Battles of Faith

Spiritualism Invades The Church

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Atonte Myers, Ivor Myers


Series Code: BOF

Program Code: BOF000008

00:15 Welcome to battles of faith.
00:17 I'm Atonte Myers and I'm Ivor Myers.
00:20 Today's program we are going to be discussing music.
00:23 But not just any kind of music, were going to be talking
00:27 about Christian rock, Christian rap, Christian hip hop,
00:31 and Christian music overall.
00:34 We know that this is a very touchy situation and so we are
00:38 going to have open minds and we pray that you will have open
00:42 minds and we want you to know from the very beginning that
00:45 we love you, God loves you and we know you will love us.
00:49 We are just going to go through the Word of God.
00:51 That's right Atonte, this is definitely a subject that is
00:55 on the minds of a lot of people.
00:57 There are people that are wondering whether it is wrong
01:02 to take the styles of Rock and Rap and Reggae and other
01:07 types of music like that and to put Christian words to it.
01:11 There really is a lot of debate, not just in this church,
01:15 but I believe in churches all across the board with this
01:20 issue, so it is definitely a subject that we felt indeed
01:25 needed to be included this 13 part series.
01:28 And you have personal experience with this because as
01:32 some of our viewing audience may know that you were
01:37 a Rap Artist and you were signed with a EMI records and
01:41 had an $800,000 contract.
01:44 Then you found the Lord. Ivor: Correct!
01:46 Then after you found the Lord you were still doing your
01:48 music so you decided to talk about God within your rap music.
01:53 That's right and we became Christians and were so excited
01:57 about it that we decided to take the gospel message and
02:01 to put it into our music.
02:03 I can tell you upfront that we were very, very, absolutely
02:07 sincere, we were on fire.
02:12 As we deal with this subject we are definitely not
02:15 attacking or bringing into question anyone's sincerity
02:20 because again, firsthand experience when in those clubs
02:24 talking about Jesus.
02:26 I was doing it sincerely, but the Lord began to do some
02:31 things in my life that brought me to a crossroads where
02:35 I had to decide whether I was going to do what I believe
02:40 the word of God was calling me to do or to continue.
02:44 From that point on actually pretend to be serving Christ
02:49 when I knew that God had showed me otherwise.
02:52 So what would happen when you were rapping these songs
02:55 about God that had the hip-hop beat behind it when you
02:59 would go out on stage.
03:00 What would happen? What was the people's reaction?
03:02 We were being touted as one of the first hip-hop groups to
03:08 actually be mixing successfully Christianity with hip-hop.
03:13 So one of the things about music Atonte, especially with
03:17 rap music and rock music and reggae music is that you
03:22 have things that come and go as fads.
03:26 I can just think of so many different fads that came with
03:32 our hip-hop, also with rock music.
03:36 Once it became old, you talk about those things, it became
03:40 old all across the board, no one talked about it anymore.
03:44 I think if for no other reason, this is one of the reasons
03:50 why God does not want to mix His pure message with these
03:56 styles of music because they bring in a fad.
03:59 Before you know it everybody is on this fad, but then 4-5-6
04:04 years passes and now, oh, that is old.
04:07 We don't talk about that anymore.
04:08 This is one of the things that I believe the Lord brought
04:13 conviction to me about was taking something that was going
04:17 to end up becoming a fad, and I believe that is one of the
04:22 reasons Atonte why He actually drew us out of this industry
04:26 because when we talk about the Word of God and the urgency
04:32 of the gospel message I don't think we can take a vehicle
04:38 that makes things cliquish and put the gospel into that
04:42 kind of vehicle because what ends up happening is the
04:46 gospel becomes cliquish and after while, oh, that is old.
04:51 We're off to something new now.
04:52 Now I wasn't married to you when you did the rap music,
04:56 but I have seen some of your album covers and one of
04:59 the songs that was on there was, The Mark of the Beast.
