(Theme Song) ? Jesus is worthy ? 00:00:02.03\00:00:11.76 ? Oh yes, He's worthy ? ? Worthy of all ? 00:00:11.76\00:00:21.96 Praise be to God today. 00:00:21.96\00:00:24.13 If you have your Bibles, let me hear you say Amen. 00:00:24.13\00:00:26.80 All right, we're going to read from the Word today. 00:00:26.80\00:00:29.36 Hello, my name is Dr. Carlton Byrd 00:00:29.36\00:00:33.73 and we're here live from the Berean Seventh-day 00:00:33.73\00:00:35.23 Adventist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, home of Breath of 00:00:35.23\00:00:36.83 Life television ministries. 00:00:36.83\00:00:37.70 And we're excited today that you've tuned in with us as we 00:00:37.70\00:00:40.63 present the Word of God. 00:00:40.63\00:00:43.76 I'm excited about the Word of God. 00:00:43.76\00:00:45.63 Anybody else excited? 00:00:45.63\00:00:46.53 Let me hear you say Amen. 00:00:46.53\00:00:47.23 Come on, say Amen again. 00:00:47.23\00:00:49.43 Take your Bibles, hold them up with me, come on, 00:00:49.43\00:00:51.86 hold them up. 00:00:51.86\00:00:53.43 Say, if it's in the Word, it deserves 00:00:53.43\00:00:56.96 to be heard. 00:00:56.96\00:00:57.70 Come on, say it one more time. 00:00:57.70\00:01:01.13 If it's in the Word, it deserves to be heard. 00:01:01.13\00:01:03.63 I just believe we ought to know what we believe, know why 00:01:03.63\00:01:09.03 we believe it, and then know where it's found. 00:01:09.03\00:01:12.90 Do I have a witness in this place? 00:01:12.90\00:01:14.40 If you're going to preach the Word of God, you ought to 00:01:14.40\00:01:17.83 preach what thus saith the Lord. 00:01:17.83\00:01:19.83 Amen? 00:01:19.83\00:01:20.63 You ought to preach the unadulterated Word of God. 00:01:20.63\00:01:23.83 We're not up here to preach what we want. 00:01:23.83\00:01:26.20 We're up here to preach what God wants. 00:01:26.20\00:01:27.70 Do I have a witness in this place? 00:01:27.70\00:01:29.06 And with that in mind, let's go to the Word of God, read 00:01:29.06\00:01:31.63 that scripture from John 14:1-3. 00:01:31.63\00:01:36.50 John, the Gospel according to John, chapter 14, 00:01:36.50\00:01:42.33 verses 1, 2 and 3. 00:01:42.33\00:01:49.60 If you have it let me hear you say Amen. 00:01:49.60\00:01:51.26 Amen. 00:01:51.26\00:01:52.00 We are ready to read the word of God. 00:01:52.00\00:01:53.43 The Word of God says, "Let not your heart be" what? 00:01:53.43\00:01:56.60 "Troubled. 00:01:56.60\00:01:57.20 Ye believe in God, believe also in me. 00:01:57.20\00:01:59.33 In my Father's house," that should make 00:01:59.33\00:02:02.43 somebody get excited. 00:02:02.43\00:02:03.33 "In my Father's house, there are many mansions." That means 00:02:03.33\00:02:08.23 there's a mansion for you and a mansion for me. 00:02:08.23\00:02:10.10 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 00:02:10.10\00:02:12.23 "If it were not so, I would have told you." Jesus said, 00:02:12.23\00:02:14.16 "I go and prepare a place for you. 00:02:14.16\00:02:15.80 If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, 00:02:15.80\00:02:17.90 and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may 00:02:17.90\00:02:25.90 be also." Hallelujah, somebody. 00:02:25.90\00:02:27.53 I just want to challenge you today with the subject 00:02:27.53\00:02:30.96 "Superman to the Rescue." Come by here, Good Lord, 00:02:30.96\00:02:37.13 come by here. 00:02:37.13\00:02:38.30 God, somebody needs you. 00:02:38.30\00:02:40.10 So come by here. 00:02:40.10\00:02:42.60 Fill us with your spirits, anoint us with your grace. 00:02:42.60\00:02:46.90 Give us articulation of speech, clarity of mind, and 00:02:46.90\00:02:50.53 give thy people receptivity of heart. 00:02:50.53\00:02:53.40 And Lord, when the appeal is made, I pray that men, women, 00:02:53.40\00:02:55.60 boys and girls will come and give their lives to thee. 00:02:55.60\00:02:58.46 In the name of Jesus we pray. 00:02:58.46\00:03:00.30 Let everyone say Amen. 00:03:00.30\00:03:01.10 And Amen. 00:03:01.10\00:03:03.93 When I was a little boy, perhaps you heard it as well, 00:03:03.93\00:03:07.70 faster than a speeding bullet. 00:03:07.70\00:03:11.40 More powerful than a locomotive. 00:03:11.40\00:03:15.86 Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. 00:03:15.86\00:03:21.20 Look, up in the sky! 00:03:21.20\00:03:25.60 It's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's Superman. 