Breath of Life

Salvation Of Jesus Christ

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000064

00:01 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:11 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:19 ♪ all the praise... ♪ ♪ (Music) ♪
00:22 Pastor Byrd: If you come tonight ready to receive
00:23 the Word of God, let me hear you say Amen.
00:25 If you have your Bibles, hold them up.
00:27 I want to see how many Bibles in the house tonight.
00:28 Amen.
00:29 Hold them up, chase the devil on out of here.
00:31 Repeat after me as you hold up your Bible, every
00:34 promise in this book is mine, every chapter,
00:38 every verse, every line, I am saved by his grace divine,
00:46 every promise in this book is mine.
00:53 Pray, God, right now come now in this place.
00:55 Speak to your people, O Lord, as we seek to deliver
01:00 a Word from you.
01:02 Disappoint us not and may your Holy Ghost reign
01:06 tonight, we pray.
01:08 God, we give you praise in advance for what you're
01:12 going to do for us through your spoken Word.
01:16 We pray, we've sung, and now we need a Word from you.
01:21 It's in the name of Jesus we pray.
01:23 Let everyone say Amen.
01:24 And Amen.
01:26 Tonight we're going to begin revival talking
01:28 about Jesus.
01:29 Is that all right, everybody?
01:30 I get excited when I talk about Jesus.
01:32 Anybody else get excited when we talk about Jesus?
01:35 There's something about the name of Jesus.
01:38 Quickly, who is Jesus?
01:43 Some want to say that Jesus is just a good man that
01:47 walked the dusty streets of Galilee, but really,
01:50 tonight, who is Jesus?
01:55 Why are we always talking about Jesus?
02:00 Why is it we always get excited about Jesus?
02:06 When the preacher gets up here and just calls
02:10 the name Jesus, its like a Holy Ghost current that runs
02:14 through your body at the sound of the name of Jesus.
02:17 First of us, because you will discover as you come
02:20 to revival, we will teach you, then we will preach you.
02:23 I tell people preaching is not just decibel level.
02:26 If you're going to be shouting and yelling, say
02:28 something worth shouting about.
02:30 So we teach you and then we preach do.
02:33 Do I have a witness in this place?
02:35 Why do we get excited about Jesus?
02:39 Jesus, my friends, first of all is God.
02:43 Jesus is whom, everybody?
02:44 Let's go to the Word.
02:46 Go to the Book of Genesis.
02:47 What book, everybody?
02:48 If you have your Bibles with you, we're going to
02:50 Genesis, Chapter 1 and we're going to verse 1.
02:55 Why do we get excited about Jesus?
02:57 Jesus, my friends, is God.
03:01 Jesus is whom, everybody?
03:03 (Aud: God.) Genesis 1:1, the Word of God says:
03:06 "In the" what?
03:07 Come on, in the what?
03:09 (Aud: Beginning.) "God created the heaven and the"
03:11 what, everybody?
03:12 (Aud: Earth.) "In the beginning God created the
03:14 heaven and the earth." Now go down to verse 26,
03:18 talking about Jesus as God.
03:20 Genesis 1:26.
03:22 We've just read, in the beginning God created
03:25 the heaven and the earth, but now Genesis 1:26,
03:29 and the Word of God says: "And God said, Let us" what,
03:33 everybody?
03:34 Let us make what?
03:35 (Aud: Man.) In our what?
03:37 (Aud: Image.) After our what?
03:39 (Aud: Likeness.) Now let's stop there because there
03:42 are a lot of people that want to say Jesus is not God.
03:44 Genesis 1:1 says, in the beginning God created the
03:48 heavens and the earth.
03:50 Then we continue in the same book of the same chapter
03:53 and the Word of God says, and God said let what?
03:55 (Aud: Us) Notice the text does not say, and God said,
04:01 let me.
04:04 The text says, and God said, let us make man.
04:08 Pointing to more than one.
04:10 The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
04:14 Three in one working to bring about our salvation.
04:18 And God said, let us make man in our own image, after what?
04:24 Our.
04:25 Not let me make man in my image after my likeness.
