Breath of Life

The Millennium, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000067

00:01 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:11 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:18 ♪ all the praise ♪ ♪ (Music) ♪
00:22 Pastor Byrd: God, tonight we pray a day
00:25 for the power of your Holy Ghost.
00:26 We ask that, God, you would come in this place tonight.
00:28 Lord, you be the teacher.
00:31 God, we are your students.
00:33 Your Bible is our textbook and our destination
00:38 goal is heaven.
00:41 So, hide me behind your cross, forgive us our sins
00:43 and, God, give a us hunger and a thirsting for you Word.
00:45 It's in the name Jesus we pray, begging for
00:48 forgiveness of sin.
00:49 Let everyone say Amen.
00:50 And Amen.
00:52 Now, we have studied thus far from the Word of God
00:56 that we get excited about Jesus Christ, recognizing
01:03 that Jesus Christ is God.
01:06 Jesus Christ is what, everybody?
01:08 Because the Word of God says in Genesis, Chapter
01:10 1:1, go there, Genesis 1:1, the Word of God says,
01:13 "In the beginning," whom, everybody?
01:19 In the beginning, whom?
01:20 Talk to me.
01:21 In the beginning God created the heavens
01:23 and the what?
01:25 (Aud: Earth.) Then we go down to verse 26.
01:28 Genesis 1:26.
01:31 The Word of God, and God said, let whom, everybody?
01:36 Let us make what?
01:36 (Aud: Man.) In our own what?
01:40 (Aud: Image.) After our what?
01:41 (Aud: Likeness.) This points to the fact that there
01:44 are three in one when we talk about God.
01:47 The plurality of the Godhead.
01:48 The text does not say, and God said, let me make man
01:52 in my own image after my own likeness.
01:55 The text says, and God said, let whom make man?
01:58 Let us make man in our what?
02:01 Image.
02:02 After our what?
02:03 Likeness.
02:05 Pointing to three in one, the Father, the Son and the
02:08 Holy what, everybody?
02:10 (Aud: Ghost.) They are all working to bring about
02:12 our salvation.
02:13 Our what, everybody?
02:14 Our salvation.
02:16 So Jesus is God.
02:18 Amen?
02:18 But then we go to the New Testament because there are
02:21 some people that say, we want a little bit of the old,
02:23 but we want some of the new as well.
02:25 Amen.
02:26 And so we go to the book of John.
02:28 What book, everybody?
02:29 In the New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
02:34 We go to the book of John and we're going to Chapter 1,
02:37 verse 1. John 1:1.
02:45 The Word of God says, again, in the what?
02:48 (Aud: Beginning.) Now Genesis 1:1 says, in the
02:51 beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
02:54 John 1:1 says, in the beginning
03:18 We skip down to verse 14 and the Bible says that
03:22 the Word became flesh.
03:27 Which means that Jesus Christ, God the Son, became
03:31 flesh and he dwelt among us.
03:35 And so we discover from Genesis 1:1, Genesis 1:26,
03:39 John 1:1-3 and verse 14 that Jesus, indeed, is God.
03:46 We've also shared with you thus far that we get
03:49 excited about Jesus because not only is he God,
03:51 but we get excited about Jesus because Jesus saved
03:54 my soul.
03:56 That I have salvation through Jesus Christ.
03:59 I don't know about you, but that can make
04:01 somebody excited.
04:02 The fact that you and I, whether you want to accept,
04:05 believe or claim it, we're sinners.
04:07 Come on, say Amen.
04:08 All of us are sinners saved by grace.
04:11 If it weren't for the grace of God I would not
04:14 be here tonight.
04:15 If it weren't for the grace of God, you would not
04:17 be here tonight.
04:18 If you have sinned you have need of a savior.
04:21 God sent his son Jesus to save us from sin.
04:25 Because see, Adam and Eve messed up.
04:27 Remember we told you that God had a dilemma.
04:29 Either he was going to have to excuse them, excuse what
04:32 Adam and Eve had done, or he would have to destroy
04:36 them and start all over.
04:38 Satan is waiting.
04:39 Satan is trying to see what God is going to do,
04:41 because see, Satan has told all these lies about God.
04:44 He wants to entrap, if you will, God and see if God
04:46 falls into this, but God had a plan already before
04:50 this thing got started.
04:51 Before the foundation of the world, God had a plan.
04:55 God's plan, God sent his son.
