Participants: Carlton P. Byrd
Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000075
00:05 (Theme Song) Jesus is worthy oh yes,
00:11 he's worthy worthy of all... 00:17 (Music) Pastor Byrd: We've been 00:22 having a good time in the Word of God, 00:24 can you say Amen. 00:25 And I've been praying for tonight. 00:28 I know that tonight God is going to have his way. 00:31 Come on, say Amen. 00:32 You want the Lord to have his way, 00:34 let me hear you say Amen? 00:35 We've been coming out almost two weeks now 00:37 and coming out night after night. 00:40 We must admit that we have seen God 00:43 show up and show out. 00:45 We have seen God through his Word open our minds 00:49 and our eyes, illuminate our minds. 00:51 We have had receptive hearts because we continue to come 00:54 out because I tell you this, you can have good fellowship, 00:58 you can have good singing, but there's nothing like 01:01 the Word of God. 01:02 Can you say Amen? 01:04 Praise God for his Word. 01:05 And so tonight, because we, as I said earlier, we're 01:08 sensitive, understanding, it's during the middle 01:11 of the week, we want to go ahead and get right into 01:13 the Word tonight. 01:14 Now we preached that salvation coming 01:17 only through Jesus Christ. 01:19 We preached the fact that Jesus Christ one day 01:21 very soon is coming back. 01:23 Come on, say Amen. 01:24 We have preached that when he comes 01:26 back the second time, let me test your knowledge, 01:28 let me test you memory. 01:30 We have said that when Jesus Christ comes back 01:33 the second time, we have said that 01:35 the righteous dead will rise what, everybody? 01:37 (Aud: First.) And then we have said the righteous 01:39 living will be caught up to meet the Lord in the what, 01:41 everybody? 01:42 (Aud: Air.) We have said from the Word of God 01:44 that the wicked living will die at the brightness 01:46 of his what? 01:47 (Aud: Coming.) We have also said that the wicked dead will 01:49 remain what? 01:50 (Aud: Dead.) And they will remain dead for how long? 01:52 A thousand years, and during the thousand-year 01:54 period the righteous will be where? 01:57 (Aud: Heaven.) We recognize the wicked will be resurrected 01:59 and Satan will tempt them again, because Satan will let 02:02 them know he resurrected them. 02:04 We then discovered that Jesus Christ and the 02:06 righteous will come down, the Bible says, 02:09 out of heaven as a bride adorned for her husband 02:11 and Jesus will begin to set up the new Jerusalem 02:13 here on this earth. 02:14 But as he's coming down to this earth, the wicked 02:17 in Satan will seek to surround Jesus Christ, 02:21 the righteous and the Holy City 02:23 as it descends. 02:25 But, you know what? 02:26 God has the last word. 02:27 I said, God has the last word. 02:29 And God is going to rain down fire, 02:33 Satan, his imps and the wicked will be 02:36 destroyed forever. 02:37 And then we recognize at this time, this will be 02:40 the third coming? 02:41 This will be the what coming, everybody? 02:43 (Aud: Third.) What distinguishes this is at his 02:45 first coming Jesus came to what for his people? 02:48 Save his people. 02:49 At his second coming, Jesus is coming to what? 02:51 Get his people. 02:52 At Jesus' third coming, he's coming 02:54 back what? With his people. 02:56 What is so powerful about the third coming 02:58 is when the wicked are resurrected 03:00 and the righteous come down with Jesus 03:02 out of heaven, this will be the only time on earth's history 03:04 where everyone who has ever lived, 03:06 we will all be alive at the same time. 03:08 Prophesy must come to pass that one day every knee 03:11 shall bow and every tongue must confess that Jesus Christ 03:16 is Lord. Hallelujah, somebody. 03:20 We recognize after going over that, that when 03:23 a person dies their body returns to what? 03:27 Come on, their body returns to what? 03:29 (Aud: Dust.) The spirit returns to whom? 03:31 (Aud: God.) And the soul ceases to what? 03:33 (Aud: Exist.) Do dead people haunt houses? 03:35 (Aud: No.) Can dead people praise God? 03:37 (Aud: No.) Can dead people learn truth? 03:41 (Aud: No.) Why? 03:42 Dead people are what? 03:43 (Aud: Dead.) Good. 03:44 Dead people are dead. 03:45 Very good. All right, we're good. 03:47 And then we recognize when we study the Word 03:49 of God, that God created this earth in how many days? 03:53 (Aud: Six.) Now, we were rolling, you all. 03:59 We were rolling. 