Breath of Life

God's Love Letter, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000026

00:00 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:09 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:18 (Music) PB: Tonight, how do you draw God?
00:27 All of us in some way or another, we draw him.
00:29 Whether you're a liberal, conservative, male, female,
00:31 old or young, all of us in some way or another
00:34 have our own images of God.
00:38 And those who worship the true God understand the limitless
00:43 possibilities of how God, in fact, would come to us,
00:46 be with us, if we stopped trying to reduce
00:50 him down to size.
00:53 Now let's remember the setting behind which
00:55 this law was given.
00:56 The law was given when Moses was on Mount Sinai.
01:00 Remember, Moses is on the top of the mountain, God
01:05 is speaking to him.
01:07 God speaks to Moses and Moses needs something
01:11 to take with him.
01:13 And God doesn't give him keys to the car or promotions on
01:16 the job, God doesn't give him health and wealth and
01:19 prosperity, all God gives him is a name.
01:23 And that name is Yahweh, which means "I am who I am." Then
01:28 God speaks and sketches out his law upon two tablets to
01:33 speak of their thoroughness, durability and
01:37 supernaturalness.
01:38 God says to Moses, take these ten words, take these ten love
01:42 letters, take these Ten Commandments, the decalogue
01:45 and take them back to my people.
01:49 And while Moses is receiving these ten words, the children
01:53 of Israel, who have been brought out of Egypt by this
01:56 God who has written out his own words, they're breaking
02:00 love letter number two.
02:03 They're pressed against the base of the mountain, pressed
02:09 against Aaron the priest, and they're saying, Aaron, use
02:13 your skill, use your craftsmanship and make us a
02:18 god out of your hands that we can worship.
02:22 Aaron, in a moment of weakness, gives in to the
02:27 people and he receives the silver and the gold and the
02:32 bronze and he begins to make, the Bible says, a golden calf.
02:36 Now this brings conflict because it seems at this
02:40 moment that Aaron is introducing idol worship.
02:43 But that's really not what's happening.
02:46 Aaron, nor the people, never really lost their
02:49 love for God.
02:51 They just shifted their loyalty and what they wanted
02:56 was what they had left.
02:59 They wanted a god that was tangible, touchable,
03:01 reachable, seeable.
03:05 They wanted a god that they could perceive
03:08 with their senses.
03:10 They wanted a god that if they saw it they would know how it
03:14 looked, if they heard it they would know how it sounded.
03:18 If it spoke, how it would utter, if they touched it,
03:21 how it would be felt.
03:23 That's what they wanted to know and this was the
03:27 restriction that God put upon the commandment that they
03:30 were not to reduce God to managerial sizes, down to
03:34 drawings, down to images, for God prohibits us from reducing
03:39 the transcendent in temporal and in temperate things.
03:44 No image of God.
03:46 Trying to picture how God ought to look is nothing new,
03:50 but to correct this I can hear God saying in Isaiah 55, but
03:57 my ways are not your ways.
04:00 My thoughts are not your thoughts.
04:03 For as high as the heavens above the earth, my ways are
04:08 not your ways.
04:10 And that speaks tonight of the transcendence of God, that God
04:14 is above everything else we could ever imagine and it
04:19 prohibits us from limiting God in these manageable sizes that
04:24 people are so accustomed to doing because in our own
04:28 selves that's the kind of God we want.
04:31 We want a God we can manage.
04:32 We want a God that we can control.
04:38 In fact, with God we want kind of a genii in a bottle, that I
04:43 can rub God when I want him to do what needs to be done and
04:47 once I get what I want, I don't need God anymore,
04:51 back in the bottle, God, you go.
04:55 And here comes the struggle of this whole second commandment
04:58 of how do you draw God?
05:01 How do you sketch God tonight?
05:05 How do you do it?
05:07 Well, let me be clear.
05:08 God is not to be drawn at all.
05:12 God is beyond the page.
05:15 God is beyond the picture.
05:18 God is beyond any image.
05:21 Now this is not to say that you and I, we can't imagine
05:25 God, but you run into danger when you start to
05:28 try to define God.
05:31 For example, some of you tonight you have friends
05:34 that you try to tell other friends about.
05:38 You start talking about your friend to another friend and
05:40 at that moment that person begins to imagine what that
05:43 friend looks like or how that friend operates.
