Participants: Carlton P. Byrd
Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000092
00:01 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:11 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪ 00:18 ♪ all the praise! ♪ (Music) 00:21 Pastor Byrd: but it's not your season yet. 00:24 And let me tell you something about seasons, 00:27 because I always say, don't get mad and hate 00:28 on somebody else because God is blessing them now 00:31 and it seems that God is passing you over. 00:33 If God blesses them you better learn how 00:36 to become a cheerleader, because if he's blessing him 00:38 he must be in the neighborhood and it's just a matter of time 00:41 before he blesses you. 00:43 But maybe, your situation is like Jairus'. 00:47 Bible tells that Jairus is the ruler of 00:49 the synagogue, which means that Jairus was the one 00:52 in charge of public worship, Jairus was over the choir, 00:57 Jairus was over the elders board, Jairus was the praise 01:01 and worship leader. 01:02 Jairus was the pastor. 01:04 Jairus is a religious man. 01:05 But the Bible says that his daughter is sick unto death. 01:09 Lesson number one for us today, just because you work 01:12 for God and serve his church that does not exempt you 01:14 from trial and tribulation. 01:16 In fact, you've got to go through some fire to come out 01:19 as pure gold. 01:20 You can be the pastor, you can be the elder, you can 01:23 be the deacon, you can be the Sabbath school 01:25 teacher, but you're going to go through something. 01:28 I've been through enough stuff to know that you can pray 01:30 until your lips are dry, pray until your knees 01:33 have welts in them, but every now and then 01:35 you're going to go through something. 01:37 Somebody you love is going to die. 01:39 Somebody is going to get sick. 01:41 Somebody is going to hurt you. 01:43 The Bible declared that Jairus' daughter is sick unto death 01:49 and there is a multitude that is gathered 01:51 by the seashore and Jairus petitioned Jesus. 01:53 He petitions the Master because he recognizes is that, 01:56 what I need I don't need from anybody else. 01:59 What I need I can only get from Jesus. 02:02 Anybody ever felt that way? 02:03 There's a crowd at the seashore, multitudes have 02:07 thronged Jesus Christ. 02:08 They gathered to hear Jesus. 02:10 The Bible declares that much has happened 02:12 prior to Jesus running into Jairus. 02:14 Jesus has turned water into wine, 02:17 Jesus has healed Peter's mother-in-law, 02:19 Jesus has healed the paralytic that was lowered 02:21 through the roof, Jesus has healed the man 02:23 with the withered hand. 02:24 Jesus has healed the two blind men. 02:27 Jesus has stilled the storm on the Sea of Galilee. 02:31 Jesus has healed the demoniac of Gadara. 02:34 Much has happened. 02:35 But then here come Jairus. 02:37 Jairus was in the multitude with a bunch of folk, 02:41 but he did not allow the crowd to stop him 02:44 from getting what he needed. 02:47 or anybody stop you from getting your blessing. 02:55 There will come a time in your life when you have to 02:59 make up your mind that it doesn't make a difference 03:01 how many folk are around you, how many folk are looking 03:05 at you, but you have to say, I will not be intimidated 03:08 by the crowd. 03:09 I'm not worried about what people may say, 03:11 I'm not worried about what folk will do, 03:13 by any means necessary I'm getting to Jesus. 03:16 When you're in the crowd trying to get Jesus, 03:19 you're not in the crowd like everybody else. 03:21 You're not in the crowd to be a spectator. 03:25 You're not in the crowd to be an onlooker. 03:27 You don't come to church to be a spectator. 03:30 You're not in the crowd just to try to find out 03:32 who's here and who's not here. 03:34 That's why sometimes you have to tell folk, listen, 03:38 if you knew what I was here for you'd understand why I act 03:43 like I act. 03:44 You'd understand why I sing like I sing, why I shout 03:50 like I shout. 