(Music) ? Jesus is worthy ? 00:00:01.20\00:00:11.70 ? Oh yes he's worthy ? ?Worthy of all.? 00:00:12.20\00:00:19.20 ?all the praise? For Christians, Jesus is the 00:00:19.20\00:00:24.23 central figure of the Bible. 00:00:24.23\00:00:26.46 His life fulfilled God's promises made through the 00:00:26.46\00:00:29.63 Old Testament prophets. 00:00:29.63\00:00:31.50 The good news that he brought salvation was God's offer of 00:00:31.50\00:00:33.90 a covenant of salvation. 00:00:33.90\00:00:34.80 His story, Jesus' is, is so important that it's told four 00:00:34.80\00:00:38.16 times over: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. 00:00:38.16\00:00:40.13 Told all over in the gospels. 00:00:40.13\00:00:41.66 The brief years of his public ministry transformed the 00:00:41.66\00:00:44.26 entire course of western civilization. 00:00:44.26\00:00:49.26 Jesus, the equivalent of the Hebrew term Messiah, meaning 00:00:49.26\00:00:51.50 God's anointed one. 00:00:51.50\00:00:53.30 His ministry was anointed by the Holy Ghost at his baptism, 00:00:53.30\00:00:58.30 because the Holy Ghost is symbolic of the oil. 00:00:58.30\00:01:01.96 Christians confess him as son of God, expressing 00:01:01.96\00:01:04.96 faith in his divinity. 00:01:04.96\00:01:07.36 Many other titles are given until him as well. 00:01:07.36\00:01:09.60 Lord, Savior, Son of Man, Son of David, Lamb of God, Prince 00:01:09.60\00:01:18.00 of Peace, lily of the valley, bright and morning star, 00:01:18.00\00:01:24.36 fairest of ten thousand, making a way out of no way, bridge 00:01:24.36\00:01:30.40 over troubled waters, rent payer when the rent is due and 00:01:30.40\00:01:35.20 you have no money in your pockets. 00:01:35.20\00:01:38.53 His name is Jesus. 00:01:38.53\00:01:39.66 Jesus existed before time and before his birth. 00:01:39.66\00:01:44.63 He existed in the bosom of his Father behind the purple 00:01:44.63\00:01:47.30 curtain of eternity. 00:01:47.30\00:01:48.53 Before the world even existed, Jesus existed. 00:01:48.53\00:01:53.16 The life of Christ did not begin in a manger, nor did it 00:01:53.16\00:01:56.53 end at the cross. 00:01:56.53\00:01:57.83 Jesus has always been here. 00:01:57.83\00:02:00.43 Jesus even spoke of his preexistence when he spoke to 00:02:00.43\00:02:04.10 his father in John 17:5, when he prayed and said to 00:02:04.10\00:02:06.96 his Father, "Glorify me with the glory that I had before 00:02:06.96\00:02:10.20 the world began." Jesus even speaking to the Jews spoke of 00:02:10.20\00:02:13.70 his preexistence, when he told them at his existence at 00:02:13.70\00:02:17.46 presence went back further than Abraham's past. 00:02:17.46\00:02:21.86 He said, "Before Abraham was, I am." What do we have here? 00:02:21.86\00:02:31.76 Jesus, who was born 2,000 years after Abraham, 00:02:31.76\00:02:38.90 but yet he said he was before Abraham. 00:02:38.90\00:02:41.66 Jesus, who was David's Savior, was also David's Lord. 00:02:41.66\00:02:48.46 Jesus, who was Abraham's seed, was also Abraham's Savior. 00:02:48.46\00:02:55.03 Jesus, who created flesh, became flesh when God reversed 00:02:55.03\00:03:02.96 the beginning, when he took a motherless woman from the body 00:03:02.96\00:03:08.73 of a man at creation, but then turned around and took a 00:03:08.73\00:03:13.36 fatherless man from the body of a woman in redemption. 00:03:13.36\00:03:16.63 Jesus, the God man, two natures in one personality. 