04:31 But the Word says: "God said, Let us make man
04:34 in our own image, after our likeness: and let them have
04:37 dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl
04:39 of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the
04:42 earth, and over every creeping thing that
04:44 creepeth upon the earth."
04:45 In the beginning God.
04:46 In the beginning whom, everybody?
04:48 (Aud: God.) Repetition deepens the impression,
04:49 stay with me.
04:50 In the beginning whom?
04:51 God.
04:52 Created the heavens and the what?
04:53 (Aud: Earth.) And God said, let what?
04:55 (Aud: Us.) Make what?
04:56 (Aud: Man.) In our what?
04:57 (Aud: Image.) After our what?
04:59 (Aud: Likeness.) Pointing to the fact they are three
05:01 in one.
05:02 Jesus, my friends, is God.
05:05 But I know somebody is sitting there saying,
05:07 Pastor Byrd, this is Old Testament.
05:09 Give me some New Testament, because that's in the Old
05:11 and I don't know about all that Old.
05:13 But let me tell you this, the Old and the New will
05:16 never contradict itself.
05:18 It is the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation,
05:21 cover to cover, the Word of God is God's holy, inspired
05:25 Word.
05:26 The Word of God is just that, the Word of God.
05:29 But for that inquisitive mind tonight, let's go to
05:31 the New Testament.
05:33 Go with me to the Book of John.
05:34 What book did I say, everybody?
05:36 John.
05:37 Fourth chapter of the New Testament, Matthew, Mark,
05:38 Luke and John.
05:40 The Word of God says to us tonight from the Book of
05:42 John 1:1, and if your neighbor needs to find it
05:46 and they need help, help your neighbor find it.
05:48 John 1:1, if you have it let me hear you say Amen.
05:52 The Word of God says: In the what?
05:55 Again, there it is.
05:57 In the beginning.
05:58 Was the what?
05:59 Word, and the Word was with whom?
06:02 (Aud: God.) But not only was the Word with God but
06:04 the Word was God.
06:06 Again, in the beginning was the what?
06:08 (Aud: Word.) And the Word was with whom?
06:10 (Aud: God.) And the Word was whom?
06:12 God.
06:12 In the beginning God created the heavens
06:14 and the what?
06:15 (Aud: Earth.) God said, let us make what?
06:18 (Aud: Man.) In our own image, after our likeness.
06:20 New Testament, in the beginning was the what?
06:23 Word.
06:24 The Word was with whom?
06:25 God.
06:26 And the Word was what?
06:27 God.
06:28 "The same was in the beginning with God.
06:29 All things were made by him; and without him was
06:35 not any thing made that was made." But is Jesus God?
06:38 Well, let's find out that the Word is Jesus.
06:42 Go with me to verse 14, the Word of God says to us in
06:45 John 1:14: "And the Word was made" what?
06:48 Flesh.
06:51 Thank God for Jesus.
06:51 "And dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory,
06:58 the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,)
07:01 full of grace and truth."
07:04 Now tonight I said we're going to begin revival
07:06 talking about Jesus.
07:07 Not talking about Pastor Byrd, not talking about
07:10 Pastor Davis, but we're going to begin talking
07:12 about Jesus.
07:12 Is Jesus God?
07:15 The answer to that is what?
07:16 Yes, because the Word of God says, in the beginning
07:18 God created the heavens and the what?
07:20 (Aud: Earth.) The Word of God says, and God said let
07:23 what?
07:24 Us.
07:24 Make man.
07:25 Not let me but let us make man, in our what?
07:27 Image.
07:28 After our likeness.
07:29 In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with whom?
07:34 God.
07:35 The Word was whom?
07:36 God.
07:37 And then the Word became flesh, dwelt among us.
07:46 Now, Jesus is God.
07:49 But let me still tell you why I get excited about Jesus.
07:53 Because when I was a little boy,
07:55 one of the first texts I learned to memory was,
07:58 (John 3:16) "For God so loved the world, that he
08:02 gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
08:06 him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
08:11 That's why I get excited about Jesus, because God
08:13 sent his son Jesus.
08:15 Now, let me be honest, if you all had messed on me
08:18 like they messed on Jesus, if I had been God
08:20 I probably would have sent some plagues.
08:22 Come on, say Amen.
