Breath of Life

Are You Race Ready? Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000081

00:03 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:10 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:19 ♪ (Music) ♪ Pastor Byrd: You can't
00:23 keep holding onto negative folk that weigh you down.
00:26 Every time you pick up the phone with them you
00:29 just feel heavy.
00:32 You know what I'm talking about.
00:34 Folk go, Child I just don't know.
00:37 It's a rough day.
00:38 It's rough out there.
00:39 Well, you know,
00:41 I guess it's rough, I just don't know,
00:43 but I guess we can, but I just don't know.
00:47 There's another individual.
00:48 Well, it's a beautiful day today and
00:50 the sun is shining right now.
00:53 The next person, but it's going to be raining
00:55 in an hour.
00:57 I'm really doing well in this class.
00:59 I have an A thus far this semester.
01:01 Yeah, but the final's coming.
01:04 That food sure smells good in the oven.
01:07 Yeah, but you better watch it,
01:09 it's going to get burnt.
01:10 These are folk that drain you with all that negativity.
01:14 Folk that sap out all of your energy.
01:17 Folk that will suck the very life out of you.
01:20 You know the type of folk I'm talking about.
01:23 You see them coming, so you run.
01:26 You see them looking your way, so you look the other way.
01:29 You see their number come up on the caller ID and I do
01:32 believe caller ID is God-ordained.
01:34 Do I have a witness in this place?
01:36 You see their number come up on the caller ID and you say,
01:40 oh, no,
01:42 no, no,
01:44 not today.
01:45 Let me tell you something.
01:46 You've got to get some positive folk around you.
01:48 Positive folk around you that will eat right,
01:50 drink right, exercise right,
01:52 prepare right, train right,
01:55 practice right.
01:57 Are you race ready?
02:00 Number three.
02:02 Good runners endure.
02:05 Now, although the writer of Hebrews
02:07 is not specific about the type of race in Hebrews 12,
02:12 we can be sure that life's journey is not a 100-yard
02:16 dash.
02:17 But life's journey is more like a long-distance run.
02:21 It's more like a marathon.
02:24 But I conclude and I believe that we're running a marathon
02:27 here.
02:28 In a marathon you've got to learn how to endure.
02:31 In this marathon you're going to have some ups and you're
02:34 going to have some downs.
02:36 But you've got to endure.
02:37 The runners in Roman times continued to run even if the
02:42 race was long and hard.
02:44 Christians, we've got to continue to run.
02:46 Christians must continue to trust God in the good times
02:50 and the bad times, because I read somewhere in
02:52 Ecclesiastes 9:11 that the race is not given to the swift
02:56 or the strong, but to the one that endures
02:59 until the end.
03:00 Some of you have no endurance in this race because you're
03:05 still holding on to weights in life that are causing you to
03:07 be burdened down.
03:09 Anybody will tell you that the more weight you have,
03:12 the more tired you become more quickly in a race.
03:15 You want to know why you have no endurance?
03:17 You can't run with weights from 20 years ago that still
03:19 have you down.
03:21 She did this to me and I can't let it go.
03:24 He did this to me and I can't let it go.
03:27 You can't hold a grudge for somebody for 20 years.
03:30 They've gone along with their lives and you're still running
03:32 in circles, talking about what they did to
03:35 you.
03:36 Some of you right now, you can't let go of your ex
03:38 and that's why you'll never have your next,
03:40 because you're holding on to something done in your past.
03:47 But good runners--I've got a witness in this place--good
03:50 runners know how to take a licking and keep on ticking.
03:56 Good runners know how to endure.
03:59 You can't run in this Christian race and hold on to
04:03 a bad attitude.
04:06 You can't run in this Christian race and have a mean
04:10 spirit.
04:11 You can't run in this Christian race and have
04:13 a jealous streak.
04:14 You've got to let it go.
04:15 If you're going to endure, lose some fats,
04:19 lose some weights and let that thing go.
04:23 You have to endure.
04:24 Our hope for the prize, our hope for the eternal
04:27 wreath of eternal life with Jesus cannot be a fleeting
04:30 hope.
