Breath of Life

He's Still The One

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000094

00:02 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:08 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:15 ♪ all the praise... ♪ ♪ (Music) ♪
00:20 Pastor Byrd: In the text there's some folk
00:24 going through some trouble and they need some help.
00:29 Now, the help they needed was not physical.
00:32 They didn't need physical healing.
00:34 The help was not spiritual.
00:36 They didn't need a Bible study.
00:37 The help was not social.
00:39 They didn't need a girlfriend or boyfriend or a husband
00:42 or wife.
00:43 The help they needed was some wine, because the wine
00:46 had run out.
00:47 Now, I need you to know, as a married man for 15 years,
00:53 and having watched my wife and our wedding coordinator
00:56 meticulously plan our wedding and our wedding reception,
01:00 if the people we paid all the money to had run out
01:04 of food or drink at our reception
01:07 there would have been a problem.
01:09 Yes, a wedding lasts a day and a marrge lasts
01:14 a lifetime, but when you pay all that money,
01:18 all those deposits, you mess up on that day and we're going to
01:23 see what happens.
01:24 Do I have a witness in this place?
01:26 Here we find the record of Jesus' first miracle.
01:31 The first miracle is performed about one week after the first
01:33 call of his disciples.
01:35 Jesus began his ministry at this miracle.
01:39 Understand, Jesus did not begin his ministry by doing
01:43 some great work before the Sanhedrin at Jerusalem.
01:47 Jesus did not begin his ministry by chairing
01:50 a meeting, singing a song, or healing a leper.
01:57 Jesus began his miracle-working ministry
02:01 at a wedding.
02:02 Now, today the wedding ceremony and the wedding
02:07 reception take place on the same day.
02:11 But back in Jesus' day weddings lasted several days
02:17 and they took place at the groom's house.
02:20 The text says in verse one that Mary, the mother
02:24 of Jesus, was there.
02:29 Jesus and his disciples were called to the marriage,
02:35 which means Jesus was invited to the wedding.
02:39 Two points here worth mentioning.
02:41 Number one, Jesus was invited to the wedding, which means
02:49 Jesus didn't just show up.
02:50 Let me stop right there for a minute.
02:53 Let that be a lesson of etiquette for somebody.
02:57 You don't just show up at a wedding.
03:02 You don't show up at a wedding reception.
03:09 You have to have what they call an invitation.
03:12 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
03:14 I look at folks, married people go to the reception, I look
03:16 at folks who show up at wedding receptions talking
03:19 about, oh, I'm just going to crash the party.
03:22 No, you go sit down somewhere.
03:24 You ain't going to crash a thing.
03:28 Oh, they know me.
03:29 I know them.
03:30 We're like family.
03:32 Well, if you're like family you would have gotten
03:36 an invitation.
03:37 Sit down somewhere.
03:39 Don't get your feelings hurt.
03:41 Too many people I've discovered,
03:44 too many people have confused church dinners
03:49 with wedding receptions.
03:51 Church dinners are free.
03:53 Wedding receptions are not free.
03:57 You have to pay by the plate.
04:02 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
04:06 And then I listen to some folk, they get an invitation,
04:09 but they don't RSVP back.
04:11 Somebody going to thank me after this sermon.
04:17 Well, I forgot to RSVP, but they still should have me
04:21 on the list.
04:22 No, they don't.
04:24 If you don't RSVP, they don't think you're coming.
04:30 And then some folk don't RSVP, and because the reception
04:35 coordinator is nice, they let them in, and then they still
04:41 want to sit in the front.
04:45 Just sit in the back and be thankful you got in.
04:47 Come on, say Amen.
04:49 Point number two.
04:51 Jesus was invited to the wedding
04:55 and he was invited to the reception which lasted
04:57 several days, which means, Jesus had to be a person who
05:00 didn't mind having fun.
05:02 He didn't mind smiling.
05:06 He didn't mind laughing a little bit.
05:10 He was sociable.
05:13 He wasn't a stuffed shirt, always with rocks in his jaw.
05:21 If they were going to be uncomfortable with Jesus
05:23 present or if they felt Jesus was going to be uncomfortable
05:27 with being present, they wouldn't have invited him
05:29 in the first place.
05:31 News flash!
05:34 You can be holy and still laugh.
05:45 You can be holy and still smile.
05:48 You can be holy and still have fun.
05:52 Too many folk walk around, can't speak, can't smile,
05:57 can't laugh.
