? (Theme Song) ? ? Jesus is worthy ? 00:00:01.23\00:00:11.56 ? oh yes, ? ? he's worthy ? 00:00:11.56\00:00:15.26 ? worthy of all... ? ? all the praise ? 00:00:15.26\00:00:21.23 ? (Music) ? Pastor Byrd: Give me the Bible, 00:00:21.23\00:00:22.60 B-I-B-L-E-, that's the book that 00:00:22.60\00:00:24.66 can stand alone, the Word of God. 00:00:24.66\00:00:28.20 B-I-B-L-E. 00:00:28.20\00:00:30.10 As you can tell these two weeks we have sought to preach the 00:00:30.10\00:00:33.10 uncompromised, unadulterated Word of God. 00:00:33.10\00:00:37.30 Which means if steps on your toe or pinches you, 00:00:37.30\00:00:44.70 you just holler, say, ouch, 00:00:44.70\00:00:47.23 and you keep on moving. 00:00:47.23\00:00:48.83 But I'd rather somebody tell me the truth about God's Word now 00:00:48.83\00:00:53.46 than to get that great getting up in the morning thinking one 00:00:53.46\00:00:55.96 thing and it's a whole other thing. 00:00:55.96\00:00:58.60 So I praise God for his Word. 00:00:58.60\00:01:00.60 And so, we're going to go into his Word 00:01:00.60\00:01:03.13 tonight. 00:01:03.13\00:01:04.13 I want to make sure as we do every night that you have your 00:01:04.13\00:01:06.13 Bibles. 00:01:06.13\00:01:07.13 If you have your Bibles, I'm going to ask that you would 00:01:07.13\00:01:09.13 take them and hold them up. 00:01:09.13\00:01:11.06 Tonight, as we have done, 00:01:11.06\00:01:13.06 repeat after me, say every promise in this book 00:01:13.06\00:01:15.20 is mine, every chapter, 00:01:15.20\00:01:19.06 every verse, every line. 00:01:19.06\00:01:22.06 I am saved by his grace divine. 00:01:23.20\00:01:26.16 Every promise in this book is mine. 00:01:28.46\00:01:32.50 Father God, now we ask that you would speak 00:01:32.50\00:01:38.96 to us in a very, very profound, 00:01:38.96\00:01:44.93 real way. 00:01:44.93\00:01:46.26 Breathed by your Holy Ghost in this place. 00:01:46.26\00:01:54.46 Because, God, 00:01:54.46\00:01:56.50 this night somebody's going to see Jesus and they will never be 00:01:56.50\00:02:01.33 the same again. 00:02:01.33\00:02:02.33 So, God, 00:02:02.33\00:02:04.33 have your way we pray. 00:02:04.33\00:02:07.96 Forgive us of our sin and we praise you in advance for what 00:02:07.96\00:02:14.53 you're getting ready to do. 00:02:14.53\00:02:17.30 Lord, we love you. 00:02:17.30\00:02:19.30 Lord, we praise you, 00:02:19.30\00:02:21.30 we magnify your Holy Name. 00:02:21.30\00:02:22.30 In the name of Jesus and for his sake, 00:02:22.30\00:02:27.40 we pray. 00:02:27.40\00:02:28.40 Let everyone say Amen, and Amen. 00:02:28.40\00:02:30.90 We study the Word of God recognizing that Jesus is God. 00:02:30.90\00:02:34.50 Can you say Amen? 00:02:34.50\00:02:36.13 I said Jesus is God. 00:02:36.13\00:02:37.50 Can you say Amen? 00:02:37.50\00:02:38.56 The Bible say in the beginning God created the heavens and the 00:02:38.56\00:02:41.73 what? 00:02:41.73\00:02:42.73 (Aud: Earth.) Then the Bible said and God said, 00:02:42.73\00:02:44.73 let whom make man? 00:02:44.73\00:02:45.73 Let us make man in our image after our likeness. 00:02:45.73\00:02:48.06 God said that. 00:02:48.06\00:02:49.06 Then we went to the New Testament, 00:02:49.06\00:02:51.06 recognizing that the Word of God, 00:02:51.06\00:02:53.06 the Word said, in the beginning was the Word 00:02:53.06\00:02:55.30 and the Word was with whom, everybody? 00:02:55.30\00:02:57.60 (Aud: God.) And the Word was whom, 00:02:57.60\00:02:59.83 everybody? 00:02:59.83\00:03:00.90 (Aud: God.) And then the Word became what, 00:03:00.90\00:03:02.90 everybody? 00:03:02.90\00:03:03.90 (Aud: Flesh.) The Word became flesh. 00:03:03.90\00:03:05.90 We went on and studied how one day very soon Jesus is going to 00:03:05.90\00:03:08.10 put an end to the madness we face on this earth. 00:03:08.10\00:03:11.06 That one day very soon Jesus is going to come. 00:03:11.06\00:03:14.56 So, despite what you go through, 00:03:14.56\00:03:16.56 despite how you're treated, despite the troubles that come 00:03:16.56\00:03:19.36 your way, hold on, 00:03:19.36\00:03:21.36 help is on the way. 00:03:21.36\00:03:23.16 That when Jesus Christ comes back the dead in Christ are 00:03:23.16\00:03:25.70 going to rise what, everybody? 00:03:25.70\00:03:27.70 (Aud: First.) Then we which are alive remain and will be caught 00:03:27.70\00:03:30.10 up to meet the Lord in the? 00:03:30.10\00:03:31.63 (Aud: Air.) And then we recognize that the wicked living 00:03:31.63\00:03:34.00 will die at the brightness of his what? 00:03:34.00\00:03:36.20 (Aud: Coming.) And then the wicked dead will remain what, 00:03:36.20\00:03:38.20 everybody? 