Breath of Life

In Everything Give Thanks

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000086

00:00 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy... ♪
00:07 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy... ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:14 ♪ all the praise... ♪ Pastor Byrd: Take your Bibles
00:21 and go with me to the book of I Thessalonians,
00:25 Chapter 5, and we're going to verse 15.
00:30 Not going to keep you long today.
00:32 I Thessalonians 5, "See that none render evil for evil unto
00:39 any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among
00:44 yourselves, and to all men."
00:46 Paul says, "Rejoice evermore.
00:50 Pray without ceasing.
00:53 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God
00:57 in Christ Jesus concerning you.
01:00 Quench not the Spirit.
01:03 Despise not prophesying.
01:06 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
01:09 Abstain from all appearance of evil.
01:12 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray
01:17 God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless
01:20 unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." With the holiday
01:27 Thanksgiving season I zero in on verse 18.
01:32 "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in
01:38 Christ Jesus concerning you."
01:43 Paul was en route to Rome with a layover in Corinth
01:46 when he wrote this letter to the young church
01:48 at Thessalonica.
01:50 In this chapter on Christian deportment, Paul offers several
01:54 titbits on how Christians ought to conduct themselves
01:57 with one another.
01:59 In the text he offers eight --how many, everybody?
02:02 Eight Christian principles for us to live by.
02:05 But today we only deal with four.
02:08 First, Paul says in verse 15, don't render evil for evil
02:13 unto anyone.
02:14 In other words, you can't live a Christian life based on the
02:19 philosophy of payback.
02:20 Which means you can't go around trying to get even with folk
02:26 who have wronged you.
02:27 Two wrongs never make a right.
02:30 If you kick my dog that does not give me license
02:34 to kick your cat.
02:36 Christianity is not an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth,
02:39 because an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth will leave
02:42 somebody snaggletoothed or blind.
02:45 If you're a follower of Christ, you must return good for evil.
02:51 Do I have a witness in this place?
02:53 Number two, Paul says, Rejoice.
02:55 He says what, everybody?
02:57 Rejoice evermore.
02:59 Now, quickly, I don't know about you,
03:02 but I don't have time for a religion that won't
03:05 let me rejoice.
03:06 When I come to church, I don't come for foolishness.
03:10 When I come to church, I don't come for somberness,
03:14 I don't come for mess.
03:15 I don't come for despair, despondency, defeatism
03:18 or negativity.
03:19 You get enough of that during the week.
03:22 I come to church to rejoice.
03:24 This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice
03:29 and be glad.
03:30 I come to praise the name of Jesus.
03:33 I come to magnify the name of Jesus.
03:35 I come to lift up the name of Jesus
03:37 and if something is right and it ought to be affirmed,
03:40 somebody ought to say something.
03:42 If God's been good to you, somebody ought to say something.
03:47 If God has blessed you, somebody ought to say something.
03:52 If God has been your bridge over troubled waters, somebody ought
03:56 to say something.
03:57 If God has helped you raise those children by yourself,
04:02 somebody ought to say something.
04:03 Because if God has kept you, if God has raised you,
04:07 if God has rescued you, if God has delivered you,
04:10 if God has redeemed you, somebody ought to
04:13 say something.
04:14 Somebody is sitting there, say I don't know what to say.
04:16 If God woke you up this morning, clothed you in your right mind,
04:21 somebody ought to say something.
04:23 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
04:26 Rejoice evermore.
04:28 Some of us sit in service all day long, never smile, never
04:33 sing, never pat our foot.
04:36 You know folk pat they feet.
04:38 Come on, say Amen.
04:39 Never moan, never groan, never say Amen,
04:42 never do anything.
04:43 I could not go anywhere for three hours
04:46 and just sit still and do nothing.
04:48 Paul says, Rejoice.
04:49 Paul says what, everybody?
04:52 And be what?
04:53 Glad.
04:54 God desires that his people be joyful.
