Breath of Life

The Millennium, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000068

00:01 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:11 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:19 ♪ all the praise ♪ ♪ (Music) ♪
00:22 God's Word says the dead in Christ shall rise first.
00:26 God's Word says the righteous living, we which are live
00:31 and remain will be what?
00:32 Caught up to meet the Lord in the what?
00:34 Air.
00:35 So Big Mama and Pawpaw, they are not in heaven.
00:41 They are not looking down at you.
00:48 Go back to 1 Thessalonians, go to Chapter 4,
00:50 go to verse 18.
00:53 I'm trying to give you some Word.
00:54 You don't get this everywhere else.
00:55 Come on, say Amen.
00:56 And you're getting this free of charge.
00:57 I can't get a witness up in this place.
01:00 First Thessalonians 4:18.
01:02 Go there.
01:04 The Bible says: "
01:12 " So what happens is, you go into a church,
01:16 preacher standing up here, and casket laid here.
01:22 Mama's in a better place.
01:25 Mama's in that casket sleeping, waiting until
01:28 the voice of the life giver, for the Lord himself shall
01:34 descend from heaven with a shout.
01:35 Now, Friday night I'm going to talk some more on this,
01:37 from the Word.
01:38 But you'll say, well, Pastor Byrd, I never knew that.
01:40 Who told you otherwise?
01:44 Where did you read in the Word of God otherwise?
01:49 Now, we read the Word of God and the Word of God says
01:51 the dead in Christ rise what?
01:52 First.
01:53 We read in the Word of God, then we which are alive,
01:55 the righteous living, are caught up to meet
01:56 the Lord in the what?
01:57 Air.
01:58 We read that the wicked or the unrighteous living die
02:00 at the brightness of his what?
02:00 Coming.
02:02 And then we read that wicked dead remain what?
02:04 Dead.
02:08 That's what the Bible says.
02:10 That's the gospel according to the Word of God.
02:12 Not the gospel according to Pastor Carlton Byrd.
02:14 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
02:18 All right, let's go and let's get some more.
02:21 Every night we go deeper, deeper.
02:23 Friday night we're going to talk more about this.
02:25 Let's go deeper.
02:26 The Bible says that this is the first resurrection,
02:30 which suggests there has to be more than
02:33 one resurrection.
02:34 Christ's second coming signals the beginning of
02:38 the millennium.
02:40 Everybody say millennium.
02:42 Millennium means one thousand years.
02:45 Christ's second coming, this first resurrection,
02:48 begins the millennium.
02:50 So right here we have Christ, Jesus' second coming,
02:54 where he's coming back to get his people.
02:56 The dead in Christ rise first, then we which are alive
03:00 and remain are what?
03:02 Caught up to meet the Lord in the air.
03:04 The wicked living die at the brightness of his coming.
03:06 The wicked dead remain dead for how long, everybody?
03:09 (Aud: A thousand years.) This starts the millennium.
03:13 This starts the thousand years.
03:17 Well, that makes sense.
03:17 Let's read again.
03:18 Revelation 20:5, the Word of God says, but the rest
03:23 of the dead live not again until the thousand years
03:25 were finished.
03:25 This is the first resurrection.
03:26 Blessed and what?
03:28 Come on, blessed and what?
03:30 (Aud: Holy.) Is he that has part in the what resurrection?
03:35 That's why I told you Sunday night.
03:37 If I could die in the Lord I just want to at this
03:39 first resurrection, I just want to rise first.
03:41 Thank you, Lord, that I'm here.
03:44 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
03:45 I'm not sitting around listening, why isn't
03:47 he there, why isn't she there.
03:48 I'm just thanking God I'm there.
03:49 Do I have a witness in this place?
03:51 "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first
03:54 resurrection: on such the second" what?
03:59 Come on, the second what?
03:59 Second death hath no what?
04:02 (Aud: Power.) Stop, understand what you're reading.
04:05 If the Bible says second death, that suggests to me it's more
04:08 than one death.
04:12 If the second death has no power, that tells you, that
04:15 tells me that there's more than one death.
04:19 Now, if I die once, God knows I don't want
04:21 to die twice.
04:24 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
04:25 If I die on this earth here as I am, I want to live
04:28 for Jesus because I only want to die once because
04:30 at the second coming I've got to be a part
04:32 of the first resurrection.
04:34 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
04:36 All right, let's read some more.
04:38 "But they shall be priests of" whom?
04:40 God.
04:40 "And shall reign with him" for what, everybody?
04:43 (Aud: A thousand years.) All right.