00:03:16.63\00:03:24.70 He protected the interests of heaven with his divinity, but 00:03:24.70\00:03:28.50 yet looked out for the interests of earth 00:03:28.50\00:03:30.60 in his humanity. 00:03:30.60\00:03:31.53 In his divinity he is God's way to man. 00:03:31.53\00:03:36.23 In his humanity he's man's way right back on up to God. 00:03:36.23\00:03:40.53 Two natures harmonized but never completely blended. 00:03:40.53\00:03:45.96 He got tired as man. 00:03:45.96\00:03:48.53 But as God he said, "Come until me, all ye that labor 00:03:48.53\00:03:53.26 and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." As man he 00:03:53.26\00:03:58.03 got hungry, but as God he took two fish, five loaves of 00:03:58.03\00:04:02.30 bread, fed 5,000 men, women and children. 00:04:02.30\00:04:06.76 As man he prayed, but as God he answered prayer. 00:04:06.76\00:04:11.30 As man he got thirsty, but as God he said, "Drink of 00:04:11.30\00:04:15.66 fountains of living waters that shall never run dry." As 00:04:15.66\00:04:18.56 man he wanted companionship, but as God he had to tread the 00:04:18.56\00:04:24.13 wine press alone. 00:04:24.13\00:04:25.33 As man he wept at Lazarus' grave, but as God he raised 00:04:25.33\00:04:32.90 and resurrected Lazarus from the grave. 00:04:32.90\00:04:37.80 Who do you know today who can turn water into wedding punch? 00:04:37.80\00:04:44.33 Who do you know who can make an ax head float? 00:04:44.33\00:04:48.80 Who do you know who can change rocks into rivers? 00:04:48.80\00:04:52.86 Who do you know who can make a donkey talk? 00:04:52.86\00:04:55.60 Who do you know who can make the sun stand still? 00:04:55.60\00:04:59.93 Who do you know who can get into a fiery furnace 00:04:59.93\00:05:03.30 and not get burned? 00:05:03.30\00:05:04.50 Who do you know who can lay down their life, 00:05:04.50\00:05:08.33 take it up again? 00:05:08.33\00:05:10.90 Jesus. Jesus! Jesus! 00:05:10.90\00:05:17.40 And so it was, that after sin entered, God instituted animal 00:05:17.40\00:05:21.96 sacrifices to illustrate the mission that Jesus 00:05:21.96\00:05:25.53 would be our Savior. 00:05:25.53\00:05:26.70 To obtain forgiveness, a repentant sinner brought a 00:05:26.70\00:05:31.63 sacrificial animal that had no blemishes. 00:05:31.63\00:05:36.30 Representation of the sinless Savior that was to come. 00:05:36.30\00:05:41.70 The sinner places his hand on the forehead of the sin 00:05:41.70\00:05:46.90 offering, that animal, symbolically transferring the 00:05:46.90\00:05:50.50 sin from the sin bearer to the sin offering. 00:05:50.50\00:05:53.63 The throat of the sin offering would be slit. 00:05:53.63\00:05:57.70 The throat of that lamb, that goat, would be slit because 00:05:57.70\00:06:00.60 blood had to be spilled, because there can be 00:06:00.60\00:06:03.93 forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood. 00:06:03.93\00:06:08.96 But the good news today is that when Jesus died for my 00:06:08.96\00:06:12.90 sins, when he died for my sins, there was no more need 00:06:12.90\00:06:17.93 for a goat, no more need for a lamb, because behold, the Lamb 00:06:17.93\00:06:22.83 of God, which taketh away the sins of the world. 00:06:22.83\00:06:27.53 And so now I don't have to ask forgiveness for my 00:06:27.53\00:06:32.00 sins from somebody else. 00:06:32.00\00:06:34.90 I don't have to go anywhere in any room to ask 00:06:34.90\00:06:37.20 forgiveness of my sins. 00:06:37.20\00:06:39.26 I don't have to tell my business to somebody else 00:06:39.26\00:06:42.83 and worry about if they're going to tell my business. 