04:57 Let me be honest.
04:58 As Christians we should be the happiest people
05:00 in the world.
05:01 Christians shouldn't have long faces.
05:03 Christians shouldn't have mean dispositions.
05:05 Christians shouldn't have cruel characters.
05:07 Philippians 4:4 says, "Rejoice in the Lord always:
05:11 and again I say, Rejoice."
05:14 Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me,
05:17 bless his holy name.
05:19 I will bless the Lord at all times and his praise shall
05:23 continually be in my mouth.
05:25 My soul shall make a boast of the Lord and the facts,
05:29 humble shall hear and be glad thereof.
05:31 O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt
05:34 his name together.
05:35 Paul says, Rejoice evermore.
05:38 But then number three, Paul says, pray without what,
05:40 everybody?
05:41 Come on, pray without what?
05:43 Now, there's something that life has taught me.
05:46 Life has taught me how to pray.
05:47 Anybody know what I'm talking about?
05:50 Somebody knows that if you're a child of God,
05:53 you will learn, Sure enough, how to pray.
05:56 When you live long enough, young people,
05:58 you will learn how to pray.
05:59 You may not be able to have all these fancy pancy cliches, but
06:03 somebody knows what it's like to go in your secret closet, in the
06:07 midnight hour, and call on the name of the Lord.
06:10 When you live life long enough you will learn how to pray.
06:14 There should be a constant spirit of prayer breathing
06:17 through the Christian's life.
06:19 You need to understand today, the devil is always busy.
06:23 I said, the devil is always busy.
06:25 When you sleep, the devil is busy.
06:27 When you're awake, the devil is busy.
06:29 When you think you're at your spiritual best,
06:32 the devil is busy.
06:33 When you're at your spiritual worst,
06:35 the devil is busy.
06:36 When you've got your guard up, the devil is busy.
06:39 When you've got your guard down, the devil is busy.
06:41 Bottom line, the devil is busy.
06:45 Satan is on the loose, the devil is never satisfied
06:47 with peace prevailing.
06:49 Satan is the author of confusion and whenever he can get
06:53 a foot in, he will.
06:55 That's why Paul says, pray without ceasing.
06:59 When you pray the devil will leave you alone.
07:02 You've got to pray without ceasing.
07:04 That means, don't stop praying.
07:06 Where there's much prayer, there's much what, everybody?
07:09 Where there's little prayer, there's little what, everybody?
07:12 And where there's no prayer, there's no what?
07:15 I'm a witness.
07:16 Prayer still changes things.
07:18 Pray for your family.
07:20 Pray for the one sitting next to you.
07:22 Pray for the elders.
07:24 Pray for the deacons.
07:25 Pray for the ushers, they've got to put up with us.
07:28 Pray for the deaconess.
07:30 And, God knows, pray for the pastor.
07:32 And while you're saying Amen and praying for everybody else,
07:34 pray for yourself.
07:35 And then fourth, and finally, Paul says, in every thing
07:44 give what, everybody?
07:46 For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
07:51 concerning you.
07:52 Now, when I was a child, because I'm an old man now,
07:56 forty years old, I'm an old man, I was taught
08:01 to say, Elder Thomas, when I was a little boy,
08:03 thank you.
08:05 When somebody did something for you, I was taught to say
08:12 thank you.
08:13 And if you didn't, Sister Williams, it was
08:16 a reflection on your home training and your upbringing.
08:19 And because my Daddy didn't believe in being embarrassed,
08:23 I had better learn how to say thank you in response to
08:26 people's kindness because in his house a hard hand
08:29 made a soft bottom.
08:30 Somebody knows what I'm talking about.
08:32 He said, you may not have money but you can have manners.
08:35 You may not be rich but you don't have to be rude.
08:38 You may be poor but you can be polite.
08:41 Everybody can say thank you.
08:43 Do I have a witness in this place?
08:45 But I've gotten a little older now.
