Breath of Life

Three Things God Can't Do, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000045

00:01 (Island Music) PB: Hello.
00:03 My name is Dr. Carlton Byrd and I'm the speaker director
00:05 of the Breath of Life television ministry.
00:07 Right now I'm standing on the beautiful island of Bermuda.
00:11 That's right, Breath of Life is in the county of Bermuda.
00:14 This wonderful island nation of 20 miles long, pink sand,
00:19 beautiful beaches, palm trees, it's just paradise on earth.
00:24 But when I think about how beautiful it is, I say to
00:28 myself, God must have something even that much
00:31 better for us because the Word of God says, eyes have not
00:35 seen, neither have ears heard the things that God
00:38 hath prepared for them that love him.
00:41 Heaven is going to be that much better than this, and
00:44 while I can come here and vacation, I can come here and
00:47 swim and jet ski, we've come, Breath of Life has, to preach
00:51 the Word of God.
00:53 That's right, we're here for their tent meeting and we're
00:56 preaching that Jesus Christ loves us and he
01:00 is soon to return.
01:01 May God bless you as you watch as we minister to you
01:04 to tell a dying world that Jesus saves.
01:10 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy. . . ♪
01:20 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy. . . ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
01:27 ♪ all the praise. ♪ ♪ (Music) ♪
01:32 PB: I'm so glad that despite what you see, God saw
01:35 destiny and promise within me, and so rather than leave me,
01:41 God says, I see your destiny so I'm going to develop
01:47 this in you.
01:48 God, friends, could have cut you off.
01:54 God could have written some of you off.
01:57 God could have forgotten some of you, but God developed you.
02:01 Let me show you what God does.
02:02 God allowed Israel to go through some stuff in order
02:05 that they might recognize his presence and desire a
02:08 relationship with him that was beyond the surface, because
02:10 too many of us have a surface relationship with the Lord.
02:13 God is allowing some of you right now to go through
02:16 experience after experience after experience until you
02:19 finally realize what a real relationship with God
02:22 is all about.
02:23 Because you can't have a testimony without a test.
02:26 Because I have found with church folk too many of us
02:29 test a lie instead of testify.
02:33 So, I'm not talking about a surface relationship.
02:36 Oh, I come to church every now and then, if I don't
02:40 feel like it, I don't.
02:41 If I feel like singing, I will.
02:43 If I do, I do.
02:44 If I pray, I pray.
02:45 If I don't, I don't.
02:46 I'm not talking about that, because you're not a church
02:50 member if you talk like that.
02:52 Or maybe I should say, you are a church member, because you
02:56 understand there's a difference between church
02:58 membership and discipleship.
02:59 Church membership means, my name is on the roll;
03:02 discipleship means, I'll take up my cross and follow him.
03:06 Because, let me be clear, if I've said this once, I'll say
03:10 it again, people who perceive themselves to be holy are
03:13 never great worshippers.
03:18 Teach all the worship seminars you want, have all the
03:22 seminars you want on worship and praising God, but if you
03:28 think you are so holy that God ought to be thankful that your
03:33 face is in the place and your smile is in the aisle, you are
03:36 nothing more than sounding brass and tinkling cymbal.
03:40 I'm talking about somebody who really loves them some Jesus.
03:45 The only way you're going to get into a relationship, when
03:48 you really love him, you're going to have
03:51 to go through some stuff.
03:52 I'm not talking about what anybody told me, I'm talking
03:55 about what I know for myself.
03:56 Somebody knows, in order for you to really get to know
04:01 Jesus, you've got to go through some stuff.
04:04 You've got to get to the point where your money can't buy
04:07 you out, your friends and family can't bail you out, your
04:11 degree can't think you out, your charisma can't talk
04:14 you out.
04:16 So when you do come out, you'll know it was
04:18 nobody but Jesus.
04:23 It's about this, sometimes I've got to keep taking you
04:28 through it, until you learn how to love me.
04:31 Now, the good thing about God's love is that God will
04:33 love us until we learn how to love him.
04:37 He could have cut us off but he's more determined to
04:40 develop us than to drop us.
04:41 You see, God says, I'll tolerate your inconsistencies
04:46 and hope that one day you'll love me to be consistent.
04:50 I'll tolerate your unfaithfulness in the hopes
04:54 that you'll love me one day to be faithful.
04:57 God says, I cannot force you to have a personal
05:00 relationship with me, all I can do is take you through
05:02 enough stuff so that one day you'll realize where your
05:05 real help comes from.
05:07 God says--let me bowl down somebody's lane--God says,
05:13 I cannot force you to return tithe and offerings, I just
05:17 hope that one day you'll love me enough to give
05:20 tithe and offerings.
