Breath of Life

It's Fishing Time, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000062

00:00 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:11 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:18 ♪ all the praise ♪ ♪ (Music) ♪
00:20 I'm throwing out a big net for a big catch
00:21 Do I have a witness in this place?
00:23 let me be clear, I did not leave Atlanta
00:25 Georgia I did not leave the
00:27 Berean church and come to Huntsville
00:30 to baptize one person.
00:32 I did not leave to come here to baptize two people.
00:37 I didn't leave to come here to baptize three people.
00:41 But the Lord sent me here to cast a big net,
00:47 to get a huge catch.
00:48 Oh, I've got a witness in this place.
00:50 I won't be satisfied until the whole city of Huntsville,
00:55 the whole city of Madison, the whole city of Tony, the
00:58 whole city of Harvest, the whole Tennessee valley knows
01:02 that there's no other name under heaven whereby
01:05 men can be saved but the name of Jesus.
01:10 Jesus, sweet Rose of Sharon.
01:13 Jesus, Lily of the Valley.
01:16 Jesus, bright as the morning star.
01:19 Jesus, my up, my down, my out, my in.
01:24 Way maker, problem solver, pain reliever, mind mender,
01:28 heart fixer.
01:29 Jesus, make me a fisher of men.
01:36 Now, let me tell you about a fisherman quickly.
01:40 I've only been fishing twice in my life, both on a men's
01:44 ministry fishing trip, and I didn't know
01:46 what I was doing.
01:47 The first time I caught nothing.
01:51 The second time I caught one fish and I threw it back in
01:55 at the end of the trip.
01:57 But I learned something about good fishermen.
02:01 Good fishermen have certain qualities.
02:04 Number one, good fishermen have patience.
02:09 Fishermen can't be impatient.
02:12 Fishermen have to learn how to wait.
02:14 Good things come to those who wait.
02:17 They know it often takes time to find a pool of fish.
02:20 So, if you are going to be good at fishing for me,
02:22 you've got to learn how to be patient.
02:25 Sometimes it takes time to pull those men
02:28 and women on in.
02:30 Number two, I've learned fishermen must have
02:33 perseverance.
02:33 Everybody say perseverance.
02:36 It's not simply a matter of waiting patiently in one
02:38 place hoping some fish will eventually show up.
02:40 It's a matter of going from place to place.
02:43 Sometimes you've got to go back again, over and over and
02:47 over again until the fish are found.
02:51 You work one area when you fish for men.
02:54 Then you've got to learn how to work that area again.
02:56 Work it over and over.
02:57 You have to work another area and then you have to come
03:00 back to work the original area, but you've
03:02 got to persevere.
03:04 Number three, a good fisherman has courage.
03:07 They'll face the sea for the cause of fish.
03:13 They'll face storm, tempest, turbulent waves, being called
03:18 names, doors slammed in your face, hot days, wintery
03:22 nights, all for the cause of catching fish.
03:26 Number four, good fishermen have to fish in the right
03:30 place at the right time.
03:33 If you talk to a fisherman who knows his stuff,
03:35 he'll tell you when and where the fish are.
03:38 You see, there are really better times to fish.
03:40 Doing a little study on this today, understand that fish
03:44 are affected by sunlight, warming trends, water depth,
03:49 storm and weather patterns, wind and tidal flows,
03:52 topography, geography and seasonal differences.
03:56 When it's bad for fishing in one location, it could be a
03:59 good day in another location, and a fisherman will tell you
04:03 that the locations may not be far apart.
04:07 The good soul winner chooses his moment
04:11 and his location carefully.
04:12 Fishermen must have good instincts for going to the
04:15 right place and dropping the nets at the right time.
04:17 Any good fisherman will tell you, make sure you fish in
04:20 water that actually has fish in it.
04:23 If there aren't any fish, you're not going
04:31 to catch anything.
04:32 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
04:35 Poor timing has lost a lot of catch, both fish and men.
04:41 You have to know where the fish are.
04:44 Number five, a good fisherman will stay out of sight as
04:46 much as possible.
04:48 He doesn't want the fish to be scared.
04:50 A good soul winner keeps himself or herself out
04:52 of the picture.
04:54 He hides his own presence even his own shadow and makes
04:56 sure the fish's eyes are fixed on Jesus.
04:59 Because a good fisherman understands it's not about
05:02 us, but it's all about Jesus.
05:06 Number six, good fishermen are not lazy.
05:09 Can't get a witness in this place.
05:14 Listen to me good, theology majors, good fishermen are
05:18 not lazy.