04:32 We have to have an enduring hope because we're not running
04:34 a sprint.
04:36 We're running a marathon.
04:38 That's why the doctrine, listen to me good,
04:41 of once saved, always saved,
04:44 is not valid.
04:45 Because the realization of this eternal hope will
04:48 come in the future.
04:49 When we become justified in Christ.
04:52 God imputed righteousness.
04:55 We find Christ, surrender to Christ
04:58 and are justified in Christ at that moment.
05:01 But sanctification, God's imparted righteousness,
05:05 is when we grow in Christ over a lifetime.
05:09 It's when over a lifetime we develop.
05:12 Over a period we develop.
05:13 God expects us to grow to a point where we receive
05:17 the power of the Holy Ghost in our lives and he provides
05:20 us with sufficient time to grow in this process.
05:23 You see, I'm not the same person I was
05:28 20 years ago.
05:29 You're not the same person you were 20 years ago,
05:32 10 years ago, 5 years ago,
05:35 1 year ago, 1 month ago,
05:37 1 week ago.
05:38 Somebody, you're not the same person you
05:40 were one day ago, because what a wonderful
05:42 change in my life has been wrought when Jesus comes into
05:46 my heart.
05:47 God is preparing you now for something that you're not
05:52 going to have to deal with up the road.
05:54 God is preparing you for something now you can't handle
05:58 right now, but in time as you endure,
06:01 you're going to be able to handle it.
06:03 There's some stuff, if I can testify,
06:05 that I have to deal with now that if I had not gone through
06:08 some stuff back there, I wouldn't be able to deal
06:11 with it up here.
06:12 Somebody knows what I'm talking about.
06:15 Somebody knows what it means to have been through some
06:17 stuff.
06:18 Anybody's been some stuff and to know that you've been
06:21 through some stuff, but thank God,
06:24 God brought you through, that God was preparing you,
06:27 that God was pruning you, that God was arranging you,
06:31 that God was rearranging you, that you had to go
06:35 through the fire, you had to go
06:36 through the flood.
06:37 But in case you didn't know, fire,
06:39 yes, is going to fall in your life.
06:41 Fire's going to even fall in your house.
06:45 Fire's going to fall in your ministry.
06:47 Fire is going to fall on you.
06:48 Somebody, you cried yourself to sleep.
06:50 Wanted to quit your job.
06:52 I want some real folk here tonight.
06:54 Wanted to quit your job, wanted to get in your car,
06:56 drive away and never come back.
07:00 Felt like you were a failure.
07:02 Felt like you wasted your life.
07:04 Felt kind of like your life was in vain.
07:05 But God hasn't forgotten.
07:07 Somebody knows if it had not been for the Lord on my side,
07:13 tell me where would I be?
07:16 Nevertheless, it's only a test.
07:18 You've got to hold on.
07:19 You've got to run this race.
07:21 You've got to keep the faith.
07:23 You've got to be race ready.
07:25 You've got to endure.
07:27 Let me tell you something.
07:28 Endurance requires discipline.
07:33 The same discipline that it took to get things out of your
07:37 life is the same discipline it's going to take
07:39 for you to be patient.
07:41 Let me try it this way.
07:43 Unless you've had gastric bypass surgery or a lap band
07:49 procedure, nobody looses weight
07:53 overnight.
07:55 You have to work at it.
07:57 You've got to exercise.
07:59 You drink water.
08:00 You stop eating sweets.
08:02 You have to endure.
08:03 You have to be disciplined.
08:04 There are some people who would want you to believe that
08:08 they lost their weight overnight.
08:12 They would like you to believe that it was abracadabra.
08:15 That they had some special anointing or something.
08:20 But I'm here to tell somebody tonight,
08:23 this race is day to day.
08:27 Don't let folk fool you because they look spiritual
08:31 and talk spiritual.
08:33 Well, they really know the Bible
08:36 and they can really quote Scripture,
08:38 but you need to understand, the devil knows the Bible,
08:40 too, and the devil can quote
08:42 Scripture, too.
