Breath of Life

Make Jesus Famous

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000063

00:00 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:11 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:18 ♪ (Music) ♪ Pastor Byrd: Make Jesus famous.
00:25 For Christians, Jesus is the central figure of the Bible.
00:29 His life is told four times over in the Bible,
00:33 in Matthew, Mark, Luke and in John.
00:37 His life was so important that it transformed
00:42 the entire course of western civilization.
00:46 The impact of Jesus' life on society cannot even begin to
00:49 be quantified, because people everywhere either know Jesus,
00:56 have known Jesus, have heard Jesus or will hear about Jesus.
01:02 Jesus was about people.
01:06 Someone once said, if your vision is for one year,
01:10 plant wheat.
01:12 If your vision is for ten years, plant trees.
01:17 But if your vision is for a lifetime, plant people.
01:23 And that's what Jesus did.
01:25 He planted people.
01:29 He impacted people.
01:31 He cared for people.
01:34 He made a difference in the life of people.
01:37 And I'm here to remind somebody today that Jesus
01:41 can make a difference in your life.
01:43 Do I have a witness in this place?
01:45 In fact, I want to suggest if you have it, try Jesus,
01:50 because if you don't like Jesus then the devil will
01:53 gladly take you back.
01:54 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
01:56 Jesus' earthly life began in the manger, went through
01:59 a carpenter's shop, made several stops
02:02 at the temple, baptized in the Jordan river
02:07 and then at the age of 30 he began his earthly ministry
02:11 on what we call planet Earth.
02:14 When on Earth Jesus went about doing good.
02:18 His ministry, his miracles, my friends, they were not
02:20 confined to one place.
02:23 They were not limited, but Jesus went everywhere
02:25 and everywhere he went people stood in need
02:28 of what he gave.
02:29 Jesus healed every sickness and disease known to man.
02:35 None too bad, none too hard for my Jesus,
02:37 because I believe I've got somebody
02:39 who knows there's nothing too hard for Jesus.
02:42 In the text, Jesus has just finished overcoming the
02:46 temptations of Satan.
02:48 He has called the first four of his disciples, Peter,
02:52 Andrew, James and John.
02:55 His earthly ministry is just beginning,
02:58 his fame is beginning to spread throughout
03:01 Galilee and he's about to preach his famous
03:05 Sermon on the Mount.
03:06 The text says in Matthew 4:23, and I read, "And Jesus went
03:12 about all Galilee."
03:14 Everybody say all.
03:15 And everybody say Galilee.
03:20 Now, let's stop there.
03:21 Jesus begins where the people are.
03:26 He begins in Galilee.
03:28 If you're going to spread the gospel you've got to go
03:32 where the people are.
03:34 You do no good in your house, in your closet, in secret
03:40 trying to spread the gospel.
03:42 You've got to go where the people are.
03:45 I believe a preacher preached from this pulpit, if you're
03:48 going to go fishing for souls you've got to go
03:52 where the fish are.
03:53 Too many of us want to limit the ministry to the four
03:56 walls of the church.
03:57 We want to sing to us, preach to us, teach to us,
04:03 talk to us.
04:05 We're insulated and we're isolated, but you've got to
04:08 get up and go beyond the four walls of this church and go
04:13 where the people are.
04:14 Jesus said, Go ye therefore.
04:17 Not come where I am, but go.
04:20 Do I have a witness in this place?
04:22 Jesus went about all Galilee, not some of Galilee.
04:26 For the Bible says, he went to all of Galilee.
04:30 Not just to the high and to the mighty, but to the last,
04:33 the least, the lost, the lowly, the lonely,
04:36 the unlucky and the left out.
04:38 He went to the rich, to the poor, to the black,
04:39 to the white, to the old, to the not-so-old,
04:43 to the male, to the female.
04:46 He went to the young.
04:48 Jesus, the Bible says, went about all Galilee.
04:51 There was something about Galilee.
04:55 Jesus' earthly parents were from Galilee.
04:58 Jesus was raised in Galilee.
05:02 Jesus began his ministry in Galilee.
05:06 Jesus' disciples were called from Galilee.
05:10 The women who accompany Jesus were from Galilee.
