Participants: Dick Nunez (Host), Janet Nelson and Richard Nelson
Series Code: BASA
Program Code: BASA000044
00:02 The following program is designed to demonstrate
00:04 simple workouts that you can use to 00:05 improve your health. 00:08 Be sure to consult your physician 00:10 before beginning any exercise program. 00:14 Many people are plagued with Tendonitis in 00:16 various areas, we gonna to talk more about that 00:19 describing what it is? And what we can 00:21 do about it. Next on Body & Spirit Aerobics. 00:52 Hello, I am Dick Nunez, Wellness Director of the 00:53 Black Hills Health and Education Center, 00:55 welcome to Body & Spirit Aerobics. 00:58 Many people suffer from Tendon problems of 01:00 various joints, it can be tennis elbow or Carpal 01:04 Tunnel Syndrome, or what ever it might be, 01:06 but there are good things we can do about it and as 01:08 long as we reduce that information and get some 01:10 good exercise in, we can see tremendous turn 01:13 arounds. We're gonna to talk more that along with 01:16 going through our workout program. 01:17 I think we're ready to get started, helping me 01:19 out will be Richard and Janet Nelson, and they 01:23 share a similar last name, because they're 01:25 husband and wife of some 35 years right 39, 01:28 39 years, get that right. Okay, those extra four 01:31 years, Okay we're gonna warm up and we're gonna 01:34 do some upper body work first, we'll do about 10 01:38 minutes of aerobics today. Only for the all 01:41 for the fact that we might have some people 01:43 here that are experiencing some 01:44 tendon problems and one of the main areas 01:47 it can be effected with tendon aches is in the 01:49 knee area so that will limit how much somebody 01:52 can move but we'll also do some stuff for the 01:55 upper body and tennis elbow and so forth. 01:59 Okay, let's go the other way and if you have some 02:04 Tendonitis in your shoulders, this might 02:06 actually hurt a little bit, one of the areas it 02:09 effects a lot of people especially weight 02:11 lighters is the Bicipital tendon, and that effects 02:16 the area in a shoulder and I'll show that in 02:18 just a second here okay, let's go ahead and start 02:20 some chest training, the bicipital tendon, 02:23 is right in this area of the shoulder and if 02:26 you have somebody turn your hand out, 02:28 you can usually feel that bicep tendon and that 02:31 gets some pain, when people do in lots of 02:33 heavy bench presses. Okay, well what we're 02:35 gonna do is we are gonna put our hands like this 02:37 we're gonna push them together and go out and 02:40 do our back, push out and then back, push out 02:45 and back, we do have tendon problems, 02:48 you'll find that you'll be able to do most of things 02:49 we're doing. Because we are not using weights, 02:52 we're just using our own body as a resistance 02:54 and so if it is hurting you you simply ease up 02:58 on how hard you are pushing, the more fit you 03:01 are, the harder you can push. Now we are going 03:06 to change the angle, we are gonna push up, 03:09 and push up actually I am more out to an 45 03:12 angle, Okay push, so we're doing like an 03:18 incline press, up at an angle and up and up, 03:27 and up, a lot of people when they workout will 03:29 feel popping the clicking of a joint and the 03:34 question I always asked them is does it hurt 03:36 and if they say no it doesn't hurt, then I say 03:40 well go ahead and continue, but if they 03:42 start experiencing pain from that popping and 03:46 clicking, then it be a good idea for them to stop 03:50 Alright, let's go five more times, squeeze the 03:52 hands together and up and up and up, one more 03:59 time and up, okay hands behind the head, 04:03 push the elbows back, way back, 04:09 alright now give yourself a hug, pull your 04:12 shoulder blades apart and then back again and push 04:20 the elbows back. And now give yourself another 04:25 hug. Alright, let's get right into focusing on 04:34 tendon problems, we're gonna to do a little bit 04:36 tendon problems, we're gonna to do a little bit of 04:37 work on the tennis elbow situation, tennis elbow 04:40 usually affects right in here and it extends her 04:43 tendons of the form and the reason why it's called 04:47 tennis elbow is when somebody is hitting a 04:49 tennis ball if they don't have their arm in a 04:51 proper position or they're not hitting the 04:53 ball cleanly on the tennis racket it will create a 04:56 vibration through here and start to inflame this 04:58 tendon, also it can happen a lot through just 