Breath of Life

We Need a Revival, pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000098

00:01 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:09 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:18 ♪ all the praise ♪ Pastor Byrd: God,
00:24 only thou knowst.
00:26 So now, Ezekiel repeats what God told him to do.
00:33 Prophesy upon these bones.
00:35 Preach unto these bones.
00:37 And, O, dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord.
00:42 Now, I must confess, when you stand up here to preach, be it
00:47 here or anywhere else, preaching is not easy, because
00:50 when you stand in audiences and congregations
00:53 week after week, preaching is not easy.
00:55 Everybody expects you to hit a home run.
00:57 You have to have logos and ethos, pathos and stamina
01:01 all at the same time.@ You have to be logical,
01:05 emotional and credible all at the same time.
01:08 And it's hard enough to preach to those that move and stir
01:13 around, but to preach to that which is dead and dry,
01:19 I'm preaching today, is an awful thing.
01:23 My travels have taken me to some dry, dead audiences.
01:31 Has there ever been a pitiful view of Christians who are
01:35 unmoved by the power of God's Word?
01:37 Is there yet a sight of church folk who resemble dead,
01:41 dry bones in the valley and can't get excited
01:44 when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he's done
01:47 for me?
01:48 Is there yet a glimpse of dead, dry bones who sit in the pews
01:52 week after week and are unaltered by
01:54 the call of God?
01:58 I hope not.
01:59 But I'm here to tell you that it's tough to preach
02:03 to Christians who are like wheelbarrows,
02:06 no good unless pushed.
02:09 It's tough to preach to Christians like canoes,
02:13 where they have to be paddled.
02:15 It's tough to preach to kittens when they're only content when
02:19 they're petted.
02:20 Then there are some Christians like footballs, you don't know
02:23 which way they will bounce next.
02:25 Some are like balloons, full of wind, ready to blow up.
02:28 Some are like trailers, they have to be pulled.
02:31 And then there are some, friends of mine, like lights,
02:35 they keep going on and off.
02:40 It becomes a tough assignment.
02:44 But yet, that's often what God deals with.
02:47 The unusual, the uncanny, the unique, the impossible,
02:51 and God says, if this is your ministry,
02:55 I call you to preach the Word, preach the Word even if they
02:59 are dead, dry and in the valley.
03:02 Speak the Word of God to them and say to them all,
03:08 hear the Word of the Lord.
03:10 Ezekiel was assigned by God to preach to these dry, dead
03:14 bones, but as Ezekiel begins to preach something begins
03:20 to happen.
03:21 As Ezekiel begins to speak, revival begins to take place.
03:27 As Ezekiel begins to speak, reanimation begins
03:31 to take place.
03:33 As Ezekiel begins to preach, reassembling begins
03:37 to take place.
03:38 But it's not just enough to reanimate and reassemble life,
03:42 but there also has to be a reunion of life.
03:46 And so at that moment God begins to reverse the process
03:49 of decomposition.
03:50 He says preach the Word.
03:52 And as Ezekiel begins to preach the Word decomposition reverses
03:56 itself, breath enters the body, tendons fill the bones,
04:01 flesh comes upon the tendons, and then skin comes
04:05 up upon the flesh.
04:07 But that's the reversal of the process of decomposition
04:10 because when a man dies the normal process of death
04:14 is breath leaves the body, the flesh deteriorates,
04:18 the skin and flesh decompose, tendons disintegrate,
04:21 and then there's nothing left but bare skeletal remains.
04:24 But I serve a God who can do the impossible.
04:32 I serve a God who can reverse the decomposition process.
04:39 God can quicken the dead.
04:41 God can raise life among the dead.
04:44 God is the resurrection and the life.
04:47 God is the alpha and the omega.
04:49 God is the first and the last.
04:52 God is the beginning and the end.
04:54 And so God says to Ezekiel, Ezekiel, preach the Word.
05:03 And don't preach just cotton candy preaching either,
05:06 where sweet on the outside and hollow and empty
05:09 on the inside.
05:10 Preach the Word.
05:11 It is our duty to preach to all men.
05:14 We are to preach beside all waters.
05:16 We are to preach in season and out.
05:18 When it's two people we are to preach just as hard
05:20 as we would to two thousand.
05:21 God said, where there are two or three gathered in my name
05:23 I shall be in the midst.
05:24 All we've go to do is preach God's truth and God's strength,
05:28 God will quicken whom he will, when he will, where he will,
05:32 how he will.
05:33 Ezekiel began to preach and revival began to take place
05:37 in the valley.
05:39 Somebody knows what happens when revival happens.
