Participants: Carlton P. Byrd
Series Code: BOL
Program Code: BOL000004
00:03 (Theme Song) ♪ Jesus is worthy ♪
00:11 ♪ oh yes, he's worthy ♪ ♪ worthy of all ♪ 00:23 The Word teaches me that when Jesus, the real Superman, 00:26 comes back, the Bible says that he will come the same 00:30 way he left. 00:31 If he left in a cloud, he's coming back in a cloud. 00:34 But there are some people who think that when Jesus comes 00:39 back, the real Superman comes back the second time, there 00:41 are some people who believe that Jesus' feet will 00:44 touch this earth. 00:45 But the Bible is very clear that the same way he left is 00:49 the same way he's coming what? Back. 00:52 Know what you believe, know why you believe it, and know 00:56 where it's found. 00:58 Jesus left in a cloud, he's coming back 01:01 in a cloud, which means then that Jesus' feet 01:05 will not touch this earth because sin cannot come in 01:10 contact with the divine. 01:12 Are you hearing what I'm saying, everybody? 01:14 The feet of Jesus can't touch this sin and touch the earth 01:16 until this earth is cleaned up. 01:17 Are you hearing what I'm saying, everybody? 01:19 Let's go on. 01:20 Jesus' feet will never touch the earth because of sin. 01:24 Now, we know the signs of his coming, we know that he's 01:30 coming, we know how he will come. 01:34 But when he comes, who will see him? 01:37 Got with me to the book of Revelation. 01:39 What book, everybody? 01:40 Come on, let's get some Word. 01:41 Revelation, chapter 1, verse 7. Revelation 1:7. 01:52 The Word of God says, Revelation 1:7, the Word says, 02:05 Behold he cometh with what? 02:08 Come on, behold he cometh with what? 02:10 Now, that's how the Bible does not contradict itself. 02:13 Because we just read in Acts what the Word of God says, 02:19 he left in a cloud, and that he's going to 02:22 come back the same way he left, so if he left in 02:24 a cloud, he's coming back in a what? Cloud. 02:28 Verse 7 of Revelation, Chapter 1: Behold he cometh with what? 02:32 Clouds. 02:33 And every what? 02:34 Come on, every what? 02:35 Every eye shall see him, and they also which what? 02:40 Pierced him, and all kindreds of the earth shall wail 02:42 because of him. 02:43 Even so, Amen. 02:45 The point we're making is, when Jesus Christ comes back 02:48 the second time with Superman, the real one comes back the 02:52 second time, every eye is going to see Jesus. 02:56 Understand, when Jesus comes back the second time, there 02:59 will be no secret rapture. 03:01 There will be no secret return of Jesus' coming. 03:06 Are you hearing what I'm saying, everybody? 03:07 When Jesus comes back the second time, the Bible is 03:11 clear that every living eye is going to see him. 03:15 So you know what that means? 03:17 Those of us in Atlanta, we gonna see it. 03:21 That also means that those in New York are going to see him. 03:26 That also means that those on the west coast, in L.A., are 03:30 going to see him. 03:31 But we don't just stop there, because understand, Jesus is 03:34 omnipresent. 03:35 Jesus is everywhere at the same time. 03:38 When Jesus comes back the second time, not just Atlanta, 03:42 not just New York, not just L.A., but those in Africa are 03:45 gonna see him. 03:47 Those in Afghanistan are gonna see him. 03:50 Those in Asia are gonna see him. 03:53 When Jesus Christ comes back, every eye is going to see him. 04:01 So when he comes back, Pastor, we understand he's gotta come 04:06 back, we understand now from the Word the signs for 04:09 telling his coming back. 04:11 We understand how we will come back, and we understand that 04:16 when he comes back, everybody is going to see him, but who's 04:20 going to be with him when he comes back? 04:23 Go with me, let's get some more Word. 04:25 Go with me to the book of Matthew. 04:26 What book, everybody? 04:27 Let's preach from the Word of God. 04:29 Know what you believe, why you believe it, where it's found. 04:31 Matthew, chapter 25, verse 31. 04:36 Matthew 25:31. 04:41 The Word of God says very clearly in Matthew 25:31, 04:48 "When the Son of Man shall come in his" what? Glory. 04:53 And all the what with him? 04:55 Holy angels. 