Body and Spirit


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dick Nunez (Host), Michael Webb, Miles Scruggs


Series Code: BAS

Program Code: BAS000020

00:02 The following program is designed to demonstrate
00:04 simple workouts that you can use to improve your health.
00:08 Be sure to consult your physician
00:10 before beginning any exercise program.
00:14 Seems like today people will try just about anything
00:17 to lose body weight even going to the point
00:19 of stapling their stomach.
00:20 We're gonna explore fat diets on the next edition
00:23 here on Body and Spirit Aerobics.
00:53 Hello I am Dick Nunez, Wellness Director
00:54 of the Black Hills Health and Education Center.
00:57 Welcome to Body and Spirit Aerobics.
00:59 You want to know why there's so many diets out there today.
01:02 Try $ 30 billion a year that's why that's how much people
01:05 spend trying to lose weight and get fit.
01:08 They're always thinking there must be some magic answer
01:11 to it obviously they felt like God
01:13 didn't intend us to be overweight and fat.
01:15 Well that part's true but what happened to get us
01:18 that way well that's up to the individual
01:20 but what you do once you get there.
01:22 That's the big key we're gonna talk a little more about
01:24 that as we get into our program.
01:26 I believe we're ready to get started now helping me out
01:28 will Becky Garber and my daughter Brittany.
01:31 We're gonna do a little workout while we talk
01:33 a little bit about fat diets as well so let's start warming up.
01:37 Let's do some arm circles around and up
01:41 and around and up and around and up
01:46 and around and around and around and up and around.
01:56 Now let's go back around the other way
01:57 and up and around up and around up and around
02:06 keep going up and around
02:13 and let's go five more times
02:14 one and two and three and four and five.
02:22 Let's roll the shoulders and loosen those up.
02:33 Three more times
02:38 okay now back the other way.
02:46 And five more times.
02:52 Good put the arms out in front of you and back
02:56 and together and out and together and out
03:01 and together and out and together and out
03:05 and together and out and together and out
03:09 and together now turn the hands look up okay
03:12 and back together back together back together again
03:19 and back and back four more times
03:24 1, 2, 3, 4 palms all the way up
03:32 and out and out and out
03:37 four, five, six,
03:42 seven, eight, nine.
03:47 Turn to back over and out and out
03:52 three, four, five, six,
03:58 seven, eight, nine, ten.
04:04 Shake it out, okay let's put a foot out in front of us
04:08 and then go up on the toe
04:10 down up down up down up down
04:18 ten more times one, two, three,
04:23 four, five, six, seven,
04:29 eight, nine, ten.
04:33 Switch it around toe up and up
04:37 3, 4, 5, 6,
04:43 7, 8, 9 five more
04:49 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
04:56 Put your foot back and press up down
05:00 up down and up and up ten more times
05:07 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
05:15 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 switch it around
05:23 and push up and push and push and push
05:29 and push and push 8, 9, 10
05:36 five more 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
05:43 okay now what we're gonna do is we're gonna bring out
05:45 left leg up and we wanna touch our right elbow okay like so.
05:50 Now switch and good here we go
06:02 very good this is an excellent movement although
06:08 it look kind of strange and I'm sure we probably
06:11 look like the funniest course line ever that's okay
06:15 you're getting exercise here that's what matters.
06:20 It makes a lot of more sense when I hear some of the things
06:23 people do to try and lose weight.
06:27 The biggest thing that people try and get you on
06:30 is high protein diets
06:32 because you're gonna loss weight that way.
06:34 'Cause there are 3500 calories for a pound of fat
06:37 only 600 for a pound the muscle you can loss
06:40 6 pounds of lean body mass for ever pound of fat.
06:47 So it's lot easier to get people lose muscle weight
06:51 and bad organ tissue and its fat the problem is
06:55 as you build those muscles back up you will lose
06:58 that weight permanently and you'll be permanently weaker
07:02 okay step it out.
07:07 What happens today why carbohydrates has gotten
07:10 a bad rep is because people eat
07:12 refined carbohydrates simple carbohydrates.
07:16 The things that so popular today are the fast foods
07:20 fast thin fast you know the fast dipole.
07:24 When you eat fast food living food that's been processed
07:27 and refined it's gonna make you fat
07:30 but if you eat raw fruits and vegetables
07:33 lots of whole grain breads and cereals.
07:35 Those aren't gonna get make you fat I would challenge
07:39 anybody to eat too much raw broccoli not gonna happened.
07:43 You could never eat too much of it
07:45 your body will not get fat or fat up your diet.
07:48 I would encourage you to go on a diet like that
07:50 but if you eat lots of fruits and vegetables
07:53 and whole grains you're gonna have a very healthy diet
07:58 and you'll be losing lots of body fat.
08:01 Now the problem a lot of people have is they don't eat
08:04 enough in order to burn body fat.
08:07 'Cause fat turns into the fire of carbohydrates.
08:13 Okay cross the arms lets do some squats
