? (Theme Song) ? ? Jesus is worthy ? 00:00:01.56\00:00:07.83 ? oh yes, he's worthy ? ? worthy of all... ? 00:00:07.83\00:00:15.46 ? all the praise... ? (Music) 00:00:15.46\00:00:19.23 Pastor Byrd: I get concerned with church folk 00:00:19.23\00:00:24.70 who think they're better than somebody else, 00:00:24.70\00:00:28.86 that they're more holy than somebody else, that they're 00:00:28.86\00:00:32.33 more spiritual than somebody else. 00:00:32.33\00:00:35.56 Just because you stand up here in a suit and a tie does not 00:00:35.56\00:00:37.93 make you more spiritual than anybody else. 00:00:37.93\00:00:41.23 You can be a Bible quoting, Spirit of Prophecy toting, 00:00:41.23\00:00:44.76 Sabbath school going person and still be the biggest 00:00:44.76\00:00:47.86 devil in town. 00:00:47.86\00:00:50.73 Oftentimes, the only difference between you 00:00:50.73\00:00:52.93 and somebody else is that they got caught and you didn't. 00:00:52.93\00:00:56.33 You think that folk have to live up to your own little 00:00:56.33\00:01:02.16 standards just because you've been delivered from something 00:01:02.16\00:01:05.16 and you've got a certain area in your life together, so you 00:01:05.16\00:01:08.26 look down on everybody else who has not been delivered in 00:01:08.26\00:01:11.03 that area, like you don't have some issues over here, and so 00:01:11.03\00:01:14.20 you condemn everybody over here, but what you don't 00:01:14.20\00:01:16.80 realize is, your standard is too low. 00:01:16.80\00:01:19.33 You still have issues. 00:01:19.33\00:01:22.50 You still have problems. 00:01:22.50\00:01:24.26 Everybody in here is an ex-something. 00:01:24.26\00:01:26.80 The standard is not you, the standard is Christ. 00:01:26.80\00:01:31.36 Let me be real in 2013, the day is over for folk who 00:01:31.36\00:01:36.43 always walk around with judgmental attitudes, talking 00:01:36.43\00:01:39.63 about what other folks aren't doing. 00:01:39.63\00:01:42.70 Why don't you sweep around your own front door before you 00:01:44.06\00:01:46.43 try to sweep around my front door? 00:01:46.43\00:01:49.76 Okay. 00:01:49.76\00:01:50.76 You don't drink anymore, but you lie. 00:01:50.76\00:01:53.40 You don't fornicate anymore, but you lust. 00:01:53.40\00:01:56.06 You don't steal from your neighbor anymore, 00:01:56.06\00:01:58.06 but you rob God. 00:01:58.06\00:01:59.26 Yes, you keep the Sabbath, but you're just as mean and cold 00:01:59.26\00:02:02.36 and callous and disrespectful to your fellow man. 00:02:02.36\00:02:05.00 Preach, Pastor Byrd. 00:02:05.00\00:02:06.00 I'm doing the best I can. 00:02:06.00\00:02:08.96 Setting up all these little standards. 00:02:08.96\00:02:11.33 Let the record reflect, I'm trying to follow 00:02:11.33\00:02:13.93 His standards. 00:02:13.93\00:02:14.93 The Bible says that when the enemy comes in like a flood 00:02:14.93\00:02:17.13 against me, God didn't say he'd raise you up. 00:02:17.13\00:02:20.20 God didn't say he'd raise me up, but God said he'd raise up 00:02:20.20\00:02:23.80 his standard. 00:02:23.80\00:02:24.80 Do I have a witness in this place? 00:02:24.80\00:02:26.80 So Jesus begins writing in the sand. 00:02:26.80\00:02:31.33 Now don't get it twisted. 00:02:31.33\00:02:34.60 Jesus despised adultery. 00:02:34.60\00:02:37.86 Don't make it seem that Jesus is an anything-goes God. 00:02:37.86\00:02:42.63 It's not like he's excusing the woman's behavior. 00:02:42.63\00:02:45.36 Jesus despised adultery, but Jesus also despised 00:02:45.36\00:02:51.50 self-righteous judgment. 00:02:51.50\00:02:53.36 That's why we need balance as Christians. 00:02:53.36\00:02:57.86 I said, that's why we need balance as Christians. 00:02:57.86\00:03:02.93 That's lesson number three. 00:03:02.93\00:03:04.86 Balance. 00:03:04.86\00:03:06.13 For if you have all this justice without mercy, 00:03:06.13\00:03:09.36 you have legalism. 