05:59 Walk around appearing holy, Bible in hand, Sabbath School
06:05 lesson in hand, suit on, hat on, but can't smile.
06:10 Walk holy, act holy,
06:14 talk holy.
06:15 How are you, my child?
06:19 Isn't the Lord good?
06:20 And some people put on this show like they're the greatest
06:23 Christian, that they're so holy and they could be the biggest
06:26 devil in town.
06:29 You can be spiritual and still have fun.
06:32 You can be spiritual and still laugh a bit.
06:34 A merry heart doth good like medicine.
06:37 Jesus was invited to the wedding and Jesus
06:39 believed in happy things and happy occasions.
06:42 But there's a problem.
06:47 They've run out of wine.
06:50 All these guests and no wine.
06:53 And don't get it twisted, I'm nosaying wine
06:58 like the world drinks today.
07:02 The wine of John 2 is the unfermented juice
07:08 of the vine. Grape juice.
07:11 Don't walk out of here and say, "Pastor Byrd
07:13 said we can drink wine."
07:17 That's not what I'm saying.
07:21 Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, and whosoever
07:25 is deceived thereby is not wise.
07:28 As a relative of the wedding party, Mary had assisted
07:33 in the arrangements for the feast.
07:35 Mary looked at her son Jesus and said, they have no wine.
07:41 In other words, Son, go and make some wine.
07:49 Now, on the surface, if you read the text carefully,
07:54 it could appear that Jesus' response was disrespectful.
07:58 If you look at the text carefully, Jesus begins
08:03 with the word woman.
08:08 He doesn't begin with Mother, Mom, Momma or Mary, but he
08:16 begins with Woman.
08:19 Now, if I ever, at four or forty, after my mother
08:33 told me to do something, answered her with Woman,
08:40 somebody knows you'd be picking your teeth up off the ground.
08:43 Do I have a witness in this place?
08:45 My momma look at me, say, you said what?
08:48 What you say?
08:51 Boy, I'll slap you down.
08:52 Or better yet, Momma wouldn't say anything.
08:55 You would feel what she was thinking.
08:57 I don't know about you, but my parents believed in whipping.
09:03 Anybody had a momma or daddy like that?
09:08 Whipping.
09:09 And back in those days in church, it didn't matter
09:11 if somebody wasn't your momma, if you ran through church,
09:14 they pulled you aside and you got a wooping.
09:17 You got a wooping at church and then when you got home
09:19 my daddy gave me another wooping.
09:21 Bible says spare the rod.
09:33 Jesus says, Woman, what am I to do with thee?
09:41 Mine hour is not come yet.
09:44 Careful study of the word woman used here let's us know
09:46 that Jesus was not being rude or disrespectful,
09:49 but in harmony with oriental custom,
09:52 woman was a customary, dignified, respectful way
09:56 of addressing a lady.
09:57 Of course, the same God who told us to honor our fathers
10:03 and our mothers was himself a living example
10:05 of this principle.
10:06 Jesus was not one to say one thing and then do another.
10:10 Woman, what have I to do with thee.
10:13 Mine time is not come yet.
10:16 One of my favorite writers, Ellen White says, there was
10:20 danger that Mary would regard her relationship with Jesus
10:24 as giving her a special claim upon him and the right to
10:27 direct him in his mission.
10:30 For 30 years Jesus had been a loving and obedient son.
10:36 Mary directed his steps.
10:39 But now he must be about his Father's business.
10:43 Jesus had to tell his momma, when I was a child I spoke
10:47 as a child, I understood as a child,
10:52 I thought as a child,p but when I became a man,
10:55 I had to put away childish things.
10:59 There comes a time when a man must be a man.
11:03 There comes a time when a man must separate himself
11:07 from the boys.
11:08 There comes a time when a man must stand free to do the will
11:12 of God, because nothing should separate us from
11:14 the love of God.
11:16 Whatever he wants me to do, I'll do.
11:19 Whatever he wants me to say, I'll say.
11:21 Wherever he wants me to go, I'll go.
11:23 Jesus said in Matthew 10:37, He that loveth father
11:26 or mother more than me is not worthy of me.
11:31 Things now have a transition.
11:34 Transition for Jesus and his mother Mary.
11:37 Mary will go now from Jesus needing her
11:39 to her needing Jesus.
11:42 Just like we need Christ, Mary now needs Christ.
11:47 Jesus makes it clear to his mother that he is the
11:49 Son of man and the Son of God.
