Body and Spirit

Setting Goals

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dick Nunez (Host), Jane Baker, Omar Mosquera


Series Code: BAS

Program Code: BAS000136

00:02 The following program is designed to demonstrate
00:04 simple workouts that you can use
00:05 to improve your health.
00:08 Be sure to consult your physician
00:09 before beginning any exercise program.
00:13 Setting goals is a great way to get a lot
00:15 accomplished, but often times we don't know
00:17 how to do that when it comes to exercise and
00:18 health, but we can help you do that.
00:21 Find out how next on Body and Spirit.
00:50 Hello, I am Dick Nunez, Wellness Director of
00:51 the Black Hills Health and Education Center.
00:53 Welcome to Body and Spirit.
00:56 In my career working with people, I find that
00:58 setting goals can be very advantages.
01:00 Some goals are obvious, like lowering
01:02 blood pressure or lowering blood sugar,
01:04 dropping cholesterol or just getting so you can
01:06 walk a little better after having a heart attack.
01:09 But, some goals aren't quite so easy to set,
01:11 for example if you're already feeling half
01:12 way decent. What kind of goals do you set for
01:14 yourself, but we're gonna talk about that as
01:16 we get started into our program.
01:18 I believe we're ready to get going; helping me
01:20 out today will be Jenny Baker, who is a
01:22 Physical education teacher from Inverness,
01:25 Florida, and Omar Mascara, who is a
01:28 massage therapist at the Black Hills Health and
01:30 Education Center. Alright, let's warm up a
01:35 little bit by circling the arms.
01:40 Goals are something we all need, whether it's
01:42 reading something, getting up, becoming
01:44 more disciplined, that's what we're always
01:46 trying to teach our wellness guests is to
01:48 learn discipline. When somebody in the
01:50 military and they say get up at 5 O'clock in
01:53 the morning, what happens if you decide to sleep
01:55 until 5:05, are they gonna wake you up all happy.
01:58 I don't think so, they're gonna get you out of
02:00 bed very abruptly. Okay, up and around
02:02 the other way, so what we find is general
02:05 people lack a lot of discipline and setting
02:08 goals will help people over come that.
02:16 Okay good, now since we're gonna be doing
02:20 goal setting today. I think what we're gonna
02:22 do is set a goal for some pushups and since
02:25 we have little bit of opposites here.
02:27 We got tall and short, we got male and female.
02:31 One of you speak Spanish and the other
02:32 one doesn't, we're gonna get down on the
02:34 floor here and do some pushups and show that
02:37 anybody can do them, right Omar.
02:40 Yeah. Okay, pushup position, we're gonna
02:44 try and do 10 of them. Okay, down, and up,
02:48 and down, and up, and down, and up, and down,
02:54 and up. There's 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9, uno mas.
03:11 Okay, good, okay now what we're gonna
03:12 do is go off the knees. Get back down there,
03:14 nobody said getup yet, go and get back down there.
03:18 Now, we're gonna do a few off the knees.
03:20 Okay, let's try and do 5 of these off the knees now.
03:22 Ready. Yep. Down, and up, and down,
03:26 and up, and down, and up, and down, and up,
03:31 and down, and up, good. Alright, up on your feet,
03:37 now often times women think well I can't do pushups,
03:39 now Janie is a female, do you think it's realistic
03:42 to set a goal for women to be able to do pushups.
03:44 Oh! Yes. Oh! Absolutely, I had a
03:46 little girl that I used to trained.
03:47 She was 5 foot 3, 123 pounds, she was only
03:51 15 years old and she bench pressed 215 pounds.
03:54 And so when you started thinking about
03:56 setting goals, I mean she wasn't about to say
03:58 well I can't do it. She wanted to just go
04:00 boldly forward and 200 pounds is no big barrier to her.
04:04 In fact this girl was so strong, that when the
04:06 football players would see her come in,
04:09 they would leave. They didn't want some little
04:11 blond haired girl to get down and warm-up
04:13 where they were struggling with and
04:14 there was a young school boy that was a
04:16 little bit hard on the ego. Okay, let's stretch the
04:19 chest out now, put the hands behind your neck
04:22 and push your elbows back and now, let's
04:28 bring it across and pull and bring it up
04:38 and push back, and bring it across and pull.
