(Theme Song) 00:00:01.26\00:00:06.46 Jesus is worthy 00:00:06.46\00:00:09.73 oh yes, he's worthy 00:00:09.73\00:00:15.20 worthy of all... 00:00:15.20\00:00:18.73 (Music) PB: Thou shalt not kill. 00:00:18.73\00:00:28.13 In other words, you shall not murder. 00:00:28.13\00:00:32.63 Not merely killing, but murdering, 00:00:32.63\00:00:36.96 which would probably be a better word for us tonight. 00:00:36.96\00:00:40.70 You shall not murder. 00:00:40.70\00:00:43.60 This commandment, commandment number six, love letter 00:00:43.60\00:00:47.83 number 6, speaks of immoral acts of 00:00:47.83\00:00:51.73 people who take the lives of others without any regard. 00:00:51.73\00:00:55.06 Senseless killings. 00:00:55.06\00:00:58.33 In fact, you and I, we've grown to know that the world 00:00:58.33\00:01:03.33 in which we live is filled with killing fields. 00:01:03.33\00:01:07.00 We now live, unfortunately, in a culture of killing. 00:01:07.00\00:01:12.63 We've almost grown accustomed to prepare 00:01:12.63\00:01:15.86 ourselves for the next killing. 00:01:15.86\00:01:18.10 It's almost commonplace now that when you watch the 6:00 00:01:18.10\00:01:22.70 news, it is almost expected that someone 00:01:22.70\00:01:27.33 has been killed each day. 00:01:27.33\00:01:30.53 And you wonder why this commandment has gotten lost in 00:01:30.53\00:01:34.63 the web of all this activity. 00:01:34.63\00:01:36.30 In the maze of a culture of killing, do we still hear God 00:01:36.30\00:01:42.76 speaking clearly and definitely: 00:01:42.76\00:01:48.33 Thou shalt not kill. 00:01:48.33\00:01:50.23 Now, when this commandment was given, it was given 00:01:50.23\00:01:54.06 to a group of men and women, you will 00:01:54.06\00:01:56.63 remember, who had been recently released from living 00:01:56.63\00:01:59.56 under the tyranny of oppression in Egypt. 00:01:59.56\00:02:02.03 Pharaoh governed their ways. 00:02:02.03\00:02:04.83 Pharaoh told them when, where and how. 00:02:04.83\00:02:09.86 They had restrictions, they had rules, they had laws to 00:02:09.86\00:02:13.43 tailor make their day. 00:02:13.43\00:02:15.43 But now this new group who had been emancipated, who had been 00:02:15.43\00:02:18.96 freed, this group was now on its own. 00:02:18.96\00:02:21.93 And often they would senselessly kill anybody if 00:02:21.93\00:02:24.60 they violated someone. 00:02:24.60\00:02:26.23 And so this commandment was not off limits to all killings 00:02:26.23\00:02:29.93 in Jewish culture, because there had been some killings 00:02:29.93\00:02:32.76 that had been designed by the community to keep the control 00:02:32.76\00:02:35.23 and order of the community. 00:02:35.23\00:02:36.53 But God had said to them, Thou shalt not kill. 00:02:36.53\00:02:42.76 And as he speaks of this killing, the heart of the 00:02:42.76\00:02:45.30 matter is this: You are not to take the right of God in your 00:02:45.30\00:02:50.20 hands. 00:02:50.20\00:02:51.33 That God is the only one who has the right to give life, 00:02:51.33\00:02:55.66 and he's the only one who has the right to take life. 00:02:55.66\00:02:58.36 And that is the succinct interpretation of this 00:02:58.36\00:03:01.96 passage, that God is the one who has the right to 00:03:01.96\00:03:06.56 be the author and orchestrator of life. 00:03:06.56\00:03:09.20 Not man, but God. 00:03:09.20\00:03:10.36 And God says, Thou shalt not kill. 00:03:10.36\00:03:14.63 So tonight, don't kill. 00:03:14.63\00:03:18.73 Don't plan to kill, don't pay somebody to kill, don't pray 00:03:18.73\00:03:24.90 that somebody be killed. 