00:03:25.60\00:03:30.56 As a child, these words were etched in my mind every time I 00:03:30.56\00:03:34.70 would eagerly sit up and watch the Adventures of Superman. 00:03:34.70\00:03:39.66 Eyes glued to the television. 00:03:39.66\00:03:42.60 I watched how Superman would fight crooked businessmen 00:03:42.60\00:03:46.56 and politicians. 00:03:46.56\00:03:48.33 I would watch Superman take on injustices and take on 00:03:48.33\00:03:53.43 inequalities by fighting and standing for social justice. 00:03:53.43\00:03:58.10 Superman--he had x-ray vision. 00:03:58.10\00:04:01.63 He could see, you remember, through walls, through doors, 00:04:01.63\00:04:06.46 and through buildings. 00:04:06.46\00:04:08.10 And just in the nick of time. 00:04:08.10\00:04:11.13 Just right on time. 00:04:11.13\00:04:13.73 Superman would come and rescue that man, that woman, that 00:04:13.73\00:04:19.46 boy, that girl who was being tattered, torn and troubled. 00:04:19.46\00:04:24.40 When I was a little boy, Superman was my hero. 00:04:24.40\00:04:28.53 I even wanted to be Superman. 00:04:28.53\00:04:31.26 What do you mean, Pastor Byrd? 00:04:31.26\00:04:33.06 Well, I used to, saw in a store, maybe it was Wal-Mart 00:04:33.06\00:04:37.06 or K-mart back then, a Superman shirt. 00:04:37.06\00:04:40.03 I had to get my daddy to buy me a Superman shirt. 00:04:40.03\00:04:43.00 And so what I would do is, I'd put on my undershirt, then put 00:04:43.00\00:04:46.56 on my Superman shirt, and then put on my regular shirt. 00:04:46.56\00:04:50.16 You all hear what I'm saying. 00:04:50.16\00:04:50.93 And when the tough got going and rough, I would break out 00:04:50.93\00:04:55.23 of that over-shirt, and I would have Superman 00:04:55.23\00:04:59.73 on my chest. 00:04:59.73\00:05:02.80 Superman was my hero. 00:05:02.80\00:05:06.53 Superman was stronger than everybody. 00:05:06.53\00:05:09.93 Superman could do no wrong. 00:05:09.93\00:05:12.73 Superman was the man. 00:05:12.73\00:05:15.50 But I got a little older and I learned that Superman was 00:05:15.50\00:05:20.96 fictional, that Superman was fake, Superman was a good man, 00:05:20.96\00:05:29.00 but Superman wasn't real. 00:05:29.00\00:05:31.50 Superman was TV. 00:05:31.50\00:05:36.30 Oh, but God. 00:05:36.30\00:05:40.20 God, I learned, was for real. 00:05:40.20\00:05:43.36 God was not fictional. 00:05:43.36\00:05:46.26 God was not TV. 00:05:46.26\00:05:49.00 God was the real thing. 00:05:49.00\00:05:51.13 And so as I got a little older, I learned how to read. 00:05:51.13\00:05:54.90 I learned how to read the Word of God, and I began 00:05:54.90\00:05:59.13 in the beginning. 00:05:59.13\00:06:01.06 I began reading Genesis from the beginning, and I learned 00:06:01.06\00:06:04.90 Genesis 1:1-3, that in the beginning, in the 00:06:04.90\00:06:10.43 what, everybody? 00:06:10.43\00:06:11.26 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 00:06:11.26\00:06:15.26 And the earth was without form and void. 00:06:15.26\00:06:17.46 And darkness was upon the face of the deep. 00:06:17.46\00:06:19.93 And the spirits of God moved upon the face of the waters, 00:06:19.93\00:06:24.53 and God said, Let there be light. 00:06:24.53\00:06:28.73 And there was light." I learned that on day one, 00:06:28.73\00:06:32.80 God created light. 00:06:32.80\00:06:34.06 I learned that on day two, God created the firmament. 00:06:34.06\00:06:38.00 I learned that on day three, God created vegetation 00:06:38.00\00:06:41.73 and the seas. 00:06:41.73\00:06:42.40 I learned on day four that God created the sun, 00:06:42.40\00:06:46.36 the moon and the stars. 00:06:46.36\00:06:47.80 I learned on day five that God created the birds of the air 00:06:47.80\00:06:51.76 and the fish of the sea. 00:06:51.76\00:06:53.06 I learned on day six that God created animals or 00:06:53.06\00:06:57.76 mammals on the land. 00:06:57.76\00:06:59.16 But I also learned that on day six God created man. 00:06:59.16\00:07:03.53 I learned, Genesis 1:26, "God said, Let us make man in our 00:07:03.53\00:07:12.46 image, after our likeness." 00:07:12.46\00:07:15.93 And so from this text I learned that God is 00:07:15.93\00:07:18.53 three in one. 00:07:18.53\00:07:20.10 The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. 00:07:20.10\00:07:24.06 Three in one, working to bring about my salvation. 