04:51 Okay, Janie, could you get our towels for us please?
05:00 Here we go, now what we're gonna do is grab
05:02 our towels, hold them out, push it out as much
05:06 as you can. We're gonna bring it up over
05:07 head and comeback down, keep your arms
05:10 straight as you do it and up over head and back
05:13 down, and up, and down, and up, and down,
05:20 and up, and down. Keep going up, and down,
05:26 and up, and down, and up, we're gonna try
05:30 and do 30 of these. How many we're at Janie?
05:34 Nine. Well done. Twelve down, okay 13.
05:40 I tell you Omar in his Spanish, he tends to
05:42 count faster then we. I figured that out by now,
05:46 so Omar if you get down sooner.
05:48 I always ask Omar how much we've done.
05:50 Yeah. If I want to last longer, I ask Janie, how
05:53 many we've done. How many we've done Omar?
05:57 She's counting. Twenty one, twenty two.
06:01 Okay, is it 24. Right. And 25, five more 26,
06:12 we're doing okay Omar? Oh! Yes.
06:14 Very good, very good. Yeah.
06:18 Twenty nine. Okay, one more time and 30.
06:22 Okay, now we're gonna go side to side.
06:25 Pull as do it, pull the towel, pull, and pull,
06:32 and pull, and pull, and pull, and pull, 10 more
06:40 each way Janie. There is one and good, try and
06:46 keep your body straight as much as possible.
06:48 Just use the arms, pull it across, keep them straight.
06:53 Okay, more up there high Omar.
06:54 There you go, you wanna feel it in your
06:57 sides as you stretch over and then pull back.
07:06 Okay, keep the arms straight as you can there Omar.
07:07 Straighten them out, good, now do it.
07:12 How many we're at there Janie?
07:14 Thirteen. Okay, that's plenty.
07:16 Fourteen, twenty? Yeah, let's go ahead and do.
07:19 Fourteen. Okay, you said down first.
07:24 That's what I thought I said then.
07:27 Sixteen. Okay, 3 more.
07:33 There is 1, and 2, and 3, good.
07:39 Now, let's bring our towels
07:40 up, keep pulling it apart. We're gonna press up
07:42 over head, try and get way up and pushup and
07:49 we're gonna try do 30 of these.
07:51 By the time we're done with these our
07:53 shoulders should start getting a little bit tired.
07:58 Your shoulders getting tired yet Omar.
07:59 They are. Keep pulling it apart, pull the towel
08:05 apart, push up; pull it apart, push up, and up.
08:12 I remember a little 5 foot 7 blond girl, I was
08:15 training her goal Janie with some dunk a
08:16 basketball and we worked with her and
08:19 worked with her. Until a point where she could
08:20 actually jump up and grab
08:22 the rim on a 10 foot basket.
08:24 She couldn't dump the ball, because she
08:25 couldn't grab the ball and palm it.
08:27 It was pretty impressive as we watch this little
08:28 5.7 girl jump up there and grab the rim.
08:32 How many we've done there? Twenty one.
08:38 Some of the African American players on
08:42 the men's team said, hey girl how can you
08:43 jump so high. She said you ever see that movie
08:46 'white men can't jump' and they said yeah.
08:48 She said, it didn't say anything about women.
08:52 Thirty. Okay, good, alright I'll take your towels.
08:56 Let's stretch out, I want you to get a hold of
08:59 your elbow and stretch the Latissimus area,
09:03 right in through here, good. Okay and hold that,
09:11 in fact people would actually come a game early.
09:12 So, they take their time, lay ball off a little bit.
09:15 So, she could go up and try and dunk a tip in
09:17 and so it's pretty exciting to watch her
09:19 jump in the air so high. Okay and switch
09:25 and the Chinese women's national volleyball team
09:27 one time boasted an average vertical jumps
09:30 of 42 inches per women, that's an incredible.