05:13 After the Resurrection Jesus met his disciples in Galilee.
05:18 Galilee was where the people were.
05:21 The reason, Galilee, history says, was approximately
05:24 70 by 40 miles.
05:27 History says Galilee had 240 cities and villages,
05:31 each with no fewer than 15,000 people.
05:34 Galileans were not highly regarded, but were looked
05:38 upon with contempt.
05:40 Even Nathaniel had his doubts about Galileans for it was
05:44 Nathaniel who said, can anything good
05:46 come out of Nazareth, which was in Galilee!
05:50 When Jesus' ministry began to spread, the people asked in
05:54 John, Chapter 7, verses 40 to 42, is this really
05:58 the prophet?
06:00 Others said, this is the Christ.
06:03 Still others said no, for the Christ doesn't come from
06:07 Galilee, does he?
06:09 The Bible says that he "went about all Galilee, teaching
06:14 in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the
06:16 kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all
06:20 manner of disease among the people." Now in verse 23, the
06:24 verb here is went.
06:27 Everybody say went.
06:29 Jesus went, went here, understand, is used in the
06:33 imperfect tense and when you have the imperfect it does not
06:37 mean that it's less than perfect.
06:40 It just means that it's continuous action
06:43 in past tense.
06:45 Somebody's going to get this in a minute.
06:47 Jesus went, continuous action, in the past tense.
06:53 In other words, Matthew is trying to let us know that
06:57 Jesus was constantly going about, constantly going
07:01 around, regularly going to and fro, always ministering
07:05 to all of the Galileans.
07:07 Jesus never stopped.
07:09 He was moving all the time.
07:11 He was trying to touch as many people as he could.
07:13 The greater portion of our Lord's ministry, earthly
07:17 ministry, occurs in Galilee.
07:19 Here, Matthew describes the commencement of Jesus'
07:23 Galilean ministry as starting out with a bang.
07:27 It was an instant success.
07:30 It could not have been otherwise.
07:32 Jesus went about Galilee teaching, preaching
07:36 and healing, and because he was teaching, preaching and
07:41 healing, you can imagine how much his fame
07:44 must have spread.
07:46 Now, the text gives us three things that encompass
07:50 his ministry.
07:51 Number one, he was teaching.
07:52 He was doing what, everybody?
07:54 He was teaching in the synagogues.
07:56 Now, the synagogue, quickly, was one of the most important
07:59 institution in the life of any Jew.
08:01 It's like what the church is to you and me today.
08:04 The synagogue was important.
08:06 The church is an important institution in our lives.
08:11 Your family is here.
08:13 Your kids are here.
08:16 Your friends are here.
08:18 This is your life.
08:19 It was no different back in the day.
08:22 The whole of Jewish life centered around the synagogue.
08:27 Divine worship for the Jews, if you will, would be held,
08:31 just like today, on Saturday morning, because they
08:34 regarded it and recognized it as the Sabbath.
08:37 The synagogue also served as the center of education.
08:41 Young men would go there in their childhood and they
08:44 would learn the Talmud and further the synagogue was
08:47 a theological school for men.
08:49 So this was the center of the whole concentration
08:52 of Jewish life.
08:53 And when Jesus went there to teach, my friends, he would
08:56 be directly influencing Jewish thought
08:59 and Jewish practice.
09:01 Secondly, it says in verse 23 that not only was there
09:06 teaching in the synagogue, but there was also preaching
09:10 in the synagogue.
09:11 Jesus was preaching the gospel of the kingdom.
09:16 Now, let's be clear.
09:18 Teaching is different from preaching.
09:20 Nothing wrong with teaching and, yes, I need teaching,
09:27 but every now and then, I don't know about you,
09:30 but I need some preaching.
09:31 Do I have a witness in this place?
09:33 I need what's on the printed page to come alive.
09:37 I don't know about you, but I need to be, every now
09:39 and then, stirred up.
09:41 I need to be fired up.
09:43 I need to be shaken up.
09:45 And unless you shake a bottle of orange juice, its
09:48 concentrate will fall to the bottom.
09:51 Its flavor.
09:52 Its savor.
