Breath of Life

Jesus in Daniel and the Revelation, pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000095

00:01 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:11 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all...♪
00:18 ♪all the praise ♪ ♪ (Music) ♪
00:21 Pastor Byrd: I discovered that there are folk that
00:23 don't want to study prophetic books.
00:25 They don't want to study Daniel and the Revelation.
00:29 They say it's too hard.
00:32 I don't know what all those symbols represent.
00:36 I don't know what a lion represents, and what a bear
00:38 represents, and what all these different animals and symbols,
00:43 I don't want to read six, six, six.
00:46 I don't want to know about the mark of the beast.
00:49 I don't want to do that.
00:50 Daniel and the Revelation, those books make me scared.
00:55 But I want to remind somebody tonight that God has not given
00:58 us the spirit of fear, but a spirit of love,
01:02 power, and sound mind and understanding.
01:05 Do I have a witness in this place?
01:07 But many people don't understand the books
01:09 Daniel and the Revelation, because of all these different
01:11 things found within the books.
01:12 And so because of that, Satan wins. He wins,
01:16 because people say, instead of studying Daniel
01:18 and the Revelation, I'll just put my Bible down.
01:21 I won't read the Bible.
01:23 And it's easy to become distracted.
01:26 It's easy to become discouraged when you have
01:28 leopards, lions, beasts, bears, and you don't know
01:32 what they mean.
01:34 But when you understand these symbols,
01:37 you will discover that the books of Daniel
01:40 and the Revelation are books about God's love as revealed
01:44 in the person of Jesus Christ.
01:46 And the fact is, you're going to discover in Revelation
01:51 and in Daniel that Jesus loves you.
01:53 You're going to discover that Jesus wants to save you
01:57 and you're going to discover when you read these books
01:59 and you open these books that Satan is going
02:02 to be exposed.
02:03 That Satan is going to be unmasked, because Satan
02:07 is going to be discovered in these books for the true--
02:10 I want to watch my language--true person--
02:13 that's good--ha-ha--that he is.
02:18 So, Revelation now.
02:20 How did the book of Revelation get to us?
02:23 Let's go the Word.
02:24 Go to the book of Revelation.
02:25 What book did I say, everybody?
02:27 Revelation.
02:28 The final book of the Bible.
02:29 Revelation.
02:30 That's what this revival's all about.
02:32 And we're going to go to Revelation, Chapter 1.
02:34 Revelation what, everybody?
02:35 We're going to Revelation, Chapter 1 and we're going
02:40 to verse 1.
02:41 Now, if you have a neighbor and they need help
02:45 with finding it in the Word of God,
02:47 help your neighbor out.
02:48 If your neighbor does not have a Bible make sure you scoot
02:52 over next to them so they can see your Bible.
02:55 We'll put the text on the screen and all
02:58 the Scriptures, but I'm just a little
03:00 old-fashioned, I believe you ought to look it up
03:02 in the Word of God.
03:03 Can you say Amen?
03:04 So let's go to Revelation, Chapter 1:1.
03:06 If you have it let me hear you say Amen.
03:11 The Word of God says, the Revelation of whom,
03:13 everybody?
03:14 Come on, the Revelation of whom, everybody?
03:17 (Aud: Jesus Christ) "Which God gaveth to him, to show unto
03:20 his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he
03:23 sent and signified it by his" what, everybody?
03:26 (Aud: Angel) Unto his servant, what, everybody?
03:28 (Aud: John).
03:29 All right.
03:30 So the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
03:32 Know what you just read.
03:33 Which God gave to him.
03:35 So, who gave Revelation to Jesus?
03:38 Come on, who gave Revelation to Jesus?
03:41 God gave Revelation to Jesus to show unto his servants
03:45 things which must shortly come to pass, and he sent it
03:48 and signified it by his what, everybody?
03:51 Angel, unto his servant, whom, everybody?
03:54 John. So, let's stop here.
03:55 We discover we got Revelation because first of all God gave
04:00 Revelation to whom, everybody?
04:02 Come on, God gave Revelation to whom, everybody?
04:04 Jesus.
04:05 Jesus gave Revelation to whom, everybody?
04:09 The angel.
04:10 He gave it to the whom, everybody?
04:12 (Aud: Angel) And then the angel gave it to whom?
04:14 (Aud: John) All right.
