Breath of Life

I'm Back, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000049

00:01 ♪ [Island Music] ♪ PB: Hello.
01:01 My name is Dr. Carlton Byrd and I'm the speaker-director
01:05 of the Breath of Life television ministry.
01:07 Right now I'm standing on the beautiful island of Bermuda.
01:11 That's right, Breath of Life is in the county of Bermuda.
01:14 This wonderful island nation of 20 miles long, pink sand,
01:19 beautiful beaches, palm trees, it's just paradise on earth.
01:25 But when I think about how beautiful it is,
01:27 I say to myself, God must have something
01:30 even that much better for us because the Word
01:33 of God says, eyes have not seen, neither have ears heard
01:37 the things that God has prepared for them
01:39 that love him.
01:41 Heaven is going to be that much better than this, and
01:44 while I can come here and vacation, I can come here and
01:47 swim and jet ski, we've come, Breath of Life has, to preach
01:51 the Word of God.
01:53 That's right, we're here for their camp meeting and we're
01:56 preaching that Jesus Christ loves us and he
01:59 is soon to return.
02:01 May God bless you as you watch as we minister to you to tell
02:05 a dying world that Jesus saves.
02:10 ♪ [Music] ♪ ♪ (Theme Song) ♪
02:16 ♪ Jesus is worthy oh yes, ♪ ♪ he's worthy ♪
02:25 ♪ worthy of all... ♪ ♪ all the praise. ♪
02:30 PB: Jesus is on his way there.
02:33 He's in motion.
02:35 Lazarus, his friend, dies.
02:38 And when Jesus shows up, Lazarus' sisters say, If you
02:45 had been here, our brother wouldn't have died.
02:53 But they didn't know, they missed something
02:56 we often miss.
02:58 If you had been here, Jesus, I wouldn't have lost this.
03:03 If you had been here, Jesus, this wouldn't have happened.
03:05 Ellen White said in "Desire of Ages," when Christ heard the
03:08 message that Lazarus had died, the disciples thought he
03:11 received it coldly.
03:15 But we miss something.
03:19 Remember, the Lord is sovereign.
03:22 Remember, when you're sovereign, that means you can
03:26 do what you want, when you want, where you want, how you
03:29 want, and you don't have to ask permission to do
03:32 what you want.
03:34 The issue here is not so much what God does, but how we
03:38 react to what God does, because in God's permissive
03:43 will, he allows Lazarus to die.
03:49 There's a big difference between God's expressed will
03:54 and God's permissive will.
03:56 I wish I had time.
03:57 Now, we don't talk about this much in the church.
04:00 But what happens when God says, "I know what you really
04:04 want to happen, but I think I'm gonna let it
04:06 happen this way"?
04:09 I know you really want this job, but I think I'm not
04:12 gonna let you have it.
04:14 I know you really wanted that house, but I'm thinking you're
04:18 not going to have that house.
04:19 How do you do this for that?
04:21 How do you proclaim victory when God says no?
04:30 I have to take my k-n-o-w, know, and it's able to give me
04:45 a perspective on God's n-o, no.
04:52 God let Lazarus die.
04:54 Sometimes God will let things die.
04:59 God, but you love me, but you let this die.
05:02 You let that die.
05:03 But there was a spiritual revolution that Jesus
05:05 was trying to give.
05:06 They were missing it.
05:07 Look at verse 11: "These things said he: and after that
05:11 he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go,
05:15 that I may awake him out of sleep." His disciples said
05:19 unto him, But Jesus, if he sleeps he's all right.
05:24 If he sleeps he's okay.
05:26 But Jesus said he was speaking of his death.
05:30 But they thought he had taken rest in sleep.
05:35 In other words, in verse 13, the disciples are on FM.
05:43 Jesus is on AM.
05:45 They're seeing this thing in the physical.
05:48 Jesus is seeing it in the spiritual.
05:50 They're seeing it in the natural, but Jesus is
05:53 speaking in the supernatural.
05:54 So verse 14, Jesus says plainly, "Lazarus is dead."
06:00 Now, watch this.
06:01 Listen to me carefully.