00:07:24.06\00:07:27.66 And so I learned, because God is three in one, I 00:07:27.66\00:07:30.26 learned that Jesus was God. 00:07:30.26\00:07:34.06 John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was 00:07:34.06\00:07:38.23 with God, and the Word was God." And then verse 14 says 00:07:38.23\00:07:42.76 that the Word became flesh. 00:07:42.76\00:07:47.50 I then learned Superman wasn't real, God was real, and I 00:07:47.50\00:07:51.70 learned that man, God's creation, had messed up. 00:07:51.70\00:07:55.90 That man had sinned. 00:07:55.90\00:07:58.10 I learned that we all are sinners, all of us have sinned 00:07:58.10\00:08:02.93 and come short of the glory of God. 00:08:02.93\00:08:05.43 If you say you have no sin, the truth of God 00:08:05.43\00:08:08.03 is not in you. 00:08:08.03\00:08:08.76 You're a liar. 00:08:08.76\00:08:10.66 But if you sin, you have need for a Savior. 00:08:10.66\00:08:16.20 Do I have a witness in this place? 00:08:16.20\00:08:18.30 Man was in distress. 00:08:18.30\00:08:21.00 Man was torn. 00:08:21.00\00:08:23.06 Man was tried. 00:08:23.06\00:08:25.53 Man was troubled. 00:08:25.53\00:08:27.36 Man had sin. 00:08:27.36\00:08:29.40 So God had a dilemma. 00:08:29.40\00:08:32.10 Either I excuse sin or I destroy all and start over. 00:08:32.10\00:08:38.73 God's solution? 00:08:38.73\00:08:41.13 To send Superman. 00:08:41.13\00:08:43.76 God's solution? 00:08:43.76\00:08:46.33 To send Jesus the Christ. 00:08:46.33\00:08:48.46 For God so loved the world that God gave God's only 00:08:48.46\00:08:52.73 begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not 00:08:52.73\00:08:56.93 perish, but have everlasting what, everybody? 00:08:56.93\00:09:00.10 Life. 00:09:00.10\00:09:01.53 For the wages of sin is death. 00:09:01.53\00:09:02.66 I deserve death. 00:09:02.66\00:09:03.80 You deserve death. 00:09:03.80\00:09:04.80 We deserve death. 00:09:04.80\00:09:05.83 But the gift of God is eternal life. 00:09:05.83\00:09:09.90 Hallelujah, somebody. 00:09:09.90\00:09:11.03 Through Jesus Christ our Lord. 00:09:11.03\00:09:14.20 I learned that Jesus was the real Superman because he was 00:09:14.20\00:09:19.33 wounded for my transgressions. 00:09:19.33\00:09:21.16 Bruised for my iniquities. 00:09:21.16\00:09:23.56 The chastisement of my peace was upon him. 00:09:23.56\00:09:27.70 But by his stripes I'm healed today, hallelujah. 00:09:27.70\00:09:32.46 I learned that there was no more a need for the Old 00:09:32.46\00:09:37.03 Testament sacrificial system. 00:09:37.03\00:09:39.80 Superman had come to my rescue. 00:09:39.80\00:09:43.46 "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the 00:09:43.46\00:09:48.70 world." So I didn't have to go to anybody else to get 00:09:48.70\00:09:51.23 forgiveness for my sins. 00:09:51.23\00:09:53.13 I didn't have to go speak and confess to somebody else and 00:09:53.13\00:09:55.96 tell them all that I had done. 00:09:55.96\00:09:57.93 I learned from the Word of God that "if we confess our sins, 00:09:57.93\00:10:02.53 he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and 00:10:02.53\00:10:06.93 cleanse us from all unrighteousness." I learned 00:10:06.93\00:10:10.83 that there is no other name under heaven whereby we can be 00:10:10.83\00:10:13.63 saved, but save the name of Jesus. 00:10:13.63\00:10:21.33 And so it was, because of sin and men had messed up. 00:10:21.33\00:10:23.86 Jesus, the real Superman, had to come the first time. 00:10:23.86\00:10:26.73 He had to come the first timeś to save his people. 00:10:26.73\00:10:30.53 And so in his coming the first time, Matthew 1:21 says, "And 00:10:30.53\00:10:34.06 she shall bring forth a son. 00:10:34.06\00:10:37.06 Thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his 00:10:37.06\00:10:44.26 people from their" what, everybody? 00:10:44.26\00:10:47.76 Let's look at that text. 00:10:47.76\00:10:48.66 Go with me to the book of Matthew, chapter one, and 00:10:48.66\00:10:54.70 let's read that together. 00:10:54.70\00:10:56.40 Matthew 1:21, And she shall what? 00:10:56.40\00:11:09.00 Come on, she shall bring forth a what? 00:11:09.00\00:11:11.76 Thou shalt call his name what, everybody? 