Breath of Life

The Comeback, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000059

00:00 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:12 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:18 ♪ all the praise ♪ ♪ (Music) ♪
00:22 Pastor Byrd: My name is Dr. Carlton Byrd and I'm
00:24 the senior pastor of the Oakwood University Church here
00:27 in Huntsville, Alabama on the campus of Oakwood University.
00:30 I'm grateful to be here today and we're grateful that you've
00:33 joined to watch us today with our Breath of Life telecast.
00:37 I would like to invite you now to take your Bibles and turn
00:40 with me to the book of Acts, Chapter 1 and we will
00:44 begin reading at verse 8.
00:47 Acts 1:8.
00:51 If you have it let me hear you say Amen.
00:56 The Word of God says, "But ye shall receive'"
00:58 what, everybody?
00:59 Come on, ye shall receive what?
01:00 "Power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye
01:04 shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all
01:07 Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of
01:09 the earth.' And when he had spoken these things, while
01:14 they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him
01:18 out of their sight.
01:20 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven
01:23 as he went up, behold," how many men?
01:25 Come on, how many men?
01:27 "Two men stood by them in white apparel; which also
01:29 said, "Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing
01:33 up into heaven?
01:35 This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven,
01:39 shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into
01:46 heaven.'" In harmony with the culmination of our
01:48 Back to School Revival here at Oakwood
01:51 our subject today is The Comeback,
01:56 The Comeback.
01:59 Lord God, right now come into this place, breathe your Holy
02:03 Ghost in this place, go beyond the printed page and, God,
02:09 speak to our hearts this day.
02:12 God, we be careful to give you the praise beyond the glory
02:14 and when the appeal is made, I pray that individuals respond
02:17 to your voice, oh, God, by the power of your Spirit
02:20 that they would give their life to Jesus.
02:24 It's in the name of Jesus we pray, let every blood-washed
02:28 soul say Amen.
02:29 And Amen.
02:31 The comeback.
02:35 The year is 1995, the place is the famous Madison Square
02:44 Garden in New York City, New York, New York.
02:47 Somebody knows it's so nice you have to say it twice.
02:53 The setting was game one of the Eastern Conference
02:57 Semifinals between the New York Knicks and
03:01 the Indiana Pacers.
03:04 Knicks fans, including Spike Lee, hated Indiana Pacer star
03:09 guard Reggie Miller so much that ESPN made this game the
03:14 subject of one of their Thirty for Thirty documentaries.
03:20 Some of you remember that disdain of Spike Lee and other
03:23 loyal Knicks fans.
03:25 Miller singlehandedly led his team to a stunning 107-105
03:34 comeback win over the Knicks in the Garden.
03:36 With 18.7 seconds left in the game the Knicks led
03:41 by six points.
03:42 Miller then hit a 3-pointer, stole the ensuing inbound
03:47 pass, dribbled behind the 3-point line and
03:52 hit another 3-pointer.
03:54 Miller went on later to hit two free throws to put the
03:57 Pacers ahead for the win and up 1-0 in the series.
04:02 This is considered by many as one of the greatest
04:07 comebacks in NBA history.
04:10 History was made in 2008 when Barack Obama was elected
04:17 the first African-American President of the
04:21 United States of America.
04:22 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
04:25 During his presidential campaign he made it clear that
04:28 one of his promises was to end the war in Iraq.
04:34 On December 16, 2011, despite the critics, despite the
04:42 naysaying, despite the political pundits, despite the
04:47 haters, American soldiers began arriving back in the
04:52 United States. U.S. soldiers, my friends, have been
04:56 deployed and they are out of Iraq.
05:00 This comeback is historic.
05:03 After the death of nearly 5,000 American troops and
05:06 injuries to thousands more, the troops have
05:09 come back home.
05:11 When they enter the airport people cheer.
05:17 When they walk up and down the streets, you smile and nod in
05:20 respect and admiration.
05:23 Our soldiers have come back.
05:27 The Bible also talks about comeback.
05:31 I take my Bible and I go to the book of Luke, Chapter 15
05:34 and Jesus tells the parable of the comeback, the parable
05:38 of the prodigal son.
