Breath of Life

Ninety-nine Just Won't Do, Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000082

00:03 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy oh yes, ♪
00:11 ♪ he's worthy worthy of all... ♪ ♪ all the praise... ♪
00:21 Pastor Byrd: If you have it, let me hear you say Amen.
00:23 Luke 15:1, the Word of God says: "Then drew near
00:29 unto him all the publicans and sinners for
00:34 to hear him.
00:36 And the Pharisees and scribes murmured,
00:38 saying, This man receiveth sinners,
00:42 and eateth with them.
00:45 And he spake this parable unto them,
00:47 saying, What man of you,
00:51 having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them,
00:55 doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness,
00:59 and go after that which is lost,
01:02 until he find it?
01:04 And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders,
01:07 rejoicing.
01:08 And when he cometh home, he calleth together his
01:14 friends and neighbors, saying until them,
01:17 Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep
01:23 which was lost.
01:25 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in
01:31 heaven over one sinner that repenteth,
01:35 more than over ninety and nine just persons,
01:43 which need no repentance."
01:46 Ninety-nine just won't do.
01:50 Father God, bless us now.
01:54 We've sung, we've testified,
01:58 and we've prayed.
02:00 But now, God,
02:02 we need a word from you.
02:03 If we don't hear from you, Lord,
02:08 what will we do?
02:10 So disappoint us not.
02:13 Fill us with your Spirit.
02:16 Anoint us with your grace.
02:19 And when the appeal is made today,
02:22 may men, women,
02:24 boys and girls come running, saying,
02:26 what must I do to be saved?
02:29 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
02:33 It's in his name we pray.
02:35 Let everyone say Amen.
02:37 And Amen.
02:39 Ninety-nine just won't do.
02:46 In the text Jesus has just finished speaking a powerful
02:52 lesson on what true discipleship is.
02:57 Just because you're a member of God's church doesn't
03:03 necessarily mean you're a true disciple of Christ.
03:08 Because a whole lot of folk have their names on
03:12 the church roll, but they don't really know
03:15 what it means to follow Jesus Christ.
03:18 Do I have a witness in this place?
03:20 Jesus stresses this teaching in Luke,
03:22 Chapter 14, by saying,
03:25 if you're a disciple you're salt.
03:28 and as salt you have a purpose in the world.
03:34 As Christians we're not here to follow the world,
03:37 but we're supposed to be change agents in the world
03:41 because we're in this world, but not of this world.
03:47 And if you can't get excited about that,
03:50 it just might be you aren't real salt.
03:53 Because they do have a thing called salt substitute.
03:59 Looks like salt, tastes like salt,
04:04 but it's not salt.
04:05 Do I have a witness in this place?
04:08 There are a lot of folks that look like disciples,
04:11 walk like disciples, pray like disciples,
04:16 and then they can even praise like disciples,
04:19 but they aren't disciples because the true test of a
04:24 disciple is, if you're salty then folk
04:27 around you ought to get thirsty.
04:29 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
04:31 Jesus says, you are the salt of the earth.
04:37 He then begins Chapter 15 of Luke with what many refer
04:41 to as God's lost-and-found department.
04:45 In this chapter Jesus says that his primary mission is to
04:50 seek and save the lost.
04:53 That's the mindset of Jesus.
04:55 Let this mind be in you, which was also
04:58 in Christ Jesus.
04:59 Seek and save the lost.
05:02 In this chapter we have searching,
05:06 we have saving and then we have shouting.
05:09 For after the lost is found there is rejoicing.
05:15 In this chapter Jesus says four illustrations in three
05:20 parables to deal with God's desire to save the lost.
05:25 Verse 3-7 identify the first parable and record the
05:30 illustration of the lost sheep.
05:33 Verses 8-10 identify the second parable and record the
05:38 illustration of the lost coin.
05:41 Verses 11-32 identify the third parable and record both
05:46 the illustration of the lost son and the illustration of
05:50 the lost brother.
05:52 But in verses 1 and 2, the Bible teaches that
05:57 publicans and sinners came to hear Jesus preach.
06:03 Now, publicans were tax collectors.
06:06 Everybody say tax collectors.