04:00 Let's try it one more time. 04:01 God created this earth in how many days? 04:04 (Aud: Six.) Six days. 04:06 All right, let me test you. 04:09 Day one he created what? 04:11 (Aud:Light) day two he created what? 04:13 (Aud: firmament.) Day three he created? 04:15 Got some people sitting there like-- 04:19 Day three God created what? 04:21 (Aud: Vegetation) Day four the sun, the moon 04:23 and the? 04:24 (Aud: Stars.) Day five what? Fish and fowl. 04:26 Day six? Mammal and man. And on day seven 04:28 he did what three things? 04:31 (Aud: He rested.) He what else? 04:33 (Aud: Blessed it.) And then he what else? 04:35 (Aud: Sanctified.) He said remember the Sabbath 04:37 day, keep it what? 04:38 (Aud: Holy.) Was the Sabbath even kept 04:40 after Jesus' death? Yes. 04:42 Will the Sabbath be kept in the new earth? 04:45 (Aud: Yes.) Praise God. 04:46 Give yourself a round of applause tonight. 04:48 Amen. Amen. 04:53 All right. Our catch phrase throughout this entire 04:56 revival has been know what you believe, know why 05:01 you believe it, and know where it's found. 05:05 I've discovered that too many people come into 05:09 church, go into ministry, go into worship, 05:13 they don't know what they believe, 05:15 they don't know why they believe it 05:17 and they don't know where it's found. 05:20 But we can leave here after we culminate this weekend 05:23 and know that we know what we believe, 05:26 we know why we believe it, and we know where it's found. 05:32 Can you say Amen. 05:34 You have your Bibles in the house tonight. 05:36 Let me hear you say Amen 05:38 if you do. Hold them up. Come on, let's hold them up, 05:40 everybody. Repeat after me. 05:41 Every promise in this book is mine, every chapter, 05:43 every verse, every line. 05:46 I am saved by his grace divine, 05:49 every promise in this book is mine. Amen. 05:51 We're praying, God, thank you, for allowing us 05:58 to come again into your house. God, we have sung, 06:03 we have fellowshipped, we've even prayed, but, 06:07 Lord, now we need to hear from you. God, I am so unworthy 06:11 to stand here, but, Lord, thank you for your 06:14 grace and your mercy. 06:15 Thank you for your blood, because of your blood 06:18 I can stand here tonight. 06:20 I ask that you would speak to us this evening 06:24 in a very, very marked way. 06:27 I pray that, God, we would have open hearts and minds and be 06:30 receptive to your leading tonight. 06:32 And when all is said and done, God, 06:35 we give you the glory tonight. 06:37 Forgive me of my sins, in the name that is 06:40 above all other names, the name of Jesus. 06:44 Let everyone say Amen and Amen. 06:48 Tonight we want to talk about baptism. We want to talk 06:50 about what, everybody? 06:51 (Aud: Baptism.) And we want to begin by going to the gospel 06:53 according to John. Let's go to John, Chapter 3 06:57 and let's go to verse 5. John 3:5. You may say, 07:00 Pastor Byrd, why are we spending a night on baptism? 07:05 Well, John 3:5 kind of let's us know the importance 07:09 of baptism and why we're spending a night 07:12 devoted to this most important subject. 07:15 The Word of God says to us in John 3:5, if you have it let me 07:20 hear you say Amen. 07:21 The Word of God says: "Jesus answered," Jesus 07:24 himself speaking, "Verily, verily, 07:26 I say unto thee, Except of what? 07:29 (Aud: Water.) Come on, except a man be born of what? 07:32 (Aud: Water.) "And of the" what? 07:34 (Aud: Spirit.) "He cannot enter the kingdom 07:36 of" whom, everybody? 07:37 (Aud: God.) So, unless a man be born 07:39 of water and born of the Spirit, 07:41 he cannot enter the kingdom of God. So we discover 07:43 from this text that water baptism, not just baptism 07:47 of the Holy Spirit, but water baptism 07:49 is very, very important. 07:51 Can you say Amen. 07:52 Now, when we talk about baptism, there are 07:55 many different kinds of baptism in our world today. 07:59 We have baptism by immersion. 08:01 Baptism by what, everybody? 08:02 (Aud: Immersion.) That's when an individual 08:04 goes under the water and they come up out of the water. 08:06 Baptism by immersion. 08:09 Then we discover that in our world today, 08:10 we have baptism by sprinkling. 08:12 Everybody say sprinkling. 08:14 And when we say sprinkling, in essence is being sprinkled 08:17 on an individual. 08:18 Then we recognize that baptism some feel 08:22 is just being anointed with oil. 08:24 Just being anointed with oil. 08:26 Taking oil, place it on one's forehead and you 08:28 have been baptized. 