Breath of Life

Find A Place To Pray, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000019

00:01 (Theme Song) ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:12 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all... ♪
00:19 (Music) PB: My best worship
00:26 is before I even get to church.
00:30 Because see, some of you all are too quick up in here.
00:32 You've got other stuff to do.
00:34 You want church to hurry up, get this over here, get that
00:36 over there.
00:37 But when I've got real issues, I have to lay in a state of
00:43 worship and sometimes when I'm driving down the road and I'm
00:48 not finished with my worship yet, sometimes when I've got
00:52 tears in the corners of my eyes I'm not through yet, and
00:54 sometimes I'll be in the shower and I'll be calling on
00:59 the name of the Lord.
01:00 And I'm still worshipping God because I need God more today
01:06 than I've ever needed him before in my life.
01:08 Do I have a witness in this place?
01:11 Somebody knows what I'm talking about.
01:15 Sometimes you've got to call him on your job.
01:19 Your coworkers wonder where you're going.
01:22 You slip into a room by yourself.
01:24 You slip into an office, slip into a closet, maybe slip into
01:27 the bathroom, hey, and say, Lord, I'm going in this stall
01:31 because I need to make contact with you today.
01:34 Not tomorrow, not next week, but today.
01:36 I don't need drums, I don't need an organ, I don't need a
01:40 praise team, I don't need choirs, I don't need preaching
01:42 in order for me to worship God, I don't even have to
01:45 carry a tune, not in my certain place.
01:50 Not in my sanctuary, my inner sanctuary.
01:53 I don't need the latest gospel song.
01:56 You all don't know, I'm a song writer in and of myself.
01:59 I'll make up a song.
02:01 I'll be walking through Berean making up songs.
02:04 ♪ (sings) You healed me before, ♪ you healed me again. ♪
02:08 ♪ When I think about what you ♪ ♪ did for me way back then. ♪
02:12 You all hear what I'm saying.
02:15 I'll even wrap it up, ♪ (sings) praise the Lord. ♪
02:18 For goodness sake, ♪ ♪ we're all going to take a ♪
02:20 ♪ Bible break. ♪ You all hear what I'm saying.
02:22 I'll whoop it up when I think of the goodness of Jesus and
02:27 all he's done for me.
02:34 Because there's this certain place.
02:39 You have this place of sanctity.
02:42 You don't let your weakness get in the way of your
02:44 sanctity.
02:46 You don't let carnality get in the way of your sanctity.
02:50 You don't let addictions or habits or drugs get in the way
02:55 of your spot.
02:56 Devil yes, I've got issues, but the issues don't have me.
03:00 I'm not going to let that thing get inside of me,
03:04 because this place, this temple belongs to God.
03:08 It is a place of sanctity, a place of holiness where you go
03:13 to God alone and you don't mind being alone with God.
03:17 I come to the garden alone while the dew is still on the
03:21 roses because sometimes you don't want everybody else
03:25 around you, because it's you and God at your place.
03:30 Maybe you're in your back yard walking around and you're
03:36 walking around in circles, the neighbor's looking at you like
03:39 you've lost your mind.
03:40 If they saw you they would think you were crazy because
03:42 they can't see anybody in the back yard but you.
03:45 But you're in the back yard, releasing all of your cares,
03:50 all of your burdens, all of your issues for that specific
03:54 time, specific situation, that specific place, because it's
03:58 your place, your place with God.
04:01 I'll be honest.
04:02 I don't see much of that today.
04:04 I see a lot of people come to church trying to benefit from
04:07 people who have a place.
04:09 They go to church to hear somebody preach who's been
04:15 with Jesus.
04:16 They go to hear somebody else sing who's been with Jesus.
04:19 But it used to be that you'd been with Jesus for yourself
04:23 and if nobody's sang, if nobody preaches, you could
04:28 still get blessed because you enter into his gates with
04:32 thanksgiving, you came into his court with praise, you
04:36 were thankful unto him and you blessed his name.
04:42 I'm going to be real with you all.
04:44 I praise God for the large fellowship and the growing
04:45 fellowship we have, but let me be honest, I don't have to
04:48 have anybody in here to have church.