04:57 God could have sent a plague of flies, a plague
05:01 of frogs, but God sent his best.
05:06 God sent Jesus and Jesus died to save you and me.
05:09 Hallelujah, somebody.
05:10 For God so loved the world that God gave God's only
05:14 begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not
05:16 what, everybody?
05:17 But have everlasting life.
05:19 For the wages of sin is what?
05:20 Death.
05:22 But the gift of God is what?
05:24 Eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
05:27 He was wounded for our transgressions.
05:29 Bruised for our iniquity.
05:30 The chastisment of our peace was upon him
05:33 but tonight we can proudly say that by his stripes we
05:38 are healed tonight.
05:40 Hallelujah, somebody.
05:41 And so therefore, Jesus came the first time as a baby
05:45 and saved us, because blood was shed.
05:49 I told you Saturday and Sunday night that I don't
05:52 have to a window and confess my sins to any man.
05:59 I told you that I don't have to go and find a lamb
06:02 from somewhere and cut the lamb's throat, blood spill
06:03 on me, put my hand on top of the lamb in order for
06:05 the sins to be symbolically transferred from the sin
06:08 bearer to the sin offerer.
06:09 I don't have to do that anymore because Jesus,
06:14 the Lamb of God, took away my sin.
06:18 He took away your sin.
06:20 And there is no other name in heaven whereby we can be
06:23 saved but save the name of Jesus.
06:26 That's why I love calling his name.
06:30 Jesus, sweetest name I know.
06:32 Jesus, I've got to tell it wherever I go, because when
06:35 I call the name of Jesus, demons fickle, Satan
06:39 and his imps tremble.
06:41 Let me give you some good news tonight.
06:42 Whenever you're in a pickle, if ever you feel
06:45 the devil is just on you, do me a favor, just call
06:47 his name.
06:48 Just call the name Jesus.
06:51 You can call Carlton Byrd's name, but I can't do
06:53 nothing for you.
06:54 But if you call the name of Jesus, sooner than
06:58 right now, faster than immediately, my Jesus will
07:02 answer your prayer.
07:03 At his first coming, the Bible says in Matthew 1:21,
07:06 Jesus came to save his people and she shall bring
07:17 So, when he came to this earth, Jesus, the first time
07:22 he came as a baby.
07:23 He came to save his people.
07:25 He came to save them from lying, save them from
07:28 killing, save them from stealing, save them from
07:31 doubt, save them from depression.
07:33 Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost.
07:37 And so the Bible teaches that he that believes
07:40 on the Lord Jesus Christ, he shall be saved.
07:43 But sadly tonight, even in 2012, April 18, everybody
07:47 doesn't believe in Jesus.
07:51 Everybody doesn't believe he's a way maker,
07:54 that he will turn your midnight into day.
07:56 And so now we've got a world full of strife, sin
07:59 and confusion and mess.
08:01 I told you Sunday night we live in a world that people
08:03 say, if it feels good, do it.
08:05 Every night you watch the news, somebody's
08:08 getting killed.
08:09 There's trouble of some sort.
08:11 The world is sick and when somebody is sick, somebody
08:14 needs a doctor.
08:15 Doctor Jesus is coming back one day to get his people.
08:18 The first time he came to save his people.
08:21 But as we told you Sunday night, the second time he's
08:24 coming to get his people.
08:26 I don't know about you, but this is what
08:28 I'm looking forward to.
08:29 Anybody else looking forward to that?
08:31 I said, anybody else looking forward to that?
08:33 You don't seem excited about looking forward
08:35 to Jesus' coming.
08:35 I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward
08:37 to Jesus' coming.
08:38 Let me try it this way.
08:39 Anybody tired of living paycheck to paycheck?
08:43 Oh, don't act like you don't know what I'm
08:44 talking about.
08:45 We've got some folk up in here that think they got
08:46 all that, then some and a bag of chips.
08:50 Let them miss one paycheck.
08:50 Come on, say Amen.
08:51 If you're like me and you miss one paycheck, you're
08:52 crying and calling on the name of the Lord.
08:55 Anybody try the house notes?
08:56 Taking this medicine, that medicine.
09:00 Anybody tired of high gas prices.
09:02 Come on, say Amen.
09:03 One day Jesus is going to come.
09:06 Jesus is going to come and put an end to all of this.
09:08 We read in the Word, Matthew 24 that Jesus is
09:12 coming very soon.