08:29 You are being, if you will, anointed with oil. 08:32 Then we have some people who feel that baptism 08:35 is just the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost 08:37 in your life. 08:39 The Holy Ghost in your life. 08:41 Then we have some who feel that there must be infusion. 08:45 Everybody say infusion. 08:47 When we talk about infusion, 08:49 it's like taking a pitcher or a glass and pouring water 08:51 on an individual. 08:52 So not necessarily going underwater like immersion, 08:55 not necessarily being sprinkled upon, 08:58 but we discover infusion, water is poured 09:00 on you. And then even, I've done some study 09:03 and found that some people subscribe to the baptism 09:07 methodology of just what they call the dry-cleaning 09:11 method. I guess that's just when you stand up 09:17 and someone declares, you've been baptized. 09:20 The dry-cleaning method. 09:22 But, with everything we study, with everything we teach 09:25 and preach from this pulpit, we have to ask ourselves 09:28 the question, what does the Bible say? 09:32 Not what Pastor Byrd says. 09:33 Not what you say, not what anyone else says, 09:36 but what does the Word of God say? 09:39 Because if it ain't in the Word, it doesn't deserve to 09:42 be heard. 09:43 Do I have a witness in this place? 09:45 And so in Ephesians 4:5, the Apostle Paul lets us know 09:50 there's one Lord, one faith and one 09:53 baptism. Now, we want to be clear 09:55 that we don't get confused with that when we say 09:58 one Lord, one faith and one baptism, particularly 10:01 about baptism tonight, when we say, 10:04 just being baptized one time. 10:05 Because we're going to discover from Scripture 10:07 that re-baptism or being baptized again is sometimes 10:11 proper and in order. 10:12 But when we say one Lord, one faith, 10:15 and one baptism, we are saying that God has one method 10:20 or one type of baptism that is described and outlined 10:24 in his Word. 10:25 God recognizes only one form of baptism and this is 10:29 baptism by immersion. 10:31 Baptism by what, everybody? 10:32 (Aud: Immersion.) Now, baptism comes from the Greek root 10:36 word baptizo. 10:37 Everybody say baptizo. 10:39 Baptizo means to dip, submerge or immerse, which makes 10:46 baptism by immersion the only recognizable form 10:51 of baptism from the Word of God. 10:53 Therefore, any other form, be it sprinkling, be it infusion, 10:58 be it Holy Spirit in the life, be it the dry-cleaning method, 11:03 it is not condoned by the Bible. Jesus is clear 11:09 through word and in action, baptism by immersion. After all, 11:16 Jesus should be and is our example 11:19 in everything. Can you say Amen? 11:21 He is our example in about it. 11:23 One of the reasons why we keep the seventh day Sabbath 11:27 and why we come in God's house on God's seventh day 11:30 Sabbath is because Jesus himself did it. What I love 11:33 about Jesus is he does not ask us to do 11:36 what he was not willing to do himself. Understand that Jesus, 11:41 who needed no baptism, he was still baptized. 11:43 Jesus kept the Sabbath holy. 11:46 Our example. Jesus, like I said, 11:49 did not need baptism but was as an example 11:51 for us. 11:53 we are Christians, which means we are 11:55 followers of Christ, we should follow Jesus in his example. 12:00 With that in mind, lets go to the Book of Mark. 12:02 What book, everybody? 12:04 And we're going to Mark, again pointing to the fact 12:06 that Jesus and he was baptized by immersion. 12:09 The Word of God says to us in Mark, 12:12 Chapter 1, verse 9, Mark 1:9. 12:16 If you have it let me hear you say Amen. 12:21 Mark 1:9, the Word of God says: "And it came to pass in 12:27 Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, 12:30 and was baptized of" whom, everybody? 12:33 Come on, baptized of whom, everybody? 12:35 (Aud: John.) He "was baptized of John in Jordan. 12:37 And straightway coming up out of the water," 12:41 that's an important phrase. 12:43 "Straightway coming up out of the water." 12:46 So then that nullifies dry-cleaning method, 12:49 that nullifies being anointed with oil, 12:52 that nullifies being sprinkled upon, 12:54 that nullifies baptism by infusion, 12:58 that nullifies the dry-cleaning method 13:00 and it must be baptism by immersion 13:03 because the Bible says straightway 13:05 coming up out of the water. 13:08 "He saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit 13:10 like a dove descending upon him. 13:13 And there came a voice from heaven, saying, 13:17 Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." 