08:16 ready down and up down and up
08:21 good keep going at that pace.
08:25 When we do squats we wanna keep our knees
08:27 over our feet push the hips back.
08:31 Both these ladies are doing them great, just great.
08:36 And while they're doing that the metabolizing fat
08:38 because fat is going through their bodies
08:40 looking for working muscles and it's finding them.
08:44 And that's what losing body fat's all about.
08:49 Good as we get fit we actually burn three times as much fat
08:54 as somebody who's not fit just stay with it
08:57 if you're not losing weight quickly right at first
08:58 keep it going and you will good.
09:03 I always like in burning fat to building a fire
09:06 if you just try and light the log it won't work so use
09:08 paper and kindling which are all made out of the same substance.
09:12 Well fats, protein and carbohydrates
09:14 are all made out of the same stuff
09:16 except protein also has nitrogen.
09:18 But you have to have carbohydrates
09:19 to get the fire burning to get the fat burning.
09:22 Fats are the logs they're the long term fuel storage.
09:26 Don't let my talking interrupt your squatting
09:28 just keep going you're fine good twenty more seconds
09:34 there you're looking great.
09:36 It's like you could do that all day no we won't go all day
09:41 keeps it going ten more seconds.
09:49 And now we're gonna do a hold here ready down and hold good.
09:56 Even though we're staying static right now your muscles
09:59 are still working oxygenated blood's still to going
10:02 that area trying to figure out what's happening.
10:09 Also of course the stronger you are the more muscles
10:12 you have the better you're gonna be burning fat right now
10:16 fat burning enzymes are being release from their bodies.
10:18 So they're going to actually be more effective
10:20 of burning body fat that's good to know
10:23 while you're feeling some of that pain.
10:25 Alright keep good posture heads up chest up good job.
10:30 I'm with you
10:36 I'm here to support you
10:40 good almost done.
10:46 Down to five seconds
10:49 4, 3, 2, 1 okay step it out
10:54 good job boy that's hurt just watching.
11:08 Forty five more seconds will be time for another change.
11:20 Squats are probably one of the best metabolic exercises
11:22 out there you want a great fat burner start squatting
11:30 down to twenty more seconds
11:37 15
11:48 all right 4, 3, 2, 1.
11:52 Let's do some side stepping
12:01 okay pick up the pace
12:06 all right
12:14 quick feet quick feet.
12:21 Okay big steps
12:25 good
12:30 good job.
12:32 Okay bend the knees a little bit as you do it now.
12:43 Okay time to back up smaller steps quickly good
12:54 quick steps quick steps
12:59 excellent.
13:08 You guys are looking great back there
13:13 quicker alright.
13:22 I didn't know my feet can move this quick anymore keep going.
13:33 Down to 20,
13:39 15,
13:43 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
13:49 4, 3, 2, 1 step it out.
14:04 Anytime somebody goes on a calorie restricting diet
14:07 you got a 95 plus percent chance putting all that weight back on
14:11 and some and the weight that does stay out permanently
14:14 will probably be the weight you don't wanna lose
14:18 the only thing you're gonna lose permanently
14:20 is your money unfortunately.
14:23 You need to get a lifestyle change,
14:25 change the palate if you're eating healthy food
14:29 it's not gonna be a problem it's not the carbohydrates
14:32 it's the refined carbohydrates that are causing the problem.
14:38 Remember one pound of fat is greater than two and half times
14:42 the size of a pound of muscle.
14:44 Seeing people many, many times not lose any weight
14:48 and lose all sorts of inches I had one man one time say.
14:53 I want to lose 40 pounds I said would you rather lose pounds
14:56 or two inches off your waist or twenty pounds
14:58 and four inches off your waist and he concluded that
15:02 twenty pounds and four inches off his waist
15:04 would probably be more desirable.
15:06 And he was able to do that no problem.
15:09 Okay find your jump ropes, let's go by turning
15:13 when we find our jump ropes they're already there.
15:16 We don't use jump ropes we just use the motion
15:19 and you can do that at home as well.
15:21 If you have a rebounder or a mini tramp this will work
15:23 very nicely down here to stimulate action keep going.
15:32 Good twenty more seconds.
15:37 Well you're both very good.
15:45 And so you're so good I don't have to do them it's wonderful.
15:52 Okay let's get back into our step.
15:59 We're in the tough part of the Aerobics now.
16:03 The engines going the fat is burning
16:07 and now we need to keep it up.
16:18 Thirty five more seconds.
16:25 Keep you're arms moving
16:30 hands up as you swing your arms.
16:43 Ten seconds
16:53 okay and jump rope go
17:03 fifty seconds.
17:08 Now forty five good.
17:16 Now we're down to thirty five
17:26 just like we start to warm-up a little bit that's good.
17:35 Okay we're down to 15 keep going keep going keep going
17:39 but no count down yet
17:44 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
17:49 4, 3, 2, 1 step it out.
17:58 One of the things that's been frustrating for me
18:00 in my career is seeing people who want to take a pill
18:03 simply to try and lose weight and body fat
18:06 with so many of those pills are simply a bunch of caffeine
18:10 to try and stimulates some metabolic action