05:01 using a hammer, of course most guys use nail 05:05 guns now, so they don't have quite so much 05:07 problem with that, but in order to work the 05:09 tendons here you see if you take the hand, 05:12 the hand only has so much strength in it 05:14 because the fingers don't have a lot of 05:16 muscle in them, the strength of the hand is 05:19 dictated by the form and so I squeeze my hand 05:23 you see my form starting work. So what we're 05:25 gonna to do is we are just gonna put our arms 05:26 out like this, we're just going to squeeze our 05:29 hands, I remember a fellow I had who was a 05:33 squash player and he hadn't played squash in 05:36 two years, because he had tennis elbow so bad 05:39 and so I said well, let me give you a workout 05:40 routine, so I started him on a routine like this 05:44 and with in two weeks he was out playing 05:47 squash again. Didn't take him very long to 05:50 start turning it around and this is a pretty 05:54 simple exercise which you feel in that area 05:57 don't you. Okay now what we are going to do 06:00 is keep your hands out, we're gonna go down 06:03 and up and down and up and down and up and 06:07 down and up and down and up and down and up, 06:13 down and up, and down and up. You should be 06:17 feeling that on your forearms, okay now 06:20 we're gonna hold in this position. We're gonna 06:22 turn and turn and turn and turn, turn out, 06:28 turn in, turn out, now in, turn out and in, turn out 06:35 and in, turn out and in, turn out and in, turn out 06:42 and turn in, turn out and in, turn out and out, 06:50 turn out, 3 more times, turn out and 2 and 3. 06:57 Now, keep them out there still, now open the 06:59 hands, close them, open, close, open, close, 07:03 open, close, and close, open, close, open, close, 07:10 open, close. Okay, your forearms starting to get 07:15 tired; okay Richard, how are we doing? 07:18 More in the shoulders. More in the shoulders 07:24 and that can happen too, okay keep squeezing, 07:29 squeeze, see every time you squeeze the muscles 07:32 in the forearms are working, as we're 07:34 extending and flexing and when you do exercise, 07:39 it puts fresh oxidated nutrient rich blood 07:42 through the area and takes waste byproduct 07:45 out. Okay, let's go and put the arms down. 07:49 Now, we're gonna stretch that area, we're gonna 07:51 put our hand out and I'm just going to take it and 07:54 pull back. So, you're feeling it stretch 07:57 through your forearm and hold that. 08:04 Okay, now lets do the other side. I was a shot 08:10 putter back in college, and I've very small hands 08:13 and I'm launching a 1 pound ball, my small 08:15 hands could get a little uncomfortable. So, I did 08:18 a lot of this kind of stretching in order to 08:19 get my forearms ready to handle it. Okay now, 08:22 we're gonna switch down, you should be feeling 08:25 that stretch on the top of your wrist now. 08:28 So, it should be stretching in through the 08:29 extensors. These are the extensors of the forearms 08:34 and underneath there's the flexors and let's go 08:39 the side now. Push it down and stretching, 08:45 up in through here. Okay, good, now we're 08:54 gonna do some shoulder activity, one of the 08:57 terms you hear a lot of in our culture is about 09:00 rotator cuffs and rotator cuff is made up 09:02 muscles. In fact let's go over to Janet and use her 09:07 as an anatomy chart for a second. 09:08 If you turn this way Janet, here is the 09:10 scapula and then you have the Supraspinatus up 09:13 here, the Infraspinatus down here Teres minor 09:15 down here and underneath there is the 09:17 Subscapularis with these muscles that catch up 09:19 under the shoulder here and so they'll have a 09:22 common tendon up in this area and if it gets 09:25 in flame you have other inflamed rotator cuff 09:27 and so one of the things, you can do for that. 09:30 Now, if your rotator cuff is torn, you're gonna 09:32 have to get it taken care of. 