05:46 As long as you're telling the person about the friend
05:50 they're able to imagine in their mind that friend.
05:55 But if you hold a picture up of that friend, all of the
05:58 imagination stops.
06:00 At that moment, the picture stops the imagination process.
06:05 All of a sudden there's no need for you to imagine
06:09 anymore, you just have it right in front of you.
06:13 That's what God was saying.
06:14 You are not to reduce who I am.
06:17 You are not to reduce my transcendence into some
06:21 temporary prescription or picture of what you
06:25 think I am.
06:26 God says, I'm bigger than all of that.
06:29 I'm bigger than any picture.
06:31 I'm bigger than any image.
06:34 I'm broader than any image.
06:36 I'm greater than any image, and your mind, your heart
06:41 cannot begin to conceive of who I am.
06:44 That's the best thing, the best thing we know and have
06:48 about God is Jesus Christ.
06:50 The theological question that always comes to service is
06:52 this, if you want to know God, look at Jesus.
06:55 If you want to know what God looks like, look at Jesus.
06:59 If you want to know how God loves, love Jesus.
07:03 For Jesus is the face of God and even though we don't know
07:09 that much about God, you do not know, even though I know
07:12 you meet people and you hear folks talking about God in
07:15 such familiar tongues, like they just wake up and shake
07:22 hands with God, like God and they are just home boys.
07:27 God is my God.
07:29 When the angels come into the presence of God they fall at
07:33 his feet and say, holy, holy, holy.
07:36 That's why when I walk up into God's house, I can't walk up
07:40 into God's house like I'm walking up into the mall.
07:43 I'm walking up into the house of the King of Kings,
07:46 the Lord of Lords.
07:48 Are you hearing what I'm saying tonight?
07:51 So God says, I'm not to be reduced to the celestial,
07:55 which is the above only.
07:57 Do not image me to anything that is heaven above.
08:02 Secondly, God says, I'm not to be reduced to the terrestrial,
08:04 which means, neither am I am to be imaged by anything on
08:08 earth below or beneath.
08:10 And then he says, number three, I'm not to be
08:13 imaged below the sea.
08:15 Now, if you read the Bible, if you read it as a casual
08:20 reader, then you know what this is juxtaposed to.
08:23 Chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis, the creation narritive of God.
08:27 In the creation we see why God set the celestial
08:30 in the heavens.
08:31 God put beasts of the field on earth and God deals with
08:36 marine or water life in the water.
08:38 God is saying that there is nothing, no star, no moon, no
08:45 sun, no galaxy that you are to image and assume that
08:52 that's what he's like.
08:54 You are not to look at stone or wood or gold or metal on
08:59 earth and say that God is like that.
09:02 You are not to look beneath in the waters and find some
09:06 mysterious figure moving about and say God is like that.
09:12 And the reason why that can't be God is because
09:14 God created them.
09:16 Creation can never speak the creator into anything.
09:23 That's the danger of images.
09:25 What God is saying, no image that you use is enough to
09:30 define or describe my transcending.
09:33 There is nothing on earth that you can compare to me.
09:37 God says, you're lower-case-g god is too small.
09:42 You have to approach God with reverence.
09:46 I listen to some people and I say to myself, how dare you
09:50 refer to God as Big-G or Jesus as J.C.
09:56 This is disrespectful.
09:59 This is a reduction of the transcendence.
10:03 When we come to God, we ought to come to God in holiness and
10:09 we should glory to be in the presence of God, because in
10:13 the presence of God, as we said last night,
10:16 is fullness of joy.
10:17 Verse number 4 tells us that there is a prohibition
10:21 attached to us in reducing God into manageable sizes.
10:26 But then there's something else here.
10:28 Verse 5 tells us that there is punishment for those
10:32 who reject the transcendence of God.
10:35 God tells us in verse 5 that we are restricted about bowing
10:38 down to anything or anybody else as worship reverence if
10:43 it's anybody other than me.
10:47 And then God throws something else in.
10:49 He throws something else in about himself and God says,
10:52 let me give you an attribute about who I am.
10:55 God says, I'm a jealous God.
11:00 But this word jealous is not to be mistaken for how some of
11:04 us operate, because our thoughts, again,
11:08 are not God's thoughts.
11:09 Our ways are not God's ways.
11:11 So what we see as jealous is not what God sees as jealous.
