? (Theme Song) ? ? Jesus is worthy ? 00:00:01.50\00:00:08.03 ? oh yes, he's worthy ? ? worthy of all... ? 00:00:08.03\00:00:16.00 ? all the praise... ? Pastor Byrd: Job was going 00:00:16.00\00:00:21.43 through it, while Job was experiencing 00:00:21.43\00:00:23.66 drama on every hand, while drama kept coming to Job, 00:00:23.66\00:00:27.63 Job said, "I cannot sin against God." Job said, "I trust God." 00:00:27.63\00:00:35.46 Job's relationship was tested. 00:00:35.46\00:00:38.40 His relationship with God was tested, his marriage 00:00:38.40\00:00:40.40 was tested. 00:00:40.40\00:00:41.76 His relationship with his friends was tested. 00:00:41.76\00:00:43.76 And in the midst of all this test, Job's life was a testimony 00:00:43.76\00:00:46.76 to all of us that no matter what you're going through 00:00:46.76\00:00:49.40 in life, no matter how much drama you experience 00:00:49.40\00:00:53.33 in your life, no matter when the odds are stacked 00:00:53.33\00:00:56.66 against you, God's still going to 00:00:56.66\00:00:58.80 make a way. 00:00:58.80\00:01:00.63 God's still going to bring you. 00:01:00.63\00:01:02.70 God still has your back. 00:01:02.70\00:01:04.53 Do I have a witness in this place? 00:01:04.53\00:01:07.43 Who am I talking to in this place today? 00:01:07.43\00:01:09.43 You know who you are. 00:01:09.43\00:01:11.30 You're broke. 00:01:11.30\00:01:12.66 You come to church looking good, but you're broke. 00:01:12.66\00:01:18.73 Unemployed and broke. 00:01:18.73\00:01:20.86 Somebody on the verge of divorce. 00:01:20.86\00:01:23.86 Somebody just diagnosed with cancer. 00:01:23.86\00:01:26.50 Somebody just lost a family member, or you have no friend 00:01:26.50\00:01:29.20 in the world. 00:01:29.20\00:01:30.20 You feel like giving up. 00:01:30.20\00:01:33.56 But I'm here to let you know today that God's 00:01:33.56\00:01:35.56 still in control. 00:01:35.56\00:01:37.93 Remember, friends of mine, that the intensity of your crown 00:01:37.93\00:01:42.10 is measured by the intensity of your cross. 00:01:42.10\00:01:46.33 We all have a cross to bear. 00:01:46.33\00:01:49.53 We all have had some drama in our life. 00:01:49.53\00:01:53.10 Don't sit there and act like you don't have any drama. 00:01:53.10\00:01:55.46 You have had drama in your life. 00:01:55.46\00:01:58.00 But quickly, fast-forwarding to Job, chapter 23, when we read 00:01:58.00\00:02:01.33 verses 1-9, we see Job's problem. 00:02:01.33\00:02:04.36 Job laments over all the drama he's going through. 00:02:04.36\00:02:07.46 We see Job wrestling with God. 00:02:07.46\00:02:09.53 We see Job wrestling with himself. 00:02:09.53\00:02:11.93 But here is the clincher. 00:02:11.93\00:02:13.60 In verse 10, Job runs into a conjunction. 00:02:13.60\00:02:16.66 Job 23:10, that wipes out the struggle. 00:02:16.66\00:02:21.90 Verse 10 says, "But he knoweth the way that I take." 00:02:21.90\00:02:29.96 But. Whenever you run into that word, but, 00:02:29.96\00:02:35.76 what God has said is, forget about what has been. 00:02:35.76\00:02:42.33 Forget about yesterday. 00:02:42.33\00:02:44.90 Quit living in rewind, because you're about to walk into 00:02:44.90\00:02:50.90 something that's greater than what you've come out of. 00:02:50.90\00:02:56.50 I'm about to lose my mind, but. 00:02:56.50\00:03:01.16 I was about to give up, but. 00:03:01.16\00:03:03.66 I didn't know how I was going to make it, but. 00:03:03.66\00:03:09.80 My friends walked out on me, but. 00:03:09.80\00:03:14.33 That man in 20 years walked out on me, but. 00:03:14.33\00:03:19.03 Weeping may endure for a night, but joy. 00:03:19.03\00:03:24.20 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal 00:03:24.20\00:03:28.76 life through Jesus Christ our Lord Job says, 00:03:28.76\00:03:31.73 I know I've gone through some drama, but. 00:03:31.73\00:03:34.66 I know I've lost my oxen, but. 00:03:34.66\00:03:37.46 I know I've lost some sheep, but. 00:03:37.46\00:03:40.50 I know I've lost some camels, but. 00:03:40.50\00:03:44.06 I know I've lost my children, but. 00:03:44.06\00:03:47.83 I know I've lost my wife, but. 00:03:47.83\00:03:51.83 I know I've lost my friends, but he knows the way 00:03:51.83\00:03:55.80 that I take, and when he had tried me, he says, 00:03:55.80\00:03:58.46 I shall come forth as gold. 00:03:58.46\00:03:59.93 The Bible says Job shaved his head, tore off his clothes, 00:03:59.93\00:04:04.46 fell down on the ground, and worshiped God. 00:04:04.46\00:04:07.10 Oh, I wish when we go through trial, I wish somebody would 00:04:07.10\00:04:09.73 just worship God. 00:04:09.73\00:04:11.36 When we go through difficulty, I wish somebody would come away 00:04:11.36\00:04:13.86 from the complaint counter and come to the claim window, 00:04:13.86\00:04:16.66 and just worship God, and say naked I came in this world, 00:04:16.66\00:04:20.70 naked I shall leave this world. 