Breath of Life

Revival In The Valley, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000036

00:01 (Theme Song) Jesus is worthy...
00:11 oh yes, he's worthy...
00:15 worthy of all...
00:18 (Music) PB: Ezekiel is assigned by
00:24 God to preach to these dry, dead bones.
00:28 But you know what?
00:30 As Ezekiel begins to speak the Word, revival takes place.
00:34 As Ezekiel begins to speak the Word, reanimation
00:39 takes place.
00:41 But not only reanimation, because as he spoke the Word,
00:44 reanimation became the reassembling of life.
00:46 For it's not nearly enough to reanimate life,
00:50 but life that has been dismembered has
00:53 to be reunited.
00:54 So now God says, I will give you the reassembling of life,
00:58 and at that moment, God begins to reverse the process
01:03 of decomposition.
01:05 He says, Preach the Word.
01:08 And as Ezekiel began to preach the Word, look at
01:13 decomposition reverse itself.
01:16 God says, breath will enter the life.
01:19 Tendons will fill the bones.
01:20 Flesh will come upon the tendons.
01:24 And then skin will come upon the flesh.
01:27 That is the reversal of the process
01:29 of decomposition, for when one dies, breath leaves
01:33 the body, the flesh begins to deteriorate, the skin
01:36 and flesh begin to decompose, the tendons begin
01:39 to disintegrate, and then there is nothing left
01:41 but bare skeletal remains.
01:42 God says, my Word, sharper than any two-edged sword, can
01:51 reanimate and reassemble life.
01:55 Let me be clear tonight.
01:57 It is our duty to preach to all men, despairing of no one.
02:04 We are to sow beside all waters, we are to preach in
02:08 season and out of season.
02:10 Preach it when it's not even popular, because you can't
02:14 be popular and prophetic at the same time.
02:18 When it's two people, we are to preach just as hard as if
02:22 it were two thousand people, because God said,
02:26 wherever there are two or three gathered in the midst, I
02:29 shall be in the midst of them.
02:32 God can quicken the dead, God can raise life
02:37 up among the dead.
02:39 God is the Resurrection and the Life.
02:41 God is the Alpha and the Omega.
02:43 God is the Beginning and the End.
02:45 God is the First and the Last.
02:49 All we've got to do is preach God's truth
02:51 in God's strength.
02:53 God is sovereign.
02:54 God will quicken whom he will, when he will, where he will,
02:59 and how he will.
03:00 Ezekiel begins to preach.
03:02 I'm getting a little happy right about now.
03:05 Ezekiel begins to preach, and when Ezekiel begins to preach,
03:09 the Bible says revival begins to take place.
03:12 And you all know what happens when revival takes place.
03:14 The preacher gets to preaching.
03:16 The choir gets to singing.
03:18 The organist gets to playing.
03:20 The Holy Ghost gets to moving.
03:22 The people get to shouting.
03:24 Prayer warriors start praying.
03:26 Demons start trembling.
03:28 Souls stop sinning.
03:30 Gossipers stop gossiping.
03:32 Politicians stop politicizing.
03:35 Ezekiel begins to preach to dry, dead bones.
03:46 And in the bones, the Bible says, revival takes place.
03:49 And they begin to fix themselves together, and
03:52 clothe themselves in flesh.
03:54 Ezekiel begins to see that, yes, there's still
03:57 a God who sits high, but he looks down low.
04:01 And so now Ezekiel begins to get a little happy.
04:05 Ezekiel begins to stomp his feet a little bit.
04:07 Ezekiel begins to lift his hands a little bit.
04:10 Ezekiel begins to whoop and holler a little bit, because
04:12 he's thanking God for dry bones.
04:15 Because his valley, his revival, let him see God
04:20 perform orthopedic surgery.
