? (Theme Song) ? ? Jesus is worthy ? 00:00:00.83\00:00:11.93 ? oh yes, he's worthy ? ? worthy of all... ? 00:00:11.93\00:00:18.70 ? all the praise ? ? (Music) ? 00:00:18.70\00:00:22.20 We want to be ready when Jesus comes back. 00:00:22.20\00:00:24.53 You don't believe me? 00:00:24.53\00:00:25.26 The name Seventh-Day Adventist espouses reality for 00:00:25.26\00:00:29.13 understanding that Seventh-Day Adventists, we're followers of 00:00:29.13\00:00:31.93 Christ, we're not a cult, we are a Christian community 00:00:31.93\00:00:36.96 that celebrates Christ. 00:00:36.96\00:00:38.30 The virtue of our name, Seventh-Day Adventist, we keep 00:00:38.30\00:00:41.73 the seventh day Sabbath holy and we are awaiting his 00:00:41.73\00:00:44.56 advent, the second coming, the second advent, the comeback 00:00:44.56\00:00:48.33 of Jesus Christ. 00:00:48.33\00:00:50.46 I am proud to be a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian. 00:00:50.46\00:00:56.43 This is what we look forward to. 00:00:56.43\00:00:58.73 And eyes have not seen, either ears have heard the things 00:00:58.73\00:01:02.23 that God has prepared for them. 00:01:02.23\00:01:04.40 So, get ready for the comeback. 00:01:04.40\00:01:06.03 I said get ready for the comeback. 00:01:06.03\00:01:09.23 But, Pastor Byrd, when is the comeback? 00:01:09.23\00:01:13.03 Let me teach you just a little bit because I'm finding we 00:01:13.03\00:01:15.03 think people know what we believe, but I'm learning in 00:01:15.03\00:01:18.23 my experience that people don't know what we believe. 00:01:18.23\00:01:21.03 So, I think we need to know what we believe, 00:01:21.03\00:01:23.40 why we believe it and where it's found. 00:01:23.40\00:01:25.50 When is the comeback? 00:01:25.50\00:01:27.86 Go to the book of Matthew. 00:01:27.86\00:01:28.80 What book did I say, everybody? 00:01:28.80\00:01:31.06 Matthew, chapter 24. 00:01:31.06\00:01:31.90 If you have your iPhone or whatever, look it up there. 00:01:31.90\00:01:34.20 Matthew 24 and I'm coming out of the King James version for 00:01:34.20\00:01:36.86 our viewing audience. 00:01:36.86\00:01:38.46 Matthew 24:36, the Word of God says, "But of that day and 00:01:38.46\00:01:42.23 hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, 00:01:42.23\00:01:45.23 but my Father only. 00:01:45.23\00:01:46.33 But as in the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming 00:01:46.33\00:01:48.73 of the Son of man be. 00:01:48.73\00:01:50.06 For as in the days that were before the flood they were 00:01:50.06\00:01:53.56 eating and drinking, marrying and giving in" what? 00:01:53.56\00:01:56.70 "Marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and 00:01:56.70\00:01:59.66 knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so 00:01:59.66\00:02:02.63 shall also the coming of the Son of man," what, everybody? 00:02:02.63\00:02:05.16 "Be." Verse 42: "Watch therefore: 00:02:05.16\00:02:08.83 for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. 00:02:08.83\00:02:10.53 Verse 44: "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an 00:02:10.53\00:02:13.23 hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." I can't give 00:02:13.23\00:02:18.30 you the exact date of the comeback, 00:02:18.30\00:02:24.30 but I know it's real soon. 00:02:24.30\00:02:26.10 I know the comeback is real soon because Matthew 24 00:02:26.10\00:02:28.16 lets me know the signs of his coming. 00:02:28.16\00:02:29.86 Matthew 24:3: "And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, 00:02:29.86\00:02:33.26 the disciples came unto him privately, saying, "Tell us, 00:02:33.26\00:02:34.56 when shall these things be? 00:02:34.56\00:02:35.53 And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of 00:02:35.53\00:02:39.46 the world?' And Jesus answered and said unto them, "Take heed 00:02:39.46\00:02:43.20 that no man," what, everybody? 00:02:43.20\00:02:45.83 Take heed that no man what? 00:02:45.83\00:02:46.40 "For many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ; and 00:02:46.40\00:02:52.63 shall deceive many." You and I both know somebody walks 00:02:52.63\00:02:57.16 on this earth and says they are Christ, they are a boldfaced 00:02:57.16\00:03:00.16 liar from the pits of hell because the Bible just said in 00:03:00.16\00:03:02.26 Acts 1 that when Jesus left he left in the air which means 00:03:02.26\00:03:04.73 he's coming back in the air, his feet will never touch this 00:03:04.73\00:03:07.13 ground and you shall have war, rumors of war. 00:03:07.13\00:03:12.13 See that ye be not what? 00:03:12.13\00:03:13.63 Troubled. 00:03:13.63\00:03:14.46 For there all these things must come to pass but the end 00:03:14.46\00:03:18.33 is not yet for nations shall rise against what? 00:03:18.33\00:03:20.53 Kingdom against what? 00:03:20.53\00:03:22.13 And there shall be famines and pestilence, and earthquakes in 00:03:22.13\00:03:24.03 divers places, meaning divers or different places. 