Breath of Life

The Forecast Calls For Rain, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Carlton P. Byrd


Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000013

00:00 ♪ (Theme Song) ♪ ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:10 ♪ oh yes he's worthy ♪ ♪ ...worthy of all... ♪
00:17 ♪ (Music) ♪ PB: God is about to pour
00:24 out his spirit upon all flesh.
00:25 Now the primary application of the text of the former
00:30 rain and the latter rain is the restoration of
00:33 adequate rainfall.
00:36 The former rain fell in the fall, promoted germination;
00:41 the latter rain fell in the spring and helps to bring
00:43 the grain crops to maturity.
00:47 In its application to us God's church the former rain
00:49 and the latter rain both represent the work
00:53 of the Holy Ghost.
00:56 The former rain or the early rain represents the outpouring
00:59 of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost as recorded in
01:02 Acts Chapter 2.
01:04 Whereas the latter rain represents the final outpouring
01:08 of the Holy Ghost which produces a ripening of
01:11 the harvest in the last days.
01:13 The time of the latter rain is the time of the loud cry.
01:18 It's a message of Christ's righteousness
01:21 it's a sound from one end of the earth to the other to
01:24 prepare the work of the Lord.
01:26 This is not merely a little downpour but this
01:30 is a heavy rain a heavy downpour
01:33 because as one of my favorite writers in great controversy
01:35 writes the great work of the Gospel cannot
01:39 close with less power than marked its opening.
01:43 The latter rain gives power to the loud voice of the
01:49 third angel of Revelations 14.
01:52 It prepares God's church for the coming of Jesus Christ on
01:57 the day of Pentecost with the Apostles the disciples
02:01 according to Acts Chapter 2 were filled with the
02:04 Holy Ghost.
02:05 Peter asserts that this is that which was spoken by
02:09 the prophet Joel in Joel Chapter 2.
02:12 This was the former rain the manifestation of the spirit
02:16 was to prophet to everybody.
02:20 Well the events of Pentecost were but a partial fulfillment
02:25 of Joel's prediction.
02:29 In other words excuse my English but you ain't
02:33 seen nothing yet.
02:35 The prophecy great controversy says is to reach its full
02:42 accomplishment in the latter rain in the last days.
02:48 Then that means it will reach its full manifestation in us.
02:56 That's why now the forecast calls for rain.
03:01 God wants the Holy Ghost to rain in us now.
03:07 I'm in church because I need some rain in my life.
03:14 I've been in a drought.
03:16 I need some rain.
03:18 And the forecast calls for rain. Now let me be clear.
03:23 I'm a preacher.
03:25 I'm not a weather man.
03:27 I'm not a meteorologist.
03:29 But I can tell you something about rain.
03:32 Number one let me tell you this if the atmosphere is cold
03:37 before clouds are heavy enough to precipitate
03:41 water molecules bond with particles in the air.
03:46 So if the atmosphere is cold you get snow.
03:57 Now if the atmosphere is cool the same water molecules
04:01 will bond with cool particles in the air and you
04:02 will get sleet.
04:03 But if the atmosphere is warm and water molecules
04:06 bond with warm particles in the air you get rain.
04:12 I'm going somewhere.
04:13 So you have cold with snow.
04:16 You have cool with sleet. And with warm
04:19 you have rain.
04:21 Now when it snows things shut down.
04:26 Things are cloudy when it snows.
04:30 Visibility is limited when it snows.
04:33 When it snows I know you get snowed in.
04:37 You get locked in.
04:39 You can't go anywhere in a blizzard.
04:42 You can't go anywhere in a snowstorm.
04:44 When you get sleet the roads get icy
04:48 and seemingly normal situations because of sleet
04:54 become very difficult.
04:55 It's hard to drive in sleet.
04:57 It's hard to walk in sleet.
04:59 You slip you slide you fall in sleet.
05:03 But when it rains rain has a way of
05:10 washing things away.
05:12 Rain refreshes things.
05:15 Rain makes things clearer cleaner brighter.
05:20 When you ask God to come into your life
05:24 if your heart is cold your life will shut down.
05:32 Your life will be snowed in.
05:35 You won't go anywhere.
05:38 If the atmosphere in your heart is cold
05:41 your heart bonds with cold particles and your
05:45 life shuts down.