00:06:42.83\00:06:45.63 But because Jesus is God, because Jesus died for me, 00:06:45.63\00:06:51.33 my Bible says if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just 00:06:51.33\00:06:57.43 to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from 00:06:57.43\00:07:01.66 all unrighteousness. 00:07:01.66\00:07:02.96 Acts 4:12 says there is no other name under heaven 00:07:02.96\00:07:06.66 whereby we can be saved, save the name of Jesus. 00:07:06.66\00:07:13.50 Thank God for Jesus. 00:07:13.50\00:07:16.90 But remember, God is three in one. 00:07:16.90\00:07:23.40 The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. 00:07:23.40\00:07:28.60 The Father gave the Son. 00:07:28.60\00:07:31.56 The Son gave the Holy Ghost. 00:07:31.56\00:07:34.93 Now, let's be clear. 00:07:34.93\00:07:36.66 The Holy Ghost is a person, not an impersonal force. 00:07:36.66\00:07:43.23 The Holy Ghost is a person. 00:07:43.23\00:07:46.40 The Holy Ghost has personality. 00:07:46.40\00:07:49.90 Genesis 6:3 says he strives. 00:07:49.90\00:07:52.50 Luke 12:12 says he teaches. 00:07:52.50\00:07:54.80 John 16:9 says he convicts. 00:07:54.80\00:07:56.90 Romans 8:26 says he helps and intercedes. 00:07:56.90\00:08:00.10 II Peter 2:21 says he inspires, and I Peter 1:2 00:08:00.10\00:08:07.73 says he sanctifies. 00:08:07.73\00:08:09.00 Now, these activities cannot be formed or performed by a 00:08:09.00\00:08:15.43 mere power, influence or only an attribute of God. 00:08:15.43\00:08:21.63 Only a person could do this. 00:08:21.63\00:08:24.60 The Holy Ghost is truly God. 00:08:24.60\00:08:29.66 The works of God are associated with the 00:08:29.66\00:08:34.13 Holy Ghost. 00:08:34.13\00:08:35.40 Only a personal God, not an impersonal influence, nor a 00:08:35.40\00:08:40.93 created being, could perform the miracle of bringing 00:08:40.93\00:08:45.00 the divine Christ and impregnating a human Mary. 00:08:45.00\00:08:49.70 The Holy Ghost brings the truth of Christ. 00:08:49.70\00:08:54.53 The Holy Ghost brings the presence of Christ. 00:08:54.53\00:08:59.26 The Holy Ghost fills the hearts of the believers. 00:08:59.26\00:09:03.90 The Holy Ghost assists believers. 00:09:03.90\00:09:07.76 In other words, the Holy Ghost helps me. Yeah. 00:09:07.76\00:09:15.30 The Holy Ghost is my helper. 00:09:15.30\00:09:18.90 He helps me. 00:09:18.90\00:09:20.53 The Holy Ghost strengthens me. 00:09:20.53\00:09:22.76 What I like about the Holy Ghost is, the Holy Ghost has a 00:09:22.76\00:09:25.66 specialized ministry to those who suffer, that when you 00:09:25.66\00:09:30.13 suffer the Holy Ghost has a specialized ministry that you 00:09:30.13\00:09:32.00 come to him, and you can come to him in your time of need 00:09:32.00\00:09:34.60 and he will help you in your suffering Are you hearing what 00:09:34.60\00:09:36.66 I'm saying? 00:09:36.66\00:09:37.76 Let me go a little deeper on this. 00:09:37.76\00:09:39.60 When you read John 14, read it on your own, John 14:16, 00:09:39.60\00:09:44.40 Jesus says I'm going away. 00:09:44.40\00:09:50.20 He says, I'm going away, but I'm going to leave 00:09:50.20\00:09:54.96 you the Comforter. 00:09:54.96\00:09:56.03 Everybody say Comforter. 00:09:56.03\00:09:56.93 He says, I'm going away, but I'm going to leave 00:09:56.93\00:09:59.86 you the Comforter. 00:09:59.86\00:10:01.53 Now, let's go a little deeper here. 00:10:01.53\00:10:02.90 The Greek word for Comforter is paraclete. 