00:03:24.03\00:03:26.50 All these are the beginning of what, everybody? 00:03:26.50\00:03:29.90 "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall 00:03:29.90\00:03:32.16 kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my 00:03:32.16\00:03:33.96 name's sake." That's why, understand, that in the cause 00:03:33.96\00:03:36.26 of Christ sometimes you're going to be hated on. 00:03:36.26\00:03:39.80 Jesus said that would happen just before his comeback. 00:03:39.80\00:03:42.16 Keep on reading. 00:03:42.16\00:03:43.40 The Word of God says in verse 10: "And then shall many be 00:03:43.40\00:03:46.00 offended, and shall betray one another, and 00:03:46.00\00:03:48.20 shall hate one another. 00:03:48.20\00:03:50.16 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 00:03:50.16\00:03:52.53 And because iniquity shall abound, the love 00:03:52.53\00:03:53.80 of many shall wax cold. 00:03:53.80\00:03:55.20 But he that shall endure unto the end." Thank you, Jesus. 00:03:55.20\00:04:00.23 "He that shall endure unto the end, the same," not might, 00:04:00.23\00:04:05.50 not perhaps, not possibly, "But the same shall be saved. 00:04:05.50\00:04:09.80 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the 00:04:09.80\00:04:13.13 worldÖand then shall the end come." I don't know exactly 00:04:13.13\00:04:17.46 when he's coming back, but I do know he's 00:04:17.46\00:04:19.73 coming back soon. 00:04:19.73\00:04:20.50 I know that when Jesus comes back it will be in the same 00:04:20.50\00:04:22.53 manner in which he left. 00:04:22.53\00:04:23.50 He left in a cloud, will return in a cloud. 00:04:23.50\00:04:25.36 Left in the air, will return in the air. 00:04:25.36\00:04:27.13 His feet will not touch the earth. 00:04:27.13\00:04:29.20 The Bible also lets me know in Revelation, Chapter 1:7, that 00:04:29.20\00:04:31.73 when he makes his comeback every eye, every living eye, 00:04:31.73\00:04:37.13 is going to see him. 00:04:37.13\00:04:39.50 Which means those in Huntsville, we're going 00:04:39.50\00:04:42.23 to see him. 00:04:42.23\00:04:43.30 Those back I left in Atlanta, we going to see him then, too. 00:04:43.30\00:04:46.23 Those in New York and L.A. 00:04:46.23\00:04:47.50 are going to see him. 00:04:47.50\00:04:49.10 But Jesus is not a national God, he's an 00:04:49.10\00:04:51.70 international God. 00:04:51.70\00:04:53.50 Those in Africa are going to see him. 00:04:53.50\00:04:55.53 Those in Asia are going to see him. 00:04:55.53\00:04:58.00 Those in Antigua are going to see him. 00:04:58.00\00:05:00.23 Those in Jamaica are going to see him. 00:05:00.23\00:05:02.70 Every eye is going to see him. 00:05:02.70\00:05:04.26 Christianity gets excited about his comeback. 00:05:04.26\00:05:09.60 But some within the ranks of Christianity have made 00:05:09.60\00:05:12.20 a mistake about his comeback. 00:05:12.20\00:05:15.83 Let's be clear. 00:05:15.83\00:05:17.53 When Jesus makes his comeback there'll be four primary 00:05:17.53\00:05:21.86 groups on earth. 00:05:21.86\00:05:24.06 Notice the word primary. 00:05:24.06\00:05:25.50 Four what kind of groups? 00:05:25.50\00:05:26.53 Now understand, I'll teach you a bit. 00:05:26.53\00:05:30.36 Four primary groups. 00:05:30.36\00:05:31.70 Because Revelation 1:7 says that those who even pierced 00:05:31.70\00:05:34.46 him will see him, because Ellen White said there will be 00:05:34.46\00:05:36.30 a special resurrection for those who pierced Jesus. 00:05:36.30\00:05:37.83 But there will be four primary groups when Jesus comes 00:05:37.83\00:05:41.60 back for the second time at his comeback. 00:05:41.60\00:05:48.06 Group number one. 00:05:48.06\00:05:49.30 Everybody say the righteous dead. 00:05:49.30\00:05:51.30 Come on, say it like you mean it. 00:05:51.30\00:05:53.56 Say righteous dead. 00:05:53.56\00:05:54.43 I'm getting you ready for evangelism, righteous dead. 00:05:54.43\00:05:56.60 1 Thessalonians 4:16: "For the Lord himself shall descend 00:05:56.60\00:06:01.80 from heaven with a" what? 00:06:01.80\00:06:03.46 "Shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump 00:06:03.46\00:06:05.26 of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise," what? First. 00:06:05.26\00:06:07.20 When Jesus comes back for his second coming, the Bible is 00:06:07.20\00:06:13.90 clear that the dead in Christ shall rise what? First. 00:06:13.90\00:06:17.93 Group number two. 00:06:17.93\00:06:19.53 The righteous living. 00:06:19.53\00:06:21.53 Group number one is the righteous what? Dead. 00:06:21.53\00:06:24.26 Group number two is the Living. 00:06:24.26\00:06:26.66 Let's keep reading. 