09:14 The signs of his coming, war, rumors of war,
09:16 earthquakes, pestilence is all in diverse places.
09:21 We read that nobody knows, according to Matthew 24:36-39,
09:26 that no one knows the exact date of Jesus' coming.
09:31 We just know he's coming soon.
09:33 We read that his feet will not touch the earth.
09:36 He left in the clouds, he will return in the clouds.
09:41 And for all of those who missed Sunday and Saturday
09:46 night, you are now all caught up.
09:49 Do I have a witness in this place?
09:51 Let's go to work.
09:53 At Jesus' second coming there were be four primary
09:59 groups of people.
10:01 Where we left off, right?
10:02 This was the cliffhanger.
10:04 There will be four primary groups of people.
10:08 Let's read about group number one again, because
10:10 repetition deepens the impression.
10:12 Take your Bible to go with me to First Thessalonians.
10:15 First Thessalonians, Chapter 4.
10:17 Take out your Bible.
10:18 Look it up.
10:18 If your neighbor doesn't have a Bible, have your
10:21 neighbor look on with you.
10:22 First Thessalonians, Chapter 4.
10:25 I'll take my time so you can find it.
10:26 That's why I want to streamline tonight so you
10:28 can get into the Word.
10:29 Come on say Amen.
10:30 First Thessalonians, Chapter 4:16.
10:34 If your neighbor needs help finding it, help
10:36 him find it.
10:37 The Word of God says in 1 Thessalonians 4:16, "For
10:41 the Lord himself shall
10:53 (Aud: First.) All right.
10:54 Let's stop there.
10:55 Group number one, we told you, Sunday night,
10:58 the righteous dead, they rise what?
11:01 (Aud: First.) At Jesus' second coming.
11:04 Very important for you to understand that.
11:06 At Jesus' second coming, the dead in Christ rise first.
11:11 With them, friends of mine, if at his second coming
11:14 the dead in Christ rise first, that means there must
11:17 be also a resurrection.
11:19 Because when people rise, that's a resurrection.
11:25 So that means that at this first resurrection which
11:28 happens at the same time as Jesus' second coming,
11:31 the Bible teaches that the dead in Christ are going
11:35 to rise, what?
11:36 First.
11:37 Group number two.
11:39 The righteous living.
11:42 The Bible then says 1 Thessalonians 4:17,
11:47 let's read some more.
11:51 The Bible says, "Then we
12:06 the Lord." Group number two, the righteous living,
12:09 the Bible teaches are caught up to meet the Lord in the,
12:13 what?
12:14 Air.
12:15 So then that means at the second coming, which is
12:17 simultaneous to the first resurrection, the dead
12:20 in Christ rise what?
12:22 First.
12:22 Group number two, the righteous living are caught
12:25 up to meet the Lord in the what, everybody?
12:28 (Aud: Air.) Let's go to group number three.
12:30 Second Thessalonians, Chapter 2.
12:34 Let's get some more Word.
12:35 Remember I told you, know what you believe, know why
12:38 you believe it and know where it's found.
12:41 It makes no sense to be up in church, sing, shout and
12:44 sweat and you don't know what you singing, shouting
12:46 and sweating about.
12:47 Know what you believe, know why you believe it and know
12:51 where it's found.
12:53 Second Thessalonians, Chapter 2 and we're going
12:56 to verse 8, 2 Thessalonians 2:8.
13:01 If you have it, let me hear you say Amen.
13:03 "And then shall that Wicked be" what?
13:39 unrighteousness." Let me be clear with you tonight.
13:42 Satan is a liar.
13:44 And that's just not preacher cliché.
13:47 That's the truth.
13:48 Satan is a liar.
13:50 Satan is a deceiver.
13:52 Bottom line, Satan is trying to deceive you
13:56 and me because Satan does not want us to be ready
13:58 when Jesus comes.
13:59 But Satan is just that, a liar, and I ain't going to
14:02 hell for anybody.
14:04 I'm going to know what I believe, why I believe it,
14:06 where it's found.
14:08 The Bible says here in 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 that
14:12 the wicked living or unrighteous living will die
14:16 at the brightness of the Lord's coming.
14:20 Now, that's why I told you Sunday night, take my time
14:22 and look at the light.
14:26 Because I'm practicing looking at light.
14:27 Come on, say Amen, everybody.
14:29 If you can't turn around and look at the light,
14:31 something wrong with you.
14:32 Get it right.
14:34 All right.