00:11:11.76\00:11:14.20 For he shall, what? 00:11:14.20\00:11:16.36 He shall what? 00:11:16.36\00:11:18.13 Save his people from their what? 00:11:18.13\00:11:23.30 Sin. 00:11:23.30\00:11:24.80 So, at Jesus' first coming to this earth, when he came as a 00:11:24.80\00:11:29.36 babe, he came to save his people from sin. 00:11:29.36\00:11:34.83 He came to save us from our evil walk. 00:11:34.83\00:11:37.90 He came to save us from our evil talk. 00:11:37.90\00:11:41.26 He came to save us from adultery. 00:11:41.26\00:11:43.90 He came to save us from lying. 00:11:43.90\00:11:45.93 He came to save us from stealing. 00:11:45.93\00:11:48.13 He came to save us from doubt. 00:11:48.13\00:11:49.86 He came to save us from depression. 00:11:49.86\00:11:51.90 The Bible says that he came to seek and to save 00:11:51.90\00:11:56.26 that which was lost. 00:11:56.26\00:11:59.30 That's why he came the first time. 00:11:59.30\00:12:01.06 He came to save his people. 00:12:01.06\00:12:03.36 And the Bible teaches, I learned, when I'm studying 00:12:03.36\00:12:06.10 about the real Superman, that the Bible teaches that he, 00:12:06.10\00:12:10.76 that she, that believes on the Lord Jesus Christ, 00:12:10.76\00:12:14.90 they shall be saved. 00:12:14.90\00:12:17.10 Do I have a witness in this place? 00:12:17.10\00:12:18.26 But I've learned also in my life that everybody doesn't 00:12:18.26\00:12:22.40 believe on Jesus. 00:12:22.40\00:12:25.03 Everybody doesn't believe he's a way-maker. 00:12:25.03\00:12:27.80 That he's a company-keeper. 00:12:27.80\00:12:30.23 That he's a wheel in the middle of a wheel. 00:12:30.23\00:12:33.40 Everybody doesn't believe he's a bridge over troubled waters, 00:12:33.40\00:12:38.00 that he's shelter in time of storm. 00:12:38.00\00:12:41.63 Everybody doesn't believe that he has the power to save. 00:12:41.63\00:12:45.66 And so as a result of everyone's unbelief, we have a 00:12:45.66\00:12:49.50 world full of mess, strife and confusion. 00:12:49.50\00:12:54.06 Understand that every day somebody's being 00:12:54.06\00:12:57.76 burglarized or victimized. 00:12:57.76\00:12:59.63 Every day we turn on the news, somebody is the victim of some 00:12:59.63\00:13:04.53 sort of crime. 00:13:04.53\00:13:06.46 Every day in our world, somebody is being 00:13:06.46\00:13:08.73 infected with HIV. 00:13:08.73\00:13:11.36 Every day we have children in our world who go 00:13:11.36\00:13:14.33 to bed hungry. 00:13:14.33\00:13:15.70 Every day there's trouble of some sort. 00:13:15.70\00:13:17.76 Tornado over here. 00:13:17.76\00:13:19.73 Hurricane over there. 00:13:19.73\00:13:21.93 Tsunamis over there. 00:13:21.93\00:13:23.93 Understand, every day there's murder here, fight over there, 00:13:23.93\00:13:29.00 crime there, death here, child hungry here. 00:13:29.00\00:13:33.40 When will it all end? 00:13:33.40\00:13:34.56 But let me tell you something today. 00:13:34.56\00:13:36.86 Hold on. 00:13:36.86\00:13:37.93 Because help is on the way. 00:13:37.93\00:13:39.56 Let me tell you today, hold on, because one day Superman 00:13:39.56\00:13:43.76 is going to come to our rescue. 00:13:43.76\00:13:46.53 Let not your heart be what? 00:13:46.53\00:13:48.33 Troubled. 00:13:48.33\00:13:49.60 Ye believe in God, believe also in me. 00:13:49.60\00:13:51.46 In my father's house are many mansions. 00:13:51.46\00:13:54.73 The first time Superman came, Jesus the Christ, he came to 00:13:54.73\00:13:58.80 save his people, he came to do what, everybody? 00:13:58.80\00:14:01.26 Save his people. 00:14:01.26\00:14:02.56 And the second time he comes, he's coming to get his people. 00:14:02.56\00:14:05.56 He's coming to do what? 00:14:05.56\00:14:06.36 Get. 00:14:06.36\00:14:07.10 Now, that's what the Christian life is all about. 00:14:07.10\00:14:10.80 That's why we pray. 00:14:10.80\00:14:12.46 That's why we sing. 00:14:12.46\00:14:13.56 That's why we study the Word of God. 00:14:13.56\00:14:15.46 That's why we preach the Word of God, because we are all 00:14:15.46\00:14:18.40 looking forward to Jesus' second coming. 00:14:18.40\00:14:23.40 This is what we're all looking for. 00:14:23.40\00:14:24.70 And eyes haven't seen, neither ears heard, the things that 00:14:24.70\00:14:29.13 God has prepared for them that love him. 00:14:29.13\00:14:33.90 So, okay, Superman's coming, Pastor. 00:14:33.90\00:14:36.43 We recognize his coming, you've made that clear. 00:14:36.43\00:14:38.43 The Word of God says that in John chapter 14. 