Breath of Life

God's Love Letter, Part 7

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000031

00:01 (Theme Song) Jesus is worthy
00:10 oh yes, he's worthy worthy of all...
00:18 (Music)
00:22 PB: The Ten Commandments are a package deal.
00:27 James 2:10 says that the breaking of one
00:31 is like the breaking of all of them.
00:35 In commandment number seven, thou shalt not commit adultery,
00:40 God preserved the sanctity of marriage and the family
00:44 on planet earth where it is so threatened.
00:49 But this commandment could probably in our world today be
00:53 filed away into the endangered species category.
00:58 Because it appears that many have forgotten thou shalt not
01:04 commit adultery.
01:07 Now the word adultery comes from the word adulter, which
01:10 means to contaminate.
01:12 And so the word itself suggests that this act of
01:16 behavior leads us into the contamination of that which
01:20 God holds and has preserved as sacred.
01:23 Amazingly, this commandment, if you think about it, this
01:29 commandment, commandment number seven, thou shalt not
01:31 commit adultery, is right before thou shalt not steal
01:36 and thou shalt not bear false witness or lie.
01:40 Which then may mean that the very mentioning of it, the
01:44 practicing of it, adultery that is, is to steal the
01:48 property of another and then lie to cover it up.
01:54 Three things I want to say tonight about this adultery.
01:59 Number one, let's look at the consequences of adultery.
02:05 The first consequence of adultery is simply this,
02:08 adultery defies God.
02:12 Let me say that again.
02:14 Adultery defies whom, everybody?
02:17 Adultery defies God.
02:18 So often when we speak of adultery, we speak of it in
02:22 horizontal terms, that we're just dealing with
02:26 our fellow man.
02:27 But with adultery there's a vertical beam connected to it.
02:32 You do remember in Genesis, Chapter 39, that there was
02:36 this handsome, young man by the name of Joseph, who was
02:41 given custodianship over the affairs of Potiphar, Potiphar
02:45 who works in the government of Egypt right next to Pharaoh,
02:49 has said to Joseph that, you have all free land to
02:54 everything I own.
02:55 Everything I have in the kingdom, you have
02:58 access to it.
02:59 But Potiphar's wife, Sister Potiphar,
03:02 took that to be quite literal.
03:05 She came on to young, handsome Joseph.
03:09 He backed up from her really, really quick.
03:12 So quick that he left his coat behind him when he
03:16 was running from her.
03:18 But notice, Joseph did not say to Sister Potiphar, I cannot
03:24 do this evil in the sight of my master, Potiphar.
03:27 Nor did Joseph violate the right of Potiphar's wife.
03:32 He said, however, how can I do this evil and wicked thing
03:36 in the sight of God.
03:39 The confession of David after he had sinned against Uriah,
03:43 had taken Bathsheba to be his property and plotted the
03:46 murderous plan for her husband, in Psalm 51 David
03:49 lifts up his voice and David begins to earnestly prayer in
03:52 a confessional by saying that his sins are ever before him
03:58 and he needs the cleansing power of God to come
04:01 in his life.
04:03 So the first consequence that we all need to take into
04:07 consideration on this subject, an act of adultery, is that
04:10 adultery defies God.
04:14 Number two, adultery destroys families.
04:18 Families are destroyed by adultery.
04:24 I've read where children have never quite recovered from the
04:27 divorce caused by adultery.
04:30 In fact, I read of a young man who had lived beneath the
04:33 pains of adultery and had become rather successful in
04:37 his life, but against the pressures of life he
04:40 committed suicide.
04:42 In his committing suicide he left a note and in the note he
04:46 simply hinted that there was something lost years ago in
04:50 his life when his mother and his father had separated and
04:53 divorced caused by adultery.
04:55 The Bible teaches that God has a commitment to family and
05:00 there were times that God has such a commitment to the
05:03 family that in Deuteronomy 22:22, that God would even
05:06 kill on behalf of adultery.
05:09 Adultery defies God, adultery destroys families, but then
05:15 also adultery destroys marriages.
05:19 You see, marriage is an exclusive right that God has
05:22 given to a man and a woman.
05:25 I don't care what society says, it is an exclusive right
05:29 that God has given to a man and a woman.