05:21 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
05:23 I'm not waiting for Elder Evan to tell me what to do.
05:25 Good fishermen are not lazy.
05:26 I've got to come to the office every morning because
05:28 God's got something for me to do.
05:30 Good fishermen are not lazy.
05:32 Andrew, Peter, James and John were not lazy.
05:35 They were industrious, hardworking fishermen.
05:38 God, listen to me, is not in the habit of calling people
05:41 to serve him who are slothful and lazy.
05:44 Because if you're a poor worker on the job, you'll
05:47 more than likely be a poor worker for Christ.
05:50 God doesn't need any lazy soldiers in his army.
05:53 Number seven, and this is a long one, you know number
05:58 seven, you know.
06:00 Good fishermen choose the right bait.
06:06 getting quiet in here, sister hill would say, "whoo,"
06:10 Bowling right down somebody's alley, right now.
06:14 Any fisherman will tell you, you have to have the right
06:17 hooks and the right bait to catch fish.
06:20 Now, in our church, I'm not talking about Oakwood, I'm
06:24 talking about the collective church, many halls and
06:28 convention centers have been rented, tents erected and
06:31 pitched, money wasted and frustrations mounted all
06:36 because people use the wrong bait.
06:41 Let me be clear.
06:43 You can't use the same bait all the time.
06:47 Sometimes a fisherman will tell you, you've got to
06:50 switch your bait.
06:51 And then you can't use the same bait that was used 10
06:54 years ago, 20 years ago, or 30 years ago. Amen.
07:02 Preach, Pastor Byrd.
07:03 I'm doing the best I can.
07:04 You have to modernize the bait.
07:09 Modernize your hooks, your rod and your methods.
07:14 The same base rod and methods that were used in Jesus' day
07:17 are not used today.
07:20 Now, the message of catching fish is the same, but the
07:25 bait, the rod, the net, the methods are different.
07:30 Too many people can't catch fish today because they're
07:33 using the wrong bait.
07:34 Too many people can't catch fish because they're using
07:38 antiquated bait.
07:40 You can't use old bait in a new world.
07:43 I heard a preacher say, you can't have eight-track
07:45 ministry in a DVD society.
07:48 And speaking of bait, you have to use different baits
07:55 for different fish.
07:58 Oh, this is good today.
07:59 Come on, say Amen.
08:01 Any fisherman will tell you, if you want a certain type of
08:05 fish you have to use a certain type of bait.
08:11 Which means, the same way you found Jesus may not be the
08:16 same way I find Jesus.
08:19 The same way Elder McGriff found Jesus is not the same
08:22 way Elder Monroe found Jesus.
08:25 Let me break it down.
08:27 The way Mamma came in may not be the way your child comes in.
08:31 Now, the bait for somebody was under a tent.
08:39 Praise God for the tent.
08:41 I grew up in ministry.
08:43 When I first came to the South Central Conference
08:45 years ago, grew up in an era where they say, listen,
08:48 before you get ordained you've got to pitch a tent.
08:51 Well, we don't have any witnesses here to join in.
08:54 They don't know about that.
08:57 You had to pitch a tent.
08:58 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
09:00 So the bait for somebody back in the days was a tent,
09:03 sweating, sawdust under the tent.
09:04 Somebody knows what I'm talking about.
09:06 And you would build a trench around the tent.
09:08 Somebody know what I'm talking about?
09:11 And when it would rain you would go and hold
09:13 those two center poles.
09:14 Somebody knows what I'm talking about.
09:17 And then, we didn't have screens like we have, back
09:19 then in those days with the bait, but what we had to do
09:21 was go to Walmart, or back in the day in Huntsville
09:26 we had Food World.
09:27 Anybody remember Food World?
09:29 You had Food World or Walmart and you would have to go get
09:31 you a screen, a sheet, you know what I'm talking about.
09:35 A sheet, a queen or a king sized sheet.
09:37 Oh, you don't know what I'm talking about.
09:39 We didn't have this like this.
09:41 We used to go to Lowe's or Home Depot and we used to
09:44 have to get 2 x 4s and we would dig and put them
09:46 in the ground.
09:47 Then go get that sheet and staple that sheet
09:50 on those 2 x 4s.
09:51 Somebody knows what I'm talking about.
09:53 And that was our screen.
10:02 But I recognize now, Dr. Pollard, the bait for
10:06 somebody else may be in a church with air conditioning.
10:11 You all better say Amen.
10:13 I'll cut it off and you will be in a mess.
10:17 Air conditioned.
10:28 Looking at projector screens, controlled by PowerPoint.