04:45 Let's go to our timeline.
04:46 Second coming, first resurrection, dead in Christ
04:50 rise what?
04:52 First.
04:53 Righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord
04:55 in the what?
04:56 (Aud: Air.) The wicked dead remain what?
04:58 Dead.
04:59 And the wicked living die at the brightness
05:00 of his what?
05:01 Coming.
05:02 The righteous who rose first or were caught up
05:06 to meet the Lord in the air, the Bible says they shall
05:09 be priests of God and reign with God for how long?
05:12 (Aud: A thousand years.) So they reign with God,
05:15 the righteous do, for a thousand years,
05:17 and the wicked are what?
05:18 Dead until the end of the thousand what?
05:21 Years.
05:22 That's where you're sure there are two
05:24 resurrections.
05:25 The Word of God never contradicts itself.
05:27 Go with me.
05:28 Hold Revelation 20.
05:29 Put a bookmark there.
05:30 Getting some Word now.
05:31 Getting some scripture.
05:32 Go with me to the Book of John, Chapter 5,
05:36 verse 28 and 29.
05:37 Know what you believe, know why you believe it,
05:39 know where it's found.
05:40 Ironically, John the Revelator wrote Revelation.
05:43 John the Revelator also wrote John.
05:46 John 5.
05:47 John what, everybody.
05:47 Now, put a bookmark in Revelation 20
05:51 because we're coming back.
05:54 John 5:28, the Word of God says, "Marvel not at this:
06:11 (Aud: Voice.) Let's stop right there.
06:12 Shall hear his what?
06:13 (Aud: Voice.) "And shall come forth; they that have
06:14 done good, unto the resurrection of" what?
06:16 (Aud: Life.) "And they that have done evil, unto the
06:19 resurrection of damnation."
06:20 Now let's stop there.
06:21 The Bible says in essence there are going to be two
06:24 resurrections.
06:25 The hour is coming where all that are in the graves
06:27 shall hear his voice.
06:30 You know what that teaches me right there?
06:31 Understand what you're reading.
06:33 The devil doesn't have resurrection, why?
06:36 The Bible says all that are in the graves shall
06:38 hear his voice.
06:40 So don't let anybody be deceived tonight that
06:43 the devil can call you from the grave.
06:46 The devil didn't create you, the devil can't recreate you,
06:50 the devil can't call anybody from the grave.
06:56 All that are in the grave shall hear his voice
06:59 because he says, I am the Resurrection.
07:03 And the what, everybody?
07:05 (Aud: Life.) So, two resurrections.
07:07 One good one, one bad one.
07:11 All right.
07:11 Go back to Revelation.
07:13 Now, we discovered this, true or false?
07:19 That the second coming and first resurrection happen
07:21 at the same time?
07:25 I'm doing all this sweating and teaching up here
07:26 and you all looking at me like I lost my mind.
07:29 Let's try that one more time.
07:30 Let me use another word.
07:32 The second coming of Jesus and the first resurrection
07:35 happen simultaneously, true or false?
07:38 (Aud: True.) Right, I feel better now.
07:43 And at the second coming of Christ, the dead in Christ
07:45 rise what?
07:46 (Aud: First.) The righteous living are caught up
07:49 to meet the Lord in the what?
07:50 (Aud: Air.) The wicked dead remain what?
07:54 (Aud: Dead.) The wicked living die at the brightness of
07:56 his what?
07:57 (Aud: Coming.) Then we discover that the righteous
08:00 reign with Christ for how long?
08:00 (Aud: A thousand years.) The wicked are dead on this
08:04 earth for how long?
08:05 A thousand years.
08:06 At the end of the one thousand years there's
08:07 another resurrection.
08:10 Are you following me?
08:12 Are you with me, everybody?
08:13 The period in between the second coming
08:17 and the first resurrection and the second resurrection
08:20 is what we call the millennium or
08:25 the one thousand years.
08:25 Now, what's this earth look like?
08:26 Go with me to the Book of Jeremiah.
08:29 Get some Word.
08:30 Know what you believe, know why you believe it,
08:33 and know where it's found.
08:35 Jeremiah, Chapter 4, Old Testament prophet.
08:39 Take your time.
08:39 Isaiah, Jeremiah.
08:41 Chapter 4, verses 23 through 26.
08:50 The Word of God says to us in Jeremiah 4:23: "I beheld
09:32 So we discovered that the earth is
09:36 without form and void.
09:37 The earth is black.
09:38 That makes sense.