04:15 Let's go back, reiterate what we just said,
04:18 because repetition deepens the impression, and you will
04:21 notice I'm a preacher teacher.
04:23 Let's make sure we understand how we got Revelation.
04:26 God gave Revelation to whom, everybody?
04:29 Jesus gave Revelation to the?
04:30 The angel then gave it to whom?
04:33 John.
04:34 Now, let's look at verse 2.
04:35 Revelation 1:2.
04:37 The Word of God says, "Who bare record of the word of God,
04:40 and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things
04:43 that he saw.
04:44 Blessed is he that" what?
04:46 Come on, blessed is he that what?
04:48 (Aud: Readeth) And they that what?
04:50 Hear the words of this prophecy, and do what else?
04:53 Keep those things where are written therein, for the time
04:55 is at what, everybody?
04:56 (Aud: Hand) All right, let's reminisce, reiterate,
04:59 how did we get Revelation?
05:01 God gave it to whom?
05:02 Jesus gave it to?
05:05 The angel gave it to whom?
05:07 (Aud: John) The Bible says, blessed is he that reads.
05:09 Blessed is he that what, everybody?
05:11 And then what else?
05:12 Hears.
05:13 And then what else?
05:14 Keeps the words of this prophecy.
05:16 Which means it's more than just reading it.
05:20 It's more than just hearing it.
05:22 You got a lot of folk that read the Bible,
05:24 that hear the Bible, but the Word of God
05:28 says they must keep the Bible.
05:30 Let's keep reading.
05:32 Verse 4: John, to the what churches?
05:35 "Seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you,
05:38 and peace from him which is, and which was,
05:41 and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits
05:44 which are before his throne; and from Jesus," whom,
05:47 everybody?
05:48 "Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first
05:51 begotten of the" what?
05:52 (Aud: The dead) "And the prince of the kings of the earth.
05:54 Unto him that" what?
05:56 Loved us and did what else?
05:58 Washed us from our what?
05:59 (Aud: Sins) In his own what, everybody?
06:02 (Aud: Blood) That's to make somebody want to shout.
06:04 Verse 6: "And hath made us kings and" what?
06:06 (Aud: Priests) "Unto God and his Father; to him be glory
06:09 and dominion forever and ever.
06:11 Amen." Verse 11: "Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first
06:18 and the" what?
06:19 (Aud: Last) And "What thou seest, write in a" what?
06:22 (Aud: Book) "And send it unto the seven" what?
06:24 (Aud: Churches) Which are in where?
06:26 Asia.
06:27 Unto what?
06:28 Ephesus and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto
06:31 Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia,
06:34 and unto Laodicea.
06:35 Go down to verse 19: "Write the things which thou hast
06:39 seen, and the things which are, and the things which
06:44 shall be hereafter." We will see Revelation because God
06:51 gave it to?
06:52 (Aud: Jesus) Jesus gave to?
06:55 (Aud: The angel) The angel gave it to?
06:58 (Aud: John) John wrote it down and gave it to the seven what?
07:02 (Aud: Churches) That's how we got Revelation.
07:06 We then discovered that Revelation
07:08 is clear, blessed are those that read it, hear it,
07:13 and keepeth the things in this book.
07:16 This let's me know that Revelation is not
07:19 a counterfeit.
07:20 Revelation is not something that was made up.
07:23 But God gave Revelation to us by way of Jesus, by way of
07:29 the angel, by way of John,
07:32 who write it down and gave it to
07:34 the seven churches.
07:35 Blessed are those that read, hear and keep those things in
07:40 this book.
07:41 And then, God gives, as you read, a promised blessing
07:44 to those who read and hear and keep those things.
07:46 Now, with that in mind, because God gave us
07:50 Revelation, the book of Revelation is not a book
07:54 to fear.
07:55 The book of Revelation is not a book to be scared of.
08:02 Revelation reveals Jesus and prepares God's people
08:06 for future events surrounding Jesus' return.
08:10 We have no reason to be afraid of anything God would give
08:12 to us.
08:15 Now, Satan doesn't want us to read Revelation.
08:20 Let's be clear.
08:21 Satan doesn't want us to study Revelation.
08:25 Satan doesn't want us to keep Revelation.
08:29 See, in case you didn't know, the devil knows the Bible
08:31 better than you.
08:32 The devil can quote Scripture better than you.