00:06:26.66\00:06:27.63 1 Thessalonians 4:17: "Then we which are alive and remain 00:06:27.63\00:06:33.13 shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to 00:06:33.13\00:06:37.80 meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be" what? 00:06:37.80\00:06:43.93 Come on, so shall we ever be What? with the Lord 00:06:43.93\00:06:48.70 Group number one, the righteous dead, 00:06:48.70\00:06:50.20 they rise what? First. 00:06:50.20\00:06:51.80 Group number two, the righteous living are caught up 00:06:51.80\00:06:53.83 to meet the Lord in the what? 00:06:53.83\00:06:55.13 Air. 00:06:55.13\00:06:56.76 Group number three. 00:06:56.76\00:06:57.73 Take your Bibles and go to 2 Thessalonians 2:8. 00:06:57.73\00:07:06.46 Know what you believe, know why you believe it and know 00:07:06.46\00:07:07.90 where it's found. 00:07:07.90\00:07:09.30 2 Thessalonians 2:8, the Word of God says: "And then shall 00:07:09.30\00:07:14.63 that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with 00:07:14.63\00:07:17.86 the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the 00:07:17.86\00:07:20.86 brightness of his" what, everybody? ... Coming. 00:07:20.86\00:07:23.60 "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan 00:07:23.60\00:07:25.73 with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all 00:07:25.73\00:07:27.66 deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that 00:07:27.66\00:07:29.93 perish; because they received not the love of the truth, 00:07:29.93\00:07:32.83 that they might be saved. 00:07:32.83\00:07:35.13 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, 00:07:35.13\00:07:38.63 that they should believe a" what? ... Lie. 00:07:38.63\00:07:42.26 "That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, 00:07:42.26\00:07:44.73 but had pleasure in unrighteousness." Group number 00:07:44.73\00:07:49.00 three, the unrighteous or wicked living shall die at the 00:07:49.00\00:07:52.40 brightness of his coming. 00:07:52.40\00:07:55.00 Group number one, the righteous dead, rise what? 00:07:55.00\00:07:57.16 First. 00:07:57.16\00:07:58.20 Group number two, the righteous living, are caught 00:07:58.20\00:08:00.20 up to meet the Lord in the what? ... Air. 00:08:00.20\00:08:02.53 Group number three, the unrighteous or the wicked 00:08:02.53\00:08:04.30 living die at the brightness of his what? ... Coming. 00:08:04.30\00:08:06.53 So you know, sometimes that's why I like all these lights. 00:08:06.53\00:08:10.83 Because I have to look at them dead in the eye to make sure I 00:08:10.83\00:08:15.80 can see this light because I'm getting ready for Jesus to 00:08:15.80\00:08:19.93 come when the righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord 00:08:19.93\00:08:22.00 in the air, because if the lights are too bright for me 00:08:22.00\00:08:23.73 here on earth, when Jesus comes his light is going 00:08:23.73\00:08:25.63 to be too bright. 00:08:25.63\00:08:26.36 So I have to practice. 00:08:26.36\00:08:39.33 (laughter) See, somebody at church come up here to shake 00:08:39.33\00:08:40.93 my hand, they, oh, aha, you don't know what's wrong. 00:08:40.93\00:08:43.96 Come on, say Amen. 00:08:43.96\00:08:48.76 Group number one, the righteous dead rise what? 00:08:48.76\00:08:52.96 First. 00:08:52.96\00:08:53.80 Group number two, the righteous living are caught up 00:08:53.80\00:08:55.36 to meet the Lord in the what? 00:08:55.36\00:08:56.43 Air. 00:08:56.43\00:08:57.16 Group number three, the unrighteous or wicked living 00:08:57.16\00:08:59.63 die at the brightness of his what? ... Coming. 00:08:59.63\00:09:02.56 Revelation 20:5: Group number four, the wicked dead. 00:09:02.56\00:09:09.23 "But the rest of the dead live not again until the thousand 00:09:09.23\00:09:15.66 years were" what? 00:09:15.66\00:09:18.13 Finished. 00:09:18.13\00:09:19.03 This is the first what? 00:09:19.03\00:09:20.06 Resurrection. 00:09:20.06\00:09:21.23 Which means the wicked dead at his second coming, at the 00:09:21.23\00:09:23.20 second comeback, the wicked dead are going to remain dead. 00:09:23.20\00:09:27.36 They remain dead for one thousand years until Jesus' 00:09:27.36\00:09:29.93 third coming. 00:09:29.93\00:09:31.23 I wish I had time. 00:09:31.23\00:09:32.56 When Jesus came as a baby the first time, at his first 00:09:32.56\00:09:34.90 coming he came to save his people. 00:09:34.90\00:09:37.20 She shall bring forth a son, thou shalt call his name Jesus 00:09:37.20\00:09:40.90 for he shall save his people from their sin. 00:09:40.90\00:09:43.90 At his first coming he came to save his people. 00:09:43.90\00:09:46.46 At his second coming he's coming to get his people. 00:09:46.46\00:09:49.96 At his third coming, he's coming back with his people. 00:09:49.96\00:09:55.43 You all ain't ready today. 00:09:55.43\00:09:59.36 Group number one, righteous dead rise what? ... First. 