04:52 Not one of you.
04:54 Everyone can leave.
04:55 Me and the Lord.
04:56 I can get happy all by myself.
04:58 Jump up and down.
05:00 Don't have to worry about you all being critical.
05:02 I can dance on God's pulpit.
05:05 I can start crying, start shouting, start saying Amen,
05:07 start clapping my hands, start singing, start praising, all
05:10 by myself.
05:13 You'll walk in church going, what's wrong with Pastor Byrd?
05:15 Oh, he's just praising God.
05:16 In an insane world you need a place, an inner place, a
05:23 sanctity.
05:24 It can't be bought.
05:27 And praise and worship and this place of sanctity is not
05:30 for sale.
05:32 A place that has nothing to do with money.
05:34 It's exclusively God's and you must learn to
05:37 protect that place.
05:38 You don't let anybody sweet talk you into that spot,
05:42 because, guess what, they're going to leave you, they're
05:45 going to disappoint you, but Jesus said, I will never leave
05:48 nor forsake you.
05:49 I know you don't think somebody, they're going to
05:51 leave you, but keep on living.
05:53 You'll find out, they will leave.
05:56 Johnny will leave.
05:57 Mary will leave.
05:59 You have to have a place of sanctity.
06:01 Say sanctity, everybody.
06:03 You don't let anybody or anything in that spot.
06:05 No bills, no worries, no stress, no mess, no kids,
06:07 no job, nothing.
06:09 That is God's place.
06:11 Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy,
06:19 tried and true, with thanksgiving.
06:26 I'll be a living sanctuary, Lord, just for you.
06:34 Number two, you need a place of sacrifice.
06:39 Everybody say sacrifice.
06:41 Now, I know it's not popular to talk about
06:43 sacrifice anymore.
06:44 It's more popular to talk about success.
06:46 Nobody wants to talk about sacrifice but you can't have
06:48 success without sacrifice.
06:51 Preach, Pastor Byrd, I'm doing the best I can.
06:55 That's what's wrong with people today.
06:56 Do you understand?
06:57 Ms. Palmer, Mr. Womack, they didn't get where they are just
07:01 by success, there was some sacrifice.
07:04 That's what's wrong with people today, they want
07:06 success without sacrifice.
07:09 They want to hobo in on what somebody else has got.
07:11 Their name is Jimmy and they want you to gimme.
07:14 I wish I had a witness in this place.
07:16 But it doesn't work that way.
07:19 You've got to have some sacrifice along
07:24 with your success.
07:26 You have to give up something.
07:29 You can't snatch what God has for you while you're sitting
07:33 holding on to what you did for yourself.
07:36 You've got to let go a few things so you can lay hold on
07:38 some more things.
07:41 If there's anything in your life that you're holding onto
07:42 that's greater than God, you've got to get rid of it.
07:45 Cast down everything you're holding onto, pull it off,
07:47 take it off, get rid of it, because God is getting ready
07:49 to pour you out a blessing, that you won't have room
07:52 enough to receive it, so you have to let go of something so
07:54 you can lay hold on something.
07:56 Friends of mine, it's called a sacrifice.
08:00 But we've raised a generation of people, a generation of
08:04 young people who don't know anything about sacrifice.
08:08 And that's why we're failing, because no sacrifice
08:12 means no success.
08:14 I loved it when the president of our country, President and
08:16 Mrs. Obama said, even after Sasha and Malia get in the
08:19 White House they will still make their beds.
08:23 Sacrifice.
08:25 Guess what?
08:26 Sometimes little Johnny needs to go to school.
08:30 Mama, but I still have my cold.
08:32 Get a band-aid, put it on, now go to school.
08:35 See you at three o'clock.
08:35 I wish I had a witness in this place.
08:37 I'm contemporary but I'm still a little old school.
08:39 Back in the days they raised you.
08:41 My daddy raised my brother and I with a strong work ethic and
08:44 he raised us to be tough.
08:46 You don't wimp out on everything.
08:50 Just because something doesn't go your way, you don't
08:52 give up and give out.