11:15 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
11:18 This case of jealous means holy zeal.
11:21 That God says, I have a holy zeal towards my people.
11:26 But what God is saying is, I'm not insecure.
11:30 I'm not saying I'm a jealous God because I'm an
11:33 insecure God.
11:35 For God says, who can rival who I am?
11:39 I'm not uncertain.
11:42 I already told you in verse 2, God says, that I am
11:45 the Lord thy God.
11:47 But I'll tell you what, I'm jealous because I will not
11:53 tolerate you to give allegiance or alliance to
11:57 anyone other than me when it was I who brought you out.
12:01 God says, I am a jealous God, and I like that because it
12:10 says that God has a zealous passion for those
12:14 who love him.
12:15 God says, I'm God and those are my children.
12:18 God says, those are my children and so I get excited
12:22 about that because God gets jealous if I give my love to
12:26 somebody other than God.
12:27 I'm a kings' kid.
12:29 God says, I will be the destroyer of any idols that
12:33 get in the way of trying to reduce me down to your size.
12:39 Now, throughout the Bible there have always been people
12:43 trying to show how God ought to look.
12:48 And in Jeremiah, Chapter 10, there's a description of this
12:52 beginning at verse 3.
12:55 If you have your Bible, go there, Jeremiah 10.
12:57 And so I want to read about the people who the prophet
13:00 says reject God by the acceptance of imaging God into
13:05 something they can manage.
13:07 Jeremiah 10:3, the Word of God says, "For the customs of the
13:13 people are vain."
13:15 The customs of the people, Jeremiah 10:3, are vain.
13:19 "For one cutteth a tree out of the forest; the work of the
13:24 hands of the workmen, with the axe.
13:26 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with
13:29 nails and with hammers, that it move not.
13:32 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not; they must
13:35 needs be borne, because they cannot go.
13:38 Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither
13:40 also is it in them to do good.
13:42 Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O Lord; thou
13:47 art great, and they name is great in might." This prophet
13:53 says, why would you want a god that had eyes but can't see?
13:58 Why would you want a god who has ears but can't hear?
14:03 Why would you want a god that has a mouth but can't talk?
14:07 Arms, but they can't reach down and deliver you?
14:10 They have feet but yet they can't walk to you?
14:13 Understand, anything that is other than God is just that.
14:18 It may have all the image, all the picture, all the drawings
14:22 of what you think God ought to look like, but it can't be God
14:25 because there is only one God.
14:28 Because John says in John 1, "In the beginning was the word
14:32 and the word was with God, the word was God, and the word
14:37 became flesh." Which means God walked this earth.
14:41 God touched somebody.
14:43 God looked at somebody.
14:44 God saw somebody.
14:46 God spoke to somebody.
14:49 There is only one God.
14:51 Don't give me a god that you've made out into a statue.
14:54 Give me a God who's the real God.
14:58 Give me a God who's the real thing.
15:01 God is more than what you possess.
15:04 God is more than the stuff you can buy.
15:07 God is more than the stuff you can get.
15:11 That's the danger of idolatry.
15:13 Idolatry says, I can possess God, but how can you draw the
15:18 invisible God?
15:20 How can you draw the wind?
15:22 How can you take that which is eternal and make it earthly?
15:28 You can't do it.
15:29 I don't care how hard you try, you can't do it.
15:32 You can't hem God in.
15:34 You can't box God in.
15:36 I don't care how much you think you can back God into a
15:40 corner, God cannot be domesticated.
15:43 God will be your God, you will not be his god.
15:47 God's going to be your God.
15:48 You can sit there if you want to, but the Lord
15:52 is still in control.
15:53 God is still in control of creation and that which he
15:58 has created.
15:59 But now this thing gets a little heavy because I haven't
16:01 even gotten to the punishment for the rejection of the
16:04 transcendence.
16:06 Because God says, when you have rejected me and because
16:08 I'm a jealous God, I'm going to curse the children of the
16:12 father on through the generations.
16:16 Now let me put a disclaimer here.
16:18 Understand me well.
16:20 This is not about generational curses.
16:22 But there's a reason why God said it.
16:24 When God said it, God was saying to Moses, when you get
16:28 down there from the mountain you've going to be shocked at
16:32 what's going on.