00:04:20.70\00:04:22.46 The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. 00:04:22.46\00:04:24.66 But blessed be the Lord. 00:04:24.66\00:04:26.06 What do you do when drama keeps coming? 00:04:26.06\00:04:28.06 You better learn how to worship God. 00:04:28.06\00:04:30.13 You better learn how to fall on your knees and say, 00:04:30.13\00:04:32.66 though he slay me, yet will I trust in him. 00:04:32.66\00:04:36.46 I will bless the Lord at all times, and his praise shall 00:04:36.46\00:04:41.86 continually be in my mouth. 00:04:41.86\00:04:43.66 In life, sometimes in life's journey, sometimes on life's 00:04:43.66\00:04:47.13 path, I've learned that sometimes God doesn't tell us 00:04:47.13\00:04:52.53 what's going to happen until we get there. 00:04:52.53\00:04:56.80 God doesn't let us know what's going to happen 00:04:56.80\00:04:58.80 when we get there. 00:04:58.80\00:04:59.80 Why? 00:04:59.80\00:05:00.86 Because we can't handle it where we are right now. 00:05:00.86\00:05:04.13 So on this path I've learned one of two things 00:05:04.13\00:05:06.76 is going to happen. 00:05:06.76\00:05:07.86 Either it's going to be a lesson or a blessing. 00:05:07.86\00:05:13.13 Lesson or a blessing. 00:05:13.13\00:05:17.06 God is never obligated by my questions. 00:05:17.06\00:05:20.40 God's just obligated by giving me some answers. 00:05:20.40\00:05:23.40 Let me say that again. 00:05:23.40\00:05:24.40 God is not obligated to respond to me as long I keep 00:05:24.40\00:05:26.86 asking him questions. 00:05:26.86\00:05:27.86 But when I respond back to God based on the Word of God 00:05:27.86\00:05:30.03 regarding my situation, God then moves on my behalf. 00:05:30.03\00:05:32.40 When I'm on God's path, God will protect me, because God 00:05:32.40\00:05:35.60 never sends me anywhere where he doesn't have my back. 00:05:35.60\00:05:38.90 God never sends me anywhere where he doesn't have my back. 00:05:41.46\00:05:46.93 So though I walk through the valley of the shadow 00:05:46.93\00:05:52.36 of death, I will not fear, because God's 00:05:52.36\00:05:57.40 got my back. 00:05:57.40\00:05:59.53 God wouldn't take me to it if God wasn't God enough 00:05:59.53\00:06:02.70 to bring me through it. 00:06:02.70\00:06:03.70 Wherever God leads me, God is God enough to keep me. 00:06:03.70\00:06:07.30 But while you're questioning God and while you're weeping 00:06:07.30\00:06:10.53 and while you're crying and while you're complaining, 00:06:10.53\00:06:12.70 the devil tries to use that as a window to come 00:06:12.70\00:06:15.00 in and attack. 00:06:15.00\00:06:16.73 Here goes the devil. 00:06:16.73\00:06:18.53 The reason why you haven't fallen to demonic attack 00:06:18.53\00:06:20.70 is because God has put a hedge around you. 00:06:20.70\00:06:23.46 The reason why you've shown up today, not just to see the σσσ, 00:06:23.46\00:06:26.43 but you've shown up because God has a hedge around you. 00:06:26.43\00:06:29.43 That's what the devil says. 00:06:29.43\00:06:30.36 Not because you've been so good, but because God's 00:06:30.36\00:06:32.43 been protecting you. 00:06:32.43\00:06:34.56 Look at this story, it's simple. 00:06:34.56\00:06:36.56 I'm going to tell it and then I'm going to sit down. 00:06:36.56\00:06:38.56 In Job, chapter 1, God says, devil, where have you been? 00:06:38.56\00:06:41.00 The devil says, I've been going to and fro in the world, 00:06:41.00\00:06:44.03 seeking whom I may devour. 00:06:44.03\00:06:46.06 God, he's bragging on his boy Job. 00:06:46.06\00:06:48.20 Have you considered my servant, Job? 00:06:48.20\00:06:50.76 Now, remember, sometimes God won't let you 00:06:50.76\00:06:53.60 in the conversation. 00:06:53.60\00:06:54.60 Because could you imagine if Job had heard God 00:06:54.60\00:06:57.13 and the devil talking? 00:06:57.13\00:06:58.13 He would have been like, God, send somebody else. 00:06:58.13\00:07:00.16 I didn't sign up to be your guinea pig. 00:07:00.16\00:07:02.43 [laughter] But God knows 00:07:02.43\00:07:04.90 the path I take. 00:07:04.90\00:07:06.30 And so the devil says, Oh, yes, I know Job. 00:07:06.30\00:07:09.96 You've hooked him up. 00:07:09.96\00:07:11.63 I can't get to him because you put a hedge of protection 00:07:11.63\00:07:14.70 around him. 00:07:14.70\00:07:15.80 My question, if I can put a kickstand here, 00:07:15.80\00:07:17.86 is if the devil knows we have protection, why don't we know? 00:07:17.86\00:07:21.43 [applause] The devil, ah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 00:07:21.43\00:07:27.60 The devil says, if you just remove the hedge, 00:07:27.60\00:07:32.53 everybody say permission. 