00:14:38.43\00:14:40.86 But when will he come? 00:14:40.86\00:14:44.20 We know he's coming, but when will he come? 00:14:44.20\00:14:47.40 And Pastor, we don't want to hear your own words, we want 00:14:47.40\00:14:50.20 to hear from the Word of God. 00:14:50.20\00:14:52.63 When does the Word say that the real Superman is going to 00:14:52.63\00:14:57.33 come to my rescue? 00:14:57.33\00:14:58.10 Well, I'm glad you asked. 00:14:58.10\00:14:59.00 Go with me to the book of Matthew. 00:14:59.00\00:15:00.16 What book, everybody? 00:15:00.16\00:15:01.30 Let's get some Word. 00:15:01.30\00:15:02.10 Know what you believe, know why you believe it, and know 00:15:02.10\00:15:05.70 where it's found. 00:15:05.70\00:15:07.26 Let's go to Matthew 24:36. 00:15:07.26\00:15:13.03 Let's get some Word today. 00:15:13.03\00:15:21.86 The Gospel according to St. 00:15:21.86\00:15:23.46 Matthew, chapter 24, and verse 36. 00:15:23.46\00:15:29.06 The Word of God speaks clearly to us today. 00:15:29.06\00:15:31.33 It says, But of that, what? 00:15:31.33\00:15:33.40 Come on. 00:15:33.40\00:15:34.23 Of that day and hour knoweth no what? 00:15:34.23\00:15:36.20 Man. 00:15:36.20\00:15:36.96 No, not the angels of heaven, but my what? 00:15:36.96\00:15:39.26 Father only. 00:15:39.26\00:15:40.06 Let's stop right there. 00:15:40.06\00:15:41.50 So if anybody's walking around, talking about the real 00:15:41.50\00:15:43.43 Superman, Jesus Christ, is coming on a certain day, you 00:15:43.43\00:15:46.66 know that's a lie from the pits of hell. 00:15:46.66\00:15:49.30 Because the Word of God says, "But of that day and" what? 00:15:49.30\00:15:53.60 "hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my 00:15:53.60\00:15:57.56 Father only." Go to verse 37. 00:15:57.56\00:15:58.16 The word continues, "But as the days of Noah were, so also 00:15:58.16\00:16:03.80 the coming of the Son of Man be." For as in the days, verse 00:16:03.80\00:16:10.30 38, that was before the flood. 00:16:10.30\00:16:12.63 They were eating and what? 00:16:12.63\00:16:14.43 Marrying and giving in what? 00:16:14.43\00:16:17.60 Until the day that Noah entered into the what, 00:16:17.60\00:16:23.70 everybody? 00:16:23.70\00:16:24.46 Entered into the ark. 00:16:24.46\00:16:25.53 Verse 39, and knew not, until the flood came. 00:16:25.53\00:16:28.23 Took them all away. 00:16:28.23\00:16:29.36 So shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. 00:16:29.36\00:16:35.26 When the real Superman comes, Jesus Christ comes, the second 00:16:35.26\00:16:40.26 time, it's not going to be like you knew he was coming. 00:16:40.26\00:16:44.30 The Bible is clear that no one will know but the Father. 00:16:44.30\00:16:48.20 Are you hearing what I'm saying, everybody? 00:16:48.20\00:16:50.13 But the Bible lets us know that just around the time of 00:16:50.13\00:16:53.40 this coming, people are going to be doing any 00:16:53.40\00:16:55.73 and everything. 00:16:55.73\00:16:57.83 That if it feels good, do it. 00:16:57.83\00:17:00.73 People going to be doing whatever they want to do. 00:17:00.73\00:17:02.63 Let's get some more Word. 00:17:02.63\00:17:03.76 Go to verse 42. 00:17:03.76\00:17:05.10 So because of that, the Word of God, Jesus says, Matthew 00:17:05.10\00:17:07.26 24:42, the Word says, Watch therefore, for ye know what? 00:17:07.26\00:17:15.66 Not what hour your Lord doth what, everybody? 00:17:15.66\00:17:17.86 Come. 00:17:17.86\00:17:18.70 Verse 44: Therefore, be ye also what? 00:17:18.70\00:17:21.50 For in such an hour as ye think not, the 00:17:21.50\00:17:26.53 Son of Man cometh. 00:17:26.53\00:17:30.96 So we don't know when he's coming. 00:17:30.96\00:17:32.23 But what we do know is, he's coming soon. 00:17:32.23\00:17:34.56 Are you hearing what I'm saying, everybody? 00:17:34.56\00:17:36.06 We do know he's coming soon. 00:17:36.06\00:17:37.36 Well, Pastor, we don't know when he's coming, but we know 00:17:37.36\00:17:40.23 he's coming soon, so what are some of the signs surrounding 00:17:40.23\00:17:44.26 Jesus', the real Superman, his coming. 00:17:44.26\00:17:47.20 What are some of the signs? 00:17:47.20\00:17:47.76 Let's now go up in Matthew 24 and go to verse 1. 00:17:47.76\00:17:52.10 Matthew 24, we've got it straight from the Word of God, 00:17:52.10\00:17:55.80 straight from the Bible. 00:17:55.80\00:17:57.10 Have to be a Bible preacher. 00:17:57.10\00:17:58.70 Matthew 24:1, what are some of the signs of his coming? 