05:34 That God has in it given exclusive, permanent rights.
05:39 In it God has cemented the family.
05:44 When we come into the covenant of marriage, Genesis 2:24, you
05:46 know it, the Bible talks about that a man will leave his
05:49 mother and his father and cleave to his wife, and from
05:52 the cleaving children would come and he said, this is a
05:56 permanent relationship.
05:59 But another consequence of adultery, number three.
06:03 Adultery denies love.
06:06 Love is denied in adultery.
06:11 In Romans 13:8-10 Paul rewrites the commandment, but
06:14 in it he tags along in it and says, but remember that the
06:18 fulfillment of this comes in that one commandment that we
06:21 love our neighbor as ourselves, that if one loves
06:25 his or her neighbor as himself or herself, that there are
06:28 certain lines that you will not cross.
06:32 There are certain things that will not be done.
06:36 But adultery does something else.
06:38 Number four.
06:39 Adultery derides faithfulness.
06:42 Because God has placed the covenant of marriage in a very
06:46 high place and whenever trust is lost, it becomes a
06:51 destruction, it becomes deterioration upon the family
06:55 and God says, family is real important to me.
06:59 So it derives faithfulness.
07:00 But also, number five, adultery does something else.
07:05 Adultery degrades people.
07:07 It physically degrades a person.
07:11 They're treated like property even in the name of love.
07:16 But it also, number six, another consequence
07:19 of adultery is sexually transmitted diseases.
07:23 And then, what about the emotional scarring
07:28 that comes along with it?
07:29 The heartbreak, the nervous breakdown, the anxiety, all of
07:35 the tension that comes along with it, and I'm told that
07:39 when you engage in such behavior, boy, it's hard
07:44 on you physically.
07:46 And then finally, number seven, because of completion.
07:49 There's spiritual implications associated with adultery.
07:54 The implication of it is that God has created us in his
07:57 image, that God has created us in his likeness and God wants
08:02 to preserve purity within our human body.
08:06 Now these are the consequences.
08:08 But how do we get to this?
08:10 Something had to happen in order for us to get to this.
08:12 Now, we could simply end right here and say it came to this
08:18 because of one word, sin.
08:21 And people, listen to me carefully, people
08:26 underestimate what sin is.
08:30 Problem with most Christians is we really don't understand
08:35 what sin is.
08:38 The average believer believes that sin is bad behavior.
08:43 That sin is just doing something wrong.
08:46 But sin is much more than that.
08:49 Sin is the total depravity of man, which means that the
08:54 entire being of a person is touched by sin, the way you
08:57 think, the way you act, the way you behave, the way you
09:02 look at life, sin has scarred and marred all of us.
09:06 That's why the text says, all have sinned.
09:10 Not, you all have sinned, but all have sinned and come short
09:18 of the glory of God.
09:20 And you'll never get on the right track until you have a
09:25 healthy understanding and healthy idea of what sin is.
09:30 Not only must we have a lofty and high idea of who God is,
09:34 but we also, friends of mine, we must know what sin is.
09:39 Sin happens to the best of us.
09:41 One of the causes of adultery is uncertain standards.
09:47 The certain standard and expectations have to be made
09:52 early in life.
09:53 If they have not, they need to be implemented today because
09:57 there is always, listen to me good, there's always conflict
10:01 between divine principles and contemporary thought.
10:05 God says, thou shalt not commit adultery.
10:09 Contemporary thought says that everybody's doing it,
10:13 so it must be okay.
10:15 Another cause, number two, unrestrained sexuality.
10:20 Now let's be clear.
10:22 Sex is a gift from God.
10:25 I don't know any book that talks about sex more
10:29 than the Bible.
10:30 You want to read some really steamy stuff, read the
10:35 Psalm of Solomon.
10:36 Do I have a witness in this place?
10:38 I know some people said it's talking about God and his
10:41 church and it is doing much of that, but it's really speaking
10:45 out in terms of human and physical sexual encounters.
10:47 Read it some time.
10:50 The Bible is full of sex.
10:52 So what God says is, I'm not trying
10:55 to restrict that.
10:56 I'm not trying to keep you from intimacy, but I've got to
11:01 put some limits on it because if I don't you all will
11:04 go crazy in here.