04:56 And I love that adjective. 04:58 It doesn't just say all the angels. 04:59 It says all the holy angels, which suggests to me there 05:02 are some unholy angels. 05:04 All the holy angels with him. 05:09 Then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory. 05:15 When Jesus comes back the second time, we recognize that 05:21 he's coming back not only in a cloud, but he's coming back 05:24 in a cloud with all the holy angels. 05:27 Jesus, yes, is coming back. 05:30 We read that from Matthew 24. 05:31 Yes, we know the signs of his coming back. 05:35 Wars, rumors of what? 05:37 Wars. 05:38 We know the signs of his coming back. 05:39 We know how he's going to come back. 05:41 He left in a cloud, he's going to return in a what? 05:45 Cloud. 05:46 We also know that when Jesus Christ comes back, every 05:49 living eye is going to see him, and he's coming 05:51 back with the angels. 05:53 Now, let's dig a little deeper. 05:56 When Jesus comes back, Bible now, when Jesus comes back, 06:03 who's going to be waiting for him here on this earth 06:05 when he comes back? 06:06 What will be the groups of people here on this earth 06:10 when he comes back? 06:11 Understand that there will be four primary groups of people 06:16 when Jesus comes back the second time. 06:19 How many groups, everybody? Four. 06:21 Four primary groups of people. 06:23 Let's get some Word. 06:24 Go with me to the book of I Thessalonians. 06:25 What book, everybody? 06:26 Come on, stay with me. 06:28 I Thessalonians, chapter 4, and we're going to verse 16. 06:33 I Thessalonians 4:16. 06:39 Now, remember, the Bible is clear that there are four 06:46 primy groups of people, four primary groups of people who 06:51 will be here when Jesus comes back the second time. 06:55 Group number one, if you have your Bibles at I Thessalonians 06:57 4:16, let me hear you say Amen. 07:01 The Word of God says in I Thessalonians 4:16, 07:04 For the Lord what? 07:05 Himself. 07:07 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven 07:09 with a what? Shout. 07:11 Now, let me stop right there. 07:12 That means when Jesus comes back, 07:13 it won't be an imposter. 07:15 It's going to be the real thing. 07:17 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven 07:21 with a what? 07:22 That's why I get excited and I have to shout 07:24 sometimes in church, because when Jesus Christ 07:26 comes back, the Lord himself is going to descend 07:29 from heaven with a what, everybody? Shout. 07:32 With the voice of the archangel, and with the trump 07:38 of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise, what? First. 07:41 All right, so group number one, the righteous dead, at 07:45 Jesus' second coming, the Bible says that they are going 07:49 to rise what? First. 07:50 That's what the Bible says. 07:53 Know what you believe, know why you believe it, 07:56 know where it's found. 07:57 The Bible says that when Superman, the real Superman, 08:00 Jesus Christ, comes back the second time, group number one, 08:04 the righteous dead, the righteous what, everybody? 08:08 They are going to rise what? 08:09 First. 08:11 Then let's dig a little deeper. 08:12 Go to verse 17. 08:13 The Bible then goes on and says, "Then we which are alive 08:16 and remain," hallelujah somebody, "we're going to be 08:21 caught up together with them in the" what? Clouds. 08:25 Because remember now, he's coming in a cloud, we will be 08:28 caught up together with him in the clouds to meet the Lord in 08:31 the what? 08:31 Air, and so shall we ever be with whom, everybody? 08:36 All right. 08:37 So that's group number two, the righteous living. 08:39 Everybody say righteous living. 08:41 Righteous living. 08:42 Group number one at Jesus' second coming, the righteous 08:45 dead rise what? First. 08:46 Group number two, the righteous living at Jesus' 08:49 second coming, they're caught up to meet the Lord in the 08:52 what? 08:53 They're caught up to meet the Lord in the air. 08:55 So know what you believe, know why you believe it, 08:57 know where it's found. 08:58 Righteous dead rise first. 