00:07:32.53\00:07:33.86 Aud: Permission. 00:07:33.86\00:07:34.93 You see, the devil just can't mess with you 00:07:34.93\00:07:36.96 without permission. 00:07:36.96\00:07:38.76 That's why I know God is still in control, hallelujah, 00:07:38.76\00:07:41.76 somebody. 00:07:41.76\00:07:42.76 Here's the devil. 00:07:42.76\00:07:43.76 If you remove the hedge, I'll come in and I'll mess with him. 00:07:43.76\00:07:47.66 I'll put him through major drama, I'll take away stuff. 00:07:47.66\00:07:50.60 God says, all right, I'll remove the hedge. 00:07:50.60\00:07:53.33 You can afflict his body but you can't take his life, 00:07:53.33\00:07:55.53 because his life belongs to me. 00:07:55.53\00:07:57.06 In other words, you can only do what I permit you to do. 00:07:57.06\00:07:59.66 Somebody ought to shout right there, knowing your life 00:07:59.66\00:08:02.56 is in God's hand. 00:08:02.56\00:08:03.56 Hallelujah, somebody. 00:08:03.56\00:08:04.63 The devil can't do anything to you without permission, 00:08:04.63\00:08:07.73 and God won't put more on you than you can bear. 00:08:07.73\00:08:10.90 Somebody's still not getting it. 00:08:10.90\00:08:12.90 Let me put it this way. 00:08:12.90\00:08:13.90 The story is told of a little boy who had a brother, and they 00:08:13.90\00:08:18.20 had some friends, and they would take the bus 00:08:18.20\00:08:21.16 to school every day. 00:08:21.16\00:08:23.10 When school was over, the boy and his friends would get off 00:08:23.10\00:08:25.86 the bus, go to the store, buy some candy, buy some blow-pops, 00:08:25.86\00:08:30.86 buy some pickles. 00:08:30.86\00:08:32.00 And I don't know if anybody remembers this, 00:08:32.00\00:08:35.06 buy some Jungle Juice. 00:08:35.06\00:08:36.06 Aud: Yeah, yeah. 00:08:36.06\00:08:37.70 Somebody says, what's Jungle Juice? 00:08:37.70\00:08:39.93 Sugar water and food coloring. 00:08:39.93\00:08:41.36 Come on, say Amen. 00:08:41.36\00:08:42.36 Aud: [laughter] But when they would get, and when they got to 00:08:42.36\00:08:47.53 the store, there would be this big dog. 00:08:47.53\00:08:51.63 This big Great Dane dog. 00:08:51.63\00:08:58.16 And that dog used to bark. 00:08:58.16\00:08:59.26 Woof, woof, woof. 00:08:59.26\00:09:00.46 And I mean, that young man used to go back, woof, woof, 00:09:00.46\00:09:05.60 woof, woof. 00:09:05.60\00:09:07.50 And all they'd see would be this dog running toward them, 00:09:07.50\00:09:10.33 and they'd take off running once they saw the dog running 00:09:10.33\00:09:13.06 toward them. 00:09:13.06\00:09:14.03 And so the little boy in the family, 00:09:14.03\00:09:16.03 he was a take-charge kind of person. 00:09:16.03\00:09:19.40 He was the president of his family. 00:09:19.40\00:09:23.03 He was the spokesperson. 00:09:23.03\00:09:25.30 So one day he decided, look, I'm tired of all this. 00:09:25.30\00:09:27.33 I'm going to go over and talk to the owner. 00:09:27.33\00:09:29.33 Because I'm tired of this dog running after us. 00:09:29.33\00:09:31.86 Now, you have to understand, this boy was in the third grade. 00:09:31.86\00:09:36.73 He walks up to the door of the owner, 00:09:36.73\00:09:39.23 rings the doorbell, ding-dong! 00:09:39.23\00:09:40.73 And he's standing there trembling, waiting for the door 00:09:40.73\00:09:46.90 to open. 00:09:46.90\00:09:48.30 A man comes and he opens up the door, and the boy says, 00:09:48.30\00:09:52.33 "Hello, sir, how are you doing today? 00:09:52.33\00:09:56.66 I don't mean any harm, but as kids, we come down 00:09:56.66\00:10:02.10 this street all the time. 00:10:02.10\00:10:05.13 But your dog chases us. 00:10:05.13\00:10:08.86 Now, we're not doing anything to your dog, we're not messing 00:10:08.86\00:10:12.53 with your dog. 00:10:12.53\00:10:13.53 We're just going to the store getting Blow-Pop, some pickles 00:10:13.53\00:10:17.16 and some Jungle Juice. 