08:36 And so the devil knows if you get to know Revelation,
08:39 he's in bad shape.
08:41 But in the name of Jesus, bump Satan tonight.
08:45 In the name of Jesus, get thee behind me, Satan.
08:51 Revelation is God's Word.
08:53 God's Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin
08:56 against thee.
08:57 Thy Word is a lamp unto to my feet and a light
09:00 unto my path.
09:01 Think about it tonight.
09:05 Jesus spoke in the New Testament in parables.
09:10 And in speaking in parables only the spiritually oriented
09:15 could understand.
09:18 Think about Revelation now.
09:20 He gave it to Jesus, who gave it to the angel, who then gave
09:24 it to John.
09:25 John wrote it down and gave it to us.
09:28 God wrote Revelation.
09:31 He was created with parables, but he clothed Revelation
09:35 in symbols for the same reason, only those who are sincerely
09:40 seeking truth and guided by the Holy Spirit can understand
09:45 and comprehend it.
09:49 You see, Revelation is not for folk that just want to have
09:51 a surface religion with the Lord.
09:53 Revelation is for those who want to go deeper
09:55 in the Word of God.
09:57 And I'm a witness that every round goes higher and higher
10:01 when you study the Word of God.
10:03 Not only that, the enemies of God are unmasked
10:07 in Revelation.
10:08 Satan wants us to put Revelation down because
10:10 Revelation exposes him.
10:13 But the symbols need not hinder our understanding.
10:18 The Bible tells us what they mean in literal language.
10:22 Pastor, what do you mean?
10:24 I'm so glad you asked.
10:26 There are symbols in Revelation that mean certain
10:30 things and if you don't know what these certain things are
10:33 you will never understand Revelation.
10:35 You'll get frustrated.
10:37 You'll get upset.
10:38 You'll get angry.
10:39 You'll get mad.
10:40 And you'll throw down your Bible, say,
10:43 I'm not going to be bothered with Revelation.
10:45 But let's expose Satan tonight.
10:47 Let's see some of the prophecies
10:49 and some of the symbols in Bible prophecy that we
10:51 find from the book of Daniel and the Revelation.
10:53 Let's go to Revelation 17.
10:55 What book did I say, everybody?
10:58 You've got to know it would come from Revelation because
11:00 this is Revelation now.
11:01 Go to Revelation, Chapter 17 and we're going to verse 15.
11:07 Revelation 17:15.
11:12 The Word of God says: "And he saieth unto me,
11:19 The waters."
11:20 The what, everybody?
11:21 Come on, the what, everybody?
11:22 "Which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are"
11:27 what, everybody?
11:28 (Aud: Peoples) And what else?
11:30 (Aud: Multitudes) And what else?
11:32 (Aud: Nations) And what else?
11:33 (Aud: Tongues) All right, stop right there.
11:35 In Bible prophecy, when we read Daniel and the Revelation,
11:40 and we read about water, water represents people.
11:45 Are we clear, everybody?
11:47 Water represents what, everybody?
11:50 The text said it, the text said, and the waters which
11:53 thou sawest are people.
11:55 They are multitudes.
11:57 They are nations and tongues.
11:58 So some people, they don't understand Revelation, can't
12:02 comprehend Revelation, because what they don't understand is,
12:05 when we're reading the Bible prophetically, when we talk
12:07 about water, we're talking about what, everybody?
12:09 (Aud: People) Let's get some more.
12:11 Go now to the companion book of Revelation in the
12:14 Old Testament, let's go to the book of Daniel.
12:17 Daniel, Chapter 7.
12:18 Getting quiet in here.
12:20 Daniel, Chapter 7 and let's go to verse 23.
12:26 Daniel 7:23.
12:28 If you have it let me hear you say Amen.
12:36 If you don't have it, say hold on.
12:38 I'm holding, but hurry up.
12:40 Again, help your neighbor find it.
12:43 Daniel 7:23, the Word of God says: "Thus he said,
12:49 The fourth" what, everybody?
12:51 "The fourth beast shall be the fourth" what?
12:55 (Aud: Kingdom) "Upon earth, which shall be diverse from
12:58 all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall
13:01 tread it down, and break it in" what, everybody?
13:04 (Aud: Pieces) So we recognize, in Bible prophecy a beast
13:09 represents a what?