08:59 Righteous living are caught up to meet the Lord in the what? 09:04 Let's get some more Word. 09:04 We said four groups, we've done two. 09:06 Group number three. 09:07 Go with me to the book of II Thessalonians, 09:10 chapter two. 09:12 Let's come straight from the Word of God. 09:14 II Thessalonians 2, and verse 8. 09:18 The Word of God says to us in II Thessalonians 2:8, the Word 09:29 of God says, "And then shall that wicked be" what? 09:33 Revealed. 09:34 Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his what? 09:37 And shall destroy with the brightness of his what? 09:42 Verse 9, "even him whose coming is after the working of 09:45 Satan, with all power and signs of lying wonders." 09:48 Verse 10, "and with all 09:50 deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that 09:52 perish because they receive not the love of the truth that 09:55 they might be saved. 09:57 And for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion, 10:03 that they should believe a" what, everybody? 10:06 A lie. 10:07 That's why we got to know the Word of God for ourselves. 10:11 Verse 12, "That they all might be damned who believed not in 10:15 the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." Group number 10:23 three, the unrighteous or the wicked living, the Bible is 10:27 clear in II Thessalonians 2:8 that they will die at the 10:33 brightness of Christ's coming. 10:35 At Jesus' second coming, group number one, the dead 10:38 in Christ will rise what? 10:39 First. 10:40 Group number two, the righteous living, will be 10:42 caught up to meet the Lord in the what? Air. 10:44 Group number three, the unrighteous or the wicked 10:47 living, will die at the brightness of his what? 10:50 Coming. 10:51 Then there's one more group. 10:53 Go with me to the book of Revelation. 10:55 What book, everybody? 10:56 Let's get some more Word. 10:58 Let's get some more Word. 10:59 Revelation, chapter 20, verse 5. 11:05 Revelation 20:5. 11:11 The Word of God is very clear in Revelation 20:5: But 11:17 the rest of the what? 11:19 Dead, live not again until the thousand years were what? 11:23 Finished. 11:24 This is the first resurrection. 11:26 We're going to talk about that a little bit more. 11:28 But I want you to zero in on that first sentence. 11:29 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand 11:31 years were what? 11:32 Finished. 11:33 So, at Jesus' second coming, at the real Superman's second 11:38 coming, when he comes to get his people, group number one, 11:42 the righteous dead, they rise what? First. 11:46 Group number two, the righteous living, are caught 11:48 up to meet the Lord in the what? Air. 11:50 Group number three, the wicked or the unrighteous living, die 11:54 at the brightness of his what? 11:55 Coming. 11:56 And group number four, the wicked or unrighteous dead, 12:00 remain what, everybody? 12:02 Now let's expand our minds. 12:07 We've studied from the Word of God that Jesus is coming back. 12:13 We know the signs of his coming. 12:19 We know how he's going to come. 12:22 He left in the clouds, he's coming back in a cloud. 12:25 We know that when he comes back every eye is 12:28 going to see him. 12:30 Nothing secret about his coming. 12:32 We also know that the angels, the holy angels, will 12:37 come in a cloud with him. 12:39 We've also read today from Scripture, where the Bible 12:43 says group number one, the dead in Christ will rise what? 12:45 First. 12:46 We've read that group number two, the righteous living, 12:49 will be caught up in the what? 12:50 Air. 12:52 To meet the Lord in the air. 12:54 Group number three, the wicked or the unrighteous living will 12:56 die at the brightness of his coming. 12:58 Group number for, the wicked or the unrighteous dead, 13:02 will remain dead. 13:03 So, Pastor Byrd, if when Jesus comes back the second time, 13:10 and the dead in Christ rise first, and we which are alive 13:16 and remain are caught up to meet the Lord in the air, if, 13:21 because I hear when Grandma, Big Mama, Big Daddy, when they 13:27 die and they're buried here on this earth, and when they die 13:31 in the Lord, I always here that they're in heaven looking 13:35 down on me, that they have died and now they are in 13:39 heaven, Pastor Byrd, if that were true, if Big Mama who has 13:43 died, Big Daddy who has died, if they are already in heaven, 13:46 if the Bible says that the dead in Christ are going to 13:49 rise first and the righteous living are going to be caught 13:51 up to meet the Lord in the air, then who would Jesus be 13:53 coming back for at his second coming? 