16:35 Aaron crafted this golden calf and now they're down at the
16:40 foot of the mountain worshipping this golden calf,
16:46 and the sad thing is they're assuming that God is in it.
16:52 They're trying to worship God as if he were it that got them
16:57 out of Egypt.
16:59 They're trying to worship it, the calf, like it was it that
17:02 was feeding them in the wilderness.
17:05 They're worshipping the golden calf like it was the
17:08 one that opened up the Red Sea.
17:10 They're trying to worship the golden calf like it was the one
17:14 that gave them a pillar of cloud by day and gave them
17:18 a pillar of fire by night.
17:19 They're trying to worship this golden calf like it tried
17:23 to reduce God down to it.
17:25 But God told Moses, tell those people
17:29 when you get down there that you can't lock me into
17:33 any idol or image, that everything that they've used,
17:37 that I'm the one that made it in the first place.
17:41 And when you get down off this mountain,
17:45 tell them this, that the way
17:47 they worship me is how they're going to transfer
17:51 their worship down to their children.
17:56 In other words, the tendencies of the father become the
18:01 traits of the children.
18:04 And what happens here is this, God is giving us this
18:08 prohibition and the term of his punishment is to say to
18:12 all of us that, I'm not sending a curse down to you,
18:16 you're sending a curse down to your own children,
18:20 your own flesh and blood.
18:24 Let me tell you what I'm talking about.
18:26 And now, let me be clear.
18:27 I'm speaking specifically to the men, specifically to the
18:32 brothers, because God has given the man in the creative
18:37 order the right to be the priest in the home.
18:42 And many of the problems in our world today, I'm speaking
18:45 to my own brothers, many of the problems that exist in the
18:49 world today are because the brothers won't be
18:53 the priest in the home.
18:56 Now, I don't care if the women don't want to hear,
18:58 but I'm going to tell it anyhow.
18:59 Men are supposed to be the priests of their home
19:04 and their family.
19:06 That is divine order.
19:08 And men need to be men.
19:09 Walk like a man.
19:12 Talk like a man.
19:13 Act like a man.
19:14 Be a man.
19:16 Quit these pity parties and be a man in the name of Jesus.
19:20 And now, as a priest you've got a right to transfer the
19:27 transcending down to your children.
19:30 In other words, our children will worship what they
19:33 see you worship.
19:34 And if they see that you worship your job, they will
19:39 worship their jobs.
19:41 If they see you worship your money, they
19:43 will worship money.
19:44 If they see you put everything else in front of them, then
19:47 they will put everything else in front of their children.
19:50 And so God is trying to say to the brothers, in creative
19:55 order I have set you as priests over your family, and
20:00 as priests over your family, whether you're in that house
20:05 or not, if you have children you have a right to transfer
20:11 the God that you worship on down to them.
20:14 Do I have a witness in this place?
20:16 And the problem in our world today, our country, our city,
20:23 our people are under a curse because of how many of the
20:28 priests of the family have worshipped other gods than
20:32 the one true God.
20:34 Let me go a little further.
20:38 If you don't believe me, all these deaths, shootings,
20:43 gang-banging, rip-offs, pants all hanging off your waist are
20:49 often a result of a godless country.
20:57 Call them bad all you want but you can trace it back to a
21:02 preceding generation of a father who has neglected
21:06 giving God to his children.
21:10 And let me tell you, I'm a man, a full man,
21:14 preaching to myself.
21:16 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
21:18 If we brothers would become the priests in culture,
21:23 priests in the country, priests in the church, God
21:30 will begin to revolutionize where we live and what we do
21:36 is let our children see that there is an authority that's
21:40 greater than who we are.
21:43 In other words, real men worship God. Ha-ha.
21:48 It's all right to stand up and worship God.
21:53 But every now and then, men, you ought to let your wife,
21:57 your children, your woman, your girlfriend know, they
22:00 ought to see you, let me be clear, they ought to see you
22:04 on your knees in the presence of God.
22:09 Because when your survival is dependent upon God, if bowing
22:14 down is all I've got to do, guess what, I'll lay out.
22:19 If that's all it takes, I'll lay it all out for the Lord
22:24 and show God, you are in control.
22:26 Do I have a witness in this place?
22:28 Look at Exodus 20, verse 6.
22:31 Go back to verse 6 of Exodus, Chapter 20.