04:22 Then let the ankle bone be connected to the leg bone, the
04:27 leg bone be connected to the knee bone, the knee bone be
04:31 connected to the hip bone, the hip bone be connected to the
04:34 back bone, the back bone be connected to the shoulder
04:38 bone, the shoulder bone be connected to the neck bone,
04:41 the neck bone be connected to the head bone, and oh,
04:45 dry bones!
04:49 Hear the Word of the Lord.
04:51 I am a witness that preaching the Word of God will stir up
04:58 and wake up dry bones.
05:02 Thank God for his Word.
05:05 I've asked myself many times, how can people come to church,
05:11 hear the Word and leave the same way?
05:13 Is it because they got the reanimation and the
05:18 reassembling?
05:20 But see, that's not the end of the process.
05:23 Because when you read the Word of God, it says to us in verse
05:27 8 that these people, although they now had shape and form,
05:31 they still had no breath in them.
05:34 Ezekiel had a measure of success in preaching.
05:41 A measure of success in preaching to the bones, and a
05:45 wonderful success it appeared to be.
05:48 The bones came together.
05:50 Bone to bone.
05:51 But the Bible says that there was no breath in them.
05:56 Ezekiel had done his work in the preaching, but there was
06:00 still something else that was needed.
06:04 Ezekiel must now prophesy to the wind to breathe on the
06:09 slain and make them live.
06:11 When Ezekiel does this, the Bible says that the wind
06:15 comes, and there stands up an exceeding great
06:19 army of living wind.
06:21 And that's just like some of us.
06:25 Many of us hear the Word to give us information
06:29 on how to live.
06:31 Enough of us get the Word to get inspiration to
06:34 reassemble life.
06:36 But without the indwelling presence of the Holy Ghost
06:41 that restores life, life is meaningless.
06:46 Some of us look alive, but we're dead.
06:50 Some of us are playing games with God, jiving with life,
06:54 but that's all right.
06:56 The day will come, keep on living, as the old folks say,
07:00 "Live long enough," and you will find yourself in a
07:04 valley, and you'll say, not only must I reanimate and
07:07 reassemble the Word of God, but I need a Word that
07:12 can restore life.
07:13 Life only comes from God's Holy Ghost.
07:16 Let me be clear to the preachers out there, elders,
07:19 teachers, deacons, teachers in Sabbath School,
07:22 let me be clear.
07:24 The most soul-stirring preaching will not
07:28 create life.
07:30 Ezekiel has to still prophesy to the wind.
07:37 He had to prophesy to the Holy Ghost that he would breathe
07:41 life into those dry, dead bones.
07:45 The wind here is the garden, it's the power of light, as is
07:48 typical of the Spirit of God.
07:49 The word of God says in Genesis 2:07, it teaches that
07:51 God formed man of the dust of ground, breathed into his
07:54 nostrils the breath of life, man became a living soul.
07:56 Dust plus breath equal living soul.
07:58 Man didn't come from monkey, man came from God.
08:02 God says, don't just speak the word, Ezekiel.
08:08 Now I want you to speak and prophesy to the wind.
08:12 I want you to speak to that which is alive and animate it.
08:15 And I want you to speak to the invisible and
08:17 watch the invisible and the incomprehensible move into
08:19 that which is no more than a corpse.
08:23 And move that corpse to a moving, living body, into a
08:26 spirit-breathing person.
08:28 The Bible says, Ezekiel stood up, lifted up his head back
08:34 and spoke to the wind and said, Wind, from the four
08:39 corners of the earth.
08:41 And the wind, the Bible says, began to rock God's spirit
08:45 around the bones, just like Ezekiel had walked backward
08:49 and forward from the bones.
08:51 The way that Ezekiel had walked from side to side and
08:53 surveyed the remains.
08:54 Now the winds would follow the same footprint
08:58 patterning of Ezekiel.
08:59 They would blow from the north, the south, the
09:03 east and the west.
09:04 They would envelope that which was dead and now you can begin
09:07 to see the chest expand, the lungs begin to move, and the
09:12 hands begin to take shape at the reassembling and now
09:15 the revitalization of life.