00:10:02.90\00:10:08.73 Everybody say paraclete. 00:10:08.73\00:10:09.66 Paraclete. 00:10:09.66\00:10:10.33 Now, para is where you get parallel from. 00:10:10.33\00:10:15.06 Kleto means "called to." 00:10:15.06\00:10:18.86 The Comforter, the Holy Ghost, is the paraclete. 00:10:18.86\00:10:23.43 Parallel called to. 00:10:23.43\00:10:26.46 When you combine these words, you get the paraclete. 00:10:26.46\00:10:32.56 It forms the idea that the Holy Ghost has been called 00:10:32.56\00:10:37.73 alongside of us. 00:10:37.73\00:10:39.96 The Holy Ghost has been called parallel to us, to help us in 00:10:39.96\00:10:45.16 moments where we can't help ourselves. 00:10:45.16\00:10:47.86 Do you all hear what I'm saying? 00:10:47.86\00:10:49.03 In other words, God has given us the paraclete to help us, 00:10:49.03\00:10:54.63 so that no matter what we're going through in our 00:10:54.63\00:10:57.33 suffering, God is right there, parallel to us, 00:10:57.33\00:11:00.83 alongside of us. 00:11:00.83\00:11:02.66 So I understand as a child of God that as I suffer that God 00:11:02.66\00:11:07.23 gave me something. 00:11:07.23\00:11:09.10 God gave me something to overcome suffering. 00:11:09.10\00:11:14.26 But if I don't know it, I'm still depressed. 00:11:14.26\00:11:19.53 I'm still suicidal. 00:11:19.53\00:11:22.36 I'm still troubled. 00:11:22.36\00:11:24.86 I'm still restless. 00:11:24.86\00:11:27.36 I still can't sleep at night. 00:11:27.36\00:11:30.13 I still don't eat because I don't know that God has 00:11:30.13\00:11:33.83 given me something. 00:11:33.83\00:11:35.56 But when I know that I know that I know that I know, that 00:11:35.56\00:11:39.30 Jesus died for my sins, when I know that he rose up in power, 00:11:39.30\00:11:47.50 when I know that Jesus rose up with power over death, hell 00:11:47.50\00:11:52.20 and the grave, and he's give us the paraclete, the Holy 00:11:52.20\00:11:57.43 Ghost, then I don't walk around defeated, I don't walk 00:11:57.43\00:12:01.63 around depressed, I don't walk around devastated. 00:12:01.63\00:12:06.10 The Holy Ghost is the paraclete. 00:12:06.10\00:12:09.00 Para means alongside, the Holy Ghost is alongside me. 00:12:09.00\00:12:14.00 Let me make this a little bit more plain for you. 00:12:14.00\00:12:19.56 Paraclete is like the parachute. 00:12:19.56\00:12:22.80 When I fall, the parachute catches me so I don't hurt 00:12:22.80\00:12:27.93 myself, so I don't cause permanent damage to me. 00:12:27.93\00:12:32.76 The paraclete is the parachute. 00:12:32.76\00:12:35.96 Oh, you don't understand that. 00:12:35.96\00:12:38.43 The paraclete is then like the paramedic. 00:12:38.43\00:12:44.63 If I have an accident, if I get hurt, if I get sick, 00:12:44.63\00:12:54.56 somebody please call 911. 00:12:54.56\00:12:58.93 Don't play with that thing. 00:12:58.93\00:13:01.26 If I get sick, call 911. 00:13:01.26\00:13:02.66 Send me a paramedic. 00:13:02.66\00:13:05.06 And the paramedic will come right where I am, pick me up, 00:13:05.06\00:13:09.46 bandage me up, and take me to the hospital. 00:13:09.46\00:13:14.00 But you understand, the paraclete is 00:13:14.00\00:13:17.83 like the paramedic. 00:13:17.83\00:13:20.16 When I get in a mess, somebody knows what I'm talking about. 00:13:20.16\00:13:23.20 When I get wounded, when I get broken, Jesus says, I'm going 00:13:23.20\00:13:31.03 to leave you the Comforter. 00:13:31.03\00:13:32.83 What are you saying, Jesus? 