06:03 Anyone who is in an eternal relationship with God does not
06:09 experience eternal death.
06:12 You follow me now, listen to me good.
06:16 Anyone who is in an eternal relationship with God does not
06:21 experience eternal death.
06:26 Your God-fearing loved ones, they are not in heaven, those
06:30 who have died in the Lord.
06:33 They are not in heaven right now.
06:36 Your God-fearing loved ones who have passed on
06:40 are just asleep.
06:42 Brethren, I would not have you to be ignorant concerning
06:47 them which are asleep.
06:50 Now, let's expand our minds.
06:51 If your God-fearing loved one was already in heaven
06:56 at the time of their death, then that would make
07:00 I Thessalonians 4:16-17 out to be a lie.
07:03 The Bible says, "For the Lord himself shall descend from
07:08 heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the
07:12 trump of God, and at that time the dead in Christ shall rise
07:16 first." If your loved one who died in the Lord was already
07:20 in heaven, who would Jesus be coming back for
07:24 at his second coming?
07:31 The wages of sin is death.
07:37 But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus
07:43 Christ our Lord.
07:44 So then when I'm in a true relationship with Jesus,
07:48 though my situation may look dead on the surface, to the
07:52 natural eye, spiritually it's sleep and it's just a matter
07:58 of time before God resurrects that thing.
08:01 So no matter what looks dead in my life, it's just a matter
08:04 of time before God gets ready for it to come back.
08:10 That's why when things start happening in your life that
08:12 you can't explain and you don't understand, it's not
08:15 time to start getting mad at God.
08:17 It's time to give God glory, because you ought to know God
08:20 is up to something.
08:21 You see, if God permitted that thing to happen, a child of
08:25 God has to be so hooked up with God that they understand
08:29 that if God let this happen, God must know something, he
08:33 must know something greater in store for my life.
08:37 If God let this thing die, there must be a reason.
08:40 He's getting ready to move me to something better.
08:43 I wish I had a witness in this place?
08:45 If God permits this thing, because all things we know,
08:47 k-n-o-w, that all things work together for God to whoever
08:50 love the Lord and have been called according to his
08:53 purpose, I've got to get to a point in my life that I learn
08:55 how to thank God for his sovereignty.
08:57 Lord, whatever you do, I'll still bless your name.
09:01 Lord, whatever you don't do, I'll bless your name.
09:05 If you bring me out, hallelujah.
09:08 If you choose not to bring me out, hallelujah.
09:11 If you keep me in, hallelujah.
09:13 If you let me come out, hallelujah.
09:14 If you heal me, hallelujah.
09:15 And if you don't, hallelujah.
09:19 Because I know some way, somehow, it's going to work
09:26 out for my good.
09:28 God has to allow us to go through certain things to
09:31 bring validity to our testimony.
09:34 Our testimonies are shallow; they have no validity unless
09:38 you've been through some stuff.
09:41 Don't tell me how to get off this and get off that and
09:43 you've never had to deal with it in your life.
09:46 Don't tell me it's easy to be single and celibate and you've
09:49 got a husband or wife that you go home to every night.
09:52 Don't tell me it's easy to get off cigarettes and you've
09:55 never smoked a cigarette in your life.
09:58 But if you've been lied on, cheated on, and you've gone
10:02 through addiction issues and struggles and strongholds in
10:05 your life, you have a true testimony, because you can't
10:09 have a testimony without a test.
10:12 Because God says, the reason why I didn't do it that time,
10:16 because I wanted to know if you would praise me when I
10:19 said no.
10:23 See, our problem, many of us, myself included, we have what
10:26 we call a "yes" praise.
10:31 We have what I call y-e-s praise.
10:34 For God says, if you would just learn how to praise me,
10:37 when I say no, that by the time you get through praising
10:43 me, that no will be a yes.
10:46 Let's be real tonight.
10:48 How would you know if he was a healer if you've never been
10:52 sick?
10:53 How would you know he was a lawyer if you've never had a
10:55 case?
10:56 How would you know that he was a rent payer if you never had
10:59 rent to pay?
11:00 How would you know that he would come through and pay
11:03 your tuition on the last day of registration had you not
11:05 been there?