09:17 That's what the Spirit of God, hallelujah, does.
09:20 It makes that which was dead alive again.
09:24 Preaching the word doesn't slowly generate.
09:29 Preaching doesn't only give life, only God gives life.
09:32 Only God woke you up this morning.
09:36 The alarm clock didn't do it. God did it.
09:40 Only God can sustain your life.
09:43 The doctor didn't do it.
09:44 God did it.
09:46 God is life.
09:48 All life begins in God and flows from God.
09:51 All life lives through God and by God.
09:55 He is the life of life.
09:57 He is the giver of life.
10:00 He is the sustainer of life.
10:01 He is the way to life.
10:02 He is the way of life.
10:03 He is the way for life.
10:04 He is the way in life.
10:05 And he's a joy for my life.
10:08 God says, Ezekiel, the revival you have just witnessed in
10:14 the valley is a picture of my people, a picture of my
10:19 people who are despairing.
10:21 A picture of my people who are dismembered.
10:24 A picture of my people who are dead.
10:27 A picture of my people who have an erroneous
10:28 interpretation of who I am.
10:29 For they believe that I'm a God who is localized in one
10:32 place, but they have forgotten that I am not only the God of
10:35 Abraham at Mount Mariah, but I'm the God of Moses
10:38 at Mount Sinai.
10:39 The God of Isaac by the well, the God of Jacob by Bethel.
10:42 I'm not localized to any place.
10:43 I'm the sovereign Lord.
10:45 I'm omnipresent.
10:47 I'm everywhere all at the same time.
10:49 Wherever you are, I am.
10:51 Wherever you go, I've already been.
10:53 But the question is, can these bones live?
11:00 They can if hope is rebirthed in them.
11:03 Some of us here today, we need a little hope.
11:07 Anybody need a little hope?
11:08 We need that which will give us the invigoration to
11:11 continue on when everything around us seems
11:14 to be against us.
11:15 You need a little hope.
11:16 That's how you live life.
11:18 You live your life hoping your way through.
11:21 Let me be clear.
11:22 I hope my way through life.
11:24 I can remember preaching once, and this lady said, "Son, you
11:29 hoped me today." As an educated young preacher,
11:35 I thought I needed to correct her with her English and tell
11:40 her that what she meant to say was that I helped you today.
11:44 She said, "No, son, if you had helped me I
11:48 would have told you.
11:50 I said you hoped me.
11:53 You hoped me today." And that was the word of God, just
11:57 every now and then, it hopes us, hopes us into new
12:03 possibilities, hopes us into new perspectives, hopes us
12:06 into new dynamics, hopes us into new energy, hopes us into
12:11 meaningful purpose for existence.
12:14 The word of God hopes us.
12:19 Verse 11, the interpretation.
12:21 This is the house of Israel and they're saying that our
12:31 bones are dried up, our hope is lost, we are cut off.
12:34 But God says, these bones can live, you can live again.
12:42 I don't know who I'm preaching to tonight, but maybe the
12:46 worst of life has gotten the worst of you, but you
12:50 can live again.
12:52 Maybe life has gotten the worst of you,
12:55 but you can live again.
12:56 Maybe you've got sickness running through your body,
13:00 but you can live again.
13:02 Maybe you don't have a dime to your name, but you can
13:06 live again.
13:08 Maybe your children have run away from the Lord, but train
13:12 up a child in the way he should go and when he is
13:15 old he will not depart from it.
13:16 You can hope again.
13:18 So, Pastor Byrd, how can I hope again?
13:24 I'm so glad you asked.
13:25 The answer: prophesy.
13:29 Everybody say prophesy.
13:30 And so Ezekiel picks up in verse 12 where he left off in
13:35 verses 4 and 5.
13:36 He says in verse 12, prophesy.
13:38 Say to them, thus saith the Lord God.
13:44 I will open up your graves, call you to come up out of
13:48 your graves and bring you to the land of Israel.