05:02 So you were up there rapping about the Mark of the beast
05:05 and people were dancing, were they putting down their
05:08 marijuana cigarettes or their beer bottles?
05:12 That is a very serious message.
05:14 Right, I always remember being in the club's and the four
05:17 of us would be performing and talking about Jesus.
05:19 We would be warning the people, come out of the clubs and
05:24 all these different things and yet we didn't see people
05:28 putting down those things we knew weren't good.
05:32 We didn't see them putting down alcohol or changing their
05:35 vocabulary or different things like that.
05:37 It was just, yeah this music is really cool man.
05:41 This music is just, you guys are famous, or whatever it was
05:47 but we didn't see any actual changes.
05:49 That is not to say there were no changes.
05:52 I believe that God used us, and I will say He used us in
05:55 our ignorance, I believe while we were ignorant in what we
05:59 were doing, God used us because we were sincere.
06:03 But when the time came for more light to be brought to us,
06:07 we had to either follow that light or turn away from it.
06:12 So you felt you could no longer try to help people get
06:16 out of Babylon and still be in Babylon yourself?
06:19 That was a very distinct message the Lord gave me after
06:21 I was very concerned because I didn't see any changes
06:24 happening and I was wondering Lord how come these people
06:27 aren't having this dramatic change in their lives.
06:31 What is going on?
06:33 The Lord said to me, my son you cannot call people out
06:37 of Babylon if you are still a Babylon yourself.
06:40 Atonte I know so many young people who are attempting to
06:43 use the methods of Babylon, the things of Babylon
06:49 to reach the world.
06:52 It is a principle that God makes clear in His word that
06:58 He does not use the things of Satan to His glory.
07:02 God calls us out, He said you are in Babylon.
07:07 Again I said there are many people who are still dressing
07:11 and acting and talking according to this world, but trying
07:16 to use the gospel message in that setting to bring other
07:21 people into the church.
07:23 It is very interesting because the Bible tells us that we
07:28 should have a humble meek spirit about us.
07:32 You have told me, and I have seen for myself, that it's
07:37 impossible to rap or sing hip-hop music or R & B music
07:42 or rock music and have a humble spirit about yourself.
07:46 People aren't coming to see a humble meek spirit just
07:49 calmly walk across the stage and say nice words.
07:53 You have to have that prideful spirit about yourself.
07:59 That is why it is difficult to mix the two.
08:00 That is right and a lot of these so-called Christian
08:04 hip-hop lyrics you will have artists saying things like,
08:08 I smash the devil and I do this and I do that to the devil.
08:13 Again, myself being one of those artists, those words were
08:17 words that were full of pride and self exaltation.
08:22 I had the power to do this, and I had the power to do that.
08:26 It is impossible to have a spirit of humility while you
08:31 are on the stage and moving a certain way.
08:34 You have to be bouncing a certain way and the whole
08:38 thing just reeks of pride.
08:39 The audience doesn't want you up there in front of them...
08:48 they want to see that you think that you have got it.
08:50 They want to see you strut across the stage.
08:53 They want to see you act like you are it.
08:55 Atonte: All of that the young people would say.
08:58 The spirit of humility is totally absent, and totally
09:03 contradictory to the rock and rap industry.
09:08 We see the example of Jesus went He came to this earth.
09:12 He was so humble and so meek and just had a Spirit about
09:17 Him that didn't draw attention to Himself because of a
09:21 prideful spirit, but because He had the Holy Spirit and
09:25 the love of the Father that people were drawn to Him.
09:28 You know Atonte, one of the things that concerns me the
09:32 most, as I came out of the hip-hop industry and was fully
09:36 drawn out, even in the Christian so-called.
09:39 When I came out of the group that we were in, I thought to
09:46 myself I am now fully out of this and I began to look
09:52 at what was happening in churches,
09:54 I'm talking about all denominations.
09:55 I would say to myself this is amazing, here I am I just
09:59 gave over $800,000 contract to get out of this entire realm
10:04 and here it is coming into the church.