10:35 I had a young preacher say to me one time,
10:36 we don't do tents anymore.
10:37 Okay.
10:38 You don't do tents, do something.
10:41 The bait for somebody may have been singing "Love
10:46 Lifted Me." Or the bait for somebody today maybe singing
10:50 "Hallelujah, You're Worthy to be Praised." The bait for
10:54 somebody may have been the King's Heralds quartet.
10:57 The bait for somebody else may have been the Blenrights.
11:02 The bait for somebody may have been the Aeolians.
11:05 The bait for somebody else may be Voices of Triumph or
11:08 Dynamic Praise.
11:10 The bait for somebody may have been the pipe organ.
11:13 The bait for somebody else may have now been
11:17 the Hammond organ.
11:20 The bait for somebody may have been E. E. Cleveland
11:22 or E. C. Ward, but the bait for somebody
11:25 may be now Carlton P. Byrd.
11:29 You have to use different bait for different fish.
11:37 Going a little deeper.
11:44 Any good fisherman will tell you, you have to catch fish
11:47 before you clean fish.
11:51 Do I have a witness in this place?
12:01 How can you clean something you haven't caught?
12:12 When we're fishing for men, too often we want to clean
12:16 them before we catch them.
12:19 Ooooh-ah.
12:23 I'm doing the best I can.
12:25 You have to be perfect, you have to have it all together,
12:31 you have to have it ready for translation, you've got to
12:35 know the 2300-day prophecy, the 70-week prophecy, and the
12:37 sad thing is many of us don't even know it.
12:40 We've only heard about it and can't explain it.
12:45 But we want to put people through a scrutinized
12:48 screening process and all they want to do is join the
12:51 body of Christ.
12:54 And I can't understand this, but how can one sinner deny
12:57 another sinner the privilege of joining God's church?
13:02 Hallelujah.
13:06 Does anybody know that all have sinned and come short of
13:08 the glory of God?
13:10 Does anybody know that we're all sinners saved by grace?
13:13 Does anybody know anything about sanctification?
13:16 God's imparted righteousness.
13:18 That it's the work of a lifetime.
13:22 That day by day we grow into the knowledge
13:26 and love of Christ.
13:27 I am not the same person I was 20 years ago
13:29 when I was a student here.
13:32 Sanctity, it grows you.
13:34 I've been in the church all my life, third generation,
13:37 paternally and maternally.
13:39 I've told you that.
13:40 But I can't expect somebody to gain in 40 days
13:42 what it's taken me almost 40 years to get.
13:48 And you know what?
13:51 Paul says I'm teaching it.
13:53 So, to my church family, to the student body,
13:55 be patient with me.
13:57 God is not through with me yet.
14:01 Well, you've got to be like us.
14:03 You've got to look like us.
14:07 You've got to dress like us.
14:08 You've got to smell like us.
14:10 No, just be like Jesus.
14:14 By beholding we become changed.
14:18 And let me tell you something, that's not
14:20 watering down the gospel either.
14:21 That's the gospel of fact.
14:23 I want people to fall in love with Jesus.
14:25 Don't fall in love with Carlton Byrd, fall in love
14:27 with Jesus, because if you don't fall in love with Jesus
14:30 you will be a dry devil in the pool, go down in water,
14:32 come up a wet devil.
14:33 You all don't hear what I'm saying.
14:36 Jesus said, if you love me, keep my, what?
14:37 It's about a relationship, not solely about religion.
14:39 It's about love, not legalism.
14:42 It's about Christ not a creed.
14:44 Number nine.
14:49 A good fisherman knows how to secure fish on the hook.
14:57 Now, when a fish feels that hook, the fish struggles
15:02 to get free.
15:04 This might involve the fish jumping, making a long run,
15:08 swimming, swimming back against the line, swimming
15:11 against obstacles.
15:13 When you fish for men and they feel the Holy Ghost
15:19 hook they may struggle to break loose.
15:25 But you've got to keep your cool and work with that
15:28 fish's movements to reel them back on in.
15:32 Don't get discouraged when that fish is trying
15:35 to get off that hook.
15:36 You keep that hook steady and you reel that fish
15:39 right back on in.
15:40 Then number ten.
15:43 A good fisherman will pray before they fish.
15:48 Lord, protect me as I'm out here on the sea.
15:53 There are a lot of dangers out here at sea.
15:56 But Jesus, keep me.
15:59 The soul winner has to pray before they fish.
16:02 Lord, lead me, guide me, protect me as I am fishing
16:09 for men, women, boys and girls.