08:44 Don't you let folk make you think that they're deeper than
08:46 you are or they've got a first-class ticket into
08:48 heaven.
08:49 They just can cover up their stuff better than you.
08:51 Because they've got the same struggles,
08:54 the same issues, the same drama you've got in
08:57 this race called life.
08:59 Do I have a witness in this place?
09:01 But I'm here to tell somebody that this thing is day to day.
09:06 It's a process.
09:08 It requires endurance.
09:09 It's the process of sanctification
09:12 that happens over time.
09:14 I haven't always been who I am today.
09:17 It has taken 40 years for me to get where I am right now.
09:22 And you know what?
09:23 Please, be patient with me,
09:26 because God is not through with me yet.
09:30 God is not through with you yet.
09:32 God is still working on you.
09:35 You've got to endure.
09:36 You're going to cry sometimes.
09:38 You're going to hurt sometimes.
09:40 You're going to be alone sometimes.
09:43 You're going to be talked about sometimes.
09:45 You're going to be criticized sometimes.
09:48 You're going to be falsely accused sometimes.
09:50 You're going to be up late in the midnight hour sometimes.
09:54 But you've got to endure.
09:56 This race requires endurance, requires patience.
10:00 You've got to be in this thing for the long haul.
10:02 Make up your mind that regardless of how bad it gets,
10:07 I'm not going anywhere until I get the promises
10:10 of God, and the promises of God are always
10:12 Yes and Amen.
10:15 Let me tell you something, friends of mine,
10:17 don't you let anybody run you out of God's church.
10:19 This is God's church.
10:22 On Christ the solid rock I stand,
10:25 all other ground is sinking sand.
10:28 Don't you let anybody run you out of your church.
10:31 And so on this journey, in this process,
10:36 in this race, in this marathon,
10:38 I've got to get rid of some stuff.
10:40 I've got to prepare, I've got to endure and then,
10:46 number four, I've got to keep my eyes fixed
10:53 on Jesus, the author and the finisher of
10:59 my faith.
11:00 I'm going to spend a little time on this one,
11:02 because it's the most important.
11:05 In the Greek, the word also here signifies
11:07 captain or leader.
11:09 I know who's the captain of my ship.
11:11 But the reference here in Hebrews 12:1 seems to be the
11:14 judge in the games whose business it was to admit the
11:18 contenders and give the prize to the conqueror.
11:21 Jesus is here represented as the presiding officer.
11:25 He admits the contenders and gives the prize
11:29 to the winner.
11:32 Jesus is the judge under whom and by whose permission
11:36 and direction, according to the rules
11:38 of the heavenly race, we are permitted
11:41 to enter the race, commence the race and he
11:44 is the finisher by awarding and giving the prize which
11:47 consummates the runners at the end of the race.
11:51 All he says is, be thou faithful unto death.
11:56 I can win this race because all I've got to do is keep my
12:02 eyes on Jesus.
12:05 Now, if someone were to ask you,
12:08 out of the five senses, which one is the most
12:12 important to you, what would your answer be?
12:16 Your touch, your taste,
12:20 your ability to smell, your hearing or your sight?
12:25 Well, we can touch and feel with our
12:27 skin, but if I couldn't touch,
12:30 I would still be all right because I would just keep my
12:32 hands to myself.
12:33 We can taste with our tongues, but if I couldn't taste,
12:37 I would be all right because at least I could still eat.
12:41 We smell with our nose, but if I couldn't smell that
12:45 would be all right because although I wouldn't be able to
12:48 smell good stuff, praise God,
12:50 I wouldn't be able to smell bad stuff.
12:52 Do I have a witness in this place?
12:55 We hear with our ears, but if I couldn't hear that
12:58 would be all right because I would still be able to
13:00 communicate with you through sign language,
13:03 a nod, a smile or a frown.
13:06 But we see with our eyes and my eyes are most important
13:11 to me because without my eyes I wouldn't see you.
13:13 I wouldn't see what you're doing around me.
13:17 I wouldn't see what you're doing to me.
13:20 I wouldn't see me, I wouldn't see around me.