14:35 Group number three, the wicked or the unrighteous
14:37 living die at the brightness of his what, everybody?
14:40 Coming.
14:41 Now we come to where we're really going to deal
14:43 with some stuff tonight.
14:44 Go to Revelation 20.
14:47 Let's go to Revelation.
14:48 A lot of people don't like to study the Book
14:50 of Revelation because they're scared of it.
14:52 But that's just the mask of Satan.
14:55 He wants you to think you can't understand Revelation.
14:58 But let me tell you this.
15:00 Faith comes with my hearing, hearing by
15:03 the Word of God.
15:04 So we take our time.
15:05 Revelation 20:5.
15:06 The Word says, "But the rest of the" what?
15:19 So stop there.
15:20 We read then, the wicked dead will remain what?
15:23 (Aud: Dead.) For how long?
15:24 Come on, how long?
15:25 (Aud: Thousand years.) All right.
15:28 This is the what resurrection?
15:29 (Aud: First.) Which means, friends, read the Bible.
15:32 If the Bible says this is the first resurrection,
15:36 that must mean it suggests there's more than one
15:39 resurrection.
15:40 Are you hearing what I'm saying.
15:43 If the Bible says this is the first resurrection,
15:47 then that means there must be more than one resurrection.
15:51 Now, we told you earlier that first resurrection was
15:53 a good thing because the dead in Christ rise what?
15:55 First.
15:57 So then group number one, the righteous dead rise
15:59 what?
16:00 First.
16:02 Group number two, the righteous living are caught
16:04 up to meet the Lord in the what?
16:06 (Aud: Air.) Group number three, the wicked or the
16:07 unrighteous living die at the brightness of his what?
16:09 (Aud: Coming.) And group number four, the wicked
16:11 dead remain what?
16:12 (Aud: Dead.) Until the thousand years are what?
16:14 Finished.
16:15 Now, remember I told you, we teach you and then we
16:21 preach and celebrate on the end.
16:24 It's my baptized brain that makes me want to shout.
16:27 You're going to yell and holler, say something worth
16:29 yelling and hollering about.
16:31 Now, if the righteous dead rise first at the second
16:39 coming, if the righteous living are caught up
16:45 to meet the Lord in the air, when an individual, your mama,
16:50 your daddy, your grandmama, your granddaddy,
16:54 Big Mama, Pawpaw, if they died on earth
17:01 and went to straight to heaven, who would rise first
17:12 at Jesus' second coming?
17:15 There would be no one to rise first because if they
17:18 were already in heaven, who would get up?
17:22 And that would make the Word of God out
17:26 to be a lie.
17:28 God is not a God that should lie.
17:31 The devil is a liar, but God is not a liar.
17:34 God's Word says the dead in Christ shall rise first.
17:39 God's Word says the righteous living, we which are live
17:43 and remain will be what?
17:44 Caught up to meet the Lord in the what?
17:46 Air.
17:47 So Big Mama and Pawpaw, they are not in heaven.
17:53 They are not looking down at you.
17:59 Go back to 1 Thessalonians, go to Chapter 4,
18:02 go to verse 18.
18:04 I'm trying to give you some Word.
18:07 You don't get this everywhere else.
18:08 Come on, say Amen.
18:08 And you're getting this free of charge.
18:10 I can't get a witness up in this place.
18:12 First Thessalonians 4:18.
18:14 Go there.
18:15 The Bible says: "Wherefore comfort one another with
18:21 these words." So what happens is, you go into a church,
18:25 preacher standing up here, and casket laid here.
18:34 Mama's in a better place.
18:37 Mama's in that casket sleeping, waiting until
18:39 the voice of the life giver, for the Lord himself shall
18:46 descend from heaven with a shout.
18:47 Now, Friday night I'm going to talk some more on this,
18:49 from the Word.
18:50 But you'll say, well, Pastor Byrd, I never knew that.
18:52 Who told you otherwise?
18:53 Where did you read in the Word of God otherwise?
19:01 Now, we read the Word of God and the Word of God says
19:03 the dead in Christ rise what?
19:04 First.
19:05 We read in the Word of God, then we which are alive,
19:07 the righteous living, are caught up to meet the Lord
19:09 in the what?
19:10 Air.
19:10 We read that the wicked or the unrighteous living die
19:12 at the brightness of his what?
19:13 Coming.
19:14 And then we read that wicked dead remain what?
19:17 Dead.
19:20 That's what the Bible says.