00:03:38.20\00:03:39.20 (Aud: Dead.) They will remain dead and the righteous will live 00:03:39.20\00:03:41.40 and reign with Christ for how many years? 00:03:41.40\00:03:43.90 One thousand years. 00:03:43.90\00:03:44.90 The wicked will be what? 00:03:44.90\00:03:46.23 Dead here on this earth. 00:03:46.23\00:03:47.76 Satan will be bound to a set of circumstances. 00:03:47.76\00:03:51.40 We discover also during this period that the righteous will 00:03:51.40\00:03:54.43 be in heaven participating in what, 00:03:54.43\00:03:56.90 everybody? 00:03:56.90\00:03:57.90 (Aud: Judgment.) They will be participating in judgment. 00:03:57.90\00:03:59.90 At the end of the one thousand years, 00:03:59.90\00:04:01.96 the Bible lets us know there will be a second resurrection 00:04:01.96\00:04:04.26 and this will be a resurrection of the wicked. 00:04:04.26\00:04:06.56 Amen. 00:04:06.56\00:04:07.56 The Bible lets us know that they will seek to overcome Jesus, 00:04:07.56\00:04:11.36 Satan and the wicked, they will seek to overcome 00:04:11.36\00:04:13.80 Jesus. 00:04:13.80\00:04:14.80 But as the new heavens, the new earth and the new 00:04:14.80\00:04:17.50 Jerusalem comes down out of heaven to this earth, 00:04:17.50\00:04:20.16 the Bible says that the Lord will rain down fire and Satan 00:04:20.16\00:04:24.60 and his angels and the wicked will be destroyed forever. 00:04:24.60\00:04:27.76 Can you say Amen? 00:04:27.76\00:04:29.36 This is a special time in earth's history because we 00:04:29.36\00:04:32.03 discover at this time, this is the only time in earth 00:04:32.03\00:04:35.13 history where everyone who has ever lived, 00:04:35.13\00:04:37.86 we will all be alive at the same time. 00:04:37.86\00:04:40.36 Why? 00:04:40.36\00:04:41.36 The prophecy must come to pass that one day every knee is going 00:04:41.36\00:04:43.83 to bow and every tongue must confess that Jesus Christ is 00:04:43.83\00:04:47.80 what, everybody? 00:04:47.80\00:04:49.80 (Aud: Lord.) So, at his first coming Jesus came 00:04:49.80\00:04:51.80 to do what for his people. 00:04:51.80\00:04:52.80 (Aud: Save.) Come on, he came to do what for his 00:04:52.80\00:04:54.80 people? 00:04:54.80\00:04:55.80 (Aud: Save.) At his second coming he's coming to what, 00:04:55.80\00:04:57.80 everybody? 00:04:57.80\00:04:58.90 Get his people. 00:04:58.90\00:04:59.90 At his third coming he's coming back what? 00:04:59.90\00:05:02.36 (Aud: With.) With his people. 00:05:02.36\00:05:03.70 We discover that when an individual dies, 00:05:03.70\00:05:07.00 their body returns to what? 00:05:07.00\00:05:08.40 (Aud: Dust.) Their spirit to returns to whom? 00:05:08.40\00:05:10.83 (Aud: God.) And their soul cease to what, 00:05:10.83\00:05:13.50 everybody? 00:05:13.50\00:05:14.50 (Aud: Exist.) We discovered that the seventh day is the what? 00:05:14.50\00:05:16.50 (Aud: Sabbath.) Come on, the seventh day is the what? 00:05:16.50\00:05:18.53 (Aud: Sabbath.) Because the Bible says, 00:05:18.53\00:05:20.53 remember the what day? 00:05:20.53\00:05:21.53 (Aud: Sabbath.) To keep it what, everybody? 00:05:21.53\00:05:23.53 (Aud: Holy.) We discover that in order for one to be baptized one 00:05:23.53\00:05:26.26 must first be what? 00:05:26.26\00:05:28.06 Taught. 00:05:28.06\00:05:29.06 Secondly one must what? 00:05:29.06\00:05:30.06 (Aud: Believe.) And then thirdly, 00:05:30.06\00:05:32.06 one must what, everybody? 00:05:32.06\00:05:34.06 One must repent. 00:05:34.06\00:05:35.06 Is re-baptism every proper? 00:05:35.06\00:05:36.06 (Aud: No.) (Aud: Yes.) We get all the way to the end. 00:05:36.06\00:05:44.83 Let's try it one more time. 00:05:44.83\00:05:47.76 Is re-baptism ever proper? 00:05:47.76\00:05:50.46 Yes. 00:05:50.46\00:05:51.46 In some circumstances, correct? 00:05:51.46\00:05:53.90 When an individual receives new life, 00:05:53.90\00:05:56.56 new truth from the Word of God that makes a significant 00:05:56.56\00:05:58.80 difference in their life, or if one has had a little 00:05:58.80\00:06:02.36 difficulty, a little trouble and they need a 00:06:02.36\00:06:04.36 little cleansing from Jesus Christ. 00:06:04.36\00:06:06.80 They've wandered from God and now they want to come back to 00:06:06.80\00:06:09.23 the Lord, or if they want to be 00:06:09.23\00:06:11.23 strengthened by the power of God, 00:06:11.23\00:06:13.23 according to Acts 19: 1, 2, 00:06:13.23\00:06:15.23 3, 4 and 5, 00:06:15.23\00:06:17.23 it is proper and necessary. 00:06:17.23\00:06:18.23 And so we come to tonight. 00:06:18.23\00:06:20.60 We come to tonight and we talk about Christian living. 00:06:20.60\00:06:25.66 Tonight we will talk about the fact that our bodies are God's 00:06:25.66\00:06:30.96 temples. 