00:10:17.16\00:10:19.40 But your dog keeps chasing us." 00:10:19.40\00:10:22.66 The man said, "Son, are you running from the dog?" 00:10:22.66\00:10:27.73 The young man said, "Yes." 00:10:27.73\00:10:31.40 The man said, "Are you sure he's chasing you?" 00:10:31.40\00:10:36.63 The young man said, "Yes." 00:10:36.63\00:10:40.20 "Well, how do you know he's chasing you when your 00:10:40.20\00:10:44.33 back is to the dog?" "We're just running, sir, because we 00:10:44.33\00:10:51.53 see him running, coming toward us." He said, "Well, I'll tell 00:10:51.53\00:10:55.83 you what. 00:10:55.83\00:10:57.30 You're right, my dog is a big dog. 00:10:57.30\00:11:00.83 My dog is a vicious dog. 00:11:00.83\00:11:03.40 And if my dog gets ahold of you, he's going to bite 00:11:03.40\00:11:05.96 your head off. 00:11:05.96\00:11:06.96 But let me tell you a secret, and you can tell your brother 00:11:06.96\00:11:09.80 and your little friends this secret too. 00:11:09.80\00:11:11.80 The dog's on a leash. 00:11:11.80\00:11:18.50 You wouldn't know that because your back is turned. 00:11:18.50\00:11:25.20 But if you just turn around, you might realize that even 00:11:25.20\00:11:30.96 though he's barking, he can only go so far." I wish I had 00:11:30.96\00:11:37.10 a witness in this place. 00:11:37.10\00:11:38.26 You better tell somebody that that's why you're still 00:11:38.26\00:11:45.50 here today. 00:11:45.50\00:11:46.50 That's why the devil couldn't kill ya. 00:11:46.50\00:11:50.30 That's why the devil couldn't take ya out. 00:11:50.30\00:11:53.30 That's why the devil could only do so much to your family, 00:11:53.30\00:11:56.80 your finances, your friends. 00:11:56.80\00:11:58.36 That's why the devil could only do so much to your child. 00:11:58.36\00:12:01.66 That's why the devil could only do so much to your body, 00:12:01.66\00:12:04.66 because the devil's on a leash. 00:12:04.66\00:12:06.66 [applause] He can only, oh, hallelujah, 00:12:06.66\00:12:10.90 he can only go so far. 00:12:10.90\00:12:15.26 God has a plan for your life. 00:12:15.26\00:12:17.93 Young people, God has a plan for your life. 00:12:17.93\00:12:20.63 The devil is on a leash, God has a plan for your life. 00:12:20.63\00:12:24.40 God's got that thing figured out. 00:12:24.40\00:12:26.40 God has finished the thing before you started the thing. 00:12:26.40\00:12:29.23 So when the Bible says, when he has tried me, in other words, 00:12:29.23\00:12:32.26 you ask, why does drama keep coming to me? 00:12:32.26\00:12:34.46 You gotta go through some drama, you've got to go 00:12:34.46\00:12:38.46 through a process. 00:12:38.46\00:12:40.60 I've learned in life, you can't skip around the process. 00:12:40.60\00:12:43.73 You can't detour the process. 00:12:43.73\00:12:46.03 You can't pray around the process. 00:12:46.03\00:12:48.03 You have to go through there. 00:12:48.03\00:12:49.03 So the devil's sitting back to God, saying, we know 00:12:49.03\00:12:51.03 what happens when you give to them. 00:12:51.03\00:12:53.03 They show up to church, they tithe, they return 00:12:53.03\00:12:55.30 offering, they say Amen, they clap their hands, 00:12:55.30\00:12:58.13 they do all of that when you're giving. 00:12:58.13\00:13:01.73 But let's see what happens when you take. 00:13:01.73\00:13:05.80 Let's see what happens when you go through some drama, when you 00:13:05.80\00:13:09.90 go through some time. 00:13:09.90\00:13:10.90 You see, it's easy to tell Micah, God is going 00:13:10.90\00:13:12.96 to be with you. 00:13:12.96\00:13:13.96 But what happens when cancer hits you? 00:13:13.96\00:13:17.20 When you go through a process. 00:13:17.20\00:13:18.26 Let's see what happens then. 00:13:18.26\00:13:19.33 Let's see, will you say Amen then? 00:13:19.33\00:13:22.46 Will you shout then? 00:13:22.46\00:13:24.20 Will you show up to church then? 00:13:24.20\00:13:28.03 But I like what Job says. 00:13:28.03\00:13:30.30 He said, look, I had nothing when I entered this world, 00:13:30.30\00:13:34.23 and I'll have nothing when I leave this world. 00:13:34.23\00:13:37.73 That's okay. 00:13:37.73\00:13:38.73 But the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. 00:13:38.73\00:13:44.33 But blessed be the name of the Lord. 00:13:44.33\00:13:47.66 Job realized, wait a minute, God is allowing me 00:13:47.66\00:13:49.83 to be tested, which means God has to prove me. 00:13:49.83\00:13:53.26 Prove is where we get the word test. 00:13:53.26\00:13:55.26 It's the same thing in Malachi 3:8 when we 00:13:55.26\00:13:57.40 were talking about tithe and offering. 00:13:57.40\00:13:59.40 Prove me, God says, and see if I will open up the windows 00:13:59.40\00:14:01.70 of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there 00:14:01.70\00:14:03.70 shall not be room enough to receive it. 00:14:03.70\00:14:05.70 Put me on trial, test me, and see if I won't pass it. 00:14:05.70\00:14:07.70 God says, I've got to take you through the test, 00:14:07.70\00:14:10.70 because the test is significant. 