00:09:59.36\00:10:03.13 Group number two, righteous living are caught up to meet 00:10:03.13\00:10:05.76 the Lord in the what? 00:10:05.76\00:10:06.73 Air. 00:10:06.73\00:10:07.20 Group number three, the wicked or unrighteous living die at 00:10:07.20\00:10:09.53 the brightness of his what? 00:10:09.53\00:10:10.73 Coming. 00:10:10.73\00:10:12.06 Group number four, the wicked dead remain what? 00:10:12.06\00:10:14.70 Dead. 00:10:14.70\00:10:20.16 Now let's expand our minds, because it's my baptized brain 00:10:20.16\00:10:24.56 that makes me want to say Amen. 00:10:24.56\00:10:27.63 I told you earlier, if you're going to preach, you're going 00:10:27.63\00:10:29.66 to shout, say something worth shouting about. 00:10:29.66\00:10:34.96 If the righteous dead rise first, the righteous living 00:10:34.96\00:10:39.00 are caught up to meet the Lord in the air, the wicked living 00:10:39.00\00:10:45.70 die at the brightness of his coming, and the wicked dead 00:10:45.70\00:10:49.50 remain dead. 00:10:49.50\00:10:54.90 If all of the righteous at their death in heaven were in 00:10:54.90\00:10:58.26 heaven, if all the righteous people who died went straight 00:10:58.26\00:10:59.96 to heaven, then who would Jesus be coming back for? 00:10:59.96\00:11:10.06 At his second comeback, if all the righteous were already 00:11:10.06\00:11:13.63 in heaven? 00:11:13.63\00:11:15.20 Now we just read that the righteous dead rise what? 00:11:15.20\00:11:16.96 First. 00:11:16.96\00:11:18.86 We just read that the righteous living are caught up 00:11:18.86\00:11:21.00 to meet the Lord in the what? 00:11:21.00\00:11:22.16 Air. 00:11:22.16\00:11:22.83 We just read where the wicked living die at the brightness 00:11:22.83\00:11:25.10 of his what? 00:11:25.10\00:11:25.86 Coming. 00:11:25.86\00:11:26.46 We just also read that the wicked dead remain what? 00:11:26.46\00:11:28.86 Dead. 00:11:28.86\00:11:29.96 So if the righteous are dead until the second coming and 00:11:29.96\00:11:34.93 the wicked dead remain dead, if the righteous were in 00:11:34.93\00:11:38.43 heaven, who would Jesus have to come back for? 00:11:38.43\00:11:44.60 Mama's in heaven looking down on me. 00:11:44.60\00:11:46.73 No, she's not. She's dead. 00:11:46.73\00:11:47.86 (applause) Big Mama's in heaven looking down. 00:11:47.86\00:11:55.66 No, she's not, she's dead. 00:11:55.66\00:11:59.53 But when the trump of God shall sound, the dead in 00:11:59.53\00:12:04.40 Christ shall rise what, everybody? 00:12:04.40\00:12:07.26 First. 00:12:07.26\00:12:09.60 Now, I don't know about you but I've got to be a part of 00:12:09.60\00:12:11.26 one of the first two groups. 00:12:11.26\00:12:12.36 Either I'm going to rise first or I've got to be caught up to 00:12:12.36\00:12:15.96 meet him and I'm a Byrd, I believe I can fly. 00:12:15.96\00:12:19.46 Do I have a witness in this place? 00:12:19.46\00:12:23.90 (applause and laughter) I've got to be ready. 00:12:23.90\00:12:26.16 Say, I've got to be ready. 00:12:26.16\00:12:27.56 Come on, say it like you mean it. 00:12:27.56\00:12:29.83 I've got to be ready. 00:12:29.83\00:12:30.80 We don't preach about the second coming of Jesus 00:12:30.80\00:12:33.56 like we used to. 00:12:33.56\00:12:38.63 That's what this church, the Seventh-Day Adventist 00:12:38.63\00:12:40.90 Church, is all about. 00:12:40.90\00:12:41.93 Getting ready for the second coming of the Lord. 00:12:41.93\00:12:44.30 The comeback. 00:12:44.30\00:12:46.46 Pastor Byrd, what are you talking about. 00:12:46.46\00:12:48.03 Let me help you understand what Paul also said. 00:12:48.03\00:12:50.16 Paul also says in the Word of God, he says, Now I say unto 00:12:50.16\00:12:55.16 you, brother, and behold I showed you a mystery, 00:12:55.16\00:12:58.53 that we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. 00:12:58.53\00:13:03.13 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. 00:13:03.13\00:13:05.93 Somebody say, how quick is a twinkle? 00:13:05.93\00:13:07.76 All I know is I wink at my wife and that's quick. 00:13:07.76\00:13:10.73 Come on, say Amen. 00:13:10.73\00:13:12.06 "At the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, 00:13:12.06\00:13:14.10 and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we 00:13:14.10\00:13:15.90 shall be changed. 00:13:15.90\00:13:16.76 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this 00:13:16.76\00:13:19.43 mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be 00:13:19.43\00:13:21.06 brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is 00:13:21.06\00:13:27.16 swallowed up in victory. 00:13:27.16\00:13:34.26 O death, where is thy sting? 00:13:34.26\00:13:38.10 O grave, where is they victory? 00:13:38.10\00:13:41.13 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin 00:13:41.13\00:13:46.73 is the law. 00:13:46.73\00:13:49.66 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through 00:13:49.66\00:13:53.00 our Lord Jesus Christ." 