06:07 Who worked for the Roman government and who were
06:12 despised by the Jews because they worked directly or
06:16 indirectly for the hated Romans and put unfair
06:20 and unnecessary tax burdens on the people
06:23 to fill their own pockets.
06:26 They were viewed as traitors.
06:28 Sinners, on the other hand,
06:30 were Jews who had fallen away from the life God had
06:35 commanded.
06:36 They were living in unrepentant sin.
06:38 They had been expelled from the synagogue by the scribes
06:42 and the Pharisees, and doomed to hell.
06:46 You know, we call it disfellowship
06:48 and excommunicated by the church.
06:52 Picture that if you will.
06:54 Sinners telling other sinners that they are no longer
06:57 welcome in God's church.
06:59 That they are no longer able to receive forgiveness
07:03 from sin.
07:04 Prostitutes would have been a part of this group.
07:07 Drunkards would have been a part of this group.
07:11 Thieves would have been a part of this group.
07:15 But sinners also included anybody who violated their
07:18 understanding of the commandments.
07:21 For, after all,
07:23 they called Jesus a sinner when he healed somebody on the
07:26 Sabbath day.
07:27 And it was these two groups, tax collectors and poor
07:32 sinners, that nobody else cared about
07:36 but Jesus.
07:37 These people came to hear Jesus teach and preach,
07:42 and the religious authorities murmured and complained
07:46 and began to criticize Jesus for receiving sinners.
07:51 The people, the very people that church
07:57 folk should have been reaching out to were the very people
08:01 that church folk were trying to keep out.
08:05 I can't get any help in this place.
08:09 And that's just like church folk,
08:12 we keep people out who need Jesus the most.
08:15 But the Pharisees don't get too close to these people.
08:20 People who don't look like them,
08:24 people who don't dress like them,
08:27 people who don't talk like them,
08:29 people who don't smell like them.
08:32 But Jesus eats with them, accepts them,
08:35 laughs with them, has fellowship with them,
08:39 and God forbid even prays with them.
08:43 Jesus spending time with these sinners makes
08:46 the Pharisees mad.
08:47 They don't like it that Jesus gives attention to those who
08:52 give no attention to their way of life.
08:56 They want Jesus to be focused on them,
09:00 not sinners.
09:01 They want Jesus to reward them for all their ways,
09:06 not sinners.
09:08 They have been faithful all of their lives.
09:10 They went to church every Sabbath.
09:13 They returned tithe every Sabbath.
09:15 They gave offering every Sabbath.
09:18 They worked hard at the church every week.
09:20 They weren't the bad guys, they were the good guys.
09:23 They were the ones who had grown up in the church.
09:27 They were the ones who didn't smoke,
09:29 drink, or have premarital relations
09:32 in ways they shouldn't have.
09:34 But now, Jesus is ignoring them
09:37 and hanging out with the last, the least,
09:41 the lost, the unlucky and the left out.
09:47 How dare Jesus show more interest in these people than
09:53 he shows in me?
09:55 How dare Jesus show more interest and spend more time
10:00 with these people than he does with me?
10:04 To eat with tax collectors and sinners is to put oneself
10:08 down to their level.
10:09 To eat with tax collectors and sinners was to contaminate
10:13 oneself and make oneself unfit for temple worship.
10:18 But let us, today,
10:20 not be too hard on the Pharisees because there's
10:24 a lot of Pharisee in us.
10:27 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
10:29 What would we say if we saw Jesus at dinner with a drug
10:36 dealer, a car thief,
10:38 a prostitute with AIDS, or a homeless man eating egg
10:43 parmesan in Olive Garden?
10:45 But then Jesus can do whatever he wants as long as it doesn't
10:50 conflict with our clean, comfortable,
10:54 conservative, cool,
10:56 clannish culture.
10:58 It's okay for Jesus to spend time with people like that as
11:01 long as we're not around, as long as they stay on their
11:05 side of town without wandering on our side of town.
11:10 But Jesus, the good news is,
11:12 just doesn't care for good people.
11:15 Jesus cares for all people and Jesus is willing
11:17 to put energy and effort into reaching out to those
11:22 who many good people would want nothing to do with.
11:27 Jesus has a habit of using folk other people don't like.
