Body and Spirit Aerobics

Knee Pain

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dick Nunez (Host), Jonathan Babb, Megan Frasier


Series Code: BASA

Program Code: BASA000037

00:01 The following program is designed
00:03 to demonstrate simple workouts
00:04 that you can use to improve your health.
00:08 Be sure to consult your physician
00:10 before beginning any exercise program.
00:14 Knee pain keeps a lot of people from doing exercise.
00:17 There are things you can do to help strengthen your knees,
00:20 and exercise you can do.
00:22 Find out how to do it.
00:23 Next, on Body and Spirit Aerobics.
00:52 Hello, I'm Dick Nunez,
00:54 Wellness Director of the Black Hills Health
00:55 and Education Center.
00:57 Welcome to Body and Spirit Aerobics.
00:59 During my career,
01:00 I've worked with a lot of people with bad knees
01:02 and their cause from various reasons.
01:04 Of course, injury is the number one thing
01:05 we think of,
01:06 but a lot of that can be caused just from bad lifestyle
01:09 as bodyweight starts to go up
01:11 and the stress on the knee starts to take place
01:13 or we start to get into arthritic conditions,
01:15 and people think there's not much they can do.
01:17 They don't exercise,
01:18 so what happens is their legs get weaker
01:20 and their knees take more stress
01:22 and there's more pain.
01:23 So we're gonna show you some things
01:24 we can do to strengthen the area
01:26 around the knee
01:27 and give you a little more of an anatomical lesson
01:29 about how the knee joint works.
01:31 So we're ready to get started,
01:32 helping me out today will be Megan and Jonathan.
01:37 Couple of young people
01:38 who probably don't have any knee problems as of yet,
01:40 but they probably don't want any,
01:42 so we're gonna do what we can to help prevent them.
01:44 So let's just loosen up in general right now.
01:47 Now we're gonna start with some arm circles,
01:49 nice and relaxed.
01:52 Just enjoy it, up and around, get up, bigger circles,
01:56 up, up, up, up.
02:00 If you feel yourself popping and cracking a little bit
02:02 while you do that,
02:04 it's not totally out of the ordinary,
02:06 hopefully as you get more fit, it'll be lesser problems.
02:08 Let's go the other way now.
02:11 Like you're doing a butterfly swim stroke,
02:14 up and around, I can't swim, so...
02:17 This is the best I can do is swimming through air.
02:22 Okay, and up and around,
02:23 up and around, up and around,
02:29 all right, good.
02:31 We're gonna start our program with you folks on your back,
02:34 with your head up this way.
02:36 Come on, lay down.
02:39 And what we're gonna do is put your hands
02:43 under your hips.
02:45 Okay, come on, your hips are under your back there.
02:48 Okay. Put your legs out straight.
02:51 And now what you're gonna do is we're gonna take one leg,
02:55 just your right leg here and raise it up straight,
02:58 right up to here.
02:59 Okay? And then go down.
03:01 Back up, and down.
03:04 Again up, and down.
03:06 Try and do that twenty times.
03:09 Okay? Keep going like that.
03:12 The knee is made up of ligaments,
03:15 tendons, cartilage,
03:17 and some of those things are what causes people's problems.
03:20 Lot of times we hear about the cartilage,
03:22 and the cartilage is, is the little membrane piece
03:26 that's right in this area
03:28 and if people start to have pain through here,
03:31 that's a lot of times it can be there if it feels
03:33 like it catches
03:34 and you have the ligaments on the side
03:36 and the crucial ligaments underneath,
03:38 then you have the patellar tendon
03:40 coming through here,
03:42 and the patella ligament underneath.
03:43 All those areas are susceptive to being injured or strained.
03:48 How many have you done there?
03:50 Sixteen. Okay, very good.
03:51 You're a newcomer and you still count it,
03:53 that's good.
03:54 We'll keep you.
03:58 Okay. We're doing twenty on this side.
04:00 Now let's switch over to the other side.
04:03 Now this is a very simple exercise
04:05 but very beneficial
04:06 because even though
04:07 they're just raising the leg up straight
04:09 and it is working their hip flexors,
04:11 it's also stimulating the quadriceps muscles,
04:16 as they stabilize the knee as you're raising up.