05:46 If the atmosphere in your life is cool
05:48 when it seems like you're ready to move
05:50 forward that which would seem like normal steps
05:53 you will find yourself in sleeting situations.
05:58 Slipping sliding falling.
06:03 But when your heart is warm when it's just right to
06:11 receive the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost will begin
06:15 to rain down in your life.
06:18 And I'm here to tell you I've seen it rain so hard
06:22 that entire houses have been washed away
06:25 entire communities and cities have been washed away.
06:30 They've been cleaned up and cleaned out.
06:32 And that's what the Holy Ghost would do in your life
06:35 when you let him rain in your life.
06:39 Holy Ghost will clean you up.
06:40 Holy Ghost will clean you out.
06:43 You will be a new man a new woman.
06:45 If any man be in Christ he's a new creature.
06:50 Old things are passed away.
06:51 All things become new.
06:53 When it rains God changes you.
06:56 God changes the old man.
06:59 God washed the old man away.
07:03 God cleans you up.
07:04 God cleans you out.
07:06 Let me tell you when it rains
07:07 let me help you understand saints are
07:11 made out of sinners deacons are made
07:14 out of drunkards delivered preachers are
07:17 made out of dope pushers prayer warriors are made
07:20 out of prostitutes.
07:22 When it rains choir members are made
07:25 out of club goers character builders out of
07:29 character assassins evangelists out of infidels
07:33 believers out of doubters strong men out of weak men
07:39 brave men out of scared men good men out of mean men
07:43 humble men out of high-minded men
07:45 best men out of the worst men
07:48 church builders out of church fighters
07:52 church lovers out of church haters
07:56 conquerors out of cowards gospel writers
08:00 out of tax collectors fishers of men out of
08:05 fishermen.
08:07 If any man be in Christ he is a new creature.
08:13 The forecast calls for rain because when it rains ravens
08:15 feed prophets prophets condemn
08:21 princes lions lay down like house dogs
08:24 Red Sea becomes dry highway air conditioning cools
08:29 down fiery furnaces.
08:30 When it rains donkeys talk.
08:34 When it rains the sun stands still.
08:37 When it rains dry dust becomes fleas
08:40 and lice in defense of the children of God.
08:43 When it rains stars shoot across the sky.
08:46 When it rains rains fall in torrents and in
08:49 gentle showers.
08:50 The forecast calls for rain.
08:53 Let me tell you all something.
08:55 God is about to bring somebody out.
08:57 Let me tell you that again.
08:59 You all don't believe me.
09:00 I said God is about to bring somebody in this place out.
09:03 God is going to bring you out of your dry season.
09:08 Some people some places some things are dead
09:11 and dry and God is about to bring you out.
09:13 But you've got to hear God say it before you even see it.
09:16 Let me tell you something about rain.
09:21 Number two again I'm not a meteorologist
09:23 I'm not a weather man but I can tell you
09:26 something about rain.
09:27 Number two you hear rain before you see rain.
09:33 Somebody missed that.
09:33 Let me say that again.
09:34 You hear it before you see it.
09:38 You hear thunder and lightening before you see it.
09:45 You've got to learn to hear God say it's going to rain
09:48 before you see it's going to rain.
09:51 God told Noah Noah it's going to rain.
09:56 He told him that before Noah even saw rain.
09:59 You've got to hear God say you're going to be healed
10:03 before you even see your healing.
10:06 You've got to hear God say you're going to get a new job
10:09 before you even see the new job.
10:12 You've got to hear God say you're going to get married
10:15 before you even see that man or that woman.
10:19 You've got to hear God say that your son your daughter
10:21 your grandchild is coming back to the Lord before you
10:22 even see them coming back to the Lord.
10:25 The forecast calls for rain and you hear rain before
10:28 you see rain.
10:31 So you better tell somebody I don't see it
10:34 but I can hear it.
10:35 I almost gave up but I heard something.
10:40 I almost threw in the towel but I heard something.
10:45 I almost walked away but I heard something.
10:50 I almost dropped out of school but I heard something.
10:54 I almost left my marriage but I heard something.
11:00 In the name of Jesus let me tell you something
11:03 if you weren't going somewhere then the devil
11:07 wouldn't be fighting you so hard.
11:09 Because if the devil weren't bothering you
11:11 you and the devil would be running in the same direction.