13:23 I told you earlier when we began in night 13:25 number one that Jesus s is God. Jesus is what, 13:28 everybody? (Aud: God.) Because the Bible says 13:30 in the beginning God created the heavens 13:33 and the earth. 13:34 And then the Bible goes on in verse 26 and says, and God 13:38 said, let us make man, meaning the Father, the Son 13:43 and the Holy Ghost. 13:46 They are all the godhead, the trinity, 13:48 working to bring about our salvation. 13:51 This is greatly expressed in the baptism of Jesus, 13:55 because in the baptism of Jesus, what we have just read 13:57 from Mark 1:9, 10 and 11, we see the Father, the Son 14:02 and the Holy Ghost working in Jesus' 14:05 baptism. Jesus himself is baptized. 14:10 The Holy Spirit descends in the form of a dove, 14:14 and then a voice comes from heaven 14:16 from the Father which says, this is my beloved Son, 14:20 in whom I am well what, everybody? 14:23 (Aud: Pleased.) So, we discover Jesus was baptized, 14:26 immersed into water, came up out of the water 14:31 and as he is our example, we should follow 14:34 in his example. We continue on in John 3:23; 14:38 we have an example where John was baptizing 14:41 in Aenon because there was much water there. 14:44 After Jesus' death, Phillip baptized, 14:47 in Acts 8:38, the treasurer of Ethiopia the same way 14:51 Jesus was baptized, baptized by immersion. 14:54 The true biblical form, not sprinkling, not anointing, 15:00 not dry-cleaning method, not infusion, 15:03 but baptism by immersion is important 15:06 because the method of baptism makes a difference because 15:10 of the symbolism involved. 15:12 What are you saying, Pastor Byrd? 15:16 Baptism commemorates the death, the burial and the 15:24 resurrection of Jesus Christ. 15:28 Baptism is a symbol, an outward symbol of inward cleansing. 15:33 Because it is a symbol of what is taking place 15:38 in a person's spiritual experience. 15:41 Because when you are immersed into water you go 15:45 under the water, which means your sins die 15:49 under the water. 15:50 But then not only are your sins dead 15:52 under the water, but you have to go 15:54 under the water because your sins must be 15:56 symbolically buried under the water. 15:59 And then after your sins are buried 16:01 under the water, you are then coming up 16:04 out of the water resurrected into a new life 16:07 in Jesus Christ. 16:09 So when you are baptized and you go under the water, 16:12 your sins are dead, your sins are buried, 16:16 and when you are resurrected out of the water, 16:18 you are resurrected into a new life in Jesus Christ. 16:20 If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. 16:26 All things are passed away, all things become new. 16:30 And I like to add this little narrative to this, 16:33 with the fact that your sins are dead, 16:36 buried and you are resurrected into a new life in Christ, 16:39 understand what I love about Jesus is he 16:41 then puts out a sign at the water and says, 16:44 no fishing allowed. 16:46 In other words, devil, you can't have them anymore. 16:51 Devil, they are not yours anymore. 16:54 But, devil, they have been washed in the blood, 16:56 they have repented of their sins, they have opened 17:00 up their heart and they have let the Holy Ghost in. 17:05 Sins are dead, buried and the individual 17:09 is resurrected into a new life in Christ. 17:12 Now, go to Romans 6, verse 1. 17:17 In Romans 6:1, a lot of people need this text. I know I need it 17:26 over time because a lot of people, 17:28 as we said on Saturday and Sunday 17:30 nights, try to justify Sunday or first day worship by saying, 17:40 Jesus rose on the first day of the week. 17:43 A lot of people try to say, well, he rose 17:45 on the first day of the week so if he rose he must have made 17:48 that his Sabbath. 17:49 Now, we studied from Scripture where that is not the case. 17:53 But I like Romans 6, because Romans 6, verse 1, 17:58 lets us know that baptism, not worship on a first day, 18:04 but baptism commemorates Jesus, death, burial and resurrection. 18:08 The Word of God says to us tonight 18:10 in Romans 6:1: "What shall we say then? 18:14 Shall we continue in sin, that grace 18:17 may abound? 18:18 God" what, everybody? 