11:06 How would you know that he can give you food on your table,
11:09 clothing on your back, if you hadn't tried him for yourself?
11:13 That's why verse 4 says, "This sickness is not unto death,
11:20 but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be
11:25 glorified thereby." You better understand, friends of mine, I
11:30 don't know who I'm speaking to in the name of Jesus, you
11:34 better understand that what you're going through is not
11:37 unto death, but it is that God might be glorified, because
11:41 when you come out you're going to give God some glory.
11:47 There's one thing you need to see, and I've got to learn how
11:50 to respond to God's sovereignty.
11:52 I've got to learn that when I go, when you go to the car lot
11:55 and say, I want that car, and God says no, I can still leave
12:01 there shouting hallelujah, thank you, Jesus.
12:04 You're all not hearing me.
12:06 Some of us, we've got to learn.
12:08 When you're engaged and then the person you're engaged to
12:11 says, "I can't marry you," you've got to learn how to say
12:15 hallelujah, thank you, Jesus.
12:16 Praise the Lord.
12:18 The wedding's off, hallelujah.
12:19 It must, hallelujah, it must be a reason, thank you, Jesus.
12:23 You all hear what I'm saying?
12:25 Somebody, you all broke down and sad because somebody said
12:28 no.
12:29 But you better realize that no could have been a blessing.
12:31 Some of you all sitting up in here wish you had said no.
12:37 [applause] Hey!
12:42 Don't you know, there are some blessings in some no's.
12:49 Preach, Pastor Byrd!
12:55 I'm doing the best I can.
12:56 One more thing.
13:02 Last, we see this.
13:07 If you're going to be resurrected, resurrection
13:12 occurs only through the Savior.
13:15 If you're going to be resurrected, only Jesus
13:18 can do that.
13:21 There are some things in this life that only Jesus can do.
13:25 I can't do it, your preacher can't do it, your mommy, your
13:29 daddy can't do it, government can't do it.
13:31 There are some things that only Jesus can do.
13:34 Lazarus was placed in a tomb, a cold, dark place where
13:40 nobody visits.
13:41 No prospects, no possibilities, the phone
13:45 doesn't ring, no e-mail.
13:47 And then the Bible says a stone was rolled over,
13:51 separating that which outside the tomb from that
13:54 which was inside the tomb.
13:55 Today that's where somebody is.
13:59 They've said it's hopeless.
14:00 No possibilities, no chance of you ever coming back.
14:04 I don't know why you're trying to get that;
14:09 it's over for you.
14:10 I don't care who you are.
14:12 The Holy Ghost has your address.
14:14 But yet you're in this cold place.
14:17 Can't hear anything.
14:19 Can't see anything.
14:21 By yourself.
14:22 And although there are people in your face smiling at you,
14:26 shaking your hand, hugging you, you're all by yourself.
14:30 And the tragedy, friends of mine, of Lazarus' situation
14:33 was that his own sisters, his own sisters, when Jesus showed
14:39 up, they said, Jesus, Jesus!
14:44 He's been dead four days.
14:49 He stinks.
14:53 Hebrew law said that after four days decomposition sets
14:57 in and there is no chance of resurrection now.
15:04 He's dead, he stinks, he's old.
15:08 His own sisters named him stink.
15:16 They let his condition define him.
15:21 They said because he's in this situation we have no other
15:24 choice but to label him stink.
15:29 Now, it's not Lazarus' fault that he's in the tomb, but
15:34 they name him stink.
15:37 Everybody who's in the tomb, it's not their fault,
15:44 but sometimes the closest people to you will start
15:46 naming you stink.
15:49 Isn't it amazing how people will start naming you.
15:54 Look at you, you're a good person.
15:57 Know who you are.
15:58 You may not want to be in that situation, but you're there,
16:00 and people start looking at you, saying, look at you.
16:04 Shame on you.
16:06 You just stink, you're just this, you're just that.
16:09 But Jesus says, show me where you have laid him.
16:15 And I'm glad to know tonight that when everybody else gives
16:19 up on me, Jesus will come and see about me.
16:23 I wish I had a witness in this place?
