the return of the groom.
17:57 Jewish grooms usually came to their brides late at night.
18:01 In the midnight hour.
18:04 There would be the sound of a shofar, which was a ram's
18:07 horn trumpet used by Jews in ancient religious ceremonies.
18:12 And the sound of the shofar would break the silence
18:14 of the night, and there would be great dancing, great singing
18:17 and great shouting in the streets,
18:19 because the groom was on his way home to get his bride.
18:22 This was illustrated in the parable of the ten virgins.
18:24 You will remember, the Bible says at midnight a cry
18:28 was heard.
18:30 Behold, the bridegroom cometh.
18:33 And go out now to meet him.
18:36 But then number six, there was the hoopah.
18:39 Everybody say hoopah.
18:41 The hoopah was the home-taking.
18:44 The hoopah of ancient times was a special room built
18:48 in the groom's father's house.
18:51 The room, friends of mine, was eventually replaced
18:53 by a bridal canopy.
18:56 The hoopah symbolized the new home to which the groom would
18:58 now take his bride.
19:00 The hoopah was the bridal suite.
19:03 Praise God for the hoopah.
19:06 The hoopah began as the virginity cloth that lay
19:11 under the bride when the marriage was consummated.
19:14 Then the cloth changed its position from under
19:17 the bride on the bed to over the bride on the bed
19:20 as a canopy.
19:21 So the sheet began under the bride, then over
19:24 the bride in private, and then over the bridal couple
19:28 in public.
19:30 After the return of the groom, the bride and the groom
19:33 were escorted to the bridal chamber,
19:36 the hoopah, where they would be alone for seven days.
19:41 Completion.
19:42 Come on, say Amen.
19:43 Where the marriage would be consummated.
19:47 Following the seven days in the hoopah,
19:51 following the seven days in the bridal chamber, the bride
19:54 and the groom would now join their guests for number seven.
20:02 Now, you know number seven is going to be good, because
20:05 number seven signifies completion.
20:10 There's something special about number seven.
20:15 God created this earth in six days and rested on
20:17 the seventh day.
20:19 There are 77 words in the Ten Commandments.
20:22 Elisha ordered Namath to dip in the Jordan seven times.
20:26 Jesus uttered seven last words on Calvary.
20:29 In Revelation, where we're just about to go, the Bible says
20:32 there were seven churches, seven seals, and seven angels
20:35 who sounded seven trumpets.
20:37 So now we come to number seven.
20:40 The marriage feast.
20:42 The bride and groom would now join their guests
20:47 for the marriage feast.
20:49 They would eat, be merry, rejoice, play music.
20:55 They would celebrate the wedding feast.
20:58 They would laugh, they would play, they would have joy,
21:03 they would celebrate.
21:05 It was now time for the wedding feast.
21:10 The bride had been selected.
21:13 The price for the bride had been paid.
21:16 The betrothal or the engagement had taken place.
21:20 Understand, there was then the period where the bride
21:24 was alone and the groom had to leave.
21:26 The return now of the groom.
21:28 The hoopah, and then now number seven, the marriage feast.
21:34 And when I was studying this this week, and when
21:37 I understood now the contextual meaning of ancient Jewish
21:41 weddings, I now can better understand Revelation 19:7-9.
21:47 The Bible says, "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour
21:52 to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come,
21:55 and his wife hath made herself ready.
21:59 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine
22:03 linen, clean and white: for the fine linen
22:06 is the righteousness of saints.
22:08 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are
22:12 called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.
22:15 And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God."
22:19 And so when I read this text, and when I contextualize it
22:23 to ancient Jewish history, this whole thing is not
22:28 about the bride.
22:32 This whole thing is about the groom.
22:37 You see, the bride is Christ's church.
22:40 The groom is Jesus Christ.
22:44 The head of the church.
22:46 And one day, Jesus is going to come back to get his bride.
22:52 Now, remember number one, the bride was selected
22:55 by the groom, which means Jesus said in John 15:16,
23:00 "Ye hath not chosen me, but I have chosen you
23:05 and ordained you, that ye should go forth and bring forth
23:08 fruit, and that your fruit shall remain; but whatsoever ye
23:11 shall ask my father in my name, he may give it unto you."
23:16 Which means Jesus has selected you.
23:18 Jesus has selected me.
23:20 Jesus has chosen me.
23:23 We are not our own.
23:24 We have been selected by Jesus.
23:26 So I don't do what I want to do.
