Breath of Life

God's Love Letter, Part 8

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000032

00:01 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:11 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:18 (Music) PB: Stealing is universal.
00:24 Regardless of geography, regardless of culture,
00:27 everybody knows something about thievery.
00:31 Do I have a witness in this place?
00:33 And unfortunately, at some point or another in our lives
00:37 all of us have been guilty of stealing.
00:41 Now I know someone says, Pastor Byrd, I've never done
00:43 anything illegally to land me behind bars.
00:47 I've never committed theft, I've never committed
00:49 embezzlement, larceny or grand larceny.
00:53 For, usually when we think of thievery and robbery,
00:55 we think of it in those grand terms of bank robbery
00:59 or some other kind of malicious act of taking
01:03 from someone else.
01:04 But all of us--let me say that again, all of us can ourselves
01:08 some heartache by just agreeing that we all at some
01:12 point or another have broken this commandment.
01:15 So, okay, if someone is still saying tonight, Pastor Byrd,
01:18 no, I haven't. I haven't.
01:19 Well, let's see.
01:21 You're a child of God.
01:22 You're a Christian.
01:23 You're blood washed, Holy Ghost sealed, laying on hands,
01:25 lifting hands, saying Amen, you have the whole,
01:28 charismatic, theological package.
01:31 And yet, when you go to your office to work, you borrow a
01:34 piece of paper that's not yours.
01:36 You pocket ink pens that belong to your company.
01:41 You make long distance phone calls, charge it to
01:44 the work place.
01:45 Or better yet, you cheat on your taxes so you can
01:48 get a bigger tax return.
01:49 Understand, when this commandment was given,
01:55 remember the children of Israel are only 90 days
01:59 into their freedom.
02:01 Now, they didn't have much property, so you would almost
02:04 assume that there was no need for this kind of commandment,
02:08 or love letter, or words that God would give to his people.
02:11 But yet they had enough property.
02:14 They had silver and gold.
02:16 They had personal wares.
02:17 They had stuff.
02:20 And so even with the little things that they had, there
02:23 was still that uncanny temptation on the part of a
02:26 neighbor to take from a neighbor that which did not
02:29 belong to them.
02:30 And there's something about thievery that no only robs the
02:35 one that is being robbed of dignity, but it robs yourself
02:40 of dignity, that it takes something out of your being
02:43 and away from your character.
02:44 And that's why I believe tonight that this
02:47 commandment was given.
02:49 Thou shalt not steal.
02:53 Thou shall not take what does not belong to you.
02:59 But then we begin to ask another question.
03:03 What is the cause of it?
03:04 Why do we steal anyway?
03:08 I mean, after all, all of us are guilty of it.
03:11 What makes us steal?
03:12 For instance, some people say, well, I'm not a thief,
03:14 I'm just a borrower.
03:16 You have borrowed something, but you borrowed it with no
03:21 intention of giving it back.
03:23 Do I have a witness in this place?
03:25 Ah, come on, tell the truth.
03:26 Can I borrow that shirt?
03:28 Can I borrow that dress?
03:30 Can I borrow those shoes?
03:32 And you just assume that if enough time, enough distance
03:37 and enough space go by that you can later claim it to be
03:43 yours, that the other person will just forget about it and
03:45 claim it to be yours as well.
03:47 You borrow it with no intention to return,
03:50 thou shalt not steal.
03:53 Let me call the roll tonight.
03:55 What about borrowing with no intention to repay?
03:58 Do I have a witness in this place?
04:00 You're late on a bill.
04:02 I need to pay my car note.
04:03 I need to pay my light bill.
04:04 Can I borrow some money?
04:06 I promise I'll pay you back as soon as I get paid.
04:10 Weeks go by, months go by, years go by, and you borrow
04:18 with no intention to repay.
04:22 Thou shalt not what, everybody? Steal.
04:25 Or better yet, you use the credit card to make a purchase
04:28 and you have the purchase in your possession.
04:31 In fact, some of you are wearing that
04:34 purchase right now.
04:36 You have paid for it by credit and you have no
04:39 intention to pay it back.
04:41 Thou shalt not what?
04:42 Steal.
04:43 Or maybe you're living somewhere, you won't
04:46 pay the mortgage.