00:06:30.96\00:06:32.93 And so we've got to be mindful of what we put in our body, 00:06:32.93\00:06:38.50 what we put on our body. 00:06:38.50\00:06:41.43 I can't get an Amen in this place. 00:06:41.43\00:06:44.76 And what we let people do to our body. 00:06:44.76\00:06:48.93 What we put in our body, what we put on our body and what 00:06:51.20\00:06:57.00 we let people do to our body. 00:06:57.00\00:07:01.06 Now you need to understand, if you've been here two weeks, 00:07:01.06\00:07:03.53 you understand that I'm not afraid to tell it like it is. 00:07:03.53\00:07:07.73 And so, some people are going to 00:07:07.73\00:07:09.73 be saying "ouch" all night long, 00:07:09.73\00:07:11.06 but I love you and the Lord loves you anyhow. 00:07:11.06\00:07:13.26 Come on, say Amen. 00:07:13.26\00:07:15.90 We discovered the days in which we live, 00:07:15.90\00:07:18.90 everyone wants to live, most people are afraid to die. 00:07:18.90\00:07:25.70 Nothing in recent years seems to have improved the health of 00:07:25.70\00:07:28.40 people as much as the increasing cost of being sick. 00:07:28.40\00:07:33.60 Unfortunately, for many of us, 00:07:33.60\00:07:35.60 our health seems more valuable to us after we have lost it, 00:07:35.60\00:07:38.73 because by the time most people discover that good health is 00:07:38.73\00:07:41.90 everything, they've already lost it. 00:07:41.90\00:07:44.66 But we discover now more than ever that we see people 00:07:44.66\00:07:48.00 exercising, we see people watching their 00:07:48.00\00:07:51.50 diets. 00:07:51.50\00:07:52.50 We go into the grocery store, be it Public's, 00:07:52.50\00:07:54.80 be it Kroger, be it Walmart, 00:07:54.80\00:07:56.80 and you find people more than ever before reading the labels 00:07:56.80\00:08:00.43 as to what is in what they are buying. 00:08:00.43\00:08:03.86 We have found that people now visit health food stores 00:08:03.86\00:08:07.86 more than ever, because people are concerned 00:08:07.86\00:08:10.70 about their health. 00:08:10.70\00:08:12.33 But many people suffer from poor health not because of what they 00:08:12.33\00:08:15.43 eat but because of what is eating them. 00:08:15.43\00:08:19.00 So, let me give you some good 00:08:19.00\00:08:21.00 counsel tonight, free of charge. 00:08:21.00\00:08:23.00 Come on, say Amen. 00:08:23.00\00:08:25.00 Free of charge. 00:08:25.00\00:08:26.00 The only way to keep your good health is to eat what you don't 00:08:26.00\00:08:30.13 want, drink what you don't like, 00:08:30.13\00:08:34.86 and do what you'd rather not do. 00:08:34.86\00:08:38.16 Now, if you go to any doctor in 00:08:38.16\00:08:40.16 Huntsville, whatever city you're watching 00:08:40.16\00:08:42.16 from, the doctor will tell you that. 00:08:42.16\00:08:45.40 But tonight I've got some good news. 00:08:45.40\00:08:47.53 Save your money. 00:08:47.53\00:08:49.10 Save your co-pay. 00:08:49.10\00:08:51.83 And let's go to the Word of God. 00:08:51.83\00:08:54.20 Can you say Amen? 00:08:54.20\00:08:55.93 Now, you will remember that Jesus' 00:08:55.93\00:08:57.96 ministry included preaching, teaching and healing. 00:08:57.96\00:09:03.53 And so because Jesus, because God, 00:09:03.53\00:09:07.13 created us, God knows what's best for us. 00:09:07.13\00:09:12.43 Let's go to the Book of 1 Corinthians. 00:09:12.43\00:09:15.13 What book did I say, everybody? 00:09:15.13\00:09:17.13 And let's go to 1 Corinthians, Chapter 10, 00:09:17.13\00:09:19.33 and we're going to verse 31. 00:09:19.33\00:09:24.56 First Corinthians 10:31, and the Apostle Paul says to us 00:09:24.56\00:09:29.90 in the Word of God tonight: "Whether therefore ye eat, 00:09:29.90\00:09:34.10 or drink, or whatsoever ye do, 00:09:34.10\00:09:36.10 do all to the glory of" whom, everybody? 00:09:36.10\00:09:38.10 (Aud: God.) Whatsoever ye eat, or drink, 00:09:38.10\00:09:40.10 do all, whatever you do, 00:09:40.10\00:09:42.10 do all to the glory of God. 00:09:42.10\00:09:49.50 So tonight then, we begin with my body temple. 00:09:49.50\00:09:53.23 What you put in your body. 00:09:53.23\00:09:55.93 What you put where, everybody? 00:09:55.93\00:09:57.93 (Aud: In.) Come on, what you put where? 00:09:57.93\00:09:59.93 (Aud: In.) Now understand, your body, 00:09:59.93\00:10:02.66 my body, our bodies are God's temples. 00:10:02.66\00:10:07.13 So because God's temple is who I am, 00:10:07.13\00:10:11.66 I can't put any and everything in God's temple. 00:10:11.66\00:10:16.13 My body is God's temple. 00:10:16.13\00:10:17.53 Paul says also in 1 Corinthians 6:19 and 20, 00:10:17.53\00:10:22.00 the Word of God says: "What? 00:10:22.00\00:10:23.60 Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost 00:10:23.60\00:10:26.60 which is in you, which ye have of God, 00:10:26.60\00:10:28.60 and ye are not your own? 00:10:28.60\00:10:30.06 For ye are bought with a" what, everybody? 