00:03:09.36\00:03:11.83 You've met folk like that. 00:03:11.83\00:03:13.76 They don't ever want mercy until they are in trouble, 00:03:13.76\00:03:16.46 but when it's you in trouble, it's all justice and no mercy. 00:03:16.46\00:03:19.66 All justice with no mercy becomes legalism, and then all 00:03:19.66\00:03:23.03 mercy with no justice becomes liberalism. 00:03:23.03\00:03:26.83 Where anything goes. 00:03:26.83\00:03:28.66 Everything is okay. 00:03:28.66\00:03:29.96 Do your own thing. 00:03:29.96\00:03:32.20 It's your thing, do what you want to do. 00:03:32.20\00:03:35.46 If it feels good, do it. 00:03:35.46\00:03:38.76 No justice, just all mercy. 00:03:38.76\00:03:40.80 Which, by the way, is only good in the short term, 00:03:40.80\00:03:43.83 because any parent will tell you that if you let your 00:03:43.83\00:03:45.93 children do whatever they want to do, you will end up finding 00:03:45.93\00:03:48.73 yourself in a precarious position and actually they'll 00:03:48.73\00:03:51.23 end up feeling unloved because love is manifested through 00:03:51.23\00:03:53.90 discipline. 00:03:53.90\00:03:54.90 God chastises those whom he loves. 00:03:54.90\00:04:01.00 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 00:04:01.00\00:04:03.00 A true sign--listen to me good--a true sign of Christian 00:04:03.00\00:04:06.56 maturity is to have balance in your life, where you don't go 00:04:06.56\00:04:12.20 to any extreme. 00:04:12.20\00:04:13.66 You ought to pray for balance this year in your Christian 00:04:13.66\00:04:17.86 walk. 00:04:17.86\00:04:18.86 That's why, and listen to me good, Pastor, what's your 00:04:18.86\00:04:23.06 vision? 00:04:23.06\00:04:24.06 I want a balanced church. 00:04:24.06\00:04:25.86 We need a balanced church. 00:04:25.86\00:04:28.20 Don't be so quick to persecute people who don't promote your 00:04:28.20\00:04:33.33 preferences. 00:04:33.33\00:04:34.33 We need balance. 00:04:34.33\00:04:35.36 Oakwood does not need to be one way. 00:04:35.36\00:04:39.36 We need--getting quiet now- 00:04:39.36\00:04:41.36 -we need something for everyone, 00:04:43.10\00:04:46.46 both young and old, black and white, 00:04:46.46\00:04:51.70 student and church member, new member and seasoned member, 00:04:51.70\00:04:56.63 visitor and neighbor, educated and uneducated. 00:04:56.63\00:04:59.83 We need law and grace, religion and relationship, 00:04:59.83\00:05:04.56 cognition and emotion, information and inspiration, 00:05:04.56\00:05:09.86 integrity and intensity, hymn music and Gospel music, 00:05:09.86\00:05:16.93 the church chorale and the children's choir, 00:05:16.93\00:05:21.86 the Aeolians and Dynamic Praise. 00:05:21.86\00:05:25.50 We need Amen and Hallelujah, Holy Scripture 00:05:25.50\00:05:29.50 and the Holy Ghost. 00:05:29.50\00:05:31.50 I know some of you don't like that. 00:05:33.96\00:05:35.96 That's all right anyhow. 00:05:35.96\00:05:36.96 You didn't like everything your momma put on your plate, 00:05:36.96\00:05:40.66 but you ate it. 00:05:40.66\00:05:41.66 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 00:05:41.66\00:05:43.66 The woman is caught. 00:05:43.66\00:05:51.56 She couldn't deny the act. 00:05:51.56\00:05:55.20 She'd been seen. 00:05:55.20\00:05:57.46 Jesus doesn't beam them up to heaven. 00:05:57.46\00:06:00.86 Jesus doesn't do a disappearing act. 00:06:00.86\00:06:02.86 Jesus doesn't kill the men. 00:06:02.86\00:06:04.93 Jesus doesn't send an earthquake. 00:06:04.93\00:06:08.33 Jesus doesn't send a plague of boils, a plague of frogs, 00:06:08.33\00:06:14.56 a plague of lice. 00:06:14.56\00:06:16.96 He writes in the sand. 00:06:16.96\00:06:20.16 Now, Ellen White says in "Desire of Ages," she said 00:06:20.16\00:06:23.06 that the law actually said that it was the husband's duty 00:06:23.06\00:06:26.70 to take action against the adulterous wife and the guilty 00:06:26.70\00:06:29.63 parties were to be equally punished. 