16:13 When Jesus called the first disciples, Jesus gathered
16:17 together the first fish-catching crew
16:20 of his church.
16:21 They were the original band of originally evangelists he
16:23 called to fulfill the gospel commission.
16:25 They were his first partners in ministry.
16:27 Jesus had the power and right to accomplish the work to
16:29 proclaim the gospel by himself.
16:33 But this was not Jesus' plan.
16:35 Jesus could have done it alone, but this was not his plan.
16:40 From the beginning of his ministry his plan was to use
16:43 disciples to win disciples to win disciples.
16:48 He would command his disciples to do other things
16:51 but his first call to them was, follow me, and I will
16:56 make you fishers of men.
16:59 The work of evangelism, the work of fishing for men out
17:02 of the sea of sin, the work of rescuing people from the
17:05 breakers of hell is the greatest work
17:08 the church will ever do.
17:09 God has called all of us to be fishermen and fisherwomen,
17:13 to reach men, women, boys and girls.
17:14 I was reading an article this week and I discovered that
17:16 95% of all Christians have never led anybody
17:19 to Jesus Christ.
17:23 We are all to be witnesses.
17:25 We are all to preach Christ.
17:27 We are all to teach Christ.
17:29 We are all to live Christ.
17:30 We are all to speak Christ.
17:32 We're the laborers in the field for Christ.
17:34 The greatest work in the heart of God, the greatest
17:36 concern in the mind of God is evangelism.
17:38 Winning the lost is God's great concern, not only the
17:42 Father, but also the Son's greatest concern.
17:46 Jesus said in Luke 19:10, the Son of Man has come to
17:49 seek and to save that which was lost.
17:52 The work winning the lost is the Father's concern, the
17:54 Son's concern, but also the concern of the Holy Ghost,
17:55 for it is the Holy Ghost who comes along, according to
17:57 John 16, to convict men of sin and righteousness
17:59 and judgment.
18:00 It is the Holy Spirit who comes upon the church and
18:02 after we have received the Holy Spirit we are now
18:05 made witnesses.
18:06 In the New Testament, friends of mine, you will discover
18:08 that the Apostles' greatest concern is evangelism.
18:11 Paul said, I am ready to preach the gospel for I am
18:14 not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
18:16 For it is the power of God as a salvation to everyone
18:19 that believeth.
18:20 It was Paul who said, I am made all things to all men
18:23 that I might by all save more.
18:26 Christ's greatest concern is to win people for himself.
18:31 God's greatest concern, the Holy Spirit's greatest
18:33 concern, the Apostles' greatest concern and the
18:36 greatest concern of the early church was to make
18:39 disciples of Christ.
18:41 When they were scattered, the Bible Acts says they went
18:45 everywhere preaching the gospel to win
18:48 people for Jesus.
18:50 This should be our greatest concern, winning souls
18:52 for Christ.
18:53 This is the greatest task that we must be
18:55 about this time, task.
18:56 At the same time evangelism is also a great paradox.
19:01 Last lesson.
19:02 Winning people to Jesus Christ is paradoxical
19:05 in this sense.
19:08 Jesus said, whosoever would save his life shall lose it.
19:13 But whosoever shall lose his life for my sake
19:16 shall save it.
19:18 In other words, in saving others we lose ourselves.
19:24 Or in losing ourselves in the task,
19:27 we will win others.
19:29 So evangelism, in a sense, is the sacrifice
19:33 of the greater for the lesser.
19:35 It is a sacrifice of the worthy for the unworthy.
19:39 It is a sacrifice of the strong dying
19:42 that the weak might live.
19:44 It is not the survival of the fittest, but is the sacrifice
19:47 of the fittest.
19:49 And this is the time, Oakwood, church, university,
19:55 Oakwood community, for us to take a hard look at the
20:00 subject of evangelism.
20:04 We like giving money to evangelism.
20:07 We like preaching evangelism.
20:09 But when somebody comes to that door that doesn't look
20:12 like us, don't let them come in here and mess up our
20:16 beautiful church.
20:18 We have a great church, a great history, a great
20:22 building, a great people.
20:25 We've learned God's great truths.
20:27 We have great fellowship.
20:29 But listen to me good, because I've been there.
20:31 If you're not careful you can become so impressed with your
20:34 greatness that you forget about lost people.
20:39 We can be so busy singing our own music that we forget that
20:43 somebody out there needs to hear the song, too.
20:47 We can like it so much in here that we forget
20:50 about out there.
20:53 We sing what we want.
20:56 We preach what we want.
20:59 We become so isolated, and I'm talking about myself too,
21:02 isolated, insulated and incestual in our ministry
21:07 that we forget about the great commission of God that
21:10 he has called us to do.