00:13:32.83\00:13:35.86 Jesus I saying, Carlton Byrd, you don't have to dial 911. 00:13:35.86\00:13:40.93 You can just call 111. 00:13:40.93\00:13:44.10 What do you mean? 00:13:44.10\00:13:45.76 One for the Father, one for the Son, one for 00:13:45.76\00:13:50.63 the Holy Ghost. 00:13:50.63\00:13:52.23 And the angels will come down as paramedics, scoop you on 00:13:52.23\00:13:57.93 up, rock you in the midnight hour, all night, all day, 00:13:57.93\00:14:03.80 angels watching over me. 00:14:03.80\00:14:06.46 Why are you walking around so pitiful? 00:14:06.46\00:14:13.23 You got the Holy Ghost. 00:14:13.23\00:14:15.90 Why are you walking around so sad and depressed? 00:14:15.90\00:14:20.66 You got the Holy Ghost. 00:14:20.66\00:14:23.36 Why are you walking around so sad? 00:14:23.36\00:14:26.10 You've got the Holy Ghost power. 00:14:26.10\00:14:28.56 Let me tell you something. 00:14:28.56\00:14:30.00 When a believer's faith is in God, then the Lord's power 00:14:30.00\00:14:34.03 becomes the power of the believer. 00:14:34.03\00:14:36.00 You see, when the church, when the people of God grasp this 00:14:36.00\00:14:44.00 truth, that we are as strong as in whom we put our trust, 00:14:44.00\00:14:49.16 we will revolutionize the world. 00:14:49.16\00:14:53.16 If you are as strong as you trust in yourself, you are as 00:14:53.16\00:14:59.16 strong as you are. 00:14:59.16\00:15:01.80 But when you trust in God, you're as strong as he is. 00:15:01.80\00:15:09.66 Let me needle this a little bit more. 00:15:09.66\00:15:11.66 I said it once, I'll say it again. 00:15:11.66\00:15:13.53 I cannot fly. I can't fly. 00:15:13.53\00:15:19.23 I know my last name is Byrd, but I can't fly. 00:15:19.23\00:15:22.63 Because you know why? 00:15:22.63\00:15:25.80 I tried it. 00:15:25.80\00:15:26.70 I tried to jump off a bed, I jumped off a bed and fell and 00:15:26.70\00:15:32.00 busted my head. 00:15:32.00\00:15:33.46 And so you have to understand, I had to understand 00:15:33.46\00:15:37.96 that I can't fly. 00:15:37.96\00:15:39.46 I learned as a boy that the law of gravity is real. 00:15:39.46\00:15:43.80 Do I have a witness in this place? I cannot fly. 00:15:43.80\00:15:49.46 But when I put myself on an airplane and yield to its 00:15:49.46\00:15:55.36 power, suddenly I have the ability to soar 36,000 00:15:55.36\00:16:02.16 feet in the air. 00:16:02.16\00:16:04.46 I cann run 70 miles per hour. 00:16:04.46\00:16:07.76 But when I get in my car, and I yield to its power, 00:16:07.76\00:16:13.43 I suddenly have the ability to achieve speeds that 00:16:13.43\00:16:16.40 I never could on my own. 00:16:16.40\00:16:17.56 And understand that when my faith is in God, and in his 00:16:17.56\00:16:25.43 Holy Ghost's power, then his strength becomes my strength. 00:16:25.43\00:16:32.66 His power becomes my power. 00:16:32.66\00:16:35.63 That's why Paul said, now, unto him that is able to do 00:16:35.63\00:16:40.33 exceeding abundantly above all we could ever ask or think, 00:16:40.33\00:16:45.13 according to the power that worketh in us. 00:16:45.13\00:16:48.96 Greater is he that is in me than he that's in the world. 00:16:48.96\00:16:53.83 Because if you have a greater than, you must 00:16:53.83\00:16:56.23 have a less than. 00:16:56.23\00:16:58.30 So whoever is greater inside of you than he that is in the 00:16:58.30\00:17:03.20 world is less than whatever is inside of you. 00:17:03.20\00:17:06.50 And the greater is he that is within you is the Holy Ghost. 