00:06:29.63\00:06:31.86 Which means, friends, that the actions of the accusers were 00:06:31.86\00:06:35.03 actually wrong. 00:06:35.03\00:06:37.43 They were wrong and small. 00:06:37.43\00:06:39.93 It was not their duty to take action against the woman. 00:06:39.93\00:06:46.36 The law just specified that in punishment by stoning the 00:06:46.36\00:06:50.23 witnesses in this case should be the first to cast a stone. 00:06:50.23\00:06:54.46 But Jesus doesn't say anything. 00:06:59.56\00:07:02.83 Jesus doesn't argue. 00:07:02.83\00:07:05.16 He doesn't quote the law. 00:07:05.16\00:07:07.63 He doesn't preach a sermon. 00:07:07.63\00:07:10.10 The Bible says he just acts as if he doesn't hear them and he 00:07:10.10\00:07:15.20 begins to write in the sand. 00:07:15.20\00:07:18.00 I've learned, next lesson.. 00:07:18.00\00:07:21.80 you don't have to argue with people. 00:07:21.80\00:07:24.80 Folk come to me and they say something, I just look 00:07:26.60\00:07:28.60 at them, thank you for sharing, and I keep it moving. 00:07:28.60\00:07:32.40 You don't have to debate with people. 00:07:32.40\00:07:36.03 Truth needs no defense. 00:07:36.03\00:07:38.53 If I hold my peace and let the Lord fight my battles, 00:07:38.53\00:07:44.23 victory shall be mine. 00:07:44.23\00:07:46.20 But do you know what they kept doing? 00:07:46.20\00:07:49.86 They kept murmuring. 00:07:49.86\00:07:51.16 They kept complaining. 00:07:51.16\00:07:53.06 They kept debating. 00:07:53.06\00:07:54.70 And then, the Bible says, Jesus stands up--I could 00:07:54.70\00:08:00.36 preach a whole sermon on that. 00:08:00.36\00:08:02.70 When Jesus stands up. 00:08:02.70\00:08:05.43 Somebody knows what happens when somebody stands up. 00:08:05.43\00:08:08.90 Because, you see, you could be sitting down at a table, 00:08:08.90\00:08:11.83 but when you stand up, you mean business. 00:08:11.83\00:08:15.00 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 00:08:15.00\00:08:17.00 When Jesus stands up wrongs are made right, the lame are 00:08:17.00\00:08:22.53 made to walk, the dumb are made to talk, the blind are 00:08:22.53\00:08:27.16 made to see. 00:08:27.16\00:08:28.16 When Jesus stands up, and at the end of time 00:08:28.16\00:08:32.70 when Michael stands up. 00:08:32.70\00:08:35.86 Jesus stands up and he begins to look at the plotting 00:08:35.86\00:08:38.40 Pharisees, and he says, he that is without sin 00:08:38.40\00:08:42.76 among you, let him cast the first stone at her. 00:08:42.76\00:08:48.26 He then stoops down and he begins to write again. 00:08:48.26\00:08:54.96 Now, understand, thats why I love me some Jesus, 00:08:54.96\00:08:57.70 Jesus does not do aside with the law. 00:08:57.70\00:09:03.20 Jesus does not usurp the authority of Rome. 00:09:04.66\00:09:09.76 From the oldest to the youngest, he just writes 00:09:09.76\00:09:14.26 in the sand the sins of her accusers. 00:09:14.26\00:09:18.56 Embarrassed that their lives are now an open book, 00:09:18.56\00:09:23.30 they drop their rocks and they quickly disappear. 00:09:23.30\00:09:29.20 And that's just like God. 00:09:29.20\00:09:32.40 Next lesson, number five, God will deliver you 00:09:32.40\00:09:37.06 in front of your enemies. 00:09:37.06\00:09:40.66 You don't even have to lift a finger and fight. 00:09:40.66\00:09:43.26 Somebody knows what I'm talking about. 00:09:43.26\00:09:46.00 That's the kind of God we serve. 00:09:46.00\00:09:49.33 What a mighty God we serve. 00:09:49.33\00:09:51.23 Angels bow before him, heaven and earth adore him, 00:09:51.23\00:09:55.16 what a mighty God we serve. 00:09:55.16\00:09:57.13 God will deliver you when your enemies are all around you. 00:09:57.13\00:10:01.66 Come here, Hebrew boys, I'll deliver you from a fiery 00:10:01.66\00:10:05.23 furnace when your enemies are all around you. 00:10:05.23\00:10:08.00 Come here, Brother Daniel, I'll deliver you from a lion's 00:10:08.00\00:10:10.86 den when your enemies are all around you. 00:10:10.86\00:10:13.76 Come here, Paul and Silas, I'll deliver you from a prison 00:10:13.76\00:10:17.06 cell when your enemies are around you. 00:10:17.06\00:10:19.36 But come here, Jesus. 