03:51 You'd understand that my praise is not programmed 03:54 because I'm trying to get in the very presence of God, 03:57 because in the presence of God there's fullness of joy. 04:00 I don't care who calls on Jesus, but my thing is, 04:04 Lord, pass me not, oh, gentle Savior, 04:06 hear my humble cry, while the others 04:09 thou are calling, Lord, do not pass me by. 04:15 But what do you do when you're trying to get to the Lord 04:21 and it's interrupted? 04:24 What do you do when you need a miracle from Jesus 04:29 and it's disrupted? 04:31 What do you do when you need healing for your body 04:33 and peace for your soul and it's broken up 04:36 by a distracting, disturbing force you 04:38 can't control? 04:40 What do you do when Jesus says, yes, I hear you and I'm 04:45 on my way to your house, your daughter is sick, 04:48 but it's your day, it's your turn. 04:50 Come on, Jesus. 04:51 The crowd is following you and Jesus to your house. 04:57 What do you do when it's your turn, your time, your season 05:00 and it's interrupted? 05:01 Ellen White says that as soon as Jairus approached Jesus, 05:05 Jesus set out at once to Jairus' house. 05:10 Set out at once. 05:12 Didn't meander all around, didn't wait, didn't pause, 05:14 didn't hesitate, but she says, immediately he began 05:17 to Jairus' house. 05:19 The trip wasn't long, but she said people just kept crowding 05:22 around him. 05:24 Jesus then follows Jairus to his house. 05:27 The Bible says there's a woman who heard Jesus would 05:30 be passing by. 05:32 The Bible says she had been sick for 12 long years. 05:35 She needed something from Jesus, too. 05:37 She presses through the crowd and says, if I could just touch 05:40 his clothes. 05:41 If I could just touch the hem of his garment 05:45 I'll be made whole. 05:48 But then, wait a minute, Jesus is on his way 05:53 to Jairus' house. 05:55 Jairus' daughter is sick. 05:57 It's Jairus' turn. 05:59 But what do you do when your turn is interrupted. 06:03 You're Jairus, you're walking with Jesus, Jesus is about 06:07 to give you what you need, but then Jesus stops and says, 06:12 somebody touched me. 06:15 Well, yes, Lord, somebody has touched you. 06:20 There's a bunch of folk out here in line, standing, 06:26 shoving, pushing, touching, but, Jesus, come on, 06:30 my daughter is sick. 06:32 You're the only one that can heal my daughter. 06:36 We're almost at our house. 06:38 I need a miracle and I need it today and all these other folk, 06:42 I know they might need help, but, Jesus, it's my turn. 06:46 I need my daughter to be healed today. 06:50 So, I ask you what you do when it's your turn, 06:55 but somebody else has to get theirs first. 06:58 Somebody else has to get their healing first. 07:00 Somebody else has to get their blessing first. 07:02 Somebody else has to get their degree first. 07:05 I've come to tell somebody today that maybe you need to 07:07 understand that even when it looks like somebody has to get 07:09 their miracle first it doesn't dilute the fact that your 07:12 miracle is on the way. 07:13 Maybe God is just trying to tell you, I'm trying to see 07:18 how you're going to act when I bless other people before 07:23 I bless you. 07:24 I'm trying to see if you're going to have an attitude 07:29 when somebody else gets the miracle, when somebody else 07:32 gets the promotion, when somebody else gets the job 07:34 first, when somebody else passes the test first, 07:37 when somebody else graduates first, 07:39 when somebody else gets married first, 07:42 when somebody else has the baby first, 07:44 when somebody else has the car or the house first, 07:47 when somebody else gets the healing first. 07:52 Here's the woman with the issue of blood, 07:56 she slows Jesus up and the Bible says 08:01 she gets her healing. 08:05 Jesus heals the woman and he says, daughter, thy faith 08:09 has made thee whole. 08:10 But then what about Jairus? 08:18 A messenger comes to Jairus and says, look, man, 08:25 don't worry about it. 08:27 Don't trouble the Master. 08:30 Your daughter is dead. 08:33 Now here's brother Jairus. 08:36 If it weren't for this woman we would have been on time. 08:43 If it weren't for this interruption we would have 08:47 gotten home on time. 08:48 I'm glad this woman got healed, but it weren't for 08:52 this distraction my daughter would be breathing right now. 08:58 I like how Ellen White puts it, she says in "Desire of Ages" 09:01 that Jairus caught the ear of Jesus. 