05:42 Somebody knows what happens when revival gets good,
05:45 the preacher gets to preaching, the choir gets to singing,
05:49 the organist gets to playing, the Holy Ghost gets to moving,
05:53 the saints get to shouting, souls stop sinning,
05:57 gossipers stop gossiping, complainers stop complaining,
06:01 and prayer warriors start praying when
06:04 revival takes place.
06:06 Ezekiel begins to preach to the dry, dead bones,
06:11 and the bones, the Bible says, begin to fit together.
06:16 Now Ezekiel gets a little happy.
06:19 Now Ezekiel begins to raise his voice a little bit.
06:22 Now Ezekiel begins to clap his hands a little bit.
06:26 Now Ezekiel bends down like this and begins
06:28 to stomp his feet a little bit.
06:30 Now Ezekiel begins to whoop and hum a little bit,
06:32 because he's thanking God for his dry bones.
06:37 His valley let him see God perform orthopedic surgery
06:40 that lets the ankle bone be connected to the leg bone,
06:45 the leg bone be connected to the knee bone,
06:48 the knee bone be connected to the hip bone, the hip bone
06:51 be connected to the backbone, the backbone be connected
06:54 to the shoulder bone, the shoulder bone be connected
06:58 to the neck bone, the neck bone be connected to the head bone,
07:04 and O dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord.
07:08 I'm a witness today that preaching the Word of God
07:13 will wake up dry, dead bones.
07:17 I said, preaching the Word of God will wake up
07:20 dry, dead bones.
07:23 Thank God for the Word.
07:25 I said, thank God for the Word.
07:27 God's Word sharper than any two-edged sword.
07:29 God's Word is a lamp unto to my feet and a light unto my path.
07:34 God's Word have I hid in my heart that I like not sin
07:38 against thee.
07:39 I asked myself all the time, how can people come to church,
07:43 hear the Word, and leave the same way they came?
07:49 It's because, according to the text, they got
07:52 the reanimation and they got the reassembly,
07:56 but that's not the end of the process.
07:58 Because when you read the Word of God in verse 8, it says
08:02 that these people, although they now had
08:03 shape and form, they still had no breath in them.
08:08 Which means Ezekiel had a measure of success
08:11 in preaching to the bones and a wonderful success
08:13 it appeared to be.
08:14 The bones came together, bone to bone, but the Bible says
08:16 there was no breath in them.
08:17 Ezekiel had done, yes, his work in preaching, but there was
08:20 still something else that was needed.
08:23 And that's just like many of us.
08:26 We preach and we think we've done something,
08:30 we clap, we stomp, we shout, and people pat us on the back
08:37 and we think we've done something.
08:41 But, friends of mine, if it's void of the breath,
08:44 if it's void of the Holy Spirit, if it's void
08:48 of the anointing, all it is is sounding brass
08:52 and tinkling cymbals.
08:53 Life can only come from God's spirit.
08:59 The best preaching cannot create life.
09:02 The best singing cannot create life.
09:04 The best testimonies cannot create life.
09:07 Only God can give life.
09:10 Only God can wake you up this morning.
09:13 The alarm clock didn't do it, God did it.
09:16 Only God can sustain your life.
09:19 The doctor didn't do it, God did it.
09:22 God is life.
09:23 All life begins in God and flows from God.
09:26 God is the life of life.
09:28 God is the giver of life.
09:30 God is the sustainer of life.
09:31 God is the way to life.
09:33 God is the way in life.
09:34 God is the way for life.
09:36 God is the way of life.
09:39 And God is a joy in my life.
09:41 So now, Ezekiel must prophesy to the wind, to the Holy Ghost,
09:47 to breath on dry, dead bones and make them live.
09:53 In the Hebrew, breathe in the text
09:55 is synonymous with ruach in Genesis 2:7, which is
10:00 the same word for spirit.
10:02 Genesis 2:7 says, "And the Lord God formed man of the dust
10:06 of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils
10:09 the breath of life; and man became a living
10:12 soul." Adam had form and body when God took dust
10:17 of the ground, but Adam did not come
10:19 to life until God breathed his Holy Spirit in him.
10:25 Which means, friends of mine, these bones can't come to life
10:30 unless God's spirit is breathed on them.
10:34 The church can't come to life until God's spirit
10:41 is breathed in them.
10:42 The school can't come to life until God's spirit is breathed
10:48 in them.
10:49 Our ministry won't come to life until God's spirit is breathed
10:55 on them.
10:56 Our communities won't come to life until God's spirit
11:00 is breathed on them.
11:01 And some of us are dead and dry and we won't come to life until
11:07 the Holy Spirit breaths on us.
11:12 That's why when I travel the world, I listen
11:14 to folks sing.