00:10:19.36\00:10:20.86 You do remember how Jesus was put in a tomb. 00:10:20.86\00:10:24.16 Soldiers were placed around the tomb. 00:10:24.16\00:10:27.10 The soldiers didn't even know that Jesus was raised 00:10:27.10\00:10:30.13 from the dead. 00:10:30.13\00:10:31.13 They didn't even know what happened. 00:10:31.13\00:10:33.50 But God will deliver you when your enemies 00:10:33.50\00:10:36.66 are all around you. 00:10:36.66\00:10:37.86 Her enemies disappeared. 00:10:37.86\00:10:42.03 They had come to convict the woman, but they went away 00:10:42.03\00:10:46.70 convicted, the Bible says, by their own conscience. 00:10:46.70\00:10:50.73 They left the scene, fearing the guilty sins of their own 00:10:50.73\00:10:54.43 closets would be revealed to the multitudes, and, now, all 00:10:54.43\00:10:58.33 of a sudden, it's just the woman and Jesus. 00:10:58.33\00:11:04.66 With the jury and the prosecuting attorneys gone, 00:11:04.66\00:11:08.76 this courtroom now just has the defense attorney 00:11:08.76\00:11:15.80 and the judge. 00:11:15.80\00:11:16.80 But let me give you some good news today. 00:11:16.80\00:11:19.66 The defense attorney and the judge are one in the same 00:11:19.66\00:11:26.56 person, which means the same person who's defending you, 00:11:26.56\00:11:31.70 is the same person who will decide your case. 00:11:31.70\00:11:37.90 Hallelujah, somebody. 00:11:37.90\00:11:39.26 Your defense attorney, your judge, Jesus, stands up, looks 00:11:39.26\00:11:45.26 at the woman dead in the eye and says, woman, where are 00:11:45.26\00:11:50.80 thine accusers? 00:11:50.80\00:11:52.53 Hast no man condemned thee? 00:11:52.53\00:11:55.43 Trembling, the woman says, no man. Lord 00:11:55.43\00:11:58.33 Jesus says, neither do I condemn thee. 00:11:58.33\00:12:01.70 Go and sin no more. 00:12:01.70\00:12:07.20 Go and sin no more. 00:12:07.20\00:12:12.63 This is now the beginning of a new life for this woman. 00:12:12.63\00:12:15.53 A life of purity and a life of peace. 00:12:15.53\00:12:19.30 The world has for this woman contempt and scorn. 00:12:19.30\00:12:22.83 Jesus has for this woman comfort and hope. 00:12:22.83\00:12:25.70 The world has for this woman sin and perdition. 00:12:25.70\00:12:29.13 Jesus has for this woman salvation and joy. 00:12:29.13\00:12:32.40 The world has for this woman romance and Romeos. 00:12:32.40\00:12:36.60 Jesus has for this woman a robe of righteousness 00:12:36.60\00:12:39.63 and a crown of life. 00:12:39.63\00:12:40.73 Jesus performed the greater miracle of writing in the sand 00:12:40.73\00:12:47.26 that in healing the most grievous physical disease 00:12:47.26\00:12:51.23 he cured the spiritual malady which was eternal death 00:12:51.23\00:12:55.80 Jesus dealt with the chief thing that the woman stood in 00:12:55.80\00:12:58.43 need of, the immediate forgiving of her sins. 00:12:58.43\00:13:02.96 He does not condone sin, nor lessen the sense of guilt. 00:13:02.96\00:13:08.30 He seeks not to condemn but to save. 00:13:08.30\00:13:11.43 God is not willing, thank you, Jesus, that any should perish 00:13:11.43\00:13:15.96 but that all should come to repentance. 00:13:15.96\00:13:18.73 But let me say this, repentance must be honest 00:13:18.73\00:13:26.13 and sincere. 00:13:26.13\00:13:28.16 Don't ask God to do for you what you're not willing to do 00:13:28.16\00:13:32.56 for yourself. 00:13:32.56\00:13:34.66 You can't want to lose weight and then eat ice cream late at 00:13:34.66\00:13:37.36 night. 00:13:37.36\00:13:40.30 You cannot want a new house or a new car and then not return 00:13:40.30\00:13:43.10 to the Lord an honest tithe and give a liberal offering. 