10:06 I read somewhere that just before Jesus comes again, one of
10:10 the issues that the devil will actually use to deceive a lot
10:14 of people, especially in churches, would be the issue of
10:19 music, of so-called Christian rap, or Christian rock.
10:24 Christian versions of worldly styles of music.
10:28 It is a very big issue right now.
10:32 Many people are dealing with it because they say, hey we
10:35 don't listen, we only listen to the words it's not about
10:39 the music or the beat, it's only about the words.
10:43 We are going to touch on the issue, but let me say this.
10:45 I think of Daniel Chapter three as well.
10:47 Daniel 3 is a story of three Hebrew boys who were
10:52 brought to a confrontation that has a prophetic scenario
10:56 behind it, in other words there was the actual and literal
11:00 story of these three Hebrews, who were brought before this
11:04 image that King Nebuchadnezzar, that Babylon had built.
11:08 He commanded all the people to bow down at the time when
11:12 the music was played to this image.
11:15 Well this has a greater fulfillment in the last days
11:17 because we read about another image that is going to
11:21 be built and I believe that music is going to play a
11:24 very important part of bringing all the people
11:27 together to bow down.
11:29 Atonte it's been said that music is a universal language and we
11:33 have seen that hip hop and rock music, especially hip-hop,
11:38 it has broken all cultural barriers.
11:42 That's right, I didn't watch the program myself but a friend
11:46 e- mailed me about it, it was on Nightline.
11:49 They were interviewing some Iranian Muslim young men.
11:54 Iran is the most conservative Muslim country in the world.
11:58 It is stated to be one of the most conservative.
12:01 These young people were at a college there in Iran and they
12:06 were being interviewed about their lifestyle.
12:08 The reporter asked them, what is your favorite kind of
12:10 music, what do you enjoy listening to?
12:13 The response was Snoop Doggy Dog, which is a rapper who
12:20 is from the Los Angeles area and who is very big.
12:24 He is so big that he has gone all the way to Iran, which is
12:28 one of the most conservative Muslim countries.
12:31 He is one of the most vulgar rappers if you will.
12:36 Because he raps about women and sex and uses a lot of
12:40 filthy words, so it's amazing how this has penetrated
12:44 every single culture.
12:46 We get letters from people in New Zealand, South Africa,
12:50 Australia, all around the world who are saying hip-hop is
12:54 here, and I was reading an article on the way here to film
12:58 these programs, that France is huge,
13:02 the whole hip-hop music is very huge.
13:06 It is all around the world, it doesn't matter if you are
13:07 black, white, Korean, Chinese, it doesn't matter.
13:10 It's there.
13:11 Right, we have discussed on the prior program the issues
13:14 a secular rock, secular rap, and on this program we want
13:18 to get into what we have been talking about, so-called
13:22 Christian rock and Christian rap.
13:24 We are going to go back to a Bible verse that we have
13:27 been using throughout this program so you can get this
13:29 firmly established in your mind.
13:31 Revelation 18:23 and again the Bible says in the latter
13:37 part of that verse, "for by thy sorceries were"
13:40 "all nations deceived. "
13:43 Again Atonte when you think about all nations being
13:45 deceived by sorcery, we know that this is not saying
13:48 that all nations are going to end up watching Harry Potter.
13:51 In most people's mind sorcery stops at Harry Potter or it
13:54 stop at the Ouija board or astrology and different
14:00 things like that but the Bible says here that all nations
14:02 were deceived by sorcery.
14:03 When we understand the definition, as we stated before,
14:06 this word sorcery, Greek word Pharmakeia.
14:09 It is anything that medicates the mind, in particular,
14:13 so that it will not follow the will or law of God.
14:15 Atonte: Anything? Ivor: anything!
14:17 So when we think about rock music and rap music which are
14:22 full of rebellion, we can rightly and biblically state
14:27 that these styles of music are a form of sorcery or magic.
14:32 Now Atonte we would call these black magic, overtly evil.