00:17:06.50\00:17:09.66 So let me say this clear. 00:17:09.66\00:17:11.36 You don't know what you have in here. 00:17:11.36\00:17:13.53 You don't know the strength that's in you. 00:17:13.53\00:17:16.36 You don't know the power that's in you. 00:17:16.36\00:17:19.16 You don't know the authority that you have. 00:17:19.16\00:17:22.46 Let me tell you something. 00:17:22.46\00:17:23.40 The devil is not afraid of you. 00:17:23.40\00:17:26.06 The devil is afraid of who's inside of you. 00:17:26.06\00:17:29.80 You're sitting on a ton of dynamite. 00:17:29.80\00:17:33.63 Let me tell you something. 00:17:33.63\00:17:35.03 No Christian has ever been demon possessed. 00:17:35.03\00:17:38.30 Check your Bible out on that. 00:17:38.30\00:17:44.13 No Christian has ever been demon possessed. 00:17:44.13\00:17:48.43 If the Holy Ghost is living in you, you cannot be possessed 00:17:48.43\00:17:53.60 by a demon, you can be influenced but not possessed. 00:17:53.60\00:17:58.53 Why? 00:17:58.53\00:17:59.36 Because I'm already possessed! 00:17:59.36\00:18:01.00 Hallelujah! 00:18:01.00\00:18:01.73 By the Holy Ghost. 00:18:01.73\00:18:05.13 And the Holy Ghost and a demon can't live inside of you at 00:18:05.13\00:18:09.33 the same time. 00:18:09.33\00:18:11.06 You're not possessed by the Holy Ghost. 00:18:11.06\00:18:18.50 You're dealing with demonic influence. 00:18:18.50\00:18:21.43 But all you've got to do is yield to the power of 00:18:21.43\00:18:27.06 the Holy Ghost. 00:18:27.06\00:18:28.00 God the Father. 00:18:28.00\00:18:29.36 God the Son. 00:18:29.36\00:18:30.80 God the Holy Ghost. 00:18:30.80\00:18:32.26 They're trying to save somebody. 00:18:32.26\00:18:35.20 For there are three that bear record in heaven. 00:18:35.20\00:18:38.43 The Father. 00:18:38.43\00:18:39.56 The Word, Jesus Christ. 00:18:39.56\00:18:41.53 The Holy Ghost. 00:18:41.53\00:18:42.60 They are three in one. 00:18:42.60\00:18:45.56 And so it's complex, but it's commanding. 00:18:45.56\00:18:51.63 It's complicated, but it's conquering. 00:18:51.63\00:18:55.00 It's baffling but it's brilliant. 00:18:55.00\00:18:58.96 It's intricate, but it's inspiring. 00:18:58.96\00:19:02.76 It's mystifying but it's mighty. 00:19:02.76\00:19:06.40 It's perplexing but it's powerful. 00:19:06.40\00:19:12.23 It's rare but it's rousing. 00:19:12.23\00:19:13.43 It's mind-boggling but it's also mind-blowing. 00:19:13.43\00:19:18.80 It's God the Father. 00:19:18.80\00:19:21.43 God the Son. 00:19:21.43\00:19:23.93 And God the Holy Ghost. 00:19:23.93\00:19:26.30 They are three in one. 00:19:26.30\00:19:28.90 You can't explain it, you can't understand it, you can't 00:19:28.90\00:19:34.03 make sense out of it, but you can't live without it. 00:19:34.03\00:19:38.00 Except God build a house, they labor in vain. 00:19:38.00\00:19:42.40 Except God keep the city, the workman worketh in vain. 00:19:42.40\00:19:47.23 God is our refuge and strength. 00:19:47.23\00:19:49.30 God is our shield and buckler. 00:19:49.30\00:19:51.53 God is our protection and defense. 00:19:51.53\00:19:53.80 God is our all in all. 00:19:53.80\00:19:55.60 God is. 00:19:55.60\00:19:57.10 The Lord is my light and my salvation. 00:19:57.10\00:19:59.46 The Lord is the strength of my life. 00:19:59.46\00:20:01.53 The Lord is my shepherd. 00:20:01.53\00:20:03.43 The Lord is my protector. 00:20:03.43\00:20:05.50 The Lord is my keeper. 00:20:05.50\00:20:07.76 Jehovah jireh, my provider. 