'Cause this is not 09:34 gonna heal, but I should clarify that. If it's torn 09:38 all the way where the Synovial-fluid is 09:40 getting through, if it just a slight little tear, 09:43 then it might heal and so on, but if the 09:44 Synovial- fluid is present and it's turned 09:46 all the way through then you're not gonna get 09:48 any better, and it's just gonna keep hurting 09:50 you and you need to go on and have it fix, 09:52 but for those who are just experiencing some, 09:55 some rotator cuff stress there are some exercise 09:58 you can do. We're gonna put our elbows into our 10:00 side and we're gonna rotate our arms out and 10:03 draw back in and out and in. keep those elbows into 10:07 your side and this is a simple exercise I know, 10:11 but if you have problems in that area. 10:15 It will be very beneficial for you and 10:17 you can use some resistance, you can use 10:19 like dumbbells or you can use like some 10:22 rubber bands or the exercise bands that are 10:24 out there and out, way out, way out and out 10:34 and all that we are doing is external and 10:37 internal rotation of the shoulder. If this motion 10:40 hurts, then you probably have a pretty 10:43 good idea that you do have some rotator cuff 10:45 problem, and out and out. Enjoy yourselves, 10:53 you're able to workout and you don't have sore tendons. 10:56 So, you should be happy, 11:01 actually you get sore tendons every 11:02 once a while, we're all do. Yeah. 11:05 And the best thing to do, when you start 11:07 feeling a sore tendon is put the ice on there. 11:10 Lot of people want to through heat on there 11:12 and that's not the thing to do. Get ice on there, 11:14 because ice will reduce the inflammation and 11:17 when I've people that come through our 11:19 wellness program that are suffering from the 11:20 tendonitis, whenever we work them out. 11:23 I make sure they ice themselves after the 11:24 workout, so we don't create any inflammation 11:28 and we keep working towards the healing 11:29 process and we find many, many people 11:34 having great benefits from their tendon pain, 11:37 by getting into a good exercise program and 11:39 also what they eat affects how much 11:41 inflammation they have. Certainly going on a 11:44 vegetarian diet is a non inflaming type diet that 11:47 will help reduce pain that you might be suffering. 11:51 Let's go about 5 more, 11:56 okay now we're gonna make it a little bit tougher. 11:58 We're gonna come up like this, we're gonna 11:59 bring them up and then down and up and down 12:04 and up and down, okay we wanna keep the 12:06 arms totally flat here. Okay and then down, 12:11 there we go, keep them at a 90 degree 12:13 bend the whole time. Okay, alright, it looks 12:18 good, keep smiling. Okay, up and down and up 12:26 and down and up and down and down 12:31 and up and down, up and down and up and down, 12:37 10 more times, there's 1 and 2 and up and 3, up 12:43 and 4, up, and 5, up, 6, up, 7, up, 8, up, 9, 12:53 up, 10 and relax. Now some at home might say, 12:57 well that one hurt. Well if it hurts don't do it, 13:00 because not all of you are going to be in the 13:02 same position or have the same injuries, okay 13:06 lets start with some wide legs, so just start 13:08 by stepping gently in our aerobic workout. 13:11 We're gonna start slow, 13:18 whenever you start aerobic training. 13:20 We want always you have a introductory face to it. 13:22 We don't want to get going too quickly, 13:25 because that will put a little too much stress on 13:27 the heart too quickly and it can cause 13:32 premature ventricular contraction and we 13:34 don't want those. Which also is known as 13:36 arrhythmia where it feels like your heart is 13:38 skipped a beat. Okay and go from there, 13:41 right into some squats, squat down and up, 13:45 squat down and up. Say it together, down and up 13:49 and down and up. We are gonna do 20 of them 13:53 there is 5, and 6, and 7, and 8, 9 half way there, 14:04 keep the chest up, keep the knees over the feet. 14:09 Push the hips back as you squat, 14, 15, 16, 14:16 17, 18, 19, 20. Okay, hands on the hips, 14:23 step back and forward and back and forward, 14:27 step back and forward, step back, step back, 14:33 step back, step back, and step, and step, and step, 14:42 and step, and step, and step, and step, step, step 14:52 and left, and right, and left, and right, left and right 15:03 and left, and right, and left, and right. 15:08 Speed it up a little bit, left, and right, left, right, 15:14 left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, 15:24 left, right, left, right, left, right. Okay, back 15:31 into your step, another good procedure you can 15:35 use for tendons. If you have the person, who 15:38 knows what they're doing is cross friction 15:40 massage, so if you find the tendon that hurts 15:43 and you do a cross friction. Not going this way, but 15:47 going cross this way and you get right on 15:49 that tendon, it is a little bit uncomfortable. 15:52 But, cross friction massage can be very 15:53 beneficial for helping to realign the fibers and 15:58 help that tendon to heal up a little quicker. 