09:34 I don't know if it was true or not, but
09:35 that's a big time jump. If they could jump 42
09:37 inches off the floor. Yeah. I know they jump well,
09:40 because we watch them play, they're hopping
09:41 all over the place. So, what I find, the point
09:46 I'm getting across is ladies, we often times,
09:49 you set your goals way too low, way too low.
09:52 Okay, let's bring it across, reach up and
09:56 grab and some of these miss fitness contest,
10:00 you see women getting down there and doing
10:01 one hand pushups with ease. They're just, they're
10:05 smiling and doing those one arm pushups is
10:07 incredible to watch them.
10:13 Alright and let's switch sides,
10:19 so see Janie, we might be able to get you dunk
10:21 in a basketball. I could stretch a little for that.
10:30 Okay, go ahead and relax, here's your towel
10:33 back, we're gonna do some bicep exercise,
10:37 drape the towel to the outside of your hands.
10:40 Let's over the thumb side, grab underneath,
10:43 now we're gonna curl the arm up and reach
10:45 down, curl up, and down, curl up, and down,
10:51 up, and down, up, and down. We're gonna try and do
10:56 30 here Janie, I think we're at 6?
10:59 Eight. Eight, okay good, focus on the
11:03 bicep while you're doing this.
11:06 Give yourself resistance both ways,
11:09 up, and down, and up, put some tension on
11:13 there. Make yourself work, the harder you
11:16 pull, the more you get out of it and work
11:21 and up, and up. Where are we at Janie?
11:26 Nineteen. Okay, 10 more and 1, and 2, 3, 4,
11:37 and 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
11:47 That starts to burn after a while.
11:48 Yes. Okay, let's do the other side; drape it over
11:52 the thumb side again the reason why we do
11:54 that is that keeps our hand in a proper
11:56 position, it keeps our thumb up and the
11:58 biceps functions the curl and to turn out,
12:00 which is a motion called superannuation,
12:02 so, this puts us in that position. Let's grab and
12:05 curl your arm up and down, again we're
12:07 gonna do 30 Janie and up, keep it tight.
12:11 Try and keep your palm up Omar, keep your
12:13 palm up and so when you come up.
12:16 It's like totally like this, like that the whole time.
12:19 There you go, good, palm up, keep it up.
12:27 Make yourself work. Janie, you got pretty
12:30 good arms there. Not too bad, been working
12:34 those things. PE. PE, you do pushups for the kids.
12:39 Oh! I do them at home a lot, but I do with the kids.
12:48 How many we're on? Twenty seven, twenty eight.
12:51 Okay, alright. So, is it impressive to them to
12:57 see a teacher that's past the age of 30, doing
13:01 some pushups. Oh! Yes and they also
13:04 like when I play basketball with them,
13:06 that I can get the ball from.
13:07 Okay. That surprises them.
13:09 Okay, so you never let being a female slow
13:12 you down as far as trying to accomplish
13:14 what you wanna do. Oh! No, as a matter of
13:15 fact the kids respect you more. Okay.
13:17 When you're in shape and it's great.
13:20 Okay, so you hear that ladies, I wish I could
13:22 tell you old Janie is. But, she's forbidden me
13:24 to end my life not to say. So, I can't, but I assure
13:30 you she is, she is well past 30.
13:33 I will tell you that much. Okay, can you tell me
13:36 how old I am, I already told them.
13:38 So, I guess it doesn't matter.
13:39 Yeah, I know how old you are.
13:40 Oh really. Okay, push down,
13:42 we're gonna do triceps now. We're gonna push down,
13:45 and up, and push down, and up, push down,
13:49 and up, and I am almost 50, so you can do the
13:52 math from there and up, and down, and up,
13:58 and down, and up, and down, and up, and down,
14:03 and up, and down, and up, down, and up, good.
14:09 Do them 30 again Janie, keep the elbow
14:12 in, keep the elbow in. Focus on what you're
14:16 doing, work the triceps, you should feel this at
14:19 the back of your arms. Push down, make sure
14:22 you breathe, good air exchange, work it hard.
14:29 We're having fun aren't we?
14:30 Twenty five, oh! Yeah. Alright, push it way down,
14:32 way down, push down, push down, push down.