00:14:10.70\00:14:12.70 It's just like school; we're in an academic setting. 00:14:12.70\00:14:14.70 Any professor at Oakwood will tell you, 00:14:14.70\00:14:16.66 most examinations are designed to be an indicator 00:14:16.66\00:14:18.66 of your readiness to go to the next level. 00:14:18.66\00:14:20.66 Now, you can say to the teacher all you want, I'm ready, 00:14:20.66\00:14:22.66 I'm ready, I'm ready. 00:14:22.66\00:14:23.66 But they're going to say you, prove it. 00:14:23.66\00:14:28.53 Student: I'm ready to go to college. 00:14:28.53\00:14:31.03 Prove it. 00:14:31.03\00:14:32.43 I'm ready to go to graduate school. 00:14:32.43\00:14:36.16 Prove it. 00:14:36.16\00:14:37.20 Now, tests in their purest form are designed to be an indicator 00:14:37.20\00:14:41.83 of your readiness to go to the next level. 00:14:41.83\00:14:43.83 Now, you do undersnd that you do not get promoted 00:14:43.83\00:14:46.20 on seniority. 00:14:46.20\00:14:49.06 Too many people think that tenure 00:14:49.06\00:14:51.06 is the sole criterion for promotion. 00:14:51.06\00:14:55.00 Little boy: I've been in the third grade for three years. 00:14:55.00\00:15:00.20 It's it about time for y'all to let me up out of here? 00:15:00.20\00:15:04.43 Teacher says, no. 00:15:04.43\00:15:05.66 Prove it. 00:15:05.66\00:15:08.63 That's how some saints are in the church. 00:15:08.63\00:15:11.46 I've been in church 50 years, I've been serving for 30 years. 00:15:11.46\00:15:14.70 But God said, that doesn't mean a thing. 00:15:14.70\00:15:17.70 Prove it. 00:15:17.70\00:15:18.70 Prove that you're ready to go to the next level. 00:15:18.70\00:15:20.70 Prove that you're ready to go to a higher level, 00:15:20.70\00:15:22.66 because the higher the level, the higher the devil. 00:15:22.66\00:15:24.66 The trouble with many of us is, we don't want to change. 00:15:24.66\00:15:27.10 We want to stay the same. 00:15:27.10\00:15:28.10 I've learned that many people want to still be the best 00:15:28.10\00:15:30.10 player in a game that's not being played anymore. 00:15:30.10\00:15:34.26 And yet God is so merciful. 00:15:34.26\00:15:36.23 But God gives us an open book test. 00:15:36.23\00:15:44.20 The Book says, "And we know that all things work together 00:15:44.20\00:15:47.33 for good to them who love the Lord and are called 00:15:47.33\00:15:50.23 according to his purpose." 00:15:50.23\00:15:51.23 The Book says, "I once was young, but now I'm old; 00:15:51.23\00:15:54.56 but I've never seen the righteous forsaken, 00:15:54.56\00:15:57.23 nor his seed begging bread." 00:15:57.23\00:15:58.30 The Book says, "We are more than conquerors." The Book says, 00:15:58.30\00:16:03.53 "Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou 00:16:03.53\00:16:07.13 envious against the workers of iniquity." 00:16:07.13\00:16:09.13 God's going to cut them down like the grass. 00:16:09.13\00:16:11.13 And so when you go through drama you've got to recognize 00:16:11.13\00:16:13.13 that when God is proving me, God is doing it to perfect me, 00:16:13.13\00:16:17.16 to grow me, to grow you, to grow all of us, 00:16:17.16\00:16:21.80 so we will stop whining and complaining when we 00:16:21.80\00:16:25.03 go through drama. 00:16:25.03\00:16:26.20 Had I not gone through some drama early on in my life, 00:16:26.20\00:16:28.66 I wouldn't be able to stand here today. 00:16:28.66\00:16:31.03 Had I not gone through some education in pastoral ministry 00:16:31.03\00:16:34.20 down in σσσ in Columbia, Mississippi, where now I've got 00:16:34.20\00:16:38.50 2,500 members, but there I had two. 00:16:38.50\00:16:41.50 Two. 00:16:43.20\00:16:44.20 You all know the story. 00:16:44.20\00:16:45.20 Everybody thinks, oh, Dr. Byrd got this big old church now, 00:16:45.20\00:16:48.03 Breath of Life, all that and then some. 00:16:48.03\00:16:50.03 I had two members. 00:16:50.03\00:16:51.03 Two. 00:16:51.03\00:16:52.13 One, two. 00:16:52.13\00:16:53.13 [laughter] And one sat here, 00:16:53.13\00:16:59.36 and one sat there, and they were both over 65 years old. 00:16:59.36\00:17:03.96 Shoot. 00:17:03.96\00:17:05.33 I cut the grass, I mowed the lawn, painted the church. 00:17:05.33\00:17:09.66 There was no deacon. 00:17:09.66\00:17:10.66 I was the deacon. 00:17:10.66\00:17:11.76 I was the elder, I was the Sabbath School teacher. 00:17:11.76\00:17:14.06 At communion time, I had to wash those ladies' feet. 00:17:14.06\00:17:16.66 [laughter] But as I've gotten older 00:17:16.66\00:17:20.93 I understand that God was just preparing me. 00:17:20.93\00:17:23.96 God was growing me. 00:17:23.96\00:17:28.03 God was getting me ready for a higher level in Him, 00:17:28.03\00:17:31.53 because the higher the level, the higher the devil. 