14:38 No one has a question who reads the Bible that the words
14:44 of these styles of music and the different fruits that these
14:50 styles of music produced are evil.
14:54 The Bible calls these, in fact and 1 Samuel 15:23,
14:57 the Bible says witchcraft is as, rather rebellion is the
15:02 sin of witchcraft.
15:03 Or rather rebellion is witchcraft.
15:05 The fact that these styles of music encourage rebellion,
15:10 in particular against God, we can biblically say that
15:15 these are a form of magic.
15:18 Are black magic.
15:20 We would call that black magic.
15:22 So things like the Ouija board, that would be classified
15:25 under black magic? Ivor: that's right!
15:27 The books and movies of Harry Potter, that is openly
15:30 black magic and we can see that those things are evil.
15:34 Most people consider Harry Potter black magic.
15:37 They'll consider the Ouija board, I'm talking about
15:41 Christians now, they will consider the Ouija board black
15:44 magic but they won't stop to consider that rock music and
15:47 rap music and these different styles of music that pull
15:50 people away from God by medicating the mind so
15:53 they will not follow the will, or law of God is also a
15:56 form of magic, black magic.
15:59 We're not talking about black magic today, but there is
16:02 another part to that, Wicca witches will often say,
16:05 we do not practice black magic, we practice white magic.
16:09 I've been on the Internet and seeing Atonte, where there are
16:13 some Christian Wiccans.
16:15 People who profess to be both Christian and Wiccan
16:19 at the same time.
16:20 Because they use that power to do good things.
16:23 That's right and the definition of white magic, we would
16:28 say white magic is that which is used for good purposes.
16:32 That's what a Wiccan would say, white magic is used for
16:36 good purposes, but as a Christian we know that all magic
16:40 comes from one source and that source is the devil it is Satan.
16:44 He appears, the Bible says, in 2 Corinthians 11:14, in
16:48 no marvel for Satan himself appears as an angel of light.
16:53 So here's the principal Atonte.
16:55 Satan realizes that for every genuine thing he has to
17:00 produce two counterfeits.
17:01 One for the world, black magic.
17:04 Then the church is not going to fall for that, the church is not
17:08 going to say, hey let's go out to do a séance.
17:12 They are not going to do that, so he has to provide
17:17 another face, another deception and we will call that
17:21 deception, white magic.
17:23 That which appears as light.
17:26 I was reading in one book Atonte where it likened,
17:29 it described white magic as happening in many so-called
17:33 Christian circles, using the name of God, even using Bible
17:38 terms and terminology, calling itself light because it
17:42 appears as righteous instead of overtly evil.
17:46 So this concept of white magic, or the beautiful side of
17:51 evil, is what it is called in some places, is a very
17:57 pertinent point when we come to the issue of Christian
18:02 rock and Christian rap.
18:05 You know Atonte, real quick, we look at the history of how
18:08 Satan has worked.
18:09 You look at paganism, very powerful tool that Satan was
18:14 using for thousands of years, but once he saw the church
18:19 beginning to move forward in Christ.
18:21 He was realizing he was losing his grip what he said was,
18:25 okay, we will take this overtly evil and we
18:31 will make it look good.
18:33 It's almost like you can't beat him, so join him.
18:36 So join him.
18:37 So he brought in his deceptions a lot of his sorcery as it were,
18:42 into being favorable with Christians because it now
18:47 appeared with the name Christian before it.
18:51 So we get to the issue Atonte, of music again, we see
18:54 for every genuine there are two counterfeits.
18:56 You have got holy music.
18:59 As we said the Angels in heaven
19:02 are singing holy music all the time.
19:04 Then we've got the obviously evil, when Christians look
19:08 at rock and rap they are obviously seeing this is not
19:12 a good thing, look at what it's doing.
19:13 But then the devil says if we can't beat them, join them.
19:18 Join them with the world.
19:20 Here you have the concept now of Christian rap,
19:23 Christian rock which the devil is using as a form of
19:27 white magic to deceive many.