13:58 Who would he have to come back for? 14:04 Because if you're saying Big Mama, Big Daddy who were 14:07 righteous, and they died in the Lord, are already in 14:09 heaven, then at Jesus' second coming, who would rise first? 14:18 Who would be caught up? 14:21 We gotta preach the Word of God. 14:24 Know what you believe, know why you believe it, 14:27 know where it's found. 14:29 And don't be scared of it, because God's got my back. 14:32 You all hear what I'm saying? 14:33 So then, we know when I get to heaven, I'm just 14:41 going to be happy. 14:41 Number one, you know, they say those you thought would be 14:44 there won't be there. 14:46 Those you thought wouldn't be there will be there. 14:50 And praise God, Lord, I'm here. 14:53 But we study from the Word of God that we want to be in 14:56 either group one or two, the righteous dead who rise first, 14:59 or the righteous living who are caught up to meet the Lord 15:01 in the what, everybody? 15:02 Who are caught up to meet the Lord in the what, everybody? 15:04 Yeah, gotta yo read this scripture, 15:06 this gets me excited. 15:07 Because the Apostle Paul says in I Corinthians 15, verse 51, 15:11 "Behold, I show you a mystery. 15:14 For the day is coming we shall not all sleep, but we shall 15:17 be" what, everybody? 15:18 "Changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye." How 15:23 quick is the twinkling of an eye? 15:24 I don't know, but I know how to wink at my wife. 15:26 You all hear what I'm saying. 15:27 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. 15:31 For the trumpet shall what? 15:34 "And the dead shall be raised incorruptible, 15:37 and we shall be what? 15:39 Oh yes, for this corruptible must put on incorruption, 15:44 and this mortal must put on immortality. 15:46 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and 15:49 this mortal shall has put on immortality, then shall be 15:51 brought to pass this thing that is written. 15:52 Death is swallowed up in victory. 15:59 O death, where is thy sting? 16:01 O grave, where is thy victory? 16:05 The sting of death is sin. 16:08 The strength of sin is the law. 16:11 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through 16:18 our Lord Jesus Christ." 16:19 Victory is mine. 16:21 Victory is mine. 16:23 Victory today is mine. 16:26 I told Satan, get thee behind. 16:30 Victory today is mine. 16:32 "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, 16:35 unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, 16:40 forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not what, everybody? 16:43 But despite the warnings that have been foretold, when 16:48 Jesus, the real Superman, comes the second time, just 16:52 like folk weren't prepared the first time, they're not going 16:56 to be prepared the second time. 16:59 The Bible is clear that everybody, all of us, are 17:04 going to receive our just reward. 17:07 The Bible is clear in Revelation 22:11: "He that is 17:10 unjust, let him be unjust still. 17:13 He that is filthy, let him be filthy still. 17:18 He that is righteous, let him be righteous still. 17:22 He that is holy, let him be holy still. 17:27 And behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give 17:33 every man, every woman, according as his or her works 17:37 shall be." So when the old folks used to sing those 17:41 spirituals, if I die, and my soul be lost, it's 17:50 nobody's fault but mine. 17:55 So you better mind, you better mind. 18:00 Judgment day is coming. 18:03 You better mind. 18:05 You better mind who you're talking to, you better mind 18:08 who you're talking about. 18:11 Judgment day is coming. 