05:21 God says, I cannot force you to come to church, but I just
05:24 hope that you'll go through enough stuff where every
05:27 Sabbath you can't wait to get into the house of God.
05:30 God says, I cannot force you to praise me, but I hope that
05:35 you'll go through enough stuff that you'll fall in love
05:40 enough with me that you'll praise me without
05:44 a praise team.
05:46 You'll praise me in your car.
05:47 You'll praise me on your job.
05:50 You'll praise me in the marketplace.
05:53 You'll praise me in the classroom.
05:55 I must admit I love the praise team here, but let me tell
05:59 you, I didn't wait until I got here to have praise
06:03 and worship.
06:05 I praised him this morning in the shower.
06:07 Do I have a witness in this place?
06:09 I praised him when I was walking along the
06:12 beach and the water.
06:13 Come on say Amen.
06:14 When I was in my car, I was praising God.
06:16 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me
06:20 bless his holy name.
06:22 O taste and see that the Lord is good, his mercy
06:25 endures forever.
06:27 God says, I'm just trying to see who loves me.
06:31 I'm trying to get you to a point where you will
06:33 love me all by yourself.
06:34 That if nobody else ever is in love with me, that you'll say,
06:37 Lord, I love you early in the morning, before the dew
06:41 falls on the roses.
06:42 God, I just love you.
06:44 God, you walk with me.
06:45 God, you talk with me.
06:46 I love you, Jesus.
06:47 Does anybody here love Jesus?
06:49 You love Jesus to the point where by yourself you can have
06:53 praise and worship, in your shower, in your bathtub, when
06:56 you're washing dishes, at the dinner table, at breakfast.
06:59 Lord, I begin to thank you for all the wonderful things
07:02 you've done in my life, because the wonderful thing
07:04 about the Lord is, you thank him for one thing and no
07:06 sooner than later, you're already thanking him
07:09 for another thing.
07:10 I love me some Jesus.
07:12 But God says, I cannot force this thing on you.
07:18 King, God cannot make them love him.
07:23 If God can make them love him, then we can undo it.
07:29 But they love him voluntarily.
07:33 They're loyal voluntarily.
07:36 So, King, it's going to be hard for you to go in and mess
07:39 with them, because they love God too much.
07:43 It's going to be hard, King, for yo to pull them away from
07:47 church, because they love God too much.
07:50 It's going to be hard for some relationship to stop them from
07:53 coming to church, because they love God too much.
07:56 It's going to be hard for them not to tithe, because they
07:59 love God too much.
08:01 It's going to be hard for them to sit up in church and mean
08:04 mug folk and be stuck up, because they
08:11 love God too much.
08:15 But, King, there's one more thing that I found out
08:19 God can't do.
08:20 Now, King, this is going to upset you.
08:23 Your enemy church is not going to be able to handle this one.
08:26 Your enemy is going to lose their mind when
08:29 they find this out.
08:31 Now remember, number one, God cannot lie.
08:34 God cannot what?
08:35 Lie.
08:36 God cannot take his word back, so when you're blessed, walk
08:39 in your blessing.
08:40 Let folk talk about you and curse you all they want, but
08:42 they need to remember something, God says he'll
08:45 bless those that bless you.
08:47 And he'll curse those that curse you, that's why when
08:49 you're blessed and folk are cursed and you wonder why
08:51 they're never blessed, it's because they're
08:55 cursing God's blessed.
08:57 Number two, God cannot force you to love him.
09:02 Either you do or you don't.
09:07 And the last thing is simply this, going to
09:10 make somebody shout.
09:12 Let's do it this way.
09:14 Turn to your neighbor and say, neighbor, God can't fight
09:18 and lose.
09:26 It's about to get good up in here. Hey.
09:32 Let's look at one more text.
09:33 Look at verse 22.
09:35 It's about to get good.
09:40 God brought them out of where?
09:42 Egypt.
09:43 Come on, God brought them out of where?
09:46 Egypt.
09:47 He had, as it were, the strength of a unicorn.
09:53 You see, Israel was always the underdog.
10:00 But God always delivered them.
10:04 There's nothing you're going through today that God can't
10:08 deliver you up out of.
10:11 Now, this sounds so routine, so cliche, so redundant when
10:16 you hear this, God brought them out of Egypt.
10:20 God brought them out of the land of bondage.
10:22 And we hear that so much that we take it for granted because
10:25 we don't understand their history.
10:27 But if you knew the history, you'd understand what was
10:30 going on.
10:30 So let me quickly break it down.