05:40 A father has two sons, the younger son gets his
05:44 inheritance early and leaves home.
05:47 The older son remains at home and works.
05:50 The younger son spends his money on riotous,
05:53 foolish living.
05:54 He reaches his lowest point.
05:56 He feeds on what swine did eat.
05:59 He comes to himself.
06:02 He says he's going home to his father because he would do
06:06 better in his father's house as a servant.
06:09 He walks up the driveway to his father's house.
06:13 His father sees him afar off.
06:16 His father screams in excitement, bring my son the
06:20 best robes, bring the fatted calf, because this, my son,
06:24 was lost but is now found.
06:27 He was blind but now he sees.
06:30 This parable illustrates that when you come back to our
06:36 heavenly father he receives you with open, outstretched
06:38 arms and says, come back home.
06:40 This is spiritual comeback.
06:44 But the ultimate comeback will not be when the Pacers beat
06:49 the Knicks in the Garden, would not be when the American
06:52 soldiers come back on American soil, it will not be when the
06:56 prodigals return home.
06:58 The greatest comeback will be when the trumpet is going to
07:02 sound and Jesus comes back in the cloud.
07:07 When the Lord himself shall descend from heaven
07:10 with a shout.
07:12 When the voice of the archangel, the trump of God,
07:14 and the dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which are
07:17 alive remain to be caught up together with him in the
07:20 clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we
07:23 ever be with the Lord.
07:24 This, my friends, is ultimate comeback.
07:28 The second coming of Jesus.
07:31 Yes, he's coming back.
07:34 No more crying, no more dying, no more sickness, no more
07:39 pain, no more cancer, no more arthritis, no more high blood
07:44 pressure, no more trials, no more tests, no more tears.
07:48 Somebody say, no more tuition.
07:50 Can somebody say, no more.
07:58 The former things are going to be passed away and all things
08:03 are going to become new.
08:06 Jesus is going to make a comeback.
08:09 Two thousand years ago my Lord, my Savior, my Shield, my
08:16 Buckler, my Life, my Salvation, my Jesus has just
08:22 ascended back to heaven to be with the Father.
08:24 His disciples, the record says, are troubled
08:27 by his leaving.
08:28 They don't fully understand his ascension and so they ask
08:31 in Acts, Chapter 1:6, "Lord, wilt thou at this time restore
08:36 again the kingdom to Israel?"
08:38 But keep in mind, friends, who Jesus is.
08:41 The fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of the
08:43 messiah, the anointed one who was to rule the earth from
08:47 Jerusalem unto the restored throne of David, they want to
08:51 know if Jesus plans to initiate this kingdom
08:55 and rule right now.
08:57 The disciples didn't yet understand the nature of
08:59 Christ's kingdom.
09:00 Jesus had not yet promised the sword of restoration
09:03 they were anticipating.
09:04 Christ does not give a direct answer to the
09:07 disciples' question.
09:08 But instead, Christ directs them to the future work
09:11 that they must do.
09:12 He gives them instructions to coincide with the great
09:15 commission found in Matthew 28:19-20, to "Go ye therefore,
09:18 and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name
09:22 of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
09:24 teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I have
09:26 commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the
09:29 end of the world." He then goes on in Acts, Chapter 1
09:32 and says, I will not leave you comfortless because the
09:35 Holy Ghost is coming.
09:37 Acts 1:8 says, "But ye shall receive power, after that the
09:41 Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto
09:45 me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria,
09:47 and unto the uttermost parts of the earth." In the text
09:50 Jesus tells his disciples to get ready for the move of the
09:56 Holy Ghost, get ready for the Holy Ghost to come.
09:59 Get ready, because the gospel is about to be preached.
10:02 The sick will be healed, the dead will be raised, the blind
10:06 will see, miracles will be wrought, and thousands will be
10:11 baptized in the name of the Father, the Son
10:13 and the Holy Ghost.
10:14 Now, let me be clear.
10:16 I'm a fifth-generation Seventh-Day Adventist
10:20 Christian, both paternally and maternally.
10:24 That means my mom and daddy and all their folk on both
10:28 sides are all Adventists.
10:29 Everybody matriculated here at Oakwood College,
10:31 now Oakwood University.