14:39 Thirty. Good, okay let's switch sides.
14:46 Good, I will turn around here, okay push
14:48 down, and push down, and push down, and push,
14:55 and push, and push, and push,
15:00 and push down, and push.
15:04 There's 8 and 9 and 10. Contract the triceps
15:09 each time down, way down and 13, 14, 15,
15:17 good half way there 17, 18, 19, 20, 10 more,
15:27 1 and 2, and 3, and 4, and 5, 6, 7, 8, two more 9,
15:42 and 30, good. Okay, let's put the towel up
15:45 over our back, we're gonna get a hold of it
15:47 with the other hand and we're gonna stretch the
15:49 triceps by doing that. That's a good stretch
15:53 that feels good after doing all that.
15:55 Yeah. Let's just hold that for a little bit,
15:58 okay we're gonna hold that for 15 more seconds.
16:02 so, do you have any fitness goals for
16:04 yourself Janie? To be consistent.
16:07 Be consistent, that's a good one.
16:09 Omar, you got any goals. Yes, to lose some weight.
16:12 Lose some weight, okay, okay and let's
16:16 switch to the other side now.
16:18 Those are both good goals, a lot of times
16:25 goals can be walking a certain distance,
16:28 a walking a mile. I like to be able to walk
16:30 a mile and half and just take at your own pace.
16:33 You're not in competition with anybody, just take
16:35 it where you're at or you might have a goal
16:37 to do a push up. We had an 86 year women
16:40 in our last program and she was watching the
16:42 Body and Spirit program and she saw us
16:44 doing pushups and she thought. I would like to
16:46 be able do a pushup too. So, she would just
16:48 do them against wall, work on those pushups.
16:51 You know, once she came to the Wellness
16:52 program. She climbed down on the floor,
16:54 she was doing them off her knees.
16:55 She cranked off 10 pushups. 86-years-old, so.
16:59 That's great. just set a goal and go for it.
17:02 Don't let anything hold you back. Okay, I think
17:05 we're all done with the towels here.
17:06 I will go ahead and relieve you of those.
17:09 Okay, now, we're gonna get into some leg
17:11 training and to do that, we're gonna loosen up
17:14 by stepping out to the side and then we're
17:17 gonna switch over, and switch, and switch,
17:25 and switch, and switch, and switch, good
17:32 back and forth and switch, five more each way.
17:41 There's 1, and 2, and 3, and 4, and 5, good.
17:57 We're gonna do some squats and the way
17:59 we're gonna do our squats is to make sure
18:02 we push our hips back. We keep our chest up;
18:04 there is a little bony protuberance in the
18:06 bony sternum called the xiphoid process.
18:08 You want that up as much as possible.
18:10 As you start your exercise, whenever you
18:12 squat you do need to bend at the waist.
18:14 So, there is just no way you can keep your
18:15 back, totally straight up and down and squat right.
18:17 So, you bend at the waist but that's not
18:19 what's meant by keeping your back
18:21 straight, keeping your back straight means
18:22 you maintain that back posture, if you go like
18:24 this, then you've lost that posture.
18:27 Keep your back straight, but you have
18:28 to bend at the waist still, keep the knees
18:30 over the feet and some times people have
18:32 trouble doing squats. And since we're talking
18:33 about goal setting, Janie, I want to, want
18:35 you to act like I'm a counter turn and grab a
18:38 hold of my arm. Okay and now go ahead and
18:41 squat down and come back up. Now, see even
18:45 if you are not able do squats on your own.
18:49 You can feel that you would be able do that
18:51 regardless wouldn't you. Umm! Oh! Yeah.
18:53 Okay, in fact she's almost trying to do a
18:54 pull up off my arm there. Okay, so even if you
19:00 have trouble squatting, you think, well, I can't
19:02 do that, well yes you can, go ahead and get a
19:04 hold of a door knob or get a hold of the
19:06 kitchen counter. Get a hold of a chair; get a
19:09 hold of something that you can hang on to, that
19:11 when you squat down, you can help yourself
19:14 get back up again. The worst thing you can do
19:16 is just say well I can't do it. Because maybe
19:19 you can, what we find all the time Omar, is
19:22 people can do a lot more than they think they can.