00:13:53.00\00:13:53.93 Therefore, church, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always 00:13:53.93\00:13:57.36 abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know 00:13:57.36\00:14:01.16 that your labour is not in vain. 00:14:01.16\00:14:04.10 I ain't going to hell for anybody.l 00:14:04.10\00:14:06.96 T'ain't nobody shakes me out of God's church. 00:14:06.96\00:14:13.30 This is the way I've chosen to walk in it. 00:14:13.30\00:14:17.86 Do I have a witness in this place? Ahhh. 00:14:17.86\00:14:20.33 I'm getting ready for evangelism. 00:14:20.33\00:14:21.76 I wish I had a witness in this place. 00:14:21.76\00:14:24.36 Can I tell you about heaven, because Jesus is going 00:14:24.36\00:14:26.40 to be in heaven. 00:14:26.40\00:14:27.23 After his comeback, we're going with him to heaven. 00:14:27.23\00:14:29.60 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 00:14:29.60\00:14:31.50 Let me tell you about heaven quickly. 00:14:31.50\00:14:33.46 The lion is going to play with the lamb. 00:14:33.46\00:14:37.46 We used to sing a song in AY 20 years ago when I was at 00:14:37.46\00:14:39.96 Oakwood in Moran Hall. 00:14:39.96\00:14:40.86 I'm going to sit at the welcome table. 00:14:40.86\00:14:45.60 I'm going to feast on milk and honey. 00:14:45.60\00:14:48.86 I'm going to sing and never get tired. 00:14:48.86\00:14:51.93 I'm going to walk and talk with Jesus. 00:14:51.93\00:14:55.26 I may to eat grits with Jesus. 00:14:55.26\00:14:59.03 Well, somebody said, well, what's grits? 00:14:59.03\00:15:01.00 They were from the islands. 00:15:01.00\00:15:02.40 I said it's porridge. 00:15:02.40\00:15:03.40 Come on, say Amen. 00:15:03.40\00:15:04.96 You'll eat porridge with Jesus, but we'll add a verse 00:15:04.96\00:15:06.40 for you, we'll eat peas and rice or rice and peas, 00:15:06.40\00:15:08.06 depending what island you're from, with Jesus. 00:15:08.06\00:15:13.16 In heaven, we're going to shout. 00:15:13.16\00:15:18.26 But, oh, you all don't like that. 00:15:18.26\00:15:20.00 I'm going to say it anyhow. 00:15:20.00\00:15:21.43 When I get to heaven I'm going to shout hallelujah. 00:15:21.43\00:15:25.96 In fact, when we get to heaven and we get in the very 00:15:25.96\00:15:27.93 presence of God, we're going to shout, holy, holy, holy. 00:15:27.93\00:15:31.30 We won't rest day or night, we will continually say, holy, 00:15:31.30\00:15:35.23 holy, holy, Lord God Almighty. 00:15:35.23\00:15:37.20 With what and is to come around God's great thrones 00:15:37.20\00:15:42.20 there's going to be persistent praise. 00:15:42.20\00:15:44.63 If you don't like praise here, I don't know what you're going 00:15:44.63\00:15:47.46 to do when we get there, because when we all get to 00:15:47.46\00:15:49.70 heaven what a day of rejoicing that's going to be. 00:15:49.70\00:15:54.43 When we all see Jesus we're going to sing and shout 00:15:54.43\00:16:00.16 the words of victory. 00:16:00.16\00:16:00.90 But I ain't going to wait until I get to heaven 00:16:00.90\00:16:03.16 to praise him. 00:16:03.16\00:16:03.83 I'm going to praise him down here, too. 00:16:03.83\00:16:05.96 Some of you all talk about, when I get to heaven I'm going 00:16:05.96\00:16:08.13 to sing and shout, and you don't do anything but sit 00:16:08.13\00:16:10.80 and look down here. 00:16:10.80\00:16:11.83 Talking about if I had 10,000 tongues I couldn't 00:16:11.83\00:16:14.96 praise enough. 00:16:14.96\00:16:16.06 God says, well, if you start with the one tongue 00:16:16.06\00:16:18.06 you've got right now. 00:16:18.06\00:16:18.86 Somebody ought to give God praise. 00:16:18.86\00:16:22.20 Lord, you're worthy of the honor. 00:16:22.20\00:16:24.70 Lord, you're worthy of the praise. 00:16:24.70\00:16:26.93 Has God been good to anybody in this place? 00:16:26.93\00:16:29.53 Go on and give him glory because he's 00:16:29.53\00:16:31.93 coming back again. 00:16:31.93\00:16:36.03 He's coming back again. 00:16:36.03\00:16:37.90 Glory, hallelujah, bless his name. 00:16:37.90\00:16:42.53 Lift him up. 00:16:42.53\00:16:44.50 Praise God he's coming back again. 00:16:44.50\00:16:46.66 So I don't know how long it will be. 00:16:46.66\00:16:49.70 I'm ready. 00:16:49.70\00:16:50.73 What the future holds for me, but this I know, that I know 00:16:50.73\00:16:55.40 that I know that I know, if Jesus leads I shall 00:16:55.40\00:17:00.06 get home some day. 00:17:00.06\00:17:03.56 The grass withers, the flower fadest, but the word 00:17:03.56\00:17:08.03 of our God shall stand forever. 00:17:08.03\00:17:12.33 Let not your heart be troubled. 00:17:12.33\00:17:15.13 If you believe in God, believe also in me, in my Father's 00:17:15.13\00:17:18.13 house are many mansions. 