08:54 But now we're raising people and especially our
08:57 young men to fail.
08:59 Oh, you all hear what I'm saying.
09:01 It's Valentine's weekend.
09:02 Before the man got married in the Garden of Eden, God gave
09:04 him a job.
09:05 I wish I had a witness in this place.
09:09 Before Adam married Eve, God gave him a job.
09:12 He was caretaker of the Garden.
09:13 Are you hearing what I'm saying.
09:14 We've got to raise our young men to be tough.
09:18 Pants sagging off here thinking you tough.
09:22 That ain't tough, go get a job, that's tough.
09:27 Mommy, I don't feel good.
09:28 Something's on my mind.
09:30 Well, baby, just stay home until you get over it.
09:32 No, get up and get yourself to school.
09:35 Goodbye.
09:37 Here's some oatmeal, take a cookie.
09:39 Get a piece of fruit and there's a water fountain at
09:41 the school.
09:41 Goodbye.
09:43 Sometimes you have to sacrifice.
09:46 In life there are good days and there are bad days, and
09:51 sometimes you have to endure some things, some tough things
09:55 and sacrifice.
09:57 Talk about learning how to sacrifice.
10:00 Well, you have to have a certain place.
10:03 You have to have a praying place.
10:06 You have to be tough.
10:07 Instead of telling everything to everybody, you have to go
10:08 into your secret closet and you have to say, Lord, I know
10:12 you didn't bring me this far to leave me.
10:15 Lord, I know that I know that I know that you've got
10:18 something with my name written all over it, but while I'm
10:22 waiting, help me to renew my strength.
10:27 Because one day the wicked will cease from troubling and
10:30 the weary will be at rest.
10:32 A place of sacrifice.
10:35 You give up something to get something, but some folk don't
10:36 want to make any sacrifices.
10:40 We're going to the home now.
10:41 Momma and Daddy can't compromise about anything.
10:45 I left her because she can't cook.
10:49 I left her because her hair is coming out.
10:51 Go get her some weave and keep on going.
10:53 Do I have a witness in this place?
10:55 I left him because his hair is coming out.
10:57 Buy him some Rogaine and keep it moving.
10:59 Do I have a witness in this place?
11:01 No sacrifice.
11:05 We've compromised on anything.
11:06 But you'll have success.
11:10 People looking around, seeing who, without sacrifice.
11:16 I'm leaving him because he lost his job.
11:17 Well, you know what, quit talking about him losing his
11:19 job.
11:20 Take him on a job search.
11:21 But come on, baby, I know you've been knocked down but
11:24 we're going to get up again.
11:26 I've got your back.
11:27 I believe in God for you.
11:29 I pressed your shirt, here's a tie, let's get up out of here.
11:32 We're not going to wallow in this.
11:34 I anoint you with oil in the name of Jesus.
11:37 We're going to get a job in the name of Jesus.
11:40 Sacrifice.
11:44 You need somebody.
11:45 Listen to me.
11:46 All these folk getting married.
11:47 You need somebody who is going to be with you in the good and
11:49 the bad.
11:50 The ups and the downs, the right and the wrong.
11:53 Sacrifice.
11:54 How can you have sacrifice?
11:55 You've got to have a certain place.
11:59 A place where you can take it to God in prayer.
12:02 Parents, you've got to pray your kids off those crazy
12:04 drugs.
12:06 Pray them out of the streets.
12:08 Pray them out, don't fuss them out, don't cuss them out, pray
12:10 them out.
12:12 And do a hardness of the good godly soldier.
12:14 The way you sacrifice is you have to have a place of
12:17 prayer.
12:19 People don't want to sacrifice.
12:20 Run up to me.
12:21 Pastor Byrd, you've got it going on.
12:23 I want your anointing.
12:25 Lay hands on me.
12:26 (laughter) I need a job.
12:33 God blessing you.
12:34 Some folk I can lay my hands on them until my handprints
12:41 were in their forehead and you still wouldn't get anything
12:45 until you're willing to sacrifice.
12:51 Until you go through what I go through.