19:25 You see that all time, they say well I never
19:26 thought I could do that. When people come to
19:28 our Wellness program, I never thought I could
19:30 walk a mile, well when ends up happening they
19:32 end up walking many miles. We just had an
19:35 interview with Carol Shelton, Tommy Shelton's wife.
19:37 She said, she can only walk a half mile, when
19:39 she first come to our Wellness program.
19:41 After three weeks, you know how far she would walk?
19:43 150 miles. That's great. And that's somebody
19:46 would said, well I can barely walk a half mile.
19:48 How am I gonna get any mileage while I am here.
19:50 She ended up walking 150 miles, it was
19:51 absolutely incredible. Enough about that, let's
19:53 start working out some more. Cross the arms,
19:55 lets start squatting, squat down, down and
20:00 we're gonna come up. Now, lets squat down
20:04 and up, and squat down, and up, the other thing
20:09 you can do is, is if you can't go real deep at first.
20:11 That's okay and as you work through this and
20:14 you get in better shape. Then you get start
20:16 taking it down deeper and you sink your hips
20:19 down more and go down. But, you wanna not go
20:22 any deeper than your upper thigh
20:24 parallel to the floor. Okay and up, and squat
20:30 down, and up, and down, and up.
20:35 Okay, go ahead and keep going, I'm gonna
20:36 watch form a little bit here.
20:38 Very good Omar, okay push hips back
20:40 just a little more, muy bien, muy bien
20:43 Okay, good, I don't know much Spanish.
20:46 But, I'm getting better. Oh! Yes, you're good.
20:48 Okay, down, and down. How many we've done Janie?
20:55 I didn't count. Okay, oh! Good, then
20:58 we can start over at zero. Okay we're gonna
21:01 do 10 more, whenever I'm training people may say.
21:07 I can't remember how many we've done.
21:08 I always start at two, even if they've done a
21:10 bunch of them and you know what happens is
21:13 next time they don't, they don't forget.
21:15 They always make sure they know exactly how
21:16 many they've done, where are we at now?
21:18 Seven. Okay, alright and on the last one
21:24 we're gonna go down and hold.
21:26 We're gonna hold that for 20 seconds,
21:29 that sounds good doesn't Omar.
21:31 Yes, I feel good. You feel good, alright.
21:33 That's very good. Okay, we've got 15
21:37 whole seconds done and now we've got 10
21:42 done and now we've got five seconds to go
21:46 4, 3, 2, and 1. How come your legs are
21:51 shaking there Omar. Because.
21:55 Okay, I like you to put your hand on my
21:56 shoulder, we're gonna stretch the quadriceps.
21:58 Get a hold of your ankle and if you can
22:04 only get a hold of your pant leg. That's okay or
22:07 if you have to just put your foot on a chair or
22:09 something. You can start getting yourself to
22:11 a position where you stretch more and if you
22:13 can't get a hold of your ankle.
22:14 Make it a goal, as you keep working it.
22:16 You will find yourself getting to a point where
22:18 you can get a hold of your ankle. Okay, let's
22:22 switch the other side. And when you do this,
22:32 you wanna make it a comfortable stretch,
22:33 don't make it hurt too much and if you, if it
22:36 too easy do that way. You can actually lean
22:38 forward a little bit more. In fact Janie you can do
22:40 that, lean a little bit more forward and then
22:42 you feel even more of a stretch on your
22:44 quadriceps area, you feel that.
22:45 Oh! Yes. Okay and let's go ahead and rest.
22:49 Okay, let's step out to the front now.
22:51 We're gonna stretch the hamstring, lean forward
22:53 into it. You feel it stretching the back of
22:55 your leg, keep your chest up as you're doing it.
22:58 Make sure you have a good release of air,
23:01 don't hold your breathe at all. Keep breathing
23:03 and if you take some good deep breaths,
23:06 you will find yourself relax a little bit more
23:09 and you can actually go a little bit further and as
23:10 we increase flexibility. You see how that
23:13 worked, that was good. As you increase
23:15 flexibility, you're gonna diminish your chances
23:18 of getting injured and that's one of the reasons
23:19 why people often times exercise, as they don't
23:22 want to have physical problem.