00:03:24.90\00:03:27.50 Thou shalt not kill. 00:03:27.50\00:03:32.13 So tonight, how are we going to handle this? 00:03:32.13\00:03:36.16 Abortion, euthanasia, mercy killing, suicide, war. 00:03:36.16\00:03:44.36 Colossians 3:17 says, Whatever you do in word or deed, do it 00:03:44.36\00:03:50.90 in the name of Jesus. 00:03:50.90\00:03:54.30 And whatever you cannot do in the name of Jesus 00:03:54.30\00:03:59.43 ought not be done. 00:03:59.43\00:04:01.20 If you cannot perform abortion in the name of Jesus, it 00:04:01.20\00:04:06.00 ought not be done. 00:04:06.00\00:04:07.10 If you cannot mercy kill somebody in the name of 00:04:07.10\00:04:10.50 Jesus, don't do it. 00:04:10.50\00:04:12.03 If you cannot inject lethally a person and take their life 00:04:12.03\00:04:15.60 away in the name of Jesus, don't do it. 00:04:15.60\00:04:18.43 If you cannot commit suicide in the name of Jesus, 00:04:18.43\00:04:22.23 don't do it. 00:04:22.23\00:04:22.96 If you cannot engage in war in the name of Jesus, 00:04:22.96\00:04:26.70 don't do it. 00:04:26.70\00:04:27.60 Someone says tonight, Pastor Byrd, none of that affects me. 00:04:27.60\00:04:31.66 You think you're off the hook. 00:04:31.66\00:04:32.93 But you remember when Jesus came, Jesus didn't come to 00:04:32.93\00:04:36.36 destroy the law, he came to fulfill the law. 00:04:36.36\00:04:38.96 Because he knew that the average one of us would never 00:04:38.96\00:04:42.26 take up arms against another person and take their life. 00:04:42.26\00:04:45.13 And so Jesus comes on the scene in Matthew 5, and he 00:04:45.13\00:04:50.46 begins to express and expand on this commandment. 00:04:50.46\00:04:54.60 He gathers his group of disciples around him in 00:04:54.60\00:04:56.86 Matthew 5:21 and says, I know many of you 00:04:56.86\00:05:00.26 have never killed anybody. 00:05:00.26\00:05:01.56 And so you feel that commandment number 00:05:01.56\00:05:04.20 six is not for you. 00:05:04.20\00:05:05.20 Thou shalt not kill. 00:05:05.20\00:05:06.63 But Jesus said, I want to tell you something. 00:05:06.63\00:05:09.30 You've heard that it was said to the people long ago, thou 00:05:09.30\00:05:12.96 shalt not kill, and anyone who murders was 00:05:12.96\00:05:15.86 subject to judgment. 00:05:15.86\00:05:17.30 Jesus said, I know you heard that. 00:05:17.30\00:05:19.86 Chapter 5, verse 22 further points out, any one of you in 00:05:19.86\00:05:23.50 here who is angry with their brother will be 00:05:23.50\00:05:26.26 subject to judgment. 00:05:26.26\00:05:27.70 Again I tell you this: anyone who says to their brother, 00:05:27.70\00:05:30.56 "Raca!" is answerable to the Sanhedrin. 00:05:30.56\00:05:33.23 But any one of you who says, thou fool, shall be in the 00:05:33.23\00:05:37.13 danger of hellfire. 00:05:37.13\00:05:38.96 It's amazing that God takes this speech business 00:05:38.96\00:05:45.40 very seriously. 00:05:45.40\00:05:47.03 Because now God has moved from the act of murder 00:05:47.03\00:05:51.43 to the attitude of murder. 00:05:51.43\00:05:53.70 What about killing someone's character with your tongue? 00:05:53.70\00:05:57.43 What about talking about somebody with your tongue? 00:05:57.43\00:06:01.30 What about your tongue? 00:06:01.30\00:06:02.86 Because the Bible says in Proverbs 18 that the 00:06:02.86\00:06:06.03 power of life and death are in the tongue. 00:06:06.03\00:06:08.96 We've got all these Bible quoting, commandment-keeping, 00:06:08.96\00:06:12.66 hand-clapping, foot-stomping folk who don't know how to 00:06:12.66\00:06:15.26 guard their tongue. 