09:39 It's desolate because the righteous are where?
09:41 In heaven reigning with Christ for how long?
09:45 (Aud: A thousand years.) The wicked are where?
09:47 Dead.
09:48 Here on this what, everybody?
09:49 (Aud: Earth.) Go back to Revelation 20,
09:51 let's take it home.
09:52 Revelation 20:1.
09:54 All right.
09:55 So the righteous are in heaven with Christ.
09:58 The wicked are dead here on this earth.
10:00 What's Satan doing?
10:02 What's that rascal doing?
10:04 Revelation 20:1.
10:07 The Word of God says,
10:49 Oh, I love me some Jesus.
10:49 This is getting good, because I'm processing
10:51 the thought before I tell you.
10:52 Do I have a witness in this place?
10:54 Understand, the righteous are in heaven during
10:57 the one thousand years with Jesus Christ.
10:59 They are reigning with Christ.
11:01 The wicked are dead here on this what?
11:02 Earth.
11:03 The Bible says Satan is bound.
11:05 Satan is shut up.
11:08 The Bible says Satan can do nothing.
11:11 Why is Satan bound?
11:11 Why is Satan shut up?
11:13 Why can Satan not deceive?
11:14 Because there's nobody for him to deceive.
11:21 The righteous are where?
11:23 (Aud: In heaven.) The wicked are what?
11:24 (Aud: Dead.) Here on this what?
11:25 (Aud: Earth.) So he can't deceive them, that's for
11:27 anybody, because you're either in heaven
11:31 or you're on earth dead.
11:32 Do I have a witness in this place?
11:36 What are the righteous doing?
11:37 Revelation 20:4: "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon
11:40 them, and judgment was given unto them:
11:42 and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded
11:43 for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God,
11:46 and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image,
11:48 neither had received his mark upon their foreheads,
11:50 or in their hands; and they lived and reigned
11:52 with Christ" for how many years, everybody?
11:54 (Aud: A thousand years.) Go to verse 12: "And I saw
12:21 The righteous during the one thousand years
12:24 are reigning with Christ in heaven, participating
12:27 in judgment.
12:31 We call this the one-thousand-year judgment
12:34 or the millennial judgment.
12:36 We call it that because during the millennium
12:39 the righteous are participating in judgment.
12:42 The righteous are looking over the books to see just
12:45 how everyone has received their just rewards.
12:47 The righteous are looking over the books because
12:49 the righteous are able to see that God was fair, God was
12:52 just, God was loving with everybody, because,
12:55 remember, one of Satan's claims back in the day
12:58 in heaven was that God was unfair, that God was unjust,
13:01 the God was not right.
13:03 So for the benefit of the righteous, the righteous
13:07 will be able to look over the books for that
13:10 one-thousand-year period and see that God
13:12 was not willing that any should perish but that all should
13:16 come to repentance and everyone has received
13:17 their just reward based on a choice they made.
13:27 Well, I'm going to throw this in free of charge.
13:32 It's very important.
13:33 I want everybody to listen to me, young and old.
13:37 It's very important that we live today for Jesus.
13:39 That we live today, every day, as if it were our
13:44 last, because I wish I had time and maybe throughout
13:47 the revival I'll share more about this, because right
13:49 now there's a judgment going on.
13:54 And it's for the benefit of the angels and they're
14:01 looking at us to see if we're really living what
14:04 we're professing to be.
14:05 And the challenge is, we have to live every day
14:11 as if it were our last, is because none of us know
14:15 when his judgment commences.
14:18 And it could end and the book be closed on us
14:22 and our fate sealed.
14:25 That's why every day we've got to live for Jesus Christ.
14:33 So, then we have second coming, first resurrection.
14:39 Dead in Christ rise what?
14:40 First.
14:42 The Bible says in Revelation 22:12: "he that
14:44 is holy, let him be holy still." "He that is righteous,
14:50 let him be righteous still."
14:51 "And, behold," Jesus says,
14:53 "I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man,"
14:55 every woman, "according as his work
14:58 shall be." So the righteous are participating in judgment.
15:03 What happens at the end of the millennium?
15:06 We know that the wicked are resurrected.
15:09 The wicked are what, everybody?
15:11 Resurrected.
15:12 Go back to Revelation 21:2.
15:15 This is what happens at the end of the millennium.
15:19 "And I John," Revelation 21:2,
16:06 Oh, yes.
16:10 At the end of the one thousand years, the Bible
16:14 teaches that the holy city, the new Jerusalem,
16:18 will descend and the Bible says,
16:22 this time there will be a third coming.