08:47 When I take folk out to dinner, church folk, "Stanlieo's"
08:55 and I see people sit at dinner tables
08:58 out at restaurants, invited to go out, and people will pay for
09:02 your entire meal and folk will get up and never say thank you.
09:09 I mean, people get their meal paid for. Young people,
09:12 when you go to a church member's house
09:14 on Sabbath, dinner, when you leave the house,
09:16 you say thank you.
09:18 Take folk out to dinner, they don't say thank you,
09:21 but, you know what, I keep a record of it.
09:27 I'm not going to lie, I've got my list.
09:29 Come on, say Amen.
09:30 That determines who I'm going to let go out with me again.
09:32 Do I have a witness in this place?
09:34 But we live in a world that has been conditioned
09:38 to be unthankful.
09:41 This whole type of consumer mentality that most of us live
09:43 by where we just take the attitude of entitlement,
09:46 that people owe what they give to you.
09:50 But nobody owes you anything.
09:52 It's that same kind of entitlement, that same kind
09:56 of ungrateful mentality that we demonstrate
09:59 toward God.
10:00 That God owes me.
10:01 That God needs me.
10:04 That God must do for me.
10:07 But God doesn't have to do a thing for me.
10:09 God doesn't have to do another thing for me in my life.
10:13 In fact, if God--I feel like preaching today--if God doesn't
10:17 do anything else for me, God's already done enough.
10:20 Two thousand years ago Jesus went to Calvary to save a wretch
10:27 like you and me.
10:28 Has God done anything for anybody?
10:32 Has God been good to anybody?
10:34 I think there's 50 people who don't mind praising the name
10:37 of Jesus for what God has done.
10:39 Paul says, in every thing
10:44 give thanks.
10:46 This means in the good times, praise his name.
10:49 In the bad times, do the same.
10:52 In every thing give the King of Kings
10:55 all the thanks.
10:56 You see, it is no test of faith to say thank you
10:59 when the sun is shining.
11:01 It is not great character when everything you touch
11:04 turns to gold, when every idea of yours
11:07 is a stroke of genius.
11:08 That won't make any face for you.
11:11 You see, it's easy to give God face when things are going well.
11:14 It's convenient to be grateful when things are going great.
11:16 When all is going well in your life,
11:18 it's easy to say thank you.
11:22 But Paul says, in every thing give thanks.
11:27 Which means when things go wrong, thank God.
11:32 When your world turns upside down, thank God.
11:37 When sickness comes in your body, thank God.
11:41 When death comes on your doorstep, thank God.
11:45 When your enemies and your foes come to eat of your flesh,
11:48 thank God.
11:50 When people talk about you, thank God, because now you know
11:53 who your real friends are.
11:55 When your employer comes on your job with a pink slip, thank God,
11:58 because God must have something better for you up the road.
12:01 When hard times put you down, when hard times knock you down,
12:06 when rough times hold you down, thank God in every thing.
12:11 In what, everybody?
12:12 Give thanks now.
12:13 Let me tell you something.
12:15 Make it practical.
12:18 If you have a bad day at work, be thankful.
12:22 Appreciate that you have a job.
12:23 Some people don't.
12:26 When you can't pay your bills, be thankful.
12:30 At least you're not one of your bill collectors.
12:32 Do I have a witness in this place?
12:34 When you're in Oakwood Church, sitting next to somebody
12:40 who can't sing, be thankful.
12:45 At least you have ears that can hear and you're not deaf.
12:48 Come on, say Amen.
12:50 If you look in the mirror and you see gray hair,
12:53 be thankful.
12:54 Think about cancer patients taking chemotherapy who only
12:57 wishes for any kind of hair, any color hair.
12:59 When you find yourself in the grocery line and you're the
13:03 recipient of poor customer service, be thankful.
13:05 Think about the people who have no food at all to eat.
13:08 When you realize how much it takes to take care of a house,
13:12 be thankful you have a house.
13:14 Think of those folk who wish they had a house
13:16 to take care of.