11:16 And you can have some folk that can sure enough sing,
11:19 but when they get up and sing they're just singing a song.
11:21 And you can have somebody else who does not sing as well,
11:24 but they minister and they see and you feel
11:26 and sense the anointing of God.
11:28 And so you have the singer over here that can sure enough sing,
11:31 and you have the singer over here that may not
11:33 be able to sing that well, but they've got the Holy Ghost
11:35 anointing, and the Holy Ghost anointing
11:42 destroys yokes, and because they've got the Holy Ghost,
11:44 that one sounds good, but there's something
11:46 about this one, they've got the Holy Ghost.
11:48 We need new life to come back to lifeless bones,
11:51 lifeless churches, lifeless ministry,
11:54 lifeless communities, lifeless lives.
11:56 We need the Holy Ghost.
11:59 When Ezekiel prophesied the Bible says,
12:03 the wind comes and there stood up a great
12:06 exceeding army.
12:07 And that's what the spirit of God does for us.
12:11 The spirit of God makes that which was dead
12:14 alive again.
12:15 For God says in Ezekiel, what you have seen, the revival
12:21 you've just witnessed is a picture of my people,
12:23 a picture of people who are dried up,
12:25 the Bible says, a picture of people who
12:27 are low with a hope that's lost.
12:29 A picture of people where they are cut off.
12:32 A picture of my people who are dry.
12:34 A picture of my people who are dead.
12:36 They don't know who I am.
12:37 They think I'm restricted to one place, but they've
12:41 forgotten that I'm not only the God of Abraham
12:45 at Mount Mariah, but I'm also the God of Moses
12:48 at Mount Sinai.
12:50 I'm not only the God of Moses at Mount Sinai, but I'm the God
12:53 of Elijah at Mount Carmel.
12:55 I'm not only the God of Elijah at Mount Carmel,
12:58 but I'm the God of Carlton Byrd at Oakwood.
13:01 I am not restricted to one place.
13:04 I'm sovereign.
13:05 I'm omnipresent, which means I'm everywhere
13:08 at the same time.
13:09 Wherever you are, I am.
13:12 Wherever you go, I've already been.
13:14 God says, your bones may be dried up,
13:17 your hope may be lost, you may be cut off, but you
13:21 can live again.
13:23 Let me tell somebody this in testimony,
13:25 maybe life has gotten the best of you,
13:28 but you can live again.
13:30 Maybe somebody has done you wrong, but you can live again.
13:34 Maybe somebody has gotten on your nerves,
13:37 but you can live again.
13:39 Maybe you're down to your last dime,
13:41 maybe your utility bill is due and you don't have
13:44 any money, maybe you're supposed
13:46 to graduate next month, but you need to clear
13:48 your student accounts.
13:52 Maybe your spouse left you to raise those children
13:56 by yourself.
13:58 Maybe you've been diagnosed with cancer.
14:00 I don't know today what your situation is,
14:02 but I'm here to tell you, you can live again.
14:08 How do I live again?
14:11 Verse 12 gives the answer.
14:13 Prophesy, say to them, thus saith the Lord God,
14:21 I will open up your graves and call you to come up out
14:27 of your grave and bring you to the land of Israel.
14:32 In other words, friends of mine, I'm going
14:34 to resurrect you.
14:36 Now, you know God can do it.
14:38 Does anybody know God can resurrect?
14:40 Does anybody know God's got resurrection power?
14:43 Because God's not only a God who works in the area
14:45 of the impossible, but God knows how to weave
14:47 his way out of a grave.
14:50 Whatever it looks like that has God bound,
14:54 it can't keep God down.
14:57 God says, did you think you have me bound?
14:59 Let me show you that I have the power to open things up.
15:05 In fact, if you're looking for a nickname,
15:09 call me the God of the open up.
15:12 I opened up the Red Sea.
15:14 I opened up Sarah's womb.
15:17 I opened up Hannah's womb.
15:19 I opened up jail doors for Peter.
15:22 I opened up Philippians jail doors for Paul and Silas.
15:26 But I died on Friday.
15:28 I lay resting in the grave on the Sabbath.
15:32 But on the third appointed day, I opened up doors for my Jesus
15:37 and I just stopped by to tell somebody.
15:41 He can open up your life.
15:43 For when you look at resurrection, somebody once
15:46 said resurrection says that God laughed at death's face.
15:54 Now, last point.
15:57 This is the only example in the Old Testament
16:01 of a physical resurrection.
16:05 What's interesting is no New Testament writer makes
16:08 reference to this vision.
16:11 But this passage is clearly one that gives us resurrection hope
16:15 just like 1 Thessalonians 4 or 1 Corinthians 15.