00:10:30.06\00:10:32.53 Come on, ye are bought with a what? 00:10:32.53\00:10:34.53 (Aud: Price.) "Therefore glorify God in your body, 00:10:34.53\00:10:36.56 and in your spirit, which are God's. 00:10:36.56\00:10:38.93 So, everybody, 00:10:38.93\00:10:40.93 repeat after me. 00:10:40.93\00:10:41.93 Let's make this part interactive. 00:10:41.93\00:10:43.93 Repeat after me. 00:10:43.93\00:10:44.93 Say, this is my body. 00:10:44.93\00:10:46.93 Say it like you mean it. 00:10:46.93\00:10:47.93 Say, this is my body. 00:10:47.93\00:10:49.93 God's holy temple. 00:10:49.93\00:10:51.60 I've been bought with the price, and I glorify him. 00:10:51.60\00:10:57.46 I want to say it again, because when we start reading 00:10:57.46\00:10:59.50 some stuff from Scripture you've got to say it just as hard then 00:10:59.50\00:11:02.96 as you're saying it now. 00:11:02.96\00:11:03.96 So let's practice one more time. 00:11:03.96\00:11:05.13 This is my body. 00:11:05.13\00:11:07.53 God's holy temple. 00:11:09.70\00:11:12.50 I've been bought with a price, and I glorify him. 00:11:12.50\00:11:18.76 Now those who disobey God's rules of health 00:11:18.76\00:11:21.30 will be destroyed. 00:11:21.30\00:11:22.30 The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 3: 16 and 17: 00:11:22.30\00:11:25.66 "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, 00:11:25.66\00:11:28.93 and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 00:11:28.93\00:11:31.80 If any man defile the temple of God, 00:11:31.80\00:11:34.50 him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy." 00:11:34.50\00:11:38.36 It is what, everybody? 00:11:38.36\00:11:40.36 (Aud: Holy.) "Which temple ye are." 00:11:40.36\00:11:45.00 What you put in your body, because your body 00:11:45.00\00:11:49.20 is God's temple, and you've been bought 00:11:49.20\00:11:51.40 with a price, and you glorify God. 00:11:51.40\00:11:55.63 You've got to leave that bottle alone. 00:11:55.63\00:11:59.40 Come on, say Amen. 00:11:59.40\00:12:02.00 Pastor Byrd, what you mean the bottle? 00:12:02.00\00:12:04.00 Water bottle? 00:12:04.00\00:12:05.00 No. 00:12:05.00\00:12:07.46 You've got to leave that alcohol alone. 00:12:07.46\00:12:09.96 Come on, say Amen. 00:12:09.96\00:12:12.36 if that's not plain for you, whisky, gin, tonics. 00:12:12.36\00:12:18.53 In the word of Fred Sanford, Ripple. 00:12:18.53\00:12:26.63 You've go to leave it alone. 00:12:26.63\00:12:27.20 Come on, say Amen. 00:12:27.20\00:12:29.00 I say you've got to leave it alone. 00:12:29.00\00:12:30.13 Come on, say Amen. 00:12:30.13\00:12:31.70 Somebody say, well, 00:12:31.70\00:12:32.83 a little wine is good for the soul. 00:12:32.83\00:12:33.63 Who told you that? 00:12:33.63\00:12:35.00 We've got to leave wine, beer, 00:12:35.00\00:12:38.30 alcohol, whiskey alone. 00:12:38.30\00:12:40.30 Come on, say Amen. 00:12:40.30\00:12:42.30 That's not the gospel according to Pastor Byrd, 00:12:42.30\00:12:44.30 that's the gospel according to the Word of God. 00:12:44.30\00:12:46.30 Let's get some Word. 00:12:46.30\00:12:47.30 Proverbs, Chapter 20, 00:12:47.30\00:12:49.30 verse 1. 00:12:49.30\00:12:51.13 Getting quiet in the church house. 00:12:51.13\00:12:53.13 Proverbs 20:1, if you have it let me hear you 00:12:53.13\00:12:58.66 say Amen. 00:12:58.66\00:12:59.93 The Word says: "Wine, what does it say, 00:12:59.93\00:13:02.30 everybody? 00:13:02.30\00:13:03.30 (Aud: Wine.) What does it say everybody? 00:13:03.30\00:13:05.40 "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and 00:13:05.40\00:13:07.40 whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." You've got to leave 00:13:07.40\00:13:13.63 it alone. 00:13:13.63\00:13:14.63 Come on, say Amen. 00:13:14.63\00:13:16.63 Somebody says, Pastor Byrd, 00:13:16.63\00:13:18.63 that's Old Testament. 00:13:18.63\00:13:19.63 That's not New Testament. 00:13:19.63\00:13:20.63 Let me give you some New Testament. 00:13:20.63\00:13:22.63 Come on, say Amen. 00:13:22.63\00:13:24.63 Somebody say, well, 00:13:24.63\00:13:26.63 Jesus turned water into wine. 00:13:26.63\00:13:27.63 It was not fermented wine. 00:13:27.63\00:13:28.63 Come on, say Amen. 00:13:28.63\00:13:30.63 So let me give you some New Testament. 00:13:30.63\00:13:32.63 First Corinthians, Chapter 5. 00:13:32.63\00:13:34.63 Know what you believe, know why you believe it, 00:13:34.63\00:13:36.63 and know where it's found. 00:13:36.63\00:13:37.63 First Corinthians 5:11. 