Participants: Carton P. Byrd
Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000071
00:01 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:11 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪ 00:19 ♪ all the praise ♪ ♪ (Music) ♪ 00:22 Pastor Byrd: By now you know that I love you 00:26 and I'm not going to say or do anything to hurt you, 00:29 but I'm just trying to make it to the kingdom 00:32 and I'm trying to take as many people with me 00:37 there as possible. 00:40 So tonight we're going to deal with a very important message. 00:42 It's Saturday night and i got enough time to take my time. 00:45 So I will seek to do just that. 00:47 We're going to have a lot of scripture so I need to see 00:49 that you have your Bibles tonight. 00:52 If you have your Bibles, hold them up for me. 00:55 Very good. 00:55 Repeat after me, say every promise 00:57 in this book is mine, every chapter, every verse, 01:02 every line. 01:06 I am saved by his grace divine. 01:10 Every promise in this book is mine. 01:16 Father God, come in this place. 01:21 For the rest of our eternal lives we will sing hallelujah, 01:30 thank you, Jesus, for what you've done, 01:35 are doing and will do for us. 01:38 Father God, tonight we deal with a very important subject. 01:43 With that, I pray that, God, you be 01:45 the Supreme Teacher tonight. 01:49 We are your students. 01:52 The Bible is our textbook. 01:56 So, God, tonight we're going to study 01:58 to show ourselves approved unto thee. 02:02 So I pray that, God, you would give your people 02:05 open minds and receptive hearts to hear what you have for us. 02:13 And when it's all over tonight, that we will all say, 02:21 Lord, we will follow you. 02:25 Forgive me of my sins, in the name of Jesus, we pray. 02:35 Let everyone say Amen. 02:42 Now, I'm going to try a deductive approach, 02:47 which means I'm just going to hit it. 02:50 You have come to this Breath of Life Spring Revival. 02:58 You've come and we've studied the Word of God. 03:03 Our minds have been expanded to better understand 03:06 what God says, understanding and knowing 03:08 that Satan is a liar and a deceiver. 03:13 If he could deceive Adam and Eve then surely he would 03:18 seek to deceive you and me, because he sought 03:21 to deceive Jesus the Christ. 03:24 You have come to the Breath of Life 03:29 Spring Revival 2012, in Huntsville, Alabama. 03:34 You are watching on Breath of Life television, 03:42 on the Internet, Spring Revival, 03:45 Breath of Life, Huntsville, Alabama. 03:47 But it is coming to you live from the Oakwood University 03:52 Seventh-Day Adventist Church. 03:57 Pastor Byrd is a Seventh-Day Adventist 04:02 Christian minister. 04:05 Pastor Byrd worships on the seventh-day Sabbath 04:13 which is Saturday. 04:17 Tonight I'm going to show you from scripture that 04:23 what I do each and every Sabbath, each and every 04:28 Saturday, is line up with the Word of God. 04:35 I am not a part of a cult. 04:40 I am a part of a Christian community that celebrates 04:55 Christ and keeps his commandments. 04:58 I love me some Jesus. 04:58 And because I love me some Jesus, I will do 05:02 what Jesus says to, when he says it, 05:06 where he says it and how he says it. 05:12 And so, tonight, let's go from Genesis to Revelation, 05:18 from cover to cover, because we want to know 05:24 what we believe, why we believe it, 05:29 and where it is found. 05:34 With that, let's go to work. 05:36 Take your Bibles and go to Genesis. 05:38 Genesis 1:1. 05:44 Now, as you turn there we recognize how many days 05:49 are there in a week. 05:51 Don't be scared. 05:52 That's not a trick question. 05:55 Come on, say Amen. 05:56 How many days are there in a week? 06:02 (Aud: Seven.) There are seven days in a week. 06:05 God created this earth in week one of earth history. 06:09 The Bible says in Genesis 1:1: "In the" what, everybody? 06:14 Come on, in the what, everybody? 06:16 "God created the heaven and the earth." Now, we don't 06:21 when that beginning was because as Elder Julius 06:23 reemphasized tonight, God didn't start, 06:28 because God has always been here. 06:31 So whenever that beginning was, I don't know, 06:33 but I will understand it better by and by. 06:36 But in the beginning God created the heaven 06:39 and the earth. 