00:17:31.53\00:17:36.66 Had I not gone through what I've gone through. 00:17:36.66\00:17:38.66 I told you last night, my wife and I, we lost a little baby 00:17:38.66\00:17:41.53 girl, four and a half months old, in a car accident 00:17:41.53\00:17:44.33 fourteen years ago. 00:17:44.33\00:17:45.33 Had I not gone through the drama I've gone through, 00:17:45.33\00:17:47.46 I wouldn't pray like I now pray. 00:17:47.46\00:17:49.46 Now, nobody has to beg me to pray. 00:17:49.46\00:17:55.93 Nobody has to beg me to testify, nobody has to beg me 00:17:55.93\00:17:59.83 to sing, nobody has to beg me to come to church. 00:17:59.83\00:18:02.56 That's why somebody says, why are you at that church 00:18:02.56\00:18:05.20 every day? 00:18:05.20\00:18:06.20 Because when I think of the goodness of Jesus 00:18:06.20\00:18:09.43 [applause] and all He's done for me. 00:18:09.43\00:18:12.96 Oh, I've got a witness in this place. 00:18:12.96\00:18:16.83 [organ] My soul cries out hallelujah. 00:18:16.83\00:18:22.20 Thank God for saving me. 00:18:22.20\00:18:24.23 So now I'm to the point, all this is good, but I don't have 00:18:24.23\00:18:28.53 to have all this to praise God. 00:18:28.53\00:18:30.20 I have praise and worship by myself. 00:18:30.20\00:18:34.66 I have praise and worship when I get to the stoplight, 00:18:34.66\00:18:37.30 and folk will be wondering, what's wrong with him, 00:18:37.30\00:18:39.80 why are his hands lifted? 00:18:39.80\00:18:40.80 He's singing, take me to the King. 00:18:40.80\00:18:43.26 [applause] And when you go through 00:18:43.26\00:18:48.86 this process, folk will think you're crazy. 00:18:48.86\00:18:54.03 They'll think you're crazy. 00:18:54.03\00:18:55.13 They don't understand your worship, they don't 00:18:55.13\00:18:57.13 understand your praise. 00:18:57.13\00:18:58.13 But my worship is for real. 00:18:58.13\00:18:59.63 I've gotten to the point in my life I can't be bothered, 00:18:59.63\00:19:02.80 I can't have foolishness, I don't have time 00:19:02.80\00:19:06.00 for your mess, I don't have time for your trouble. 00:19:06.00\00:19:09.46 Jesus is coming back. 00:19:09.46\00:19:11.43 I've made up my mind, you all, that instead of focusing on 00:19:11.43\00:19:14.83 what's bad, I focus on what's good. 00:19:14.83\00:19:17.23 Instead of focusing on what's wrong, I focus on what's right. 00:19:17.23\00:19:20.46 Rather than sit around and complain, 00:19:20.46\00:19:22.56 I'm going to give God the praise, I'm going to give 00:19:22.56\00:19:24.70 God the honor, I'm going to give God the glory. 00:19:24.70\00:19:27.70 I'm not going to sit at home [organ] 00:19:27.70\00:19:30.36 and have a pity party just 'cause things aren't going 00:19:30.36\00:19:33.46 right in my life. 00:19:33.46\00:19:34.46 And sit around talking about what's wrong. 00:19:34.46\00:19:36.46 I hear people, Dr. Pollard, this is what's wrong 00:19:36.46\00:19:38.46 with Oakwood. 00:19:38.46\00:19:39.46 I am Oakwood. 00:19:39.46\00:19:41.90 We are Oakwood. 00:19:41.90\00:19:43.40 So if this is what's wrong with Oakwood, 00:19:43.40\00:19:45.40 this is what's wrong with us. 00:19:45.40\00:19:46.40 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 00:19:46.40\00:19:48.40 I know too much about God to sit back and be 00:19:48.40\00:19:52.36 consumed with drama. 00:19:52.36\00:19:53.36 Let me tell you something. 00:19:53.36\00:19:54.36 God's getting ready to do something in your life. 00:19:54.36\00:19:56.36 God's getting ready to do something on this campus. 00:19:56.36\00:19:59.86 God's getting ready to do something in this church. 00:19:59.86\00:20:01.86 You've gone through the fire. 00:20:01.86\00:20:04.76 But you come out as pure gold. 00:20:04.76\00:20:09.33 Stop being pitiful and declare to folk, goodbye, drama. 00:20:09.33\00:20:16.26 Goodbye, life drama. 00:20:16.26\00:20:20.16 Goodbye, financial drama. 00:20:20.16\00:20:22.70 Goodbye, relationship drama. 00:20:22.70\00:20:24.53 Goodbye, drama. 00:20:24.53\00:20:28.43 I've been depressed, but I'm not going back. 00:20:28.43\00:20:33.30 Somebody, you've been in some crazy relationships, 00:20:33.30\00:20:35.30 but you're not going back. 00:20:35.30\00:20:37.20 Somebody, you were suicidal, no one knew it, but you're not 00:20:37.20\00:20:40.40 going back there. 