13:17 When you feel like complaining because you have to walk a long
13:19 distance from your car when you park at Oakwood Church,
13:22 be thankful.
13:23 Think of what it must be like if you didn't
13:25 have feet to walk.
13:26 When you get irritated by people's anger, apathy,
13:29 ignorance, bitterness or insecurities, be thankful.
13:32 Things could be worse.
13:33 You could be one of them.
13:39 When you think everything in your world is terrible
13:42 and you want to give up, think about all the people
13:45 who have been told they only have a certain amount
13:47 of time to live.
13:48 They don't want to give up, they want to live.
13:52 You ought to be thankful.
13:55 In everything, give thanks.
13:58 Ellen White says in Ministry of Healing,
14:00 I was reading last night, she says that even though
14:02 things which appear to be against us
14:04 may work out for our good, because God will not ask us
14:08 to be thankful for that which would harm us.
14:15 The text continues, in every thing give thanks.
14:21 For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
14:26 Let me break this down quickly.
14:28 The word for this, everybody say "for this." Make reference
14:34 to this thankful spirit The phrase "is the will of God"
14:39 makes reference to God's desire.
14:41 So, when we put these two phrases together,
14:45 what we're saying is our thankful spirits are
14:50 God's desire.
14:52 Our thankful spirits are God's desire.
14:59 In other words, God loves it when we thank him.
15:04 God loves it when we praise him.
15:07 God is happy when we thank him.
15:10 God is pleased when we thank him.
15:13 God inhabits our thanks and praise.
15:16 When we praise God, demons tremble.
15:19 When we praise God, enemies stumble.
15:22 When we praise God, the devil grumbles.
15:25 Ellen White says men are too sparing of giving thanks to God.
15:29 She says to give thanks to God in your heart
15:31 and with your voice.
15:34 Our thankful spirits are God's desire for this is the will
15:37 of God in Christ Jesus.
15:38 When you're in Christ Jesus, you're in God's will.
15:41 When you're ungrateful, unappreciative, unthankful,
15:43 angry and mad, you're not fulfilling
15:45 God's wi.
15:47 But Paul's not finished.
15:48 Paul continues in the text.
15:50 He says, "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of
15:52 God in Christ Jesus concerning you." But it's God by the gift
16:00 of his son, Jesus Christ, has laid you,
16:03 has laid me, has laid us under the obligation
16:06 of perpetual or continual thanksgiving.
16:09 Which means our whole lives, not just during
16:12 Thanksgiving season, but our whole lives ought to be
16:16 continual thanks offerings for the blessings
16:18 of Jesus Christ.
16:19 Every day is a day of thanksgiving.
16:23 Take the time to glorify the Lord today.
16:27 That's why I bless the Lord at all times and his praise
16:30 is continually in my mouth.
16:32 Notice that Paul in the text tells us to offer thanksgiving
16:37 right after he tells us to pray without ceasing.
16:42 Which means thanksgiving must also accompany praise.
16:47 Thanksgiving springs out of faithful prayer.
16:51 Faithful prayer brings us into the presence of God.
16:54 And when we come into God's presence,
16:57 we must give God thanks.
17:00 That's why, Elder, when you read this morning, "Make a joyful
17:03 noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.
17:05 Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence
17:09 with singing.
17:10 Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us,
17:13 and not we ourselves; we are his people,
17:15 and the sheep of his pasture.
17:18 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his
17:21 courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
17:26 For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting and his truth
17:30 endureth to all generations."
17:32 You can't enter into God's presence and not
17:36 give him praise.
17:37 You can't enter into God's gate and not give him thanks.
17:44 You can't enter into God's church and not give him thanks.
17:50 You cannot come into Oakwood University Church
17:53 and not give God thanks.
17:57 Let me give you a tidbit of love.
17:59 When you come into Oakwood, when you come into God's house,
18:05 understand this sanctuary is God's house.
18:08 This sanctuary is not the gymnasium.