16:18 Which means then, church, the grave is not the end.
16:25 Death, we say it all the time, is not a period,
16:29 but only a comma in the story of life.
16:32 God will not be unmade by death or hemmed in by the very
16:37 finitude he himself created.
16:39 God is infinite.
16:41 God will not let finitude and the limits of this life
16:44 be the last word on us.
16:46 God is infinite.
16:48 God will not be without his people and his people will
16:51 never be without their God.
16:52 God is infinite.
16:54 And that's why the vision closes with the fact that
16:59 there's not only resurrection, but there's reunion.
17:04 Verse 14 says, and I shall put my spirit in you.
17:07 You shall live.
17:09 I shall place you in your own land.
17:11 Stop there.
17:12 We had resurrection.
17:15 Now we have reunion.
17:18 Hallelujah, somebody.
17:19 I said, we had resurrection, but now we have reunion.
17:26 At his first coming Jesus came to save his people.
17:31 At his second coming Jesus is coming to get his people.
17:36 The dead in Christ are going to rise first.
17:41 Then we which are alive remain to be caught up together
17:44 to meet him in the clouds.
17:45 We will be united with loved ones
17:47 who have fallen asleep in the Lord.
17:49 There will be a resurrection and there will be a reunion.
17:52 You see, friends of mine, it seemed as if God
17:55 had turned his back on the Hebrew people.
17:58 But God wanted them to see that he could not be localized,
18:01 that he could not be restricted.
18:03 God says, you can't dictate to me the way you want me
18:06 to operate for exile was not a Babylon power,
18:08 but it was my power.
18:10 You're not in Babylon for exile purposes because they overthrew
18:12 my country, but I allowed them to overthrow you so that exile
18:15 could become your discipline.
18:20 So today, somebody's living in their own exile.
18:27 You're all the way from hopeful possibility.
18:30 But you're there maybe not because God isn't faithful,
18:36 but maybe, just maybe, you're there because
18:38 God is faithful.
18:42 Because God allows certain things to come our way to prove
18:44 to us over and over and over again that he's the one who
18:48 will get us out of even what we got our own selves into,
18:51 hallelujah.
18:53 They got themselves into exile long before Babylon had come
18:59 and taken them.
19:01 They had abandoned God.
19:03 They had forgotten God.
19:05 They are the ones who had been unfaithful to God,
19:07 and sometimes, I'm learning in my life,
19:09 that God disciplines us just for the purpose to get
19:12 the best out of us that he has put inside of us.
19:18 Some of us are dead, dry, in the valley, and we need
19:26 reanimation, we need reassembly, we need
19:31 resurrection, we need reunion, we need revival.
19:35 We need to wake up and see the times in which we live.
19:39 We need to wake up and see what God is trying to do.
19:43 We need to wake up and get excited about Jesus.
19:46 We need revival.
19:47 God's not dead.
19:48 God's alive.
19:51 And you can't be alive if you don't have the Holy Spirit.
19:56 God's people will always be in exile if they don't have
20:00 the presence of the Holy Spirit indwelling within them.
20:03 We need a revival.
20:05 Now, it's time out, time out, the game is over, for being
20:15 dry, dead and in the valley.
20:18 God is not coming back for the frozen chosen.
20:24 God is coming back for people who are on fire for him.
20:30 For he who has no fire in himself cannot warm
20:34 anybody else.
20:35 So, if all the sleeping folk would wake up,
20:39 if all the lukewarm folk would fire up,
20:44 if all the disgruntled folk would sweeten up,
20:46 if all the discouraged folk would cheer up,
20:49 if all the depressed folk would look up,
20:53 if all the discontented folk would lighten up,
20:56 if all the cutthroat folk would build up,
20:59 and if all the gossiping folk would shut up,
21:03 then the work of God could be done.
21:07 And so, yes, I serve a risen Savior.
21:10 He's in the world today.
21:13 I know that he is living, whatever men may say.
21:17 I see his hand of mercy, I hear his voice of cheer,
21:22 and just the time I need him, he's always near.
21:26 And so, he calls it in verse 14 and says, I am the Lord.
21:32 I have spoken it.
21:35 I have performed it.
21:37 I am the Lord.
21:40 In other words, I am that I am.
21:44 That's who I am.
21:47 I am that I am.
21:49 I am everything you need.
21:52 I am your bread.
21:54 I am your water.
21:56 I am your shelter, I am your shield.
21:59 I am your buckler.
22:01 I am your bill payer.
22:02 I am your student account clearer.
22:05 I am your heart fixer.
22:07 I am your problem solver.