09:54 Its essence will fall to the bottom making its power and
09:58 strength weak and watery.
10:01 When you're given a bottle of medicine, you're told, shake
10:05 it before you take it.
10:08 We come to church, yes, for teaching, but we also come
10:12 to church to be stirred up.
10:15 If we don't get stirred up around here, all of our
10:18 flavor, all of our savor, all of our zest, all of our zeal
10:21 will fall to the bottom and there's not going to be too
10:27 much happening around here.
10:29 And so I come to be stirred up on Sabbath morning.
10:33 Nothing wrong with being taught.
10:35 But I come so my soul can get happy on Sabbath morning.
10:39 It's my baptized brain that makes me want to shout.
10:42 It's my sanctified psyche that makes me want
10:46 to stand up and say, glory.
10:47 Teaching is explanation.
10:51 But preaching is proclamation.
10:53 Proclamation means to tell it.
10:56 That's preaching.
10:57 Go tell it.
10:58 Teaching is the careful instructive relating of
11:01 content that goes from the mind to another mind.
11:04 Preaching, however, is the proclamation of content that
11:07 goes from the soul of the preacher through the mind of
11:11 the preacher, through the mouth of the preacher to
11:15 the ears of the hearer than penetrates the heart
11:18 of the hearer.
11:19 With Jesus, what I love about him, there was never teaching
11:23 without preaching.
11:25 And there was never preaching without teaching, because
11:28 Jesus did both.
11:29 Hallelujah, somebody.
11:31 Let me give you some good gospel news today.
11:33 Jesus died for you.
11:36 Jesus bled for you.
11:39 Jesus hung for you.
11:42 But Jesus also rose for you.
11:47 And Jesus is coming back to get ya.
11:51 Your sins are paid for.
11:53 Your eternal life is already purchased and you
11:55 can be in God's kingdom.
11:57 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
11:59 It's that good news today.
12:01 That's what Jesus came preaching and teaching.
12:03 The plan of salvation is good news, somebody, that Jesus
12:08 went to Calvary to save a wretch like you and me.
12:13 That's love. That's love.
12:15 They hung him high.
12:17 They stretched him wide.
12:19 He hung his head, for me he died.
12:21 That's love, that's love.
12:23 And that's not how, The story ends, in three days
12:28 he rose again.
12:29 That's love, that's love.
12:31 Jesus say, I've got some good news.
12:34 I've got a kingdom just for you.
12:38 First teaching, then preaching.
12:41 And then the Bible says, number three.
12:43 Healing.
12:45 Now, Matthew 4:23 says, he came and he was healing
12:51 all--say all, everybody--manner of sickness
12:53 and all manner of disease among the people.
12:58 Now, what you had in verse 23 is a one-verse summary
13:03 of Jesus' entire Galilean ministry.
13:06 Matthew, in this one verse, takes summary in chapter 4
13:12 and then he expands it in chapters 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
13:18 And so these chapters, 5 through 9, they are merely an
13:22 expansion of verse 23.
13:25 In fact, his words in the Sermon of the Mount, the
13:29 beatitudes, alms, prayer, forgiveness, our treasure,
13:35 God, mammon, they are all the subjects of Matthew,
13:39 chapters 5-7.
13:41 But then if you look carefully at chapters 8 and 9,
13:44 we see now his works, cleansing the leper, healing
13:50 the centurion's servant, healing Peter's
13:53 mother-in-law, stilling the tempest on the sea, casting
13:58 out demons, healing the sick of the palsy, healing the
14:02 woman with the issue of blood, raising Jairus' daughter.
14:05 These are now the subjects of Matthew, chapters 8 and 9.
14:09 So, Matthew actually and simply introduces the two
14:14 elements of word and works here.
14:17 His words, the great truths of the Sermon on the Mount,
14:20 and then his mighty works and miracles
14:22 in chapters 8 and 9.
14:23 In his works, Jesus healed everybody.
14:26 So, all that came to Jesus, he healed everybody.
14:29 Literally, in verse 23, the Word of God says, and he
14:32 healed every kind of illness, every kind of disease
14:35 among the people.
14:36 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
14:38 He healed every kind of illness, he healed
14:41 every kind of disease.