00:17:58.70\00:18:05.66 The Word of God says in Matthew 24:1, and Jesus went 00:18:05.66\00:18:09.96 out and departed from the what, everybody? Temple. 00:18:09.96\00:18:12.30 And his disciples came to him to show him the buildings 00:18:12.30\00:18:16.00 of the temple. 00:18:16.00\00:18:16.76 Verse 2, And Jesus said unto them, See ye not 00:18:16.76\00:18:20.76 all these what? Things. 00:18:20.76\00:18:22.76 Verily I say until you, there shall not be left one here, 00:18:22.76\00:18:27.83 one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. 00:18:27.83\00:18:32.16 Verse 3, "And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the 00:18:32.16\00:18:34.46 disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, 00:18:34.46\00:18:36.93 when shall these things be? 00:18:36.93\00:18:40.33 and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of 00:18:40.33\00:18:44.63 the world?" Jesus responds, verse 4, "Jesus answered and 00:18:44.63\00:18:47.90 said until them, Take heed that no man deceive you." 00:18:47.90\00:18:54.60 Now, let me stop right there. 00:18:54.60\00:18:56.06 That's why it's so important for me to preach the Bible. 00:18:56.06\00:19:00.70 That's why it's so important to preach what thus 00:19:00.70\00:19:03.76 saith the Lord. 00:19:03.76\00:19:07.60 Not what you think not what I think, 00:19:07.60\00:19:09.06 but what God thinks and what God says. 00:19:09.06\00:19:10.90 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 00:19:10.90\00:19:12.26 Because if you're not careful, you can be deceived 00:19:12.26\00:19:15.23 on the Word of God. 00:19:15.23\00:19:17.23 If Satan can deceive Adam and Eve in the 00:19:17.23\00:19:21.13 Garden of Eden, if Satan can try to deceive even 00:19:21.13\00:19:25.16 Jesus, don't you know Satan will try to deceive 00:19:25.16\00:19:28.73 you and me. 00:19:28.73\00:19:29.46 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 00:19:29.46\00:19:30.73 Jesus says, take heed that no man deceive you. 00:19:30.73\00:19:34.90 Know what you believe, know why you believe it, and know 00:19:34.90\00:19:37.90 where it's found. 00:19:37.90\00:19:39.40 I find in my travels today that a lot of people claim 00:19:39.40\00:19:42.36 that they're followers of Jesus Christ but they don't 00:19:42.36\00:19:44.70 know what the Word of God says. 00:19:44.70\00:19:46.16 Verse 5: "For many shall come in my name, saying I am" 00:19:46.16\00:19:53.03 whom, everybody? Christ. 00:19:53.03\00:19:54.76 And shall deceive what? Many. 00:19:54.76\00:19:56.63 Verse 6: And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. 00:19:56.63\00:20:01.83 We've got wars going on everywhere. 00:20:01.83\00:20:03.13 Are you hearing what I'm saying, everybody? 00:20:03.13\00:20:04.43 See that ye be not what? 00:20:04.43\00:20:05.66 Troubled. 00:20:05.66\00:20:07.00 For all of these things must come to pass. 00:20:07.00\00:20:11.06 But the end is not yet. 00:20:11.06\00:20:13.73 Let's keep on. 00:20:13.73\00:20:14.16 For nation shall rise against what? 00:20:14.16\00:20:15.76 Nation. 00:20:15.76\00:20:16.70 Kingdom against what? 00:20:16.70\00:20:17.43 Kingdom. 00:20:17.43\00:20:18.46 There shall be what? 00:20:18.46\00:20:19.93 Famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places, 00:20:19.93\00:20:23.83 meaning all these natural calamities will happen in 00:20:23.83\00:20:27.90 diverse different places. 00:20:27.90\00:20:31.03 "All these are the beginning of sorrows. 00:20:31.03\00:20:35.20 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall 00:20:35.20\00:20:37.30 kill you, and ye shall be hated of all nations for my 00:20:37.30\00:20:40.50 namesake. 00:20:40.50\00:20:42.53 And then shall many be offended, shall betray one 00:20:42.53\00:20:44.86 another, and shall hate one another. 00:20:44.86\00:20:46.40 And many false prophets shall rise." Lord have mercy. 00:20:46.40\00:20:51.53 Many false prophets shall rise and deceive many. 00:20:51.53\00:20:57.56 And because iniquity, meaning sin, Lord have mercy, shall 00:20:57.56\00:21:01.90 abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 00:21:01.90\00:21:06.43 That's why I tell you all the time, don't keep your eyes on 00:21:06.43\00:21:09.36 me, but keep your eyes on Jesus. 00:21:09.36\00:21:10.93 Are you hearing what I'm saying? 