00:13:43.10\00:13:45.86 You can't want to stop smoking and still buy cigarettes. 00:13:45.86\00:13:49.26 You can't want to stop gossiping and then still hang 00:13:49.26\00:13:51.36 with negative low life, low down, trifling gossiping folk. 00:13:51.36\00:13:55.20 You can't want to stop lusting and fornicating but then stay 00:13:55.20\00:13:58.66 up late at night and watch late-night foolishness. 00:13:58.66\00:14:01.73 Well, Pastor Byrd preaching σσ real and wrong today. 00:14:01.73\00:14:06.53 Repentance must be honest and sincere. 00:14:06.53\00:14:13.70 The woman not only has to be sorry 00:14:13.70\00:14:15.06 for her sin, but she has to turn away from it. 00:14:15.06\00:14:19.73 Listen. 00:14:19.73\00:14:20.73 Repentance which consists in nothing more than feeling, 00:14:20.73\00:14:24.23 talking, professing, wishing and hoping is worthless 00:14:24.23\00:14:30.06 in the sight of God. 00:14:30.06\00:14:31.86 Until a man ceases to do evil and turns from his sins, 00:14:31.86\00:14:36.46 he really doesn't repent. 00:14:36.46\00:14:37.73 But, if we confess our sins, 00:14:37.73\00:14:43.73 he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins 00:14:46.90\00:14:54.10 and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 00:14:54.10\00:14:57.00 The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal 00:14:57.00\00:15:04.50 life through Jesus Christ our Lord. 00:15:04.50\00:15:07.63 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten 00:15:07.63\00:15:11.40 son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish 00:15:11.40\00:15:14.73 but have everlasting life. 00:15:14.73\00:15:15.73 For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, 00:15:15.73\00:15:19.73 but the world through him might be saved. 00:15:19.73\00:15:22.73 If any man be in Christ he's a new creature. 00:15:22.73\00:15:26.36 All things are passed away, all things become new. 00:15:26.36\00:15:29.13 Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching to 00:15:29.13\00:15:34.00 those things which are before. 00:15:34.00\00:15:35.66 I press, I said, I press, I press towards the mark 00:15:35.66\00:15:42.90 of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ. 00:15:42.90\00:15:45.63 Let me tell you something. 00:15:45.63\00:15:46.63 Last year is last year. 00:15:46.63\00:15:48.46 Yesterday is yesterday. 00:15:48.46\00:15:51.00 Let bygones be bygones. 00:15:51.00\00:15:53.70 God is trying to do a new thing in you. 00:15:53.70\00:15:56.46 So, I press toward the mark of the high calling of God 00:15:56.46\00:16:05.03 in Christ Jesus. 00:16:05.03\00:16:06.56 I may not be all that I should be, but I praise God I'm not 00:16:06.56\00:16:10.73 what I used to be. 00:16:10.73\00:16:12.56 I press toward the mark of the high calling. 00:16:12.56\00:16:16.56 I'm not going to worry about my setbacks. 00:16:16.56\00:16:19.43 My setbacks are just set up for come back. 00:16:19.43\00:16:22.76 I press toward the mark of the high calling 00:16:22.76\00:16:27.23 of God in Jesus Christ. 00:16:27.23\00:16:28.23 There are going to be some doors slammed in your face, 00:16:28.23\00:16:30.40 people that will call you crazy, the world is not 00:16:30.40\00:16:34.50 going to get better. 00:16:34.50\00:16:35.76 You may not, young people, make the grades you want, 00:16:35.76\00:16:38.30 people will walk out of your life and leave you hanging, 00:16:38.30\00:16:41.73 but press. 00:16:41.73\00:16:44.56 You'll be between a rock and hard place, but press. 00:16:44.56\00:16:47.33 You'll be between deliverance and depression, but press. 00:16:47.33\00:16:50.63 You're going to be between breakthrough and breakdown, 00:16:50.63\00:16:53.16 but press. 00:16:53.16\00:16:55.86 I've learned in life, folk will talk about you, 00:16:55.86\00:16:59.13 people won't understand you, church folk won't forgive you, 00:16:59.13\00:17:01.36 but whatever you do, keep on pressing. 