16:26 Jesus cares so much for me that Jesus will make
16:30 a cemetery visit.
16:32 He'll show up in a cemetery, and that's where a whole lot
16:35 of folk are right now.
16:37 Dead in sin.
16:40 You're around dead folk.
16:42 I knowome of you have forgotten, but if you would
16:44 just be a witness in here and tell how the Lord came and got
16:47 you out of the cemetery, how God took your feet out of the
16:50 miry clay and placed your feet on solid ground, and say how
16:53 the Lord turned your life around-once you were
16:57 lost but now you're found.
16:59 How the Lord opened up your eyes, eyes that were
17:00 blind but now see.
17:02 Jesus said, "Take ye away the stone." The stone
17:06 represents a barrier.
17:09 It's not that Jesus couldn't bring Lazarus through the
17:13 stone, but Jesus made them move the stone, to let us know
17:20 that when you do what you can do, then God will do
17:23 what you can't do.
17:24 You see, your stone may be changing addresses.
17:29 While you're talking about, Lord, get me out of this
17:31 situation, God may be saying, but what are you doing?
17:35 If you'd just move the stone.
17:37 Lord, help me to find a job, I need a job.
17:40 Well, why don't you move the stone of laziness and
17:43 self-pity, get dressed, fill out an application,
17:48 get your resume together and go for an interview?
17:52 But why don't, Lord, help me pass this test.
17:56 But why don't you move the stone of lying in the bed
17:59 rather than studying?
18:01 Why don't you go move the stone?
18:04 And when you move the stone, the miracle will come.
18:07 Lord, bless me financially, I'm strapped financially.
18:09 But you need to move the stone of disobedience, and return
18:13 your tithe and offerings, and then the miracle will come.
18:18 You all hear what I'm saying?
18:19 But look at what Jesus did.
18:23 The same people-follow me carefully-that rolled the
18:28 stone over Lazarus were the same people instructed
18:36 to take the stone away.
18:41 Isn't it amazing what God will do?
18:44 The same folk who buried you, the same folk who called you
18:51 stink, God will make them the same folk who will
19:00 make a way for you.
19:04 Be not deceived.
19:07 God is not mocked.
19:09 Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap?
19:15 You all hear what I'm saying?
19:16 So Jesus said, "Lazarus, come forth." His sisters called him
19:21 stink, his sisters called him old, his sisters
19:26 called him dead.
19:27 But Jesus called him by name.
19:31 It doesn't make a difference what folk have been
19:34 calling you.
19:35 It doesn't make a difference what you say I am.
19:38 I'm not listening to you anyhow.
19:41 I'm glad Jesus calls me by name.
19:46 Somebody, hallelujah, is calling my name.
19:50 The Lord, think about it, y'all, the Lord has so much
19:55 power that he had to be specific that day.
19:59 Because of Jesus had just said, "Get up," everybody in
20:05 the cemetery would have gotten up.
20:08 So he had to be specific, by calling Lazarus by name.
20:14 He's only calling the names of folk who are
20:17 in relationship with him.
20:19 That's why God will look over some folk, not you, not you,
20:24 not you, but you come here.
20:28 God will look over some folk in your office.
20:32 Not you, not you, but you.
20:36 Lazarus came out.
20:37 Church, I want to show you something.
20:42 When Lazarus came out, he came out, and I want you to
20:51 see this in your mind's eye.
20:54 I want you to see how Lazarus came out.
21:00 He came out looking like this.
21:02 They mummified him, they wrapped him up.
21:07 This is what I want you to see tonight.
21:10 When Lazarus came out, Lazarus had on grave clothes.
21:15 The stuff that reminds me of me.
21:19 When Lazarus came out, Lazarus was still bound.
21:23 I'm delivered, but I still have some of that old
21:27 stuff on me.
21:28 That's where somebody is tonight.
21:30 You're out of the situation but you still have
21:34 that old stuff on you.
21:35 You're not hearing what I'm saying.
21:38 But Jesus said, "Loose him."
21:39 Let him go.
21:41 And so what I thank God for is that every now and then God
21:44 starts unwrapping me.
21:47 He starts unwrapping me.
21:50 It's a process that every now and then God unwraps me.