16:27 A third coming of Jesus.
16:29 But this time, at the third coming, Jesus is coming
16:33 back with his people.
16:39 First coming, he came to save his people.
16:44 Second coming, he comes to get his people.
16:49 But at the third coming, he's coming back
16:52 with his people.
16:57 At the second coming, first resurrection, dead
17:01 in Christ rise first, righteous living are caught
17:06 up to meet the Lord in the what?
17:08 (Aud: Air.) The wicked living die at the brightness
17:10 of his what?
17:11 (Aud: Coming.) The wicked dead remain what?
17:13 (Aud: Dead.) The righteous are with Christ for how long?
17:16 (Aud: A thousand years.) The wicked are dead here
17:18 on this earth for how long?
17:20 (Aud: A thousand years.) The righteous are in heaven
17:22 participating in what?
17:23 (Aud: Judgment.) At the end of the one thousand years
17:26 there's another resurrection, but this resurrection
17:28 is a resurrection of the what?
17:30 Wicked.
17:31 But at this resurrection, second resurrection, third
17:37 coming, a new Jerusalem begins to descend out
17:44 of heaven and Jesus is coming back with his people.
17:51 So what happens to Satan after the one thousand
17:54 years are finished?
17:55 After the thousand years are finished, the righteous
17:57 are complete with judgment, the wicked are resurrected,
17:58 what happens to Satan?
18:00 The Word of God says in Revelation, Chapter 20,
18:03 verse 7: "And when
18:25 Now, Satan, listen to me y'all,
18:31 Satan is loosed out of his prison.
18:35 Why is he no longer bound?
18:36 Because now he can deceive.
18:37 He can now deceive because the wicked
18:41 at the end of the one thousand years
18:43 have been resurrected.
18:45 What is one of his greatest deceptive lines of that time?
18:47 I resurrected you.
18:52 Think about it.
18:54 The wicked have been resurrected.
18:55 They don't see anyone else but this.
18:57 Satan is now walking around.
18:58 I've got resurrection power.
18:59 I've resurrected you.
19:00 But because we are God-fearing, Bible teaching
19:04 people, we know Satan can't resurrect anybody, because
19:06 John 5: 28-29 says the hour is coming when all that are
19:10 in the grave shall hear his voice.
19:12 We know Satan can't resurrect anybody.
19:15 Satan can't do that and Satan is an imposter
19:17 because we read Sunday night that Jesus' feet will
19:20 not touch this earth, because Jesus left in a cloud,
19:23 Jesus will return in a cloud.
19:25 So if somebody's walking around, talking about
19:27 they resurrected somebody on this earth, you know it's
19:29 a lie from the pits of hell, because Jesus will not
19:31 touch this earth and nobody but Jesus
19:34 has resurrection power.
19:36 Satan was a lot of us.
19:45 I don't like that.
19:48 Is a lot of them.
19:52 He says, because the Bible says is as the number of
19:55 the sand of the sea.
20:00 Satan says that we can capture this holy city.
20:06 Verse 9 (Aud: Revelation 20):
20:20 Remember, there's only two ways you can clean something.
20:24 If you wash it or you burn it.
20:27 At the flood the Lord washed it.
20:30 But it won't be water, but fire next time.
20:33 At the third coming, the Lord's going to burn
20:35 this place down.
20:38 Verse 10: "And the devil
20:50 What is this fire called?
20:50 Go down to verse 14:
20:57 the second what?
21:04 All right.
21:05 For the past hour this is what I've been trying to tell you.
21:08 At Jesus' second coming, the dead in Christ
21:12 have risen first.
21:14 The righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord
21:16 in the air.
21:18 The wicked living will die at the brightness
21:20 of the Lord's coming.
21:21 The wicked dead will remain what?
21:23 Dead.
21:25 The righteous will live and reign with Christ for how long?
21:27 (Aud: A thousand years.) And during this
21:30 one-thousand-year period they will participate in what?
21:32 (Aud: Judgment.) The wicked will be what?
21:34 (Aud: Dead.) Here on this what?
21:35 (Aud: Earth.) Satan will not be able to deceive
21:37 or do anything because the wicked will be what?
21:39 (Aud: Dead.) At the end of one thousand years Satan
21:42 will be loosed out of his prison because the wicked
21:44 will be what, everybody?
21:45 Resurrected.
21:46 The new Jerusalem will come down out of heaven
21:49 as a bride adorned for her husband, Jesus coming back
21:52 with his saints.