00:17:18.13\00:17:19.93 I'm not going to have to worry about high gas prices. 00:17:19.93\00:17:22.80 I'm going to fly from my mansion to your mansion. 00:17:22.80\00:17:24.93 If it were not so I would have told you. 00:17:24.93\00:17:27.16 I go and prepare a place for you. 00:17:27.16\00:17:29.06 If I go and prepare a place for you, he says, 00:17:29.06\00:17:30.33 I will come again, and will receive you unto 00:17:30.33\00:17:33.76 myself that where I am there you may be also. 00:17:33.76\00:17:38.96 So dry your weeping eyes, hold on, help is on the way. 00:17:38.96\00:17:45.73 Hold your head up, stick your chest out, put one foot in 00:17:45.73\00:17:53.23 front of the other, and know that troubles don't last 00:17:53.23\00:17:57.13 always because he's coming back. 00:17:57.13\00:17:59.66 Keep on loving, keep on serving, keep on giving, keep 00:17:59.66\00:18:03.93 on being nice. 00:18:03.93\00:18:08.26 Because serving the Lord is going to pay off after awhile. 00:18:08.26\00:18:14.36 I'm getting ready for the comeback. 00:18:14.36\00:18:17.30 Not the Knicks and the Pacers. 00:18:17.30\00:18:19.60 Not the soldiers coming back from Iraq. 00:18:19.60\00:18:22.33 Not even the biblical story of the prodigal son. 00:18:22.33\00:18:24.83 I'm getting ready for the ultimate comeback when Jesus 00:18:24.83\00:18:29.13 breaks through the clouds. 00:18:29.13\00:18:33.10 Oh, I'm looking forward to it, when I survey the wondrous 00:18:33.10\00:18:35.86 cross for which the Prince of Glory died. 00:18:35.86\00:18:38.03 Jesus paid it all. 00:18:38.03\00:18:41.26 all to him I owe Sin hath left a 00:18:41.26\00:18:48.46 the crimson stain. 00:18:48.46\00:18:51.33 But he washed it white as snow. 00:18:51.33\00:18:56.53 My first Sabbath here, somebody said to me, Pastor, 00:18:56.53\00:18:58.86 forgive me but I don't know what you were referring to 00:18:58.86\00:19:04.73 when you said that you and your wife had lost a child. 00:19:04.73\00:19:10.70 Maybe I was too young. 00:19:10.70\00:19:11.83 You said that was some years ago in '99 and, Pastor, 00:19:11.83\00:19:18.46 I don't know, I was just a little kid. 00:19:18.46\00:19:20.80 What are you talking about. 00:19:20.80\00:19:24.73 Some of you know who've been around a while. 00:19:24.73\00:19:26.96 Some of you are my teachers or professors. 00:19:26.96\00:19:30.26 Some of you went to school with me and you know what 00:19:30.26\00:19:33.70 Danielle and I went through. 00:19:33.70\00:19:34.60 September 25, 1999 on our way from Nashville, Tennessee to 00:19:34.60\00:19:37.73 Tuscaloosa, Alabama to preach for the church anniversary 00:19:37.73\00:19:41.36 there where we had pastored before. 00:19:41.36\00:19:45.43 Twenty minutes from Tuscaloosa the SUV we were 00:19:45.43\00:19:48.96 in began to do flips. 00:19:48.96\00:19:51.90 There we were. 00:19:51.90\00:19:52.70 I woke up from an unconscious state and I saw my wife, 00:19:52.70\00:19:56.00 Danielle, I saw our eldest daughter, Caitlin was her 00:19:56.00\00:19:59.33 name, laying in the median of the highway. 00:19:59.33\00:20:03.90 I began to pray, Lord, Lord, save my daughter, 00:20:03.90\00:20:07.53 heal my daughter. 00:20:07.53\00:20:08.30 They came, the helicopters and all the ambulances from 00:20:08.30\00:20:10.60 Birmingham and they got us there on Interstate 2059, they 00:20:10.60\00:20:14.06 carried us back to Birmingham. 00:20:14.06\00:20:17.10 Danielle was in intensive care in one hospital, our daughter 00:20:17.10\00:20:19.53 was in Birmingham Children's Hospital in intensive care. 00:20:19.53\00:20:23.60 They hooked her up to life support. 00:20:23.60\00:20:27.40 Danielle got better. 00:20:27.40\00:20:28.26 She got discharged, they brought her on over to 00:20:28.26\00:20:31.83 Children's Hospital and there we were, the 25th of 00:20:31.83\00:20:34.60 September, 1999. 00:20:34.60\00:20:35.96 I remember it like it was yesterday. 00:20:35.96\00:20:38.70 Danielle was there, I was there, our parents were there, 00:20:38.70\00:20:41.00 our siblings were there, our grandparents, family, friends, 00:20:41.00\00:20:42.80 ministers came, the conference president came, we began to 00:20:42.80\00:20:45.53 pray for the move of God. 00:20:45.53\00:20:48.56 That's why when I talk about coming down to the altar and 00:20:48.56\00:20:50.66 praying and laying it on the altar, I'm believing in the 00:20:50.66\00:20:53.63 power of prayer. 00:20:53.63\00:20:54.66 It got to the point where people were coming to visit 00:20:54.66\00:20:56.83 the hospital and I told them, if you don't believe that the 00:20:56.83\00:20:58.30 God I serve is able to raise my daughter up, I appreciate 00:20:58.30\00:21:00.06 you but don't come up in this room because we don't need 00:21:00.06\00:21:02.60 conflicting spirits in the room, which is why I don't let 00:21:02.60\00:21:05.30 everybody pray for me. 00:21:05.30\00:21:12.46 The pastors came in, anointed our daughter, but on September 00:21:12.46\00:21:16.03 27th, the doctor came in. 00:21:16.03\00:21:17.73 This is in the state of Alabama. 