18:14 You better mind. 18:16 You know what? 18:16 I'm going to mind because I want to be either a part of 18:18 the dead in Christ who rise first, or I want to be part of 18:21 the righteous living who are caught up to meet the 18:23 Lord in the air. 18:24 Jesus died for me, and all he asks is that I live for him. 18:30 Jesus has done too much for me for me to miss out 18:33 on God's great heaven. 18:34 He's got a mansion just for me, with my name 18:38 written all over it. 18:39 I believe right in front of my mansion, the street in front 18:42 of my mansion is Byrd Boulevard. 18:44 You all hear what I'm saying. 18:45 I believe that it's covered with gold. 18:47 I've got loved ones that I want to see again. 18:50 I understand that the Bible says there will be no more 18:52 crying there, no more dying there, no more sickness there, 18:58 no more cancer there, no more arthritis there, no more 19:03 insulin shots there, no more heart disease there, no more 19:07 house note there, no more car note there, no more tuition 19:12 there, no more bills there, no more night there. 19:16 The former things are passed away. 19:21 All things become new. 19:24 Superman is coming to my rescue. 19:28 I said, Superman is coming to my--let me read this text. 19:32 Revelation 7:13 says, "And one of the elders answered, saying 19:38 unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? 19:43 and whence came they? 19:46 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. 19:50 And he said to me, These are they which came out of great 19:56 tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them 20:00 white in the blood of the Lamb. 20:04 Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him 20:07 day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the 20:12 throne shall dwell among them. 20:15 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; 20:20 neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. 20:26 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed 20:32 them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters." 20:36 Hallelujah. 20:38 "And God shall wipe every tear from their eyes." Can I tell 20:44 you right quick about heaven? 20:45 Can I tell you right quick about heaven? 20:48 Heaven is going to be a wonderful place, filled with 20:51 glory and grace. 20:53 I plan to see my Savior's face, because heaven's going 20:56 to be a wonderful place. 20:58 The lion is going to play with the lamb. 21:00 There's a song that says, we gonna sit at the welcome 21:03 table, one of these days. 21:05 We gonna feast on milk and honey, we gonna sing 21:08 and never get tired. 21:10 We gonna walk and talk with Jesus. 21:12 We gonna eat grits with Jesus. 21:14 We gonna shout hallelujah. 21:17 We gonna put on our long white robes. 21:20 In fact, when I get to heaven, when I get in the very 21:26 presence of God, I'm gonna shout holy, holy, holy. 21:32 We won't rest day nor night when we get to the kingdom 21:35 because we gonna shout holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, 21:39 which was and is to come. 21:41 And around God's throne there's going to 21:45 be persistent praise. 21:48 Persistent praise. 21:50 So if you don't like to praise him down here, I don't know 21:53 what you're going to do when we get up there. 21:55 Because there's going to be persistent praise. 21:58 I'm not going to wait until I get to heaven to praise him. 22:02 I'm going to praise him down here too. 22:05 Some of you all talking about when I get to heaven, I'm 22:08 going to sing and shout, and all you do down here 22:10 is sit and look. 22:11 You all hear what I'm saying. 22:12 Talking about if I had 10,000 tongues, I couldn't 22:16 praise him enough. 22:17 God says, why don't you start with the one tongue that 22:19 you've got right now? 22:21 Don't wait until the battle is over. 22:22 Shout now. 22:24 Somebody ought to give him glory in this place, 22:26 honor in this place. 22:27 Has God been good to anybody? 22:29 Because he's coming back. 22:35 Yes, he's coming back again. 22:37 Glory, hallelujah. 22:40 Bless his name. 22:42 Lift him up. 22:43 Praise God. 22:45 He's coming back again. 22:47 So I don't know. 22:48 I don't know how long it'll be, or what the 22:54 future holds for me. 22:58 But this I know. 23:01 If Jesus leads, I shall get home someday. 