00:06:15.26\00:06:16.30 They kill with their tongue. 00:06:16.30\00:06:19.80 And if you break one commandment, you're 00:06:19.80\00:06:23.96 guilty of breaking all. 00:06:23.96\00:06:25.13 The Bible says, "Thou shalt not kill." But not only 00:06:25.13\00:06:30.50 killing with your tongue, but I go to part two of this 00:06:30.50\00:06:35.53 message tonight because we don't only kill with our 00:06:35.53\00:06:39.16 tongues, but many of us kill with what we put on 00:06:39.16\00:06:43.00 our tongues. 00:06:43.00\00:06:45.90 With what we put on our tongues, we kill our bodies, 00:06:45.90\00:06:53.73 with stuff that has no business in them. 00:06:53.73\00:07:00.83 The Apostle Paul said in I Corinthians 10:31, "Whether 00:07:00.83\00:07:05.66 therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to 00:07:05.66\00:07:20.03 the glory of God." Paul said in I Corinthians 6:19-20, 00:07:20.03\00:07:27.90 "What? know ye not that your body is the 00:07:27.90\00:07:31.50 temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, 00:07:31.50\00:07:35.03 which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 00:07:35.03\00:07:38.26 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God 00:07:38.26\00:07:43.63 in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." 00:07:43.63\00:07:50.93 Those who disobey God's rules of health will be destroyed. 00:07:50.93\00:07:55.76 I Corinthians 3:16-17: "Know ye not that ye are 00:07:55.76\00:08:01.43 the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God 00:08:01.43\00:08:05.63 dwelleth in you? 00:08:05.63\00:08:07.46 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; 00:08:07.46\00:08:12.63 for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." 00:08:12.63\00:08:21.43 Thou shalt not kill. 00:08:21.43\00:08:25.36 One way we are killing, what we put on our tongues. 00:08:25.36\00:08:34.76 One way we are killing, what we put in our bodies. 00:08:34.76\00:08:39.30 Is the drinking, the sipping, the gulping of alcohol. 00:08:39.30\00:08:47.13 Oh, well, it's getting quiet in here tonight. 00:08:47.13\00:08:50.03 I know it's Saturday night and it's going to hurt somebody's 00:08:50.03\00:08:54.93 feelings, but if God said it, that settles it. Proverbs. 00:08:54.93\00:08:59.86 What book did I say? 00:08:59.86\00:09:00.83 Talking about thou shalt not kill and what we 00:09:00.83\00:09:04.66 put on our tongues. 00:09:04.66\00:09:08.40 Proverbs 20:1, the Word of God says to us, "Wine is a mocker, 00:09:08.40\00:09:23.80 strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived 00:09:23.80\00:09:31.36 thereby is not wise." 00:09:31.36\00:09:36.03 If you and Jesus can't sit on the porch 00:09:36.03\00:09:39.66 drinking it up, then you gotta leave it alone. 00:09:39.66\00:09:42.20 Come on, say Amen. 00:09:42.20\00:09:44.66 Now go with me to Galatians. 00:09:44.66\00:09:46.83 Let's get some New Testament. 00:09:46.83\00:09:49.93 Someone said wine, that's Old Testament. 00:09:49.93\00:09:53.40 I thought a little wine was good for the soul. 00:09:53.40\00:09:55.80 Galatians 5:21: "Envyings, murders, drunkenness, 00:09:55.80\00:10:04.16 revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, 00:10:04.16\00:10:07.83 as I have also told you in time past, that they which do 00:10:07.83\00:10:11.83 such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." Tonight 00:10:11.83\00:10:21.03 I'm trying to help somebody. 