09:06 Jesus responds, be not afraid, only believe. 09:14 In other words, whose report are you going to believe? 09:20 Don't you know who I am? 09:24 I am the Resurrection and the Life. 09:29 If I do show up late, I'm still early. 09:33 You're with the answer, so why are you focusing on 09:37 the problem? 09:38 It's not a miracle if I get there when you want me to, 09:42 it's a miracle when I show up late. 09:45 Lesson number three, he may not come 09:49 when you want him, but he's always right on time. 09:54 He's an on-time God. 09:56 Yes, he is. 09:58 Let me throw this in quickly. 10:00 You know the message that came with the bad news. 10:02 Let me throw this in quickly. 10:03 That's why you have to surround yourself 10:05 with positive people. 10:07 You see, negative people told him, don't worry, 10:09 she's dead. 10:10 Move on. 10:11 Don't trouble the Master. 10:12 But you have to be around positive people. 10:14 You don't need to be around folk who mean you no good. 10:16 You can do bad by yourself. 10:17 You have to be around positive people. 10:21 You have to be around winners. 10:23 Everybody say winners. 10:24 You have to be around conquerors. 10:27 And let me talk about winners for a minute. 10:31 There is a certain mentality associated with 10:34 being a winner. 10:35 People who are winners hang together. 10:37 Let me say that one more time. 10:39 People who are winners hang together. 10:44 Winners expect to win. 10:47 Winners don't expect to lose. 10:49 That's why certain sports teams, the Yankees, 10:52 for example, they always have winning seasons because they 10:55 have a culture of winning. 10:57 Some sports teams always have losing seasons. 11:01 But let me tell you this, that's not just in the secular 11:04 world, but that's in the spiritual world, too. 11:06 If you a spiritual winner you will gravitate to other people 11:09 who are spiritual winners, because there's a mentality 11:11 that this isn't about money or anything tangible, 11:13 but there's a mentality that goes along with winning. 11:16 That's why it's hard to defeat a champion. 11:20 That's why you're always told, never underestimate the heart 11:23 of a champion. 11:24 And once you get the mentality of a winner, you can listen 11:27 to a person talk a few minutes and it either 11:30 feeds you or it doesn't and sooner or later, 11:32 the things that don't feed you, you don't spend time 11:38 fooling with them, because it's counterproductive 11:41 to where you're trying to go. 11:43 You see, I'm a winner. 11:45 You're a winner. 11:46 We're more than conquerors. 11:47 I'm trying to help somebody up in here. 11:50 Understand that I'm trying to go somewhere. 11:53 I'm not just here just to be here. 11:55 I say it all the time, if you're going to come 11:57 to church, church ought to mean something. 12:00 I'm trying to get to God's great heaven. 12:02 I'm trying to get to God's great kingdom. 12:05 I don't fight for victory, I fight from victory, 12:08 because Satan has already been defeated. 12:12 And then the converse of that. 12:15 Losing and failing also promote a mindset. 12:19 You get around failing people and failing circumstances 12:23 and listen to the negative thoughts and you'll find 12:25 yourself unable to get back up again, because not only are 12:27 you down, but your environment is down. 12:29 And everybody that is talking to you is down. 12:32 And you develop a mentality that is built around 12:34 your condition. 12:35 That's why you've got to watch who you hang with. 12:38 Watch who your friends are. 12:41 You are the company you keep. 12:44 Be not afraid, Jesus said. 12:46 Only believe. 12:48 Where there is fear there is little faith. 12:51 Faith drives out fear. 12:53 Jairus had been strong in faith that he found no 12:56 difficulty in believing that Jesus can heal his daughter 13:00 but now he's called upon to exercise greater faith, 13:03 faith that the clutch of death itself could not break. 