06:40 The Bible goes on and says in verse 2: "And the earth 06:43 was without form, and void; and darkness was upon 06:46 the face of the deep. 06:47 And the spirit of God moved upon the face 06:51 of the waters. 06:52 And God said," verse 3, "Let there be" what, 06:56 everybody? 06:57 "Let there be light: and God saw the light, that it 07:01 was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 07:05 And God called the light Day, and the darkness 07:08 he called Night. 07:09 And the" what? 07:10 Come on, and the what? 07:11 "Evening and the" what? 07:13 (Aud: Morning.) "Were the" what day? 07:16 (Aud: First day.) So we discover that on day one, 07:19 seven days in the week, on day one God created what, 07:23 everybody? 07:23 Light. 07:24 God created what, everybody? 07:26 Light. 07:27 And a biblical definition for a day is evening 07:29 and the what? 07:30 Morning. 07:32 So, on day one God created light. 07:34 Let's keep reading, and I'm going to speed 07:36 it up just a little bit. 07:37 Verse 6: "And God said, Let there be a firmament 07:40 in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters 07:42 from the waters. 07:43 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters 07:44 which were under the firmament from the waters which were 07:46 above the firmament: and it was so. 07:48 And God called the firmament Heaven. 07:50 And the evening and the morning were the second 07:51 day." On day two, God created the firmament. 08:00 God created the what, everybody? 08:02 On day one, God created what? 08:04 (Aud: Light.) So day one God created what? 08:08 (Aud: Light.) Day two God created the what? 08:11 (Aud: Firmament.) There are how many days in a week? 08:13 (Aud: Seven.) We've discussed how many so far? 08:14 (Aud: Two.) Seven minus two is what? 08:15 (Aud: Five.) We have how many days left? 08:17 (Aud: Five.) Verse 9: "God said, Let the waters under 08:22 the heaven be gathered together unto one place, 08:23 and let the dry land appear: and it was so. 08:25 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering 08:27 together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw 08:29 that it was good. 08:30 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb 08:32 yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit 08:34 after his kind, whose seed was in itself, upon 08:36 the earth: and it was so. 08:37 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding 08:39 seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, 08:41 whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw 08:43 that it was good. 08:44 And the evening and the morning were 08:46 the third day." 08:48 On day three, God created what I call vegetation, 08:53 grass, trees, rivers. 08:55 Day three, God created vegetation. 08:57 God created what, everybody? 08:59 (Aud: Vegetation.) So, day one God created what? 09:01 (Aud: Light.) Day two God created the? 09:03 (Aud: Firmament.) Day three God created what, 09:05 everybody? 09:06 (Aud: Vegetation.) Verse 14: "And God said, Let 09:09 there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to 09:10 divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, 09:12 and for seasons, and for days, and years. 09:13 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven 09:15 to give light upon the earth: and it was so. 09:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light 09:17 to rule the day, and the lesser light 09:19 to rule the night: he made the stars also. 09:21 And God set them in the firmament 09:23 of the heaven to give light upon the earth, 09:24 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to 09:25 divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that 09:27 it was good. 09:28 And the evening and the morning were the..." 09:30 (Aud: Fourth day.) On day four, God created the sun, 09:36 the moon and the stars. 09:41 So, day one God created what? 09:44 (Aud: Light.) Day two God created what? 09:45 (Aud: Firmament.) Day three God created the? 09:47 (Aud: Vegetation.) Day four God created? 