18:19 (Aud: Forbid.) "How shall we, that are dead to sin, 18:22 live any longer therein? Know ye not, 18:24 that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus 18:27 Christ were baptized into his" what? 18:30 (Aud: Death.) "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism 18:35 into death: that like as Christ was 18:40 raised up from the dead by the glory 18:43 of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. 18:48 For if we have been planted together in the likeness 18:50 of his death, we shall be also in the likeness 18:53 of his resurrection: Knowing this, that our old man," 18:56 our what, everybody? 18:57 (Aud: Old.) That's who you used to be. 19:00 That's who I used to be. 19:02 That's who we used to be, our old man, 19:04 the Bible says, "Is crucified with him, 19:08 that the body of sin might be" what, everybody? 19:11 "Destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin." 19:19 Baptism means sin's dead, sin's buried, resurrection 19:26 into a new life in Christ. Jesus died, 19:30 Jesus was buried, but, praise God, 19:33 Jesus was resurrected. 19:36 So we are in following Christ's example. 19:39 More plain, baptism signifies a U-turn. 19:44 It signifies an about-face. 19:46 It signifies a new course, a deliberate turning 19:50 from your old life. 19:52 Baptism means no more "I" but the "you Christ" 19:55 that lives inside. 19:56 It means submissive. 19:58 Baptism means you have a new boss. 20:01 It means surrender. 20:02 It means you're turning it over to Jesus, you're letting 20:05 God rule your life, 20:07 that God is in control, that God is creator, 20:11 we are creations. 20:12 That God is shepherd and we are sheep. 20:15 That God is landlord and we are tenants. 20:18 You're in submission to God, God's Word, God's will, 20:21 God's way. 20:22 I'll say, yes, Lord, yes. 20:25 To your will and to your way, I say, yes, Lord, 20:28 yes, I'll trust you and obey When your Spirit speaks to me. 20:33 In my whole heart I'll agree and the answer will be yes, 20:39 Lord, yes. 20:41 We know that water is for washing. 20:45 Come on, say Amen. 20:47 You do believe water is for washing? 20:51 And although we don't like to talk about sin 20:53 in church, whether you like it or not, 20:55 as I said earlier, all of us are sinners. 21:00 All of us need cleansing. 21:03 All of us need washing. 21:05 We get baptized, we have our children baptized, 21:09 because we want our sins washed away. 21:13 Baptism washes away sin and assists in bringing us 21:17 into a new life. 21:18 Baptism is about changing direction. 21:22 Baptism is about repentance. 21:24 Baptism cleanses us from sin. 21:27 You're letting the world know Jesus is number one in my life. 21:31 But not only is baptism meaning we're washing away sin, 21:35 baptism is a gift. 21:39 It's not something we do for ourselves. 21:42 Like being born. None of us asked to be born. 21:46 Birth was a gift. 21:49 So is baptism. It is a gift from God to us. 21:56 Baptism is the new birth into a new body, 22:01 a new community, a new church, a new birth 22:05 into a royal priesthood, new birth in Jesus Christ, 22:10 new Christ. Jesus, because he's the sweetest name 22:16 we know and because it's a new birth in Jesus Christ, 22:21 I'm not the man I used to be, you're not the man 22:25 you used to be, you're not the woman you used to be, 22:29 because there's been a new birth in Jesus Christ. 22:32 Sin's dead. Sin's buried. 22:37 Resurrection to new life in Christ Jesus. 22:40 But it's not just people got to just be baptized. 22:44 There are some things that must transpire before one 22:47 is baptized. 22:48 There are three specific things that I want to summarize 22:52 for one to be baptized. 22:54 First, in order for one to be baptized, one must 22:59 first be taught. Go with me to the Book of Matthew. 23:07 One must first be taught. 23:11 Matthew going to read verses 19 and 20. 23:20 Matthew 28:19-20, the Word of God 23:24 says: "Go ye," what? 23:25 Come on, go ye what? 23:27 (Aud: Therefore.) "And teach all" what? (Aud: Nations.) 23:29 "Baptizing in the name of the" what? 23:31 (Aud: Father.) And of the what? 23:32 (Aud: Son.) And of the what? 23:33 (Aud: Holy Ghost.) Teaching them to observe 23:35 all things whatsoever I have what, everybody? 23:40 (Aud: Commanded.) And lo I am with you what? 23:42 (Aud: Always.) Even unto the end of the world. 23:44 So, in order for one to be baptized, 23:46 one must first be taught. 23:50 Go ye therefore and what? 23:51 Teach all what? 23:53 (Aud: Nations.) And then notice, when you're baptized, 23:56 you're baptized in the name of the what? 23:57 Father. What else? 23:59 (Aud: Son.) And what else? 24:00 (Aud: Holy Ghost.) So, first one must be taught 24:02 and then one is baptized in the name of the Father, 24:05 Son and Holy Ghost. 