21:54 Satan will deceive the wicked into thinking that they
21:57 can overcome Jesus and the holy city.
22:00 They encircle the city, the Lord God rains down fire,
22:04 Satan, his imps, the wicked, they are destroyed forever
22:10 and the biblical definition of forever is as long
22:12 as one shall live.
22:14 It is not what people think, eternal torment.
22:18 That people just going to be burning forever
22:21 and ever and ever.
22:22 As long as one shall live, according to
22:24 1 Samuel 1:22 and 28.
22:29 Now, stay with me.
22:33 At the third coming, at the second resurrection,
22:39 which happens simultaneous with the third coming, this will
22:44 be a special time in earth history.
22:51 This will be the only time, at the third coming
22:54 and the second resurrection, this will be the only time in
23:00 earth history where everyone who has ever lived,
23:03 we will all be alive at the same time.
23:06 Think about that.
23:13 Because the righteous will be come down out of heaven,
23:15 the wicked will be resurrected.
23:17 Now you ask the question, Pastor Byrd, why would
23:20 the Lord resurrect the wicked only for them to be destroyed
23:26 again in the second death in the fire?
23:31 Pastor Byrd, what sense does it make for the Lord
23:35 to resurrect wicked folk only for these same wicked
23:39 folk to die again because we can't pray them
23:40 out of wickedness?
23:46 That's why I love me some Jesus.
23:49 Because Jesus dots every "i" and crosses every "t."
23:53 The reason why we all have to be alive at the same
23:57 time, the reason why the wicked dead have to be
24:00 resurrected again is because the prophecy must come to pass
24:04 that one day every knee is going to bow,
24:09 that every tongue--you all don't hear me in this place
24:12 tonight--that every tongue must confess that Jesus
24:19 Christ is Lord.
24:22 So at the same time those folk that laughed at you
24:25 because you came to the revival, those folk
24:28 that ridiculed Jesus because Jesus saved them from
24:31 their sins, they have to behold Jesus in all of his glory
24:36 because every knee is going to bow, every tongue--oh, I
24:40 can't get a witness in this place--that Jesus Christ is
24:46 Lord.
24:46 He is Lord.
24:48 He is Lord.
24:49 He is risen from the grave and he is Lord.
24:53 Every knee shall bow.
24:56 Every tongue must confess that Jesus Christ is the,
25:02 hallelujah, home at last.
25:04 The redeemed are home at last.
25:07 At his first coming, he came to save his people.
25:11 At his second coming, he's coming to get his people.
25:15 At his third coming, he's coming back
25:19 with his people.
25:20 Ride on, King Jesus.
25:25 No man can hinder thee Ride on, King Jesus.
25:31 I've got a home up in that kingdom.
25:33 That's good news.
25:34 Preaching time now.
25:36 I said, I've got a home up in that kingdom.
25:39 That's good news.
25:41 There's going to be no more dying there, no crime
25:43 there, no sickness there, no high blood pressure
25:48 there, no high gas prices there, no this, no that,
25:52 no night there.
26:03 He's Lord.
26:08 He is Lord.
26:12 Everybody must see it.
26:16 All those that laugh, all those that mock, all those
26:25 that ridicule, they must see he is Lord.
26:31 The Breath of Life gift offer this week is "What
26:33 the Bible Says About Death."
26:35 Just call our toll-free number: 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:40 That's 877-265-6333.
26:43 "What the Bible Says About Death", is yours for a gift
26:45 of $5 or more.
26:47 Please have your credit card ready when you call.
26:50 Or you may write us to request your copy.
26:52 Just send your check to Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
26:55 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
27:02 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching
27:04 Breath of Life today.
27:05 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry and
27:09 that we gave a healing word in a hurting world.
27:13 In order for Breath of Life to continue ministering, we
27:16 need you.
27:16 We need your prayers.
27:18 We need your support.
27:20 We want you to know that any and all donations,
27:22 small or great, they are sincerely welcome and
27:25 appreciated.
27:27 To contact us or to make your donation, please feel
27:29 free to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:36 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
27:41 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
27:52 Feel free to log onto our web site at
28:02 The devil doesn't have resurrection power.
28:05 The Bible says all that are in the graves shall hear
28:08 his voice.
28:10 So don't let anybody be deceived tonight that the
28:12 devil can call you from the grave.
28:15 The devil didn't create you, the devil can't
28:18 recreate you, the devil can't call anybody from the
28:21 grave.
28:23 That's why, every day, we've for to live for Jesus Christ...


Revised 2015-02-06