13:08 So, Jesus gets to Jarius' house and Jesus says, I need 13:17 Peter, James and John. 13:22 Not the rest of you all, not all of the 12, but I just need 13:26 Peter, James and John. 13:31 He says, I appreciate the other nine, I thank you, but 13:37 I need Peter, James and John. 13:42 He said, because we're getting ready to confront the enemy 13:46 and I just need Peter, James and John. 13:49 Somebody's going to get this in a minute. 13:51 I've learned, lesson number four, the closer you get to 13:55 your miracle, your crowd is going to get smaller. 13:59 Because everybody is not going to understand the level of 14:02 spiritual warfare that you're about to enter into. 14:06 That's why in life you have to know who your Peter, James and 14:09 John are. 14:10 It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with Matthew, 14:12 Thomas or Andrew, but you've got to know your Peter, James 14:15 and John, because everybody can't handle everything. 14:18 They get to the house 14:26 and the people in the house are crying. 14:29 Ellen White says, they are professional mourners. 14:34 Which means, these are folk that get paid to cry. 14:43 Jesus walks in. 14:46 He walks in amidst the professional mourners. 14:48 Jesus walks in with Peter, James and John, and then Jesus 14:54 says to Jarius, your daughter is not dead, she's just 14:59 sleeping. 15:01 The Bible says in verse number 40, and I love this passage of 15:07 Scripture, but the people in the house started laughing. 15:12 These professional mourners start laughing. 15:14 They laugh like Jesus was crazy, joking or making 15:18 something up. 15:19 But then the Bible says- -I love this, I love this, 15:20 I love this--the Bible says Jesus puts them out. 15:24 Lesson number four, when you're praying for a miracle, 15:31 when you're looking for a miracle, when you're 15:36 expecting the impossible, when you're believing the 15:39 invisible, when you're feeling the intangible, you've got 15:43 people laughing, doubting, making fun and not believing, 15:48 put them out. 15:49 There have been times when I went to the hospital to visit 15:54 folk and somebody was sick, and the family wanted me to 15:57 pray for healing. 15:58 And I would go and I still do it, I'd go into the room, 16:01 because sometimes you're going to feel a certain vibe in the 16:04 room, and I'd go in a room and before I prayed, I'll say, now 16:09 it was nice to meet all of you, come see me at Oakwood 16:12 on Sabbath mornings, but I need you to understand that 16:16 I believe in Jehovah Jireh, I believe that he's a healer. 16:21 And if you don't believe that, no hard feelings, 16:24 I'm not mad at you, but you need to go out 16:27 of this room, because we're about to pray down 16:29 the power of God and I don't need any 16:32 doubting, faithless, unbelieving, laughing 16:35 spirits in this room. 16:36 Do I have a witness in this place? 16:40 God told me to tell somebody in Oakwood today, 16:42 told me to tell somebody by television today 16:45 that there are some folk in your life who are laughing 16:49 at what God is getting ready to do in your life, 16:53 but it's your turn right now. 16:54 They think you're crazy for believing something 16:56 is getting ready to happen, but it's your turn right now, 17:00 and God told me to tell somebody to tell them to get 17:04 their self and get out. 17:10 Because you don't need folk doubting your miracle. 17:13 You need somebody who can touch and agree with you, 17:16 somebody who can stand in agreement with you. 17:19 You need a child of God who knows how to fall on their 17:23 knees and knows how to pray. 17:26 You need an arm swinging, Holy Ghost intoxicated, 17:30 power praying child of God who can stand in 17:33 agreement believing God can work a miracle in your life. 17:38 You need positive folk around you. 17:40 If you can't help me, don't hinder me. 17:43 Get from around us. 17:46 Get up. 17:48 Jesus put them out. 17:49 That's a word for somebody today. 17:51 Somebody's miracle will never come until you're willing 17:53 to put the naysayers out. 17:56 Out of your mind, out of your body, out of your spirit. 