08:23 But God sent his son Jesus to die for you and to die
08:27 for me and through his blood, thank you, Jesus,
08:30 I have eternal life tonight.
08:31 Now, you get excited when somebody does something
08:36 for you.
08:37 Get excited when somebody gives you flowers.
08:42 When somebody gives you a Walmart card you get
08:43 excited.
08:44 Come on, say Amen.
08:46 When somebody gives you money you sho' nuff
08:49 get excited.
08:51 When somebody gives you a car, even if it's a hoop-dee,
08:53 you still get excited.
08:56 But let me tell you what Jesus has done for me
09:00 that gets me excited.
09:02 Do you know that the alarm clock didn't wake you up,
09:05 but the Lord woke you up this morning, started you
09:08 on your way and put food on your table and clothing on
09:10 your back, but what else has Jesus done for me?
09:14 Jesus has saved my soul.
09:17 Revelation, Chapter 1, verse 5 says: "And from
09:20 Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the
09:23 first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings
09:25 of the earth.
09:26 Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in
09:30 his own blood." Oh, I don't know about you, but the
09:37 old folks used to sing a song, I know it was the blood.
09:41 I know that I know that I know it was
09:45 the blood for me.
09:46 One day when I was lost, he died upon that cross
09:50 and I know it was the blood for me.
09:55 Revelation, Chapter 4, verse 11 talks about the
09:57 fact that Jesus is worthy.
09:59 What makes Jesus worthy?
10:00 Was it the miracles he performed, turning water
10:03 into wine?
10:04 Healing the blind man at the pool of Bethesda?
10:08 Healing the woman with the issue of blood?
10:09 Raising Lazarus from the dead?
10:12 What makes Jesus worthy to redeem us?
10:15 We're still in the Book of John.
10:16 Go to John 1:29, and the Word says to us tonight:
10:21 "The next day John seeth" whom, everybody?
10:27 Come on, John seeth whom, everybody?
10:29 "Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of
10:35 God, which taketh away the sin of the world." Behold
10:42 the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the
10:45 world.
10:46 You see, friends of mine, we're sinners.
10:49 Oh, you don't believe that.
10:52 Let me try that again, I said we're sinners.
10:55 Romans 5:12 says: "All have sinned" and come short of
11:01 the glory of God.
11:01 So, let me try it one more time.
11:03 I said, we're sinners, and every sinner needs a
11:07 savior.
11:08 Romans 6:23 says: "For the wages of sin is death,"
11:13 which means you and I, we deserve death.
11:17 For what we do we deserve death.
11:19 But praise God for that conjunction called "but."
11:22 The wages of sin is death, "but the gift of God is
11:28 eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
11:34 Jesus says, I am the way, the truth and the life.
11:36 No man cometh to the Father but by me.
11:38 He was wounded for my transgressions,
11:41 bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of my peace
11:44 was upon him, but thank God, even when I don't act right,
11:46 even when I don't do right, by his stripes
11:54 I'm healed tonight.
11:56 So I'm here to let somebody know tonight, I don't care
11:58 what you've done, no matter what you did 20 years ago
12:02 that other folk won't forgive you for, no matter
12:04 what you've done 10 years ago that you won't forgive
12:07 yourself for, no matter what you did a year ago,
12:09 a month ago, a week ago, what you did last week,
12:12 what you did last night, what you did before
12:16 you came to church tonight, if you've been washed
12:19 in God's blood, if you've repented of your sins,
12:23 I want to encourage you to open up
12:27 your heart and let the Holy Ghost come in.
12:32 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who
12:34 are in Jesus Christ.
12:35 I guess you can say tonight I'm excited about Jesus.
12:37 I said I'm excited about Jesus.
12:40 Jesus is God.
12:41 Jesus died for me.
12:43 Some of you all still sitting there looking at me
12:45 like I've lost my mind, but let me talk about Jesus.
12:47 He came to earth as a common baby.
12:50 He was delivered in a common stable.
12:52 He was born to common parents.
12:55 He was birthed in a common village.
12:57 He was wrapped in common clothes.
12:59 He was placed in a common manger.
13:02 He was laid on common hay.