18:13 they're harmful for you people die taking those things
18:16 be very conscious of a pill that's supposed to help you
18:19 lose weight a lot of them are just fiber pills
18:22 helping to push things through but fiber would be much more
18:25 adequately provided by eating fresh fruit.
18:34 And also you want to stay away from
18:36 fanatical flattish diet it's like
18:38 the grapefruit diet the things like that.
18:40 Those types of diets do not promote
18:43 a balanced nutritional program.
18:52 Keep it up and keep it up.
19:02 Okay let's do some side steps
19:08 and then start slowing a down little bit here
19:22 thirty more seconds at this pace.
19:33 Now down to 20,
19:38 15,
19:44 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,
19:49 4, 3, 2, 1 okay we're gonna step here
19:58 bring the legs up not too fast
20:00 we're in the cool down phase of our workout.
20:13 Forty more seconds
20:16 and that's an interesting picture
20:23 good keep going thirty seconds
20:33 and twenty
20:43 down to 10,
20:47 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
20:53 it's time to stretch step back press your heel to the ground
20:59 and hold ten more seconds
21:05 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
21:10 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
21:16 Push your foot back and hold,
21:20 hold for ten 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
21:28 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
21:33 Okay use me to brace yourself
21:35 and get a hold of your ankle and stretch your quadriceps
21:40 hold that
21:42 ten more seconds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
21:49 6, 7, 8, 9, switch.
22:02 It's something I do well stand here while people hang on
22:06 hold for ten more seconds
22:07 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
22:12 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
22:17 Put a leg out up on your heel lean forward into it
22:21 switch it back to your leg keep your chest up
22:24 as you lean into it and hold that for ten more
22:32 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
22:37 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and switch
22:46 and lean into it and hold, hold, hold.
22:55 Ten more seconds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
23:02 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 step out to the side way out
23:12 switch the inside of your thigh and hold
23:19 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
23:24 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
23:29 Switch over and hold
23:36 and ten more 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
23:42 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
23:47 Good all right hands behind your back
23:51 gonna contract our abdomen and bend over.
23:54 And we're gonna go up we're gonna lean back
23:58 contract over up and back
24:03 contract over up and back
24:08 contract over up and back
24:13 contract over up and back
24:18 contract over up and back
24:21 contract over up and back
24:25 contract over up and back
24:30 keep going over up and back.
24:34 Contract over up and back
24:38 contract over up and back
24:42 contract over up and back
24:46 good keep it up and back ten more
24:53 1 and 2
24:59 and 3 and 4
25:06 and 5, 6, 7,
25:16 8, 9, 10 good.
25:24 All right let's rotate the trunk and turn
25:29 and turn and turn and turn good
25:36 keep turning and turn and turn
25:42 five more each way.
25:45 There is 1, 2,
25:51 3, 4, 5.
25:58 Okay look your head to the side
26:00 now look the other way and back
26:05 and over and over and over.
26:10 Up to the ceiling down to the floor
26:15 up down up and down good.
26:23 All right that's it thanks a lot ladies.
26:26 There really is no magic cure when it comes
26:29 to losing body fat you could try all sort of diets.
26:32 The problem is some of the simple things
26:34 that really don't cost anything
26:35 eating healthfully will save you a lot of money
26:38 on your grocery bill drinking a lot of water
26:40 getting simple exercise like walking.
26:43 But you find that gimmicks are always gonna be
26:44 out there to try and deceive the public
26:48 into buying their products.
26:49 That's why $30 billion have been spend
26:52 but you have to remember what you lose
26:54 is gonna be a vital key to your dietary program.
26:58 If somebody is offering to sell you at $0:29 a pound
27:01 at the grocery store I would hope your first question
27:03 would be a $0:29 for a pound of what.
27:06 If somebody is telling you can lose 30 pounds in 30 days.
27:09 The first question better be 30 pounds of what.
27:12 If you diet without exercise you're gonna lose
27:14 25 to 90 percent of all your weight
27:16 out of lean muscle vital organs and exercise your fluid.
27:20 That's a very wide range and the less fit
27:23 you are the greater that's gonna be towards losing vital tissue
27:26 you don't wanna lose.
27:28 So be smart about it, eat healthfully
27:30 it makes sense doesn't it.
27:32 We wanna follow God's natural pattern
27:34 he didn't make a mistake by making us overweight.
27:37 We did that on our own so stay with it
27:39 and understand that nowadays two thirds of all adults
27:42 are overweight and one out five children.
27:45 "But do it to the glorify of God,
27:46 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
27:49 according to Philippians 4:13.
27:50 God bless you and we'll see you next time.


Revised 2019-12-08