10:33 Remember, Israel was nothing more than a preacher
10:36 and a choir.
10:38 Preacher and choir.
10:39 Word and worship.
10:41 Now, when you hear that God brought them out of Egypt, you
10:44 have to understand the totality in that statement.
10:47 Egypt was the mecca of intellectual society, the
10:50 mecca of military might.
10:52 Don't let your history books fool you and make you think
10:55 all this stuff started in Greece.
10:58 They stole it from the Egyptians.
11:00 Civilization as we know it, the intellectuals, the
11:03 architecture, the stuff we read about in history and
11:06 philosophy, all of this began in Egypt.
11:09 The pyramids, all of this started in Egypt.
11:12 And the greatest military might itself was Egypt.
11:14 The geographical location of Egypt, by all of the rivers,
11:17 all of the commerce, all the money, it was a wealthy place
11:20 which is why it was so beautiful.
11:23 The whole idea of chariots began in Egypt.
11:28 The Egyptians were the first to use chariots
11:31 drawn by horses.
11:33 The Egyptians were the first, they built walls call glace.
11:37 These were walls that were tall and they were slanted and
11:40 they were around the city, so when enemies tried to come
11:43 against them, they could not climb over these glace walls
11:46 because they'd be shot down and the pharaohs, who were
11:50 Ramses I and Ramses II, sat on the throne and they
11:53 were men of great power.
11:55 They would speak a thing and it would be so.
11:57 Who would dare approach the Ramses?
12:00 Who would dare approach Pharaoh.
12:02 I mean, this was a culture that literally taught the
12:04 world about embalming techniques and taught the
12:07 world about architecture and philosophy.
12:09 This was who taught the world about military
12:11 prowess and might.
12:13 And now, Pharaoh sits on the throne.
12:18 Now, can you imagine, with all this military might, all this
12:23 power, what an 80-year-old preacher with nothing but a
12:29 stick and a stutter must have felt like when God said, go
12:36 over there, tell mean old pharaoh to let my people go.
12:42 You all ain't feeling this.
12:43 That's why Moses had all of those excuses, but, uh, uh,
12:48 Lord, uh, wait a minute.
12:51 But God assured him, I want you to know something.
12:57 When they ask you, who do you come in the name of, tell
13:06 them--I got a witness in this place--tell them that I am
13:10 that I am sent you.
13:16 Because I am what you need when you get there.
13:22 I am what you're going to say when you get there.
13:25 You all not hearing me.
13:27 Listen.
13:28 Notice what God says, God says, tell pharaoh, tell all
13:34 of that power and military might, to let my people go.
13:42 Everybody say God's blessed.
13:44 Say God's chosen.
13:46 Now, how do we know this was God's blessed and God's
13:49 chosen?
13:50 We have to go back to Genesis.
13:51 Abraham begat Isaac.
13:53 Isaac begat Jacob.
13:55 Jacob gives birth to the 12 tribes of Israel.
13:57 But out of this you get Joseph.
13:59 Joseph was blessed.
14:00 Joseph was chairman of commerce for Israel.
14:03 He saved them from famine.
14:04 Joseph was so blessed that when Ramses II, pharaoh of
14:07 Egypt, came into power, the reason why the Israelites were
14:10 in bondage in the first place was because there rose up a
14:13 pharaoh who did not know their history.
14:15 He did not know Joseph.
14:16 If he had known who he was messing with, he wouldn't have
14:20 put them in bondage in the first place.
14:24 Ah, do me a favor.
14:27 Look at your neighbor.
14:29 Look at them good.
14:30 Tell them, my enemy just doesn't know who they're
14:36 messing with.
14:38 Hahaha.
14:39 Do you understand, child of God, that I am God's blessed?
14:42 So after a series of plagues, a preacher and a praise team,
14:52 not sticks and stones, not bows and arrows, but a
14:56 preacher and a praise team, a word and some worshippers came
15:03 up out of Egypt.
15:05 God delivered them out of Egypt without having to lift
15:10 one finger.
15:11 So Balaam says to Balak.
15:14 King, let's put this in perspective.
15:19 You aren't even as large as pharaoh.
15:23 I know you want to attack Israel, but you're not even as
15:27 large as pharaoh was.
15:29 God destroyed pharaoh for messing with them and you
15:34 ain't as large as pharaoh.
15:37 God brought these folk that you're messing with out of
15:44 Egypt.
15:46 So whatever you're trying to do, just know I'm trying to
15:50 warn you.
15:52 How did God do it?
15:54 God brought them out by exercising his dominion.
15:59 Look at verse 22 again.
16:02 God brought them out of Egypt, he had as it were the strength
16:09 of a what, everybody?