23:23 As they get older. Okay, switch over,
23:29 okay and Janie, I assume you wanna be
23:32 able to keep doing pushups and do what you wanna
23:33 for quite for a years still. Oh! Yes.
23:35 You don't intend to start slowing down, do you?
23:37 No, that's a quality of life. Okay,
23:45 so there is no magic age where somebody
23:47 should say, I can't do this anymore.
23:48 Yeah. Alright, that's what I wanna hear.
23:51 Okay, one of my doctors. Dr. Beltz,
23:53 he's 86-years-old. He still likes to go hacking
23:55 on Glacier National Park. You know what his son
23:58 calls him, his nick name is Bear Bait.
24:02 Okay, we're gonna step out to the side and
24:06 stretch the inside of the thigh.
24:16 Okay, now we're gonna switch over to
24:17 the other side, stretch the inside.
24:28 Okay, good, now we're gonna do a
24:30 little forearm work. We're gonna pull our
24:31 hands out, we're gonna squeeze our hands and
24:34 open them up. Squeeze and open, squeeze and open,
24:38 good keep going. Now, this might look
24:42 pretty simple, before we're done we're gonna
24:45 feel it. We're doing 20 on each part, there's 11,
24:50 12, 13; I'm doing my own counting this time
24:53 15, 16, 17. Since I'm doing them.
24:59 Okay, turn it over, squeeze, squeeze 3, 4,
25:05 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
25:19 19, and 20. Turn it over 1 and 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
25:30 9, 10 and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
25:41 Turn it up 1, 2, 3, starting to feel it Omar,
25:45 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
26:00 10. Good, we're done. Thank you.
26:03 It's great and thank you.
26:08 We had a girl come out to our program one
26:09 time, she's 32-years-old. She had candy that's so
26:12 bad, she said she could feel gurgling in her lungs,
26:14 she was ready to commit suicide and she
26:15 had a 16 month-old baby. She came out to the
26:18 program and she was told not to exercise and
26:20 we said well, we've one of our doctors say, you
26:22 could exercise and so we started working out.
26:25 Tremendous things changed and as she
26:27 would go away to go back home.
26:28 She told her husband, you clean out the
26:30 refrigerator, I'm going back to Hermosa, South
26:32 Dakota and she got home. Her husband came out
26:35 to greet her, she went right past him.
26:37 Went in checked the refrigerator saw that it
26:39 had not been cleaned out, because she
26:41 wanted to have a healthy life now.
26:42 She walk right past him, picked up her
26:44 suit cases and started putting them back in
26:46 the car and he was going, honey where are
26:47 you going. I'm going back to South Dakota,
26:49 I told you, need to clean out that
26:51 refrigerator or I'm out of here and he goes, oh!
26:54 Okay well I'll do it and she goes okay there is a
26:56 box, you got five minutes, either you
26:59 clean out that refrigerator or all that
27:01 you're gonna see is taillights pal.
27:03 And so he got it done in a big hurry.
27:05 She had to set her goal the hard way.
27:07 She felt so much better, she had a renewed life
27:09 and she was not gonna let people get in her
27:11 way and often times that happens when
27:14 somebody quits drinking or somebody
27:15 quits smoking. What do their friends do, they
27:19 basically disown them or they blow smoke
27:20 in their face. Because they're not comfortable
27:22 when we make healthy choices.
27:24 When you change your diet for a more healthy
27:26 way, often times people, they're not
27:28 comfortable being around you.
27:29 They're afraid to eat what they want to eat,
27:31 because they feel guilty every time they stick
27:34 something in their mouth. Set your goal, but do it
27:37 for the right reason, we're not doing it to try
27:39 and be better than somebody else.
27:40 We're doing it to try and glorify God with
27:42 our Body. Philippians 4:13 tells us, that we
27:45 can do all things through Christ, who
27:47 strengthens us. Keep exercising, God bless
27:50 you and we look forward to seeing you
27:51 next time on Body and Spirit.


Revised 2014-12-17