00:20:40.40\00:20:41.40 You've been broke, but you're not going back. 00:20:41.40\00:20:43.40 Strung out on drugs, but you're not going back. 00:20:43.40\00:20:45.40 Forgetting those things which are behind me, 00:20:45.40\00:20:48.93 I'm reaching and pressing toward those things which 00:20:48.93\00:20:51.93 are before me. 00:20:51.93\00:20:52.93 Why do bad things happen to good people? 00:20:52.93\00:20:55.43 Why do good people have to go through fire? 00:20:55.43\00:21:01.16 Let me close with this story, this illustration. 00:21:01.16\00:21:05.76 Dr. Caroline Ann Knight, assistant professor 00:21:05.76\00:21:10.66 of homiletics in Atlanta, at the Interdenominational 00:21:10.66\00:21:14.53 Theological Center, she's an avid golfer. 00:21:14.53\00:21:17.36 And she tells a story about going through drama, and why 00:21:17.36\00:21:23.80 bad things happen to good people, through the illustration 00:21:23.80\00:21:26.90 of a tree. 00:21:26.90\00:21:28.13 She says, "I was playing golf at the renowned Pinehurst Golf 00:21:28.13\00:21:33.30 Club in North Carolina. 00:21:33.30\00:21:34.33 One of the greatest golf courses in the world." 00:21:34.33\00:21:37.50 She said, "And while I was playing, and I was playing 00:21:37.50\00:21:40.26 well," she says, "it went from a sunny day 00:21:40.26\00:21:44.23 to a stormy day. 00:21:44.23\00:21:47.66 The clouds rolled in, 00:21:47.66\00:21:49.66 and the thunder began to sound. 00:21:51.40\00:21:53.20 Followed by lightning," she says. 00:21:53.20\00:21:57.56 She said, "We needed to run for cover." Having never been 00:21:57.56\00:21:59.83 in this situation before, she said she ran toward 00:21:59.83\00:22:03.33 the tallest tree on the golf course. 00:22:03.33\00:22:06.93 But suddenly, her golfing partner grabbed her arm, 00:22:06.93\00:22:13.20 snatched her collar, pulled her toward a tree that was not even 00:22:13.20\00:22:19.93 the height of a shrub. 00:22:19.93\00:22:21.33 She said, "What you doing? 00:22:21.33\00:22:25.06 We should be running for cover. 00:22:25.06\00:22:26.16 The tree is not going to even stop us from getting wet, 00:22:26.16\00:22:30.00 let alone prevent us from getting struck 00:22:30.00\00:22:32.20 by lightning." Her golf partner said, "Caroline, you're 00:22:32.20\00:22:37.06 a new golfer, and you need to know that lightning always 00:22:37.06\00:22:41.13 strikes the tallest tree." 00:22:41.13\00:22:43.93 What am I trying to say? 00:22:43.93\00:22:48.40 When trouble comes to us, it's not necessarily because 00:22:48.40\00:22:52.76 we are the worst. 00:22:52.76\00:22:54.86 Sometimes we are the best that God has to offer. 00:22:54.86\00:23:00.90 In a world like this, in a day such as this, in a time like 00:23:00.90\00:23:04.43 this, God needs some people who are doing something right. 00:23:04.43\00:23:08.16 God needs some good people, some good church members, 00:23:08.16\00:23:13.73 some good community residents, some good Bible-loving students. 00:23:13.73\00:23:19.93 God needs some folk who are keeping the faith, 00:23:19.93\00:23:23.10 standing for truth, and not selling out 00:23:23.10\00:23:25.70 to this casual, do-anything Christianity that will not 00:23:25.70\00:23:28.90 change anybody. 00:23:28.90\00:23:31.60 God needs, God needs people with a testimony, some people 00:23:31.60\00:23:38.00 with a song, with a prayer, with a word, with a walk, 00:23:38.00\00:23:41.20 with a will. 00:23:41.20\00:23:42.20 Job got the call to go through the process because Job 00:23:42.20\00:23:45.06 was the best God has to offer. 00:23:45.06\00:23:46.80 The devil makes you look at your circumstances, 00:23:46.80\00:23:50.13 the devil makes you talk about what you don't have 00:23:50.13\00:23:52.33 and wants you to start experiencing drama. 00:23:52.33\00:23:54.33 The devil wants you to move from the Word of God. 00:23:54.33\00:23:56.33 The devil would rather you sit at home. 00:23:56.33\00:23:58.53 The devil would rather you not come to the church 00:23:58.53\00:24:00.60 to hear the Word of God. 00:24:00.60\00:24:01.60 That's why for some of you it was a battle to come 00:24:01.60\00:24:03.60 to church today. 00:24:03.60\00:24:04.60 But "goodbye, drama" is tied to your ability to overcome 00:24:04.60\00:24:07.60 the negativity with the goodness of God. 00:24:07.60\00:24:10.60 God has been too good to you to focus on what's wrong. 00:24:10.60\00:24:13.93 God didn't let me fall. 00:24:13.93\00:24:18.43 God didn't let me hit rock bottom. 00:24:18.43\00:24:20.43 If the devil could have killed you, he would have 00:24:20.43\00:24:23.50 done it by now. 00:24:23.50\00:24:24.50 If the devil could have beaten you up, he would have done it 00:24:24.50\00:24:27.00 by now. 00:24:27.00\00:24:28.00 If the devil could have taken you out, he would have done it 00:24:28.00\00:24:31.40 by now. 00:24:31.40\00:24:32.63 And so the fact that we're here today suggests that God 00:24:32.63\00:24:39.33 is my salvation. 