14:42 Are you hearing what I'm trying to say?
14:44 Physical, he healed it.
14:46 Social, he healed it.
14:48 Mental, he healed it.
14:51 Economic, he healed it.
14:53 Spiritual, he healed it.
14:55 You name it, he healed it.
14:58 You all still don't get it.
14:59 I know it's a tough crowd.
15:00 Let me try it this way.
15:02 One minute he's a podiatrist, the lame are walking again.
15:08 The next minute, he's an ear, nose and throat specialist,
15:12 the dumb are talking again.
15:14 One minute he's an audiologist, the deaf are
15:18 able to hear.
15:20 The next minute he's an hematologist, the woman with
15:22 the issue of blood.
15:24 One minute he's an ophthalmologist, he's given
15:27 sight to the blind.
15:29 The next minutes he's a cardiologist, he's fixing
15:32 broken hearts.
15:33 One minute he's a dermatologist, he's healing
15:36 lepers of their disease.
15:38 Next minute he's a gynecologist,
15:40 he's giving new life.
15:41 One minute he's a psychiatrist,
15:45 he's fixing deranged minds.
15:47 Next minute he's an anesthesiologist,
15:51 he's easing the pains of life.
15:55 He's Dr. Jesus.
15:57 All manners--I think you feel me now--of sickness.
16:02 All manners of disease Jesus heals.
16:07 And so, because of this, verse 24 says, "And his
16:12 fame," his what, everybody?
16:16 "Went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all
16:19 the sick people that were taken with divers disease and
16:23 torments, and those which were possessed with devils,
16:25 and those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy;
16:28 and he healed them." Now, notice that there are three
16:33 diseases mentioned here.
16:35 The palsy, which is the greatest weakness of the
16:38 body, lunacy, which is the greatest malady of the mind,
16:42 and possession of the devil, which is the greatest misery
16:45 and calamity of both.
16:49 That Jesus heals all.
16:50 Mmmm-mm.
16:55 What a mighty God we serve.
16:58 Now, verse 24 says that his fame--his what,
17:03 everybody, again?
17:04 Spread throughout all Syria and they brought to him all
17:08 sick people taken with divers diseases and torments, those
17:11 who were possessed with demons, those who were
17:13 epileptic and those who had the palsy and he healed them.
17:15 Now, remember, to show you the power of this,
17:20 in those days, medicine was not what
17:24 it is today back then.
17:28 Disease was rampant.
17:30 Plagues were a problem, and death was all
17:34 over the place.
17:36 But the people heard that there was a healer,
17:41 that there was still a balm in Gilead, that there was a
17:47 person who could heal them, and this healer could heal
17:52 everybody of everything.
17:55 Can you imagine being sick and knowing that there was
18:00 someone who could heal you?
18:04 Can you imagine--I mean, let's be real today.
18:08 I mean, you have cancer but you know someone
18:14 who can heal you.
18:15 Maybe you've never been sick like that so you don't know
18:18 what I'm talking about.
18:19 Let me try this.
18:20 You have diabetes, but you know someone can heal you.
18:25 You can't walk, can't talk, have a missing leg, have a
18:31 missing arm, but you know someone who can heal you and
18:36 not only would they heal you, but they'd heal you
18:38 free of charge.
18:40 All you had to do was get to that person.
18:45 You talking about fame, you talking about news
18:48 spreading about.
18:50 All it took was a touch.
18:52 Just one touch from Jesus.
18:54 Just one word from Jesus.
18:56 Remember there was a man in the Bible who once came and
19:00 said, "Just say the word, Jesus, and he'll be healed."
19:04 Somebody in this place knows, somebody watching knows that
19:07 Jesus can just say the word and you can be healed.
19:11 Jesus can just say a word.
19:13 Somebody knows that you can just say the name of Jesus
19:17 and you will be healed.
19:20 Jesus, sweetest name I know.
19:22 Jesus, I've got to tell it everywhere I go.
19:26 Jesus, at that name demons tremble.
19:28 At the name of Jesus, demons fickle.
19:31 Jesus, just a touch from Jesus.