11:14 But in the name of Jesus the devil tried to stop me
11:19 but I'm still here the devil tried
11:22 to kill somebody but they're still here
11:26 the forecast calls for rain.
11:28 You will hear rain before you see rain.
11:32 Point number three when you hear something
11:39 you have to tell somebody.
11:42 When you hear a hurricane is coming
11:47 you tell somebody.
11:50 Church of the living God I hear the rain coming
11:56 and I've got to tell somebody.
12:00 came to tell somebody in Berean today
12:04 that God is about to bless somebody.
12:07 I came to tell somebody that your best days
12:12 are ahead of you.
12:14 I hear the abundance of rain.
12:17 I hear somebody coming out of their drought
12:22 somebody coming out of their desert
12:26 out of their negative report.
12:27 You're in a drought you're in a dry place
12:30 but the forecast calls for rain.
12:33 Get ready get ready get ready for some rain.
12:37 Get ready for a deluge.
12:39 Get ready for a tropical depression.
12:42 Get ready for a hurricane and I'm not talking about
12:46 hurricane Katrina I'm talking about hurricane
12:49 Holy Ghost.
12:50 Get ready because the forecast calls
12:54 for rain.
12:56 I've been in a drought for too long.
12:58 But somebody you're getting ready for
13:00 rain.
13:01 You're preparing for rain.
13:03 Not just a shower but the abundance of rain.
13:07 Let me tell you something.
13:08 When you go back to work on Monday morning
13:10 it may be dry on every desk in your office
13:13 but it's about to rain on your desk.
13:15 It may be dry in every other church on ministry
13:20 but it's about to rain on this church and this ministry.
13:22 God is about to send a rain like never before.
13:29 You've never seen anything like it and baby
13:32 you can't stop it and when the people of God
13:35 get together on one accord when the people of God sit
13:40 together in one place there will come a sound like
13:44 a mighty rustling wind from heaven.
13:46 Acts 2 teaches that the disciples were in one place
13:48 in one accord in the former rain and the
13:50 Holy Ghost rained on them like never before.
13:56 They turned the world upside down.
14:00 Sicknesses were healed.
14:01 Relationships were mended.
14:04 Three thousand were baptized in one day.
14:08 That was the first rain.
14:12 But the Bible teaches that the second rain
14:16 the latter rain is going to be greater
14:19 than the former rain.
14:21 And if we want the spirit of God to rain on us
14:25 like never before if we want to receive
14:30 the falling of the latter rain if we want to create an
14:32 atmosphere where miracles take place
14:34 then the people of God must get on one accord.
14:37 The reason why we don't see many manifestations in the
14:41 house of God anymore is that there's too much discord.
14:45 And I'm not just talking about here
14:46 I'm talking about everywhere.
14:47 Too many people in the name of Jesus have their own agenda.
14:52 Nobody wants to be under authority
14:54 but the Bible declares that there's power when we come
14:57 together on one accord.
14:58 You've got to get your agenda out of the way.
15:01 You've got to get your ego out of the way.
15:04 How can two walk together less they be in agreement?
15:07 But God says somebody knows when there are
15:10 two or three gathered together in my name
15:15 when they touch and agree somebody knows there's
15:18 power when we come into agreement
15:21 power when the Holy Ghost rains down on us.
15:23 So regardless of your intellectual training
15:25 and your analytical mind you have to move beyond
15:28 the skepticism into a realm of corporate faith that says
15:31 I believe that God is about to do something.
15:35 I can't see it but I hear it.
15:41 And because I hear it I've got to tell somebody.
15:47 And when we come together like this
15:50 we believe that folk who come in here sick
15:55 will leave healed.
15:57 We believe that people who come in here blind
15:59 will leave seeing.
16:00 We believe that the lame that come in here crippled will
16:03 heal and be leaving walking.
16:04 You see some of you this doesn't make sense to
16:10 you because all you want to do is turn the church
16:12 into a social club a place where you can come in
16:16 and be comfortable and you can come in with your messed up
16:18 life and leave more messed up.
16:21 But let me tell you something in the name of Jesus
16:25 through the intercession of the Holy Ghost
16:28 when you create the right atmosphere
16:32 when you let warm air molecules bond with
16:37 the air particles when you let the
16:40 Holy Ghost rain on you hallelujah somebody
16:42 power will be released over this house.