04:19 A lot of times, when people are getting ready to go
04:21 into a surgical procedure,
04:22 doctors like to have people do exercises like this
04:25 to get them ready for it
04:26 because when somebody is,
04:28 somebody has strong fit muscles,
04:30 it'll help them to come through the surgery
04:33 that much better and rehabilitate
04:34 that much quicker.
04:37 It's very simple.
04:39 Just raise it up but yet as he's doing it,
04:41 I can see Jonathan's quadriceps tightening up.
04:46 Megan looks comfortable.
04:48 You just look like you need a pillow and a blanket,
04:50 you'll be ready to go.
04:52 Okay. How many have you done?
04:54 Twenty. Twenty.
04:55 Okay.
04:56 Now what we're gonna do is bend the knee slightly,
04:58 go back to the right leg, bend it slightly.
05:01 Okay?
05:02 And you're gonna raise it again
05:04 but keep at the same bend the whole time.
05:06 Okay, back down. Okay, up.
05:09 Keep the knee at the same bend the whole time.
05:12 Okay, come up, right there, and up.
05:16 And do 20 of those.
05:18 Very good, Megan.
05:20 Now as we bend the knee just a little bit,
05:22 we change the stress of the quadriceps
05:26 and by the time we're done here,
05:27 they should start to feel this.
05:29 This is good stabilization for the knee.
05:34 I've had a lot of athletes, football players,
05:37 who have taken pretty traumatic shots to their knees
05:40 and have escaped without major injury
05:42 because their quadriceps were strong enough
05:44 to withstand the brunt of a traumatic movement
05:48 and they're able to keep going.
05:52 Lot of times, it's just good old tendonitis,
05:54 you get inflammation of a tendon
05:56 and we tend not to want to do anything,
05:58 but if you have tendonitis,
06:01 you want to make sure you don't do things
06:02 that irritate your knee
06:03 'cause it'll just make it worse.
06:05 Icing it, going to various therapies will help,
06:07 and doing range of motion exercise
06:10 that doesn't hurt
06:11 will be very beneficial to your recovery.
06:13 How many are we on?
06:14 Thus far, we've got twenty. Twenty, yeah.
06:16 Okay. Okay. Go the other side.
06:19 Okay.
06:20 Now another question might come,
06:22 what if you only have one bad knee,
06:24 should you do the exercise on both sides?
06:26 And the answer is, absolutely,
06:28 because you always want to keep balance.
06:29 So whatever you do on one side, you want to do on the other.
06:32 Okay, we're bending the knee a little bit, you go up,
06:34 just keep it, keep the knee bend the same the whole time.
06:37 And just raise it up.
06:39 That's better.
06:41 Okay, keep the same knee bend the whole time.
06:46 And even if you can't do the cardio exercise
06:49 we'll be getting into here in just a few minutes,
06:51 if you can at least do this part,
06:53 you're gonna find yourself having more success
06:56 with movement as your legs start to get stronger.
07:00 This is like the beginning phases of rehabilitation
07:03 and like I said, at all times I use it for surgical prep.
07:09 Are you starting to feel your thighs at all?
07:11 Mm-hm. Okay, what about you?
07:13 Are you starting to feeling in your thigh at all?
07:14 Little bit. Okay, how many is that?
07:16 Twenty. Twenty. Okay.
07:18 Now let's bend the knee even more.
07:20 Go back to your right leg.
07:22 Bend it even more. Okay. Again, raise it.
07:26 Okay. Keep the knee the same bend the whole time.
07:29 Good. And do twenty like that.
07:32 So we're gonna do twenty repetitions
07:33 in three different spots.
07:37 And you should start to feel that even a little bit more
07:39 this time.
07:43 Okay, remember to keep the knee the same bend the whole time
07:46 as you're raising up.
07:52 You also have bursal sacs in your knee
07:54 and they can get inflamed and you get swelling.
08:00 One good thing you do is always
08:01 to make sure you get it diagnosed.
08:03 Okay, back down, and up.
08:06 And up.