21:54 Is there anybody today who knows that God has
21:57 unwrapped you?
21:57 He takes off the guilt.
21:59 He's unwrapping me.
22:01 He takes off the pride.
22:04 He's unwrapping me.
22:04 He takes out the doubt.
22:06 He's unwrapping me.
22:08 He takes off the lust.
22:12 He's unwrapping me.
22:13 I wish I had a witness in this place.
22:17 So I'm here to tell the devil, devil, I'm back.
22:25 Put your hands together, give God some praise.
22:28 I was wrapped up in sin, I was wrapped up in
22:32 my own self, but now I'm wrapped up, tied up,
22:37 tangled up in Jesus.
22:40 He's all I need.
22:46 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved
22:51 a wretch like me.
22:54 I once was lost but now I'm found.
22:58 Was blind, I said, I was blind, but now I see.
23:05 Put your hands together and give God some praise
23:07 all over the building.
23:12 They that wait upon the Lord, God shall renew their strength.
23:17 They shall mount upon wings as eagles.
23:19 They shall run and not get weary, walk and not faint.
23:22 I'm back.
23:24 Wait on the Lord.
23:26 Be of good courage.
23:29 Jesus, strengthen thine heart.
23:31 I'm back.
23:33 The race is not given to the swift or to the strong, but to
23:43 the one that endures unto the end.
23:51 Devil, I'm back.
23:56 He thought he would kill me 12 years ago, but I'm back.
24:06 You thought you were down for the count in your life.
24:11 You thought that the devil had knocked you down
24:14 and knocked you out.
24:15 He thought he was through with you.
24:18 But you tell devil, devil, I'm back.
24:21 That little boy or little girl was not the way you wanted, it
24:32 was not the way God designed.
24:36 The devil thought he was going to knock you out.
24:39 He even used church folk to try to knock you out.
24:44 But tonight, say, I'm back.
24:54 There's someone, you've wandered from this wonderful
24:58 church, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, because you
25:01 got caught up in arguing about methodology.
25:10 You got caught up arguing about men, women, instead of
25:13 remembering the mission and the message.
25:19 And you let somebody run you out of here.
25:24 Tell the devil, I'm back.
25:31 There's a preacher out there tonight, there's a church
25:33 elder out there tonight.
25:36 You've been serving in ministry and feel that
25:38 you're underappreciated.
25:42 You're not loved, your gifts are taken for granted.
25:46 You're in a low place spiritually right now, a low
25:52 place emotionally, but God sent me to tell you to tell
25:58 the devil, I'm back.
26:05 The second half of 2011 is going to be better
26:07 than the first half.
26:12 Your latter is going to be greater.
26:18 I'm back.
26:21 Dr. Brown, I go back to Atlanta, I go back with Breath
26:26 of Life with a vengeance.
26:29 What the devil has meant for evil, God transposed it
26:32 into good.
26:34 I got my mojo in the Lord back.
26:36 I'm back.
26:42 You're back.
26:46 I'm back.
26:49 Don't let the devil win.
26:52 Tell him, I'm back.
26:59 >: Two thousand years ago Jesus did something
27:01 especially for you.
27:02 He died on the cross at Calvary.
27:05 That day you were on His mind.
27:06 Our offer this week is Max Lucado's, "He Did This Just
27:09 For You." This easy to read, inspirational book reveals
27:14 what God did to win your heart.
27:17 Let Max Lucado beautifully lay out the way home to our
27:20 heavenly Father through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
27:24 Call today and ask for "He Did This Just For You." It's yours
27:27 for a gift of $5 or more.
27:29 The toll free number is 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:33 That's 877-265-6333.
27:36 Or you may write to: Breath of Life,
27:39 Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 91319.
27:41 Remember to include your gift of $5 or more.
27:48 Get up close and personal with the passion and promise of God
27:51 Almighty in "He Did This Just For You."
27:57 [music] PB: Tell the devil, I'm back.
28:05 Just because you found Jesus doesn't mean every day is
28:09 going to be a bed of roses, a day of peaches and cream.
28:11 I'm sick, but I'm in your hands.


Revised 2015-02-06