16:47 I don't understand how people can be
16:49 in church so long so long in their lives
16:54 year after year and we're in the same
16:57 messed up place because there is no environment
17:02 no atmosphere no rain falling for miracles
17:05 to take place.
17:06 The devil is alive.
17:09 Because when the atmosphere is set
17:13 when the people of God are of one accord
17:16 when the rain falls look out. Joel said
17:21 and it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out
17:24 my spirit on all flesh your sons and daughters
17:29 shall prophecy your old men dream dreams
17:32 your young men see visions.
17:35 It shall come to pass that whosoever calls on the name
17:39 of the Lord shall be delivered.
17:41 The Bible says in Acts 2 in the former rain
17:44 on the day of Pentecost the disciples were in one place
17:48 in one accord; hallelujah somebody somebody's life
17:50 is about to be changed forever; they came together
17:53 experienced the power of the outpouring
17:56 the power of rain after obedience
17:59 after being on one accord they experienced
18:02 the outpouring.
18:03 And let me tell you whatever God promises
18:05 God is able to perform.
18:08 There's a word for somebody right there.
18:11 When God says something you better believe that
18:15 it's going to happen.
18:16 My favorite writer let me tell you
18:18 who she is Ellen White she says in Acts of the
18:21 Apostles that it was as if for ages this outpouring had been
18:26 held in restraint and now heaven rejoiced in being able
18:34 to pour out upon the church the riches of the Holy Ghost.
18:39 The Bible says it happened suddenly.
18:43 Jesus did it suddenly.
18:46 Suddenly means without warning.
18:49 Suddenly means unexpectedly.
18:52 Suddenly means immediately.
18:55 Suddenly means right here and right now.
18:58 The disciples had no idea how the Holy Ghost would come.
19:02 The Holy Ghost just came.
19:05 And I know hear the Lord saying to us that if you just
19:09 come to a place of agreement if you just come
19:12 and let the rain fall there are some manifestations
19:15 that are going to happen in your life suddenly.
19:18 I dare you I double dare you
19:25 to say suddenly.
19:27 God's about to bring about healing suddenly.
19:30 God's about to give you your breakthrough suddenly.
19:34 God's about to bring deliverance in this place
19:36 suddenly.
19:38 God says I'm tired of being taking so
19:41 long in your life.
19:42 There are some things I'm trying to do suddenly.
19:45 Somebody here knows that God can move suddenly.
19:50 But the forecast calls for rain.
19:55 It calls for rain suddenly.
19:57 The sick in Berean are going to be healed.
20:00 The lame are going to be made to walk.
20:02 The dumb are going to be made to talk.
20:05 The blind are going to be made to see.
20:07 Marriages are going to be mended.
20:09 Children are going to come back to the Lord.
20:11 Habits are going to be broken.
20:13 Addictions alleviated.
20:21 Strongholds torn down.
20:24 Way made out of no way.
20:27 If God be for us who can be against us?
20:33 God is more than the world against us.
20:37 He's the God of more than enough.
20:41 Not just enough but more than enough.
20:45 Let me tell you all something as I get ready to close.
20:48 Folk are tired of playing church.
20:52 Let me tell you something.
20:54 I've been to church all my life but folk
20:56 are tired of seeing an outside show for an unfriendly world.
21:00 Folk are tired of form and fashion without any
21:04 power and deliverance.
21:06 If all we're going to do is come up in here and sing the
21:08 doxology and recite the fourth commandment and pray
21:11 and go home then this ain't for me.
21:13 I want to see some Holy Ghost rain up in this place.
21:16 Folk are tired of rules and regulations
21:19 with no relationship.
21:21 Folk are tired of religion with no anointing.
21:25 Folk are tired of the way it used to be instead of the way
21:28 it ought to be.
21:30 Folk are tired of talking about it instead of being
21:33 about it.
21:34 Folk are tired of eight-track ministry in an iPad society.
21:39 Folk want it to rain and the forecast calls for rain.
21:44 Let it rain in Atlanta.
21:46 Let it rain in New York.
21:48 Let it rain in Los Angeles.
21:50 Let it rain in Africa.
21:53 Let it rain in Asia.
21:54 Let it rain in Australia.
21:56 Let it rain in America.
21:59 Let it rain in your hearts.
22:06 Let it rain in my heart.
22:09 Let it rain in our hearts.
22:12 Create in me a clean heart and renew not just
22:18 any old spirit but renew the right spirit.