13:03 He was breathed on by common oxen.
13:06 He was reared as a common carpenter.
13:09 He was heard by the common people.
13:11 He associated with common fishermen.
13:14 He ate with common publicans.
13:16 He admitted he came to save common sinners.
13:19 He preached from a common boat.
13:21 He rode a common mule.
13:22 He was tried for a common crime as though he was a
13:25 common criminal.
13:30 He died a common death.
13:33 He was placed in a common grave.
13:36 But one day, I said, one day this commoner rose up,
13:43 triumphant conqueror of death held in the grave,
13:45 assuring us that he's able to give us salvation and he
13:51 has the power to save.
13:52 Jesus, sweetest name I know.
13:56 Jesus, way maker.
13:57 Jesus, problem solver.
14:00 Jesus, heart fixer.
14:02 Jesus, mind regulator.
14:04 Jesus, bill payer.
14:07 Jesus, tuition payer at the student accounts line.
14:11 Jesus, company keeper.
14:15 Jesus, headache reliever.
14:17 Jesus, marriage savior, child protector,
14:24 house builder.
14:25 Jesus, lily of the valley, bright and morning star,
14:29 fairest of ten thousand.
14:31 Somebody knows Jesus is Jehovah Jireh, the Lord
14:35 will provide, Jehovah Rapha, he's my healer,
14:39 Jehovah Nissi, he's my banner, Jehovah Shalom,
14:44 somebody knows Jesus is my peace.
14:47 Can we talk about Jesus?
14:50 Are you not getting excited about Jesus?
14:53 He healed the broken hearted, he set the captive
14:57 free, he made the lame to walk again and he caused
15:00 the blind to see. Jesus.
15:02 Before you were even thought of, before your
15:08 mamma and your daddy got together, before your
15:11 grandmamma and granddaddy, before Big Mama and Big
15:14 Daddy got together, before the foundation of the
15:18 world, before Adam and Eve, God already had a plan in
15:21 place.
15:22 It was the plan of salvation.
15:25 God knew that you and I would need some Jesus.
15:30 And Acts 4:12 tells us that there is no other name
15:34 under heaven whereby we can be saved but save the name
15:38 of Jesus.
15:40 So if you don't like talking about Jesus you've
15:42 come to the wrong place, because I'm here to let you
15:44 know, Buddha can't do nothing for me, Confucius
15:46 can't do nothing for me, Mohammed can't do nothing
15:50 for me, but Jesus can do something for me.
15:58 Jesus had to come save Carlton Byrd of his sins
16:01 because sinners needed forgiveness from sin,
16:04 and so because sinners needed forgiveness from sin,
16:06 sinners needed salvation.
16:08 So back in the day Jesus the Christ had not come
16:11 yet, and so the people in the Old Testament,
16:15 they needed forgiveness from sin.
16:18 And so the Bible teaches that they had to come daily
16:20 into the sanctuary, if you will, and they had to bring
16:23 a lamb without spot, without blemish, and back
16:26 in the day, in order to receive forgiveness from
16:29 sin, they would bring this offering to the tabernacle,
16:32 to the sanctuary, and the sin bearer would place his
16:35 hand on the forehead of the sin offering, that lamb.
16:39 Symbolically the sins would be transferred from the
16:44 bearer to the offering.
16:45 The throat of the offering would be split and slit
16:48 because blood would have to come streaming down,
16:51 because remember there can be no forgiveness of sin
16:53 without the shedding of blood.
16:56 They were looking forward to the Jesus that was to come.
16:59 And so the lambs were killed there in the daily
17:02 services of the sanctuary.
17:04 But I praise God today that I don't have to go find a
17:10 goat, that I don't have to go find a lamb, but because
17:15 Jesus came and died for my sins, myself, I can go
17:19 boldly to the throne of grace.
17:23 I don't have to pray to another man in the window.
17:26 I don't have to tell another man my sins.
17:30 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
17:32 I don't have to confess my sins to somebody else, but
17:34 I can boldly go to the throne of grace.
17:37 Because if we confess our sins, he is faithful and
17:41 just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from
17:46 all unrighteousness.
17:47 I'm glad that while we were yet sinners Christ died for
17:50 us.