00:20:07.76\00:20:13.60 Jehovah rapha, my healer. 00:20:13.60\00:20:17.80 Jehovah shalom, my peace. 00:20:17.80\00:20:21.86 Jehovah nissi, my banner. 00:20:21.86\00:20:25.10 I don't know why Jesus loves me. 00:20:25.10\00:20:27.70 I don't know why he cares. 00:20:27.70\00:20:33.46 I don't know why he sacrificed his life. 00:20:33.46\00:20:37.36 Oh, I believe I've got a witness in this place. 00:20:37.36\00:20:42.93 Oh, but I'm glad. 00:20:42.93\00:20:46.16 I'm so glad he did. 00:20:46.16\00:20:48.96 Where would I be if Jesus didn't love me? 00:20:48.96\00:20:52.93 Where would I be if Jesus didn't care? 00:20:52.93\00:20:56.53 Where would I be if he didn't sacrifice his life? 00:20:56.53\00:21:01.03 Oh, but I'm glad. 00:21:01.03\00:21:04.93 Is somebody glad today? 00:21:04.93\00:21:07.23 Oh, but I'm glad! 00:21:07.23\00:21:08.70 I'm glad that he did. 00:21:08.70\00:21:16.73 And so God the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, performed 00:21:16.73\00:21:25.30 God's greatest act when God sent God's only Son so that 00:21:25.30\00:21:32.96 one day we could live forever with God. 00:21:32.96\00:21:36.33 Let me close this way. 00:21:36.33\00:21:39.50 There was a little boy, a little boy named Johnny. 00:21:39.50\00:21:48.36 And Johnny, little Johnny loved boats. 00:21:48.36\00:21:55.73 Little Johnny loved boats. 00:21:55.73\00:21:57.56 I'm talking about the greatest gift God gave us. 00:21:57.56\00:21:59.70 I mean, he loved him. 00:21:59.70\00:22:03.03 Little Johnny made paper boats, little Johnny made 00:22:03.03\00:22:05.53 plaster boats, little Johnny made wood boats. 00:22:05.53\00:22:08.93 Little Johnny loved boats. 00:22:08.93\00:22:13.06 And one day little Johnny made a boat, little Johnny took the 00:22:13.06\00:22:19.20 boat to the ocean. 00:22:19.20\00:22:21.13 He was playing with his boat, but then he lost his boat when 00:22:21.13\00:22:24.23 a strong current took the boat out of his reach. 00:22:24.23\00:22:29.73 And Johnny was sad. 00:22:29.73\00:22:31.80 He had lost his boat. 00:22:31.80\00:22:36.03 Little Johnny had lost the boat he had made. 00:22:36.03\00:22:42.56 One day Johnny was with his mother in a shopping mall, and 00:22:42.56\00:22:47.26 they stopped by, you know, they have these gently used 00:22:47.26\00:22:51.26 stores in shopping plazas and malls. 00:22:51.26\00:22:55.36 And when they stopped there at one of these gently used 00:22:55.36\00:22:58.63 stores in the mall, to Johnny's amazement, little 00:22:58.63\00:23:02.13 Johnny saw the boat he had made for sale. 00:23:02.13\00:23:06.86 Little Johnny saw his boat. 00:23:06.86\00:23:10.03 His eyes got big. 00:23:10.03\00:23:12.33 Tears began to fill his eyes, because he said, 00:23:12.33\00:23:15.83 there's my boat! 00:23:15.83\00:23:17.56 I see the boat that I made! 00:23:17.56\00:23:19.53 Johnny went immediately to the sales clerk, and when he asked 00:23:19.53\00:23:26.73 for it, the sales clerk told him, little Johnny, you can 00:23:26.73\00:23:32.00 have your boat back, but it will be for a price. 00:23:32.00\00:23:38.16 Little Johnny got the amount, he got the price, and little 00:23:38.16\00:23:44.46 Johnny began to work hard for that amount. 00:23:44.46\00:23:47.80 Cutting grass, raking leaves, distributing telephone books, 00:23:47.80\00:23:54.46 whatever he could do to earn some money for the price to 00:23:54.46\00:24:02.16 buy the boat back. 00:24:02.16\00:24:03.66 And so one day, one day after little Johnny had enough for 00:24:03.66\00:24:07.60 the price, he went to the gently used store, he bought 00:24:07.60\00:24:15.86 the boat back, and he held the boat up in his hands, and he 00:24:15.86\00:24:23.73 said, "Little boat, you're mine twice. 