09:49 (Aud: Sun, moon and stars.) We have how many days in a 09:51 week? 09:52 (Aud: Seven.) We've done how many days so far? 09:53 (Aud: Four.) We have how many days left? 09:55 (Aud: Three.) Verse 20: "And God 10:00 said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly 10:03 the moving creature that hath life, 10:05 and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open 10:06 firmament of heaven. 10:06 And God created great whales, and every living creature 10:08 that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, 10:11 after their kind, and every winged fowl 10:13 after his kind: and God saw that it was good. 10:14 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, 10:16 and multiple, and fill the waters in the seas, and let 10:18 fowl multiply in the earth. 10:19 And the evening and the morning were the" what day? 10:22 (Aud: Fifth Day.) All right. 10:23 So, on day five God created, alliteration, FFF, 10:26 fifth day, fish and fowl. 10:30 Fish and fowl. 10:31 Fish and the birds of the air. 10:33 All right. 10:34 So let's review. 10:34 Day one God created what? 10:35 Come on, stay with me. 10:36 Day one, God created what? 10:37 (Aud: Light.) Day two God created what? 10:39 (Aud: Firmament.) Day three God created what? 10:40 (Aud: Vegetation.) Day five God created what? 10:42 God did not create the sun, the moon and the stars 10:45 on day five. 10:48 (Audience chattering.) Day one God created what? 10:56 (Aud: Light.) Day two God created what? 10:57 (Aud: Firmament.) Day three God created what? 10:59 (Aud: Vegetation.) Day five God created what? 11:01 (Aud: Fish and fowl.) Day four God created what? 11:03 (Aud: Sun, moon and stars.) Day five God created what? 11:07 (Aud: Fish and fowl.) Day three God created what? 11:10 (Aud: Vegetation.) Day two God created what? 11:12 (Aud: Firmament.) Day one God created what? 11:15 (Aud: Light.) Too much. 11:16 I don't know what he created, he just created. 11:17 Day one he created light. 11:18 Day two the firmament. 11:25 Day three vegetation. 11:27 Day four, sun, moon and stars. 11:28 Day five he created fish and fowl. 11:32 How many days in a week? 11:33 (Aud: Seven.) How many days have we gone through thus far? 11:36 (Aud: Five.) Seven minus five is? 11:38 (Aud: Two.) How many days do we have left? 11:40 (Aud: Two.) Verse 24: "And God said, Let the earth 11:48 bring forth the living creature after his kind, 11:51 cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth 11:53 after his kind: and it was so. 11:54 And God made the beast of the earth 11:56 after his kind, and cattle after their 11:57 kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth 11:59 after his kind: and God saw that it was" what, everybody? 12:02 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our 12:07 likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish 12:09 of the sea, and over every creeping thing that 12:11 creepeth upon the earth. 12:12 So God created man in his own" what? 12:13 "In the image of God created he him; male 12:20 and" what? 12:21 Male and what? 12:22 Male and what? 12:24 (Aud: Female.) Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. 12:37 Preach, Pastor Byrd, I'm doing the best I can. 12:43 "God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, 12:49 and multiply, and replenish the earth, 12:51 and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish 12:52 of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every 12:53 living thing that moveth upon the earth. 12:56 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb 12:58 bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, 13:00 and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree 13:01 yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. 13:04 And to every beast of the earth, 13:05 and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that 13:07 creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, 13:09 I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so. 13:10 And God saw every thing that he had made, 13:13 and, behold, it was very good. 13:15 And the evening and the" what? 13:20 Morning were the what day? 13:21 (Aud: Sixth day.) On day six, I like to say God 13:27 created mammal and man. 13:31 Day one God created what, everybody? 