00:21:10.93\00:21:12.13 But the Word says he, hallelujah, that shall endure 00:21:12.13\00:21:18.33 until the end, the same shall be what, everybody? 00:21:18.33\00:21:22.36 And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached as a witness 00:21:22.36\00:21:27.70 into all the world, for a witness unto all nations, and 00:21:27.70\00:21:31.26 then shall the end what, everybody? Come. 00:21:31.26\00:21:35.73 Oh yes, he's coming back. 00:21:35.73\00:21:36.96 He's coming back the second time to get his people. 00:21:36.96\00:21:41.90 But let's go on some more. 00:21:41.90\00:21:42.53 Let's get some more Word. 00:21:42.53\00:21:43.93 Go with me to the book of Acts. 00:21:43.93\00:21:45.46 What book, everybody? 00:21:45.46\00:21:46.63 Let's get some more Word. 00:21:46.63\00:21:47.60 Take your Bibles. 00:21:47.60\00:21:48.23 Acts, chapter one, verse nine. 00:21:48.23\00:21:49.43 We know he's coming. 00:21:49.43\00:21:53.66 How will he come? 00:21:53.66\00:21:56.16 We know he's coming, we know the signs of his coming, but 00:21:56.16\00:21:59.93 how will he come? 00:21:59.93\00:22:04.40 Let's get some more Word. 00:22:04.40\00:22:05.23 The book of Acts, chapter one, and we're going to verse nine. 00:22:05.23\00:22:11.23 Know what you believe, know why you believe it, and know 00:22:11.23\00:22:14.00 where it's found. 00:22:14.00\00:22:15.30 Acts 1:9, the Word of God says, "And when he had spoken 00:22:15.30\00:22:20.03 these things, Jesus, having spoken to the disciples, while 00:22:20.03\00:22:22.96 they beheld, he was taken" where? Up. 00:22:22.96\00:22:26.46 And he was received in a cloud out of their what? 00:22:26.46\00:22:29.36 Sight. 00:22:29.36\00:22:30.20 Verse 10: And while they looked steadfastly toward 00:22:30.20\00:22:33.43 heaven, as he went up, the Bible says, behold, two men. 00:22:33.43\00:22:39.73 How many men, everybody? 00:22:39.73\00:22:40.23 Two men stood by them in white apparel. 00:22:40.23\00:22:44.56 Verse 11: Which also said, ye men of Galilee, why stand 00:22:44.56\00:22:50.76 ye gazing up into heaven? 00:22:50.76\00:22:53.60 Because this same Jesus, you do understand this same Jesus, 00:22:53.60\00:23:00.60 this same Jesus who locked the lion's jaw, this same Jesus 00:23:00.60\00:23:04.93 who provided air-conditioning in the fiery furnace, this 00:23:04.93\00:23:07.76 same Jesus who took two fish and five loaves of bread and 00:23:07.76\00:23:11.00 fed 5,000 men, women and their children, this same Jesus 00:23:11.00\00:23:16.86 which is taken up from you into heaven shall so 00:23:16.86\00:23:18.90 come in what? 00:23:18.90\00:23:20.10 Like manner as ye have seen him go into where? 00:23:20.10\00:23:23.76 Heaven. So you know what this teaches me? 00:23:23.76\00:23:25.83 The Word teaches me that when Jesus, the real Superman, 00:23:25.83\00:23:29.66 comes back, the Bible says that he will come 00:23:29.66\00:23:33.06 the same way he left. 00:23:33.06\00:23:34.70 If he left in a cloud, he's coming back in a cloud. 00:23:34.70\00:23:39.86 But there are some people who think that when Jesus comes 00:23:39.86\00:23:42.30 back, the real Superman comes back the second time, there 00:23:42.30\00:23:43.96 are some people who believe that Jesus' feet 00:23:43.96\00:23:47.36 will touch this earth. 00:23:47.36\00:23:49.36 But the Bible is very clear that the same way he left is 00:23:49.36\00:23:52.70 the same way he's coming what? Back. 00:23:52.70\00:23:55.13 Know what you believe, know why you believe it, and know 00:23:55.13\00:23:59.46 where it's found. 00:23:59.46\00:24:01.40 Jesus left in a cloud, he's coming back in a cloud, which 00:24:01.40\00:24:05.80 means then that Jesus' feet will not touch this earth 00:24:05.80\00:24:10.66 because sin cannot come in contact with the divine. 00:24:10.66\00:24:15.13 Are you hearing what I'm saying, everybody? 00:24:15.13\00:24:17.73 The feet of Jesus can't touch this sin and touch the earth 00:24:17.73\00:24:20.53 until this earth is cleaned up. 00:24:20.53\00:24:21.56 Are you hearing what I'm saying, everybody? 00:24:21.56\00:24:23.53 Let's go on. 00:24:23.53\00:24:24.46 Jesus' feet will never touch the earth because of sin. 00:24:24.46\00:24:28.00 Now, we know the signs of his coming, we know that he's 00:24:28.00\00:24:33.30 coming, we know how he will come. 00:24:33.30\00:24:37.63 But when he comes, who will see him? 00:24:37.63\00:24:41.16 Got with me to the book of Revelation. 