00:13:37.63\00:13:38.63 I'm changing somebody's drinking plan. 00:13:38.63\00:13:40.63 Come on, say Amen. 00:13:40.63\00:13:42.63 First Corinthians 5:11, the Word of God, 00:13:42.63\00:13:44.86 the Apostle Paul says, "But now I have written unto you 00:13:44.86\00:13:47.73 not to keep company, if any man that is called a 00:13:47.73\00:13:50.10 brother be a" what? 00:13:50.10\00:13:52.30 Be a what? 00:13:52.30\00:13:53.30 (Aud: Fornicator.) "Or covetous, or an idolater, 00:13:53.30\00:13:56.10 or a railer, or a, 00:13:56.10\00:13:58.10 what? 00:13:58.10\00:13:59.10 Or a what? 00:13:59.10\00:14:00.16 (Aud: Drunkard.) "Or an extortioner; 00:14:00.16\00:14:02.16 with such an one no not to, what, 00:14:02.16\00:14:04.16 everybody? 00:14:04.16\00:14:05.16 (Aud: Eat.) That's New Testament. 00:14:05.16\00:14:07.86 Let's get some more New Testament. 00:14:07.86\00:14:09.86 Go to the Book of Galatians. 00:14:09.86\00:14:10.86 What book, everybody? 00:14:10.86\00:14:12.86 Galatians is right after 1 and 2 Corinthians. 00:14:12.86\00:14:14.86 And we're going to Galatians, Chapter 5 and we're going to 00:14:14.86\00:14:18.73 verse 21. 00:14:18.73\00:14:19.73 The Word of God says, Galatians 5. 00:14:19.73\00:14:22.70 In fact, I'll start reading at verse 19. 00:14:22.70\00:14:24.80 Galatians 5:19, let's get some more Word. 00:14:24.80\00:14:28.53 The Word of God says: "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, 00:14:28.53\00:14:35.46 which are these: Adultery, fornication, 00:14:35.46\00:14:38.60 getting quiet in the church. 00:14:38.60\00:14:39.60 I'm going to preach it anyhow. 00:14:39.60\00:14:42.23 "Uncleanness, lasciviousness, 00:14:42.23\00:14:45.60 idolatry, witchcraft, 00:14:45.60\00:14:48.96 hatred, variance, 00:14:48.96\00:14:52.33 emulations, wrath, 00:14:52.33\00:14:55.70 strife, seditions, 00:14:55.70\00:14:59.06 heresies, envyings, 00:14:59.06\00:15:02.46 murders, drunkenness, 00:15:02.46\00:15:05.83 drunkenness, drunkenness, 00:15:05.83\00:15:09.46 "revellings, and such like: of the which I 00:15:09.46\00:15:12.03 tell you before, as I have also told 00:15:12.03\00:15:14.80 you in time past, that they which do such things 00:15:14.80\00:15:19.16 shall not inherit the kingdom of God." I'm trying to help 00:15:19.16\00:15:25.36 somebody tonight. 00:15:25.36\00:15:27.46 I'm trying to help somebody save your life and save your money. 00:15:27.46\00:15:30.93 I wish I had a witness in this place. 00:15:30.93\00:15:33.53 Pastor Byrd, what can I drink? 00:15:33.53\00:15:35.53 Go on and drink the water. 00:15:35.53\00:15:36.53 It's free. 00:15:36.53\00:15:37.53 Come on, say Amen. 00:15:37.53\00:15:39.53 You've got to leave the alcohol alone. 00:15:39.53\00:15:41.53 Leave it alone. 00:15:41.53\00:15:42.53 Leave it what, everybody? 00:15:42.53\00:15:44.53 (Aud: Alone.) Repeat after me. 00:15:44.53\00:15:45.53 This is my body. 00:15:45.53\00:15:46.53 Come on, say God's holy temple. 00:15:46.53\00:15:48.93 I've been bought with a price and I glorify him. 00:15:48.93\00:15:54.26 Pastor Byrd, I don't know if I can do it. 00:15:54.26\00:15:56.26 You can do all things in Christ, which strengtheneth you. 00:15:56.26\00:16:02.76 All right. 00:16:02.76\00:16:03.76 Let's get some more. 00:16:03.76\00:16:04.76 You want some more? 00:16:04.76\00:16:06.06 Whether you want it or not, I'm going to give it anyhow. 00:16:06.06\00:16:08.06 Come on, say Amen. 00:16:08.06\00:16:10.06 You've got to leave the cigarettes alone. 00:16:10.06\00:16:12.06 Getting quiet. 00:16:12.06\00:16:14.50 Come on, say Amen. 00:16:14.50\00:16:16.50 You've got to leave the cigarettes alone. 00:16:16.50\00:16:18.50 Got to leave that chewing tobacco alone. 00:16:18.50\00:16:20.93 Come on, say Amen. 00:16:20.93\00:16:22.93 Got to leave that weed alone. 00:16:22.93\00:16:24.66 Well, it's for medicinal purposes. 00:16:24.66\00:16:26.66 Leave it alone. 00:16:26.66\00:16:28.46 Let me go a little step further. 00:16:28.46\00:16:29.53 Leave that Ganja alone. 00:16:29.53\00:16:30.66 Oh, you all didn't know I knew about 00:16:30.66\00:16:33.43 that. 00:16:33.43\00:16:34.20 Yeah. 00:16:34.20\00:16:35.53 You've got to leave it alone. 00:16:35.53\00:16:37.53 That dip, that snuff. 00:16:37.53\00:16:42.76 Leave it alone. 00:16:42.76\00:16:45.63 (talking and cheering) Any doctor would tell you that. 00:16:45.63\00:17:03.26 I'm trying to help somebody. 00:17:03.26\00:17:05.86 Lucky Strikes, Marlboro, 00:17:05.86\00:17:09.23 box or soft pack. 00:17:09.23\00:17:12.00 Kools, Newports, 00:17:12.00\00:17:15.73 the generic brand. 00:17:15.73\00:17:19.10 Even Carltons. 00:17:19.10\00:17:28.26 You've got to leave it alone. 00:17:28.26\00:17:30.70 A person pays twice for his cigarettes. 