13:35 (Aud: Light.) Day two God created the what? 13:38 (Aud: Firmament.) Day three God created what? 13:40 (Aud: Vegetation.) Day four God created the? 13:43 (Aud: Sun, moon and stars) Day five God created? 13:45 (Aud: Fish and fowl.) Day six God created? 13:48 (Aud: Mammal and man.) How many days are 13:50 there in a week? 13:51 (Aud: Seven.) Come on, how many days are there in a week? 13:53 (Aud: Seven.) How many days have we discussed thus far? 13:55 (Aud: Six.) How many days do we have left? 13:57 (Aud: One.) Genesis 2:1, the Word of God says: "Thus 14:09 the heavens and the earth were finished, 14:12 and all the host of them. 14:15 And on the seventh day God ended his work, 14:19 which he had made; and he rested on 14:21 the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 14:23 And God" did what on the seventh day? 14:25 Blessed it and he did what else? 14:28 (Aud: Sanctified.) Meaning he set it apart 14:30 or set it aside, because that in it 14:32 he had rested from all his work, which God created 14:37 and made. 14:41 On day seven God rested from his work. 14:46 He blessed the seventh day and then he sanctified the 14:52 seventh day. 14:54 Not Pastor Byrd, but God did. 14:58 And because God is sovereign, God can do what he wants, 15:02 when he wants, where he wants, 15:06 how he wants and he doesn't have to 15:09 ask you and me for permission to do what he wants. 15:13 God rested on the seventh day. 15:16 God blessed the seventh day. 15:18 And God sanctified the seventh day. 15:20 Which means the seventh day was different from all the 15:24 rest because on day one God created what? 15:26 Light. 15:28 Day two God created the what? 15:29 (Aud: Firmament.) Day three God created what? 15:32 (Aud: Vegetation.) Day four God created what? 15:34 (Aud: Sun, moon and stars.) Day five God created what? 15:37 (Aud: Fish and fowl.) Day six God created what? 15:40 (Aud: Mammal and man.) And then on day seven God did what? 15:42 Rested and then he did what else? 15:45 Blessed it. 15:48 And then he what? 15:49 Sanctified. 15:51 That's what the Word says. 15:54 That's what Genesis says. 15:56 Let's work our way to Revelation. 16:00 Let's go to the Book of Exodus, Chapter 20, 16:07 verse 8. 16:10 Exodus 20:8, the Word of God says, and you're 16:16 looking at the ten commandments that are 16:21 recorded in Exodus 20:3-17. 16:25 The Word of God begins: "Remember." Now, 16:33 it's interesting that in all the other 16:37 commandments they begin with the words, thou shalt not. 16:41 But in commandment number four, in verse 8 of Chapter 20 16:46 of the Book of Exodus, the Bible begins with the word, 16:48 remember, which means, because God is ultimately 16:52 the author of his Word, God knew somebody 16:54 was going to try to forget. 16:59 "Remember" the what day? 17:02 "Sabbath day, to keep it" what? 17:04 (Aud: Holy.) "Six days shall thou labour, 17:06 and do all they work." 17:07 That's what he did. 17:08 Six days will thou labor and do all they work, 17:10 "But the seventh day is the" what? 17:11 (Aud: Sabbath.) "Of the Lord thy" what? 17:13 (Aud: God.) "In it thou shalt no do any" what? 17:15 (Aud: Work.) "Thou, nor thy" what? 17:17 (Aud: Son.) "Nor thy" what else? 17:19 (Aud: Daughter.) "Nor thy manservant, nor they 17:20 maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger 17:23 that is within thy" what? 17:24 (Aud: Gate.) "For in" how many days? 17:26 (Aud: Six days.) "The Lord made heaven and earth, 17:27 the sea, and all that in them is, 17:29 and" then what on the seventh day? 17:31 (Aud: Rested.) Rested on the seventh day and then 17:34 what else? 17:34 Blessed the Sabbath day and what else? 17:37 Hallowed it. 17:39 The Bible's clear. 17:41 The Bible's clear that on the seventh day God rested 17:44 from his work and then God told us in Exodus to remember 17:48 the seventh-day Sabbath, to keep it holy, 17:52 which means the seventh day was supposed 17:55 to be set aside. 