19:35 The woman with the issue of blood said, "If I could just
19:37 touch the hem of his garment, then I will be made whole,"
19:40 and that's why the old folks used to sing.
19:42 I don't know if we sing it anymore.
19:44 He touched me.
19:45 Oh, he touched me and all the joy that floods my soul.
19:50 Something, I don't know what that something is, but
19:52 something happened and now I know he touched me
19:58 and made me whole.
19:59 But what I love about Jesus, when Jesus healed, Jesus
20:03 healed immediately.
20:06 He healed at once.
20:08 You see, with Jesus it wasn't, you're going to get
20:11 better, it was, you are better.
20:14 It wasn't, take this medicine and you'll get better in time.
20:18 It wasn't go through this chemotherapy treatment
20:21 and you'll get better in time.
20:23 It was at that moment you're healed.
20:26 When he healed the blind man, the blind man
20:28 was healed immediately.
20:29 When he healed the deaf man, the deaf man
20:31 was healed immediately.
20:32 When he healed the dumb man, the dumb man
20:34 was healed immediately.
20:35 When the lame man was healed, he was healed immediately.
20:37 It wasn't any stumbling or mumbling around
20:39 that's going to get better.
20:40 Jesus healed with a word, a touch and he healed
20:43 immediately every time.
20:45 There was never any lingering healing.
20:48 This was not processed healing.
20:52 It was immediate.
20:54 Not only did Jesus heal immediately, but also what
20:56 I love about Jesus is, Jesus healed totally.
21:01 There was no partial healing.
21:04 You know how it is.
21:05 Well, we think we've got most of the cancer.
21:08 I restored your left foot, but your right foot
21:12 is still missing.
21:13 No, that wasn't Jesus.
21:15 Jesus healed totally, Jesus healed wholly.
21:18 Next thing I love about Jesus.
21:20 Not only did he heal immediately, not only did he
21:22 heal fully and wholly, but Jesus healed everybody.
21:26 No discrimination.
21:28 No bias.
21:30 No precedent.
21:31 No preference.
21:32 Jesus healed everybody.
21:33 All manner of illness, all manner of disease, all manner
21:36 of sickness with a word, a touch, immediately, totally,
21:40 wholly healed everybody.
21:42 He healed the demon-possessed.
21:44 He healed the paralytic.
21:45 He healed the lame.
21:47 He healed the dumb.
21:48 He healed the deaf.
21:50 He healed the deranged.
21:51 He healed them all.
21:53 He could even heal demoniacs, because much of illness was
21:56 caused by demons.
21:58 Jesus was able to handle that, too.
22:01 Jesus had the power to cast out demons.
22:03 He had the power over the kingdom of darkness.
22:05 Let that be a reminder for us today.
22:07 Jesus has power over Satan.
22:09 I said, Jesus has power over Satan.
22:11 The power of God is greater than the power of Satan.
22:16 You hear me say it all the time.
22:18 Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.
22:20 If God is the greater than is in me, there must be
22:23 a less-than and that less-than is the devil.
22:25 Jesus had power.
22:26 Power to cast out demons and he could even end
22:31 a demon-caused disease.
22:32 So the Bible says in verse 25, his fame spread.
22:36 "There followed him," the Word says, "great multitudes
22:39 of people from Galilee, and from Decapolis, and from
22:42 Jerusalem, and from Judea, and from beyond Jordan."
22:46 His fame spread.
22:47 Multitudes followed him.
22:48 They came from the north, the south, the east, the west,
22:54 they came from around the world.
22:57 They came from every direction.
22:59 They came to hear him, they came to be healed by him,
23:01 they made him famous.
23:05 But that was then.
23:09 But this is now.
23:12 That was first century A.D.
23:19 This is now 21st century A.D.
23:25 And my Bible says that he's the same yesterday,
23:32 today and forever.
23:35 Which means he still teaches, he still preaches, he's still
23:43 healing and we've been called to make him famous.
23:47 Go tell your family, I know that my Redeemer lives.
23:53 Go tell your friends, what a wonderful
23:56 change in my life has been wrought since
23:58 Jesus came into my heart.
24:00 Go tell your friends, 'tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.
24:06 Just to take him at his word.
24:09 Go put it on the Internet, Jesus saves.