19:29 Let's clarify that, we are not saying that people are
19:32 practicing white magic.
19:34 I did not know that I was, I wasn't out there saying
19:37 I'm going to take holy and profane and mix them together.
19:40 But in my ignorance I was doing what I thought was God's will.
19:45 Until God opened my eyes and showed me what fellowship
19:48 does light have with darkness, or Belial, which is another
19:53 name of Satan, with Christ.
19:54 I think a perfect example is going back to your testimony.
19:58 You at first you were doing what we quote, unquote say,
20:02 black magic, you were doing open obviously evil music.
20:07 Talking about things of the world and
20:08 nothing was about God.
20:10 Then actually you got, became converted during the second
20:13 album, and the second half of the album talked about God.
20:16 Because that is what you wanted to talk about, but you
20:19 kept the same beat, the same rhythm,
20:21 everything was the same.
20:22 Ivor: and the same spirit.
20:24 The same spirit, did you lose any followers?
20:26 Did your fans, or the people that bought your music say,
20:29 no way, you are saying things about God, or did they keep
20:31 dancing on side B like they did side A?
20:35 Yep, I think that just shows again, light and darkness
20:40 cannot dwell together.
20:42 Wherever you see light and darkness dwelling together in
20:47 so-called harmony, something is not right there.
20:50 When we're going to those clubs and be speaking words of
20:56 light, but our music was in darkness people were grooving
21:01 to our music, they were dancing to this life and death message.
21:04 We thought, there is something wrong with this definitely.
21:08 Not to say that all we should listen to is hymns, that is
21:12 not so because there is a lot of contemporary music out there
21:15 that I believe is very reverent and glorifying God.
21:21 There are different cultures that listen to different
21:26 music, or play different music according to their culture.
21:30 No one is telling anyone, this is the exact music that
21:33 you have to play or listen to.
21:35 I call it there is good music with inside a box but then
21:40 there is also other music outside of the box that is not
21:43 good and we are just finding that many times and churches
21:47 were going outside that box.
21:49 We are going outside of biblical guidelines.
21:52 Atonte, I've heard the argument a lot of times,
21:56 what if the words are good and we're using it to
22:00 this style of music?
22:01 There is a powerful example Atonte in Chapter 16 of this
22:05 very argument, it says here in Acts 16:16.
22:09 "And it came to pass that as we went to prayer a certain"
22:14 "damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which"
22:18 "brought her masters much gain by soothsaying. "
22:20 So it's obvious here Atonte, that this woman is possessed
22:24 with a demonic spirit.
22:26 But it goes on to say in verse 17,
22:28 "the same followed Paul and us, and cried saying, these"
22:32 "men are the servants of the most high God, which show"
22:37 "unto us the way of salvation. "
22:39 Now the question is, is sorcery at work here?
22:43 Obviously so, the text says it.
22:45 It tells us this woman was possessed with an evil spirit.
22:49 But the question again is, what kind of sorcery, or what
22:52 kind of magic is she using?
22:55 Overtly evil, or she using something that appears to be
22:58 good, or is she doing something that appears to be good
23:02 and holy and righteous?
23:04 It appears to be good because she is saying that these are
23:06 men of God, which they were men of God.
23:08 She was not lying, but the spirit that she had
23:11 in her was a demon.
23:13 Now listen what it says.
23:14 "And this she did many days. But Paul being grieved,"
23:18 "turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name"
23:22 "of Jesus Christ to come out of her. "
23:24 "And he came out the same hour. "
23:28 Atonte I think here is a clear example in the Bible where
23:32 this woman is possessed by an evil, wicked spirit, but the
23:37 spirit is hiding under the guise of light, or whiteness.
23:41 White magic, white sorcery.
23:43 The words that she is using are good words, but the devil
23:48 knew, and Paul knew as well, that if you could get this
23:53 woman who was steeped in the culture of witchcraft and
23:57 sorcery, which she was, if he can get this woman to go out
24:01 and start to proclaim the message, what he would be doing
24:05 he would be successfully mocking the work of God.