10:32 Understand, I tell people, you're not going to get more
10:36 Adventist than me.
10:41 I have eaten more Grillers and Vega-links than you.
10:47 I tell people all the time, some of you know, I said this
10:50 when I had a meeting with the church prior to my arrival as
10:52 senior pastor, I grew up in a home, Elder Thomas,
10:55 where I kept the Sabbath for 26 hours.
10:58 Of course, you know what I'm talking about.
11:03 That means you kept it for the 24-hour period, sunset Friday
11:06 to sunset Saturday, but, somebody understands, you kept
11:09 it an hour before the sunset came in and an hour after the
11:12 sunset went down because you were guarding the
11:15 edges of the Sabbath.
11:16 I wish I had a witness in this place.
11:20 But I've been an Adventist all my life and if there has been
11:23 a hindrance to the body of Christ it is not tapping into
11:28 the full power we have in God.
11:30 I don't know if you know it or not, but we are sitting
11:34 on a ton of dynamite.
11:37 We are sitting on a ton of power.
11:40 What am I talking about?
11:40 Let me remind you, when Jesus got up at Calvary, you will
11:44 remember that he was crucified, he did die, he did
11:47 rest in the grave on the Sabbath day according to the
11:49 commandments, and he did get up.
11:52 But when he got up, the Bible says he got up with all power,
11:56 and because he got up with all power in his hands there was a
11:59 transfer of that power from Christ to us.
12:03 Ellen White in the testimony says, the fullness of divine
12:06 power has been imparted to God's people that they might
12:08 impart to others like enjoin refreshing.
12:11 So in case you didn't know, we got power.
12:14 We've got Holy Ghost power.
12:16 What is this power?
12:17 Acts, chapter 1 opens by telling us of Jesus' transfer
12:20 of power to his disciples and his subsequent
12:23 ascension into heaven.
12:24 This power in verse 8 refers to God's power to exercise
12:27 his strength and his authority in our lives.
12:31 I've learned over my life that God can strengthen and
12:35 energize those who put their trust in him.
12:38 God is the source, my friends.
12:40 Not you, no me, but God is the source.
12:44 That means that you and me, we can't fight the devil
12:47 in our own strength.
12:48 I'm convinced that's why some people give up because they
12:51 fight the devil in their own strength.
12:55 But Paul says in Ephesians 6:10,
12:57 be strong in the Lord and the power of, not your
12:59 might, but his might.
13:00 The source of our strength is God.
13:03 The source of our strength is Jesus the Christ.
13:06 The source of our strength is the Holy Ghost.
13:09 But not only the source of our strength, but the scope
13:12 of our strength.
13:13 When a believer's faith is in Christ Jesus and God, then the
13:15 Lord's power becomes the power of that believer and when we
13:17 as a church grasp this truth, that we are as strong as that
13:21 in which we trust, we will revolutionize the world.
13:27 Let me see if I can help you understand this.
13:31 If you trust in yourself, you are as strong as you are.
13:34 But when you put your trust in God, you are
13:42 as strong as he is.
13:43 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
13:44 Let me illustrate it this way. I cannot fly.
13:48 I know my last name is Byrd, but I cannot fly.
13:53 I tried it as a child.
13:54 You know, some of you know how you jumped off of something
13:57 talking about, I know I can fly.
13:58 You knocked your head on the way down.
14:00 Do I have a witness in this place?
14:02 I learned as a little boy that the law of gravity is real.
14:07 What goes up must come down.
14:10 And so I cannot fly.
14:13 But when I put myself in an airplane and yield to its
14:19 power suddenly I have the ability to soar 36,000
14:23 feet in the air.
14:25 I cannot run 70 miles per hour.
14:29 I can run fast but not 70 miles per hour.
14:31 But when I get it my car and yield to its power then
14:34 suddenly I have the ability to achieve speeds that I could
14:37 never achieve on my own.
14:39 And so it is when my faith is in God and my faith is in his
14:44 power, then his strength becomes my strength, his power
14:47 becomes my power.
14:50 That's why the Bible says in Ephesians 3:20 that those who
14:55 live by faith, it says, "Now unto him who is able to do
14:59 exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,
15:05 according to the power that worketh in us." Because
15:08 greater is he that is in us, that is in the world.