08:08 Same bend the whole time,
08:09 like you're just locked into place there.
08:16 A lot of people will just run in
08:18 and get a cortisone injection
08:21 and I don't really recommend that
08:23 because it's not causing any healing.
08:25 Okay. Straighten your leg back out.
08:27 Okay.
08:29 All right. Now let's go and raise it again.
08:32 Okay.
08:36 In fact, you should actually turn the body not to,
08:39 not to fight,
08:41 so I'm not very quick with
08:43 ever suggesting somebody going with cortisone,
08:45 although I know it's used frequently.
08:47 And my orthopedic surgeon tells people all the time,
08:51 look, it's going to make it feel better but it doesn't,
08:54 they say, make it, it's gonna make it any better,
08:56 as far as healing purposes."
09:02 And I know people just take an anti-inflammatories
09:05 and again, that's just gonna work
09:06 on the inflammatory response,
09:08 but we wanna do whatever we can to try
09:09 and make the knee better.
09:13 Okay. How many are we on?
09:15 Eighteen. Eighteen.
09:19 Okay. Good, all right.
09:20 Let's go and come on to the feet.
09:24 All right, do we feel that all right?
09:26 Yeah. Okay. Okay.
09:27 Now go ahead and just start some leg stepping
09:29 and for aerobic exercise, nice and easy.
09:32 Okay. Little bit more than that.
09:33 Okay, get the arms swinging as well.
09:37 We're gonna stay fairly gentle with our aerobic exercise
09:41 because with the bad knees, if you go too severe,
09:45 you're gonna find it causing problems.
09:47 But this, what we did before should be a nice warm-up
09:50 to the legs to allow to do that.
09:59 Okay. Everything going all right so far?
10:00 Yeah. Okay.
10:02 Pick it up a little bit then.
10:06 For those of you at home with bad knees,
10:09 we should be able to at least do this much.
10:19 One other things, of course,
10:20 that contributes to knees in a great way
10:23 is too much bodyweight.
10:25 The more weight you carry around,
10:27 the more stress you put on your joints,
10:30 and so if you drop some weight and get those legs stronger,
10:33 you'll find yourself healing a whole lot better, okay?
10:37 Smile, have fun, come on, let's go.
10:41 All right, pick it up a little bit more.
10:47 And I've seen a lot of people, before I had one,
10:49 we have a doctor that works for us,
10:51 who broke his knee cap
10:54 and couldn't squat down hardly at all.
10:55 Now he squats down very easily, back up and down,
10:59 and has just come from getting his legs stronger.
11:02 Okay. Look, go little faster still.
11:05 Okay, go ahead and just look straight ahead out there.
11:09 Swing the arms.
11:12 Now at home, if it's just starting to hurt too much,
11:14 then by all means, slow down.
11:20 Okay, little faster still.
11:30 Now if either one of you had bad knees, I could ask you,
11:32 how your knee was feeling now?
11:34 But fine, neither one of you have that,
11:35 so we're stuck with just to swimming,
11:39 that everybody is doing okay.
11:43 Okay, let's change the movement now.
11:45 We're gonna do a step back, then come forward, step back.
11:50 And then forward, and back,
11:53 and forward, and back,
11:56 and back, and back.
12:00 This is working like a little bit
12:02 like a reverse lunge.
12:06 But it's very little stress on the knees.
12:12 And back. And back. Let's put the hand on the hips.
12:17 And back. And back.
12:21 Left, and right.
12:24 And left. And right.
12:28 And left.
12:29 And right.
12:31 And left.
12:33 And right.
12:34 And left. And right.
12:43 Okay, let's go back to stepping in place.
12:50 Okay, pick the legs up.
12:55 But fine as long as one foot stays in contact
12:58 with the ground, we're not doing a lot of pounding,
13:01 that knees can go ahead and do this type of exercise
13:05 without any problem.
13:07 Also it's a good idea after you do the exercise
13:11 to ice your knees for about five to ten minutes
13:16 and that'll help curb the inflammation.
13:18 A lot of times,
13:19 if you ever watch basketball player
13:21 with bad knees,
13:23 right after they come out of a game,
13:25 they're immediately encased in ice packs upon their knees,
13:29 to keep the inflammation from taking place.