00:17:30.70\00:17:36.93 Once when he gets them and second when they get him. 00:17:36.93\00:17:41.20 Lung cancer is out of control. 00:17:41.20\00:17:42.96 Throat cancer is out of control. 00:17:42.96\00:17:44.46 Cancer of the mouth, out of control. 00:17:44.46\00:17:46.46 Repeat after me. 00:17:46.46\00:17:48.43 This is my body, God's holy temple. 00:17:48.43\00:17:54.66 I've been bought with a price, and I glorify him. 00:17:54.66\00:18:00.70 Remember, you can do all things through 00:18:00.70\00:18:02.70 Christ, which strengtheneth me. 00:18:02.70\00:18:05.03 You want some more? 00:18:05.03\00:18:06.03 You want some more. 00:18:06.03\00:18:08.26 Hallelujah, you want some more. 00:18:08.26\00:18:10.26 Your diet must change. 00:18:10.26\00:18:12.43 Tonight you've got to go home to your refrigerator and throw out 00:18:12.43\00:18:19.26 some stuff. 00:18:19.26\00:18:20.43 Oh, yes. 00:18:20.43\00:18:22.43 Let's go to Leviticus. 00:18:22.43\00:18:24.43 Help your neighbor find it. 00:18:25.83\00:18:26.93 It's quiet in the church now. 00:18:26.93\00:18:29.86 Quiet in the church. 00:18:29.86\00:18:31.56 Leviticus 11. 00:18:31.56\00:18:32.56 You know I love you by now. 00:18:32.56\00:18:35.13 I had to save this for tonight. 00:18:35.13\00:18:37.13 Hallelujah, somebody. 00:18:37.13\00:18:39.13 Leviticus 11, do you have it, 00:18:39.13\00:18:42.36 everybody? 00:18:42.36\00:18:43.40 Are you ready, everybody? 00:18:43.40\00:18:45.40 Are you sure you're ready? 00:18:45.40\00:18:46.40 Leviticus 11:1: "And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, 00:18:46.40\00:18:52.66 saying unto them, Speak unto the children of 00:18:52.66\00:18:55.16 Israel, saying, 00:18:55.16\00:18:57.16 These are the" what, everybody? 00:18:57.16\00:18:59.16 (Aud: Beasts.) "Which ye shall eat among all the beasts that 00:18:59.16\00:19:01.23 are on the earth, whatsoever parteth the" what? 00:19:01.23\00:19:03.26 (Aud: Hoof.) "And is" what? 00:19:03.26\00:19:05.13 (Aud: Cloven-footed.) And cheweth the what? 00:19:05.13\00:19:07.36 (Aud: Cud.) "Among the beasts, that shall ye eat." But somebody 00:19:07.36\00:19:10.36 said, well, 00:19:10.36\00:19:12.36 Pastor Byrd, what does that mean? 00:19:12.36\00:19:14.36 All I know is God said it, just do it. 00:19:14.36\00:19:16.36 They're cleaning agencies. 00:19:16.36\00:19:18.26 Verse 4: "Nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them that 00:19:18.26\00:19:26.20 chew the cud." You know I love you. 00:19:26.20\00:19:30.80 "Or of them that divide the hoof: as the camel." As the 00:19:30.80\00:19:35.06 what, everybody? 00:19:35.06\00:19:37.06 "Because he cheweth the" what? 00:19:37.06\00:19:38.10 (Aud: Cud.) "But divideth not the" what? 00:19:38.10\00:19:40.83 (Aud: Hoof.) He is what unto you? 00:19:40.83\00:19:43.03 (Aud: Unclean.) And the what else? 00:19:43.03\00:19:45.03 Come on, you all, 00:19:45.03\00:19:47.03 the what? 00:19:47.03\00:19:48.03 Coney. 00:19:48.03\00:19:49.03 Because he cheweth the what? 00:19:49.03\00:19:50.03 (Aud: Cud.) But divideth not the what? 00:19:50.03\00:19:52.03 (Aud: Hoof.) He is what unto you? 00:19:52.03\00:19:54.03 (Aud: Unclean.) And the hare. 00:19:54.03\00:19:55.03 You know what the hare is, a rabbit. 00:19:55.03\00:19:57.03 You might say, I want barbecued rabbit. 00:19:57.03\00:19:59.03 Because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the what? 00:19:59.03\00:20:04.46 (Aud: Hoof.) He is what unto you? 00:20:04.46\00:20:09.03 (Aud: Unclean.) You all ready for verse 7, 00:20:09.03\00:20:11.33 I know you are. 00:20:11.33\00:20:13.33 "And the" what? 00:20:18.33\00:20:19.33 (Aud: Swine.) Come on, and the what? 00:20:19.33\00:20:21.53 (Aud: Swine.) And the what? 00:20:21.53\00:20:22.73 (Aud: Swine.) That's the pig. 00:20:22.73\00:20:28.03 That's that bacon double-cheese burger. 00:20:28.03\00:20:30.70 Pigs' feet, pig skin, 00:20:30.70\00:20:38.70 chitlins. 00:20:38.70\00:20:40.80 Pork chops. 00:20:40.80\00:20:45.16 Quiet in the church. 00:20:45.16\00:20:48.63 I said a skin, Amen? 00:20:48.63\00:20:51.23 And the swine, though he divide the what? 00:20:51.23\00:20:55.46 (Aud: Hoof.) And be what? 00:20:55.46\00:20:56.76 (Aud: Cloven-footed.) Yet he cheweth not the what? 00:20:56.76\00:20:59.46 (Aud: Cud.) He is what, everybody? 00:20:59.46\00:21:01.56 (Aud: Unclean.) He is what, everybody? 