23:11 The real Superman is coming back. 23:17 Jesus is coming back again. 23:19 Superman to the rescue. 23:24 And I'm so glad troubles, they just don't last always. 23:30 Whatever you're going through now, it doesn't last always. 23:33 Weeping may endure for nights, but joy comes 23:39 in the morning time. 23:40 Superman's coming to the rescue. 23:42 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, but the Word of 23:47 our God shall stand forever. 23:52 So dry your eyes, keep your head up, stick your chest out, 24:00 keep on loving, keep on giving, keep on serving. 24:07 The race is not given to the swift or to the strong, but 24:11 the one who endures until the end. 24:14 Who is the King of Glory, the Lord strong and mighty? 24:19 Who is the King of Glory, the Lord mighty in battle? 24:23 Lift up your hands, o ye gates, and the King of Glory 24:32 shall óóóó for just a little while longer. 24:38 The dead in Christ are going to rise first. 24:40 Then we which are alive and remain are going to be caught 24:42 up to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be 24:44 with the Lord. 24:45 Comfort one another with these words. 24:49 You think that life has got you down? 24:56 Don't worry. 25:02 There is someone who sees and cares, and he hears the 25:11 simplest prayer. 25:12 There is no problem that he will not help you bear. 25:19 I want to encourage you today. 25:20 Superman is coming to the rescue. 25:24 And he won't leave you, he won't leave you alone. 25:32 I would like to thank you very much for tuning in to the 25:34 Breath of Life telecast today. 25:36 I do hope that you were blessed by the Word 25:40 from God today. 25:41 I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to 25:43 become a partner of the Breath of Life 25:45 television ministry. 25:46 That's right. 25:47 You may give a tax-deductible donation and partner with us 25:51 as we seek to give hope and peace of mind to the dying 25:55 world in which we live. 25:57 To contact us, feel free to give us a call at 25:59 877-BOL-OFFER. 26:05 Or feel free to write us at the address shown on your 26:12 screen. 26:14 Finally, you can reach us by logging onto our website at 26:17 26:22 Again, thank you very much for tuning in today, and we want 26:26 to thank you in advance for partnering with our ministry. 26:28 May God continue to bless you. 26:31 >: Life is full of questions. 26:35 Sometimes we don't know which way to go or where to turn. 26:37 We have doubts and fears and we wonder what it all means. 26:41 But there are answers. 26:45 And there is hope waiting for you in God's Word, the Bible. 26:48 And there's no better way to start exploring the plans he 26:51 has for you than in the Discover Bible Guides. 26:54 It's the Breath of Life gift offer this week and your 26:58 ticket to the heart and soul of God's Word. 27:01 These easy-to-read and illustrated Bible studies get 27:03 to what's on God's mind for you quickly and clearly. 27:06 You'll be enlightened by studies such as "Is God 27:10 Fair?", "When Jesus Comes For You," "The Secret of Answered 27:13 Prayer," and "Bridge to a Satisfying Life." If you've 27:17 ever wanted to understand the Bible but didn't know where to 27:20 start, or if you've read the Bible from cover to cover but 27:23 simply yearn for more, then the Discover Bible Guides are 27:26 especially for you. 27:28 The guides are also good for family members or friends who 27:30 might be seeking spiritual guidance and have 27:33 questions of their own. 27:34 Just call our toll-free number at 1-877-BOL-OFFER. 27:39 That's 1-877-265-6333, and ask for your copy of the Discover 27:46 Bible Guides. 27:47 Or you may write to Breath of Life, 27:49 Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 91319. 27:57 The Discover Bible Guides. 28:00 Discover for yourself. 28:04 Don't keep your eyes on me, but keep your eyes on Jesus, 28:06 are you hearing what I'm saying? 28:11 SUPERMAN!!! 28:13 is coming to my rescue! 28:17 I don't need Buddha. 28:19 I don't need Mohammed. 28:23 I don't need Confucius. 28:24 I've got the real Superman. 28:27 I've got Jesus. |
Revised 2015-02-06