00:21:17.73\00:21:19.70 The attending physician and then the presiding physician 00:21:19.70\00:21:22.16 saying that we can take your child off life support or 00:21:22.16\00:21:24.33 individual, we can do so. 00:21:24.33\00:21:25.53 So tomorrow, September 28, 1999, at 12 noon central time, 00:21:25.53\00:21:30.40 we're going to take your daughter off life support. 00:21:30.40\00:21:37.36 September 28th came. 00:21:37.36\00:21:40.13 There I was, there Danielle was, our family 00:21:40.13\00:21:41.96 and we were believing. 00:21:41.96\00:21:43.26 Sister Dykes, we were believing for a miracle. 00:21:43.26\00:21:45.90 We knew that God was going to do it. 00:21:45.90\00:21:48.36 We knew that God was going to raise up our daughter. 00:21:48.36\00:21:50.43 I asked the doctor, I say, can I hold her? 00:21:50.43\00:21:53.56 Because I knew at 12 noon that my daughter was going to 00:21:53.56\00:21:57.06 cough, she was going to coo, she was going to cry, she was 00:21:57.06\00:21:58.70 going to do something. 00:21:58.70\00:21:59.70 I said, after all, God, I've lived right. 00:21:59.70\00:22:03.60 I got married, then had children. 00:22:03.60\00:22:09.06 I've never drunk anything in my life. 00:22:09.06\00:22:11.23 I've never smoked anything in my life. 00:22:11.23\00:22:14.70 God, this is Buddy Byrd. 00:22:14.70\00:22:16.26 God, this is your humble servant. 00:22:16.26\00:22:18.36 God, I went to Oakwood, did two degrees, 00:22:18.36\00:22:21.00 finished in four years. 00:22:21.00\00:22:22.26 I've done it right as you have said. 00:22:22.26\00:22:24.33 Don't let this happen to me. 00:22:24.33\00:22:30.06 I put my daughter in my arms. 00:22:30.06\00:22:33.10 Twelve o'clock came. 00:22:33.10\00:22:36.73 They took off life support and I just knew. 00:22:36.73\00:22:39.43 Julius, I knew she was going to do something. 00:22:39.43\00:22:44.13 But my daughter died in my arms. 00:22:44.13\00:22:48.13 Let me be transparent. 00:22:48.13\00:22:52.10 I was mad with God. 00:22:52.10\00:22:54.83 People can talk about, come, let's pray, let's do--I didn't 00:22:54.83\00:22:56.96 hear none of that. 00:22:56.96\00:22:58.90 But I went to my favorite texts in scripture, I told the 00:22:58.90\00:23:02.96 students this last night, 1 Corinthians, 10:13: 00:23:02.96\00:23:05.33 "There hath no temptation taken you but such as 00:23:05.33\00:23:07.33 is common to man: but God is faithful, who will 00:23:07.33\00:23:10.43 not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but 00:23:10.43\00:23:11.86 will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye 00:23:11.86\00:23:13.43 may be able to bear it." 00:23:13.43\00:23:13.93 You know how God will give you just 00:23:13.93\00:23:16.03 what you need just when you need it. 00:23:16.03\00:23:17.73 Have you ever been down and out and you went and opened 00:23:17.73\00:23:19.60 your Bible and you didn't know what text you were going to 00:23:19.60\00:23:21.03 and you just opened it up and God gave you the text just 00:23:21.03\00:23:23.23 when you needed it most. 00:23:23.23\00:23:24.36 I've got a witness in this place today. 00:23:24.36\00:23:28.63 Mad with God. 00:23:28.63\00:23:30.50 I remember talking to the doctor. 00:23:30.50\00:23:34.00 Because you know when you're sick emotionally, 00:23:34.00\00:23:36.43 you need help. 00:23:36.43\00:23:38.16 And he asked me a question. 00:23:38.16\00:23:39.43 He said, Carlton, are you going to get bitter or are you 00:23:39.43\00:23:43.83 going to get better? 00:23:43.83\00:23:46.66 I then went, Brother Roper, to the Selected Messages, book 00:23:46.66\00:23:51.90 number two, and I read where Ellen White said that just 00:23:51.90\00:23:55.26 before the coming of Jesus, just before the comeback, 00:23:55.26\00:23:59.90 the Lord before the time of trouble is going to have to 00:23:59.90\00:24:03.10 lay little ones to rest. 00:24:03.10\00:24:04.93 She said though, but at his comeback, at his comeback, 00:24:04.93\00:24:10.50 Dr. Shan, when Jesus comes back the angel 00:24:10.50\00:24:13.90 of the Lord, Gabriel, is going to take the 00:24:13.90\00:24:15.40 little ones who died in the Lord and he's going to place 00:24:15.40\00:24:18.20 them in the arms of their mothers. 00:24:18.20\00:24:21.00 So at the comeback, do you understand, at the comeback it 00:24:21.00\00:24:24.53 takes on new meaning when I talk about the dead in Christ 00:24:24.53\00:24:28.30 are going to rise, because I know my little baby girl is 00:24:28.30\00:24:30.86 going to rise and Danielle and I have got to live right 00:24:30.86\00:24:33.83 because we don't need our baby being taken to 00:24:33.83\00:24:36.20 somebody else's mama. 00:24:36.20\00:24:37.06 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 00:24:37.06\00:24:39.30 But he's going to place her in Danielle's arms and so shall 00:24:39.30\00:24:42.60 we ever be with the Lord. 00:24:42.60\00:24:47.20 That's why I get excited like I do. 00:24:47.20\00:24:50.16 That's why I wave my hands sometimes. 