16:01 Okay, let's pick it up now, little faster, 16:05 we're gonna keep them contact with the ground. 16:08 When you get into a actual jogging or 16:11 jumping around, you can stress the tendons 16:14 of the knees and also the back and hips. 16:19 Basically any tendon around the body can get 16:21 inflamed, so we wanna stay with, if not people 16:24 get tendonitis of the ankle, tendonitis of the 16:28 knee, tendonitis of the hip, tendonitis in the 16:30 growing area. That takes a long time to 16:33 heal, and of course shoulder get it, elbows 16:37 get it, wrist get it and that's really what the 16:39 carpal tunnel is, the carpal tunnel tendon is 16:43 coming out, carpal tunnel groove and it's 16:45 causing inflammation. Speed up a little more, 16:55 okay now slow down, 17:02 and we're almost through the half way 17:04 mark of our aerobic exercise. So, we'll do about another 17:10 5 and half minutes of aerobics. Then we'll do 17:12 a little bit of a cool down. 17:19 Okay, let's go ahead and stop that, and go 17:20 and do squats again, right back down, 17:22 okay squat, chest up, chest up, chest up, push 17:27 the hips back and squat and squat and squat and squat. 17:34 Now, we go slower and slow, and slow, and slow. 17:42 Speed it up again and down, and down, and down, 17:48 chest up, down. Keep smiling, we're having fun. 17:53 Squat, slow down, and slow, and slow, and slow, and slow. 18:04 Okay speed it up again, chest up, down, down 18:11 and down, and down, and down, and down, 18:17 and down, slow down. Now we're not going 18:20 very deep right now and that's by design. 18:24 Because we're using this as part of our 18:26 aerobic workout and also when people have 18:30 tendon injuries. It hurts for them to go real deep. 18:34 But, if we want it to go into a more heavy 18:38 standard squat. We would start 18:41 working on taking it much further down. 18:44 Okay, and go back into your step, 18:53 okay pick it up. Richard, you were 18:59 saying you would warm me up? 19:00 Yeah. Richard's my temperature gauge, as a 19:02 very efficient furnace and cooling system. 19:08 And as he gets warmed up real quickly and 19:10 starts sweating very quickly. 19:13 Okay, keep pumping the arms, 19:19 okay hands on the hips; let's go do a side step. 19:23 Okay, out to left, then right, left, right, left, 19:30 right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, 19:39 right, left, right, keep going. 19:52 When you're dealing with tendon injuries, 19:53 I wish I could tell you exactly how long you 19:56 need to anticipate for that to get better, 19:59 unfortunately there is no magic answer to it, 20:01 too often people just wanna go in and take 20:03 anti-inflammatories or go get an injection and 20:07 unfortunately that's just cutting down the 20:09 inflammatory response. Where the body is 20:11 trying to heal itself and you're just basically 20:15 cutting down on the time it's gonna take you 20:17 to heal and so you wanna try and do this 20:21 naturally as possible, certainly massage and 20:23 icing are good modalities to use to reduce tendon 20:28 problems and the other thing you wanna do is, 20:31 these tendon problems start happening when 20:32 you over use something like for example, 20:34 if you're doing a lot of hammering or if you're 20:37 doing a lot of raking or shoveling or something, 20:40 something out of your ordinary. That's what's 20:42 gonna put disruption on the connective tissue of 20:45 the muscles and cause the information. 20:49 Okay, go back into your step 20:59 and we're starting to wind down, 2 more 21:01 minutes of this. Now, we can go through to 21:03 the cool down, and after the cool down. 21:06 We'll do a few more easy stretches and then, 21:11 we'll be done, so we can go eat. 21:18 Food always tastes a little better, rest always 21:20 happens a little easier after a good workout 21:22 routine. Okay step it up a little faster, 21:30 Richard and Janet both like to do a lot of 21:32 walking, so this is very natural for them. 21:36 They're dog lovers, they raise Boston Terriers. 21:46 They've one dog named Bilbo, who keeps us all 21:49 on our toes. Because, he's got so much 21:51 enthusiasm enough for all of us. 21:56 Okay, a little faster still, last minute, let's see if 22:00 we can even go one minute like that. 22:04 We're spreading to that finish line, 22:07 looking good Janet. Jog Richard. 22:17 And we're down to 40 seconds to go. 22:26 You having fun yet Richard? 