11:33 Jesus does that so you can't take credit for who they've
11:38 now become in Jesus Christ.
11:40 The Pharisees and the scribes are grumbling and saying to
11:45 one another, this man welcomes sinners
11:49 and eats with them.
11:50 Because you see, the Pharisees had strict
11:54 regulations about how they would keep away from sinners.
11:58 They were not to entrust money to them or have business
12:01 dealings with them.
12:02 They were not to trust them with a secret.
12:05 They were not to give their daughter away in marriage to
12:08 any of their sons.
12:10 They were not to invite them as guests or be their guests.
12:13 But Jesus eats with them, openly fellowships with them,
12:19 and Jesus receives them.
12:23 Notice in the text that the Pharisees do not openly
12:32 confront Jesus.
12:34 They talk behind his back.
12:39 Interestingly, that they would do this
12:42 because in other scenarios, like Jesus healing on the
12:45 Sabbath day, if they felt Jesus was
12:48 directly disobeying one of their traditions,
12:50 they would try to openly call him out on it.
12:54 But when he was just doing things they didn't like,
12:58 rather than speak directly to him they grumbled among
13:04 themselves behind his back.
13:07 Let me tell you something, people like that are
13:10 dangerous.
13:11 Say what you want to say, but one of the toughest things
13:15 in life is to deal with folk that smile in your face,
13:20 but are constantly stabbing you in your back.
13:24 Do I have a witness in this place?
13:27 It's not always the folk on the outside that you have to
13:32 worry about, but it's the phony,
13:34 pretentious folk on the inside that you have
13:38 to be careful with.
13:39 You all don't hear what I'm saying.
13:42 I've never heard a drunk person talk about
13:45 another drunk person.
13:46 Their attitude is, I'm drunk,
13:55 you're drunk, so we just all drunk.
13:59 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
14:01 Verse 1 of the Bible says, then drew near unto him all
14:08 the publicans and sinners, all the publicans and whom,
14:10 everybody?
14:11 Sinners to him.
14:13 Now, the verb in this text,
14:16 drew near, is imperfect in nature.
14:21 Meaning it is repeated acts.
14:24 In other words, the tax collectors
14:27 and the sinners were continuously coming
14:30 to Jesus.
14:31 So regardless of how much the Pharisees and scribes
14:36 tried to stop it, the people kept coming to
14:39 Jesus.
14:40 Let that be a lesson for somebody today.
14:43 Folk can stop a lot of things but folk can't stop
14:49 the move of God.
14:50 Folk can't stop the move of the Holy Ghost.
14:54 They can't stop the move of Jesus.
14:57 God will do what he wants, when he wants,
15:01 where he wants, how he wants and he doesn't
15:05 have to ask you or me for permission to do
15:08 what he wants.
15:11 The Bible says that all the publicans and sinners
15:14 came to hear Jesus while the Pharisees
15:20 and scribes murmured against Jesus for receiving and eating
15:25 with sinners.
15:26 While Jesus didn't approve of their actions,
15:30 the Bible teaches that Jesus did receive them socially
15:34 and ate with them for the purpose of bringing
15:37 them to repentance and salvation.
15:41 Ellen White clearly says in "My Life Today,
15:44 she says that Jesus was social to save. Yes,
15:52 she says, Jesus rebuked intemperance,
15:58 self-indulgence and folly, yet she says he was social in
16:03 his nature.
16:04 He accepted invitations to dine with the learned
16:09 and the noble as well as the poor and afflicted.
16:12 She says, social power sanctified
16:16 by the Spirit of Christ must be improved in bringing
16:19 souls to Jesus Christ.
16:20 But our problem is, too often we're so isolated
16:26 and insulated, we don't want to minister to
16:30 anybody but ourselves.
16:32 We sing what we want, we teach what we want,
16:38 we preach what we want and we don't care about the people
16:41 down the street from our churches.
16:43 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
16:45 We're incestual and the fruit of incest
16:53 is always something retarded.
17:01 And we have retarded ministries and churches
17:04 because we care more about ministering to ourselves than
17:09 ministering to the one on the street corner.
17:12 I wish I had a witness in this place.
17:14 But Ellen White says, Christ's method alone will
17:19 give true success to reaching people.