00:24:50.16\00:24:52.83 That's why when the Aeolian University Choir was singing 00:24:52.83\00:24:55.16 earlier, when we were talking about God's grace and mercy 00:24:55.16\00:24:57.00 that we're not consumed, I had to stand on my feet, tears 00:24:57.00\00:24:59.10 down out of my eyes, because you don't know, you don't know 00:24:59.10\00:25:04.83 like I know what God has done for me. 00:25:04.83\00:25:11.20 I'm talking about depressed. 00:25:11.20\00:25:13.70 I'm talking about down. 00:25:13.70\00:25:15.16 But somebody knows I'm going to see my daughter again 00:25:15.16\00:25:18.23 Brother and Sister Roddy, we're going to see 00:25:18.23\00:25:21.00 Brendan again. 00:25:21.00\00:25:21.76 There are others who have fallen asleep in the Lord, 00:25:21.76\00:25:24.23 we're going to see them again. 00:25:24.23\00:25:25.10 I'm looking forward to the comeback. 00:25:25.10\00:25:31.20 And so God is the joy and the strength of my life. 00:25:31.20\00:25:39.03 He removes all pain and misery and strife. 00:25:39.03\00:25:41.33 He promised to keep me, never to leave me, to never, ever 00:25:41.33\00:25:44.76 come short of his word. 00:25:44.76\00:25:46.16 All I've got to do is fast and pray. 00:25:46.16\00:25:49.30 Stay in the narrow way. 00:25:49.30\00:25:52.36 Keep my life clean every day. 00:25:52.36\00:25:53.33 I want to go with him when he comes back. 00:25:53.33\00:25:56.80 Because, Elder Joiner, I've come too far, I've given too 00:25:56.80\00:26:00.60 much tithe and offering, I've run too many meetings, I've 00:26:00.60\00:26:03.86 had too many hospital visits, I've come too far 00:26:03.86\00:26:09.50 to turn back now. 00:26:09.50\00:26:11.46 God, right now, in the name of Jesus and the intercession of 00:26:11.46\00:26:16.90 the Holy Ghost, we want you to come back. 00:26:16.90\00:26:23.56 The Breath of Life gift offer this week is "Surprised by 00:26:23.56\00:26:26.36 Love" by pastor and international speaker 00:26:26.36\00:26:28.46 Elizabeth Viera Talbot. 00:26:28.46\00:26:30.36 Find out how people in the Bible were 00:26:30.36\00:26:33.06 surprised by God's love. 00:26:33.06\00:26:34.10 Adam and Eve were surprised, the deceitful serpent and the 00:26:34.10\00:26:36.86 Pharisees were surprised. 00:26:36.86\00:26:38.13 It surprised the disciples and even the heavenly angels. 00:26:38.13\00:26:41.53 And God's surprises of love continue all around us today. 00:26:41.53\00:26:44.23 Join with Elizabeth as you get a fresh view of the greatest 00:26:44.23\00:26:47.16 story ever told, from the kidnapping of God's children 00:26:47.16\00:26:50.53 to the rescue, from the ransom to the reunion. 00:26:50.53\00:26:53.83 "Surprised by Love"is yours for a gift of $5 or more. 00:26:53.83\00:26:56.90 Call our toll-free number 877-BOL-OFFER. 00:26:56.90\00:27:00.73 That's 877-265-6333. 00:27:00.73\00:27:04.90 Please have your credit card ready when you call. 00:27:04.90\00:27:07.23 Or you may write us to request your copy. 00:27:07.23\00:27:09.33 Just send a check to Breath of Life, 00:27:09.33\00:27:11.23 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 91319. 00:27:11.23\00:27:16.06 Get your copy of "Surprised by Love" today. 00:27:16.06\00:27:18.66 Be encouraged and touched by the unexpected rescue 00:27:18.66\00:27:22.30 of God"s children. 00:27:22.30\00:27:24.46 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching 00:27:24.46\00:27:28.00 Breath of Life today. 00:27:28.00\00:27:28.76 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry and 00:27:28.76\00:27:31.46 that we gave a healing word in a hurting world. 00:27:31.46\00:27:35.26 In order for Breath of Life to continue ministering, 00:27:35.26\00:27:38.16 we need you. 00:27:38.16\00:27:39.23 We need your prayers. 00:27:39.23\00:27:40.26 We need your support. 00:27:40.26\00:27:42.30 We want you to know that any and all donations, small 00:27:42.30\00:27:44.83 or great, they are sincerely welcome and appreciated. 00:27:44.83\00:27:49.23 To contact us or to make your donation, please feel free 00:27:49.23\00:27:52.56 to give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER. 00:27:52.56\00:27:56.83 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340, 00:27:56.83\00:28:03.83 Newbury Park, CA 91319. 00:28:03.83\00:28:08.63 Feel free to log onto our web site at www.breathoflife.tv. 00:28:15.46\00:28:24.43 ...If my faith is in his power then his strength becomes 00:28:24.43\00:28:28.20