00:24:23.73\00:24:29.53 Mine because I made you, and mine because I bought 00:24:29.53\00:24:36.73 you back." Genesis 1:26 says, "Let us make man 00:24:36.73\00:24:47.96 in our own image after our likeness." God made 00:24:47.96\00:24:52.63 man, God fashioned man after his likeness. 00:24:52.63\00:24:57.83 But because of sin, man was lost. 00:24:57.83\00:25:04.10 Two thousand years ago, God sent his Son, 00:25:04.10\00:25:11.73 Jesus Christ, to buy you and me back. 00:25:11.73\00:25:20.56 And he looks at you and he looks at me and he says, 00:25:20.56\00:25:27.06 little children, you're mine twice. 00:25:27.06\00:25:32.36 Because I made you, and I bought you back. 00:25:32.36\00:25:41.76 I don't care what you did last night, I don't care what you 00:25:41.76\00:25:48.13 did last week, last month, last year. 00:25:48.13\00:25:52.76 God is saying to you today, I made you. 00:25:52.76\00:25:58.13 And now I bought you back. 00:25:58.13\00:26:04.50 So the utmost, Jesus saves. 00:26:04.50\00:26:09.56 To the gutter-most, Jesus saves. 00:26:09.56\00:26:14.56 He will pick you up, turn you around, hallelujah, 00:26:14.56\00:26:22.76 Jesus saves. 00:26:22.76\00:26:26.20 God formed you. 00:26:26.20\00:26:31.33 Sin deforms you. 00:26:31.33\00:26:32.80 But God and God alone will transform you. 00:26:32.80\00:26:37.26 God has made you. 00:26:37.26\00:26:41.76 God has bought you back. 00:26:41.76\00:26:43.20 I would like to thank you very much for tuning in 00:26:43.20\00:26:45.63 to the Breath of Life telecast today. 00:26:45.63\00:26:47.56 I do hope that you were blessed by the 00:26:47.56\00:26:50.76 word from God today. 00:26:50.76\00:26:52.03 I would like to take this opportunity 00:26:52.03\00:26:54.36 to invite you to become a partner of the 00:26:54.36\00:26:56.56 Breath of life ministry. 00:26:56.56\00:26:58.13 That's right, you may give a tax deductible 00:26:58.13\00:27:00.76 donation and partner with us as we seek 00:27:00.76\00:27:03.60 to give hope and peace of mind 00:27:03.60\00:27:06.13 to the dying world in which we live. 00:27:06.13\00:27:08.13 To contact us, feel free to give us a call at 00:27:08.13\00:27:11.13 877-BOL-Offer or feel free to write us at the address 00:27:11.13\00:27:23.60 shown on the screen. 00:27:23.60\00:27:25.10 Finally, you can reach us by logging on to our web site 00:27:25.10\00:27:28.23 at WWW.Breathoflife.TV Again thank you 00:27:28.23\00:27:36.00 very much for tuning in today and we want 00:27:36.00\00:27:37.83 to thank you in advance for partnering 00:27:37.83\00:27:39.50 with our Ministry. May God continue to bless you. 00:27:39.50\00:27:44.33 The Desire of ages The life story of the greatest 00:27:44.33\00:27:47.16 spiritual leader the world has ever known, 00:27:47.16\00:27:49.70 Just call our toll-free number, 877-BOL-OFFER, 00:27:49.70\00:27:54.10 and ask for your copy of Desire of Ages. 00:27:54.10\00:27:57.13 This book is yours for a gift of five dollars or more or you 00:27:57.13\00:28:01.46 may write to Breath of Life, Box 340, Newbury Park, CA 00:28:01.46\00:28:06.80 91319. 00:28:06.80\00:28:12.76 In The beginning, It was God 00:28:15.50\00:28:19.10 God is our refugee and strength 00:28:20.40\00:28:24.46 A very present help in 00:28:25.06\00:28:26.06