17:51 I'm so glad that if any man be in Christ he's a new
17:55 creature, old things are passed away, behold, all
17:57 things become new.
17:59 I'm so glad that Jesus saves me.
18:01 I'm so glad that Jesus went to Calvary for me and I'm
18:04 glad that Jesus is coming back to get me.
18:07 What can wash away my sins?
18:12 Nothing but blood of Jesus.
18:14 What can make me whole again?
18:16 That's nothing but the blood of Jesus.
18:18 That's why, friends, Jesus had to come.
18:21 That's why he hung, bled and died at his first
18:25 coming.
18:27 At his what coming, everybody?
18:30 (Aud: First coming.) Jesus came to save his people.
18:35 Matthew 1:21 says: "And she shall bring forth a son,
18:40 and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall
18:45 save his people from their sins." At his first coming
18:50 Jesus came to save his people.
18:55 But at his second coming Jesus is coming to get his
19:05 people.
19:07 O hallelujah, somebody.
19:08 Let not your heart be troubled.
19:10 I know we've got high gas prices, but let not your
19:12 heart be troubled.
19:13 I know you've got bills you don't have the money to pay
19:15 for, but let not your heart be troubled.
19:18 Ye believe in God, believe also in me.
19:19 ." I go to prepare a place for you .
19:24 "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were
19:25 not so, I would have told you." I go and prepare a
19:29 place for you and if I go and prepare a place for
19:30 you, I will come again and receive you unto myself
19:34 that where I am there ye may be also.
19:35 Thank God tonight for Jesus.
19:38 Thank God for the Lamb.
19:38 Because of the Lamb, God's people are delivered.
19:40 Hallelujah, somebody.
19:41 Because Revelation 12:11 says: "And they overcame
19:44 him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of
19:47 their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto
19:51 the death." There comes a time, and now that I'm getting
19:55 a little older I understand it a little better now,
19:58 there comes a time in your life that when
20:01 you get to know Jesus, when you get into the very
20:04 presence of God, you'll say, God, my house doesn't mean
20:09 anything to me now, my car doesn't mean anything
20:15 to me now, my job doesn't mean anything to me now,
20:20 the money I make doesn't mean anything to me now.
20:24 The only thing that matters is your presence, because
20:27 in your presence there's fullness of joy and this
20:32 joy that I have.
20:34 You all can mean mug me if you want, y'all didn't give
20:39 me this joy and y'all can't take it away.
20:41 That's why I praise him like I do.
20:45 And let me tell you something.
20:47 If praise and worship is too long for you here,
20:50 and too loud for you here, then I don't know what you're
20:54 going to do when we praise him when we get there,
20:57 because when we all get to heaven what a day of
21:02 rejoicing that's going to be.
21:04 When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the
21:09 victory.
21:10 I got to be like David, I'm not going to bless the Lord
21:13 one time, but all times.
21:14 His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
21:17 O magnify the Lord me and let us exalt his name
21:20 together.
21:20 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands,
21:23 serve the Lord with gladness.
21:26 Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me,
21:28 bless his holy name.
21:29 O give thanks unto the Lord for he is good.
21:31 Y'all not ready, but let me tell you, who is Jesus?
21:34 Now, we read in the text, in the beginning was the
21:39 Word, and the Word was with whom?
21:43 God.
21:44 And the Word was whom?
21:45 God.
21:46 Jesus then is God.
21:48 The Word, Jesus, is from the beginning.
21:53 In fact, he's the beginner of the beginning.
21:56 Really, he's the beginner in whom the beginning
22:00 began.
22:01 He's the beginning before the beginning was even
22:05 begun.
22:07 Because he is the beginning who did not begin to be.
22:10 You see, he did not start because he had nowhere to
22:15 come from.
22:16 He does not stop because he has no boundary line.
22:19 He doesn't have to look around because his eyes are
22:22 in every place.
22:24 You see, he is older than time, yet younger
22:28 than future.
22:29 He is what he was, he was what he is,
22:33 and what he was and is he will always be.
22:38 Jesus was always here.
22:42 Oh, I feel like preaching now.
22:43 He was always here, always has been here, always was
22:48 and always is, for even before Abraham was, he
22:52 said, I am.