11:05 So God says, I'm going to put, you all don't hear me, ha-ha.
11:13 God says, I've got to put some boundaries on it.
11:19 But then here is another cause.
11:22 Not only unrestrained sexuality, but number three,
11:28 unfulfilled desire.
11:30 Some people go into adultery and fornication, which, by the
11:34 way, is the same thing in this commandment.
11:36 Fornication is adultery.
11:39 Some people try to say that the two are different but some
11:41 people go into adultery, fornication, whatever else,
11:44 because of their lack of fulfillment in the
11:47 human sexuality.
11:48 Others say it's not just unsatisfactory marriages, but
11:51 unlimited opportunities.
11:55 So when I get one, I just do whatever else I can do.
11:59 But then number four, another cause, the
12:02 undisciplined lifestyle.
12:05 When a lifestyle gets undisciplined, when a
12:10 lifestyle gets wild, you know, men gone wild, women gone
12:15 wild, only God knows what will happen to you.
12:21 You're at your weakest moment in life whenever you
12:26 get out of discipline.
12:28 There are some singles in here that thought they were off
12:32 the hook when we talk about adultery.
12:35 They were having a lot of sport of all of us
12:38 married folk.
12:39 So let's bring the singles up in here, too.
12:42 Come on, say Amen.
12:43 One of the things that Jesus does with this commandment is
12:48 he expands upon the definition.
12:51 Adultery, back in the day, for the most part was defined that
12:57 a married man was not to be involved with a married woman
13:02 or an unmarried woman, or a married woman was not to be
13:05 involved with a married man or an unmarried man.
13:08 That was it.
13:09 It was a violation of covenant.
13:11 It was the transgressing and trespassing of another
13:15 person's property.
13:16 It could equal up to death.
13:18 That's how severe it was.
13:19 And Jesus, my friends, knew that he would enter in this
13:23 new dispensation called grace.
13:25 Everybody say grace.
13:26 He said, I need to revise what this whole subject
13:31 of infidelity is.
13:32 And so the Bible says in Matthew, Chapter 5, verses 27
13:36 and 28, read it when you go home, Jesus expands on it.
13:39 In Matthew 5:27 Jesus says, "Ye have heard that it was
13:43 said by them of old times, ye shall not commit adultery."
13:47 Now, remember, it was Jesus who said in the first place,
13:50 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the
13:53 prophets, I am come not to destroy but to fulfill." But
13:57 in verse 28 of Matthew 5, Jesus says, "But I say unto
14:01 you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her has
14:08 already committed adultery in his own heart." Jesus here
14:14 then gets everybody.
14:16 Married folk, single folk, all kinds of folk, because there
14:22 are a lot of people who are basically good and this is not
14:26 chiding or a reduction of your morality, who would say,
14:28 Pastor Byrd, I would never ever, never ever, ever never
14:31 commit the act of adultery.
14:32 Never. But Jesus says, you may not commit
14:36 the act of adultery, but a whole lot of you all
14:39 have committed the attitude of adultery.
14:42 Look down at folk and you say, anybody that would do that is
14:47 just scorned, filthy, they just vile.
14:50 They don't deserve to live.
14:51 Jesus says, I understand all that.
14:53 I hear you.
14:54 I feel you and I fill you.
14:56 But how are you doing in your attitude?
15:02 He says, because even if you look at a woman, look at a
15:06 man, lustfully, you have already committed in your
15:09 heart what you say you haven't committed with your body.
15:13 Now let me say this, because I know some of you are asking.
15:17 Yeah, Pastor Byrd, I don't care what you say,
15:19 the attitude is not worse than the act.
15:22 But it must be equal because I hear Jesus say,
15:25 adultery is not just a physical problem,
15:29 the act is physical, but the problem is not.
15:34 You may commit the act of adultery in your body but
15:38 there's got to be something wrong beneath the skin for if
15:41 you have it in the body.
15:43 He says there is something soulless, something
15:47 attitudinal that's going on in your mind, there is something
15:50 that's beneath the skin that needs to be worked on because
15:53 there's more than just the act, it's your attitude and
15:57 there are two things that happen in the past, says
16:02 Matthew 5:27-28.