00:17:01.36\00:17:06.03 You see, despite what folk have done to me, despite how 00:17:06.03\00:17:10.16 folk have misunderstood me, despite what folk have thought 00:17:10.16\00:17:13.43 about me, I'm pressing on. 00:17:13.43\00:17:16.13 The upward way, new heights I'm gaining every day, 00:17:16.13\00:17:20.80 still praying as I'm onward bound, 00:17:20.80\00:17:24.00 Lord plant my feet on higher ground. 00:17:24.00\00:17:27.50 Today it's time for the brand new you. 00:17:27.50\00:17:31.23 Every person in this sanctuary right now, everybody watching, 00:17:35.50\00:17:38.66 you are defined by a set of experiences and these past 00:17:38.66\00:17:42.56 experiences in your life have trained you, shaped you 00:17:42.56\00:17:45.46 and molded you. 00:17:45.46\00:17:46.46 They have created you into the person you are today. 00:17:46.46\00:17:48.56 You've done some things right and you've done some things 00:17:48.56\00:17:53.33 wrong, but today you are here as a product of those 00:17:53.33\00:17:57.73 experiences. 00:17:57.73\00:17:59.16 And as you draw from these experience, you've learned 00:17:59.16\00:18:01.63 from the things that you've done wrong and your conclusion 00:18:01.63\00:18:03.90 should always lead you to the fact that this should be a new 00:18:03.90\00:18:06.76 day in your life. 00:18:06.76\00:18:08.06 And not just a new day and a new year, 00:18:08.06\00:18:12.73 but a new day in your life, because there are some 00:18:12.73\00:18:16.93 things in your life, some of you don't even know it, there 00:18:16.93\00:18:22.43 are some things that are getting ready for change in 00:18:22.43\00:18:24.66 your life, people that are on their way out in your life. 00:18:24.66\00:18:30.96 This year you're going to delete some cell phones 00:18:30.96\00:18:33.16 numbers. 00:18:33.16\00:18:34.16 I know I am. 00:18:34.16\00:18:35.16 You're going to un-friend some folk on Facebook. 00:18:35.16\00:18:40.60 Somebody's going to cancel their Twitter account. 00:18:40.60\00:18:43.93 Somebody needs to know your entire life 00:18:43.93\00:18:47.66 is beginning to change. 00:18:47.66\00:18:48.66 You may be 75 years old, but your life is getting 00:18:48.66\00:18:52.76 ready to change. 00:18:52.76\00:18:53.76 There's a reason that God has allowed you to stay here this 00:18:53.76\00:18:57.06 long because God is trying to do something to you. 00:18:57.06\00:19:00.16 You may be 25 years old, but your life is getting 00:19:00.16\00:19:03.83 ready to change. 00:19:03.83\00:19:04.83 God has kept you around. 00:19:04.83\00:19:05.83 He's getting ready to do a new thing. 00:19:05.83\00:19:09.73 You've cried long enough, been broke long enough, been sick 00:19:09.73\00:19:14.76 long enough. 00:19:14.76\00:19:16.66 You've played long enough. 00:19:16.66\00:19:18.56 You've been depressed long enough. 00:19:18.56\00:19:22.40 You've struggled with self-esteem long enough. 00:19:22.40\00:19:24.96 You've dealt with trifling folk long enough. 00:19:24.96\00:19:28.90 You've dealt with fake friends long enough. 00:19:28.90\00:19:32.83 You've had people that used you long enough. 00:19:32.83\00:19:37.33 You've had a surface religion long enough. 00:19:37.33\00:19:41.43 God is getting ready to do a new thing and you're not going 00:19:41.43\00:19:45.23 back into yesterday, but today is going to be a new day. 00:19:45.23\00:19:49.40 Yesterday for somebody may have been dark, but your 00:19:49.40\00:19:51.63 future looks bright, your walk is getting ready to change, 00:19:51.63\00:19:55.93 your talk is getting ready to change, the places you go are 00:19:55.93\00:20:00.33 getting ready to change, the people you hang out with 00:20:00.33\00:20:03.43 are getting ready to change. 