13:11 Come on, a beast represents a what?
13:14 Kingdom, because the fourth beast was a fourth what?
13:16 Kingdom.
13:17 Water represents what?
13:19 (Aud: People) A beast represents what?
13:21 (Aud: Kingdom) God gave Revelation to whom?
13:23 Jesus gave Revelation to the?
13:27 The angel gave it to?
13:28 John wrote it down and gave it to the seven?
13:31 (Aud: Churches) Blessed is he that what?
13:33 Read it, and what else?
13:34 Hear it and keep those things in the book.
13:37 Understand, a water represents what?
13:40 (Aud: People) A beast represents what?
13:44 (Aud: Kingdom) All right now, go to Ezekiel, Chapter 4,
13:51 and I'm giving you what everybody else ain't going
13:54 to give you.
13:55 I'm giving you the unadulterated Word of God.
13:57 Know what you believe, know why you believe it, and know
14:00 where it's found from the Word of God.
14:02 I say it all the time.
14:03 This ain't cotton candy preaching, sweet on the
14:05 outside, hollow and empty on the inside.
14:07 You've got to study the Word of God and know the Word of
14:10 God for yourself.
14:11 Ezekiel.
14:12 What book did I say, everybody?
14:14 Chapter 4 and we're going to verse 6.
14:16 Ezekiel 4:6.
14:17 If you have it let me hear you say Amen.
14:23 The Word of God says: "And when thou hast
14:28 accomplished them, lie again on thy right"
14:31 what?
14:32 Come on, lie again on thy right what?
14:35 "Lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear
14:38 the iniquity of the house of Judah" for how many days?
14:41 How many days?
14:42 (Aud: Forty) "I have appointed thee each day for a" what?
14:46 (Aud: Year) So, in biblical prophecy, a day is the
14:51 equivalent of a what?
14:53 Year.
14:54 A day is the equivalent of a what?
14:59 (Aud: Year).
15:00 So as we study from night after night, you're going to
15:02 remember that a water represents what?
15:04 (Aud: People) A beast represents a what?
15:07 (Aud: Kingdom) And a day represents a what?
15:09 (Aud: Year).
15:10 Now, I have prepared for you when you go out tonight
15:13 an entire list of all the different symbols
15:18 in the Bible that have literal meaning
15:21 and you will discover that everything we preach and teach
15:24 will not be the gospel according to Pastor Byrd, but
15:27 it will be the gospel according to the Word of God.
15:31 When you came in here tonight we did not give you any extra
15:34 pamphlets, any extra materials.
15:38 You came here and you got a quiz card that said,
15:41 1, 2, and 3.
15:42 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
15:44 But we didn't give you anything.
15:46 You brought your own Bible, you're reading
15:48 from your own Bible.
15:49 I have not given you any Jim Jones juice.
15:52 Come on, say Amen.
15:53 Where you're going to drink something and go out of here
15:55 and say, oh, the pastor made me queasy.
15:58 You're reading and studying the Word of God for yourself.
16:04 There's a famine in the land and it's not for bread
16:07 and water, but it's for the Word of God.
16:11 If the enemies of God are going to cry aloud,
16:13 then the people of God must cry aloud.
16:16 Understand that when you get that paper, that sheet with all
16:20 the different symbols and prophecy that have literal
16:22 meanings, every symbol will have its literal meaning
16:27 followed by a biblical text, so you can read it and study
16:33 it for yourself.
16:38 Beast represents what?
16:40 Kingdom.
16:42 Water represents what?
16:43 (Aud: People) And a day represents a what?
16:46 (Aud: Year) Now, Jesus is the central figure
16:51 of Revelation.
16:53 You need to understand.
16:54 Pastor Byrd is a Christian.
17:00 I'm not downing any other religion, but you need to know
17:03 I'm a Christian. I am a follower of Jesus Christ.
17:09 Jesus has done so much for me.
17:12 Tonight I just can't tell it all.
17:14 I'm so in love with Jesus.
17:17 There's joy down in my soul and I want the world to know
17:22 that I'm so in love with Jesus.
17:26 Let me be clear, I'm a follower of Jesus Christ.
17:30 Now, with that, Jesus, as I said,
17:34 is the central figure of Revelation.
17:36 Revelation boils down, listen to me carefully, when we start
17:40 talking about these beasts and kingdoms,
17:43 Revelation is about who we're going to give
17:47 our worship to.