15:11 Because understand I learned in math right here.
15:13 Dr. Blake knows what I'm talking about.
15:15 I learned in math, if you have a greater than you must have
15:18 a less than.
15:19 Somebody may get that.
15:20 I said, if you have a greater than, greater is he that
15:23 is in me than he that is in the world.
15:24 If you have a greater than, you must have a less than.
15:26 So whoever the greater is inside of you, then he that is
15:29 in the world is less than whoever is inside of you.
15:36 And the greater than he that is in you is the Holy Ghost.
15:38 Do I have a witness in this place?
15:40 The text continues.
15:41 Verse 9, Acts 1, "And when he had spoken these things, while
15:45 they beheld, he was taken up."
15:48 He was taken where, everybody? Up.
15:50 "And a cloud received him out of their"
15:52 what? Sight.
15:53 What a sight this must have been, seeing him
15:57 in whom they had believed.
15:58 He in whose company they had been.
16:01 He to whose tender, loving words they had listened.
16:03 He to whom they had forsaken with the hour
16:06 of his suffering had come.
16:07 He who had died on a cross, reckoned among evil doers.
16:10 He who rested in the tomb and was raised from the dead
16:12 by the power of God.
16:13 He would had been with them in a glorified human body and
16:16 manifested himself as resurrection of glory and
16:18 power was now taken up in a cloud and received
16:21 out of their sight.
16:23 Verse 10: "And while they looked stedfastly toward
16:26 heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them,
16:29 in white apparel.
16:32 Which also said," verse 11, "Ye men of Galilee, why stand
16:34 ye gazing up into heaven."
16:38 This same Jesus, wish I had time, this same Jesus which is
16:46 taken up into heaven shall also come in like manner just
16:50 as he has seen them go into heaven.
16:54 In other words, the angels said, look, fear not, because
16:56 this same Jesus is going to come back just like he left.
17:01 This same Jesus who locked the lion's jaw down in Daniel's
17:07 den is going to come back.
17:08 This same Jesus who provided air conditioning to those
17:13 three Hebrew boys is going to come back.
17:15 This same Jesus who made the Red Sea a dry highway
17:19 is going to come back.
17:20 This same Jesus who raised Lazarus from the dead
17:25 is going to come back.
17:25 This same Jesus who healed your afflicted body
17:29 is going to come back.
17:30 This same Jesus, when you were down to the last day of
17:35 registration at Oakwood and you went to the student
17:38 accounts office the day before and learned you had a balance
17:41 of $5,000.
17:42 You didn't think you were going to get into school this
17:44 semester, but some way or another you just happened to
17:45 go back to student accounts.
17:47 You asked them for your balance just to see if there
17:50 had been a change or a computer glitch and you
17:53 discover that your balance has been paid in full by an
17:57 anonymous donor.
18:00 Jesus has made a way out of no way.
18:04 This same Jesus is coming back.
18:06 Maybe you don't know what I'm talking about.
18:08 This applies to you.
18:09 You were at the checkout line at Publix or Kroger,
18:12 you had $20 to your name.
18:14 Ever been there?
18:15 You just needed to get a few things.
18:17 You put these items in your grocery cart, place your items
18:21 on the conveyor belt and your prayer, Lord, let me
18:24 have enough money.
18:27 You don't know if you're going to have enough money.
18:30 You're in the grocery line.
18:31 People are behind you and they're mean mugging you.
18:34 You don't want to be embarrassed.
18:37 The cashier rings up your groceries.
18:40 You have $20 to your name.
18:41 The cashier rings up your groceries, looks at you
18:44 and your total is, that'll be $19.99.
18:47 This same Jesus is coming back.
18:57 Hallelujah, somebody.
19:04 Could human language make it more clear?
19:08 It seems almost impossible that anyone could not grasp
19:10 the simple fact of his return.
19:11 The Bible, the text teaches that it will be personal,
19:15 this same Jesus.
19:16 That's personal, that's not an imposter, this same Jesus.
19:21 That the comeback would be visible.
19:23 The text say we have seen him go, this same Jesus.
19:26 It will be in the clouds because the text says, a cloud
19:29 received him, this same Jesus.