13:22 My eyes are most important for me because our eyes are more
13:27 accurate witnesses than my ears.
13:31 Henry David Thoreau said the eye is the jewel of the body.
13:35 The eye sees.
13:37 The eye reveals.
13:39 The eye exposes.
13:41 The eye detects.
13:43 The eye discloses.
13:45 The eye divulges.
13:47 The eye makes known.
13:49 The importance of the eye is even expressed in the Bible.
13:53 When Jesus healed the blind man in John,
13:56 Chapter 9, and people couldn't understand
13:59 how this man was healed or who healed him and how this man
14:02 had been blind from birth, but somebody healed him.
14:05 And so they began to ask the man,
14:07 Man, how can you now see?
14:09 Who healed you?
14:11 Who was it?
14:13 I love this Bible story because the man says,
14:15 Look, I don't know who healed me.
14:18 I don't know whether he was a sinner or not.
14:21 I don't even know his name.
14:23 I don't know where the man came from.
14:26 I don't know his mama or his daddy,
14:29 but this one thing I do know, I once was blind
14:36 but now I see.
14:37 Are you race ready?
14:40 Are you ready to run?
14:41 If you are, keep your eyes on Jesus.
14:44 There are a lot of things we look at.
14:46 We look at people, we look at places,
14:49 we look at things.
14:50 But be careful what you look at,
14:52 because all you see is not what it appears.
14:54 Because all that glitters is not gold.
14:57 So the safest place for you to look is at Jesus.
15:01 Keep your eyes on Jesus.
15:03 Not each other, not your husband,
15:05 not your wife, not your friends,
15:08 not church folk, but keep your eyes on Jesus.
15:11 And I don't know about you, but I'm looking at Jesus,
15:14 because if I look at you I'll get discouraged,
15:17 if I look at myself I'll get disillusioned,
15:20 if I look at other folk I'll get disheartened.
15:23 But when I look at Jesus, I get delighted,
15:27 I get excited, I get energized,
15:30 I get eager, I get happy,
15:34 my soul gets happy.
15:35 It makes me want to say, "I will lift up mine eyes unto
15:37 the hills from whence cometh my help." My help comes from
15:41 the Lord who made heaven and earth.
15:43 I will bless the Lord at all times,
15:45 and his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
15:48 I was glad when they said it to me,
15:51 let us go into the house of the Lord.
15:54 I love the Lord, he heard my cry and pity every
15:58 groan as I live while troubles rise,
16:01 I hasten to his throne.
16:02 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall
16:06 abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
16:09 I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge,
16:11 my fortress, my God.
16:13 Somebody knows, he's my God,
16:15 in him will I trust.
16:17 Keep your eyes on Jesus.
16:19 Who are you looking at?
16:21 What are you looking at?
16:23 The stock market?
16:25 Our economic crisis?
16:27 Our political race?
16:29 Tornadoes across the Midwest?
16:31 Crime and destruction in urban areas,
16:34 poverty in Africa, a world out of control?
16:36 What are you looking at?
16:38 Because what you see is what you get.
16:41 If you see Jesus, you get Jesus.
16:45 Peter messed up on the water one day.
16:47 He took his eyes off Jesus and he fell.
16:50 All he had to do was keep his eyes on Jesus.
16:53 Y'all not feeling me, because when you take
16:55 your eyes off Jesus, that's when you fall.
16:57 When you take your eyes off Jesus,
16:59 that's when trouble comes.
17:01 I'm race ready.
17:02 Are you race ready?
17:03 Lose the weight.
17:05 Get some training.
17:06 Get some endurance.
17:08 Keep your eyes on Jesus.
17:09 How do I keep my eyes on Jesus?
17:11 I look at the life of Jesus.
17:13 He was born in a stable, wrapped in swaddling clothes,
17:18 breathed on by oxen in a cow's eating trough,
17:22 reared in a carpenter's shop, baptized in the muddy Jordan,
17:26 healed and delivered more men, women,
17:28 boys and girls than can be counted or estimated,
17:31 arrested on trumped up charges,
17:34 crucified on Friday, lay resting in the grave
17:37 on the Sabbath, rose early Sunday morning,
17:40 ascended back to heaven.