19:25 That's the gospel according to the Word of God.
19:31 Not the gospel according to Pastor Carlton Byrd.
19:33 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
19:34 All right, let's go and let's get some more.
19:36 Every night we go deeper, deeper.
19:37 Friday night we're going to talk more about this.
19:38 Let's go deeper.
19:39 The Bible says that this is the first resurrection,
19:42 which suggests there has to be more than
19:45 one resurrection.
19:46 Christ's second coming signals the beginning of
19:50 the millennium.
19:51 Everybody say millennium.
19:53 Millennium means one thousand years.
19:56 Christ's second coming, this first resurrection,
19:59 begins the millennium.
20:02 So right here we have Christ, Jesus' second coming,
20:06 where he's coming back to get his people.
20:09 The dead in Christ rise first, then we which are alive
20:12 and remain are what?
20:13 Caught up to meet the Lord in the air.
20:15 The wicked living die at the brightness of his coming.
20:18 The wicked dead remain dead for how long, everybody?
20:21 (Aud: A thousand years.) This starts the millennium.
20:25 This starts the thousand years.
20:27 Well, that makes sense.
20:29 Let's read again.
20:30 Revelation 20:5, the Word of God says, but the rest
20:34 of the dead live not again until the thousand years
20:36 were finished.
20:37 This is the first resurrection.
20:38 Blessed and what?
20:42 Come on, blessed and what?
20:44 (Aud: Holy.) Is he that has part in the what resurrection?
20:46 First resurrection.
20:46 That's why I told you Sunday night.
20:49 If I could die in the Lord I just want to at this
20:51 first resurrection, I just want to rise first.
20:54 Thank you, Lord, that I'm here.
20:56 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
20:58 I'm not sitting around listening, why isn't
21:00 he there, why isn't she there.
21:01 I'm just thanking God I'm there.
21:03 Do I have a witness in this place?
21:04 "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first
21:05 resurrection: on such the second" what?
21:11 Come on, the second what?
21:12 Second death hath no what?
21:15 (Aud: Power.) Stop, understand what you're reading.
21:17 If the Bible says second death, that suggests to me it's more
21:20 than one death.
21:23 If the second death has no power, that tells you, that
21:27 tells me that there's more than one death.
21:30 Now, if I die once, God knows I don't want
21:33 to die twice.
21:34 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
21:37 If I die on this earth here as I am, I want to live
21:40 for Jesus because I only want to die once because
21:42 at the second coming I've got to be a part
21:44 of the first resurrection.
21:46 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
21:48 All right, let's read some more.
21:49 "But they shall be priests of" whom?
21:51 God.
21:52 "And shall reign with him" for what, everybody?
21:54 (Aud: A thousand years.) All right.
21:56 Let's go to our timeline.
21:57 Second coming, first resurrection, dead in Christ
22:02 rise what?
22:03 First.
22:04 Righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord
22:06 in the what?
22:07 (Aud: Air.) The wicked dead remain what?
22:10 Dead.
22:11 And the wicked living die at the brightness
22:12 of his what?
22:13 Coming.
22:14 The righteous who rose first or were caught up
22:18 to meet the Lord in the air, the Bible says they shall
22:21 be priests of God and reign with God for how long?
22:24 (Aud: A thousand years.) So they reign with God,
22:26 the righteous do, for a thousand years,
22:29 and the wicked are what?
22:30 Dead until the end of the thousand what?
22:33 Years.
22:35 That's where you're sure there are two
22:37 resurrections.
22:38 The Word of God never contradicts itself.
22:39 Go with me.
22:40 Hold Revelation 20.
22:41 Put a bookmark there.
22:42 Getting some Word now.
22:43 Getting some scripture.
22:44 Go with me to the Book of John, Chapter 5,
22:47 verse 28 and 29.
22:49 Know what you believe, know why you believe it,
22:50 know where it's found.
22:52 Ironically, John the Revelator wrote Revelation.
22:55 John the Revelator also wrote John.
22:57 John 5.
22:58 John what, everybody.
23:00 Now, put a bookmark in Revelation 20
23:02 because we're coming back.
23:02 John 5:28, the Word of God says, "Marvel not at this:
23:22 (Aud: Voice.) Let's stop right there.
23:25 Shall hear his what?
23:26 (Aud: Voice.) "And shall come forth; they that have
23:27 done good, unto the resurrection of" what?