22:33 The Bible says, "And showing mercy unto thousands of them
22:40 that love me." Thousands of them that what,
22:43 everybody? Love me.
22:44 And keep my, what?
22:47 What God is talking about is this.
22:50 If you introduce to your children that God is above
22:56 everything, the creator of the ends of the earth.
23:01 If you pass that down to your children, then your children
23:05 will pass that down to their children.
23:08 Their children will pass that down to their children and
23:12 they will pass it down to their children.
23:15 I'm almost through, but let me get to this point.
23:17 Let me tell you what to do.
23:20 Go on and get the job, get the promotion, make the money, get
23:25 the house, have the clothes, get the car.
23:29 God doesn't care anything about that, as long as you
23:33 don't make that represent who he is.
23:39 Stop going around talking about because you've got a car
23:42 you've got divine favor.
23:44 Because the fact is that a drug dealer has a nicer
23:47 car than yours.
23:49 What kind of favor does he have?
23:53 You've got something they ain't got.
23:56 You've got joy when everybody else around you is sad.
24:01 You've got peace.
24:04 When folks can't sleep at night, you can lay down on
24:07 your bed, go to sleep at night.
24:11 You've got hope in your hopeless situation.
24:13 You've got love of God that transcends all understanding.
24:18 Yes, can anybody say yes tonight?
24:21 Take the name Yahweh.
24:24 Because that is who we worship.
24:28 That's who I worship.
24:29 I am that I am.
24:31 That's what you go home with tonight, that God says,
24:35 I am that I am.
24:38 When folks start talking about where you live and start
24:41 talking about what you've got, tell them, no, no, no, no, no.
24:46 You're looking in the wrong place.
24:48 You're looking at the wrong person.
24:51 I want you to look at the God who owns everything that I
24:57 have, where I live, the keys belong to him.
25:00 What I ride in, the keys belong to him.
25:04 What I wear belongs to him. I am that I am.
25:09 Whatever you need, call on his name, for God says, if you
25:13 want me to free it up, learn how to bow down.
25:19 Bow down before me.
25:21 Quit bowing down to those other idols and bow
25:24 down before me.
25:25 That's all I want you to do.
25:27 Learn how to bow down in my presence.
25:30 Prostrate yourself.
25:33 Lift holy hands.
25:35 Open up your heart.
25:37 Open up your mind.
25:39 Open up your mouth and bless his name.
25:43 And so he says, stop bowing down to these idols.
25:48 Stop worshipping these manmade idols.
25:50 How are you going to worship something I created
25:53 in the first place? I am God and without me there is
26:02 none other.
26:05 PB: I would like to thank you very much for tuning in to the
26:08 Breath of Life telecast today.
26:09 I do hope that you were blessed by the Word of
26:12 God today.
26:14 I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to
26:17 become a partner of the Breath of Life television ministry.
26:20 That's right, you may give a tax deductible donation and
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26:28 the dying world in which we live.
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26:56 Again, thank you very much for tuning in today and we want to
26:59 thank you in advance for partnering with our ministry.
27:02 May God continue to bless you.
27:05 >: The Breath of Life gift offer this week
27:07 is the book, "The Ten Commandments Under Attack."
27:10 God's law has stirred controversy in recent years,
27:12 so are the Ten Commandments out of date?
27:15 Offensive?
27:15 Find out how the ten commandments lay a solid
27:18 foundation for society and how each commandment is so
27:22 important to us every day.
27:24 Contributing authors include Dwight Nelson, Clifford
27:26 Goldstein and Mike Tucker.
27:28 There is also an introduction by Mark Finley.
27:30 Living by the 10 commandments will bring blessings to us,
27:34 our families and our country.
27:35 "The Ten Commandments Under Attack" is yours for a gift of
27:38 $5 or more.
27:40 Just call our toll-free number 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:44 That's 877-265-6333.
27:49 Please have your credit card ready when you call, or you
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27:54 Just send your check to Breath of Life, P.O. Box 340,
27:58 Newbury Park, CA 91319.
28:01 Get your copy of "The Ten Commandments Under Attack"
28:03 today.
28:07 PB: Real men worship God.
28:09 Ha-ha.
28:11 Our children will worship what they see you worship.
28:15 Pick me up, turn me around.
28:17 I lay it all out for the Lord.
28:22 How do you draw God?


Revised 2015-02-05