17:56 Not trying to devalue or demean day one, day two, day three, 17:58 day four, day five or day six, but God is clear 18:04 that on the seventh day he rested from his work, 18:07 he blessed it and then he sanctified it or hallowed it. 18:10 Let's get some more Word. 18:14 Go to Exodus, Chapter 31, and the Word of God says 18:23 to us in verse 12 of Exodus:31: "And the Lord spake 18:30 unto Moses, saying, Speak thou also unto the 18:33 children of Israel, saying, Verily my Sabbaths ye shall 18:38 keep: for it is a" what, everybody? 18:41 Come on, it is a what, everybody? 18:43 "Sign between me and you throughout your generations; 18:49 that ye may know that I am the Lord 18:53 that doth sanctify you." 18:54 Which means, because it's a sign between God and his 18:56 people, it is a sign, he says, forever. 18:58 God rested. 19:03 He blessed it. 19:05 He sanctified it and it was to be a sign between God 19:09 and his people forever. 19:13 All right, Pastor Byrd. 19:14 I get you, that's clear. 19:15 There's seven days in the week, in six little days, 19:19 24-hour periods, evening and the morning, 19:22 God created different things. 19:24 The Bible's very clear, Pastor Byrd, that on the 19:29 seventh day God rested from his work and God blessed 19:32 and sanctified the Sabbath. 19:37 The Bible is very clear that the Sabbath 19:40 was to be set aside. 19:41 It was to be set apart. 19:44 The Bible is clear that it is part of God's 19:47 ten commandments. 19:49 The Bible is very clear that it was to be perpetual, 19:51 but, Pastor Byrd, you said in your opening 19:54 remarks that you worship on the seventh-day Sabbath. 19:59 Pastor, I'm clear that the seventh day is the Sabbath, 20:03 but you said you worship, which means you go to 20:05 church on the seventh-day Sabbath. 20:09 Where is that found in scripture? 20:11 I'm so glad you asked. 20:13 So, we've gone from Genesis, Exodus, 20:16 now let's go to Leviticus. 20:19 Leviticus, Chapter 23 and I want to go to verse 3. 20:29 Leviticus 23:3, the Word of God says to us tonight: 20:46 "Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is 20:51 the Sabbath of" what, everybody? 20:54 Rest. 20:55 "An holy convocation; ye shall do no work therein: 20:59 it is the Sabbath of the Lord is all your dwellings." 21:01 All right. 21:02 So the Sabbath day of rest is a holy convocation. 21:06 We discover that if we define the word convocation, 21:10 it means a gathering. 21:13 Convocation means an assembly. 21:18 The Bible is clear that the seventh-day Sabbath 21:20 is a holy coming together. 21:21 That it is a holy assembly. 21:24 It is a time when the people of God rest from all their 21:26 labors and, because God blessed the seventh-day 21:31 Sabbath, God sanctified the seventh-day Sabbath, that 21:34 the people of God ought to come together and observe 21:37 the Sabbath, recognizing it as a holy gathering, holy 21:39 assembly, holy convocation. 21:40 So on the seventh-day Sabbath, I'm a part of that 21:47 holy gathering. 21:51 I'm a part of that holy assembly. 21:54 Why? 21:56 Because I love me some Jesus. 21:59 And God said so. 22:03 All right, but, Pastor Byrd, you keep talking about 22:06 this evening and morning. 22:08 When does the Sabbath begin and when does it end? 22:11 I'm glad you asked. 22:11 Go to Leviticus 23:32. 22:15 The Word of God says: "It shall be unto you a Sabbath 22:18 of rest, and ye shall afflict your souls: in the ninth day 22:21 of the month at even, from even unto even, 22:25 shall ye celebrate your Sabbath." Which means that 22:31 is in harmony with Genesis 1, that a day biblically is 22:36 defined as evening and the morning. 22:39 So then if the Sabbath is celebrated from even until 22:42 even, that means biblically a day is defined as sunset 22:48 to sunset, even unto even. 22:52 Evening and the morning. 22:54 So the biblical definition of where we are right now 22:58 is we are actually in Sunday because the sun has 23:02 set for Saturday and we are going from even unto even, 23:08 the evening and the morning were the same day. 23:15 Seven days of the week, six days God created 23:19 this earth, on the seventh day he rested, he blessed it 23:24 and he sanctified it. 23:25 He told us in the commandments to remember the 23:27 Sabbath-day Sabbath, keep it holy. 23:28 He told us in Exodus 31 that it was to be a perpetual 23:31 sign between God and his people. 