18:01 And so verse 21 says: "He took the damsel by the hand, 18:07 and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, 18:11 being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise." 18:16 I say unto thee, arise. 18:26 Hallelujah, somebody. 18:29 Do you see what's going on? 18:35 Jesus says, arise. 18:40 Jesus is talking to a dead girl. 18:45 Jesus is talking to what's dead, 18:50 but he's speaking those things that aren't as though they are. 18:56 Somebody's going to get this in a minute. 18:58 Lesson number five is, there will come a time 19:01 in your life that you have to speak over those things 19:04 that folks said were dead in your life. 19:10 You have to speak the stuff that folks said 19:13 would never get up. 19:14 You've got to speak to every dead situation in your life 19:18 and you've got to declare in the name of Jesus, get up. 19:22 I know we may be getting ready to have the funeral. 19:25 I know we may be getting ready to say it's over. 19:28 But Jesus is the resurrection and the life. 19:31 Jesus is alpha and omega, that first and the last. 19:36 Too many of us speak ourselves to death. 19:41 There comes a time that you've got to speak 19:45 life over your situation, life over your family, 19:48 life over your marriage, life over your children, 19:52 life over your grandchildren, life over your job, 19:56 life over your education, life over your grades, 20:01 life over your finances, life over your friends, 20:05 life over your sickness, life over our schools, 20:08 life over our church. 20:10 Do I have a witness in this place? 20:12 If the devil was going to kill you, 20:13 he should have killed you when he had a chance. 20:15 But you know what? 20:16 He couldn't do. 20:18 God wouldn't let him do it. 20:19 God spoke life into your situation. 20:23 Open up your mouth and speak life into your 20:26 situation. 20:27 Don't receive the evil report of the enemy. 20:29 Don't sit back and think it's over, because I've come 20:33 to tell somebody, it ain't over until 20:34 God says so. 20:37 It's your turn. 20:40 Just hold on. 20:42 You're got to learn in this life, and I've learned, 20:45 you have to learn how to have a yet praise. 20:48 Which means, it hasn't happened yet. 20:53 The healing for your body, it just hasn't happened yet. 20:58 The job you applied, it just hasn't happened yet. 21:03 Graduation day, it just hasn't happened yet. 21:07 The money for financial clearance, it just hasn't 21:12 happened yet. 21:13 You better get a yet praise. 21:16 The Bible says that Jairus' daughter got up and when she 21:22 got up, the Bible says there were all astonished. 21:25 They were amazed. 21:26 You've got to look folk dead in the eye and you've got to 21:31 say, when God does for me, all of my haters, all of my 21:36 naysayers are going to lose their minds when they see what 21:41 God is about to do for me. 21:42 You don't know like I know what he's done for me. 21:47 Let me tell you something. 21:48 Something happens when you get a touch from Jesus. 21:53 There's power when you come in contact with Jesus. 21:59 The woman with the issue of blood, if I could 22:01 just touch his clothes. 22:04 When Jesus got to the little girl's house, 22:05 Jesus took her by the hand. 22:07 Mark 5 is the only chapter, the only book of the gospels 22:11 that records her age, 12. 22:14 Jesus touches her. 22:15 He lifts her up. 22:16 All you need, whatever you're going through, all you need 22:23 is one touch. 22:24 Is there anybody in this place that knows what 22:30 one touch can do? 22:31 Somebody knows that divinity can touch dust, that mercy can 22:36 touch your mess, that hope can touch your hopelessness, that 22:41 love can touch your loneliness and joy can touch your junk. 22:45 And I don't know about you, but as the old folks used to 22:50 sing, I'm glad he touched me. 22:53 He touched me and, oh, the joy that flushed my soul. 22:57 Something happened and now I know he touched me, 23:02 and he made me whole. 23:03 Today it's your turn. 23:05 I said, it's your turn. 23:06 For somebody, it's your year. 23:09 Understand, you've sacrificed long enough. 23:12 People have written you off long enough. 