04:47 So you say, I can't pay the mortgage, don't have mortgage
04:49 money, so what I'll do is break something in this
04:52 apartment or house, and if I keep doing that, that'll make
04:54 the landlord continue to have to fix something and I won't
04:57 have to pay.
04:58 Thou shalt not steal.
05:01 You see, it's the line we cross that we don't often
05:03 see and all of us become guilty of it.
05:06 Now, we are aware that there will be some people who will
05:10 live life with less than what others live with.
05:14 And there are some people in life who will get more than
05:18 what other people get.
05:19 There are some people who have a propensity to make money,
05:22 and then there are those people who just seemingly and
05:27 barely make it past the minimum of life.
05:30 And yet, all of what we have, it is enough for us to live on
05:36 earth, at least in the parameters to which we have
05:39 been called.
05:41 Because remember, God never said he would
05:44 supply our wants.
05:45 God said that he would supply our needs.
05:49 Jesus, he seems to explain this when he talks about how
05:53 he distributes talents to certain people.
05:57 To some he gives five talents, to some he gives two talents,
06:00 to some he gives one talent.
06:02 The reality tonight is that he gives to all people what they
06:06 are able and capable to handle.
06:09 That some people, the reality is, could not manage five
06:13 talents with one-talent mentality.
06:18 It would destroy them, and so they have to live in the
06:22 limitations of their existence.
06:24 God knows us.
06:26 God knows that some of us, if we had all the money we could
06:30 have in the world, our noses would be so high in the air
06:33 that if it rained we'd drown.
06:37 And so some of us, we begin to wonder why we don't have
06:41 certain things that we wished we had and it might be that
06:45 we're trying to over load our capacity to manage things
06:48 that we just can't handle.
06:50 And if we're honest with this, then we begin to really
06:54 appreciate that whatever we have in life is just enough.
07:01 I'm grateful tonight that I serve a God, Jehovah Jireh, my
07:06 provider, that he is more than enough for me.
07:13 For those that it's not enough, greed usually becomes
07:19 the motivation for thievery.
07:21 We look, we see and we must have.
07:25 What's yours is mine is our philosophy in life.
07:30 And this is not just opinion being scattered from this
07:34 pulpit tonight, but this is God's word.
07:36 Do you remember in the book of Kings, a story of a king named
07:40 Ahab and his wife, Jezebel.
07:41 Anybody know about Ahab and Jezebel?
07:44 They looked out one day from their palace and they saw this
07:48 beautiful, lush vineyard that they wanted to possess.
07:53 But the vineyard belonged to a man by the name of Naboth.
07:57 In order to get Naboth's property they killed him
08:00 to take his property.
08:02 Do you remember that one day a man was passing through a town
08:06 in the book of Samuel, the king, David--you know King
08:10 David--and he had just gotten himself into a mess with a
08:13 woman by the name of Bathsheba.
08:16 Rumors were circulating around the kingdom.
08:20 The place was in a uproar, unrest and disconcertion was
08:23 the order of the day, and this prophet by the name of Nathan
08:27 walked right up to King David and he knew not to speak out
08:31 of turn because the king had the position to take
08:35 his life if he wanted.
08:37 So, Nathan said, King, we have a problem in the kingdom.
08:44 David said, talk, prophet, what's the problem?
08:48 King, there's a man in your kingdom who has thousands of
08:53 sheep, but the other day a stranger was coming through
08:57 town and he was hungry and this wealthy man who had
09:00 thousands of sheep prepared a meal, but the only problem is
09:03 he didn't take out of his livestock, he didn't take out
09:08 of his sheep, but he took a lamb from this poor man in the
09:12 country, in the valley, cooked it, prepared it and served it,
09:16 they ate it and feasted on it.
09:18 He went to bed and rested that night.
09:24 What do you think we are to do with him, King?
09:27 David said, kill him.
09:30 Nathan, trembling, his lips said, King, you are the man.
09:36 You stole what you already had.
09:41 But this type of stealing, property and human
09:45 possessions, is not limited to the Old Testament.
09:49 Jesus himself strikes very hard at the issue of stealing.
09:53 In Luke 19 we're told of the story of a man who was about
09:56 four feet tall, by the name of Zacchaeus.
09:59 Zacchaeus worked on the inside of the Roman IRS, if you will,
10:02 against his own people.