19:32 It will be certain because this text says, this same
19:36 Jesus shall come in like manner as we have seen
19:38 him go. This is what the life of a Christian is all about.
19:43 Looking forward to Jesus' comeback.
19:46 Looking forward to Jesus' second coming.
19:49 That's why we come in here, we sing our songs, we pray our
19:52 prayers, we give our testimonies, we listen to the
19:55 sermons because we want to be ready when Jesus comes back.
19:58 You don't believe me?
20:00 The name Seventh-Day Adventist espouses reality for
20:03 understanding that Seventh-Day Adventists, we're followers of
20:06 Christ, we're not a cult, we are a Christian community
20:11 that celebrates Christ.
20:13 The virtue of our name, Seventh-Day Adventist, we keep
20:16 the seventh day Sabbath holy and we are awaiting his
20:19 advent, the second coming, the second advent, the comeback
20:23 of Jesus Christ.
20:25 I am proud to be a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian.
20:31 This is what we look forward to.
20:33 And eyes have not seen, either ears have heard the things
20:37 that God has prepared for them.
20:38 So, get ready for the comeback.
20:40 I said get ready for the comeback.
20:43 But, Pastor Byrd, when is the comeback?
20:47 Let me teach you just a little bit because I'm finding we
20:50 think people know what we believe, but I'm learning in
20:53 my experience that people don't know what we believe.
20:55 So, I think we need to know what we believe,
20:58 why we believe it and where it's found.
21:00 When is the comeback?
21:03 Go to the book of Matthew.
21:04 What book did I say, everybody?
21:06 Matthew, chapter 24.
21:06 If you have your iPhone or whatever, look it up there.
21:09 Matthew 24 and I'm coming out of the King James version for
21:12 our viewing audience.
21:13 Matthew 24:36, the Word of God says, "But of that day and
21:18 hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven,
21:22 but my Father only.
21:23 But as in the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming
21:25 of the Son of man be.
21:26 For as in the days that were before the flood they were
21:28 eating and drinking, marrying and giving in" what?
21:30 "Marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and
21:34 knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so
21:37 shall also the coming of the Son of man," what, everybody?
21:40 "Be." Verse 42: "Watch therefore:
21:43 for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
21:45 Verse 44: "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an
21:47 hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." I can't give
21:55 you the exact date of the comeback, but I know
22:00 it's real soon.
22:01 I know the comeback is real soon because Matthew 24
22:03 lets me know the signs of his coming.
22:05 Matthew 24:3: "And as he sat upon the mount of Olives,
22:07 the disciples came unto him privately, saying, "Tell us,
22:09 when shall these things be?
22:10 And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of
22:14 the world?' And Jesus answered and said unto them, "Take heed
22:18 that no man," what, everybody?
22:20 Take heed that no man what?
22:22 "For many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ; and
22:28 shall deceive many." You and I both know somebody walks
22:31 on this earth and says they are Christ, they are a boldfaced
22:33 liar from the pits of hell because the Bible just said in
22:36 Acts 1 that when Jesus left he left in the air which means
22:39 he's coming back in the air, his feet will never touch this
22:42 ground and you shall have war, rumors of war.
22:47 See that ye be not what?
22:48 Troubled.
22:49 For there all these things must come to pass but the end
22:53 is not yet for nations shall rise against what?
22:56 Kingdom against what?
22:57 And there shall be famines and pestilence, and earthquakes in
23:00 divers places, meaning divers or different places.
23:02 All these are the beginning of what, everybody?
23:05 "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall
23:08 kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my
23:09 name's sake." That's why, understand, that in the cause
23:12 of Christ sometimes you're going to be hated on.
23:14 Jesus said that would happen just before his comeback.
23:17 Keep on reading.
23:18 The Word of God says in verse 10: "And then shall many be
23:20 offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate
23:22 one another.
23:23 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
23:33 And because iniquity shall abound, the love
23:36 of many shall wax cold.
23:37 But he that shall endure unto the end." Thank you, Jesus.
23:40 "He that shall endure unto the end, the same," not might,
23:42 not perhaps, not possibly, "But the same shall be saved.