22:28 Yeah, I'm getting there. You're getting there, 22:35 Janet doing okay? Okay. Alright, down to 22:38 20 more seconds, keep pumping it up, pump the arms 22:47 and down to your last 10, 22:52 and 5, 4, 3, 2, slow it down, slow it down, 22:58 slow it down. Now, this is the final phase of the 23:02 aerobic exercise and this is where we are 23:04 allowing the muscles of the body to help the heart. 23:08 Slow down, you don't wanna just stop abruptly 23:11 'cause that's gonna put a lot of demand upon the 23:13 heart, but if we slow down gradually then we 23:15 find ourselves allowing our legs to work as a 23:19 pump to push that venous blood back up 23:21 to the heart and your heart will be thanking 23:23 you all the way. Your heart is thanking you 23:25 right now, thank you for the exercise Richard 23:28 and Janet and thank you for slowing down 23:31 so I don't have to take too much stress. 23:35 Slows down pretty quick. That's a good thing, 23:37 that's one of the good signs of good 23:40 cardiovascular health. Is if your heart rate slows 23:43 down fairly quickly after exercise stops. 23:46 So, if you get your heart rate up to a 120 and 23:49 5 minutes later, it's still at a 110. That's not a 23:52 good thing, you want your heart rate to go 23:53 down and the more fit you become, the more 23:57 effective your body will be at doing that. 23:59 Because as you workout, of course as 24:01 you know your heart is a muscle and it work as 24:03 a pump and as you exercise the stroke 24:06 volume of the heart becomes improved and 24:08 you get better circulation and it reduces the blood 24:11 pressure, puts glucose into the cells, to help 24:14 control diabetes. It does lots of good things, 24:17 okay we're doing well. We're coming down to 24:20 the end of our cool down. Now, we're gonna stretch 24:23 out a little bit and then we'll be all done, 24:26 so we're down to our last 30 seconds. 24:31 Richard and Janet had a good aerobic workout. 24:34 And I've had a good time watching it. 24:45 And we're down to our last 10 seconds, almost home 24:55 and 2, 1. Now relax, now let's stretch out 24:59 and we're gonna stretch the calves first, put the 25:02 left leg bent, right leg straight. 25:05 Push the heel to the floor and just let that stretch, 25:15 okay, switch. Front leg is bent, back leg is straight. 25:20 Push the heel to the floor, stretch the calve 25:25 and breath in through the nose, out through 25:28 the mouth, in through the nose, out through the mouth. 25:35 Okay, now we're gonna stretch our hamstring, 25:39 gonna step out, just step out and then back leg is 25:43 bent, lean forward into it, keep the chest up. 25:53 Let's hold that for about 10 seconds. 25:58 Okay, now let's switch over to the other side, 26:01 back leg is bent, front leg is straight, up on the heel. 26:06 Lean forward into it, keep your chest up, 26:15 okay good, and now let's step out to the side. 26:19 Okay, this leg is bent, this leg is straight 26:22 I want to stretch the inside of the thigh. 26:30 Alright let's shift the other side, chest up. 26:38 Keep breathing in through the nose, 26:39 out through the mouth. 26:44 Okay, good, alright folks we are done. Thanks a lot. 26:50 When you're dealing with tendon problems, 26:51 we want to take it step by step. The first thing 26:54 you do is to put the ice to it. That reduces the 26:56 inflammation, after you do that for about 48 hours. 27:00 Then you can start with hot and cold. 27:02 Always finish with the cold and then we wanna 27:04 start into some exercise, because exercise is the 27:07 thing that's gonna encourage healing and 27:09 remember when you've tendon problems. 27:11 There is the reason why, usually it's because of 27:13 some type of muscular imbalance. 27:15 Where you've just overstressed an area or 27:17 it's because you don't have enough muscular 27:19 strength, by getting in regular exercise 27:21 program and strengthening the muscles around the joint. 27:24 You'll find yourself having much and much 27:26 less tendon problem. Whatever you do, 27:28 you wanna make sure you're doing up for the 27:29 right reason. You don't wanna do it for yourself; 27:32 you wanna do it so you can glorify God with your 27:33 body and as you go through less and less pain. 27:36 You can then share to others what the Lord 27:38 has done for you. So, do it for the right reason, 27:40 that's why we claim the promise here on 27:42 Body and Spirit and Body and Spirit Aerobics 27:45 of Philippians 4:13 which states, I can do 27:47 all things through Christ who strengthens me. 27:50 Thank you for joining us, God bless you 27:52 and we look forward to seeing you next time 27:54 on Body and Spirit Aerobics. |
Revised 2014-12-17