11:52 That he is the God Man.
11:55 Two natures harmonize, but never completely blended.
11:59 He would get tired as man, but as God he would
12:03 say, Come unto me all ye that labor
12:05 and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
12:07 He would get hungry as man, but as God he would feed
12:11 five thousand with two fish and five loaves of bread.
12:14 He would get thirsty as man, but as God he would say,
12:17 drink of fountains of living water that shall never run dry.
12:20 He would get lonely as man, but as God he had to tread
12:25 the wine press alone.
12:27 He would weep at Lazarus' grave as man, but as God he
12:32 resurrected Lazarus from the grave.
12:34 In his divinity he's God's way to man.
12:38 In his humanity he's man's way back on up to God,
12:42 because in the beginning was the Word, and the Word
12:45 was God, and the Word was with God and the same was
12:50 in the beginning with God and the Word became flesh.
12:56 Mary had hoped that her son Jesus at this wedding
13:00 would proclaim himself as the Messiah at that time.
13:04 The time for such an announcement had not come.
13:06 Our ways are not his ways.
13:09 Our thoughts are not his thoughts.
13:11 Our timing is not his timing.
13:14 He may not come when you want him,
13:16 but he's always right on time.
13:18 There was an appointed time for each event in his life.
13:21 In the text Jesus had not performed a miracle yet.
13:25 In the text he had not healed Peter's mother-in-law yet.
13:28 In the text he had not healed the leper yet.
13:30 In the text he had not healed the paralytic lowered
13:33 through the roof yet.
13:34 In the text he had not healed the withered hand
13:36 of the man yet.
13:37 In the text he had not raised the widow's son yet.
13:40 In the text he had not healed the woman with the issue
13:43 of blood yet.
13:44 In the text he had not healed Jarius' daughter yet.
13:46 In the text he has not fed the five thousand yet.
13:49 In the text he has not done any of this yet.
13:54 But even through all of this,
13:57 a mother knows her child.
14:03 I don't know what it is, but through that symbiotic
14:06 relationship of a mother carrying that child
14:08 for nine months, a mother knows her child.
14:17 Mary recognizes and respects that her son Jesus is God,
14:22 but Mary knows her child.
14:27 Jesus says, Momma, Woman, my time has not come yet.
14:33 She hears her son but the text shifts and the text now says
14:39 that she says to the wedding attendants, whatever he tells
14:43 you to do, do it.
14:48 She knew from the time that Jesus was in her belly
14:51 that there was something special about Jesus.
14:54 Jeremiah 1:5 says that before your momma and daddy even got
14:57 together, before you even knew your name, while you were yet
15:00 in your momma's belly, that God had already ordained you to be
15:03 a prophet to the nation.
15:04 Mary knows there is something special about her son.
15:08 Whatever he tells you to do, do it.
15:13 I'm sure Jesus looked at his mom and he would start smiling.
15:16 He'd start smiling.
15:19 Perhaps he goes through this discourse with his mother.
15:21 He looks now at the wedding attendants.
15:23 Jesus says, after talking to his momma, fill the water
15:31 jars with water.
15:32 Fill the water pots to the top.
15:36 The Bible says, he said, fill the water
15:39 pots to the brim.
15:41 Jesus speaks to that water and now that water begins
15:48 to change, because when the Lord speaks,
15:54 nothing remains the same.
15:56 He spoke to the lame and the lame began to walk.
16:02 He spoke to the dumb and the dumb begin to talk.
16:06 But most of all, he spoke to my life one day and nothing
16:10 has been the same.
16:12 Water becomes wine.
16:14 So now, the wedding director drinks the wine.
16:23 The wedding director says, wait a minute,
16:30 give me some more.
16:33 This wine tastes better than the first wine that was
16:39 supposed to be the best, that was served first.
16:44 Because you know, when you invite somebody to dinner,
16:46 you serve your best first.
16:50 That's just like Jesus.
16:52 He's trying to teach us a lesson that your latter will
16:55 always be greater than your past.
16:59 Now, before I sit down, let's understand what
17:03 a miracle is.
17:04 Even though Jesus didn't heal anybody, even though Jesus
17:12 didn't resurrect anybody, even thought Jesus didn't
17:16 multiply anything, Jesus in John 2 still worked
17:21 a miracle.
17:23 The most common terms that refer to a miracle
17:25 in the New Testament are dunamis, which means power,
17:28 and exousia, which means sign.