23:45 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the
23:48 worldÖand then shall the end come." I don't know exactly
23:52 when he's coming back, but I do know he's
23:54 coming back soon.
23:55 I know that when Jesus comes back it will be in the same
23:57 manner in which he left.
23:59 He left in a cloud, will return in a cloud.
24:02 Left in the air, will return in the air.
24:04 His feet will not touch the earth.
24:06 The Bible also lets me know in Revelation, Chapter 1:7, that
24:09 when he makes his comeback every eye, every living eye,
24:11 is going to see him.
24:14 Which means those in Huntsville, we're going
24:17 to see him.
24:18 Those back I left in Atlanta, we going to see him then, too.
24:22 Those in New York and L.A.
24:23 are going to see him.
24:25 But Jesus is not a national God, he's an
24:28 international God.
24:29 Those in Africa are going to see him.
24:32 Those in Asia are going to see him.
24:33 Those in Antigua are going to see him.
24:35 Those in Jamaica are going to see him.
24:37 Every eye is going to see him.
24:40 Christianity gets excited about his comeback.
24:44 But some within the ranks of Christianity have made a
24:48 mistake about his comeback.
24:50 Let's be clear.
24:52 When Jesus makes his comeback there'll be four primary
24:55 groups on earth.
24:59 Notice the word primary.
25:00 Four what kind of groups?
25:03 Now understand, I'll teach you a bit.
25:05 Four primary groups.
25:07 Because Revelation 1:7 says that those who even pierced
25:10 him will see him, because Ellen White said there will be
25:13 a special resurrection for those who pierced Jesus.
25:18 But there will be four primary groups when Jesus comes back
25:21 for the second time at his comeback.
25:24 Group number one.
25:25 Everybody say the righteous dead.
25:27 Come on, say it like you mean it.
25:30 Say righteous dead.
25:31 I'm getting you ready for evangelism, righteous dead.
25:35 1 Thessalonians 4:16: "For the Lord himself shall descend
25:38 from heaven with a" what?
25:39 "Shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump
25:41 of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise," what? First.
25:45 When Jesus comes back for his second coming, the Bible is
25:49 clear that the dead in Christ shall rise what? First.
25:51 Group number two.
25:54 The righteous living.
25:55 Group number one is the righteous what? Dead.
25:59 Group number two is the Living.
26:05 Let's keep reading.
26:07 1 Thessalonians 4:17: "Then we which are alive and remain
26:09 shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to
26:12 meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be" what?
26:19 Come on, so shall we ever be with what? With the Lord.
26:23 The Breath of Life gift offer this week is "Surprised by
26:26 Love" by pastor and international speaker
26:28 Elizabeth Viera Talbot.
26:30 Find out how people in the Bible were surprised
26:32 by God's love.
26:33 Adam and Eve were surprised, the deceitful serpent and the
26:36 Pharisees were surprised.
26:37 It surprised the disciples and even the heavenly angels.
26:41 And God's surprises of love continue all around us today.
26:44 Join with Elizabeth as you get a fresh view of the greatest
26:47 story ever told, from the kidnapping of God's children
26:50 to the rescue, from the ransom to the reunion.
26:53 "Surprised by Love"is yours for a gift of $5 or more.
26:56 Call our toll-free number 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:01 That's 877-265-6333.
27:05 Please have your credit card ready when you call.
27:07 Or you may write us to request your copy.
27:10 Just send a check to Breath of Life,
27:11 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 91319.
27:16 Get your copy of "Surprised by Love" today.
27:20 Be encouraged and touched by the unexpected rescue
27:23 of God"s children.
27:24 PB: Thank you very much for tuning in and watching Breath
27:26 of Life today.
27:28 We do hope that you were blessed by our ministry and
27:30 that we gave a healing word in a hurting world.
27:34 In order for Breath of Life to continue ministering,
27:38 we need you.
27:39 We need your prayers.
27:40 We need your support.
27:42 We want you to know that any and all donations, small or
27:44 great, they are sincerely welcome and appreciated.
27:48 To contact us or to make your donation, please feel free to
27:52 give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:59 Or you may write to us at Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
28:06 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
28:15 Feel free to log onto our web site at
28:24 ...If my faith is in his power then his strength becomes


Revised 2015-02-06