00:24:39.33\00:24:40.33 And I'm so glad troubles don't last always. 00:24:40.33\00:24:46.43 And I'm so glad that weeping may endure for a night, but joy 00:24:46.43\00:24:52.03 comes in the morningtime. 00:24:52.03\00:24:53.03 And I'm so glad that after it rains, the sun is going 00:24:53.03\00:24:59.23 to shine again. 00:24:59.23\00:25:00.76 I'm so glad when they said unto me, let us go 00:25:00.76\00:25:08.43 into the house of the Lord, and that's why I come in here 00:25:08.43\00:25:12.23 and I praise God in His sanctuary. 00:25:12.23\00:25:15.76 Praise Him in the firmament of His power. 00:25:15.76\00:25:19.43 Praise Him for His mighty acts. 00:25:19.43\00:25:21.40 Praise Him according to his excellent greatness. 00:25:21.40\00:25:24.46 [organ playing loudly] Praise 00:25:24.46\00:25:26.20 Him with the sound of the trumpets. 00:25:26.20\00:25:29.03 Praise Him with the Psaltery and the harp. 00:25:29.03\00:25:31.66 Praise him with theTimbrel and the Dance. 00:25:31.66\00:25:34.96 Praise him with the sweet instruments and organs. 00:25:34.96\00:25:37.83 Praise him upon the loud cymbals. 00:25:37.83\00:25:41.50 Praise him upon the high sounding cymbals. 00:25:41.50\00:25:45.20 Let everything, let everything, let everything that have breath 00:25:45.20\00:25:58.23 praise ye the Lord. 00:25:58.23\00:26:05.13 Goodbye, drama. 00:26:05.13\00:26:08.30 Goodbye, financial drama. 00:26:08.30\00:26:09.76 Goodbye, relationship drama. 00:26:09.76\00:26:12.83 Goodbye, baby mama drama. 00:26:12.83\00:26:14.93 Goodbye, daddy drama and mama drama. 00:26:14.93\00:26:19.36 Goodbye, drama. 00:26:19.36\00:26:22.56 >: The Breath of Life gift offer this week is the book 00:26:22.56\00:26:25.10 "What the Bible Says About the Sabbath." God blessed 00:26:25.10\00:26:28.10 the seventh day, Saturday, and made it holy. 00:26:28.10\00:26:30.50 In this book you'll discover the truth in the blessings 00:26:30.50\00:26:32.86 about God's gift to mankind. 00:26:32.86\00:26:34.93 It's a time for building our relationship with God, to serve 00:26:34.93\00:26:37.86 others, to restore our souls, grow spiritually, and to get in 00:26:37.86\00:26:41.63 touch with the peace and beauty of God's natural world. 00:26:41.63\00:26:44.76 Learn how to make Sabbath special, the truth about Sabbath 00:26:44.76\00:26:48.36 and Sunday observance, what Jesus said about 00:26:48.36\00:26:50.36 the Sabbath, and how those 24 hours can change your life. 00:26:50.36\00:26:53.30 "What the Bible Says About the Sabbath" is yours 00:26:53.30\00:26:55.96 for a gift of $5 or more. 00:26:55.96\00:26:58.83 Just call our toll-free number, 877-BOL-OFFER. 00:26:58.83\00:27:03.73 That's 877-265-6333. 00:27:03.73\00:27:06.93 Please have your credit card ready when you call. 00:27:06.93\00:27:09.70 Or you may write us to request your copy. 00:27:09.70\00:27:11.90 Just send your check to Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340, 00:27:11.90\00:27:15.56 Newbury Park, California 91319. 00:27:15.56\00:27:19.06 Get your copy of "What the Bible Says About the Sabbath" 00:27:19.06\00:27:21.66 and find out what a difference a day makes. 00:27:21.66\00:27:24.70 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching 00:27:25.20\00:27:27.40 Breath of Life today. 00:27:27.40\00:27:29.33 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry 00:27:29.33\00:27:31.13 and that we gave a healing word in a hurting world. 00:27:31.13\00:27:35.30 In order for Breath of Life to continue ministry, 00:27:35.30\00:27:38.80 we need you. 00:27:38.80\00:27:40.30 We need your prayers, we need your support. 00:27:40.30\00:27:41.23 We want you to know that any and all donations, small 00:27:41.23\00:27:43.96 or great, they are sincerely welcomed and appreciated. 00:27:43.96\00:27:48.03 To contact us or to make your donation, 00:27:48.03\00:27:50.63 please feel free to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER. 00:27:50.63\00:27:55.70 That's 877-BOL-OFFER. 00:27:55.70\00:28:02.56 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340, 00:28:02.56\00:28:08.33 Newbury Park, California 91319. 00:28:08.33\00:28:12.16 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, California 91319. 00:28:12.16\00:28:17.23 Or log onto our web site at www.breathoflife.tv. 00:28:17.23\00:28:22.76 Why do bad things happen to good people? 00:28:23.80\00:28:29.90