13:31 And a lot of times,
13:32 they're not hurt after they come out,
13:34 they do it to take it as precautionary.
13:36 Just like a lot of times,
13:37 baseball pitchers will ice their arm and the elbow,
13:41 right after they get unpitching,
13:43 not so much because they hurt,
13:45 but just as a precautionary measure
13:47 to keep the inflammation from taking place.
13:54 Okay, now we're gonna go to the front.
13:57 Going to step out and back.
13:59 Step out.
14:01 Now this one could cause a little bit of stress,
14:03 but we're trying to do a little bit of this to try
14:05 and start giving you some more strength
14:07 and stability.
14:09 And this is gonna work the muscles
14:11 especially focus on the quadriceps
14:13 right above the knee,
14:15 when you're doing this one,
14:17 make sure your knee does not go past your foot.
14:19 That's gonna be extremely important
14:21 because if your knee goes past your foot,
14:23 then you're putting a lot of stress upon it.
14:35 Okay, and left.
14:37 And right.
14:39 And left. And right.
14:41 Usually when we do lunges, we go down further than this.
14:45 But to protect, we're gonna stay up.
14:49 Later on, if you start to feel like
14:52 you can get through this all right,
14:54 then you can start going down further.
14:58 Let pain be your guide.
15:00 If it hurts, then you may have gone a little bit too far.
15:04 But if you do start to develop a little bit of pain,
15:07 don't necessarily throw the baby
15:08 out of the bathwater
15:10 and give up exercise altogether,
15:12 just back off, and try it again.
15:16 If you need to stop at home, do so, let yourself rest.
15:20 Then pick it back up again when you feel ready.
15:24 The nice thing about aerobic exercise is
15:26 we're not very fit yet.
15:29 Even if you just go for a couple of minutes
15:31 and stop, and go a couple of minutes and stop.
15:34 You're still gonna be getting benefit.
15:36 Certainly the more you can go, the long you can go,
15:39 the more benefits you're gonna get,
15:41 but something is gonna be better than nothing.
15:46 Okay. Let's go back to stepping in place.
15:51 Be also important
15:53 what type of surface you're using.
15:55 If you're out there on a sandy beach,
15:57 if we're in the Caribbean right now,
16:00 on a white sandy beach,
16:02 we would be in a nice, soft surface.
16:05 So we'll have to see
16:07 if we can have 3ABN pay for that next time
16:10 we film Body and Spirit Aerobics.
16:13 What do you think, Jonathan?
16:14 That'll be nice. That'll be nice.
16:16 Jonathan will volunteer.
16:19 I bet we'll be able to get the camera crew to go to.
16:21 Sure.
16:26 Okay. Picking up a little bit.
16:36 Are you doing all right so far?
16:37 Yeah. Holding there all right. Okay.
16:41 Okay, I'm gonna move forward, you guys stay where you're at.
16:45 And now we're gonna do a side step.
16:48 Okay?
16:50 And together, then out, together, and out.
16:55 Together, and out.
16:57 Together.
17:00 Now this will be working
17:02 the side structure a little bit.
17:04 But if you feel pain on this one,
17:06 then just step in place.
17:09 This one might be a little more advanced for you.
17:12 But as you step out,
17:14 it's encouraging the muscles around the knee to stabilize.
17:18 And the connective tissue will get stronger.
17:22 Once you stretch out a ligament,
17:25 it's probably gonna have to be surgically repaired,
17:27 'cause a ligament's not gonna heal itself.
17:30 Tendon tissue on the other hand,
17:31 will heal as long as it isn't torn through.
17:46 All right, let's do about five more each way.
17:50 Here's two.
17:52 Keep smiling, folks.
17:56 Two more.
18:02 Okay. Back to our step.
18:05 Now, we're just gonna cool it down.
18:07 Almost done with the aerobic part.
18:16 Keep the arms swinging loosely.
18:25 Back when I was running track, we had an old saying,
18:28 "You want your legs to go faster,
18:30 move your arms faster."
18:32 And it works.