00:10:21.03\00:10:23.66 God says, "Thou shalt not kill." Those who are guilty of 00:10:23.66\00:10:29.26 killing their bodies through alcohol, you will not inherit 00:10:29.26\00:10:33.56 the kingdom of God. 00:10:33.56\00:10:35.30 I'm helping you physically and I'm helping you 00:10:35.30\00:10:38.93 economically too. 00:10:38.93\00:10:40.26 "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." 00:10:40.26\00:10:47.43 Pastor, what you talking about smoking a cigarette? 00:10:47.43\00:10:50.53 Well, let me be clear. 00:10:50.53\00:10:52.10 Tobacco. Marijuana. 00:10:52.10\00:10:53.90 But it's for medicinal purposes. Marijuana. 00:10:53.90\00:10:59.73 If you and God can't sit on the porch and smoke, 00:10:59.73\00:11:03.00 it ought not be done. 00:11:03.00\00:11:04.53 Leave it alone in the name of Jesus. 00:11:04.53\00:11:07.96 Any doctor will tell you that lung cancer is out of control. 00:11:07.96\00:11:12.36 Throat cancer and cancer of the mouth are out of control. 00:11:12.36\00:11:17.13 But because I'm a child of God, I can do all things 00:11:17.13\00:11:20.70 through Christ which strengtheneth me. 00:11:20.70\00:11:25.83 Tonight somebody, your diet is going to change for 00:11:25.83\00:11:29.93 the rest of your life. 00:11:29.93\00:11:31.53 Go with me to Leviticus 11:1: "Speak unto the children of 00:11:31.53\00:11:46.60 Israel, saying, These are the beasts which ye shall eat 00:11:46.60\00:11:55.10 among all the beasts that are on the earth. 00:11:55.10\00:11:58.13 Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is clovenfooted, and 00:11:58.13\00:12:02.36 cheweth the cud, among the beasts, that shall ye eat. 00:12:02.36\00:12:05.76 Nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them that chew the 00:12:05.76\00:12:10.63 cud, or of them that divide the hoof: as the camel, 00:12:10.63\00:12:13.40 because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he 00:12:13.40\00:12:17.36 is unclean unto you. 00:12:17.36\00:12:19.03 And the coney, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth 00:12:19.03\00:12:23.33 not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. 00:12:23.33\00:12:26.86 And the hare," which is the rabbit, "because he cheweth 00:12:26.86\00:12:29.56 the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you." 00:12:29.56\00:12:32.33 Verse number 7 says, And the what? 00:12:32.33\00:12:36.73 Say it like you mean it. 00:12:36.73\00:12:38.43 That's it, that's pig. 00:12:38.43\00:12:39.56 That's the hog. 00:12:39.56\00:12:43.93 "Though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he 00:12:43.93\00:12:49.36 cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you." Thou shalt 00:12:49.36\00:12:53.70 not kill, you're killing your body, God said don't touch it, 00:12:53.70\00:12:58.60 don't eat it, it is unclean. 00:12:58.60\00:13:00.20 Heart disease, hypertension would be lower 00:13:00.20\00:13:11.13 if you didn't eat pork. 00:13:11.13\00:13:12.16 I wish I had a witness in this place. 00:13:12.16\00:13:14.90 You gotta leave it alone, in the name of Jesus. 00:13:14.90\00:13:19.23 Getting quiet up in here. 00:13:19.23\00:13:22.30 Let's get some more of this. 00:13:22.30\00:13:24.66 Verse 9, you ready? 00:13:24.66\00:13:27.56 Ready or not, I'm coming anyway. 00:13:27.56\00:13:30.66 Come on, say Amen. 00:13:30.66\00:13:32.13 Verse 9: "These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: 00:13:32.13\00:13:35.53 whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the 00:13:35.53\00:13:40.23 seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. 