24:10 That is what a lot of Christian rock and Christian rap
24:14 does, it mocks the word of God.
24:17 God says I want you to be humble, I want you to be meek.
24:20 It is the very opposite, the words are good, the music
24:23 inspires rebellion as we looked at in our previous show.
24:28 The culture is a rebellious culture, so to use something
24:32 that is rebellious and stick Christ's name to it,
24:34 to say this is good.
24:36 I think if Paul were in our time he would turn and rebuke
24:39 that spirit as well.
24:40 Why else would Satan do that?
24:43 Demons are able to speak truth, because he did it with Eve.
24:47 Satan said a little bit of truth and mixed it with some lies and
24:51 that was the way he was able to beguile her, or to deceive her.
24:54 That is the only reason why he would do that.
24:57 The Bible tells us, by their fruits you shall know them.
25:01 I think anytime we test something we ought to
25:04 look at the fruit.
25:05 I believe gospel rock, rap and ragging all reveal the fruit of
25:08 rebellion which is, as the Bible says, witchcraft,
25:13 a form of sorcery.
25:14 Why do we say that?
25:16 Well first of all I believe that rap and rock music causes
25:20 division, out in the world it caused division.
25:23 It is not family oriented.
25:25 You never hear a rap about how much you love your family,
25:28 or how much you love your wife, it's about division.
25:31 It divides even out in the world.
25:34 Isn't there a promise the Bible that God says in the last
25:37 days He is going to draw the hearts of the fathers to the
25:40 children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers.
25:43 And not separate them.
25:45 As we bring gospel rap into the church,
25:47 what do we see happening?
25:48 We are seeing that we can't even worship together anymore.
25:51 You have to have a youth service that has this type of
25:54 music and have another service for the older generation.
25:58 And it is causing division.
25:59 Another thing Atonte, we talked about this in a previous show
26:02 Cowley's law, do as thy will shall be the whole of the law.
26:06 I find that a lot of people have this attitude that I
26:09 don't care what you think, I'm going to listen to
26:13 this music anyway.
26:14 I'm going to just rebel against the standards that
26:20 we believe are just church standards.
26:21 We are going to do we want to do.
26:23 So that is another fruit, the fruit of rebellion.
26:26 The fruit of I'm going to do what I want to do.
26:28 There's a third fruit Atonte and that is, as we watch what
26:32 this is doing as it comes into churches, all across the
26:36 board, the culture of rock and rap are being dragged
26:40 right in behind the music.
26:42 You can't separate the music from the culture.
26:44 So as the music comes in weeks, or months, or years later
26:47 now you find kids coming to church dress with their hat
26:50 turned backward, pants sagging, and the culture is
26:53 following right on the heels.
26:55 The last point Atonte is that when we look at the issue of
26:59 biblical literacy among our youth, it is interesting that
27:04 the more this music takes the place of solid Bible study,
27:07 of solid worship, we are finding that more and more of these
27:11 kids are less and less biblically literate.
27:14 I believe that is one of the devil's plans because he wants
27:17 to pull us totally, just wipe out the young people so that
27:20 they have no Bible knowledge and everything is about
27:22 feelings and in doing that, what else does the
27:28 devil have to do?
27:29 He has wiped out a complete generation.
27:30 Christ has come to say, I want you to stand and rise to the
27:35 occasion, to be firm in knowing what is right and what is
27:40 wrong and to depend on the word of God to draw people.
27:44 Not these other means which the devil offers us.
27:47 That's right, you know just to encourage those out there
27:51 that may be frustrated and be thinking what music can I
27:55 listen to, there is good holy music that will draw you
27:59 closer to the Lord.
28:00 He desires that for you.
28:03 So it is our prayer that you will seek by your searching.
28:06 We are out of time.
28:08 So until next time, God bless.


Revised 2014-12-17