10:03 And they always need to find somebody who would fight
10:06 against their own, so they would go find Zacchaeus.
10:08 So what Zacchaeus was not in height, Zacchaeus made up for
10:12 in power and influence.
10:14 Zacchaeus was small in stature, but Zacchaeus, if you
10:17 will, was a big wheel.
10:19 Big wheel making big deals.
10:22 And he learned that there was one who could come and
10:26 rearrange life's order.
10:28 For some reason he got impressed by this, because
10:30 they came from the same lineage.
10:32 He wants to run and see him, but his stature prohibits him
10:35 from seeing him clearly.
10:36 So the Bible says he climbs up in a sycamore tree and he
10:40 wants to take a panoramic view and he sees the crowd of
10:43 people pressing and gathering into the town and he looks out
10:47 and sees this one who's coming and folk have all surrounded
10:51 him and they're crying, hosanna, hosanna to him, and
10:55 they're giving homage to him.
10:56 And while they're giving homage to him, the one who is
10:59 being honored looks up and says, Zacchaeus, come down.
11:03 And when Zacchaeus comes down out of the tree, Jesus simply
11:07 tells him, today salvation has come to your house.
11:13 Let me break that down for somebody, because you don't
11:15 understand that.
11:16 Jesus is saying to somebody tonight that salvation has
11:21 come to your house.
11:23 The sad thing is oftentimes salvation can come to your
11:27 house and you don't even know salvation is at your house.
11:31 At no time do you become more generous than when you give of
11:34 what you have to somebody else.
11:36 A lot of preaching is going on right now in our world, all
11:39 these prosperity preachers.
11:41 Lot of preaching going on in this world talking about get,
11:45 get, get and get.
11:47 But I'm here to tell you, if you want to get more,
11:50 you've got to give more.
11:51 You've got to give something away and the more you give,
11:56 the more the Lord will give back to you.
11:59 Jesus said, give and it shall be given unto you.
12:03 Good mesure.
12:04 Pressed down, shaken together, running over.
12:08 The Lord will make a way.
12:09 Thou shalt not steal.
12:10 But I can't understand preachers who preach from
12:14 these pulpits and they're getting richer and richer and
12:17 their members who come and support are getting
12:21 poorer and poorer.
12:22 In the Christian community there's a whole lot of
12:26 thievery going on.
12:28 In the Christian community.
12:30 And then we want to wonder why our lives are so empty
12:34 and meaningless.
12:35 No kind of joy to it.
12:37 Riding around in a new Mercedes Benz but miserable.
12:41 Living in a 10,000 square foot house, but miserable.
12:45 Got custom clothes on your back, but miserable.
12:49 Because thievery is the way you live.
12:53 You never live more than when you give what you have away.
12:56 Do I have a witness in this place?
12:59 Thou shalt not what, everybody? Steal.
13:03 It could be that we are just as guilty of thievery when we
13:07 withhold what we have and we refuse what we have to
13:11 somebody else.
13:14 We rob others.
13:15 We rob ourselves, and we sure enough rob God.
13:20 Oh preaching, Pastor Byrd, I'm doing the best I can.
13:23 I know you don't want to say Amen, but you're robbing God.
13:26 What do I mean? Malachi 3:8-10.
13:27 "Will a man rob God?
13:29 But you say, wherein have we robbed thee?
13:32 In tithes and in offerings."
13:33 From my Christian community.
13:35 And so God says, "You are cursed with a curse.
13:37 For you have robbed me even this whole nation." "Bring ye
13:40 all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be
13:44 meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the
13:46 Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of
13:52 heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not
13:54 be room enough to receive it."
13:56 You know, it's funny, because some of us rob God, but yet we
13:59 always want something.
14:00 God says, trust me with what you do have and I'll give more
14:04 back to you than what you gave to me.
14:06 Can't no man bless you.
14:09 God is the blesser.
14:11 No man can make prosperity rain on you.
14:15 It's God who opens up the windows of heaven.
14:18 It's God who pours you out a blessing that there shall not
14:21 be room enough to receive it.
14:23 All things come of thee, O Lord, and of thy own
14:26 hand we freely give.
14:27 God requires tithes and offerings.
14:29 God says, I'll bless you and God says, for those that rob
14:35 me, they're under a curse.
14:37 You don't have to believe me, all you've got to do
14:39 is look at your life.