16:03 He says your mind and your eyes get you in trouble.
16:06 And so then the consecration of the mind is necessary.
16:11 No wonder the Apostle Paul would later come along and
16:14 say, be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.
16:18 Don't be conformed to the pattern of this world.
16:22 In other words, this world says everything is all right
16:25 with what you've been doing, but if you transform your mind
16:28 and put the mind of Jesus in its place, you will be renewed
16:31 day by day.
16:33 The devil is after your mind.
16:36 The reason why this is so clear with our attitude is
16:39 because you know and I know, we know, your body
16:43 can be one place, but your mind be
16:46 somewhere else.
16:47 So then Jesus said, check your eyes.
16:52 Everybody going to walk through church with
16:56 their heads down.
16:57 Now, please, let's be clear.
16:59 This is not against admiration or appreciation, but Jesus is
17:04 saying that there are just some people that their eyes
17:07 keep them in trouble.
17:11 I don't have time to tell it all tonight, but if you look
17:14 at the life of Samson, here is this robust, strong, handsome
17:20 man who has the anointing of God on his life and he has
17:26 been specifically chosen for an anointed task.
17:29 This man, however, keeps failing because he keeps
17:32 looking in the wrong direction.
17:34 And although he had his eyes on what he needed, he
17:39 recklessly looked around and everybody else he looked at
17:43 always got him in trouble, specifically Delilah.
17:47 And the point that I'm making here tonight is this, there
17:51 are a whole lot of folk who will say, I've never done it,
17:54 I just thought it.
17:57 But God says, that's just as bad, because as a man thinketh
18:02 in his heart, so is he.
18:05 Because if you just keep thinking it, it's just a matter
18:09 of time before you do it.
18:11 The problem with many folk is this, it's not the act first,
18:18 but it's the attitude.
18:20 We begin to feed our behavior, feed our attitude so much
18:24 until we start looking for ways that we can execute
18:28 what's in us.
18:30 Because Jesus says, it's what goes in a man and comes out of
18:34 a man that defiles him.
18:36 In other words, if you put it in you, it's just a matter
18:40 of time before it has to come out again.
18:43 Out of the heart, Jesus says, flows the issues of life.
18:46 So you put filth in your head, filth will come out
18:52 of your mouth.
18:54 Put filth in your heart, filth will come out of your body.
18:58 It's just a matter of time that whatever is inside of you
19:03 has to come out of you, and if you can't say Amen,
19:07 just say ouch!
19:09 Somebody told me last night, oh, you stepped on my toes.
19:12 I got to go buy me some boots.
19:13 Go get the boots and come to church.
19:16 Now, there's another issue here.
19:20 It's not just on certain standards, it's not just
19:23 unrestrained sexuality, it's not just
19:26 unfulfilled desire, undisciplined lifestyles, but
19:28 number five, what about un-confessed sin that
19:32 gets us in trouble.
19:34 That we refuse to confess the sin in our lives.
19:38 The lord wants us to confess it.
19:42 He says, number one, you've got to recognize your lust.
19:46 What about Mark 7.
19:47 Go there with me.
19:48 Go to the book of Mark.
19:49 Mark, Chapter 7 and let's go to verse 20.
19:53 Let's see what the word of God has to say.
19:56 Mark 7:20. The word of God.
20:02 Jesus himself speaking says, "And he said, 'That which
20:06 cometh out of the man, that defileth the man.
20:11 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil
20:15 thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts,
20:20 covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an
20:23 evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness; all these evil
20:28 things come from within, and defile the man.'" One of the
20:37 things that happens is we don't recognize what's
20:39 happening to us.
20:41 And more than that, we refuse to deal with it.
20:44 We just say, well, it ain't me.
20:46 I haven't been caught--yet.
20:49 But you know, you can run from God but you can't hide.
20:54 God is everywhere.
20:57 God is omnipresent.
20:59 God is all places at the same time.
21:03 You never quite get away from God, do you?
21:06 You never get away from the pain and the guilt.
21:10 God is always looking over your shoulder, spirit of God
21:16 moving in where you are, picking up your Bible, you'll
21:20 open your Bible and the spirit of God will confront you on
21:23 every page.