00:13:40.23\00:13:43.76 And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the 00:13:43.76\00:13:46.90 rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living 00:13:46.90\00:13:49.13 thing which is in the waters, they shall be an 00:13:49.13\00:13:52.40 abomination unto you. 00:13:52.40\00:13:53.53 They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall 00:13:53.53\00:13:56.26 not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcasses 00:13:56.26\00:13:58.76 in abomination. 00:13:58.76\00:14:00.10 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, 00:14:00.10\00:14:02.43 that shall be an abomination unto you. 00:14:02.43\00:14:04.36 And these are they which ye shall have in abomination 00:14:04.36\00:14:08.13 among the fowls," the birds; "they shall not be eaten, 00:14:08.13\00:14:10.50 they are an abomination: the eagle, and the ossifrage, 00:14:10.50\00:14:15.80 and the osprey, And the vulture, 00:14:15.80\00:14:19.10 and the kite after his kind; Every raven after his kind." 00:14:19.10\00:14:26.73 I thought God said we could eat ravens. 00:14:26.73\00:14:30.13 Elijah ate them. 00:14:30.13\00:14:32.33 No, Elijah didn't eat ravens. 00:14:32.33\00:14:34.53 Raven brought food to Elijah, but Elijah 00:14:34.53\00:14:38.33 didn't eat the raven. 00:14:38.33\00:14:41.06 Check the word. 00:14:41.06\00:14:43.23 "The owl, and the night hawk, and the cuckow, and the hawk 00:14:43.23\00:14:50.30 after his kind, And the little owl, and the cormorant, and 00:14:50.30\00:14:56.43 the great owl, And the swan," that's duck," and the pelican, 00:14:56.43\00:15:03.43 and the gier eagle, And the stork, the heron after her 00:15:03.43\00:15:07.36 kind, and the lapwing, and the bat." Who in their right 00:15:07.36\00:15:13.03 mind would eat bats? 00:15:13.03\00:15:16.10 Somebody say barbecued bats. 00:15:16.10\00:15:18.30 "All fowls that creep, going upon all four, shall be" what 00:15:18.30\00:15:26.33 unto you, everybody? 00:15:26.33\00:15:27.83 Now let's stop here. 00:15:27.83\00:15:30.53 I'm trying to help somebody make a meal tonight. 00:15:30.53\00:15:34.90 Go and eat some beans and rice, you'll be all right. 00:15:34.90\00:15:37.90 Come on, say Amen. 00:15:37.90\00:15:39.90 Shrimp! Oh, I said something wrong. 00:15:39.90\00:15:47.06 Shrimp, talking about "Thou shalt not kill." 00:15:47.06\00:15:51.66 Shrimp is a scavenger. 00:15:51.66\00:15:55.36 Pastor Byrd, I kinda like--it's a scavenger. 00:15:55.36\00:16:02.13 Thou shalt not kill. 00:16:02.13\00:16:04.96 I can do all things through whom? Christ, 00:16:04.96\00:16:07.76 which strengthens me. 00:16:07.76\00:16:09.26 Let me bowl down somebody's alley. 00:16:09.26\00:16:11.76 Lobster. Yes. 00:16:11.76\00:16:16.06 It's a scavenger. 00:16:16.06\00:16:21.13 I can do all things through whom? Christ, 00:16:21.13\00:16:26.06 which strengtheneth me. 00:16:26.06\00:16:29.30 Let me go bowl somebody else's alley. 00:16:29.30\00:16:31.70 Somebody said no more, no more, no more. 00:16:31.70\00:16:34.80 Catfish. Yes. 00:16:34.80\00:16:39.03 It's a scavenger. 00:16:39.03\00:16:44.33 The Bible says, "Thou shalt not kill." But I can do what? 00:16:44.33\00:16:49.06 Through whom? 00:16:49.06\00:16:50.76 Christ, which what? 00:16:50.76\00:16:52.80 Somebody says, Pastor, what can we eat? 00:16:52.80\00:17:03.46 Well, praise God, we have come tonight to help you from 00:17:03.46\00:17:08.56 the Word of God. 00:17:08.56\00:17:11.40 Because we thought with this commandment that we were 00:17:11.40\00:17:15.03 limited to people who would kill other people. 