22:09 I am your wheel will in a middle of a wheel.
22:11 I am your way out of no way.
22:13 I am your chemotherapy.
22:16 I am that I am.
22:19 I am Adonai.
22:20 I am Lord over every lord.
22:22 I am El Shaddai.
22:24 I am God Almighty.
22:26 I am Elohim, the plurality of my own divinity.
22:29 I am Jehovah Jireh.
22:34 When you need a sacrifice I will provide.
22:36 I am Jehovah Shalom.
22:38 When you can't sleep at night, I am your peace.
22:42 I am Jehovah Raphe.
22:43 When your body is racking with pain, I am your healer.
22:47 I am Jehovah Nissi.
22:50 When you fight life's battles, I'll hold up the banner.
22:55 We've already won.
22:58 Don't wait till the battle is over.
23:00 Go on and shout now.
23:02 I am that I am, old dry bones.
23:06 Hear the Word of the Lord.
23:08 A great many of us are on the salvation train,
23:11 but too many of us have gone to sleep.
23:14 God doesn't want any dry, dead bones.
23:17 Paul said, present your body a living sacrifice,
23:22 holy and acceptable unto God, which is your
23:25 reasonable service So, excuse me if I get loud
23:30 sometimes.
23:32 Excuse me if I stomp my feet sometimes.
23:36 Excuse me if I clap my hands sometimes.
23:41 Excuse me if I wave my hands sometimes.
23:45 But you don't know like I know what he's done for me.
23:49 You don't know like I know how he's picked me
23:52 up out of the mire, placed my feet on solid ground
23:59 to stay.
24:01 You don't know, so excuse me.
24:04 We need a revival.
24:05 We need to wake up.
24:07 Jesus loves us.
24:09 Jesus died to save us.
24:16 Jesus is coming back to get us.
24:19 I just need 50 radical folk who don't mind praising
24:26 the name of Jesus.
24:28 I just need 50 radical folk who don't mind going into
24:32 the city of Huntsville and telling somebody that
24:34 the seventh day is the Sabbath.
24:36 I just need.
24:41 Oh, come, magnify the Lord with me.
24:46 Let us exult his name together.
24:49 O taste and see that the Lord is good,
24:53 his mercy endureth forever.
24:56 Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is
25:02 within me bless his holy name.
25:04 I once was young, but now I'm a little older, but I've never
25:09 seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.
25:13 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
25:17 The Lord is my light and my salvation.
25:22 Who is the King of Glory?
25:24 The Lord mighty in battle.
25:27 Lift up your heads, O ye gates.
25:31 Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and see ye lifted up.
25:38 Ye everlasting Doors.
25:40 And the key, the King, the King of Glory shall, shall,
25:50 shall come in.
25:52 Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.
25:57 Just to take him at his word.
26:02 Just to rest upon his promise.
26:07 Just to know thus sayeth the Lord.
26:14 Jesus.
26:15 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching
26:18 Breath of Life today.
26:19 We do hope that u were blessed by our ministry
26:22 and that we gave a healing word in a hurting world.
26:26 In order for Breath of Life to continue ministry,
26:29 we need you.
26:30 We need your prayers, we need your support.
26:33 We want you to know that any and all donations, small
26:36 or great, they are sincerely welcomed and appreciated.
26:40 To contact us or to make your donation,
26:42 please feel free to give us a call at:
26:45 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:48 That's 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:54 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
27:00 Newbury Park, California 91319.
27:05 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, California 91319.
27:10 Or log onto our web site at
27:16 >: It's an age old question, what happens to us
27:19 after we die?
27:21 The Breath of Life gift offer this week is "What the Bible
27:23 Says about Death."
27:24 This little book peels back the theories the world has
27:26 on the afterlife and carefully explains what's accurate based
27:30 on a source we can really rely on, God's Word.
27:34 Discover what the Bible says about the soul, human nature,
27:37 talking to the dead, the coming millennium, the resurrection,
27:41 and hell.
27:42 "What the Bible Says about Death" is yours for a gift
27:44 of $5 or more.
27:46 Just call our toll free number 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:51 That's 877-265-6333.
27:54 Please have your credit ready when you call.
27:57 Or you may write us to request your copy.
27:59 Just send your check to Breath of Life,
28:01 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, California 91319.
28:05 Find comfort in what's to come after we pass
28:09 from this world to the next.
28:11 Get your copy of "What the Bible Says about Death" today.
28:14 PB: Preach the Word even if they are dead,
28:19 dry and in the valley.
28:21 Preach the Word of God to them and say to them all,
28:26 hear the Word of the Lord.
28:27 Ezekiel was assigned by God


Revised 2015-02-06