12:54 Suffer, like I suffered.
12:57 Did without when I did without.
13:00 Cried like I cried.
13:02 Endured when I endured like I endured.
13:05 The Bible says, after you're suffered a while, then will I
13:08 establish you, I will settle you, I will make you perfect.
13:12 I can't give you something it took me 20 years of crawling
13:16 across the floor to get and you want it in two minutes.
13:20 The devil is lie.
13:23 You've got to sacrifice.
13:25 I've learned in my walk with God.
13:27 I've come to almost 17 years now I'm pastoring.
13:29 I've learned, you still have to preach even when your
13:33 feelings are hurt.
13:35 You've go to preach when your heart is broken.
13:40 You've got to still preach even when you feel you have
13:43 not a friend in the world.
13:44 You've got to preach when you're grief stricken.
13:47 After you've proven yourself to be faithful, then the
13:51 anointing of the Holy Ghost will fall on you.
13:54 Do I have a witness in this place?
13:56 Let me tell you all something.
13:57 All this light, camera and action, I went through
13:59 something to get all this.
14:03 That's how somebody else, you got that house.
14:04 You sacrificed.
14:06 You're driving that car now because you sacrificed.
14:08 Somebody in here bought a house you couldn't pay to put
14:10 any furniture in it.
14:11 You sacrificed.
14:12 You slept on a cot in the back room until you could do
14:15 better.
14:16 Help me, Holy Ghost.
14:17 Give me some folk who don't mind sacrifices.
14:20 I am sick of all these cutie-pie, Johnny-come-lately
14:24 folk who need somebody who can take something.
14:28 We need, however, somebody who can take a licking but keep on
14:31 ticking.
14:32 Am I preaching to anybody up in this place today?
14:35 The symbol of Christianity is not a crown it's a cross.
14:41 Doesn't that give you a clue?
14:43 Doesn't that give you a hint?
14:44 Christ is saying, you must sacrifice.
14:48 Guess what?
14:50 You don't get to be happy every day, and remember,
14:52 there's a difference between happiness and joy.
14:55 Happiness is when somebody gives you flowers.
14:57 If nobody gives me flowers, I've still got joy because
14:59 I've got Jesus.
15:01 There are some things I'm learning in my life.
15:04 There are some things you learn by being miserable.
15:10 That's heavy.
15:12 You can't learn it all the time being happy.
15:14 I think I've got a witness in this place.
15:16 You've got to learn it while folk are lying on you, talking
15:19 about you, stabbing you in your back.
15:24 That's how you learn.
15:25 That is God before you.
15:28 He's more than the world against you.
15:32 Sacrifice.
15:35 Work here six months, work over there six months,
15:42 work over there six months.
15:43 Something's wrong with everybody else.
15:44 No, something's wrong with you.
15:47 You don't have a place.
15:50 You don't have a place of sacrifice.
15:53 Somebody's saying, no I don't like,
15:54 Making these hamburgers.
15:56 I don't like making these hamburgers.
15:59 And I give respect to somebody's who got a J-O-B
16:01 even if they're making hamburgers.
16:03 I don't like making these hamburgers, but somebody
16:04 understands, I've got to make these hamburgers right now.
16:08 No, I don't like bagging groceries, but I've got to bag
16:11 these groceries right now.
16:14 Until I can finish these classes.
16:17 Until I can maneuver over here.
16:20 So I'm going to go on and flip them with a smile.
16:23 They all understand what we talking about.
16:25 I'm going to flip them with a smile, I'm going to bag those
16:28 groceries with a smile because he that has the God of good
16:34 work in you, shall continue it even if until the day of
16:37 Jesus' return.
16:39 So, welcome to McDonald's.
16:42 I love to see you smile.
16:45 Welcome to Burger King, have it your way.
16:47 Welcome to Publics, paper or plastic.
16:50 I'm trying to help somebody but it won't be like that
16:53 always.
16:55 Troubles don't last always.
16:58 There's a bright side somewhere.
17:04 There are people in this church right now, you're on a
17:08 job you don't like right now, but you're on it, praise God
17:11 to have a job.