00:20:03.43\00:20:05.13 No mess this year. 00:20:05.13\00:20:07.26 No drama this year. 00:20:07.26\00:20:12.26 No pessimism this year. 00:20:12.26\00:20:15.76 No gossip this year. 00:20:15.76\00:20:18.70 No negativity this year. 00:20:18.70\00:20:21.76 No fault finding this year. 00:20:21.76\00:20:24.90 No finger pointing this year. 00:20:24.90\00:20:27.43 No stealing this year. 00:20:27.43\00:20:30.90 No adultery this year. 00:20:30.90\00:20:34.16 No "I can't" this year. 00:20:34.16\00:20:36.83 The best is yet to come. 00:20:36.83\00:20:39.70 Your latter is going to be greater than your past. 00:20:39.70\00:20:44.40 You are here, hallelujah, by the grace of God, because God 00:20:44.40\00:20:49.50 has ordained it that you would be in this city, in this 00:20:49.50\00:20:52.43 place, in this seat to listen to this Word this day. 00:20:52.43\00:20:55.30 And the devil is so foolish that he allowed you to get 00:20:55.30\00:21:01.53 here today, because the devil knows he should have killed 00:21:01.53\00:21:04.23 you when he had the chance. 00:21:04.23\00:21:05.43 But the devil is a liar and the fact that you're here 00:21:05.43\00:21:09.83 today is evidence that God is getting ready to create 00:21:09.83\00:21:12.03 a brand new you. 00:21:12.03\00:21:13.73 And so, Jesus is writing a message to you. 00:21:13.73\00:21:30.40 But today he writes not in the sand, but he writes 00:21:30.40\00:21:37.60 his message on the cross. 00:21:37.60\00:21:40.33 He writes not with his hand, 00:21:43.46\00:21:45.46 but he writes today with his Blood. 00:21:48.60\00:21:51.10 And he says to every one of us today, I love you, 00:21:51.10\00:21:59.40 my grace is sufficient, your sins are forgiven, 00:21:59.40\00:22:05.70 whatever you did last night, whatever you did last week, 00:22:05.70\00:22:13.53 whatever you did last month, whatever you did last year 00:22:13.53\00:22:19.73 is covered in my blood. 00:22:19.73\00:22:24.36 Let me close this way. 00:22:24.36\00:22:27.10 What I love about this story and I could preach it a bunch 00:22:27.10\00:22:29.36 of ways. 00:22:29.36\00:22:30.36 My wife and I were talking this morning about different 00:22:30.36\00:22:32.36 ways it could be preached in different sermons. 00:22:32.36\00:22:34.36 But what I love about John, Chapter 8 is that it reminds 00:22:34.36\00:22:37.80 me that by the time you get to Jesus, he's already begun 00:22:37.80\00:22:44.50 to do something. 00:22:44.50\00:22:45.50 You all don't hear me. 00:22:45.50\00:22:51.53 By the time you get to Jesus, even before you come down this 00:22:51.53\00:22:55.36 aisle today, Jesus has already begun to do something 00:22:55.36\00:22:59.03 in your life. 00:22:59.03\00:23:01.10 He's already begun writing in the sand. 00:23:02.23\00:23:05.40 He's already begun your rescues, already begun 00:23:05.40\00:23:10.16 your deliverance. 00:23:10.16\00:23:11.16 He's already working something in you before you 00:23:11.16\00:23:18.16 ever get to him. 00:23:18.16\00:23:19.16 So, everybody else took advantage of me, everybody 00:23:19.16\00:23:24.20 else has taken something from my life, but the only thing 00:23:24.20\00:23:26.86 Jesus is going to do is take away your sins, take away your 00:23:26.86\00:23:36.16 stony heart, take away your guilt, your hurt, take away 00:23:36.16\00:23:42.26 your past, take away your pain and he's going to make you a 00:23:42.26\00:23:48.66 new creature, a new man, a new woman, a new boy, a new girl. 00:23:48.66\00:23:59.96 But then the converse, the opposite of that is, the 00:23:59.96\00:24:02.36 opposite of taking is giving. 00:24:02.36\00:24:08.36 Jesus will never take without giving. 00:24:10.63\00:24:18.16 And so Jesus has not only come to take some stuff from your 00:24:18.16\00:24:23.06 life, but Jesus has come today to give you something. 00:24:23.06\00:24:29.10 He's come to give you life. 00:24:29.10\00:24:32.56 Life that you might have it more abundantly. 00:24:32.56\00:24:39.80 My question as I take my seat is, do you want it? 00:24:39.80\00:24:51.33 Do you really want new life? 00:24:51.33\00:24:58.33 We talk that stuff, but do you really want it? 00:24:58.33\00:25:03.03 Do you really want new life from Jesus? 