23:28 I don't go where I want to go.
23:30 But I go where he tells me to go.
23:32 I do what he tells me to do, because he selected me.
23:36 But not only did the groom pay for the bride.
23:40 Jesus paid the price for me.
23:45 Just like brides were purchased, you've been purchased.
23:50 I've been purchased.
23:52 We've been bought with a price.
23:55 I'm blood bought.
23:56 I said, I'm blood bought.
24:00 There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from
24:03 Emmanuel's veins.
24:04 And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all
24:08 their guilty stains.
24:09 When someone tells you of your past, tell them
24:12 that's all right.
24:13 I'm blood bought.
24:15 I've lied, but I'm blood bought.
24:18 I've cheated, but I'm I'm blood bought.
24:20 I've stolen, but I'm blood bought.
24:23 I've talked about somebody, but I'm blood bought.
24:26 I've done drugs, but I'm blood bought.
24:29 I've fornicated, but I'm blood bought.
24:31 I've messed up, but I'm blood bought.
24:34 I've sinned, butI'm blood bought.
24:36 I'm born again, free from sin, because of the blood I'm saved,
24:41 I'm cleansed, I'm washed, I'm blood washed.
24:46 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine.
24:49 Oh what a foretaste of glory divine.
24:52 Heir of salvation purchased of God,
24:57 born of his spirit, washed in his blood.
25:01 I've been bought.
25:03 Number three, not only did they have a betrothal, a commitment
25:08 or covenant, but I've got a marriage contract
25:11 with my Jesus.
25:12 My marriage contract is found in the Word of God.
25:17 I've got my ketubah, I've got my contract.
25:21 Jesus died for me and all he asks is that I live for him.
25:28 I've got my contract.
25:30 Where he leads me, I will follow.
25:33 I've got my contract.
25:35 I said, where he leads me, I'm gonna follow.
25:38 I've got my contract.
25:40 I love the Lord and I won't take it back.
25:43 He's been too good to me.
25:45 I've got my contract, God's Word shows me what I'm entitled
25:51 to as his bride.
25:52 You see, all of the promises of God are for us.
25:55 The promises of God are Yea and Amen.
25:59 I've got a contract, which means when I'm sick,
26:02 the contract says he was wounded for my transgressions,
26:05 bruised for my iniquities.
26:07 The chastisement of our peace was upon him, but by his stripes
26:11 I'm healed.
26:12 The contract says I may be in financial trouble, but God says
26:15 I will supply all of your needs according to his riches
26:19 in glory.
26:20 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness,
26:23 and all these things shall be added until you.
26:26 I once was young but now I'm old.
26:29 But I've never seen the righteous forsaken
26:31 nor his seed begging bread.
26:33 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may
26:36 be meat in my house.
26:38 Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts,
26:40 if I would not open you up the windows of heaven and pour
26:43 you out a blessing that there shall not be room
26:45 enough to receive it.
26:46 I've got a contract.
26:48 Aud: Amen.
26:49 The Breath of Life gift offer this week is ,"Surprised by
26:51 Love,,"by pastor and international speaker Elizabeth
26:54 Viera Talbot.
26:55 Find out how people in the Bible were surprised by God's
26:57 love.
26:58 Adam and Eve were surprised.
27:00 The deceitful serpent and the Pharisees were surprised.
27:03 It surprised the disciples and even the heavenly angels.
27:06 And God's surprises of love continue all around us today.
27:10 Join with Elizabeth as you get a fresh view of the greatest
27:12 story ever told.
27:14 From the kidnapping of God's children to the rescue, from
27:17 the ransom to the reunion.
27:19 "Surprised by Love,"is yours for a gift of $5 or more.
27:22 Please call our toll free number 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:26 That's 877-265-6333.
27:30 Please have your credit card ready when you call.
27:33 Or you may write us to request your copy.
27:35 Please send your check to Breath of Life, P.O.
27:37 Box 340, Newbury Park, California 91319.
27:41 Get your copy of ,"Surprised by Love today.
27:44 Be encouraged and touch by the unexpected rescue of God's
27:47 children.
27:49 PB: To contact us or to make your donation, please feel free
27:53 to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:58 That's 877-BOL-OFFER.
28:04 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life.
28:07 Box 340 Newbury Park, CA 91319
28:13 Box 340 Newbury Park, CA 91319 or log on to our website at:
28:26 Behold the bridegroom cometh


Revised 2015-02-06