13:51 Number one, God says I'm a resurrection.
13:53 I'm going to give you resurrection.
13:55 I'm going to give you hope through resurrection.
13:57 This is the resurrection of those who are despaired,
13:59 dismembered and disappointed, dead and disillusioned and
14:04 those who have been exiled is a picture of those of us who
14:08 need a hope from God that whatever graves we might be
14:13 in, God's going to lift us up.
14:15 And the grave he's speaking of is that he's going to lift the
14:18 chains of death.
14:20 Get thou away from you.
14:21 And God says, I'm going to resurrect your life.
14:23 You know he can do it because God is not only a God who
14:26 works on the area of impossible, but God, Yahweh,
14:29 knows how to weave his way out of a grave.
14:32 Whatever looks like it has God bound can't keep
14:36 God down too long.
14:37 It's just long enough for us to see the picture that it
14:41 looks impossible.
14:42 And God says, keep on looking, because I'm the God that can
14:47 show you it can open up.
14:50 Oh, I wish had time.
14:53 Let me say it anyhow.
14:54 I don't get down here all the time.
14:57 If you're looking for a nickname,
14:59 call God, the God that opens up.
15:03 He opened up the Red Sea.
15:07 He opened up Sarah's womb.
15:10 He opened up Hannah's womb.
15:12 He opened up jail doors for Peter.
15:16 He opened up Philippian doors for Paul and Silas.
15:20 But on the third appointed day, after he was crucified on
15:25 Friday, lay resting in the grave on the Sabbath, the
15:30 Bible says on the third appointed day the grave doors
15:33 opened up, tomb doors opened up for Jesus.
15:38 He's the God of the open.
15:40 And let me tell you something.
15:43 God can open up the doors in your life.
15:45 God gives resurrection and resurrection always gives
15:48 hope or possibility.
15:49 For when you look at resurrection, resurrection
15:52 says that God laughs at death's face.
15:57 Whenever you find yourself in a situation that looks as
16:01 hopeless, purposeless and meaningless, remember,
16:04 we have a God who will open things up.
16:07 We have a God of resurrection.
16:09 Hallelujah, somebody.
16:11 Because after every crucifixion there must be a
16:13 resurrection.
16:14 God can give new life.
16:17 He's a new life giver.
16:19 He says in verse 13, I will open up the grave and bring
16:26 you out of death.
16:28 Then he says in verse 14, I will put my spirit in you and
16:34 you shall live and I shall place you in your own land.
16:39 Hah, hallelujah, somebody, let me stop right there.
16:43 Not only is there resurrection, but there's
16:46 also reunion.
16:47 I said not only resurrection, but there's also reunion.
16:52 You all don't hear what I'm saying, somebody?
16:54 Oh, when we get to heaven, I'm going to be excited to see God
16:57 Jesus, but when we get to heaven, my Bible says, for the
17:00 Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with
17:03 a voice of the archangel, and the trump of God and the dead
17:06 in Christ shall rise first.
17:07 There's going to be union and reunion, hallelujah, somebody.
17:10 I see a scene.
17:17 If God had turned his back on the Hebrew children, but God
17:21 wanted his people to see that he cannot be localized.
17:24 He cannot be domesticated.
17:25 God is saying, you cannot dictate to me the way you want
17:28 me to operate for exile was not Babylonian power,
17:32 but it was my power.
17:34 You're not in Babylon for exilic purposes because they
17:37 overthrew my country, but I allowed them to overthrow you
17:40 so that exile could become your discipline.
17:44 I better pause there for a moment because there are some
17:48 of us in here tonight who are living in our own exile.
17:56 Let me talk to my colleagues.
17:57 Give you some hope.
17:59 Some of us, we are away from all hopeful possibilities.
18:03 You're in a district, maybe 10 people, 20 people, 30 people,
18:10 no money, no people, no resources, but you're there,
18:12 not because God is not faithful, but maybe you're
18:13 there because God is faithful.