18:10 It's not the skating rink.
18:12 It's not just a general auditorium.
18:15 This sanctuary is God's house.
18:17 And when you come into God's house, before you speak to
18:21 anybody, before you see who's here, before you see who's
18:25 not here, before you see what's going on, before you get
18:28 comfortable, you ought to thank God.
18:31 You ought to bless God and praise God
18:33 for bringing you into God's presence.
18:37 When you come into his presence you humble yourselves, you lift
18:43 up holy hands, and you begin to worship him.
18:47 Thanksgiving-like prayer should be without ceasing.
18:50 It should be in every thing.
18:52 This is the will of God.
18:55 God wants your life.
18:56 God wants my life.
18:57 God wants our lives to be lives of joy, lives of unceasing
19:02 prayer, lives of perpetual, continual thanksgiving.
19:06 In everything give thanks.
19:10 During this Thanksgiving season we have a lot
19:19 to be thankful for.
19:22 I said, during this Thanksgiving, we have
19:27 a lot to be thankful for.
19:31 Just to have life, we should be thankful.
19:37 Just to have strength, we ought to be thankful.
19:43 Just to have breath, we ought to be thankful.
19:48 Even though your husband complains when his dinner's not
19:51 on time, be thankful your husband is home with you and not
19:55 with somebody else.
19:57 Even though your child is complaining about doing dishes,
20:00 be thankful because that means he or she is at home with you
20:03 and not on the streets somewhere else.
20:05 Even though you have to pay taxes, be thankful, that means
20:08 you've got a job somewhere.
20:10 Even though you have clothes that might fit a little tight,
20:12 be thankful because that means you have enough food to eat.
20:15 Even though you have piles of laundry, be thankful
20:18 because that means you have clothes to wear.
20:20 Even though you have a lawn that needs mowing,
20:23 leaves that need raking, windows that need cleaning,
20:26 gutters that need fixing, be thankful you have a home.
20:30 Even though your alarm clock goes off early in the morning,
20:33 be thankful because that means somebody is alive, because in
20:37 every thing give thanks.
20:39 Now, Adam was thankful for Eve.
20:42 Noah was thankful for the ark.
20:45 Elijah was thankful for ravens.
20:47 Samson was thankful for strength.
20:49 Naomi was thankful for Ruth.
20:52 Ruth was thankful for Jesse.
20:54 Esther was thankful for Mordecai.
20:56 Job was thankful for trials.
20:58 David was thankful for a pile of smooth stones.
21:01 Solomon was thankful for wisdom.
21:03 Daniel was thankful for an answer to prayer.
21:06 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thankful for air
21:09 conditioning in the fiery furnace.
21:11 Ezechiel was thankful for dry bones.
21:13 Jonah was thankful for a great fish.
21:15 The blind man at Jericho was thankful for sight.
21:18 The woman with the issue of blood was thankful for healing.
21:21 The woman caught in the act of adultery was thankful for grace
21:25 and mercy.
21:26 The woman whose son died is thankful for the Resurrection.
21:29 Today, I'm thankful for life.
21:30 I'm thankful for my wife.
21:32 I'm thankful for my church.
21:34 I'm thankful for my children.
21:35 I'm thankful for Jesus.
21:42 And even though we can't have what we want, we ought to be
21:47 thankful that we don't get what we deserve.
21:51 The wages of sin is death.
21:57 But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.
22:03 I want to thank God for Jesus.
22:07 Thank God for Jesus' shed blood.
22:08 Thank God for the nail pierced hands, the nail pierced feet.
22:13 Thank God for the crown of thorns that he wore
22:16 on his head for me.
22:18 When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory
22:23 died, Jesus paid it all.
22:25 All to him I owe; sin has left a crimson stain,
22:29 but he washed it white as snow.
22:31 So, rejoice evermore.
22:32 Pray without ceasing.
22:34 Quench not the Spirit.
22:36 Despise not prophesying.