24:12 Put it on Facebook, Jesus saves.
24:15 Put it on Twitter that Jesus saves.
24:19 Does anybody know that Jesus saves?
24:22 Make it known.
24:23 Make him famous.
24:25 Imagine if you were in Jesus' day.
24:27 If a family member you had was terminally ill.
24:32 You take them to see Jesus.
24:36 If you knew without a doubt that someone could heal your
24:40 loved one, wouldn't you do everything in your power to
24:43 get that loved one to the person that could heal him.
24:47 You'd stand in line.
24:50 You'd wait long hours.
24:53 You'd do whatever it would take to see Jesus.
24:55 Jesus teaching.
24:56 Jesus preaching.
24:57 Jesus healing.
25:04 And so, that made him famous.
25:07 The fact that there was no sickness too difficult for
25:10 Jesus to heal promulgated his fame.
25:13 Jesus gathered a following from everywhere: Decapolis,
25:19 Jerusalem, Jordan, Judea, everybody
25:25 was talking about Jesus.
25:26 Jesus' withdrawal to Galilee did not destine him to
25:30 obscurity, rather it propelled him to prominence.
25:35 Can I talk about Jesus for a minute?
25:38 He came from the bosom of the Father to the bosom of a woman.
25:41 He put on humanity so that we might put on divinity.
25:45 He became son of man in order that we might become
25:47 the sons of God.
25:49 He came from heaven where the rivers never freeze, winds
25:52 never blow, flowers never fade, and one is never sick.
25:56 Somebody put on the Internet that in infancy he startled
25:59 a king, in boyhood he puzzled wise men,
26:02 in manhood he ruled the course of nature,
26:05 he walked upon the billows and hushed the sea to sleep.
26:08 He healed the multitudes without medicine and made
26:10 no charge for his services.
26:11 He never wrote a book, yet all the libraries in the
26:14 world cannot hold the books that have been written
26:15 about him.
26:16 He never wrote a song, yet he inspires the theme of more
26:19 songs than all the songwriters combined.
26:21 He never founded a college, yet all the schools
26:24 everywhere together cannot boast of how many
26:26 students he had.
26:28 He never practiced psychiatry, but he healed
26:33 more broken hearts than doctors have
26:35 healed broken bodies.
26:36 He never marshalled an army, drafted a soldier,
26:38 nor did he ever fire a gun, yet no leader ever made
26:41 more volunteers who have, under his orders,
26:44 made rebels stack arms of surrender without a shot
26:47 being fired.
26:48 He's the star of astronomy, the rock of geology, the
26:54 lion and the lamb of zoology, the harmonizer of all chords,
26:58 the healer of all diseases.
27:01 Great men have come and gone, yet he lives on.
27:04 Herod could not kill him.
27:06 Governments could not silence him.
27:09 Money could not buy him.
27:11 Satan could not destroy him.
27:13 Death could not destroy him, and the grave could not hold
27:17 him, because he's my Jesus.
27:18 And I've come, I said, I've come to make him famous.
27:26 And just like the people told it, we've got to go
27:29 and tell it.
27:30 Tell it to everybody.
27:32 Tell it everywhere.
27:34 Tell them Jesus was born.
27:36 Tell them Jesus was raised in a carpenter's shop.
27:38 Tell them that he as a child he amazed great preachers
27:41 and teachers and theologians of his day.
27:43 Tell them he was baptized in the Jordan.
27:45 Tell them Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead,
27:47 fed five thousand hungry souls.
27:48 Tell them.
27:52 >: The Breath of Life gift offer this week is the book,
27:56 "What the Bible Says About the Sabbath."
27:59 Just call our toll free number 877-BOL-OFFER.
28:02 That's 877-265-6333.
28:03 "What the Bible Says About the Sabbath" is yours
28:05 for a gift of $5 or more.
28:07 Please have your credit card ready when you call.
28:09 Or you may write us to request your copy.
28:12 Just send your check to Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
28:16 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
28:19 PB: When you're sick, tell them he healed you.
28:24 When you're hungry, tell them he feeds you.
28:26 When you're naked, tell them he clothes you.


Revised 2015-02-06