16:10 Now, quickly.
16:12 You do know unicorns don't exist.
16:16 You don't see any unicorns.
16:18 You don't see an animal with a big horn out of his head.
16:21 So this must be a metaphor.
16:24 Well, if it's a metaphor, where does it come from?
16:27 You must read Psalm 92:10.
16:31 It says, "But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of
16:35 a unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil." Now, the word
16:40 for unicorn translated in the Clear Word Bible is wild bull.
16:45 Other translations say wild ox.
16:51 Other translations call it a ram.
16:55 Today let's use ram.
16:59 God, the text, paraphrasing now, brought them out of Egypt
17:06 and is ready to fight for them like a ram.
17:12 Now let me quickly tell you something about rams.
17:16 Rams hang out on mountaintops.
17:18 Rams hang out on high places, because rams don't have time
17:24 to hang out in low places.
17:27 You all don't hear what I'm saying.
17:29 Trying to talk about a ram.
17:30 Now, a ram does not have a vicious bite, nor does a ram
17:34 have poison in his bite.
17:38 A ram's defense and strength is in its horns.
17:44 Now a ram's horns obtain strength by daily
17:47 dipping in fresh oil.
17:50 A daily dip in oil gives rams their strength.
17:55 That's why you and I, we have to keep dipping in oil,
17:59 dipping in the Holy Ghost, and God will keep
18:02 giving us strength.
18:04 I wish you were hearing what I'm saying.
18:06 Somebody knows that every day you wake up you've got to say,
18:09 Lord, touch me again.
18:11 Lord, anoint me again.
18:13 God, lay your hand on me again.
18:17 God brought Israel out, as it were, the strength of a
18:22 unicorn, the strength of a ram.
18:27 How did that happen, Dr. Byrd?
18:29 I'm so glad you asked.
18:30 There are two kinds of rams.
18:37 There are those rams that dip in fresh oil and those rams
18:42 that don't.
18:44 So we have anointed rams and then we just have rams.
18:51 Now, a ram doesn't really have any enemies in the natural
18:56 realm other than other rams.
19:00 And guess what it's all about?
19:02 It's all about territory.
19:05 And what another ram who may not be anointed with oil will
19:08 do is walk up in the territory and challenge an anointed ram.
19:15 What does that ram want?
19:16 I want your stuff.
19:18 I want your territory.
19:20 But what the anointed ram will do, the anointed ram will send
19:26 out a warning.
19:28 He will fall on his knees and he will then butt his head and
19:34 what he's really saying in ram language is this, if I have to
19:39 come up, I'm coming up with some power.
19:48 You've got to tell somebody.
19:50 If I have to come up, you better tell them I'm coming up
19:54 with power.
19:55 Holy Ghost power.
19:56 Anointed power.
19:59 That's what my enemy doesn't know.
20:02 When the enemy messes with me, then I have to go down on my
20:07 knees, because that's where my strength really is.
20:12 Do I have a witness in this place?
20:16 Because if you fall on your knees, somebody knows that God
20:19 will fight your battles and God is not a God
20:23 who will fight and lose.
20:24 Don't you know that's how God brought Israel out.
20:27 When they came to the Red Sea, pharaoh was in hot pursuit,
20:32 Moses got down on his knees and God fought the battle.
20:36 When Daniel was in the lion's den, Daniel went down on his
20:41 knees and God fought the battle.
20:45 When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were in the fiery
20:48 furnace, they went down on their knees, prayed to God and
20:52 God brought them out.
20:55 But let's go to the New Testament.
20:57 When Paul and Silas were in jail, they went down on their
21:01 knees and God brought them out.
21:04 You better tell somebody.
21:06 It may look rough right now, but tell them, know this
21:12 thing, God has never lost a fight.
21:16 You better keep falling on your knees, because I know God
21:21 is getting ready to bring you out.
21:24 Do I have a witness in this place?
21:26 That's why you don't have to wait until the battle is over,
21:30 you can shout now.
21:32 I feel an anointing getting loose in this place.
21:36 I feel God getting ready to bring somebody out
21:38 in this place.
21:39 Anybody in this place, you in the fight of your life?
21:42 You're in the fight for your family?
21:44 You're in the fight for your finances?
21:46 You're in the fight for your health?
21:48 You're in the your fight for cancer?
21:50 You're in your fight for your salvation?
21:52 God told me to tell you, the battle is not yours, the
21:55 battle is the Lord's.
21:56 Do I have a witness in this place?
21:58 I've got to close, but I want somebody to understand, God is
22:02 going to take care of you.