17:12 You're on a job right now because you have a plan.
17:17 You've got a strategy and if you suffer with Him, you one
17:23 day will reign with him.
17:25 It's sacrifice.
17:27 Is there anybody here who got what you got through
17:30 sacrifice?
17:31 Do I have a witness in this place?
17:33 You pray and you cry and you suffered and you did without,
17:38 but God blessed you.
17:41 Can I be real?
17:42 That's why I ain't worrying about folk who are jealous of
17:44 me.
17:45 I ain't studying folk who hate on me.
17:47 My haters are my elevators.
17:48 I wish I had a witness in this place.
17:50 You don't know what I went through to get what I've got.
17:54 You all don't hear what I'm saying.
17:56 The devil is a lie.
17:58 Work 14 hours in that back office, no vacations, preach
18:03 for years with two suits, a black suit, a blue suit, just
18:07 change the shirt and tie, hallelujah, somebody.
18:10 You don't know me, you better ask somebody.
18:15 Anybody ever been through sacrifice?
18:19 (music) Prejudiced against just because I was a
18:25 preacher's child.
18:27 Talked about just because I had good morals and ethics.
18:30 Criticized just because I had a vision and was passionate
18:33 about that vision.
18:34 Lost a daughter in a car accident, but look at me now.
18:42 If you suffer with Him, I declare that God will open up
18:47 the windows of Heaven, pour you out a blessing that there
18:52 shall not be room to receive it.
18:55 Hallelujah.
19:01 (music) Finally, finally, number three.
19:07 A certain place.
19:10 Number three.
19:11 Oh, I feel like preaching here today.
19:13 A certain place.
19:16 At that certain place, a place of sanctity, a place of
19:21 sacrifice, number three, finally, at that certain
19:24 place, God is revealed.
19:28 The companion text says in Matthew 6:6,
19:30 "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy
19:36 closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy
19:41 Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in
19:49 secret shall reward," not maybe, not perhaps, shall.
19:51 You all don't hear what I'm saying?
19:55 "Shall reward you openly."
19:59 There is the place where God shows you and God shows
20:05 everybody else who God is.
20:07 At this place, God says, I am God Almighty and there is none
20:13 like me.
20:16 At this place, Jehovah Jireh provides.
20:19 At this place, Jehovah Rapha heals.
20:22 At this place, Jehovah Shalom gives you peace.
20:26 At this place, Jehovah Nissi is your banner.
20:29 At this place, Jehovah Shammah is there.
20:33 At this place, this is the place where you come back from
20:40 the doctor's office crying because there was a lump in
20:43 your breast and the enemy said, you're going to die,
20:47 you're going to die, you're going to die.
20:50 You begin to ask, who's going to keep the kids?
20:52 Who's going to feed the dog?
20:54 And you're walking down the road just crying and crying.
20:57 But then God all of a sudden, God all of a sudden speaketh
21:02 and says, I'm God over cancer, I'm God over affliction, I'm
21:07 God over sickness.
21:10 I am God Almighty.
21:12 But, Preacher, I just got laid off, but God says, I can keep
21:16 you with no job.
21:20 I can feed you with no job.
21:22 I can supply all your needs.
21:24 I am God Almighty.
21:28 I wish I had a witness in this place.
21:31 I wish I had somebody who's been through hell and high
21:32 water.
21:33 I wish I had somebody who had God bless you when you had no
21:37 job, had no house, had no car, made a way out of no way.
21:42 I wish I had a witness in this place.
21:45 He is God Almighty.
21:47 God over your problems.
21:48 God over sickness.
21:50 God over affliction.
21:51 God over crack.
21:53 God will pick you up, turn you around.
21:57 (music) Let me tell you something.
22:03 Anybody been through what you all been through, they lost
22:13 their mind.
22:16 Your friends are dead, you've got classmates in jail.
22:20 But God brought you out.
22:27 You ought to praise him.
22:28 I don't need drums all the time, I don't need organ, I
22:30 don't need praise teams, I praise him for what he's done.
22:36 Can I get real, we're like talking about this in church,
22:37 but let me say it.