17:42 One day he's coming back for you and for me
17:45 and I know it gets rough some times,
17:48 I know it gets tough some times,
17:50 but look ahead.
17:53 Look towards the end of the race.
17:56 Don't look at what's happening in the race,
17:59 but keep your eyes towards the end of the race.
18:02 Keep your eyes on Jesus.
18:04 Look unto Jesus, the author,
18:07 the finisher of our faith.
18:08 But then the text continues: Who for the joy that was set
18:13 before him endureth the cross, despising the shame,
18:20 and is set down at the right hand
18:24 of the throne of God.
18:27 Jesus' death on the cross was a horrible death,
18:30 but Jesus knew his death would bring great joy in heaven.
18:34 It would bring great joy to the Father
18:36 because the Son had obeyed him completely, and it would
18:38 bring great joy to God's people because God would
18:41 forgive them of their sins.
18:43 But when Christians suffer, we should not just think
18:46 about Jesus' death, we should remember
18:49 where Jesus is now.
18:51 At the Adventist Church you get caught up in a lot
18:53 of stuff and we think we're just about the Sabbath
18:56 and we're just about the second coming,
18:58 but I want you to know tonight the one doctrine that's
19:00 distinctive to the Adventist Church is the doctrine
19:03 of the sanctuary.
19:05 Jesus right now, know where he is.
19:08 He sits in the place of the greatest honor
19:13 in heaven.
19:14 He sits at the right hand of God,
19:16 in the presence of God, the fullness of joy
19:19 and at his right hand there are pleasures
19:22 forevermore.
19:23 Jesus is seated in the heavenly sanctuary,
19:26 seated at the right hand of God, making intercessions
19:30 for us.
19:32 Pastor Byrd, what does that mean?
19:34 I'm so glad you asked.
19:35 In other words, Jesus is my lawyer
19:38 and God the Father is my judge.
19:40 The same God that pleads my case is the same God that's
19:45 going to decide my case.
19:47 Oh, you all don't hear me.
19:50 The same God that started my race is the same God that's
19:55 going to finish my race.
19:58 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
20:00 God the Son is pleading my case and God the Father,
20:05 who sits next to him, will decide my case.
20:08 Hallelujah, that should make somebody
20:10 want to shout.
20:11 And so, are you race ready?
20:15 You've got to run through the tears.
20:18 You've got to run through fears.
20:21 You've got to run through the storm,
20:24 through the rain.
20:25 You've got to run through sickness and pain.
20:28 You've got to run through when friends walk out on you.
20:31 Run until you're debt free.
20:34 Run until you get your breakthrough.
20:36 Run until you get what you came for.
20:39 Anybody will tell you that when you run,
20:41 when you start taking off the weight,
20:44 you'll start getting a little lighter,
20:46 you'll start running a little faster.
20:48 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
20:50 God is getting ready to take somebody
20:52 to another level in him, and you've got to let
20:54 the fat go.
20:56 You've got to let negative folk go.
20:58 You've got to let negative situations go.
21:00 You've got to train.
21:02 You've got to endure you've got to keep
21:04 your eyes on Jesus.
21:08 Let me close this way.
21:09 The story is told of a man who had a dog.
21:16 Man's best friend, dog.
21:19 And the man would occasionally test the dog's obedience.
21:30 So what he would do to test his dog's obedience,
21:32 he would place a piece of meat,
21:38 smelling good, looking good,
21:40 and he would place that meat on the floor.
21:42 Some of you all know what I'm talking about.
21:46 Don't act like you've eaten choplets all your life.
21:49 Come on, say Amen.
21:51 And he would place the meat on the floor
21:54 and he would look at his dog and give the command
21:58 to the dog.
22:00 No!
22:01 The dog had a strong urge to lunge and go
22:08 for the meat.
22:10 He was placed in a most difficult situation.
22:12 To obey his master's command or disobey his master's
22:21 command.