18:33 Faster your arms move, faster you move.
18:42 Okay, slow down.
18:49 And we're gonna hang in there for 30 more seconds.
18:55 Whenever you do aerobic exercise,
18:57 you wanna cool down gradually to allow your legs,
19:00 to help your heart
19:02 going through the cooldown process.
19:06 If you stop abruptly, your heart's gonna go,
19:08 "Hey, wait a second, where are my helpers?"
19:12 That would be kind of like both of you running off the set
19:14 right now.
19:15 I'd be kind of stuck. Where did my helpers go?
19:24 All right.
19:26 Now, go and lay back down on your backs again.
19:30 Now, just go ahead and turn onto your right side.
19:34 Turn onto your right side.
19:36 Okay.
19:37 Now I want you to raise your left leg up.
19:40 Up to the side, and then down.
19:42 Okay, raise up.
19:43 Just come straight up.
19:45 Straight up. Back down.
19:47 Straight up, and down.
19:49 There you go.
19:51 Good.
19:53 There you go.
19:55 Now this is working.
19:57 The abductors at the hip,
19:59 but also it's stabilizing the knee
20:02 as you raise up out to the side.
20:06 Let's do 30 of those.
20:13 You can bring your right hand back to brace your head.
20:16 There you go.
20:23 That's the way.
20:25 Now you feel a burn in the hips a little bit, that's okay.
20:29 How many are we on, Megan?
20:31 Twenty four. Okay.
20:40 All right, you know what to do now?
20:41 The other side.
20:43 That's right, the other side, you're catching on.
20:46 Okay. And raise up.
20:51 Keep it under control,
20:53 focus on the muscles you're using.
20:54 So you can be raising from the hip,
20:56 but as you raise up,
20:58 the knee is gonna have to stabilize as you come up.
21:02 And we'll be working the connective tissue
21:04 on the outside of the knee.
21:09 Just as our side lunges, we're forcing us to stabilize
21:13 with the inside part of the knee,
21:15 this one's working the outside.
21:23 How many have you got?
21:24 Twenty six. Okay.
21:26 Way up, way up.
21:30 Okay.
21:31 Turn on to your backs.
21:33 Bend your knees, put your hands behind your neck.
21:37 We're gonna do some abdominal crunches,
21:40 the way we're gonna this, is you're gonna blow out,
21:41 crunch up, lift your chin towards the ceiling.
21:44 Okay? Megan, go ahead and do some.
21:45 Okay, go and follow suit, Jonathan.
21:48 Okay, chin towards the ceiling, chin, there you go.
21:51 Bend your knees a little bit more.
21:54 When you do the abdominal crunches,
21:55 you're trying to push your lower back to the floor
21:58 as much as possible,
22:00 trying to get your belly button as close
22:02 to your backbone as possible.
22:03 Back, that's why I tell men all the time, I say,
22:05 how do I get a better lower back?
22:06 Get your belly button as close to your backbone as possible
22:08 and your back will feel better.
22:11 All right, keep crunching.
22:13 Crunch up. Crunch up.
22:16 Chin up a little more, Megan, there you go, that's better.
22:19 Blow out as you come up.
22:23 By blowing out as you come up, you're drawing the abdomen in.
22:26 If you take a deep breath as you come up,
22:28 then you're expanding your abdominal wall
22:29 and just encouraging it to be out.
22:32 I see a lot of men who go into athletic clubs
22:35 and they try and do heavy weight
22:36 on the abdominal machines
22:38 and they're pushing their abdomen out.
22:39 No what they're doing is accentuating
22:41 what's already sticking out too far.
22:46 The other question might come,
22:48 as far as working on exercise equipment,
22:50 what should you do?
22:51 Unfortunately, the one, the one piece of equipment
22:54 that people go to a lot for knee problems is
22:56 one of the worst ones for it, and that's the leg extension.
22:59 The leg extension actually puts a lot of stress on the knees.
23:02 If you do this at top end of the movement,
23:04 you're probably all right, but down that bottom in,
23:06 it can really stress your knees.
23:08 If you wanna do some type of leg press
23:10 or something along that, then that would be all right,
23:12 but leg extension in itself can be very, very stressful.