14:41 For God says, if you would just give me what you've got,
14:43 I'll rebuke your foes, I'll devour your enemies, I'll
14:48 restore your fruitfulness.
14:51 Thou shalt not what? Steal.
14:54 We are to return, a tithe and give an offering.
14:57 A tithe is our obedience.
14:59 Let me be clear.
15:01 It's not up for discussion and debate.
15:03 A tithe is our obedience.
15:04 A tithe is what, everybody?
15:06 Go with me to the third book of the Bible, the book of
15:08 Leviticus. What book, everybody?
15:10 Go with me to the book of Leviticus.
15:12 Leviticus 27:30.
15:16 God says, "Thou shalt not steal." The Word of God says,
15:30 "And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of
15:35 the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's:
15:40 it is holy onto the Lord.
15:45 Come on, it is what unto him?
15:47 It is holy unto the Lord."
15:47 Verse 32, "And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the
15:50 flock, even of whatsoever passeth under the rod, the
15:52 tenth shall be holy unto the Lord." Now, I met
16:01 Renee tonight.
16:04 This is her first night here.
16:04 Praise God for Renee.
16:05 Everybody give Renee a round of applause.
16:10 Now, if I give Renee this dollar--I'm not going to make
16:13 you get up--if I give Renee this dollar, and I give it to
16:16 her, this is one dollar more than what she had when
16:20 she came in here.
16:22 Are we clear, everybody?
16:24 All right, if I give Renee this dollar, this is one
16:26 dollar more than what she had when she came here.
16:30 She is one dollar richer now than she was when she walked
16:34 in here. All right?
16:36 Now, if I give Renee this dollar, how much of this
16:40 is God's?
16:41 If I give this to Renee, how much of this is God's?
16:48 Ten percent?
16:49 All those who say 10%, let me see your hand. All right.
16:52 All those who say 50% let me see your hands.
16:54 All those who say all of it, let me see your hand.
16:57 Let's be clear.
16:59 All of this is God's.
17:01 Now, if I give this to her, yes, I'm giving it to her as a
17:04 gift, but all of this dollar is God's.
17:07 But the Bible says that a tenth of it is holy
17:12 unto the Lord.
17:14 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
17:15 God is saying, when you get that dollar, you get that
17:18 increase, 10% of it is holy, which is what you are supposed
17:22 to return back to me.
17:24 Now, somebody may say, well, Pastor Byrd, I heard you
17:28 saying you're going to give Renee one dollar.
17:31 If I give Renee five dollars, how much of this is God's?
17:36 All of it.
17:37 All right, we're clear on that.
17:38 All of this is God's. Amen.
17:40 But how much is holy unto the Lord?
17:43 Ten percent, which is how much?
17:46 How much, everybody?
17:47 Fifty cents. Now, Renee, this Renee can say,
17:53 I'm giving 10% back to the Lord because it's holy.
17:58 That Renee, Renee Glover, can say, I'm giving 30 cents back
18:02 to the Lord of this $5.
18:03 Now, the 30 cents that Renee Glover gives back to the Lord
18:07 is more than the 10 cents that this Renee gives
18:12 back to the Lord.
18:13 But let me tell you, God's going to bless this Renee over
18:16 this Renee even though this Renee gave
18:22 more than this Renee.
18:23 This Renee gave God what God asked for.
18:28 All the tithe of the land the Bible says, whether of the
18:33 seed of the land or the fruit of the tree is the Lord's.
18:37 It is holy unto the what, everybody? Lord.
18:41 And that's why we talk about giving what God asked for,
18:44 talk about giving out of obedience.
18:47 That's why people can make more than you but
18:49 have less than you.
18:51 People can make more than you but have less than you because
18:55 they aren't receiving the blessings of God on their
18:58 increase because they're not giving God what God asked for.
19:02 I have seen people in life make much less but have much
19:05 more because God has opened up the windows of heaven and
19:10 poured out blessings, that there shall not be room enough
19:14 to receive.
19:15 I mean, really.
19:16 I'm not a millionaire at all and I don't think we have any
19:20 millionaires in here.
19:21 Do I have a witness in this place?
19:24 But let's be clear, how is it that we can watch television,
19:25 watch the news, follow the Internet, and millionaires
19:28 going bankrupt.