22:40 Prove all things.
22:42 Hold back that which is good.
22:45 Avoid the appearance of evil.
22:48 And in every thing give thanks for this is the will of God
22:58 in Christ Jesus concerning you.
23:02 Now I'm finished.
23:05 But if we're going to have a happy Thanksgiving,
23:08 some of us need to have a holy amnesia and you
23:14 need to forget those things that have happened
23:17 to you in your past.
23:20 When the devil reminds you of your past, you remind
23:23 the devil of his future.
23:25 Forgetting those things which are behind and pressing towards
23:30 those things that are before; I press toward the mark of the
23:34 high calling of God in Jesus Christ.
23:37 There are some of us in Oakwood today who come to this place
23:42 for the specific reason to worship.
23:44 We have guilt, though, in our past.
23:46 Some of us are having the very life strangled out of us because
23:49 of some bad choices we've made in the past.
23:52 Some of us have been crippled by the associations
23:55 that we have been affiliated with in the past.
23:58 And we wish that on this day we can take, if you will, a magic
24:02 eraser and erase all the hurts of our past.
24:12 And although we can't do it,
24:16 there is one who can.
24:22 One that can take my bad past experiences and throw them in
24:29 the depths of the sea.
24:33 And then, as I say all the time, put up a sign that says
24:38 to the devil, devil, no fishing allowed.
24:41 Because he was wounded for my transgressions,
24:46 bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of our peace
24:49 was upon him, by his stripes I am healed.
24:51 In every thing give thanks.
24:59 What is it that God has done in your life that is so significant
25:06 that every time you pray you thank God for it?
25:11 What about those times when God intercepted things in your life
25:16 and you didn't even know he did it?
25:19 What about those secret moments when God has been so gracious
25:23 t o you and you've been mad at God because God
25:27 didn't allow you to have what you thought you should have,
25:29 when you wanted it, and all the time God was looking out
25:33 for you and your future, preparing you for a better way
25:36 all the time.
25:45 When you pray, I don't know what you thank God for all the time,
25:50 but I'm going to tell you, Carlton Byrd, every day, always,
26:01 I thank God for my salvation.
26:10 We always come to church and when we shout,
26:16 oftentimes we shout on the wrong stuff.
26:23 We shout on the new house, the new car.
26:27 We shout on the good singer or the good choir
26:30 or the good organist.
26:32 We shout and we should when we get excited about the fact we're
26:37 about to next week have groundbreaking for the school,
26:40 we shout.
26:41 We say Amen on the wrong stuff.
26:43 We shout over food, clothing and shelter, and, yes,
26:47 thank God for that.
26:48 But it doesn't get any better than my salvation.
26:54 Because you can buy that other stuff, but you can't
27:00 buy salvation.
27:02 Jesus already paid the price and so when I think
27:07 of the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me,
27:12 my soul, my soul, my soul cries out Hallelujah, thank God
27:20 for saving me.
27:23 >: It's an age-old question, what happens after we die?
27:26 The Breath of Life gift offer this week is "What the Bible
27:30 Says about Death." This little book peels back the theories
27:33 the world has on the afterlife and carefully explains
27:36 what's accurate based on a source we can really rely on,
27:40 God's Word.
27:41 Discover what the Bible says about the soul, human nature,
27:45 talking to the dead, the coming millennium,
27:47 the resurrection and hell.
27:49 "What the Bible Says about Death" is yours
27:51 for a gift of $5 or more.
27:52 Just call our toll free number, 877-BOL-OFFER.
28:00 That's 877-265-6333.
28:01 Please have your credit card ready when you call.
28:04 Or you may write us to request your copy.
28:06 Just send your check to: Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
28:08 Newbury Park, California 91319.
28:14 Find comfort in what's to come after we pass
28:17 from this world to the next.
28:18 Get your copy of "What the Bible Says about Death" today.
28:24 PB: Jesus went to Calvary to


Revised 2015-02-06