23:29 (Aud: Life.) "And they that have done evil, unto the
23:31 resurrection of damnation."
23:32 Now let's stop there.
23:32 The Bible says in essence there are going to be two
23:36 resurrections.
23:36 The hour is coming where all that are in the graves
23:39 shall hear his voice.
23:42 You know what that teaches me right there?
23:43 Understand what you're reading.
23:45 The devil doesn't have resurrection, why?
23:48 The Bible says all that are in the graves shall
23:50 hear his voice.
23:51 So don't let anybody be deceived tonight that
23:55 the devil can call you from the grave.
23:58 The devil didn't create you, the devil can't recreate you,
24:02 the devil can't call anybody from the grave.
24:07 All that are in the grave shall hear his voice
24:11 because he says, I am the Resurrection.
24:15 And the what, everybody?
24:17 (Aud: Life.) So, two resurrections.
24:18 One good one, one bad one.
24:21 All right.
24:23 Go back to Revelation.
24:25 Now, we discovered this, true or false?
24:31 That the second coming and first resurrection happen
24:33 at the same time?
24:34 I'm doing all this sweating and teaching up here
24:38 and you all looking at me like I lost my mind.
24:39 Let's try that one more time.
24:41 Let me use another word.
24:44 The second coming of Jesus and the first resurrection
24:47 happen simultaneously, true or false?
24:50 (Aud: True.) Right, I feel better now.
24:52 And at the second coming of Christ, the dead in Christ
24:57 rise what?
24:58 (Aud: First.) The righteous living are caught up
25:01 to meet the Lord in the what?
25:02 (Aud: Air.) The wicked dead remain what?
25:05 (Aud: Dead.) The wicked living die at the brightness of
25:10 his what?
25:11 (Aud: Coming.) Then we discover that the righteous
25:13 reign with Christ for how long?
25:15 (Aud: A thousand years.) The wicked are dead on this
25:20 earth for how long?
25:21 A thousand years.
25:21 At the end of the one thousand years there's
25:23 another resurrection.
25:24 Are you following me?
25:25 Are you with me, everybody?
25:26 The period in between the second coming
25:29 and the first resurrection and the second resurrection
25:33 is what we call the millennium ...
25:36 It's an age-old question.
25:37 What happens after we die?
25:39 The Breath of Life gift offer this week is "What
25:42 the Bible Says About Death." This little book
25:44 peels back the theories the world has on the afterlife
25:48 and carefully explains what's accurate based on a
25:50 source we can really rely on: God's Word.
25:54 Discover what the Bible says about the soul.
25:56 Human nature, talking to the dead, the coming
25:59 millennium, the resurrection, and Hell.
26:02 "What the Bible Says About Death" is yours for a gift
26:05 of $5 or more.
26:06 Just call our toll-free number: 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:10 That's 877-265-6333.
26:14 Please have your credit card ready when you call.
26:16 Or you may write us to request your copy.
26:19 Just send your check to Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
26:22 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
26:24 Find comfort in what's to come after we pass from this world
26:29 to the next.
26:31 Get your copy of "What the Bible Says
26:34 About Death" today.
26:36 To order a DVD or CD copy of this Breath of Life
26:40 broadcast with Carlton Byrd just call our toll-free
26:44 number, 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:46 That's 877-265-6333.
26:50 Please visit us online at where you
26:54 can see our broadcast schedule, send us your
26:57 prayer requests, sign up for our newsletter
26:59 and make a donation.
27:01 Thank you for watching and supporting Breath of Life.
27:04 God bless you.
27:07 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching
27:08 Breath of Life today.
27:10 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry
27:13 and that we gave a healing word in a hurting world.
27:17 In order for Breath of Life to continue ministering,
27:20 we need you.
27:22 We need your prayers.
27:23 We need your support.
27:25 We want you to know that any and all donations,
27:27 small or great, they are sincerely welcome
27:29 and appreciated.
27:31 To contact us or to make your donation, please feel
27:34 free to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:40 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
27:47 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
27:57 Feel free to log onto our web site at
28:07 The devil doesn't have resurrection power.
28:12 The Bible says all that are in the graves shall hear
28:14 his voice.
28:15 So don't let anybody be deceived tonight that the
28:17 devil can call you from the grave.
28:20 The devil didn't create you, the devil can't
28:23 recreate you, the devil can't call anybody from the
28:25 grave.
28:27 all that are in the grave shall


Revised 2015-02-06