23:00 What do we have here?
23:02 Jesus, who was born 2,000 years after Abraham, yet he
23:07 says he was before Abraham.
23:11 Jesus, who was David's son was also David's Lord.
23:15 Jesus, who was Abraham's seed was also Abraham's
23:19 savior.
23:20 Jesus, who created flesh, became flesh when God
23:26 reversed the beginning, when he took a motherless
23:29 woman from the body of a man in creation, but then
23:31 turned around and took a fatherless man from the
23:34 body of a woman in redemption.
23:39 (Applause, music) Preach, Pastor Byrd.
23:48 I'm doing the best I can.
23:51 Jesus, he's the God Man.
23:55 Two natures in one personality.
23:58 He protected the interests of heaven with his
24:01 divinity, but he looked out for the interests of earth
24:03 with his humanity.
24:05 In his divinity he is God's way to man.
24:08 In his humanity he is man's way back on up to God.
24:12 Two natures harmonize but never completely blended.
24:15 As man he got tired, but as God he said, come unto me
24:18 all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give
24:20 you rest.
24:21 As man he got hungry, but as God he took two fish and
24:24 five loaves of bread and fed the hungry.
24:27 As man he prayed, but as God he answered prayer.
24:30 As man he got thirsty, but as God he said, drink of
24:32 fountains of living waters that shall never run dry.
24:35 As man he wanted companionship, but as God
24:38 he had to tread the wine press alone.
24:40 As man he wept at Lazarus' grave, but as God he
24:48 resurrected Lazarus from the grave.
24:53 Somebody knows he's a mighty God.
24:56 His name is Jesus.
24:58 You don't believe me, who do you know that can turn
25:01 water into wedding punch?
25:04 Who do you know that can make an axe head float?
25:08 Who do you know that can change rocks into rivers?
25:11 Who do you know that can change sticks into
25:14 serpents?
25:15 Who do you know that can make a donkey talk?
25:20 Who do you know that can make the sun stand still?
25:24 Who do you know that can stand in a fiery furnace
25:26 and not get burned?
25:28 Who do you know that can lay down his life, but then
25:31 take his life back up again?
25:36 Somebody knows his name is Jesus.
25:39 And that's why I worship him.
25:43 I said, that's why I worship him.
25:46 That's why I praise him.
25:47 I wish I had some worshipers in this place.
25:50 I wish I had some folk that didn't mind praising the
25:52 name of Jesus.
25:53 Jesus, call his name.
25:56 Jesus, every day the same.
25:59 Jesus, when your body is racking with pain.
26:03 In the midnight hour, Jesus.
26:06 When nobody understands, Jesus.
26:16 So in case you didn't know, now you know.
26:18 I believe in Jesus.
26:25 And I believe that one day soon and very soon, Jesus
26:30 is going to put an end to this madness, and Jesus is
26:37 going to come back, he's going to get you and you,
26:41 you, you, and me.
26:47 I shall get home some day.
26:59 (Music) >: The "Desire of Ages," the life story of
27:02 the greatest spiritual leader the world hasver
27:05 known, Jesus Christ.
27:07 "Desire of Ages" goes in depth into events
27:10 surrounding the life of Jesus, giving you more
27:13 meaning and a clear picture of his impact on the world
27:16 and on those who chose to follow him even to this
27:18 day.
27:20 In these uncertain times, "Desire of Ages" gives
27:22 direction for all who seek it.
27:26 The book answers hard questions confronting us
27:28 all.
27:29 It examines basic spiritual truths, gives hope and
27:32 encouragement for tomorrow, and brings you face to face
27:34 with the savior.
27:36 Get to know him like never before.
27:38 Just call our toll-free number, 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:43 That's 877-265-6333, and ask for your copy of
27:51 "Desire of Ages." This book is yours for a gift of $5
27:56 or more, or you may write to Breath of Life, Box 340,
28:01 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
28:03 The "Desire of Ages" is the greatest story ever told in
28:10 a whole new light.
28:14 PB: That's why I worship Jesus, and she shall bring
28:18 forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus for he
28:25 shall save his people from


Revised 2015-02-06