00:24:41.16\00:24:43.10 What book, everybody? 00:24:43.10\00:24:43.96 Come on, let's get some Word. 00:24:43.96\00:24:44.80 Revelation, chapter 1, verse 7. 00:24:44.80\00:24:51.80 Revelation 1:7. 00:24:51.80\00:24:55.93 The Word of God says, Revelation 1:7, the Word says, 00:24:55.93\00:25:10.43 Behold he cometh with what? 00:25:10.43\00:25:11.93 Come on, behold he cometh with what? 00:25:11.93\00:25:13.43 Now, that's how the Bible does not contradict itself. 00:25:13.43\00:25:16.30 Because we just read in Acts what the Word of God says, he 00:25:16.30\00:25:23.10 left in a cloud, and that he's going to come back the same 00:25:23.10\00:25:26.40 way he left, so if he left in a cloud, he's coming back in a 00:25:26.40\00:25:29.86 what? Cloud. 00:25:29.86\00:25:31.63 Verse 7 of Revelation, Chapter 1: Behold he cometh with what? 00:25:31.63\00:25:35.66 Clouds. 00:25:35.66\00:25:36.66 And every what? 00:25:36.66\00:25:37.60 Come on, every what? 00:25:37.60\00:25:38.46 Every eye shall see him, and they also which what? 00:25:38.46\00:25:43.10 Pierced him, and all kindreds of the earth shall wail 00:25:43.10\00:25:45.80 because of him. 00:25:45.80\00:25:46.63 Even so, Amen. 00:25:46.63\00:25:48.13 The point we're making is, when Jesus Christ comes back 00:25:48.13\00:25:51.76 the second time with Superman, the real one comes back the 00:25:51.76\00:25:55.76 second time, every eye is going to see Jesus. 00:25:55.76\00:25:59.30 I would like to thank you very much for tuning in to the 00:25:59.30\00:26:02.73 Breath of Life telecast today. 00:26:02.73\00:26:03.96 I do hope if you were blessed by the Word from God today, I 00:26:03.96\00:26:08.23 would like to take this opportunity to invite you to 00:26:08.23\00:26:11.56 become a partner of the Breath of Life television ministry. 00:26:11.56\00:26:15.06 That's right. 00:26:15.06\00:26:17.10 You may give a tax-deductible donation and partner with us 00:26:17.10\00:26:18.96 as we seek to give hope and peace of mind to the dying 00:26:18.96\00:26:23.13 world in which we live. 00:26:23.13\00:26:24.30 To contact us, feel free to give us a call at 00:26:24.30\00:26:27.73 877-BOL-OFFER. 00:26:27.73\00:26:32.43 Or feel free to write us at the address shown on your 00:26:32.43\00:26:40.43 screen. 00:26:40.43\00:26:41.10 Finally, you can reach us by logging onto our website at 00:26:41.10\00:26:44.86 www.breathoflife.tv. 00:26:44.86\00:26:48.60 Again, thank you very much for tuning in today, and we want 00:26:48.60\00:26:53.36 to thank you in advance for partnering with our ministry. 00:26:53.36\00:26:56.23 May God continue to bless you. 00:26:56.23\00:26:58.83 >: Life is full of questions. 00:26:58.83\00:27:01.96 Sometimes we don't know which way to go or where to turn. 00:27:01.96\00:27:04.60 We have doubts and fears and we wonder what it all means. 00:27:04.60\00:27:07.63 But there are answers. 00:27:07.63\00:27:09.80 And there is hope waiting for you in God's Word, the Bible. 00:27:09.80\00:27:13.33 And there's no better way to start exploring the plans he 00:27:13.33\00:27:16.20 has for you than in the Discover Bible Guides. 00:27:16.20\00:27:18.60 It's the Breath of Life gift offer this week and your 00:27:18.60\00:27:21.50 ticket to the heart and soul of God's Word. 00:27:21.50\00:27:23.80 These easy-to-read and illustrated Bible studies get 00:27:23.80\00:27:26.80 to what's on God's mind for you quickly and clearly. 00:27:26.80\00:27:29.73 You'll be enlightened by studies such as "Is God 00:27:29.73\00:27:34.30 Fair?", "When Jesus Comes For You," "The Secret of Answered 00:27:34.30\00:27:36.96 Prayer," and "Bridge to a Satisfying Life." Just call 00:27:36.96\00:27:40.50 our toll-free number at 1-877-BOL-OFFER. 00:27:40.50\00:27:44.23 That's 1-877-265-6333, and ask for your copy of the Discover 00:27:44.23\00:27:50.86 Bible Guides. 00:27:50.86\00:27:51.66 Or you may write to Breath of Life, P O Box 340, 00:27:51.66\00:27:55.46 Newbury Park, CA 91319. 00:27:55.46\00:27:59.20 CB: Don't keep your eyes on me, but keep your 00:27:59.20\00:28:05.63 eyes on Jesus. 00:28:05.63\00:28:06.23 are you hearing what I'm Saying? 00:28:06.23\00:28:07.50 Superman is coming to my rescue. 00:28:07.50\00:28:14.00 Because I've got the real Superman. 00:28:14.00\00:28:21.56 I've got Jesus. 00:28:21.56\00:28:25.80