17:30 Dunamis is when the miracle is a manifestation
17:35 of divine power.
17:37 A sign is a visible conformation of Jesus' divine
17:42 authority, exousia.
17:43 This miracle is a visible conformation of Jesus'
17:47 divine authority.
17:48 The purpose of this miracle, friends of mine, was not just
17:54 to turn water into wine, but the purpose of this miracle
17:59 was to show everybody who he was.
18:03 That he's God.
18:05 That he has power to work miracles.
18:08 When you read the closing chapters of John, Chapter 20,
18:10 the Bible says Jesus did many other miraculous signs
18:13 in the presence of his disciples which are not
18:15 even recorded in the Bible.
18:18 But these are written, the ones we have in the Bible,
18:21 that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ,
18:24 that he is the Son of God, and that by believing you may
18:27 have life in his name.
18:29 Hallelujah, somebody.
18:31 There comes a point and time when as a man you can do all
18:40 that you can do, but when you don't and you can't do anymore,
18:45 that's when God steps in, that's when Jesus shows
18:52 his authority, that he is God, that he is a healer,
19:00 that he is a mountain-mover, that he is a company-keeper,
19:06 that he is a bill-payer, that he is a financial-clearer,
19:11 that he is God.
19:14 But in this miracle I'm reminded that God
19:18 never does for us what we can do for ourselves
19:21 as this would make spiritual weaklings out of us.
19:27 You see, it's only when we realize that our needs
19:30 are beyond human ability can the miracle be realized.
19:34 And then we must have faith in God, and God will,
19:37 and God can supply the help so desperately needed.
19:40 You've got to have the kind of faith in God that says,
19:42 you know what, God?
19:45 No matter what comes in my life, I'm not
19:49 going to worry about it.
19:51 I'm going to trust God for it.
19:56 Because if God did it then, God can do it now.
20:02 If God worked the miracle then, God can work
20:07 the miracle now.
20:08 God still is the one.
20:12 If God worked a miracle at a wedding, God can work
20:15 a miracle now.
20:16 If God healed the blind man then, God can heal
20:18 a blind man now.
20:19 If God can heal a lame man then, God can heal
20:21 a lame man now.
20:22 If leprosy could be healed then, cancer can go
20:24 in remission now.
20:27 He's still the one.
20:29 Look back over your life.
20:33 Go into your spiritual computer.
20:36 Go back into your spiritual hard drive and download
20:39 some "my documents."
20:41 Download some testimonies about what God has done
20:46 for you in your life.
20:47 Does anybody know what I'm talking about?
20:50 I'm talking about when you didn't have any gas
20:52 in your car, but somebody
20:54 slid you a $20 bill.
20:56 I'm talking about the time when you didn't know
20:58 where your food was coming from, but God made
21:01 a way out of no way.
21:02 I'm talking about the time when you didn't have a job,
21:05 but God kept your lights on, kept your water on,
21:09 kept your gas on.
21:11 I'm talking about when you didn't have enough money
21:15 to finance school.
21:17 You didn't have enough, but some way,
21:21 somehow God sent a grant that you couldn't
21:24 even pronounce.
21:25 God sent a scholarship.
21:26 God sent a donation from somebody somewhere
21:30 and now you're sitting in class.
21:34 I'm talking about the time the devil knocked you down,
21:39 beat you down, put you down, but God
21:42 picked you up, turned you around,
21:45 placed your feet on solid ground.
21:48 I mean, we all know, this is what trips me out, we all know
21:54 what God has done.
21:55 But I can't figure out how some people forget.
22:00 The doctor didn't raise Sister Kelly up.
22:07 God did.
22:09 The doctor didn't spare Dr. Moore's life.
22:13 God did.
22:16 It might not be wine at a wedding.
22:18 It might not be food in your body.
22:21 It might not be finances at Financial Clearance.
22:24 It might not be healing for your body.
22:26 It might not be a roof over your head.
22:29 But whatever you need, you better know that
22:33 he's still the one.
22:35 He still works miracles.
22:40 But you're worried, somebody today, you're worried.
22:42 You're in something you seem not to be able to get out of.
22:45 You're worried if you're going to be able to get out.
22:47 I'm here to let you know God's going to bring you out.
22:50 You're worried if God is going to work a miracle on your
22:53 behalf, God's going to work that thing out.
22:56 You're worried.
22:56 God is still the one.
22:59 Well, God showed up too late.