17:48 It boils down to who we're going to give our worship to.
17:54 Now, go back to Revelation Chapter 1 and I'm going to
17:57 read this text one more time.
17:58 Revelation, Chapter what, everybody?
18:01 And we're going to verse 5.
18:06 Revelation 1:5.
18:08 The Word of God says: "Jesus Christ, who is the faithful
18:11 witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince
18:14 of the kings of the earth.
18:15 Unto him that" what, everybody?
18:17 Come on, unto him that what?
18:18 (Aud: Loved us) And washed us from our what?
18:21 (Aud: Sins) In his own what, everybody?
18:23 (Aud: Blood) Now, that's why I love me some Jesus.
18:25 Because before I was thought of, before my Momma and Daddy
18:29 got together, Jesus already loved me.
18:32 I love Jesus because Jesus loved me first.
18:35 The Bible says, he who had no sin went to Calvary to die for
18:40 my sin and washed me in his blood, because he loves me
18:45 and that's why I love me some Jesus.
18:47 But not only that, verse 6 says hath made us kings.
18:53 Which means I am somebody.
18:58 I appreciate President Barack Obama, but I am somebody.
19:09 I was flying on a plane from Huntsville, Alabama
19:11 to Los Angeles, California one day and I was flying
19:15 on the plane and I just happened to be
19:17 in first class.
19:18 Do I have a witness in this place?
19:20 And I was in first class and I was looking prim and proper
19:23 and I was there and, you know, when you're in first class
19:26 you've got to act like you're in first class.
19:29 There I was in first class and I looked over and I saw
19:33 Cee Lo.
19:38 I looked over, going to L.A.
19:40 now, and I saw Charles Barkley and I called my wife.
19:46 I said, "Honey, Baby, guess who's in first class with me?"
19:51 She said, "Who's in first class?" I said, "Cee Lo,
19:55 Charles Barkley." She told our daughters and they ran
20:00 to the phone.
20:01 "Daddy, Daddy, get the phone out, take a picture
20:04 of Cee Lo."
20:05 They don't even know who Charles Barkley was.
20:08 "Take a picture of Cee Lo, Daddy, get close to him."
20:14 At first, because of my daughters' pushing, I thought,
20:17 well, maybe I should go take a picture of Cee Lo.
20:19 But then I thought about that thing.
20:27 I was in my suit, my shoes were shined because I had
20:31 somebody polish them at the airport.
20:35 I was looking prim and proper.
20:37 I said, Cee Lo, I'm Carlton P. Byrd, I'm a child
20:41 of the most high God.
20:43 I don't need to take a picture with him.
20:45 He needs to take a picture with me.
20:50 (applause) Jesus.
20:57 Jesus has made me a priest.
21:00 Jesus has made me a king.
21:01 I am a king's kid.
21:03 I'm a child of the most high God.
21:05 I don't take a back step for anybody.
21:07 I put one foot in front of the other,
21:10 hold my head up, stick my chest out.
21:14 I'm a child of the most high God.
21:22 (applause) So I had to find somebody else in first class
21:25 and say, take a picture of me.
21:26 Come on, say Amen.
21:31 But even before Jesus came to this earth, even before he had
21:35 to redeem us from this earth, Jesus knew he had to come.
21:40 Jesus, understand, was here in the beginning.
21:45 Why was Jesus here in the beginning?
21:48 Because Jesus is God.
21:50 Before the foundation of the world,
21:54 Jesus knew that he would have to go to Calvary to die
21:57 for our sins.
21:59 Genesis 1:1 says, In the beginning God
22:02 created the heavens and the earth, and the earth
22:05 was without form and void and darkness was upon
22:09 the face of the deep and the spirit of God moved
22:14 upon the face of the waters.
22:16 Verse 26 says, And God said, let us make man.
22:20 Notice the text does not say, And God said let me make man.
22:25 The text says, And God said let us make man.
22:29 Which means God is God the Father, God the Son,
22:33 and God the Holy Spirit.
22:37 Then he went to the New Testament in John 1:1
22:40 and said, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
22:43 was with God, and the Word was God.
22:48 And then in verse 14 it says, The word became flesh.
22:54 Jesus. The Word is from the beginning.
22:58 He is the beginner of the beginning.