17:21 The Savior mingled with them as one who desired their good.
17:26 He showed sympathy for them, ministered to their needs,
17:30 won their confidence and then he bade them,
17:36 "Follow me." Jesus was social to save.
17:39 But the scribes and the Pharisees thought they were
17:44 too righteous to associate with sinners,
17:47 too "boojey" to hang with the broke.
17:50 But let me tell you something, don't you ever think that you
17:53 are better than somebody else.
17:56 Don't you ever think that you are more righteous than
17:59 somebody else.
18:00 Apart from Christ, you and I are just as lost as
18:04 those tax collectors and sinners of Israel,
18:08 just as lost as that man drinking Jack Daniels,
18:14 just as lost as that drug dealer on that corner.
18:20 Just as lost as that liar, that fornicator,
18:25 that adulterer, that gossiper,
18:27 that stealer, that cheater,
18:30 that deceiver, that mess-maker,
18:32 all have sinned, come short of the glory of
18:38 God.
18:39 If it weren't for the blood of Jesus,
18:44 I would be lost.
18:46 The ground is level at the cross.
18:50 So before I go any further, I rebuke every foul,
18:56 pretentious, pompous,
18:58 conceited, Satanic superior spirit in
19:01 this place.
19:02 The devil is alive.
19:05 In this first parable, Jesus uses the metaphor of one
19:09 sheep being lost from the fold of 100.
19:13 He says, 99.
19:15 Everybody say 99.
19:16 Just won't do.
19:17 Why did he use this metaphor to illustrate the importance
19:22 of saving the lost?
19:24 Number one, he uses this metaphor of the
19:27 lost sheep because sheep aren't the smartest animals in
19:32 the world.
19:33 As a result they are constantly getting into
19:36 terrible situations.
19:38 Let me tell you something.
19:39 Sometimes we are not the smartest people in the world
19:45 and we find ourselves getting into some terrible situations.
19:51 We make bad decisions, make bad choices,
19:55 say bad things and while we deserve death,
20:01 while we deserve gloom, while we deserve destruction,
20:03 I'm so grateful that God blocks it,
20:07 and God won't let us fall.
20:09 Hallelujah, somebody.
20:11 The angels of the Lord encampeth round about them
20:15 that fear him.
20:16 Number two, sheep are defenseless.
20:23 Lions have teeth, bears have claws,
20:28 snakes have fangs, cheetahs have speed,
20:33 rams have horns, porcupines have quills,
20:39 dogs have a bark and skunks have a scent.
20:47 But not sheep.
20:49 They have absolutely no means of protecting themselves from
20:55 danger.
20:55 If a sheep is attacked, the sheep is helpless.
21:01 We're the same way.
21:03 There is no way we can protect ourselves against the attack
21:07 of Satan.
21:08 We need someone else to protect us,
21:12 someone else to defend us, someone else to guard us,
21:17 someone else to shield us, someone else to shelter us,
21:22 someone else to safeguard us and that someone is Jesus.
21:28 Jesus be a fence all around me every day.
21:32 Put on the layers of the whole armor of God that he may be
21:40 able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
21:45 The Lord is my rock.
21:47 In him we hide.
21:49 A shelter in the time of storm.
21:53 Number three, sheep need direction.
21:55 If a sheep wanders from the rest of the flock it will have
22:03 a hard time, if not impossible time,
22:06 finding its way back.
22:08 Sheep have no sense of direction.
22:13 Sheep are not like horses or dogs who can find their way
22:22 back home.
22:23 Sheep could never find their way home on their own.
22:27 So it is with those who wander from the Lord.
22:33 There is simply no sense of spiritual direction in their
22:38 life.
22:39 They cannot find their way to the Lord by themselves,
22:44 but they need a shepherd.
22:46 But then, number four.
22:48 Sheep are not responsible for getting themselves home.
22:53 The sheep is powerless to find its way back to the flock.
22:58 If the shepherd waited for the sheep to return to its own,
23:03 then it would die in the wilderness.
23:06 So instead of waiting, the shepherd goes after the
23:09 sheep, because getting the sheep back
23:11 home is the responsibility of the shepherd.
23:14 The lost sheep was not able to find its way back home.