00:21:01.56\00:21:03.56 (Aud: Unclean.) Well, Pastor Byrd, 00:21:03.56\00:21:05.56 what about pray over? 00:21:05.56\00:21:06.56 If I pray over it and bless it and it's fine. 00:21:06.56\00:21:10.36 That same pig that I've got in the field eating everything that 00:21:10.36\00:21:14.53 was killed and put in your grocer's supermarket, 00:21:14.53\00:21:17.73 just because you pray over it doesn't mean that all that that 00:21:17.73\00:21:20.53 pig has eaten has been made clean for you to eat. 00:21:20.53\00:21:24.56 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 00:21:24.56\00:21:26.70 You want some more? 00:21:26.70\00:21:28.76 Somebody said no. 00:21:28.76\00:21:31.93 (laughter) Of their carcass shall ye not what? 00:21:31.93\00:21:38.20 Eat. 00:21:38.20\00:21:39.20 And their carcass shall ye not what? 00:21:39.20\00:21:41.50 (Aud: Touch.) They are what unto you? 00:21:41.50\00:21:43.53 Come on, they are what unto you? 00:21:43.53\00:21:45.53 (Aud: Unclean.) All right. 00:21:45.53\00:21:46.53 Let's go to the water. 00:21:46.53\00:21:47.56 Verse 9. 00:21:47.56\00:21:48.56 These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever 00:21:48.56\00:21:56.63 hath fins and what? 00:21:56.63\00:21:58.20 (Aud: Scales.) "In the waters, in the seas, 00:21:58.20\00:22:01.30 and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. 00:22:01.30\00:22:03.30 And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, 00:22:03.30\00:22:05.30 and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, 00:22:05.30\00:22:07.36 and of any living thing which is in the waters, 00:22:07.36\00:22:09.90 they shall be an abomination unto you. 00:22:09.90\00:22:11.96 They shall be even an abomination unto you; 00:22:11.96\00:22:13.96 ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases 00:22:13.96\00:22:16.40 in abomination. 00:22:16.40\00:22:17.46 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, 00:22:17.46\00:22:20.16 that shall be an abomination unto you. 00:22:20.16\00:22:22.33 And these are they which ye shall have in abomination among 00:22:22.33\00:22:25.36 the fowls, the birds, 00:22:25.36\00:22:27.43 "They shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the 00:22:27.43\00:22:30.40 eagle, and the ossifrage, 00:22:30.40\00:22:33.23 and the osprey, and the vulture, 00:22:33.23\00:22:38.26 and the kite after his kind, every raven after his kind." 00:22:38.26\00:22:46.43 Somebody say, well, 00:22:46.43\00:22:48.70 Pastor Byrd, the Lord, 00:22:48.70\00:22:50.93 Elijah ate raven. 00:22:50.93\00:22:52.86 No, the raven brought food to 00:22:52.86\00:22:56.73 Elijah, but Elijah did not eat the 00:22:56.73\00:22:59.30 raven. 00:22:59.30\00:23:00.36 Come on, say Amen. 00:23:00.36\00:23:02.36 Verse 16: "And the owl, and the night hawk, 00:23:02.36\00:23:06.53 and the cuckoo, and the hawk after his kind, 00:23:06.53\00:23:10.13 and the little owl, and the cormorant, 00:23:10.13\00:23:12.40 and the great owl, and the swan, 00:23:12.40\00:23:14.40 and the pelican, and the gier eagle, 00:23:14.40\00:23:19.43 and the stork, the heron after her kind, 00:23:19.43\00:23:24.13 and the lapwing, and the bat." Lord Jesus, 00:23:24.13\00:23:29.36 who's going to eat bat? 00:23:29.36\00:23:31.36 Bat drop soup. 00:23:35.96\00:23:38.33 (laughter) "All fowls that creep, 00:23:38.33\00:23:42.96 going upon all four, shall be an abomination unto 00:23:42.96\00:23:46.76 you." What am I trying to say? 00:23:46.76\00:23:48.73 Hog meat, swine, 00:23:48.73\00:23:50.73 pig. 00:23:50.73\00:23:52.80 It's a scavenger. 00:23:52.80\00:23:54.60 It's not to be used for food. 00:23:54.60\00:23:57.53 It was designed to clean up the land. 00:23:57.53\00:24:00.83 It is not to be cleaned up by you on a plate. 00:24:00.83\00:24:03.46 Come on, say Amen. 00:24:03.46\00:24:06.23 Any doctor will tell you that heart disease, 00:24:06.23\00:24:08.70 hypertension would be lower if you didn't touch pork. 00:24:08.70\00:24:13.86 Now, the Bible didn't get to the 00:24:13.86\00:24:15.86 specifics, well, 00:24:15.86\00:24:17.86 what's in the water? 00:24:17.86\00:24:18.86 So let me get specific. 00:24:18.86\00:24:19.86 The Bible is saying fins and scales, 00:24:19.86\00:24:21.86 which means you've got to leave the water scavengers alone. 00:24:21.86\00:24:23.86 Pastor Byrd, what you talking about? 00:24:23.86\00:24:26.86 Can I make it plain tonight? 00:24:27.86\00:24:29.96 You all ain't ready for me tonight. 00:24:29.96\00:24:31.20 No one is. 00:24:31.20\00:24:35.53 Shrimp, catfish. 00:24:35.53\00:24:41.00 Come on, say Amen. 00:24:41.00\00:24:43.00 Lobster. 00:24:43.00\00:24:45.06 It's to clean up in the water, not to be cleaned up by you. 00:24:45.06\00:24:49.26 My body is God's temple. 00:24:49.26\00:24:50.06 Come on, say Amen. 00:24:50.06\00:24:52.13 I know they ain't going to preach this everywhere, 00:24:52.13\00:24:54.30 because many people after they preach they go eat some of this 00:24:54.30\00:24:56.03 stuff. 00:24:56.03\00:24:56.60 Come on, say Amen. 00:24:56.60\00:24:58.73 But I'm trying to help somebody. 