23:33 He told us that the seventh-day Sabbath, 23:36 there should be a holy convocation or a holy assembly 23:39 or a holy coming together. 23:41 And then he went on to reiterate that the Sabbath 23:43 begins sunset to sunset, evening until evening. 23:51 All right, but, Pastor, is it just a gathering? 23:57 Is it just an assembly? 24:01 Work our way some more. 24:04 Go with me to the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 58, 24:12 verse 13, the Word of God says: "If thou turn away thy foot 24:18 from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day, 24:23 and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, 24:28 honorable; and shalt honor him, not doing thine 24:34 own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, 24:38 nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight 24:42 thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee 24:44 to ride upon the high places of the earth, 24:47 and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: 24:49 for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it." Which means, 24:54 not only is a holy convocation, but on God's 24:58 seventh-day Sabbath, I'm honoring him. 25:03 I am not doing my own ways. 25:05 I am not finding my own pleasure. 25:09 I am not speaking my own words. 25:12 Because I am seeking to honor the Lord. 25:16 In fact, I like to say that on the seventh-day Sabbath, 25:20 I have a date with God. 25:25 I have a date with God. 25:28 I gather for this holy convocation in God's house. 25:32 I have a date with the Lord. 25:37 So it was--it'll be 15 years this year that my wife and I 25:41 have been married. 25:43 But I met her and she was beautiful just like she 25:45 is now right here on this campus. 25:49 And back in those days I could not take her to 25:51 P.F. Chang's like I do now, so we had to go 25:56 to the Golden Arches. 25:57 Do I have a witness in this place? 26:02 And we would go to the Golden Arches and have 26:04 a date and I would look in her eyes and she would look 26:10 in my eyes, and she's looking in my eyes, 26:13 staring, I'm going to kill you when we get home tonight. 26:18 (applause) But I would have a date with my wife. 26:22 And so when I had a date with my wife, I wasn't 26:24 looking at other folk. 26:25 I wish I had a witness in this place. 26:28 When I had a date with my wife, I wasn't concerned 26:31 with everything else going on around me, because I was 26:35 focusing in on my wife and she was focusing in on me. 26:38 I wouldn't answer the cell phone. 26:40 I wouldn't turn on the television. 26:43 I wouldn't try to hang out with the fellas, because I 26:46 had a date with my wife. 26:48 When I came for my date with my wife, I looked my 26:51 best. 26:51 I had my hair cut very nicely. 26:56 I smelled my best, because I couldn't go on a date 26:58 with my wife and not be smelling the part. 27:00 I wish I had a witness in this place. 27:01 But I had to look my best, I had to smell my best, I 27:06 had to put some breath mints in my mouth, because 27:09 maybe I'd get lucky, so I had to be my best. 27:14 And so it is with God. 27:17 On the seventh-day Sabbath, I turn off the TV, I turn off 27:19 the phone unless it's my wife calling me. 27:24 I wish I had a witness in this place. 27:27 Because I have a date with my God. 27:31 The Breath of Life gift offer this week is the book 27:32 "What the Bible Says About the Sabbath." 27:35 Just call our toll-free number, 877-BOL-OFFER. 27:38 That's 877-265-6333. 27:42 "What the Bible says About the Sabbath" is yours for a 27:44 gift of $5 or more. 27:46 Please have your credit card ready when you call. 27:49 Or you may write us to request your copy. 27:51 Just send your check to Breath of Life, 27:53 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 91319. 27:58 on day seven God rested from his work... 28:07 to remember the seventh-day sabbath, to keep it holy... 28:11 Seven days in a week Six days God Created this earth 28:17 on the Seventh-day he rested the Sabbath is not 28:23 a Jewish thing... 28:25 the Sabbath is a christian thing |
Revised 2015-02-06