23:17 Okay, let's go about ten more.
23:20 We're doing all right? Mm-hm.
23:21 Keeping that abdomen tight, let's check it here.
23:24 Good.
23:27 Up, and up.
23:29 And up.
23:33 Okay. Let's turn over on your abdomen.
23:36 Let's put your head up the other direction now.
23:40 Are you ready to do some push-ups?
23:42 Okay, Megan, you do the modified ones.
23:44 You go ahead and do the regular military style.
23:47 Okay, let's go down, and up.
23:49 Straighten your body out more, Megan.
23:51 That's better.
23:59 Very good, keep going.
24:01 We're gonna do four more.
24:03 Okay, get both of you up, three more times, down, and up.
24:08 Down, and up. Down, and up.
24:12 Let's go one more time. Down, and up.
24:15 Good.
24:16 All right, go and come back to your feet.
24:19 All right, let's just bring the hands up over the head.
24:22 We're gonna pull down, back up.
24:26 And down.
24:28 And up.
24:29 And down, and up.
24:32 Smile, down, and up.
24:35 And down, and up. And down, and up.
24:40 And down, and up.
24:43 And down, and up. And down, and up.
24:48 And down, and up.
24:51 And down, and up. And down, and up.
24:55 Now hold it there, now what we're gonna do is
24:56 we're gonna come down like this, and back up.
25:00 And down,
25:02 squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull down.
25:05 Back up, and around.
25:06 And pull, and up.
25:09 And pull, and up. And pull, and up.
25:14 And pull, and up.
25:17 Squeeze together.
25:18 Reach up, squeeze together, and up.
25:22 Squeeze down, and up.
25:25 Squeeze down, and up. Squeeze down, and up.
25:30 Down, and up, reach way up.
25:33 Way up, there you go, that's better,
25:35 Jonathan, reach way up.
25:37 And pull, and up. And pull, and up.
25:42 And pull, and up, and relax.
25:46 Careless roll the shoulders.
25:48 Way up and around. Up and around.
25:52 Up and around, way up.
25:55 And up. And up.
25:59 Way up, round, and up, and around, up.
26:03 And up. And up.
26:07 Now we're gonna go the other way.
26:10 Roll forward, roll forward, and up.
26:14 And up. And up.
26:17 And up.
26:19 And up. Let's go five more times.
26:23 And up. And up.
26:26 And up. And up, okay, relax.
26:30 All right, well done, thanks a lot.
26:35 If you're having knee pain, the wisest thing to do,
26:37 of course, is to go into your physician
26:39 and find out exactly what's wrong.
26:41 Doing that will help to prevent a lot of further problems
26:45 because what can help you, can also hurt you,
26:48 if you don't take care
26:49 and look at it from the proper perspective,
26:51 'cause you're gonna treat it
26:52 differently depending on what it is.
26:54 If it's tendonitis, rest, partial movements to the point
26:58 where it doesn't hurt, icing, ultrasound,
27:01 whatever you want can help that
27:03 but if you have some severe damage in there,
27:05 you'll probably have to have that repaired.
27:07 If you're having some arthritis problems
27:09 like the osteoarthritis,
27:11 it's just bone on bone wear and tear,
27:13 and so what you've got to do is just find a way to exercise it
27:17 without hurting it and you can do that.
27:19 We do that all the time.
27:21 We find that the stronger the knee is,
27:23 or stronger the legs get, the stronger the knees get,
27:26 because remember, all joints are weak.
27:28 Joints are simply bone coming to bone
27:31 that are attached by ligaments
27:33 and what gives a joint strength is the muscles that move it.
27:36 So in the case of your knee,
27:37 it's gonna be your hamstrings and your quadriceps,
27:39 we wanna have a good balance of muscular strength.
27:42 Remember when you're training though,
27:44 you wanna train for the right reason,
27:45 not for selfish glory.
27:47 But train for the glory of God.
27:48 Remember our, our quote that we always use,
27:51 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
27:53 God bless you.
27:55 We'll see you next time on Body and Spirit Aerobics.


Revised 2017-04-03