19:30 Filing bankruptcy. Why?
19:32 Because their increase has not been blessed by God because
19:37 they're not giving God what is rightfully his.
19:40 God is a God of specifics.
19:42 God told Adam and Eve don't eat of the fruit of the tree
19:45 of knowledge of good and evil.
19:46 If you eat of it, you're going to what? Die.
19:49 God told Cain and Abel, if you give me a sacrifice, it might
19:53 be a sacrifice with the shedding of what?
19:55 Blood. Cain gave fruits and vegetables, Abel gave a lamb,
19:58 God blessed Abel because Abel gave God what God wanted.
20:02 God said, remember the Sabbath day to keep it what?
20:05 Holy.
20:06 He said you must keep my Sabbath day.
20:08 God is a God of specifics.
20:10 God has also said, you must return unto me a tithe.
20:12 Well, I can't afford to give God anything.
20:16 You can't afford not to give God what is rightfully his.
20:22 I know it's getting quiet here.
20:24 I'm going to preach it anyhow.
20:25 Come on, say Amen.
20:26 Go with me to the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 16.
20:30 Now, the Bible said in Malachi 3:8-10,
20:36 because we're talking about the house of God,
20:38 the Bible said, "Bring ye all the tithes and offerings
20:43 into the storehouse.
20:44 Will a man rob God, yet you have robbed me.
20:46 You say when have I robbed you?
20:47 In tithes and in offerings."
20:49 Go to Deuteronomy 16:17.
20:53 When we're talking about offering, the Word of God
21:01 says, "Every man shall give as he is able, according to the
21:06 blessing of the Lord thy God which he hath what given
21:10 thee." Now, let's be clear.
21:12 Tithe is not up for discussion.
21:14 That's not up for discussion, that is out of our obedience.
21:17 That is out of our what, everybody? Obedience.
21:20 When we give an offering, that is out of our love for God,
21:23 according to the blessings of God on our lives.
21:24 Now, God has been sure enough good to me and if I can return
21:27 10% out of my obedience, I can sure return another 10%
21:33 out of my love.
21:34 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
21:35 Now, somebody maybe will say, I may not be able to do a 10%
21:37 and another 10%.
21:38 The 10% first is not up for discussion.
21:40 That's tithe.
21:41 But your offering, according to as God has blessed you,
21:44 you are to return to God.
21:45 So you know what?
21:46 I'm not trying to cap my blessing.
21:49 I'm not trying to put a ceiling on my blessings.
21:52 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
21:53 I'm not trying to get to the point in my Christian
21:55 experience that I say I'm going to give a 10% tithe and
21:58 I'm going to get maxed out at 10% offering.
22:01 God keeps blessing me.
22:03 God keeps making a way for me.
22:05 Every day is a day of thanksgiving.
22:08 I'm seeking to grow my offering from 10% to 11% to
22:13 12%, 13, and keep growing it because I believe that when I
22:18 honor God, God will honor me, that God rewards thankfulness.
22:24 Give according to the measure where he has blessed you.
22:29 Thou shalt not what?
22:31 Steal.
22:32 But we all want to steal is I'm going into a store
22:34 and I'm taking this.
22:35 I've got sticky fingers.
22:37 I asked one person one time, they had some nice piece of
22:40 cloth, oh, that's nice.
22:41 How'd you get that?
22:42 Well, I got a five-finger discount.
22:45 You know what a five-finger discount is, you know.
22:48 God can't bless you.
22:52 Go take that back.
22:53 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
22:54 But we have to give to God and some people are saying, well,
22:59 we just think you're talking about stealing here at the
23:02 store and stealing there.
23:02 Too many people in the Christian community are
23:04 robbing God and I'm here tonight to tell you, you're
23:07 cutting off your blessing.
23:11 You're cutting off your blessings.
23:13 You are cursed with a what?
23:15 Curse.
23:17 You're cutting off your blessing.
23:19 Pastor Byrd, but I only have this.
23:21 I can only do this.
23:21 You're cutting off your blessing.
23:26 Thou shalt not what? Steal.
23:27 Go to 2nd Corinthians.
23:30 Let's get some New Testament. 2 Corinthians 9:7.
23:35 The word of God says to us tonight in 2 Corinthians 9:7,
23:41 "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let
23:47 him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a
23:55 cheerful giver."