00:17:15.03\00:17:19.06 But the reality is, many of us are killing our bodies each 00:17:19.06\00:17:22.30 and every day. And God says, "Thou shalt not kill." 00:17:22.30\00:17:26.70 I don't have any creative, innovative way to 00:17:26.70\00:17:30.90 preach and teach it. 00:17:30.90\00:17:32.53 I've got to preach it the old school way, just God said it, 00:17:32.53\00:17:36.73 and that settles it. 00:17:36.73\00:17:39.90 And I can do all things, I can do what, everybody? 00:17:39.90\00:17:42.96 All things through Christ which strengtheneth me. 00:17:42.96\00:17:46.63 All right, somebody says, what am I going 00:17:46.63\00:17:50.46 to put in my greens? 00:17:50.46\00:17:51.90 Put some good vegetable seasonings in your greens. 00:17:51.90\00:17:53.50 And you can get the vegetable seasonings and get off the 00:17:53.50\00:17:56.06 pork seasonings and put some turkey seasoning in there. 00:17:56.06\00:17:58.60 Come on, say Amen. 00:17:58.60\00:17:59.76 I'm trying to help you get off the bridge. 00:17:59.76\00:18:02.16 Now, you've got to get off the pork, and you've got to 00:18:02.16\00:18:04.33 graduall,y move. 00:18:04.33\00:18:05.43 but in the name of Jesus, I can do all things through 00:18:05.43\00:18:11.20 Christ which strengtheneth me. 00:18:11.20\00:18:12.40 Some of you will still be able to have a good Thanksgiving. 00:18:12.40\00:18:14.80 Come on, say Amen. 00:18:14.80\00:18:16.96 Now, let's look at the list. 00:18:16.96\00:18:18.40 You see the list. 00:18:18.40\00:18:19.46 Do you have the list. 00:18:19.46\00:18:21.36 Sister Peggy, bring me a list. 00:18:21.36\00:18:24.56 Do you have a list? 00:18:24.56\00:18:25.90 Let me hear you say Amen. 00:18:25.90\00:18:28.40 All right, let's look at the list. 00:18:28.40\00:18:33.26 Lord have mercy. 00:18:33.26\00:18:34.46 Let's look at what we shouldn't eat, because loves 00:18:34.46\00:18:37.23 us and created our bodies. 00:18:37.23\00:18:39.13 Pig. Coon. Possum. Squirrel. 00:18:39.13\00:18:48.00 Turtle. Horse. Rabbit. Snake. 00:18:48.00\00:18:54.13 I had someone say to me one time, "Snake tastes 00:18:54.13\00:19:01.26 like chicken." I said, "I don't want to know." 00:19:01.26\00:19:05.43 Frog. Let's look at the fish. 00:19:05.43\00:19:08.26 Catfish, eel, lobster, crab, oysters, shrimp, crayfish, 00:19:08.26\00:19:28.33 shark and whale. 00:19:28.33\00:19:31.86 Shortenings, oil, you've got to cook in the right stuff. 00:19:31.86\00:19:35.83 Hog lard, or any grease or oil made with hog or pig fat. 00:19:35.83\00:19:40.96 Drinks: beer, whiskey, wine, gin. 00:19:40.96\00:19:52.13 And you say, Pastor Byrd, all that caffeine drink and soda? 00:19:52.13\00:19:55.90 Yeah, we got to get off that Coca-Cola. 00:19:55.90\00:19:58.10 It's not good for you, it's a stimulant. 00:19:58.10\00:20:02.13 All that caffeine. 00:20:02.13\00:20:03.50 Drink Sprite. 00:20:03.50\00:20:04.83 Do I have a witness in this place? 00:20:04.83\00:20:07.03 And you know what the reality is? 00:20:07.03\00:20:09.83 We all need to drink more water. 00:20:09.83\00:20:11.83 Come on, say Amen. 00:20:11.83\00:20:14.43 Isaiah 66:15: Thou shalt not kill. 00:20:14.43\00:20:26.90 For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with his 00:20:26.90\00:20:38.26 chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, 00:20:38.26\00:20:43.00 and his rebuke with flames of fire. 00:20:43.00\00:20:46.76 For by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all 00:20:46.76\00:20:53.00 flesh: and the slain of the Lord shall be many. 00:20:53.00\00:20:58.80 They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the 00:20:58.80\00:21:07.00 gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, 00:21:07.00\00:21:15.56 and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed 00:21:15.56\00:21:26.26 together, saith the Lord." For too long we have felt 00:21:26.26\00:21:38.30 commandment number six is relegated to those who are on 00:21:38.30\00:21:43.06 the 6:00 news. 00:21:43.06\00:21:45.53 But it's more than just who we see on the 6:00 news. 00:21:45.53\00:21:52.80 It's also who we kill with our conversation and speech. 