23:19 Everything depended on the searching of the shepherd.
23:22 The shepherd feels bad about losing the sheep and will
23:26 search until he finds it.
23:28 It is his responsibility.
23:30 No trouble, no sacrifice,
23:32 no suffering is too great to find the lost sheep and bring
23:36 it back.
23:37 Ninety-nine won't do.
23:39 You've got to get 100.
23:43 Somebody's going to get this in a minute.- The same is true
23:49 with salvation.
23:50 Lost sheep do not find Jesus.
23:54 They are not able.
23:56 Everything depends on Jesus who is seeking the sheep.
24:00 Lost people do not make the first move to Jesus.
24:03 It's the Good Shepherd that makes the first move towards
24:07 lost sheep.
24:08 He comes looking for us.
24:10 He finds us.
24:11 That's why Jesus said, my sheep hear my voice
24:16 and they follow me.
24:18 And what I love about the Lord is that the Lord will search
24:23 for us, wherever we are,
24:27 until he finds us.
24:29 The Lord doesn't give up, thank you,
24:32 Jesus, after a few minutes,
24:34 after a few months or even after a few years
24:37 of searching.
24:38 But Jesus stays on the job until the lost sheep is found.
24:43 That's why he's not the God of a second chance.
24:47 I hear folk say all the time, he's the God of a second
24:49 chance.
24:50 No, no,
24:52 no.
24:53 He's not just the God of a second chance,
24:55 but he's the God of a chance after chance after chance,
24:59 after chance, after chance.
25:02 And I don't know about you, but I'm so glad today that
25:05 Jesus didn't give up on me.
25:08 I'm glad that Jesus keeps coming for me.
25:11 I'm glad that he keeps looking,
25:13 he keeps calling, he keeps knocking,
25:16 he keeps waiting for me.
25:17 Is there anybody in this place who's happy that you serve a God
25:23 that keeps coming back for you?
25:26 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching Breath
25:30 of Life today.
25:31 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry
25:34 and that we gave a healing word
25:36 in a hurting world.
25:39 In order for Breath of Life to continue ministering,
25:41 we need you.
25:42 We need your prayers.
25:44 We need your support.
25:45 We want you to know that any and all donations,
25:48 small or great, they are sincerely welcome
25:51 and appreciated.
25:52 To contact us or to make your donation,
25:55 please feel free to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:07 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life,
26:10 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 91319.
26:18 Feel free to log onto our web
26:26 site at
26:30 "The Desire of Ages, the life story of the
26:33 greatest spiritual leader the world has ever known,
26:36 Jesus Christ.
26:37 "Desire of Ages" goes in depth into events surrounding
26:41 the life of Jesus, giving you more meaning
26:43 and a clearer picture of his impact on the world
26:45 and on those who choose to follow him even to
26:49 this day.
26:50 In these uncertain times "Desire of Ages" gives
26:53 direction for all who seek it.
26:54 The book answers hard questions confronting us all.
26:58 It examines basic spiritual truths,
27:00 gives hope and encouragement for tomorrow and brings you
27:03 face to face with the savior.
27:05 get to know him like never before.
27:07 "Desire of Ages" has been acclaimed by many to be the
27:10 most significant and deeply spiritual story of the life of
27:13 christ ever written It is rich with wisdom and compassion
27:18 written by the most translated woman writer in the entire
27:20 history of literature Ellen White.
27:24 Just call our toll-free number,
27:27 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:28 That's 877-265-6333 and ask for your copy of "Desire of
27:37 Ages." This book is yours for a gift of $5 or more.
27:42 Or you may write to Breath of Life,
27:45 Box 340, Newbury Park,
27:47 California 91319.
27:49 "The Desire of Ages"...
27:52 it's the greatest story ever told in a whole new light.
27:56 PB: Regardless of how much the Pharisees and scribes
28:01 tried to stop it, the people kept
28:07 coming to Jesus.
28:08 there is no way we can protect ourselves from the attacks
28:12 of satan.
28:14 We need someone else to protect us.
28:19 I am so glad that Jesus didn't give up on me.
28:23 I'm glad that Jesus keeps coming back for me.


Revised 2015-02-06