22:39 Somebody in this church, somebody watching this
22:41 broadcast, some of you who are HIV negative, you ought to
22:45 praise God for his grace.
22:48 And some of you who are HIV positive, you ought to praise
22:51 him because you ought to thank God you don't have full-blown
22:53 AIDS.
22:54 Do I have a witness in this place?
22:56 Where are the real people today?
22:57 Who are the thankful folk?
22:59 The real blessed folk who have an inner place?
23:03 An inner sanctuary?
23:05 Lord, I thank you.
23:05 Lord, I bless you.
23:07 Lord, I worship you.
23:09 To God be the glory.
23:12 It is no secret what God can do, what he's done for others,
23:16 he'll do for you, you ought to see the miracles in this room.
23:19 You should see the folk that should have been dead, could
23:22 have been dead.
23:23 They're not going to tell you, but there are some folk in
23:25 this room right now that should have been dead.
23:31 But God made a way out of no way.
23:40 It's time to praise God.
23:43 It's time to thank God.
23:45 I'm ready.
23:46 Time to worship God.
23:47 God is revealed.
23:47 Prayer time is high time.
23:53 The hymn said, I'm pressing on the upward way, new heights,
23:58 I'm gaining every day.
24:00 Still praying I'm onward bound, Lord, plant my feet.
24:09 Ask, it shall be given you.
24:13 Seek, ye shall find.
24:17 Knock and the door shall be opened unto you.
24:22 Let me tell you all something.
24:23 I am who God said I am.
24:25 I can do what God says I can do.
24:29 I can be who God says I can be.
24:32 I can have what God says I can have.
24:34 I'm more than a conquerer, I'm the head not the tail.
24:37 I'm above not beneath.
24:38 The devil is trembling right now.
24:45 The devil is nervous right now.
24:49 It's a place of sanctity.
24:59 A place of sanctity, a place of sacrifice.
25:13 The secret closet is where God reveals himself.
25:22 So, you don't know my story, the pain that I've been
25:27 through.
25:29 You don't even know the pain of what I just had to do to
25:31 get here today.
25:33 You'll never understand my worship.
25:37 You'll never understand my praise.
25:41 But know this, my worship, this thing is for real.
25:49 This thing ain't no show.
25:52 This thing is for real.
25:56 PB: Be sure to join us again next week as we continue to
26:01 explore God's word.
26:04 Remember, God has a word just for you from the holy Bible.
26:09 Also, I'd like to invite you to become a partner of the
26:13 Breath of Life ministry.
26:14 If you would like to join us as we seek to share the gospel
26:17 of Jesus Christ with others, feel free to give us a call at
26:20 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:27 Again, that's 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:36 Or feel free to write us at the address shown on your
26:38 screen.
26:39 Finally, you can reach us by logging on to our web site at
26:51 Thank you for tuning in, thank you for joining us and may God
26:54 continue to bless you.
26:57 >: Two thousand years ago Jesus did something
27:02 especially for you.
27:03 He died on the cross of Calvary.
27:06 That day you were on His mind.
27:09 Our offer this week is Max Lucado's, "He Did This Just
27:11 for You." This easy to read, inspiring book
27:15 reveals what God did to win your heart.
27:18 Let Max Lucado, as only he can, beautifully lay out the
27:21 way home to our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ,
27:23 our Lord and Savior.
27:25 Call today and ask for "He Did This Just for You. "It's yours
27:28 for a gift of $5 or more.
27:31 The toll free number is 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:35 That's 877-265-6333.
27:38 Or you may write to Breath of Life, Box 340, Newbury Park,
27:42 CA 91319.
27:47 Remember to include your gift of $5 or more.
27:50 Get up close and personal with the passion
27:51 and promise of God almighty in "He Did
27:54 This Just For You" (Music) PB: Devil yes.
28:01 I've got issues, but the issues don't have me.
28:06 Because this place, this temple belongs to God.
28:10 It is a place of sanctity, a place of holiness where you go
28:15 to God alone.
28:17 Find a place to pray.
28:24 God will pick you up, turn you around.


Revised 2015-02-06