00:21:52.80\00:21:58.50 There are angels recording everything we say and do. 00:21:58.50\00:22:05.83 We think this is limited to the 6:00 news, 00:22:05.83\00:22:10.63 and then what we say. 00:22:10.63\00:22:12.16 God is telling us tonight with our bodies, they are his 00:22:12.16\00:22:17.36 temples, they have been bought with a price. 00:22:17.36\00:22:22.56 The price was Jesus' shed blood. 00:22:22.56\00:22:28.06 And he is saying that those unclean meats, the alcohol, 00:22:28.06\00:22:34.03 the cigarettes, he's saying, because your body is my 00:22:34.03\00:22:39.00 temple, because those things are unclean, God is saying 00:22:39.00\00:22:43.56 if you love me, refrain from putting these 00:22:43.56\00:22:51.13 things in your bodies. 00:22:51.13\00:22:53.66 Because when I created you I never intended for these 00:22:53.66\00:22:58.26 things to be ingested and eaten by you. 00:22:58.26\00:23:04.56 Tonight, as with all the other nights, it's not about rules, 00:23:04.56\00:23:13.30 it's not about regulations. 00:23:13.30\00:23:16.40 It's not about do's, it's not about don'ts. 00:23:16.40\00:23:22.13 It's all about God's language of love. 00:23:22.13\00:23:31.53 If I go to a restaurant, because I love my wife and 00:23:31.53\00:23:37.93 because she may have slipped out to the restroom, she says, 00:23:37.93\00:23:41.80 "Order for me, honey, what I like," I'm going to order 00:23:41.80\00:23:48.00 for her what she likes. 00:23:48.00\00:23:51.40 I'm going to order for her what she loves to eat. 00:23:51.40\00:23:56.26 If I go to Maggiano's, I know what my wife loves to eat. 00:23:56.26\00:24:03.10 I order eggplant parmigiano. 00:24:03.10\00:24:08.06 Because that's what she loves to eat. 00:24:08.06\00:24:13.00 If I go to Maggiano's and I slip out to the restaurant, 00:24:13.00\00:24:16.86 and my wife orders for me, she knows what I love to eat. 00:24:16.86\00:24:23.03 She's going to order for me the fried zucchini with the 00:24:23.03\00:24:27.56 nice little sauce, because that's what I love to eat. 00:24:27.56\00:24:33.96 When you love God, it's not about what you want, but it's 00:24:33.96\00:24:41.06 all about what he wants. 00:24:41.06\00:24:44.06 When you love God, it's not about what you want to drink, 00:24:44.06\00:24:49.00 it's not about what you want to eat, it's about what God 00:24:49.00\00:24:52.00 would have you eat, and what God would have you drink. 00:24:52.00\00:24:58.26 It's all about love. 00:24:58.26\00:25:04.23 The first four commandments deal with our love for God. 00:25:04.23\00:25:10.73 The final six commandments deal with our love 00:25:10.73\00:25:15.40 for one another. 00:25:15.40\00:25:17.43 And tonight God says, if you love me, thou shalt not kill. 00:25:17.43\00:25:27.70 PB: I would like to thank you very much for tuning in to the 00:25:27.70\00:25:30.80 Breath of Life telecast today. 00:25:30.80\00:25:32.30 I do hope that you were blessed by the word 00:25:32.30\00:25:36.53 of God today. 