18:16 Because God, I've learned in my life, that God allows
18:19 certain things to come our way to prove to us again and again
18:24 that he's the one who can get us out of what we find
18:28 ourselves in.
18:30 Do I have a witness in this place?
18:32 You better understand, the blessings of God are not on
18:35 places, the blessings of God are on people.
18:38 I wish I had a witness in this place.
18:40 For they got themselves into exile long before Babylonia
18:47 had come and taken them.
18:49 They had abandoned God.
18:51 They had estranged themselves from God.
18:53 They had become unfaithful to God.
18:56 And God says, I've got to straighten my people out
18:59 with the hand of discipline.
19:00 And sometimes I've learned in my life that God will
19:05 discipline us just for the purpose to get the best out of
19:08 us of what he has put inside of us.
19:10 God says, I will reunion you back to your land.
19:16 And as I have promised you, I have not forgotten my covenant
19:20 promise that I made to your forefathers and forebears.
19:23 I know where your land is.
19:25 I still have the title deed.
19:28 Even though the symbol has been destroyed, remember
19:31 I am the holy temple.
19:33 You don't need brick and mortar, you can go out to any
19:36 place, the desert place, the wilderness place, and call
19:40 on my name.
19:42 I am just as much God on the outside as I am
19:47 God on the inside.
19:48 I can be worshipped not only in the temple but also
19:52 on the terrain.
19:54 God says, I'm going to bring you back home to a place just
19:57 flowing with milk and honey.
19:58 I'll take you back to the land where your forefathers used to
20:01 pray to me, build their altars and dig their wells.
20:04 I'm going to bring you back to the place where your
20:07 homestead was.
20:08 He says, I'll resurrect you, I'll reunion you, and then
20:10 there's restoration.
20:13 And restoration is this, verse 14, that until my spirit
20:17 reigns in you, you cannot be my people.
20:22 Church, too many of us are living on what Henry David
20:27 Thoreau calls the quiet edge of desperation, because we're
20:31 trying to live and accomplish God's work without being
20:36 empowered by the presence and the restoring presence
20:40 of the Holy Ghost.
20:41 You can't be alive if you don't have the Holy Ghost.
20:45 The only way you are God's child is you have to have
20:48 the Spirit of God.
20:50 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
20:52 The Spirit of God is what equips us, enables us, and
20:54 empowers us.
20:56 God's people will always be in exile even if they go back to
21:01 their land if they don't have the presence of the Holy Ghost
21:04 dwelling in their lives.
21:05 That's why some folk can be in exile, and like Maya Angelou
21:13 says, I know why the caged bird sings.
21:17 The caged bird sings not because it's in a cage, but
21:21 because the spirit in the cage cannot be bound by the cage.
21:24 Too many church folk can't sing, can't smile, can't
21:34 rejoice, can't praise God because they're looking at the
21:40 cage and not the liberation of the spirit.
21:45 But in the name of Jesus, I'm looking at what
21:49 the Spirit of God is getting ready to do in
21:52 somebody's life.
21:53 Too many people only rejoice when that which is in you has
21:57 been brought to life again.
21:59 But God needs people who are on fire for him.
22:06 God needs people who will be stirred up.
22:09 God needs people who are looking for revival, for he
22:14 who has no fire in himself cannot warm others up.
22:19 So, if the sleeping folk would wake up, if the lukewarm folk
22:25 would fire up, if the disgruntled folk would sweeten
22:29 up, if the discouraged folk would cheer up, if the
22:33 depressed folk would look up, if the discontented folk would
22:37 lighten up, if the cutthroat folk would build up, and if
22:40 the gossiping folk would shut up, then the work of God could
22:48 be finished in God's world.
22:50 Come on, say Amen.
22:53 God says, I'll resurrect you.
22:56 I'll reunion you.
22:59 I'll restore you.
23:01 And then he says in verse 14, then you will know that I am
23:06 the Lord God, Yahweh, Jehovah, Sovereign.