23:00 He is the beginniest in whom the beginning began.
23:04 He is the beginning before the beginning was begun,
23:06 because he is the beginning who did not begin to be.
23:09 He did not start because he had nowhere to come from.
23:15 He does not stop because he has no boundary line.
23:17 He is older than time, yet younger than future.
23:20 He is what he was, he was what he is and what he was and is
23:22 he will always be.
23:23 Jesus has always been here.
23:31 Always will be here.
23:33 Always was, always is for even before Abraham was he said,
23:40 I am. Hundreds of years before Jesus came to this earth
23:47 it was prophesied that he would come.
23:50 Go with me to the book of Isaiah.
23:52 What book did I say, everybody?
23:54 Isaiah Chapter 7.
23:55 Let's get some word.
23:56 Know what you believe, know why you believe it, and know
23:58 where it's found.
23:59 Isaiah Chapter 7, the Word of God says to us
24:02 in Isaiah 7:14, if you have it let me hear you say Amen.
24:07 The Word of God says: "Therefore the Lord himself
24:17 shall give you a sign: ;Behold, a virgin shall
24:20 conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name" what,
24:25 everybody?
24:26 Shall call his name what, everybody?
24:28 "Immanuel." Now, this is the prophecy,
24:30 that before Jesus was even born it was prophesied
24:33 that Mary would bear a son and his name would be called
24:38 Immanuel.
24:39 That Mary was a virgin, not been impregnated by a man,
24:42 but impregnated by the Holy Ghost,
24:44 that she would conceive a son, Immanuel, which is
24:49 interpreted God with us.
24:50 Now go to the fulfillment.
24:53 Matthew, Chapter 1, verse 23.
24:56 Matthew 1:23.
24:58 And the Word of God says: "Behold, a virgin shall be
25:07 with" what, everybody?
25:09 "Child" "A virgin shall be with child, and shall bring
25:14 forth a" what?
25:15 "Son, and they shall call his name" what, everybody?
25:19 "Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God"
25:21 what, everybody?
25:22 "God with us." Isaiah prophesied.
25:27 It came to fruition in Matthew.
25:32 But then more than that, over 500 years before his birth
25:37 the Bible foretold the exact year
25:41 that Jesus would come to this earth, be baptized,
25:46 and then be declared the Messiah.
25:49 Now to make sure we understand what's going on here.
25:55 God gave Revelation to Jesus.
26:00 Jesus gave Revelation to whom?
26:04 The angel gave Revelation to?
26:07 John wrote it down and gave it to the seven what?
26:10 (Aud: Churches) Blessed is he that what?
26:13 (Aud: Read it) , what else (Aud: Hears), what else
26:16 (Aud: Keeps) the things that are
26:18 in this book.
26:21 Jesus is God.
26:25 Has always been here, will always be here.
26:31 It was prophesied his birth, but more than that it was
26:37 prophesied when he would begin his ministry.
26:42 (Music) >: Are you on Facebook?
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27:08 Stay blessed.
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27:13 >: The Breath of Life gift offer this week is "Surprised
27:17 by Love," by pastor and international speaker
27:19 Elizabeth Viera Talbot.
27:20 Find out how people in the Bible were surprised
27:24 by God's love.
27:25 Adam and Eve were surprised.
27:27 The deceitful serpent and the Pharisees
27:29 were surprised.
27:30 It surprised the disciples and even the heavenly angels.
27:33 And God's surprises of love continue all around us today.
27:37 Join with Elizabeth as you get a fresh view of the greatest
27:41 story ever told.
27:42 From the kidnapping of God's children to the rescue,
27:45 from the ransom to the reunion.
27:48 "Surprised by Love" is yours for a gift of $5 or more.
27:52 Please call our toll free number
27:54 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:55 That's 877-265-6333.
27:56 Please have your credit card ready when you call.
27:58 Or you may write us to request your copy.
28:02 Please send a check to Breath of Life,
28:05 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, California 91319.
28:08 Get your copy of "Surprised by Love" today.
28:10 Be encouraged and touch by the unexpected rescue
28:13 of God's children.
28:14 PB: God gave Revelation to us by way of Jesus, by way of the
28:20 angel, by way of John, who wrote it down and gave it to
28:23 the seven churches.
28:25 Blessed are those that read,


Revised 2015-02-06