00:25:36.53\00:25:38.30 I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to 00:25:38.30\00:25:40.40 become a partner of the Breath of Life television ministry. 00:25:40.40\00:25:43.00 That's right, you may give a tax deductible donation and 00:25:43.00\00:25:46.80 partner with us as we seek to give hope and peace of mind to 00:25:46.80\00:25:50.36 the dying world in which we live. 00:25:50.36\00:25:53.30 To contact us, feel free to give us a call at 00:25:53.30\00:25:56.50 877-BOL-OFFER. 00:25:56.50\00:26:00.63 Or feel free to write us at the address shown 00:26:00.63\00:26:09.40 on your screen. 00:26:09.40\00:26:10.43 Finally, you can reach us by logging on to the web site at 00:26:10.43\00:26:13.30 www.breathoflife.tv. 00:26:13.30\00:26:18.73 Again, thank you very much for tuning in today and we want to 00:26:18.73\00:26:21.76 thank you in advance for partnering with our ministry. 00:26:21.76\00:26:24.93 May God continue to bless you. 00:26:24.93\00:26:26.86 >: We'd all like to live healthier lives, but doing so 00:26:26.86\00:26:30.43 and maintaining it aren't always so easy. 00:26:30.43\00:26:33.10 It's hard when the foods we love are also the foods that 00:26:33.10\00:26:35.53 can hurt us the most, and when it's easier to watch TV than 00:26:35.53\00:26:38.43 it is to exercise. 00:26:38.43\00:26:39.96 What we need are straight answers and some 00:26:39.96\00:26:42.40 encouragement. 00:26:42.40\00:26:43.66 The Breath of Life gift offer this week is Dr. Timothy 00:26:43.66\00:26:46.33 Arnott's "24 Realistic Ways to Improve Your Health." It 00:26:46.33\00:26:50.36 includes information that can change your life with 00:26:50.36\00:26:53.00 just a little effort. 00:26:53.00\00:26:54.03 So say goodbye to crazy diets and impossible 00:26:54.03\00:26:57.66 exercise regimens. 00:26:57.66\00:27:00.26 Dr. Arnott serves up a healthy dish of guidance to help get 00:27:00.26\00:27:02.26 you to the physical and mental state God intended. 00:27:02.26\00:27:04.60 Find out how to exercise the right way, how water can help 00:27:04.60\00:27:07.80 your heart, why eating nuts and seeds daily 00:27:07.80\00:27:11.00 is so important. 00:27:11.00\00:27:12.10 Discover how to lower your blood pressure and reduce 00:27:12.10\00:27:14.96 your risk of cancer. 00:27:14.96\00:27:15.83 "24 Realistic Ways to Improve Your Health" is indeed just 00:27:15.83\00:27:19.90 that: realistic. 00:27:19.90\00:27:21.23 Dr. Arnott is a no-nonsense, tell it like it really is 00:27:21.23\00:27:24.50 doctor who talks to you as if you're hearing from 00:27:24.50\00:27:27.80 a good friend. 00:27:27.80\00:27:28.83 Just call our toll-free number, 1-877-BOL-OFFER. 00:27:28.83\00:27:33.20 That's 1-877-265-6333, and ask for your copy of "24 Realistic 00:27:33.20\00:27:39.83 Ways to Improve Your Health." 00:27:39.83\00:27:41.36 The book is yours for a gift of $5.00 or more. 00:27:41.36\00:27:44.00 Or you may write to: Breath of Life, 00:27:44.00\00:27:45.93 Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 91319. 00:27:45.93\00:27:50.10 Don't just wait for your health to get better. 00:27:50.10\00:27:52.63 Take charge of it and get "24 Realistic Ways to Improve Your 00:27:52.63\00:27:56.00 Health" now. 00:27:56.00\00:27:58.66 PB: If you and Jesus can't sit on the porch drinking it up, 00:27:58.66\00:28:02.80 then you gotta leave it alone. 00:28:02.80\00:28:04.26 Come on, say Amen. 00:28:04.26\00:28:05.63 Do it in the name of Jesus. 00:28:05.63\00:28:12.00 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. 00:28:12.00\00:28:20.53 Thou shalt not kill. 00:28:20.53\00:28:28.40