21:12 And the fruit of incest is always something retarded.
21:21 And we have retarded churches because we have forgotten the
21:30 great gospel commission, go ye therefore, teach all
21:36 nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the
21:40 Son and the Holy Ghost.
21:41 It's fishing time, and this gospel of the kingdom shall
21:45 be preached as a witness unto all rthe world,
21:47 then shall the end come.
21:48 It's fishing time.
21:50 Fear thou not for I am with thee.
21:53 Be not dismayed for I am thy God.
21:56 I will strengthen thee.
21:57 Ye, I will help thee.
21:58 I will uphold ye with the right hand of my
22:00 righteousness.
22:01 It's fishing time.
22:03 If God be for us, who can be against us.
22:07 It's fishing time.
22:08 Fret not thyself because of evil doers.
22:12 Neither be thy envious of the word because of iniquity, God
22:14 shall cut them down like the grass.
22:17 It's fishing time.
22:19 They that wait upon the Lord, God shall renew their strength.
22:24 They shall mount up on wings as eagles, run and not get
22:28 weary, walk and not faint.
22:30 It's fishing time.
22:32 And I saw another angel flying in the midst of
22:38 heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach
22:41 unto them that dwell on the earth, to every nation,
22:44 kindred, tongue and people, saying with a loud voice,
22:46 fear God, give glory to him for the hour
22:50 of his judgment has come.
22:52 And worship him that made the heavens, the earth, the seas
22:58 and the fountains of water.
23:01 That's why I'm a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian.
23:03 I'm an Adventist because I'm looking forward
23:05 to Jesus' coming.
23:07 Advent means coming.
23:08 That's why I keep the seventh-day Sabbath, because
23:11 the seventh day is God's seal.
23:13 It bears God's name, his title and his territory.
23:18 His name, the Lord thy God.
23:20 His title, he made everything so he created.
23:23 His territory, the heavens, the earth, the sea, the
23:26 fountains of water and all that in them is,
23:28 that's the world.
23:29 It's rooted in our fourth commandment.
23:32 So it's fishing time.
23:34 Here is the patience of the saints.
23:37 Here are they that keep the commandments of God,
23:39 and the faith of Jesus Christ.
23:43 It's fishing time.
23:46 Blessed are they that do his commandments.
23:49 Not just read his commandments.
23:52 Do his commandments.
23:55 That they may have a right to the tree of life and may
23:58 enter in through the gates into the city.
24:02 It's fishing time.
24:04 But the greatest fishing expedition was when two
24:09 thousand years ago Jesus put his life on the line.
24:16 He didn't hang on a fishing line, but he hung on
24:18 Calvary's cross.
24:20 There is a fountain filled with blood drawn
24:23 from Emmanuel's veins; and sinners plunged
24:26 beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains.
24:28 When I survey the wondrous cross on when the Prince of
24:32 Glory died, Jesus paid it all.
24:35 All to him I owe, sin has left a crimson stain, but he
24:41 washed it white as snow.
24:43 And I'm so glad today Jesus went fishing for me.
24:48 Is anybody glad Jesus went fishing for them?
24:53 I'm so glad Jesus died to save me.
24:58 I'm so glad Jesus called me.
25:02 And let me tell you all something, I love the Lord
25:06 and I won't take it back.
25:08 I said, I love the Lord, and I won't take it back, because
25:11 he's been so good to me.
25:15 So good, so good, so good to me.
25:18 Two things, and let me sit down.
25:22 Number one, the time of our fishing on earth
25:25 is soon to end.
25:28 God is about to draw in the nets.
25:33 The choice is whether we care enough about people to be a
25:36 part of the fishing process.
25:39 Number two, the response of Peter, Andrew, James and John
25:47 to Jesus' call was the same.
25:50 Remember what we read.
25:51 They immediately left what they were doing
25:59 and followed him.
26:02 Their obedience was instant and without hesitation.
26:07 When Jesus calls a person to discipleship there is no
26:11 excuse for delay or disobedience.
26:15 So today, he's calling someone today to fishing for
26:23 men, women, boys and girls.
26:27 Jesus is calling somebody today to obedience and
26:35 obedience without delay.
26:44 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching Breath
26:47 of Life today.
26:48 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry and
26:51 that we gave a healing word in a hurting world.
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28:14 when we are fishing for men too often. we want to
28:18 clean them before we catch them.
28:20 gotta look like us gotta dress like us
28:25 no, just be like Jesus.


Revised 2015-02-06