22:22 Oh I could preach that right there.
22:24 It's too many folks talking about renew a spirit. No
22:26 renew the right spirit because there's some folk
22:29 that got the wrong spirit.
22:31 That's why I don't ask everybody to pray for me.
22:34 Because if you're not connected with the Almighty
22:37 Holy Spirit I don't need you praying
22:40 for me.
22:41 Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit.
22:45 I want the atmosphere to be warm so it will rain
22:49 in my heart.
22:51 I hear it before I see it.
22:56 I hear it and I've got to tell it.
22:59 The Lord's been mighty good to me.
23:03 I tell it everywhere I go.
23:07 He loosed my shackles and he set me free.
23:12 I tell it everywhere I go.
23:16 Somebody knows the Lord is my light
23:18 my salvation who shall I fear?
23:22 The Lord is the strength of my life of whom
23:26 shall I be afraid?
23:27 The Lord is my refuge and my strength
23:31 a very present help in time of trouble.
23:36 "The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.
23:38 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me
23:40 beside the still waters.
23:42 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths
23:44 of righteousness for his name's sake.
23:46 Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
23:50 I will bear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy
23:54 staff they comfort me.
23:56 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine
24:00 enemies: thou anointest my head with oil;
24:03 my cup runneth over.
24:07 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days
24:15 of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for
24:21 ever." The forecast calls for rain.
24:25 Does anybody want it to rain?
24:27 Does anybody want the Holy Ghost to rain?
24:30 God will change the attitude.
24:33 God will change the dispositions.
24:36 God will change your hearts.
24:37 Rain Jesus rain.
24:40 Rain Jesus rain.
24:44 Melodies from heaven rain down on me.
24:47 Open the floodgates.
24:52 Heaven let it rain.
24:54 Let it change me.
24:56 Let it change you.
25:01 Let it change us.
25:03 The forecast calls for rain.
25:11 In 2011 what does your forecast call for?
25:21 My forecast for me my family calls for rain.
25:27 My forecast for this church calls for rain.
25:34 My forecast for Breath of Life calls for rain.
25:39 The latter rain is going to be greater than the former rain.
25:44 We thought that was something in Acts 2.
25:47 God's about to do something awesome and I'm just
25:50 selfish about it I want God to do it in me.
25:54 I want God to do it for me.
25:56 I want God to do it through me.
26:02 I want it to rain.
26:05 I want it to rain.
26:07 The Lord let it rain.
26:10 PB: Be sure to join us again next week as we continue to
26:14 explore the word of God.
26:16 Remember God's got a word just for you
26:20 from his holy Bible.
26:21 Also I'd like to invite you to become a Breath of Life
26:24 television ministry partner.
26:25 How can you become a partner?
26:27 Just give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:34 Again give us a call at 877-BOL-OFFER.
26:41 If you would like to write us you may do that as well.
26:45 The address is shown on your screen and we'd love
26:48 to hear from you.
26:50 Finally you may reach us by logging onto our web site
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26:59 Again thank you for tuning in.
27:05 We look forward to seeing you again next week.
27:08 May God continue to bless you.
27:13 The Bible it's the most powerful book
27:15 on the planet.
27:16 It's also the one book many people find the hardest to
27:18 understand.
27:19 If you've ever struggled with the meaning of the Bible
27:22 then our offer this week is just for you.
27:24 "How Can I Understand the Bible" by John Drain unlocks
27:27 the doors to the meanings behind the messages found in
27:30 God's word.
27:31 Learn about the law the prophets and the gospels.
27:33 Discover the single message that runs throughout the Bible
27:37 and rejoice when you understand that Jesus Christ
27:39 is at the center of it all.
27:41 Just call our toll free number and request "How Can I
27:45 Understand the Bible." The number is 877-BOL-OFFER.
27:48 That's 877-265-6333.
27:52 The book is yours for a gift of $5 or more.
27:55 Or you may ask for the book by writing to Breath of Life
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28:04 Get to the heart of what the Bible means.
28:06 Get your copy of "How Can I Understand the Bible" today.
28:09 (music) PB:...some folk are tired
28:15 of playing church...
28:16 ...I mean I want to see some Holy Ghost rain up
28:19 in this place....
28:23 Folk are tired of an eight-track ministry
28:26 in an iPad society.


Revised 2015-02-06