23:58 Let me be clear.
23:58 God does not need your money.
24:00 God does not need your money to accomplish his purposes.
24:03 God can do God's work without you.
24:05 I wish I had a witness in this place.
24:07 But God loves us so much that God allows and extends the
24:11 privilege to us to worship him through our giving.
24:14 God wants to see if we truly love him.
24:16 He wants to see if we truly are going to obey him.
24:18 But don't you get tight lipped, don't you get rocks
24:22 in your jowls.
24:23 Don't you think that you can do and God needs you to do
24:25 God's work.
24:26 God is sovereign.
24:27 God can do whatever God wants to do, when God wants, where
24:31 God wants, how God wants, and God doesn't have to ask you
24:34 permission to do what he wants.
24:35 God said in Psalm 50:10, "For every beast of the forest is
24:40 mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.
24:43 I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts
24:46 of the field are mine.
24:47 If I were hungry, I would not even tell thee: for the world
24:59 is mine, and the fulness thereof." The earth
25:01 is the Lord's.
25:03 The fulness thereof.
25:04 They and them and all that dwell therein.
25:06 So I may be like Peter and I may have to say, silver and
25:08 gold have I none.
25:09 I don't have silver and gold, but I can also say that my God
25:12 said, the silver is mine, the gold is mine.
25:18 God says I own everything.
25:21 I spoketh and it was so and if I giveth to you, it is so,
25:26 but thou shalt not steal.
25:29 God says, stop stealing.
25:31 Everybody say, stop stealing.
25:33 Ephesians 4:28 says, "Let him who stole steal no more." So
25:40 those of you who have been stealing, stop.
25:41 "But rather let him labour, working with his hands the
25:48 thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that
25:53 needeth." Oh, that's a word for somebody right now.
25:56 God says, stop stealing.
25:58 God says, what, everybody?
25:59 And then after God says stop stealing, God says,
26:01 go to work.
26:03 PB: My name is Dr. Carlton T.
26:05 Byrd and I'm the senior pastor of the Berean Seventh-Day
26:08 Adventist Church here in Atlanta, Georgia.
26:10 I'm also privileged to be the speaker director of the Breath
26:13 of Life television ministry.
26:15 So when you see the Berean church, you're also seeing
26:18 Breath of Life television because we are one
26:21 and the same.
26:23 While in the Atlanta area we invite you to come and visit
26:26 us as we worship the Lord together.
26:28 Our midweek worship service is on Wednesday evening
26:31 at 7:00 p.m.
26:32 and then we have two worship experiences on
26:35 Saturday morning.
26:36 The first worship experience begins at 8:45 a.m.
26:39 and the second worship experience begins at
26:42 11:30 a.m. So, visit us.
26:45 We're located at 291 Hamilton E. Holmes Drive,
26:49 here in the city of Atlanta.
26:51 Also, you may feel free to log on to our web site,
26:54, or
27:01 May God continue to bless you.
27:02 >: The Breath of Life gift offer this week is the book,
27:05 "The Ten Commandments Under Attack." God's law has stirred
27:08 controversy in recent years, so are the 10 commandments
27:12 out of date? Offensive?
27:13 Find out how the Ten Commandments lay a solid
27:16 foundation for society and how each commandment is so
27:20 important to us every day.
27:21 Contributing authors include Dwight Nelson, Clifford
27:25 Goldstein and Mike Tucker.
27:26 There's also an introduction by Mark Finley.
27:28 Living by the Ten Commandments will bring blessings to us,
27:31 our families and our country.
27:33 "The Ten Commandments Under Attack" is yours for
27:36 a gift of $5 or more.
27:37 Just call our toll-free number, 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:42 That's 877-265-6333.
27:46 Please have your credit card ready when you call.
27:49 Or you may write us to request your copy.
27:51 Just send your check to: Breath of Life,
27:53 P.O. Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 91319.
27:59 Get your copy of "The Ten Commandments Under Attack"
28:02 today.
28:04 PB: God never said he would supply our wants.
28:06 God said that he would supply our needs.
28:11 When I honor God, God will honor me.
28:15 God rewards faithfulness.
28:21 There used to be a time when we had pretty women and
28:23 hardworking men.
28:25 But now we've got pretty men and hardworking women.


Revised 2015-02-06