24:06 So, in order for one to be baptized, 24:08 step number one, you've got to be taught. 24:10 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 24:12 You've got to be taught. 24:14 Number two, go to the Book of Mark, 24:16 Chapter 16 and we're going 24:19 to verse number 16. 24:20 Mark 16:16. The Word of God says to us, Jesus himself 24:29 believeth and is" what, everybody? 24:34 (Aud: Baptized.) Shall be what? 24:37 (Aud: Saved.) "But he that believeth 24:39 not, shall be damned." 24:41 Step number two, in order for one to be 24:44 baptized, one must believe. You've got to 24:47 be taught, but then you've got to believe. 24:50 He that believeth and is what? Baptized, 24:53 shall be what? 24:54 (Aud: Saved.) You must be taught, but number two, 24:58 you must believe. 24:59 Step number three. Go with me to the Book of Acts, Chapter 2, 25:04 verse 38. Acts 2:38. 25:07 The Word of God says to us tonight: "Then Peter 25:16 said unto them, Repent, and be" what, 25:21 everybody? Come on, repent and be 25:23 what? 25:24 (Aud: Baptized.) "Every one of you in the name 25:26 of Jesus Christ for the remission 25:28 of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." 25:30 Number three, you've got to repent. 25:33 You've got to repent. 25:34 You've got to turn away from what you used to be. 25:36 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 25:37 You've got to be taught, you've got to believe 25:40 and then you have to repent. You have to repent, 25:43 the Bible says, and be baptized. 25:46 So, if we must be taught, if we must believe 25:49 and then we must repent, this lets me know that in light 25:53 of this, infants or babies should not be baptized. 26:00 Now we're what's in the Word. 26:04 You can read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, 26:08 you will never find a scripture, you will never find 26:12 an narrative where in the Word of God a baby 26:15 or an infant was baptized. 26:17 That's sprinkled on, that's infusion, well, we knew 26:22 it wouldn't be sprinkled or infusion because 26:24 there's no biblical support for those methods of baptism, 26:26 but there's nowhere in Scripture where a baby 26:29 was immersed in water. 26:31 Nowhere. 26:32 Well, what about when the disciples said, 26:34 no, no, Jesus can't deal with the children, 26:36 he can't deal with them. 26:37 No, Jesus' response was, suffer the little children 26:39 to come unto me. 26:41 But the Bible never says that Jesus baptized those babies 26:43 or infants. 26:44 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 26:46 PB: In order for Breath of Life to continue ministry, 26:48 we need you. 26:49 We need your prayers, we need your support. 26:52 To contact us or to make your donation, please feel free 26:55 to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER. 27:01 Or you may write to us at: Breath of Life, 27:03 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, California 91319. 27:09 Or you may feel free to log onto our website at: 27:14 27:15 >: The Breath of Life gift offer this week is 27:17 "Help in Daily Living, a Practical Guide to 27:19 Everyday Blessings" by renowned Christian author Ellen G. White. 27:23 The book contains four powerful chapters on 27:25 having true and lasting relationships, 27:27 developing godly characters, walking a practical daily faith 27:31 that brings blessings, and staying the course 27:33 of being a light in the darkness 27:35 until the Lord returns. 27:36 You'll discover the benefits of trials, the importance 27:39 of little things, the influence of living a consistent, 27:42 Christian life and the joy of the Lord. 27:45 "Help in Daily Living" is yours for a gift of $5 27:47 or more. Just call number, 877-BOL-OFFER. That's 27:54 877-265-6333. Please have your credit card ready 27:57 when you call. Or you may write to us to request your 27:59 copy, just send your check to: Breath of Life, 28:02 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park California 91319. 28:07 Break out of the ordinary life and into the extraordinary 28:10 life God intended for you to live. Get your copy of 28:13 "Help in Daily Living" today. 28:17 PB: All rise. Be baptized. 28:19 This moment that you have with you and the Lord 28:22 and this moment may never come again. 28:25 Don't look to the left, don't look to the right, |
Revised 2015-02-06