00:24:58.73\00:25:00.76 Come on, say Amen. 00:25:00.76\00:25:02.50 All right. 00:25:02.50\00:25:03.26 You have your list. 00:25:03.26\00:25:04.60 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching Breath of 00:25:04.60\00:25:07.13 Life today. 00:25:07.13\00:25:08.66 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry and that we gave 00:25:08.66\00:25:12.00 a healing word in a hurting world. 00:25:12.00\00:25:16.10 In order for Breath of Life to continue ministry, 00:25:16.10\00:25:18.10 we need you. 00:25:18.10\00:25:19.10 We need your prayers, we need your support. 00:25:19.10\00:25:21.96 We want you to know that any and all donations, 00:25:21.96\00:25:24.86 small or great, are sincerely welcomed and 00:25:24.86\00:25:28.90 appreciated. 00:25:28.90\00:25:29.90 To contact us or to make your donation please feel free to 00:25:29.90\00:25:32.60 give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER. 00:25:32.60\00:25:38.26 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life, 00:25:38.26\00:25:42.10 P.O. 00:25:42.10\00:25:43.10 Box 340, Newbury Park, 00:25:43.10\00:25:46.16 California 91319. 00:25:46.16\00:25:48.86 P.O. 00:25:48.86\00:25:49.86 Box 340, Newbury Park, 00:25:49.86\00:25:51.86 California 91319. 00:25:51.86\00:25:54.30 Feel free to log onto our web site at www.breathoflife.tv. 00:25:54.30\00:25:57.86 PB: Are you hearing what I'm saying? 00:25:57.86\00:26:02.00 >: To order a DVD or CD copy of this Breath of Life broadcast 00:26:02.00\00:26:08.60 with Carlton Byrd, just call our toll-free number, 00:26:08.60\00:26:12.30 877-BOL-OFFER. 00:26:12.30\00:26:14.70 That's 877-265-6333. 00:26:14.70\00:26:16.50 Please visit us online at breathoflife.tv where you can 00:26:16.50\00:26:22.43 see our broadcast schedule, send us your prayer request, 00:26:22.43\00:26:25.90 sign up for our newsletter and make a donation. 00:26:25.90\00:26:28.93 Thank you for watching and supporting Breath of Life. 00:26:28.93\00:26:32.23 God bless you. 00:26:32.23\00:26:34.56 >: We'd all like to live healthier lives, 00:26:34.56\00:26:36.66 but doing so and maintaining it aren't always so easy. 00:26:36.66\00:26:39.93 It's hard when the foods we love are also the foods that can hurt 00:26:39.93\00:26:42.83 us the most, and when it's easier to watch TV 00:26:42.83\00:26:45.26 than it is to exercise. 00:26:45.26\00:26:47.10 What we need are straight answers and some encouragement. 00:26:47.10\00:26:50.53 The Breath of Life gift offer this week is Dr. Timothy 00:26:50.53\00:26:53.46 Arnott's "24 Realistic Ways to Improve Your Health." 00:26:53.46\00:26:56.23 It includes information that can change your life 00:26:56.23\00:26:58.30 with just a little effort. 00:26:58.30\00:27:00.96 So say goodbye to crazy diets and impossible exercise 00:27:00.96\00:27:04.43 regimens. 00:27:04.43\00:27:05.46 Dr. Arnott serves us a healthy dish of guidance to help get you 00:27:05.46\00:27:08.83 to the physical and mental state God intended. 00:27:08.83\00:27:11.76 Find out how to exercise the right way, 00:27:11.76\00:27:14.06 how water can help your heart, why eating nuts and seeds daily 00:27:14.06\00:27:17.70 is so important, discover how to lower your blood 00:27:17.70\00:27:20.50 pressure and reduce your risk of cancer. 00:27:20.50\00:27:23.50 "24 Realistic Ways to Improve Your Health" is indeed just 00:27:23.50\00:27:26.76 that, realistic. 00:27:26.76\00:27:28.76 Dr. Arnott is a no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-really-is doctor 00:27:28.76\00:27:32.43 who talks to you as if you're hearing from a good friend. 00:27:32.43\00:27:35.43 Just call our toll-free number, 1-877-BOL-OFFER. 00:27:35.43\00:27:40.06 That's 1-877-265-6333 and ask for your copy of "24 Realistic 00:27:40.06\00:27:46.30 Ways to Improve Your Health." 00:27:46.30\00:27:47.60 The book is yours for a gift of $5 or more, 00:27:47.60\00:27:50.40 or you may write to us at Breath of Life, 00:27:50.40\00:27:53.63 Box 340, Newbury Park, 00:27:53.63\00:27:55.63 California 91319. 00:27:55.63\00:27:56.63 Don't just wait for your health to get better, 00:27:56.63\00:27:59.10 take charge of it and get "24 Realistic Ways to Improve Your 00:27:59.10\00:28:03.13 Health" now. 00:28:03.13\00:28:04.46 PB: Many people suffer from poor health, 00:28:04.46\00:28:08.06 not because of what they eat, but because of what is eating 00:28:08.06\00:28:10.06 them. 00:28:10.06\00:28:11.90 By the time most people discover that good health is everything 00:28:11.90\00:28:15.40 they've already lost it. 00:28:15.40\00:28:17.46 Your body is God's temple. 00:28:17.46\00:28:21.66 Whether therefore you eat or drink or whatsoever ye do, 00:28:21.66\00:28:24.96