23:18 Let me tell you all something, the only reason that God takes
23:23 us through life's processes is that when we leave God's house
23:28 we will know who God is.
23:31 God says, you have forgotten who I am.
23:34 And so I need to give you a history lesson of who I am.
23:38 So God closes up this text and says in verse 14, then shall
23:42 ye know that I am the Lord.
23:49 I have spoken it, I have performed it, in other words,
23:56 I am that I am.
23:58 He says, that who I am, I am that I am.
24:01 I am everything you need. I am your brains.
24:07 I am your water.
24:09 I am your shelter.
24:11 I am your shield.
24:12 I am your buckler.
24:14 I am that I am.
24:15 I am Adonai.
24:17 I am Lord of every lord, for one day every knee is going to
24:21 bow, every tongue is going to confess that Jesus
24:25 Christ is Lord.
24:26 I am God Almighty.
24:28 I am Elohim, the plurality of my own deity.
24:31 I am El Elyon, the God of the mountain.
24:37 But if that's too far for you, God says, I can come to where
24:40 you are.
24:41 He says, I am Jehovah Jireh.
24:44 When you need a sacrifice then I will provide.
24:46 I am Jehovah Shalom.
24:48 When you can't sleep at night, I am your peace.
24:51 I am Jehovah Rapha, when your body is wracking with pain,
24:54 I'll be your healer.
24:56 I am Jehovah Nissi, when you're fighting life's
25:02 battles, I'll lift up banners.
25:04 We've already won.
25:06 Don't wait until the battle is over, shout now.
25:09 Do I have a witness in this place?
25:12 If that's too far for you, God says I'll be
25:15 your leaning post.
25:17 Any old folks know about the leaning post?
25:19 In times of trouble, some of you grew up in
25:21 houses like that.
25:23 When mom and daddy say, he'll be your leaning post in
25:27 time of trouble.
25:30 When you're getting your old age, he says I'll be your
25:32 walking cane.
25:33 In your lowly, midnight hour, I'll be your company Keeper.
25:35 When your eyes are filled with tears, I'll wipe the tears
25:38 from your eyes.
25:39 When your heart gets heavy, I'll be your burden bearer.
25:42 A heavy load sharer.
25:44 A mind fixer.
25:45 A heart regulator.
25:46 A will out of no will.
25:47 A problem solver.
25:49 Do I have a witness in this place?
25:51 He says, I am that I am.
25:52 Old dry bones!
25:54 Hear the word of the Lord.
26:00 Too many of us are in the salvation train, but too many
26:03 of us are in the sleeper.
26:04 Old dry bones.
26:06 Hear the word of the Lord.
26:08 Oh, come magnify the Lord with me and let us exult his name
26:11 together.
26:13 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good.
26:15 His mercy endures forever.
26:16 Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
26:19 Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me,
26:24 bless his holy name.
26:29 May the Lord bless you is my prayer.
26:35 PB: I would like to thank you very much for tuning in to the
26:37 Breath of Life telecast today.
26:38 I do hope that you were blessed by the word
26:42 from God today.
26:43 I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to
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26:57 the dying world in which we live.
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27:25 Again, thank you very much for tuning in today and we want to
27:29 thank you in advance for partnering with our ministry.
27:31 May God continue to bless you.
27:35 >: The Breath of Life gift offer this week is "What the
27:37 Bible Says About Death." Just call our toll-free number,
27:40 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:43 That's 877-265-6333.
27:46 "What the Bible Says About Death" is yours for
27:49 a gift of $5 or more.
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27:54 Or you may write us to request your copy.
27:56 Just send your check to Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
27:59 Newbury Park, CA 91319 PB: God can quicken the dead.
28:09 God can raise life up among the dead.
28:12 God is the resurrection and the life.
28:15 God is the Alpha and the Omega.
28:17 God is the Beginning and the End.
28:19 God is the First and the Last.
28:21 Some of us look alive, but we dead.


Revised 2015-02-06