22:03 Sometimes you have to tell yourself when you feel
22:07 unlovable, put your hands around yourself and begin to
22:11 hug yourself and begin to say, I know I'm blessed.
22:13 I know I'm God's chosen.
22:15 I know I'm blessed.
22:16 I have to walk like I'm blessed.
22:19 I have to talk like I'm blessed, because I'm blessed
22:22 in the city, I'm blessed in the fields, I'm blessed in my
22:26 going out, I'm blessed in my coming in.
22:29 Let me close it this way.
22:31 I was watching ESPN Classic one day, because
22:35 I'm a sports buff.
22:36 And I was watching it one day and they were showing an
22:39 interview between the famed sportscaster Howard Cosell
22:44 and Muhammad Ali.
22:46 Got some witnesses here in the place.
22:51 Howard Cosell looks at Muhammad Ali just before his
22:58 famous fight with Joe Frazier.
23:01 He said, Ali, how are you going to defeat Joe Frazier?
23:07 Ali said those famous words, you know, I float like a
23:14 butterfly, I sting like a bee.
23:19 I've got a witness in this place.
23:21 Cosell said, but you know, Smokin' Joe
23:25 has a powerful punch.
23:27 Ali said, yeah, I know, but Smokin' Joe is going to try to
23:33 get a head shot in, but Ali said, the way I'm going to
23:40 beat Smokin' Joe is I'm going to stay low.
23:45 You better tell your neighbor you're going to win this
23:50 fight, but you've got to stay low.
23:54 When they talk about you, stay low.
23:58 When they scandalize your name, stay low.
24:03 When they hate on you, stay low.
24:06 When the enemy comes after your money, stay low.
24:10 When your enemy comes after your daughter, stay low.
24:13 When the enemy comes after your son, stay low.
24:18 When your enemy comes after your marriage, stay low.
24:27 I believe somebody knows you've got to stay low.
24:30 Let me tell you, my God has never fought and lost.
24:34 So I've come to serve notice today, I've come to serve
24:39 notice to every one of your enemies, don't start no stuff,
24:42 won't be no stuff.
24:47 God can't lie.
24:49 If God said it, that settles it.
24:52 God loves us, but God cannot make us love him.
24:58 And God cannot lose a fight.
25:01 We don't get in a fight that we're going to lose because we
25:06 fight from victory not for victory, because the fight is
25:12 already fixed for they that wait upon the Lord.
25:21 God shall renew their strength.
25:23 They shall soar on wings of eagles, they shall run and not
25:28 get weary, they shall walk and not faint.
25:31 Fret not thyself because of evildoers.
25:35 Neither be thou envious of the workers of iniquity.
25:38 God shall cut them down like the grass, because no weapon
25:41 formed against you is going to prosper, because the Lord is
25:45 my life, my salvation, whom shall I fear?
25:50 The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall
25:54 I be afraid?
25:55 The Lord is my refuge and strength, a very present help
25:59 in time of trouble.
26:01 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
26:04 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth
26:08 me beside still waters.
26:10 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the path of
26:13 righteousness for his name's sake.
26:16 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
26:20 I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy
26:24 staff, they comfort me.
26:27 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine
26:32 enemies: thou anointeth my head with oil;
26:36 my cup runneth over.
26:38 Surely, surely, I said surely goodness and mercy shall
26:49 follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the
26:53 house of the Lord forever and ever and ever.
26:59 Christ returneth.
27:04 Hallelujah.
27:07 Hallelujah.
27:10 PB: Hello, I'm Dr. Carlton Byrd, speaker-director
27:14 for Breath of Life Television Ministries.
27:15 For the past year, it has been my joy
27:19 to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ across the globe,
27:22 but principally from the sanctuary of the Berean
27:26 Seventh-day Adventist Church in Atlanta, Georgia.
27:28 Beginning in January 2012, I will continue to preach
27:32 the gospel of Jesus Christ, and Breath of Life
27:34 will still be here.
27:36 But it will come from the sanctuary of the Oakwood
27:38 University Church, in Huntsville, Alabama,
27:41 on the campus of Oakwood University.
27:44 It will be the same Breath of Life,
27:46 the same preacher, the same gospel
27:48 of Jesus Christ, the same channel,
27:51 the same station, at the same time.
27:53 Just a different location.
27:55 We solicit your continued prayers and support
27:58 as we take this wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ
28:02 to a dying world.
28:04 May God bless you.
28:05 (Music) PB: When you know that you are
28:11 blessed, nobody can undo what God has already done in your
28:17 life.
28:20 So the next time you ask God for something, why don't you
28:23 super size it.
28:25 Super size it in the name of Jesus.


Revised 2015-02-06