23:01 If he showed up early, it wouldn't be a miracle.
23:04 Let me remind you that God sent his son Jesus Christ.
23:13 Jesus hung, he bled, he died, his body lay resting
23:21 in the grave, he was buried, but on the third appointed day,
23:28 my Bible says that he got up.
23:33 And so God told me to ask somebody,
23:38 what problem do you have today that is bigger than
23:42 the fact that Jesus died and was resting in the grave,
23:48 and if God can raise Jesus from the dead,
23:51 there's nothing that you're going through right now
23:55 that God can't pull you through.
23:58 He's still the one.
24:01 The fact that you're even here today is a miracle.
24:06 God is keeping folk and keeping stuff off you
24:10 that would take you out.
24:13 God is keeping somebody's mind.
24:15 God is keeping somebody's body.
24:17 God is keeping somebody's soul.
24:19 God is keeping somebody's spirit.
24:21 God is keeping somebody's heart.
24:24 Let me tell you all something, every day is not going
24:28 to be peachy.
24:29 Every day is not going to have sunshine.
24:32 Every day is not going to be a party.
24:35 I've had some good days.
24:38 I've had some hills to climb.
24:41 I've had some weary days.
24:44 And I've had some lonely nights.
24:47 But when I look around and think things over,
24:51 all of my good things outweigh my bad days.
24:58 I won't complain.
25:00 Listen to me.
25:01 You can't have victory without battle
25:04 You can't have blessings without battles.
25:07 You can't have power without pain.
25:09 You can't have deliverance without difficulties.
25:11 But you've got to know he's still the one.
25:13 He still works miracles.
25:19 He turned water into wedding punch
25:21 but he still works miracles.
25:22 You'd never know he was a healer if you
25:24 didn't get sick.
25:25 You'd never know he was a provider if you
25:27 were never broke.
25:28 But be sick, let Jesus heal you, you'll realize
25:31 he's still the One.
25:32 Be broke and let Jesus make a way out of no way.
25:35 We show up in here like we all that,
25:39 but everybody here, miss your paycheck
25:41 at the end of the month and see how many people
25:45 would be lined up at my office.
25:48 You all don't hear what I'm saying?
25:50 I'm a miracle today.
25:52 Anybody else in here a miracle?
25:54 It's a miracle that I'm here, that you're here.
25:58 Some of you should be dead, buried, in your grave,
26:01 locked up.
26:02 Somebody should be crazy by now.
26:05 Somebody should be in the hospital somewhere,
26:08 but you're here.
26:09 And so when I come up in Oakwood, I told you earlier
26:11 this is what, I'm free.
26:13 If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.
26:17 He's still the one.
26:20 Many things in life have already been prepackaged
26:27 and prepared, but we need water to use them.
26:34 So it is with us.
26:37 Jesus already has miracles prepackaged and prepared
26:42 for us.
26:44 When he calls for the water, like Mary and like the wedding
26:50 attendants, we've got to do what he says.
26:53 Give him what he wants.
26:54 Whatever he tells you to do, you've got to do it.
26:57 We may not understand it.
26:59 It may not make sense to us.
27:00 But if you want the miracle that's already prepackaged,
27:03 that's already prepared, you've got to let him
27:06 add the water.
27:08 Today somebody needs a miracle in their life.
27:15 You've just got to let Jesus add water.
27:22 >: The Breath of Life gift offer this week is:
27:24 "Help in Daily Living," a practical guide to everyday
27:27 blessings by renowned Christian author,
27:29 Ellen G. White.
27:30 The book contains four powerful chapters on having true
27:33 and lasting relationships, developing godly character,
27:36 walking a practical daily faith that brings blessings,
27:40 and staying the course of being a light
27:42 in the darkness until the Lord returns.
27:44 You'll discover the benefits of trials, the importance
27:46 of little things, the influence of living a consistent
27:49 Christian life and the joy of the Lord.
27:52 "Help in Daily Living" is yours for a gift of $5
27:54 or more.
27:55 Just call our toll-free number, 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:59 That's 877-265-6333.
28:03 Please have your credit card ready when you call.
28:05 Or you may write to us to request your copy.
28:07 Just send your check to Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
28:11 Newbury Park, California 91319.
28:14 Break out of the ordinary life and into the extraordinary
28:17 life God intended for you to live.
28:19 Get your copy of: "Help in Daily Living" today.
28:22 PB: Jesus had to be a person


Revised 2015-02-06