21:26 One last thing.
21:28 Tonight, is there a cure?
21:33 What about the cure for adultery?
21:36 Well, thank and praise God for that.
21:39 Four things.
21:40 The first thing in curing this problem, one is preventative.
21:46 Preventative has four things.
21:50 Number one, agree with God.
21:52 Do what, everybody?
21:53 Find yourself, whether it's adultery, whether it's
21:57 stealing, whether it's lying, whether it's cheating,
22:01 whatever it is, the first thing you need to do is agree
22:05 with God from God's point of view.
22:08 What God wants you to do about the particular situation.
22:11 That's the first thing.
22:13 Because let's be clear, everybody, everyone up in
22:16 here, everyone watching, everyone has a challenge.
22:20 Everyone has a weakness and in order to get the cure, you
22:25 have to agree with God.
22:31 The second thing as recorded in 2 Peter 3:18 is to
22:33 grow in grace.
22:34 Peter says, grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord
22:38 Jesus Christ.
22:39 Because you see, friends of mine, the more you get to know
22:43 about the Lord, the more you get to know about Jesus
22:47 Christ, the more you grow in him, the better your
22:50 chances to survive the assault of life.
22:53 The more you walk with Jesus, the more you read of Jesus,
22:57 the more you pray and talk to Jesus, the more you come out
23:02 night after night and study Jesus, the better your chances
23:05 in fighting Satan.
23:07 Ephesians 5 teaches that we--number 3--need to then
23:12 walk in the Spirit.
23:14 The problem with most of us is we want to end something and
23:17 then we walk in the Spirit.
23:19 We want to end it first, then let's walk in the Spirit.
23:21 But it never works that way because there are people who
23:24 come and they listen and they say, as soon as I get myself
23:28 right, then I'm going to walk in the Spirit.
23:31 I've had people come to me night after night, here at the
23:34 revival, Pastor, you're preaching the word of God, the
23:37 seventh day is the Sabbath.
23:39 Pastor, my body is the temple of God.
23:41 Pastor, I need to join this church, I need to join this
23:45 ministry, I need to be baptized, but I need to
23:48 get right first.
23:51 You'll never be right.
23:53 You're righteous, my righteousness is filthy rags
23:55 in the sight of God.
23:58 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
24:00 You have to make up in your mind that, I'm going to
24:05 walk in the spirit of God.
24:07 And let me tell you something.
24:09 As you begin to walk in the Spirit of God, as you begin to
24:12 grow in God's spirit, as you walk, God will then begin to
24:16 flush out unclean areas in your life.
24:20 Number four, the cure.
24:23 Guard yourself with the Spirit of God.
24:28 In the remedial area for a cure for adultery, infidelity,
24:31 ask God to give you a repentant spirit.
24:36 You've got to be sorry.
24:38 When I say sorry, I mean sorry, not sorry you
24:41 got caught.
24:41 Do I have a witness in this place?
24:44 You've got to be repentant.
24:45 John 8:1-11, the woman the Bible teaches was caught in
24:49 the very act of adultery.
24:51 Yes, she got caught, but she was sorry.
24:54 What am I trying to say?
24:55 Don't be wrong and strong.
24:57 And if any man or woman be in Christ, he's a new creature.
25:05 All things are passed away.
25:10 All things become new.
25:16 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
25:20 Thou shalt not make unto me any graven image.
25:24 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
25:27 Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
25:32 Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be
25:36 long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth you.
25:39 Thou shalt not kill.
25:42 And thou shalt not commit adultery.
25:51 God is saying to each of us, love me in the way that
25:58 I want to be loved.
26:01 This is how I want you to love me and this is how I want you
26:05 to love your fellow man.
26:09 PB: I would like to thank you very much for tuning in to the
26:12 Breath of Life telecast today.
26:13 I do hope that you were blessed by the word
26:17 of God today.
26:19 I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to
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28:07 Get your copy of "Help In Daily Living" today.
28:12 PB: That's why the text says, all have sinned.
28:16 Not you all have sinned.
28:18 There's not any book that talks about sex
28:22 more than the Bible.
28:23 If you put filth in your head, filth will come out


Revised 2015-02-06