00:25:03.03\00:25:06.96 Do you really, really want Jesus to come? 00:25:06.96\00:25:11.06 Do you really want Jesus to change some stuff 00:25:11.06\00:25:14.10 in your life? 00:25:14.10\00:25:15.70 Do you really want the Lord to remove some stuff 00:25:15.70\00:25:19.50 in your life? 00:25:19.50\00:25:20.40 Do you really want it? 00:25:20.40\00:25:29.70 Carlton Byrd is chief sinner, chief, but in my ears 00:25:29.70\00:25:38.90 I hear Jesus say, neither do I condemn you, 00:25:38.90\00:25:52.96 go and sin no more. 00:25:52.96\00:25:54.73 The Breath of life gift offer this week is Help In Daily 00:25:54.73\00:25:57.26 Living, A practical guide to everyday blessings" by 00:25:57.26\00:26:00.10 renowned christian author Ellen G. White. 00:26:00.10\00:26:02.33 The book contains four powerful chapters on having 00:26:02.33\00:26:05.06 true and lasting relationships, developing 00:26:05.06\00:26:07.30 Godly characters, walking a practical daily faith that 00:26:07.30\00:26:10.83 brings blessings, and staying the course of being 00:26:10.83\00:26:13.86 a light in the darkness, until the lord returns. 00:26:13.86\00:26:16.06 You'll discover the benefits of trials, the importance 00:26:16.06\00:26:18.76 of little things, The influence of living 00:26:18.76\00:26:21.56 a consistent christian life, and the joy of the lord. 00:26:21.56\00:26:24.43 Help in daily living is yours for a gift of five dollars or 00:26:24.43\00:26:27.23 more. 00:26:27.23\00:26:28.23 Just call our toll free number 877 BOL-OFFER that's 00:26:28.23\00:26:31.90 877 265-6333. 00:26:31.90\00:26:35.13 Please have your credit card ready when you call. 00:26:35.13\00:26:37.46 or you may write to us to request your copy. 00:26:37.46\00:26:39.46 Just send you check to Breath of Life P.O. Box 340 00:26:39.46\00:26:43.20 Newbury Park CA 91319 Break out of the ordinary life 00:26:43.20\00:26:48.06 and into the extraordinary life God intended for you to live. 00:26:48.06\00:26:51.40 Get your copy of Help In Daily Living today. 00:26:51.40\00:26:54.10 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching Breath 00:26:54.10\00:26:57.70 of Life today. 00:26:57.70\00:26:59.40 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry 00:26:59.40\00:27:02.03 and that we gave a healing word in a hurting world. 00:27:02.03\00:27:06.63 In order for Breath of Life to continue ministering, 00:27:06.63\00:27:09.06 we need you. 00:27:09.06\00:27:10.06 We need your prayers. 00:27:10.06\00:27:11.83 We need your support. 00:27:11.83\00:27:12.93 We want you to know that any and all donations, small or 00:27:12.93\00:27:16.23 great, they are sincerely welcome and appreciated. 00:27:16.23\00:27:20.13 To contact us or to make your donation, please feel free to 00:27:20.13\00:27:23.36 give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER. 00:27:23.36\00:27:30.46 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340, 00:27:34.60\00:27:42.46 Newbury Park, CA 91319. 00:27:45.70\00:27:47.73 Feel free to log onto our web site at www.breathoflife.tv. 00:27:47.73\00:27:52.43 Please visit us online at breathoflife.tv where you can 00:27:56.23\00:27:59.86 see our broadcast schedule, send us your prayer requests, 00:27:59.86\00:28:03.36 sign up for our newsletter and make a donation. 00:28:03.36\00:28:06.43 Thank you for watching and supporting Breath of Life. 00:28:06.43\00:28:09.43 God bless you. 00:28:09.43\00:28:11.23 ...Just because you stand up 00:28:11.23\00:28:12.36 here in a suit and a tie 00:28:12.36\00:28:13.66 does not make you more 00:28:13.66\00:28:14.66 spiritual than anybody else. 00:28:14.66\00:28:18.33 The standard is not you, 00:28:18.33\00:28:20.93 the standard is Christ. 00:28:20.93\00:28:23.73 we need amen and hallelujah 00:28:23.73\00:28:27.53 holy scriptures 00:28:27.53\00:28:28.33 and the holy ghost. 00:28:28.33\00:28:29.70