23:15 But it's your turn. 23:16 God is getting ready in 2013 to do something in your life. 23:21 Go on and praise him now. 23:22 Go on and give him glory now. 23:24 It's your turn. 23:25 The next time you see me, my head won't be down. 23:29 The next time you're walking down the street, you won't 23:32 be walking with a limp. 23:34 I don't mean to be selfish, but it's my time. 23:37 Don't mean to be stuck up, but it's my time. 23:40 I've shouted for everybody else, but it's my time. 23:43 I've cheered for everybody else, but it's my time. 23:48 I've been thankful for everybody else, 23:49 but it's my time. 23:54 They that wait upon the Lord, God shall renew their strength, 24:00 they shall ride on the wings of eagles, run and not get 24:04 weary, walk and not faint. 24:06 Wait on the Lord. 24:08 Be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart. 24:13 Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not unto thine 24:18 own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge him and 24:24 he shall direct thy path. 24:27 The Lord is my life, my salvation. 24:31 Whom shall I fear? 24:32 The Lord is the strength of my life. 24:35 Of whom shall I be afraid? 24:37 The Lord is my refuge and strength. 24:39 A very present help if I am in trouble. 24:42 The Lord's my rock. 24:44 In him I hide, a shelter in the time of storm. 24:48 The Lord is my shepherd. 24:50 I shall not want. 24:52 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. 24:55 He leadeth me beside still waters. 24:57 He restoreth my soul. 25:00 It's my turn. 25:01 It's my time. 25:08 I was telling someone the other day 25:13 about the building of the academy. 25:14 Somebody say, Pastor, why is it taking so long? 25:16 I tell them, I said, no matter how long we plan, no matter 25:26 how long we work, when it's your time on God's calendar, 25:35 it's your time. 25:37 And no demon in hell can stop it when God bestows favor. 25:46 And let me tell you something, favor is not fair. 25:49 I can't explain favor, but when God gives you favor and God 25:53 determines it's your time, despite your experience, 26:01 despite your background, despite what's going on, when 26:04 God determines it's your time, regardless of people, heaven 26:09 will open up for you, what no man on earth can shut. 26:16 >: It's an age-old question, what happens after we die? 26:19 The Breath of Life gift offer this week is "What the Bible 26:22 Says about Death." This little book peels back the theories 26:25 the world has on the afterlife and carefully explains what's 26:28 accurate based on a source we can really rely on, 26:33 God's Word. 26:34 Discover what the Bible says about the soul, human nature, 26:37 talking to the dead, the coming millennium, 26:40 the resurrection and hell. 26:41 "What the Bible Says about Death" is yours 26:44 for a gift of $5 or more. 26:45 Just call our toll-free number, 877-BOL-OFFER. 26:51 That's 877-265-6333. 26:54 Please have your credit card ready when you call. 26:56 Or you may write us to request your copy. 26:58 Just send your check to Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340, 27:01 Newbury Park, California 91319. 27:06 Find comfort in what's to come after we pass from this world 27:10 to the next. 27:11 Get your copy of "What the Bible Says about Death" today. 27:15 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching Breath 27:18 of Life today. 27:20 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry 27:21 and that we gave a healing word in 27:25 a hurting world. 27:27 In order for Breath of Life to continue ministry, 27:30 we need you. 27:31 We need your prayers, we need your support. 27:34 We want you to know that any and all donations, small 27:36 or great, are sincerely welcomed 27:39 and appreciated. 27:41 To contact us or to make your donation, please feel free 27:44 to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER. 27:55 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340, 28:00 Newbury Park, California 91319. 28:10 Or log onto our web site at 28:17 PB: If you're going to come to church, church ought to mean 28:19 something. 28:21 By any means necessary, I'm getting to Jesus. |
Revised 2015-02-06