22:22 But what helped the dog when he would look at that meat
22:26 and that meat, I can say,
22:29 was right in front of him, what helped the dog
22:33 was that the dog never looked at the meat.
22:41 The dog seemed to feel that if he did,
22:45 the temptation to disobey would be too great.
22:49 So when the master put the meat in front of the dog,
22:53 the dog didn't look at the meat,
22:55 but the dog steadily kept his eyes on his master.
23:01 What am I trying to say?
23:04 When the temptations of life come,
23:08 always keep your eyes on the master's face.
23:12 When we encounter temptations, instead of looking at the meat
23:20 and the temptation, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.
23:27 Tonight are you battling temptation?
23:33 Keep your eyes on Jesus.
23:36 He'll give you the victory.
23:37 Tonight where are you looking?
23:38 At man or the master?
23:45 Are you race ready?
23:49 Get rid of the weight.
23:53 Are you race ready?
23:58 Get some training.
24:02 Are you race ready?
24:06 You've got to endure.
24:09 Are you race ready?
24:14 Keep your eyes on Jesus.
24:21 When you go back to your church,
24:24 you go back to your city, you go back to your district,
24:26 you may get weary sometimes in this race,
24:28 but keep your eyes on Jesus.
24:35 Christ returneth.
24:40 Hallelujah.
24:42 Hallelujah.
24:47 Amen.
24:50 God, tonight, just a simple reminder
24:57 that we've got to be race ready.
25:00 Can't look to the left, we can't look to the right,
25:02 but, God, we've got to keep our eyes
25:04 on Jesus.
25:08 So, God, may we lay aside
25:10 those weights.
25:13 God, may we train.
25:17 Teach us, O God,
25:18 how to endure.
25:22 And God, may we keep our eyes on Jesus.
25:26 We thank you for stopping by this way,
25:29 this evening.
25:32 You promise that, God, your Word when it goes forth,
25:34 it will not return to us void, but it will accomplish
25:41 what it has set out to do.
25:45 God, do just that,
25:47 we pray.
25:47 In Jesus' name and for his sake we pray.
25:55 Amen.
25:57 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching Breath
26:00 of Life today.
26:02 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry and
26:04 that we gave a healing word in a hurting world.
26:09 In order for Breath of Life to continue ministering,
26:11 we need you.
26:12 We need your prayers, we need your support.
26:15 We want you to know that any and all donations,
26:18 small or great, they are sincerely welcomed
26:21 and appreciated.
26:22 To contact us or to make your donation,
26:25 please feel free to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:37 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life,
26:40 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park,
26:46 California 91319.
26:48 Or log onto our website at
26:58 >: We'd all like to live heathier lives,
27:00 but doing so and maintaining it aren't always so easy.
27:03 It's hard when the foods we love are also the foods
27:06 that can hurt us the most, and when it's easier
27:08 to watch TV than it is to exercise.
27:10 What we need are straight answers
27:12 and some encouragement.
27:14 The Breath of Life gift offer this week is Dr. Timothy
27:17 Arnott's "24 Realistic Ways to Improve Your Health."
27:20 It includes information that can change your life
27:22 with just a little effort.
27:24 "24 Realistic Ways to Improve Your Health" is indeed
27:26 just that, realistic.
27:29 Dr. Arnott is a no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-really-is
27:32 doctor who talks to you as if you're hearing
27:36 from a good friend.
27:37 Just call our toll-free number, 1-877-BOL-OFFER.
27:41 The book is yours for a gift of $5 or more.
27:43 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life, Box 340,
27:47 Newbury Park, California 91319.
27:50 Don't just wait for your health to get better,
27:52 take charge of it and get "24 Realistic Ways to Improve
27:55 Your Health" now.
27:58 PB: Because we're not running a sprint,
27:59 we're running a marathon.
28:02 I once was blind but now I see.
28:10 Don't look at what's happening in the race,
28:13 but keep your eyes towards the end of the race.
28:16 Keep your eyes on Jesus.
28:18 I can win this race, because all I've got to do
28:23 is keep my eyes on Jesus.


Revised 2015-02-06